‘DeSantis is not a bad guy… It’s just not the governor’s turn.’
No it was manifestly clear it was not his turn and by being greedy, lacking humility and being frankly treasonous he’s probably blown any chance at the WH again
All he had to do was wait 4 years… just like all of us have needed to wait 4 years for DJT’s return… that’s all he needed to do!
Actually, being greedy, lacking humility and being a back stabbed probs quality’s him as being just that, a bad guy…There I said it!
If DeSantis had been loyal, finished out his term limited 2nd term as FL gov I'm sure Trump would have found him a high visibility, prestigious cabinet position from which to launch a sure-fire successful 2028 presidential bid.
Pride goeth before a fall. He listened to the wrong flatterers.
I don’t feel that DeSantis was greedy or proud or treasonous, but he was stupid. He was gullible to be talked into scenarios that smooth talkers presented as plausible.
And that is VERY bad, because it shows that as President he probably could be snowed by RINOs and the Deep State to buy into many very crummy policies. He’s apparently not as sharp or clear as I thought he was. I still think he has been an outstanding governor and effectively vocal on the national scene, and truly hope he continues to fight hard. We need him. He may have the capacity to learn from his colossal mistake.
Yes, deSantis has been a good governor. But when your state legislature is even more conservative than you, how hard is it to “ get things done”? Any game plan can go well when you are not challenged- as Trump is ( and was as President) every single day by very powerful opponents.
10-11-23: I add as a reminder that the prediction made almost a year ago that Iger (Disney) will by now (Oct 2023) will be screaming to himself, "Why did I come back?!" ----- https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/disney-ceo-bob-iger-overwhelmed-and-exhausted-amid-slump/ ----- good news. How ironic that at the same time, DeSantis is screaming to himself, "Why did I listen to those fools who said I'd win the Republican nomination?!"
10-11-23: Newsome will be nowhere in the hunt come next November, at which time Biden will be 100% medically demented. The Democrats will attempt, and fail, to hustle Biden out of office. It's all going to be very interesting. Meanwhile, the Israelis by now have probably asked the Americans, considering their track record, to STAY OUT of the war. Who needs Biden's Losers as an ally? At this point, America is Mexico, grandiosely declaring war on Germany after Pearl Harbor.
Your take is also relevant but I don’t feel he is that much of a naïf. Also if my info is correct he betrayed DJT and no way can I support that I don’t care if the guy is stupid, naive, drunk or comatose. 7 year old children know it’s wrong to betray your friend! And as noted by Page above had he just kept it in his pants (she didn’t say it that way) T would have given him the golden ticket!
Treasonous? Whoa, now you are validating everything the Never Trumpers said about Trump supporters.
I expect Trump to be the nominee at this point because the persecution of him has solidified his support, and apparently even stopped his slide with right leaning independents. He continues to say stupid things, that contradict earlier things. He increasingly will say anything he needs to say, because like all politicians, he will say anything. His recent China comments were silly, not to mention completely incorrect.
I must hope that he will prove more capable, if elected, to actually do the stuff necessary to make an impact on the federal government, which was one of the accurate complaints leveled against him. RDS has demonstrated that skill in severely wounding the GOPe in Florida. Trump must learn how to do that in DC.
One ending thought, and really a question to Don and any and all posters here. Is it possible that Pelosi's move on McCarthy was so beyond the pale to the GOPe set, and the Never Trump monied class, to realize that if Trump is going to be the nominee we might as well win the WH to teach Nancy a lesson? That shot hurt them, not Trump and the army of Trump and DeSantis fans on the populist right. In fact it guaranteed there will be more MAGA style GOP reps after the next election. Just curious.
Sorry NFT…we don’t hear from Levin up here in Canukistan… it’s a phrase I’ve used since HS (usually followed by ‘and I’m glad I said it’) and that was 58 years and several trips to the office, ago!
When I do get to hear him though, I usually agree with what he says but the term ‘Blowhard’ does come to mind!
DeSantis couldn't wait four years because he isn't a rube being used by the deep state, he's *part* of the deep state Trump is out to destroy during those four years.
The comparison is perfect. Both looked great until the great magnifying glass was focused on them, and both turned out to be uninspiring stiffs (who anticipated this? I didn't).
You said it. He should have just stayed in Florida and governed after his overwhelming victory. Just like Sarah Palin should have gone back to Alaska and governed until it was her turn to do something bigger.
