Nobody has done more to eliminate DEI than Robbie Starbuck. He has led boycotts against Harley-Davidson, John Deere, and Tractor Supply and each of these companies quickly ended their DEI practices. The maker of Jack Daniels even ended their DEI program when they heard Robbie was planning to go after them next.

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It’s not just simple protests and boycotts. It’s dollars and sense.

Money is the root of all evil. We can help by taking that money away from the liberals. One must switch brands or go without a product to fully make the point. A one week drop in stock prices is a pin prick. Losing ratings, long term sell off, low dividends- that’s how you can these jerkoff CEOs attention. Tank their business so the BoD gets pissed off and sacks these idiots.

That’s the way to winning the whole war against liberalism and socialism. Stop producing. Don’t be a slave in their scheme. Dropout and stop consuming. Break the tax grift and force change in the system.

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When I was a teenager I was the head projectionist at our local theater. Made $5 a show. $7.50 for a double header. I have always loved movies or all stripes until now. I cannot force myself to see a movie at a movie theater. I subscribe to Netflix and other venues but have a hard time finding something to watch. Used to like Cheesy Halmark RomComs until they had to have a gay or transgender actor in every show. Didn't add to the story. I also won't turn on anything with DeNiro and many other rabid progressive actors. The new Reacher guy pisses me off so I won't watch Reacher either. The Left just F ups everything they touch. Can't they see it??

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Obviously not, for despite their pious promises they never stop; those are part of the campaign. Remember, equal rights for the Alphabet crowd would not bring on homo marriage -- but of course it did, along with affirmative action for them, plus drag queens in public school parties and homo smut in their libraries. Transgenderism also was unthinkable, until it wasn't, hence the phenomenon of Timpon -- among other things.

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Yep, we watch nothing newer than about 1995. We just finished Northern Exposure and even that had a few nods to lefty lunacy like climate finaticism.

And last night we caught the end of The Apartment with jack lemmon and shirley maclaine. I think I'll be using TMC a lot more, despite it being Ted Turner's network.

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As I recall that was towards the end of the life of the show when it was kind of tiresome. The early seasons were never miss TV

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Loved Northern Exposure, bought the series. When someone figured out the quirkiness joy of it they were hooked. My wife thought it was stupid till one day I pointed out how in touch everyone was in that remote setting it clicked and she loved it. People either got it or never figured it out.

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We were surprised to see 'Joel' (Rob Morrow, who BTW, had a daughter and named her "Tu". UGH. 😑 ) was written OUT of the last number of episodes in the final season!

I looked it up and it appears it was Morrow's choice BUT that he was NOT universally loved by his cast mates, to say the least.

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As did I-part of a series honoring Fred MacMurray

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Yep. Exactly! I had heard of the movie The Apartment but had never seen it and was shocked to see Fred McMurry as a 'bad guy'. I found the commentary after the movie interesting that his fans at the time had a HUGE outcry against it too. He went to "My Three Sons" after that. 😂

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Watch "Double Indemnity" (1944) with MacMurray, also not a good guy. In "the Caine Mutiny" (1954) he plays another type of not a good guy. BTW, both are standout films with unusual twists that keeps the viewer captivated. Cheers.

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Check out the happiest millionaire. Fred played Anthony Biddle. It's the last musical Walt personally directed.

The real Biddle is larger than life.

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Create your own theatre: tragedies and comedies with you as the star. It’s far more enjoyable.

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My neighbors create enough drama for my neighborhood. I can enjoy it all from my back porch.

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Want to see a good movie? Watch Godzilla -1.0. A tribute to every Godzilla movie ever made. And it’s not your typical Godzilla movie.

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Hot Smoke and Sassafrass is an epic song.

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It always surprises me when someone remembers Bubble Puppy…a one-hit wonder if there ever was one. LOL

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It really is a great song. I actually met the bass player from that band--I think that's who he was--back in the 70s.

I had a bandmate who liked to play that song but he would change the lyrics from:

Hot smoke and sassafrass/many things will come to pass


Hot smoke and sassafrass/you can fucking kiss my ass

Which still makes me LOL to this day when I remember that.

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They treat our boycotts like a prisoner hunger strike and are trying to force feed us the turds they call entertainment. They are determined to force their views on us because their master the devil wants it.

We are fast approaching the final days

GOD Is in control, but he didn't give us free choice so that he could take it away from us.

Some say " it's okay, GOD'S got this. No, GOD has you. Will you do what he wants?

