Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

I’m reading this on my porch, the weather is nice, I have an American flag on my house, as do many of my neighbors.

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You reminded me of Hillary’s 2016 convention when there was not a single flag to be found in the arena on day one. True patriots noticed and called her out on it. She quickly sent someone out to buy a few which were then displayed for the remainder of the convention. After which they were, no doubt, dumped in the trash.

BTW, we fly the American flag every day too and have been flying the Israeli flag every day since 10/7/23.

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I have vivid memories of American flags flying everywhere in November of 1980, right after Reagan won the election. Before the election, people were leery to show their patriotism. Then the very next day, Old Glory was everywhere in all sizes and forms. I still recall a news report of a flag company who couldn't keep up with the demand. I couldn't find a flag lapel pin anywhere because of the shortage.

Oklahomans rally for student banned from flying American flag


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I saw Red White and Blue Trump signs everywhere in 2016 and 2020. Not so much this year.

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I have a Trump lawn sign in my attic. Even though I know he's relatively popular in my Upstate NY rural area, I don't trust those who are infected with TDS. These people no longer paint X's on lawn signs or rip them up. They've gotten more violent and crazy.

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I use yard signs of local or state Republicans so I'm "saying" I'm a Trump voter without having a Trump sign. I live in a red state but blue city & some of those people are crazy.

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I have one Trump sign in my yard, right next to a sign that warns”caution, guard dog on duty”. I have had no problems with yard sign bandits this election cycle.

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3 Trump 24 flags flying from my balcony which faces a road. One has been up since 2020

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You know if some nut would punch you in the mouth for a WWJD bracelet, bumper sticker or yard sign, what they'd be capable of if you wandered around lost with a Trump sticker.

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Back in 2010, I was in Wegmans parking, putting my groceries in my car, when a man driving a truck shouted at me: “BUSH WAS A F****NG IDIOT JUST LIKE YOU!” He must have seen the little oval ‘2004 W’ sticker in the opera window of my car. As he slowly drove by I could see he was really worked up -- eyes & veins bulging, red-faced LIVID -- as he looked right at me and shouted it again. This time he added, “YOU EVEN LOOK LIKE A F****NG IDIOT!” That was the first time I ever encountered such rage from a total stranger over an old election sticker.

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Im on vacation out west currently. Have been in Glacier park Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and now Eastern Oregon and I can report the Trump 2024 signs and flags are out across the west. There are not as many as 2016 or 2020 but they are out there. I have seen exactly one Harris sign, a bumper sticker on a Prius at Glacier. There has been some “stronger together” t-shirts a couple places too. They were on staff at a restaurant we visited. Misguided misfits most likely.

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In CT, there are laws about election signage - they can only be put out a month before an election….

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And I suspect you’re not wringing your hands over the Hyena or the Cowardly Lion

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

I could not answer today's poll, Don. In all honesty, I've no clue as to why anyone would vote for Harris-Walz. Those I do know have chosen to live in California, Oregon and Illinois so it's hardly worth arguing with them. Nor would it make much difference as those states are so far in the blue column as to be traveling at ludicrous speed.

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Black is the only obvious choice...think JoyReid, WhoopsieG, FanWillis, LettyJames, StacyAbrams, etal. Nothing to offer but hate and ugliness. No class, no patriotism just hate...whew....how does this happen when they are 13% of our population??? Merit should always be key to success.

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This is more of a racist election than Obama. This is all about race. And the coming race war as she starts to enact reparations and other “get even” actions.

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Hey, I live in Oregon. And when shopping in my town -- which is in the western, supposedly most liberal part of the state, I get nothing but compliments on my MAGA hat. No hostility, ever. Oh, and I always tell those complimentary people to be sure to vote the right way -- and that's well received too.

Oregon has only two problems. One is Portland, the other Mini-Portland, also known as Eugene.

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Rural down-state Illinois is MAGA country. Trump flags and signs all over. Our problem is Cook County.

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The problem is that, due to mainly taxes, a large number of people are moving out of Illinois. And, just like the people moving out of Minnesota, they're mostly people who run farms and small businesses and such - the people who would vote for Trump. The people in Cook and DuPage Counties are either rich leftist/liberals or are sucking on the state and Federal teats.