Why does there seem to be an absolute chasm between PDJT supporters and the GOP establishment? Could it be PDJT ripped off all the masks and klan robes the first go-around baring D.C. as the incestuous deep state /msm whorehouse it has become?More than ever we need PDJT back with assistance and not resistance.Great post /poll Poca-man and thank you!!
Trump exposed the Republican establishment as Nancy Pelosi's best friends, when the R.E. wasn't successfully busy proving this themselves. And McCarthy trusting Pelosi?!?!?!?! Which created a) much levity and b) a new and powerful definition of the word, "[Californian] Airhead" (McCarthy's photo in the dictionary next to the pejorative noun).
The Left's Fascist plans for their next victory have been signaled by Hilary's re-education camps comment and Hayden's desire to eliminate Sen Tuberville from the human race for standing in the way of flag officer promotions.
They have grossly underestimated Tuberville's ability to survive and triumph under pressure, which is ten times worse as a college football coach than playing patty-cake with the WDC poofs. He has been a very pleasant surprise, indeed.
"DeSantis is not a bad guy. The grifters who will attend the Romney/Ryan summit with donors are."
With the exceptions of Pence, Asa, and Chrispy Christie who I do not like at all, the rest of the 'candidates' are failed lawyers who have never worked in the private sector which I deem a must. It is the globalist donors I despise because they make money on our demise.
The thing that troubles me the most is the impact upon American conservatives, particularly young conservatives, if they succeed in defeating Trump the only way they can, i.e., the raw exercise of corrupt power. The message will be clear. If Trump can be defeated by the swamp, who else will pick up the flag to challenge them? Who has the financial assets to withstand the abuse? Who has the courage?
What kind of post-Trump world would we be living in? I wish he'd get better control of his ego, but that is part of the complex person he is.....probably an integral part.
If Trump is prevented from becoming president again we risk a lot more than electoral disappointment. We risk becoming the Eloi.
…and all his b-s lies where he says he always just happened to be in the middle of practically every event in history and met with every leader in the world Living and dead!? Oh my God his ego could fill the Colliseum!!
Every President has a big ego with the exception of James Buchanan. Is Trump any worse than Andrew Jaxckson? Jackson used “Old Hickory” to beat Richard Lawrence who fired a gun at him. Jackson brought a came to a gun fight. Trump, is not the problem. The news media and the Democrats are.
Fauci and Barr come to mind, but you are correct on the damage done by FDR, LBJ and others who set out to damage the country. Trump seeks to do the opposite. He isn't looking to create a crime family or a totalitarian paradise. I know it is not his style, but a little humility might go a long way.
Help me here. Isn't having a big ego a prerequisite for running for president?
Who else would put themselves forward to beg for millions, to be criticized by the media, opposition, voters and face national humiliation and rejection with a loss other than someone with a big ego?
And that's when elections are fair and the media is mostly friendly.
True. And I remember back when any potential candidate for the office would write/or have someone write the quintessential "Me Book." We don't even go through the motions any more. Their writings all sound a little like Mein Kampf.
"Trump with Republican primary voters that do not produce a meaningful backlash include sharing concerns about his ability to beat President Biden,"
I say;
Another poll telling me what to think. Biden has lied about everything he has ever claimed. I don't believe Biden is within 70 points of Mr. Trump--or is America REALLY that stupid. Biden claiming that "The United States has Israel's back" should scare the hell out of Israel. Biden has also said that the U.S. has Taiwan's back and China is openly provoking the United States into WAR.
One can only hope that what I read about Kamalah Harris being prepped for the presidency is true. Harris will do nothing until she is impeached and then--May Almighty God have mercy upon U.S.
If is gratifying to watch the left and never-Trumpers lose it as they realize they can no longer leverage the media empire to control our thoughts, believes, and actions.
Headlines from today with more evidence that Trump is winning: "Washington Post to lay off 250 staffers." And (such sad news) "Disgraced CNN CEO says network 'Nowhere near ready for the future.'" Don't you just love it when the media gets punched in the gut?
Thompson's previous "success" at the NYT (as the Sulzberger puppet "CEO") was a mirage. He'll just warm a chair at CNN lining his pockets, knowing that CNN is a lost cause and watch it sink to its demise.
Imagine that corrupt sc*mb*g Bezos (bottomless pockets) actually being forced to comply with economic realities (WaPo layoffs)! Next: His used-helicopter pilot wife becoming WaPo's top editor. Hey, he has to stash her somewhere, no? Seriously, WaPo is a supermarket give-away rag. Its pretensions of being anything more substantive than that are laughable.