Rest assured, He will bless those who serve him but that blessing will be in heaven.

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Agree with all that. One exception. What's the grip with Alan Ritchson. I've read every Reacher novel. Tom Cruise pissed me off. He isn't 6'3" and 250 pounds. Richmond fits the bill.

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Plus he is ssssssssmokin hot.

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LOL ... I don shving that way but OK. ( I went to college when "Animal Farm" "1984" and "Brave new World were required reading. Ayn Rand was extra credit.

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Well us ladies like our eye candy too ya know not just you gents. 😉 I liked the books too the eye candy is just extra.

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Please tell me you DID see the movie Cinema Paradiso (that is if you didn't write it).

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And yet - I read today that Cornell (!) has a course on "Ecological Justice" Focused On "Feminist, Queer, And Trans Perspectives". Until/unless institutions stop promoting this propaganda children will not be prepared to make anything. And parents continue to give the institutions money and custody over their children.

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The Universities and Colleges don’t care, because they aren’t PAYING FOR IT. The loans are subsidized by the government. Get the Feds out of the student loan business and have the students find a way to pay for tuition, or have the institutions dip into their endowment funds it they think the student is worth the money. Degrees in “(add subject)-Studies” would disappear overnight.

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Yeah, this D.I.E. shite has irked me to no end! Thanks for making blood shoot from my eyes this morning Don!


We, THE PRODUCERS, BABY MAKERS, PAID FOR THESE USELESS, HATEFUL, ENVIOUS COMMUNISTS TO (attempt) DESTROY OUR CHILDREN'S BEAUTIFUL MINDS! BUT EVEN WORSE, PAID THEM TO(attempt) ERASE THEIR VALUES AND VIRTUES. We, taught them to be: honorable, thankful, humble and GOOD. Yeah, it pisses me the f OFF! Our kids navigated through the shit, of these 'village raise a child' losers, and are just fine: BUT I STILL WANT A REFUND!

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But how do you really feel Beyond ??

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Make the schools assume the loans. My sister worked for the university of Mogadishu on the Mississippi chasing deadbeats for almost 60 years.

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Cornell is gone. They've had some horrible professors in the news. About a year ago or so, Biden nominated Cornell Law Professor Saule Omarova to be US Comptroller of the Currency-- which is the #2 position after Secretary of the Treasury. She is a flat out Communist, from Russia, got her BA from Moscow State University. Her PhD dissertation was on Eliminating Private Banking. She was Biden's Marxist candidate for Treasury, because she has advocated for government control of banking-- where everyone would only have a government bank account (in our country, thru the Fed), which would enable centralized government control over our personal money. Do you want the government approving or disapproving your purchases? Redistributing your wealth? etc.

During her Senate hearing, Senator Tim Scott said "I don't know whether to address you as "Ma'am" or as "Comrade". Biden ended up withdrawing her as a candidate, but then he nominated another woman with the same views but who had been less publicly-published on them.

There was also some other Cornell prof nut, a male, this past year who was ranting violence against the Right--I forget the specifics, but it was another Communist.

Dr. Phil nailed it when he said our university system has been contaminated with "ivy-covered intellectual rot".

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I think Don nailed it well with "Suddenly, the once-poisoned Ivys have embraced equal opportunity again"

He is such a artist with words.

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Wait! Are you suggesting that feminists, queers and transsexuals don’t have valuable and unique perspectives on ecological justice!? I hope not, for your sake, because I’m pretty sure that’s Hate Think!

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"Money is the root of all evil" - not quite correct. In 1st Timothy 6: 10, Paul wrote, "For the LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." While Libs despise free economy (I won't use "capitalism" because Marx invented that term) and advocate socialism, they just LOVE their money and property and will do what they can to hang on to it. Former Democrat, Bob Mendendez, was convicted of SIXTEEN charges of federal bribery charges - talk about LOVE of money. A lot of Democrat (and Republican) politicians have built large personal wealth during their terms in Congress (former speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is one).

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Amend, please: The love of money is the root of all evil.

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Then there's those old Russian Communist leaders who had their cozy dachas in Moscow and their summer homes along the Black Sea - no cramped apartment in a badly designed and built apartment building for them!

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Cutting off your nose to spite your face is hardly a good tactic under any circumstances. Money is not the root of all evil. Man chooses how to spend money which is what makes it good or evil.

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Robbie Starbuck is my candidate for Trump’s Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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You are absolutely correct. Nothing screams brainwashing and "out of touch" executives/board of directors than firms who made their billions on the backs of working class laborers and farmers only to turn and use that revenue to pursue DEI.

