For once I will NOT vote. Why? I can't vote for any of these. Disney simply needs to return to its' roots and appeal to kids; and families who want to have fun and are not buried in their devices. Too many zombie kids in this country now. What happened to having fun?
For once I will NOT vote. Why? I can't vote for any of these. Disney simply needs to return to its' roots and appeal to kids; and families who want to have fun and are not buried in their devices. Too many zombie kids in this country now. What happened to having fun?
Which is just absolutely sad. When ever there is a pedo sting in FL, they always or almost always include one or more cast members from Disney. And Teachers too. It is crazy but the pedos go where the prey is.
MSM and Disney today are just making so the kids are confused about wrong adult behavior.
I can't vote either but I still roared with laughter at the poll. Thank you, Don, for another post with great clarity. It's worth saving and studying. I'm pretty busy now that I have more clarity myself on what I'm going to do in the future. But I do think your writings are worth studying. I'm mulling an idea of a class for adults on political clarity. We will see how much time and resources God gives me to take care of all of these great plans I have. The cat and I will mull on this.
Recommended: R.L. Trask's entertaining "Watch The Gaffe," because there can be no clarity, political or otherwise, without rules about grammar and language.
I very much dislike the book's subtitle, the nagging "Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English." This is only partly what the book is about. Most of it is a sustained, positive message about how to speak and write precisely in order to make one's point clearly. Even better, the author's wit is superb.
WTG is confusion's worst enemy.
Buy one and see if it's appropriate for you. Used, inexpensive copies are fine.
UK EDITION only (greenish-turquoise paperback cover).
AVOID the U.S. edition, which is horrible.
The UK hardcover is acceptable, but the copy that I ended up with has a fainter ink density --- a publisher's GAFFE; "pitch-black" dark ink density is absolutely essential, given the book's reduced type size.
[Mind The Gaffe, The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English, Larry Trask [1944-2004]; Penguin Group (2002 paperback)].
I agree it would have been nice to have at least one unperverted answer. Perhaps he could parody the Dems by making Donkey (from Shrek) the only un-crooked answer: "Donkey the straight ass."
For once I will NOT vote. Why? I can't vote for any of these. Disney simply needs to return to its' roots and appeal to kids; and families who want to have fun and are not buried in their devices. Too many zombie kids in this country now. What happened to having fun?
Whatever happened to letting a kid enjoy his/her childhood?
The Disney pedophiles see kids as sex toys, not humans.
Which is just absolutely sad. When ever there is a pedo sting in FL, they always or almost always include one or more cast members from Disney. And Teachers too. It is crazy but the pedos go where the prey is.
MSM and Disney today are just making so the kids are confused about wrong adult behavior.
Socialism in indoctrination schools k-college for the last 50 years.
Disney needs to return to the ground from which it came, dust to dust.....
I can't vote either but I still roared with laughter at the poll. Thank you, Don, for another post with great clarity. It's worth saving and studying. I'm pretty busy now that I have more clarity myself on what I'm going to do in the future. But I do think your writings are worth studying. I'm mulling an idea of a class for adults on political clarity. We will see how much time and resources God gives me to take care of all of these great plans I have. The cat and I will mull on this.
Recommended: R.L. Trask's entertaining "Watch The Gaffe," because there can be no clarity, political or otherwise, without rules about grammar and language.
I very much dislike the book's subtitle, the nagging "Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English." This is only partly what the book is about. Most of it is a sustained, positive message about how to speak and write precisely in order to make one's point clearly. Even better, the author's wit is superb.
WTG is confusion's worst enemy.
Buy one and see if it's appropriate for you. Used, inexpensive copies are fine.
UK EDITION only (greenish-turquoise paperback cover).
AVOID the U.S. edition, which is horrible.
The UK hardcover is acceptable, but the copy that I ended up with has a fainter ink density --- a publisher's GAFFE; "pitch-black" dark ink density is absolutely essential, given the book's reduced type size.
[Mind The Gaffe, The Penguin Guide to Common Errors in English, Larry Trask [1944-2004]; Penguin Group (2002 paperback)].
Ditto ditto ditto
I loved the play on words with Peter the Pansexual. I'll bet James Barrie would have appreciated that clever bit of wit.
I agree it would have been nice to have at least one unperverted answer. Perhaps he could parody the Dems by making Donkey (from Shrek) the only un-crooked answer: "Donkey the straight ass."