One reason he lost so many female votes was the famous private conversation that he had with Billy Bush. What I find amusing about this is that, if you say to a woman "some women will do anything to get to the top" they know it is true. They are either fools or liars if they don't. Now, President Trump put that sentiment in very crude terms, however, none of these shocked pearl clutchers can say they never heard the word before, otherwise they would be thinking "cats" not female anatomy. Sometimes the crude language makes a point, and in spite of what you might think of that language, we all know the truth of the statement.
As I often say "nothing new under the sun". I remember Watergate well, and the thing that really doomed Nixon was his use of the word "F...." in the Oval Office when talking to his advisors in private. At that time the democrats acted as if they had never heard such language and were of course shocked, shocked that anyone let alone a President would.
Who is kidding who here? I thought at that time, we had all heard and said worse it was after all the 60's and early 70's. Everything was up for grabs and there was a lot of that going on. It was an era that introduced the maxi and the mini worn together of course, and the shortest of short shorts. But somehow we were shocked, shocked.
Politicians pretend they are pure as the driven snow and so innocent when it comes to language used by the "common man". They are above it all. Reallllllyyyyyy?????? Who are you kidding? Only yourself.
Trump will win this time around because the string of pearls is now broken and try as they may they cannot sell the shocked, shocked act any more
Agree that at the time, those “bad words” had shock value and affected votes. And now—we have gone so far beyond the ‘shock’ of bad words being used, because we are now in a situation where it appears there is an actual pedophilia and OK-with-sex-trafficking strain in our political leadership.
True, enough. Sadly, only Hamas is facing consequences for their atrocities - I fear the Democrats never will.
"I am happy to just park a couple aircraft carriers near Israel’s waters as a warning to Iran and other bad guys not to join in."
As am I - Trump might have done the same knowing that Israel is more than capable of defending itself. There are other, more effective ways than $ to support an ally like Israel - but for Democrats, throwing $ at a problem is all they know.
The return of a wiser Trump to the Oval Office to begin the work of restoring the republic gives me hope, as well, provided that the next election isn't stolen like the last two - I have my doubts.
"Trump’s problem has always been the refusal of the Republican elitists to treat him as an equal."
Given how the efforts of the money men, big-gov "Republican" groups like Club for Growth, and the rest of the NeverTrumpers has failed, I'd say the problem is theirs - no one cares what they have to say, no one is listening to them - they aren't needed.
"The surrender of a few Never Trumpers provides an opportunity for the president to win them over to his side."
That won't happen - it IS an opportunity to effectively neuter them, however - make them irrelevant to the point that the Dems don't want their support, either.
"...Democrats are increasingly fascist in their wielding of power in Washington."
That may be, but they know how to use it - if there were more than one, maybe two genuine republicans in the Republican party caucuses in the House and Senate, I would suggest they learn from their "friends" across the aisle.
I am quickly becoming prejudiced against any politician from Indiana - Dan Quayle, Lee Hamilton, David MacIntosh, Mike Pence...these people seem to cynically trade on their midwestern roots.
"The drama could end tomorrow if judges began tossing these ignorant indictments."
Sadly, that isn't likely to happen, either - even IF the word from on high is to pull the plug. The nigger DAs are too invested to obsequiously pack up their briefcases and retreat to their offices.
Communist China will need 40B to steal the election, and that's just for starters. Pray for Jay Valentine and his organization's efforts.
With you all the way, but would replace “nigger” with “affirmative action DA’s” or “Soros DA’s” or just “Marxist DA’s”. It really doesn’t have anything to do with skin color. Vast swaths of the black middle class are moving into the Republican fold.
Black men who have gone the Marxist or Louis Farrakhan route have done great damage to America, but there have increasingly been some very outstanding black men on the right—such as Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Byron Donalds, Burgess Owens, Hershel Walker and Alan West, Tim Scott, John James, etc. Even Kanye West. These brave black men have been the opening for many fine solid middle class black men to start moving in a big way out of the Democratic camp. I have had a feeling for a long time that Black men could save America.
RFK Jr just screwed over the Democrats by becoming independent. Unless a deep state kills him like I suspect they will. Unfortunately, the Democrats are out of options. Biden will remain nominee and lose, and they will have to endure another four years of Trump. This will be cataclysmic for our country as the news media and Democrats will do everything to block him once again. Hopefully Trump does not waste his time with bad appointments and he treats the Democrats like they treated him in the last eight years.
