Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“sex-change operation” is also an impossibility

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The phrase that gets my goat, and one Don seems to have forgotten, is "hate speech." there's no such thing. There is just speech libs don't like and, apparently, can't argue coherently against. "Hate speech" is just an attempt to prevent speech from an opposing viewpoint.

Then there's "hate crime." Sheesh!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I thanked God for every word in your column today. So important. It’s about reclaiming our language.

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Here we go. The article said:.

They are replacing equality with equity for the same reason they capitalize black.

I say:

By using the term 'Equity' That means they are putting some type of value on a life JUST AS THE NAZIS DID BEFORE AND DURING WWII. If you truly want to drive a liberal crazy, just remind them that Hitler was really a liberal.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, with respect, it's not "sex change operation" it's sexual mutilation.

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If liberals didn’t lie, they would have nothing to say. Marcel Marceau would have spoken more than them.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The power and truth contained in this article cannot be overstated!

It behooves each and every one of us to be more than diligent in not being deceived by using the language of the Left.

Live Not by Lies!

Thank you, thank Mr. Surber!!!

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You wrote the TRUTH Man from Poca! Amen to that! Leftists are Godphobic. Truthphobic. Americaphobic. Federalism phobic. Lovephobic. Childphobic. They are pathologic and narcissistic. Beware of their language. It’s all lies.

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The left is just using the tactics first established by the Uniparty to make profit-driven wars more palatable by using euphemisms. I remember when civilian casualties during the first Iraq war became "collateral damage." Then there was "spreading democracy," which is more accurately described as imperialism to make military industrial companies wealthy. And finally there were "enhanced interrogation techniques," which would be, well, torture.

And like every good "science," it starts out with a military application and then finds domestic uses.

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A great, important piece, Don. You and I served when communism was in the fore. This alphabet crap is the modern version of it; they couldn't breech the class warfare wall due to our class mobility, so now they are 'critical theory' on every facet of our lives.

The goal is the destruction of our family unit. DO NOT TAKE ANY SHIT FROM ANY OF THEM.

God bless the Americans of Armenian descent in Glendale Cali!

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It’s always bugged my ass that we have lost so many usable, decent English words and phrases that were never originally utilized for the purpose, to describe these jerks.

‘F’ that.

I like the words my parents used. We can even give them a choice. ‘Queer’, or my personal Fav, a ‘3 Dollar Bill’.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It is eye-opening to read through the long list of examples in the article. Satan (the Leftists are his minions) is destroying every institution and moral value that holds this great nation together. Changing the lexicon imperceptibly erodes our attitudes and beliefs toward the things to which all those new "phrases" refer. Don is right - don't use them! Each one is a slow, deliberate erasure of the foundations of our creation. Never forget how cocky Obama was the day he said, "I have a pen and a phone". Words matter.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Another great one Don, Thanks

We say this in our groups all the time: Don't play the word game with the left. (We use the global warming, climate change, and the Illegal Alien/migrant examples the most) Not only for the reasons Don has like giving it value or credence; but also because they use this to confuse you and to train you to be on the defensive bc if you say one of their new words wrong they can say you are out of touch and a bigot/ist/obe, etc..

Always stay true to the original word/meaning so you can stay on track and not get sidelined trying to fight a definition vs fighting the actual issue and perpetrators

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

OY! Don! You (deliberately?) left out the yuuuugest example of double-speak and that is your use of the word “liberal” when we both know that they could not be more ILliberal!!

Never call a Democrat “Democratic” ( as in ‘a Democratic politician/policy/event’ etc) and NEVER call a leftist a “liberal”!

WE (many/ most of us?) ARE LIBERALS, as in “classical liberals”, as in adherents to the Bill of Rights.

THEY are fascist bullies and tyrants in search of those they are able to subjugate.

As you say, words matter.

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Once again, the cat is shrewd - the only real option is #4 - though, for ranchers whose land borders where illegals cross, the option of, Dead, ought to be available.

"Always keep in mind that the devil’s greatest trick is not in making people believe he doesn’t exist, but in making people believe God doesn’t."

Oka the Verbal Kint Corollary.

"Hoft is a good guy and I hesitated naming him but the truth is the truth."

You did good, Don. If we let our own be seduced by and give in to the temptation of using newspeak, we've lost. If we play by their rules, we're finished - but if we play by our rules, we have a better than even chance of winning.

"Words are powerful. Lefties use language to play the long game."

Indeed they do. Why do you suppose they continue to change definitions whenever it suits their ends? Nowhere was this more subtle and destructive than in the 1970s sitcoms that featured divorced and single mothers to broaden the definition of, and eventually re-define, 'family.' The remainder of your article illustrates it, perfectly.

"Overall, avoid using any word that ends in phobic, except to mock the hell out of a liberal."


"Even a legend like Hoft can slip because liberals are good at the traps they set."

Intellectual and semantic vigilance is a must.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Excellent article as usual, Don. I would add the use of the term "assault weapon" and calling semi-auto rifles "assault rifles".

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