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The civil war will be rural vs urban. I say we wall off the cities and siege them. Let them implode while keeping their inmates in there.

They will burn anyway if Trump wins. So there’s that.

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And so we meet again, Obie-Wan.

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Same where I am in Georgia. It was just Fulton County (Atlanta) that threw the election for Biden.

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They cheated and dumped a ton of votes into the basket in the middle of the night. There. Fixed that for ya.

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And that's the home of funny Fanny, right?

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Yes it is.

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Lived there most of my life. Oregon was always quirky but then Californians and folks from Washington state started to migrate with their money and it got crazy. I do not recognize much of the valley today, especially Portland. Oregon has lofty ideals but no money. It takes industry to have big tax dollars and Oregon banned all but specialized industry decades ago. It will change when another Tom McCall or Hatfield or similar comes along.

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The outlook for that is dim, considering who's been governor in recent years, and how long this has been a one-party state. We simply enjoy where we live, and mostly ignore the politics. But who knows, when things get bad enough ...

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When the senior Senator has lived in NYC for 20 + years and still rep(resents) the state of Oregon you know corruption in politics has taken root.

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It is being revealed that they vote for the party not the person running for president. There's no president functioning right now and they are ok with it since their party is in charge and that's what they voted for. Both parties are campaigning for the middle of the road types who don't seem to care much one way or the other unless an issue bites them hard in the ass. That issue is usually the economy. It's really the only thing they care enough about to get off the couch and pay attention and vote.

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That's exactly right. Where is Joe but on a beach somewhere instead of in the WH office where his sorry behind is being paid to be. This is outrageous and you don't see or hear this in the newspaper headlines or the lead into the MSM TV news? WTH? What dreamworld am I/are we IN?????

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Current post of the day Vicki.

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Correct. We are being governed by the DNC and the GOP in congress are apparently ok with it.

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I couldn't vote either for the same reasons

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I am currently staying at my sons ranch in central Oregon while on vacation. Oregon is quite conservative east of the Cascade mountains, and most of the state that is not in the Willamette valley where the majority of people are concentrated. All those outside of the valley are the bill payers for the morons making policy in Salem. This will change. It will change when eventually a charismatic tough conservative comes along and runs for governor and forces the California retread legislature to start listens to the folks east of the mountains. It will happen because liberalism is not sustainable.

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joated, When I lived n OR during 1970's through 1980's the common statement was "Don't Calfornicate Oregon." What happened?!?!

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They didnt listen and Californiated Oregon. Same is happening in Boise Idaho right now. It’s a virus.

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A virus! SO TRUE!!

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And Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, etc.

Look for really weird results this cycle. many people left big cities if they could. Head south to Florida and South Carolina. Many California went to Texas and Idaho or Montana. They will ruin those states as well.

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I hope the CA exiters [escapees] do NOT let their new homes turn to crud like places they escaped. Pray to the Lord for your "new" home. He rules all.

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We got mail-in voting.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

For 40 days or so, I've watched Kamala cackle her way through her tortured word-salad explanations.

I saw clips of her, and her security blankey Timmy Tampons, in their sit-down with CNN last night. She didn't look good at all. She looked like she was struggling through the downside of a hangover. And it finally dawned on me: She's an alcoholic.

I've seen old clips of her in the Senate when she was fairly coherent. No word salads then. She probably drank back then but was not a full-blown alkie ... yet. No wonder why her handlers march her past reporters and keep her hidden.

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Another conspiracy theory that'll turn out to be right.

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Imkitty, you are right regarding the difference in Kamala's speech. My theory is that she speaks clearly when she is stating her own views. Appears to revert to word salads when she is trying to recite the scripts which she has been tutored on.

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You could be right.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

They hate freedom. They hate free speech. They hate successful people. They hate rules and discipline. They hate the truth. And their idiotic followers are just haters.

I heard yesterday that the left was going to take X down. That has started in Brazil and coming close in Europe. Soon, they’ll be shutting him down here.