Trump will need to carry a lot of Trump Republicans to take over the Senate and the House. Otherwise he will have tough sledding getting the key positions in his administration filled. Additionally once the opposition see he’s going to win they will push/cheat even harder to win the House and Senate races so he’ll have an ineffectual administration. Kinda like what Paul Ryan did in 2018.If Cocaine Mitch remains leader of Senate Republicans that will be a stumbling block too. (I don’t see McConnell stepping down on his own. He will have to be pulled away kicking and screaming.)
Plus there may be people reluctant to serve in his administration because they fear the backlash once the 4 years goes by.
I hope he is elected. I will vote for him even if he is in jail. However the “Never Trump” and Democrat tyranny will continue. The media will continue to crucify him. When/If he eliminates the “Deep State” they will all be gunning for him too.
I also see a scenario where Biden will not relinquish the White House. There was conjecture that Trump would not leave. Whose gonna pull Biden out of the White House if he won’t leave? The Pentagon?
Biden seems to wander aimlessly on and off stages and around press events. When he wanders out of the Whitehouse into the rose garden, we’ll get the secret service to lock the doors after they let Commander follow him.
TRUMP 2024 Politics is merely a facade of pretty faces that often mask a possible sinister and devious intent. De Sanctimonious is a prime example. As congressman he voted to cut retirement and raise minimum age limits. His opponent turned out to from a pretty face into a crackhead who likes men. How'd Florida voters react? Trump saved Ron's ass. Only later to be propelled as a contender backed by people who love America's never-ending wars and God-awful foreign intrusions of regime change, often leading to wars. Trump didn't make money for them as President and him sure and the hell isn't going to do it ever. Incredibly America is at the precipice of determining its very existence as a Constitutional Republic simply by electing a President. Our sovereignty as a self-determining people is being sold out to the UN, WHO and digital currency. The Marxist Democrats, as they've evolved into, are creating a divisive nation, much in part due to mindless, easy manipulated voters as given us Obama, the great fraudster and divider. Where the people supporting them have become useful idiots. Thanks to an educational system that has devolved into, it would seem another teacher self-serving union monopoly controlling its content. Stripping parental rights, no RRR, no teaching of civics. Civics, by the way, is simply a mechanism that shows role of government in our lives, and I believe, an important link that establishes commonality among us, its citizens. Thereby providing a firm common bond, before life's never-ending ups and downs can throw you for a real loop. Due to a lack of the fourth column of our Constitutional Republic, a free and unhindered press, most know nothing of the millions of ILLEGALS turning us upside down. I've mentioned a few items eating away at me, so I say De Sanctimonious is another one and his loyalty to a dollar rather than to a man who propelled him into office, says it all. Ron doesn't have the caliber to sit in the Oval Office, exactly WHY Biden has no business there either. Don, love your pieces and as I have said it does set me off. Thanks for opportunity to bare it all, actually just starting. LOL FJB
‘DeSantis is not a bad guy… It’s just not the governor’s turn.’
No it was manifestly clear it was not his turn and by being greedy, lacking humility and being frankly treasonous he’s probably blown any chance at the WH again
All he had to do was wait 4 years… just like all of us have needed to wait 4 years for DJT’s return… that’s all he needed to do!
Actually, being greedy, lacking humility and being a back stabbed probs quality’s him as being just that, a bad guy…There I said it!
If DeSantis had been loyal, finished out his term limited 2nd term as FL gov I'm sure Trump would have found him a high visibility, prestigious cabinet position from which to launch a sure-fire successful 2028 presidential bid.
Pride goeth before a fall. He listened to the wrong flatterers.
Hubris… ya gotta love it!
I don’t feel that DeSantis was greedy or proud or treasonous, but he was stupid. He was gullible to be talked into scenarios that smooth talkers presented as plausible.
And that is VERY bad, because it shows that as President he probably could be snowed by RINOs and the Deep State to buy into many very crummy policies. He’s apparently not as sharp or clear as I thought he was. I still think he has been an outstanding governor and effectively vocal on the national scene, and truly hope he continues to fight hard. We need him. He may have the capacity to learn from his colossal mistake.
Yes, deSantis has been a good governor. But when your state legislature is even more conservative than you, how hard is it to “ get things done”? Any game plan can go well when you are not challenged- as Trump is ( and was as President) every single day by very powerful opponents.
10-11-23: I add as a reminder that the prediction made almost a year ago that Iger (Disney) will by now (Oct 2023) will be screaming to himself, "Why did I come back?!" ----- https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/disney-ceo-bob-iger-overwhelmed-and-exhausted-amid-slump/ ----- good news. How ironic that at the same time, DeSantis is screaming to himself, "Why did I listen to those fools who said I'd win the Republican nomination?!"
Good point.
Not all governors are presidential material.
The Democrats seem to think Gavin Newsom should be our next president--as if destroying California wasn't enough.
10-11-23: Newsome will be nowhere in the hunt come next November, at which time Biden will be 100% medically demented. The Democrats will attempt, and fail, to hustle Biden out of office. It's all going to be very interesting. Meanwhile, the Israelis by now have probably asked the Americans, considering their track record, to STAY OUT of the war. Who needs Biden's Losers as an ally? At this point, America is Mexico, grandiosely declaring war on Germany after Pearl Harbor.
Your take is also relevant but I don’t feel he is that much of a naïf. Also if my info is correct he betrayed DJT and no way can I support that I don’t care if the guy is stupid, naive, drunk or comatose. 7 year old children know it’s wrong to betray your friend! And as noted by Page above had he just kept it in his pants (she didn’t say it that way) T would have given him the golden ticket!
Treasonous? Whoa, now you are validating everything the Never Trumpers said about Trump supporters.
I expect Trump to be the nominee at this point because the persecution of him has solidified his support, and apparently even stopped his slide with right leaning independents. He continues to say stupid things, that contradict earlier things. He increasingly will say anything he needs to say, because like all politicians, he will say anything. His recent China comments were silly, not to mention completely incorrect.
I must hope that he will prove more capable, if elected, to actually do the stuff necessary to make an impact on the federal government, which was one of the accurate complaints leveled against him. RDS has demonstrated that skill in severely wounding the GOPe in Florida. Trump must learn how to do that in DC.
One ending thought, and really a question to Don and any and all posters here. Is it possible that Pelosi's move on McCarthy was so beyond the pale to the GOPe set, and the Never Trump monied class, to realize that if Trump is going to be the nominee we might as well win the WH to teach Nancy a lesson? That shot hurt them, not Trump and the army of Trump and DeSantis fans on the populist right. In fact it guaranteed there will be more MAGA style GOP reps after the next election. Just curious.
I think the never-Trumpers prefer Pelosi, and the flow of money.
"There I said it!"
Channeling the insufferable, narcissistic, blow-hard Mark Levin?
Sorry NFT…we don’t hear from Levin up here in Canukistan… it’s a phrase I’ve used since HS (usually followed by ‘and I’m glad I said it’) and that was 58 years and several trips to the office, ago!
When I do get to hear him though, I usually agree with what he says but the term ‘Blowhard’ does come to mind!
Levin is all of the above but the phrase gained traction long before his hair fell out.
DeSantis couldn't wait four years because he isn't a rube being used by the deep state, he's *part* of the deep state Trump is out to destroy during those four years.
No, DeSantis has proven himself to be Scott Walker on the national stage. His time is over. prideth goeth before a fall. (sic)
The comparison is perfect. Both looked great until the great magnifying glass was focused on them, and both turned out to be uninspiring stiffs (who anticipated this? I didn't).
Good comparison. Both have been good fighters and we still need them.
You said it. He should have just stayed in Florida and governed after his overwhelming victory. Just like Sarah Palin should have gone back to Alaska and governed until it was her turn to do something bigger.
So right.
Trump is our David, to the government's Goliath!
Great analogy. Let's hope and pray it ends the same way. All of the deep state needs to go down like Goliath.
Why does there seem to be an absolute chasm between PDJT supporters and the GOP establishment? Could it be PDJT ripped off all the masks and klan robes the first go-around baring D.C. as the incestuous deep state /msm whorehouse it has become?More than ever we need PDJT back with assistance and not resistance.Great post /poll Poca-man and thank you!!
The chasm exists because the establishment does not represent the base and that has been laid bare by Trump.
I no longer believe most are Republicans. It seems they are Democrat plants.