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It is long, but Tucker's 2 hour interview with Mike Benz this week is quite enlightening about censorship, the interrelationships between the IC, State Dept, global companies and again, censorship. Also some good point re Ukraine.

These people are so much worse than we imagine.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

The Dems know they are running against America, American values and principles, and Americans in general. That is why they have deviously designed their campaign to appear as the exact opposite of what and who they truly are. They are masters of projection. Everything they they do is is cloaked in deceit, diversion and distraction. They are the party of lies and deception. There is not a drop of truth in them, because they are darkness itself and all they are capable of offering is certain destruction, and the people who cheer them on do so out of the same spirit of hatred for all that is good, right and true. Their entire existence subsists upon hate and the corruption of all decency and morality.

This is a campaign of truth vs. lies, derangement vs. common sense, life and death.

Choose life.

Deuteronomy 30:19

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”

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Like I said last week, inauthentic

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is that an accusation or an agreement?

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My take on Kamala may be unexpected/ incorrect, but I don’t think deep down she wants the job. She seems constantly anxious and insecure. She looks afraid much of the time. That’s what the cackle and the word salad are about. Trust me, she can talk. Obviously she’s no Einstein, but she’s trying hard to play a role. She doesn’t seem to me to be a person who genuinely relishes the idea of being President. She’s a party apparatchik who ticks the identity politics boxes and will toe the party line, but I think she knows she’s in over her head. I would not be surprised if she cracks up under pressure. Or if it turned out she has a drinking problem. Having a brittle, scared person as President is not better than having a demented small time crime boss. At least not for us Americans here….

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And God forbid, what would happen if she were elected and a major war did break out?

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Major wars are already going on and the Democrats won’t allow Ukraine to surrender or Israel to finish off the terrorists and the regime in Iran. As long as these cretins are in power there will be more war.

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Accurate assessment !!

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

Bruce Springsteen is the modern day Tokyo Rose. His career was based on being the voice of the unheard working American. Yet, he has become everything bad that his lyrics proselytize about. The picture of him getting the medal of freedom from America’s Stalin, Barack Obama says it all. Sadly, the only person fighting for the America Springsteen is concerned about is Donald Trump, yet this artist is too stupid to understand his own words. FJB

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Springsteen is the only working class man I know who resides on a 360 acre horse farm in New Jersey where his daughter trains for equestrian events while he and his wife vacation with the Obamas on a 210 foot long megayacht owned by David Geffen. I gotta find out what union he belongs to.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

Why will they vote for Kamala? Why, because she’s a D(umbass), just like they are. I have seriously mixed feelings about this election. Voting for The Other Don seems like it should be a no-brainer. The obvious conclusion is that a large percentage of Americans do in fact have no brains and believe everything the Enemedia feeds them. This bodes catastrophically for the future of the former USA, unless Mr. Trump wins by a landslide and drags the House and Senate with him. Otherwise it’s a race for demographic control between self-sterilizing D constituencies and sane folks. Sanity might prevail, but will it be in time to prevent our nation’s impending collapse? Or will we end up playing The Resistance to the Evil Empire? The suspense is killing me. I’d like to see us escape sporty times. I’m not sure we will.

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Unfortunately his win will be but a temporary alteration from the path. Too many young people are socialists living off their parents prosperity. They will continue to vote for free stuff. Once we all die off (or they steal our 401k), they will suffer greatly.


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easy times = soft people

read somewhere fortunes only last 3-4 generations

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well said.. pray

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

Because she’s a Democrat is the correct answer.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

‘…except for the chorus that just repeats the title over and again, Born in the USA cynically mocks patriotism’…

Springsteen…from the ‘Boss’ to the ‘Bitch’ in one easy move!

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My wife and I fell asleep at one of his Born in the USA concerts.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

Timely essay on the wonts of dem/socialists and spot on assessment ot their love of country. Could

not bring myself to vote on poll due one missing answer (brainwashed IDIOTS) was missing Sure wont lose sleep over D.Bash interview of dem liar's ticket.Roll on Poca-Man to a MAGA 2024 victory and the return of sanity to America The Beautiful.