Trump exposed the Republican establishment as Nancy Pelosi's best friends, when the R.E. wasn't successfully busy proving this themselves. And McCarthy trusting Pelosi?!?!?!?! Which created a) much levity and b) a new and powerful definition of the word, "[Californian] Airhead" (McCarthy's photo in the dictionary next to the pejorative noun).
And the most powerful message the Pubs can send today is Jordan on the first ballot. What are the odds?
He never got much assistance, pretty much all resistance. I suppose you can and should also blame the dems but the Rinos are the problem?????
Ryan and Romney jump out as prime rino asshats that led the resistance and continue to do so.
The Hamas snakes in the Republican Party.
They are losers!
Yes! Trump ripped off the masks. We can't unsee.
The Left's Fascist plans for their next victory have been signaled by Hilary's re-education camps comment and Hayden's desire to eliminate Sen Tuberville from the human race for standing in the way of flag officer promotions.
And both are chilling.
They have grossly underestimated Tuberville's ability to survive and triumph under pressure, which is ten times worse as a college football coach than playing patty-cake with the WDC poofs. He has been a very pleasant surprise, indeed.
True enough and eerie too!!!!
Hayden is a meglomaniacal demon.
MacIntosh is the apple of the never-Trumpers eyes.
He said “expressions of Trump fatigue due to the distractions he creates.”
The distractions are created by the media, abetted by the never-Trumpers and liberals.
How many ballots will Red China need to print to steal the election this time?
All of them. And then they'll need to run and hide because 80 million Americans will be coming for them.
"DeSantis is not a bad guy. The grifters who will attend the Romney/Ryan summit with donors are."
With the exceptions of Pence, Asa, and Chrispy Christie who I do not like at all, the rest of the 'candidates' are failed lawyers who have never worked in the private sector which I deem a must. It is the globalist donors I despise because they make money on our demise.
Well phrased Danimal indeed!!!
All good points.
The thing that troubles me the most is the impact upon American conservatives, particularly young conservatives, if they succeed in defeating Trump the only way they can, i.e., the raw exercise of corrupt power. The message will be clear. If Trump can be defeated by the swamp, who else will pick up the flag to challenge them? Who has the financial assets to withstand the abuse? Who has the courage?
What kind of post-Trump world would we be living in? I wish he'd get better control of his ego, but that is part of the complex person he is.....probably an integral part.
If Trump is prevented from becoming president again we risk a lot more than electoral disappointment. We risk becoming the Eloi.
Franklin Roosevelt, LBJ, etc. had bigger egos than Trump. Look at the damage they did! What damage has Trump’s ego done to our country?
Biden is no shrinking violet when it comes to ego. He spent so long standing in line for ego, the intelligence window was closed when he got there.
…and all his b-s lies where he says he always just happened to be in the middle of practically every event in history and met with every leader in the world Living and dead!? Oh my God his ego could fill the Colliseum!!
Every President has a big ego with the exception of James Buchanan. Is Trump any worse than Andrew Jaxckson? Jackson used “Old Hickory” to beat Richard Lawrence who fired a gun at him. Jackson brought a came to a gun fight. Trump, is not the problem. The news media and the Democrats are.
Fauci and Barr come to mind, but you are correct on the damage done by FDR, LBJ and others who set out to damage the country. Trump seeks to do the opposite. He isn't looking to create a crime family or a totalitarian paradise. I know it is not his style, but a little humility might go a long way.
A lot of surgeons are prideful and obnoxious. If I need the best, I don’t care if they don’t show some humility.
Spot on Rob
Help me here. Isn't having a big ego a prerequisite for running for president?
Who else would put themselves forward to beg for millions, to be criticized by the media, opposition, voters and face national humiliation and rejection with a loss other than someone with a big ego?
And that's when elections are fair and the media is mostly friendly.
True. And I remember back when any potential candidate for the office would write/or have someone write the quintessential "Me Book." We don't even go through the motions any more. Their writings all sound a little like Mein Kampf.
What is this?
"Trump with Republican primary voters that do not produce a meaningful backlash include sharing concerns about his ability to beat President Biden,"
I say;
Another poll telling me what to think. Biden has lied about everything he has ever claimed. I don't believe Biden is within 70 points of Mr. Trump--or is America REALLY that stupid. Biden claiming that "The United States has Israel's back" should scare the hell out of Israel. Biden has also said that the U.S. has Taiwan's back and China is openly provoking the United States into WAR.
One can only hope that what I read about Kamalah Harris being prepped for the presidency is true. Harris will do nothing until she is impeached and then--May Almighty God have mercy upon U.S.
If is gratifying to watch the left and never-Trumpers lose it as they realize they can no longer leverage the media empire to control our thoughts, believes, and actions.
Headlines from today with more evidence that Trump is winning: "Washington Post to lay off 250 staffers." And (such sad news) "Disgraced CNN CEO says network 'Nowhere near ready for the future.'" Don't you just love it when the media gets punched in the gut?
hahahahahahaha -says the recovering journalist.
Thompson's previous "success" at the NYT (as the Sulzberger puppet "CEO") was a mirage. He'll just warm a chair at CNN lining his pockets, knowing that CNN is a lost cause and watch it sink to its demise.
Imagine that corrupt sc*mb*g Bezos (bottomless pockets) actually being forced to comply with economic realities (WaPo layoffs)! Next: His used-helicopter pilot wife becoming WaPo's top editor. Hey, he has to stash her somewhere, no? Seriously, WaPo is a supermarket give-away rag. Its pretensions of being anything more substantive than that are laughable.
One reason he lost so many female votes was the famous private conversation that he had with Billy Bush. What I find amusing about this is that, if you say to a woman "some women will do anything to get to the top" they know it is true. They are either fools or liars if they don't. Now, President Trump put that sentiment in very crude terms, however, none of these shocked pearl clutchers can say they never heard the word before, otherwise they would be thinking "cats" not female anatomy. Sometimes the crude language makes a point, and in spite of what you might think of that language, we all know the truth of the statement.
As I often say "nothing new under the sun". I remember Watergate well, and the thing that really doomed Nixon was his use of the word "F...." in the Oval Office when talking to his advisors in private. At that time the democrats acted as if they had never heard such language and were of course shocked, shocked that anyone let alone a President would.
Who is kidding who here? I thought at that time, we had all heard and said worse it was after all the 60's and early 70's. Everything was up for grabs and there was a lot of that going on. It was an era that introduced the maxi and the mini worn together of course, and the shortest of short shorts. But somehow we were shocked, shocked.
Politicians pretend they are pure as the driven snow and so innocent when it comes to language used by the "common man". They are above it all. Reallllllyyyyyy?????? Who are you kidding? Only yourself.
Trump will win this time around because the string of pearls is now broken and try as they may they cannot sell the shocked, shocked act any more
At a rally not long ago, Trump called Biden a "stupid son-of-a-bitch." Wish he'd make it a label until November 2024.
Agree that at the time, those “bad words” had shock value and affected votes. And now—we have gone so far beyond the ‘shock’ of bad words being used, because we are now in a situation where it appears there is an actual pedophilia and OK-with-sex-trafficking strain in our political leadership.
"Both Hamas and the Democrat Party went too far."
True, enough. Sadly, only Hamas is facing consequences for their atrocities - I fear the Democrats never will.
"I am happy to just park a couple aircraft carriers near Israel’s waters as a warning to Iran and other bad guys not to join in."
As am I - Trump might have done the same knowing that Israel is more than capable of defending itself. There are other, more effective ways than $ to support an ally like Israel - but for Democrats, throwing $ at a problem is all they know.
The return of a wiser Trump to the Oval Office to begin the work of restoring the republic gives me hope, as well, provided that the next election isn't stolen like the last two - I have my doubts.
"Trump’s problem has always been the refusal of the Republican elitists to treat him as an equal."
Given how the efforts of the money men, big-gov "Republican" groups like Club for Growth, and the rest of the NeverTrumpers has failed, I'd say the problem is theirs - no one cares what they have to say, no one is listening to them - they aren't needed.
"The surrender of a few Never Trumpers provides an opportunity for the president to win them over to his side."
That won't happen - it IS an opportunity to effectively neuter them, however - make them irrelevant to the point that the Dems don't want their support, either.
"...Democrats are increasingly fascist in their wielding of power in Washington."
That may be, but they know how to use it - if there were more than one, maybe two genuine republicans in the Republican party caucuses in the House and Senate, I would suggest they learn from their "friends" across the aisle.
I am quickly becoming prejudiced against any politician from Indiana - Dan Quayle, Lee Hamilton, David MacIntosh, Mike Pence...these people seem to cynically trade on their midwestern roots.
"The drama could end tomorrow if judges began tossing these ignorant indictments."