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Your embedded picture says it all: while the 3 ladies are facing the flag being presented, Richardson chooses to squarely face the camera with the flag on stage behind him, ensuring that he gets the perfect photo-op. In the meantime Barry is fondling his junk, his statement of patriotism on full display (eek!)

And Don…don’t you drive a Mustang? Asking for a friend.

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I do.

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Great column today-never have the stakes been higher-quote by RR even more timely today-If you don't need it for a highlight, I will post it as a comment- “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them, to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it was once like in the United States, when men were free. "Ronald Reagan

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i love my ford. runs like a top.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

Millions of people agree. The F150 is the best selling truck in the country.

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when i was in high school i ran around somewhat with my neighbor's daughter. we were the same age. for her graduation her dad bought her a 1966 yellow mustang convertible. brand new. i was always jealous but she let me drive it some times. i even took a chick out on a date in it. that was 1966 in flint,mi.

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A fraternity brother of mine was from Flint and graduated from high school in 1966. His name was Willard "Skip" Hauth. Maybe you knew him. He lives near Niagara Falls today. Probably a long shot, but could be a small world thing.

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"DON'T CALIFORNCATE OREGON!" I'm considering a Ford for my next car.

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i had a 2016 bmw that i bought new. sold it and bought a 2023 escape rt/line loaded. high tech and everything. love it. i'll drive it for two more years and then probably get either get a lincoln or an infiniti as my last auto purchase.

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As the Canadians & Michigan people say, it’s FORDS. My wife’s late Aunt in Livonia & my neighbors Dad who was born in Canada & most I run into say FORDS. I said I owned a CHEVYS.

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I wish I still my my ruby red Mustang convertible with camel interior. I miss it so much!!!

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He sho does. Cherry red GT. Datsa noice!

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

And let's not forget (now gratefully former) 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone, an open Communist who managed to graduate from West Point. It was only after his story hit the media that the Army decided it could dispense with his services.


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Turns out he was just the tip of the spear. Political correctness and indoctrination have infected the service academies too. We just don’t hear about it as much because there are so many more obvious fires burning now.

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Last part of the plan. They will use the military against us but they needed to flush out patriotic officers and replace with comrades. First they purged the flag officers and promoted kindred spirits. These kooks are the people who select the next generation of generals. These 1 stars, all sycophants, then re imagined every program in the military. Just like higher education, they have infiltrated. this was the last place to corrupt and “communize”.

Now they are selecting at the base kids with completely different views of society than we knew. Officers and enlisted alike were perverted in the education system. Now they are communists. And will do what the party tells them.

We just don’t want to believe it. And we’re in big trouble.

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That answers a question I have long wondered about. Would a person, serving in any branch of American military shoot a citizen if ordered to do it? I hate knowing that it all depends on the day and the officer.

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I’m surprised he hasn’t run for office yet

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Indeed. I figured the Dems would run for Congress at the first opportunity.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

every four years we get to see who the stupids are.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

And in the case of 2020, we get to be ruled by them as we watch them destroy our republic by edict and lawfare. The "stupids" keep winning . . . .?

This is a war for our survival.

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well shrugged....i was referring more to the voters than the politicians.

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Aug 30Liked by Don Surber

The real reason that they will vote for Harris is none of the above. The 'crats are voting for communism, dressed up as Kamunism. Tmitsss, starting the day on the porch with the one you love and coffee and The Lord is the best.

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Amen, brother. A-a-a men!!

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Welcome back Z

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I have been active in political circles for years. I have distributed yard signs, walked neighborhoods, and knocked on doors. One of the first lessons I learned was that if I see Stars and Stripes flying at a home, I knew how that family votes. Looking at a list or asking them was never necessary. This sudden discovery that the projection of patriotism is good (for the moment) is as phony as everything else the Dems are selling. PS: I have erected thousands of large political signs and replaced hundreds that were stolen or defaced. Dem candidate's signs are rarely stolen. So, which party is it that wants to destroy democracy?

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The Republican candidates I have worked with budget for theft. 20%

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