Sadly, that isn't likely to happen, either - even IF the word from on high is to pull the plug. The nigger DAs are too invested to obsequiously pack up their briefcases and retreat to their offices.
Communist China will need 40B to steal the election, and that's just for starters. Pray for Jay Valentine and his organization's efforts.
With you all the way, but would replace “nigger” with “affirmative action DA’s” or “Soros DA’s” or just “Marxist DA’s”. It really doesn’t have anything to do with skin color. Vast swaths of the black middle class are moving into the Republican fold.
Black men who have gone the Marxist or Louis Farrakhan route have done great damage to America, but there have increasingly been some very outstanding black men on the right—such as Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Byron Donalds, Burgess Owens, Hershel Walker and Alan West, Tim Scott, John James, etc. Even Kanye West. These brave black men have been the opening for many fine solid middle class black men to start moving in a big way out of the Democratic camp. I have had a feeling for a long time that Black men could save America.
I would also add, though, that Black women really, really need to wake up. Many of them are a stunning embarrassment.
They are failures as Baby Mamas and aren't doing a good job of raising their sons.
To raise sons to be men requires a manly father in the home. So there’s that.....<sigh>
RFK Jr just screwed over the Democrats by becoming independent. Unless a deep state kills him like I suspect they will. Unfortunately, the Democrats are out of options. Biden will remain nominee and lose, and they will have to endure another four years of Trump. This will be cataclysmic for our country as the news media and Democrats will do everything to block him once again. Hopefully Trump does not waste his time with bad appointments and he treats the Democrats like they treated him in the last eight years.
Trump will need to carry a lot of Trump Republicans to take over the Senate and the House. Otherwise he will have tough sledding getting the key positions in his administration filled. Additionally once the opposition see he’s going to win they will push/cheat even harder to win the House and Senate races so he’ll have an ineffectual administration. Kinda like what Paul Ryan did in 2018.If Cocaine Mitch remains leader of Senate Republicans that will be a stumbling block too. (I don’t see McConnell stepping down on his own. He will have to be pulled away kicking and screaming.)
Plus there may be people reluctant to serve in his administration because they fear the backlash once the 4 years goes by.
I hope he is elected. I will vote for him even if he is in jail. However the “Never Trump” and Democrat tyranny will continue. The media will continue to crucify him. When/If he eliminates the “Deep State” they will all be gunning for him too.
I also see a scenario where Biden will not relinquish the White House. There was conjecture that Trump would not leave. Whose gonna pull Biden out of the White House if he won’t leave? The Pentagon?
Biden seems to wander aimlessly on and off stages and around press events. When he wanders out of the Whitehouse into the rose garden, we’ll get the secret service to lock the doors after they let Commander follow him.
There's a thought.
TRUMP 2024 Politics is merely a facade of pretty faces that often mask a possible sinister and devious intent. De Sanctimonious is a prime example. As congressman he voted to cut retirement and raise minimum age limits. His opponent turned out to from a pretty face into a crackhead who likes men. How'd Florida voters react? Trump saved Ron's ass. Only later to be propelled as a contender backed by people who love America's never-ending wars and God-awful foreign intrusions of regime change, often leading to wars. Trump didn't make money for them as President and him sure and the hell isn't going to do it ever. Incredibly America is at the precipice of determining its very existence as a Constitutional Republic simply by electing a President. Our sovereignty as a self-determining people is being sold out to the UN, WHO and digital currency. The Marxist Democrats, as they've evolved into, are creating a divisive nation, much in part due to mindless, easy manipulated voters as given us Obama, the great fraudster and divider. Where the people supporting them have become useful idiots. Thanks to an educational system that has devolved into, it would seem another teacher self-serving union monopoly controlling its content. Stripping parental rights, no RRR, no teaching of civics. Civics, by the way, is simply a mechanism that shows role of government in our lives, and I believe, an important link that establishes commonality among us, its citizens. Thereby providing a firm common bond, before life's never-ending ups and downs can throw you for a real loop. Due to a lack of the fourth column of our Constitutional Republic, a free and unhindered press, most know nothing of the millions of ILLEGALS turning us upside down. I've mentioned a few items eating away at me, so I say De Sanctimonious is another one and his loyalty to a dollar rather than to a man who propelled him into office, says it all. Ron doesn't have the caliber to sit in the Oval Office, exactly WHY Biden has no business there either. Don, love your pieces and as I have said it does set me off. Thanks for opportunity to bare it all, actually just starting. LOL FJB