Rescinding their DEI programs isn't good enough especially since some of them continue today in a more discreet way. These idiots need several quarters of significant missed revenue resulting in stock price collapse before we back off.

They shouldn't get a little circle bandaid for their "booboo" of DEI. They need to painfully limp back to their next year's stockholder meeting begging for mercy.

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Agree 💯

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You just couldn't resist. You had to remind me of our avocado green refrigerator. Thanks for crapping up my day.

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1976-1980 I rented an apartment which had not only the avocado green fridge, but a matching stove. The seventies were pretty tacky all the way around.

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A little green and gold would brighten up all the gray we have now.

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Don’t forget the green shag carpets

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And the Chevy "homemade" conversion vans with that leftover green shag carpet.


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And leisure suits!

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And the tacky white belts and shoes. The home decorating also included the dreaded orange with the gold and avocado with sculptured or shag carpet. That was truly a terrible idea we never went with.

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White belt, white shoes, and white tie combo = AKA, the Full Cleveland.

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The decade started with the Beatles breaking up and ended with the BeeGees. Yeah, your assessment is correct.

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What about the avocado green shag carpet? Train loads delivered across the USA.

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Please! you know you loved it at the time.

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Yeah but they still work!

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Ain’t that the truth. We bought a new built house four years ago in Florida. Are already replacing lousy Chinese appliances. Nothing lasts anymore. Our first microwave lasted twenty years. This one last two.

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Planned obsolescence.

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The windows are the next to fail. Failed seals and condensation between the panes. Cheap builder grade windows should be outlawed.

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Can you say housing crisis.

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I remember an all-pink bathroom. It gave me visions of being unable to find myself in there.

And then the seventies gave us sideburns, fuel shortages, inflation, and Jimmy Carter. On the positive side, all that craziness and incompetence paved the way for Ronald Reagan. I'm hoping for a repeat ...

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Your list should say the seventies gave us Carter. Then all those disasters he caused happened

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But I did say that. Carter made himself unforgettable -- but not in a good way.

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Yes, but the way you worded it doesn't give Carturd the credit he deserves for the misery he caused.

When he advocated for turning the thermostat down I asked dad if that meant I didn't have to split as much fire wood.

Dad retired and moved off the farm in 1978. Mom was thrilled to sell the wood stove. A year later after paying through the nose for fuel oil she was thrilled when I bought it back and installed it in their new house.

That and it kept dad busy cutting wood instead of bugging her all day.

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Families like yours are reservoirs of common sense in a world at serious risk of losing it.

I still believe that Carter's only merit was to pave the way for Reagan. Going on TV in a sweater --- nah. And if any aliens intercepted his message on the gold-plated record carried in Voyager II, launched in 1977, they might have changed their minds about invading Earth:

“This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours.”

On the other hand, Voyager carried 115 photos of planets and human sex organs, a recording of Chuck Berry’s Johnny B. Goode, and of a Zairian pygmy girls’ initiation song. So who knows, something may have clicked out there in the dark void. Or maybe that explains why we still have not heard from them.

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I'm still dealing with blue sink/toilet/shower from that same era.

The 1960's emotions - in the frantic reach to nullify discrimination against people of color - must have spread to appliances and bath fixtures because white versions of them were taboo in that period. I really need to make my bathroom fixtures non DEI.

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Just unplugged my GE/IH 1966-68 freezer a few months ago.It kept stuff frozen but went to continuous run 24/7 .

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Ahhh, the days when kitchen appliances came in avocado green, harvest gold, and copper. My mother chose a copper refrigerator. Our old refrigerator was white with a tiny freezer unit inside the refrigerator. The freezer was big enough to hold 2 ice cube trays.

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Harvest gold!

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Our first house in '73 not only had a fridge that color but all the kitchen cabinets were painted to match. We called it "puke green."

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A close second was barf blue.

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I actually liked the blue and put it in one bathrooms in that same house, along with a yellow bath and shiny mylar paper and avocado one piece shower, bath in master with seriously, PINK carpet...(not around the toilet, lol) 3 bathrooms, wow!!! Didn't we all grow up sharing ONE bathroom for everyone and did fine? I had friends in the country who had no bathroom but outhouses. Why? Why would you build a new house (modern) and not put in a bathroom????? Wonders never cease!

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We have come full-circle. We just purchased a GE washer and dryer in blue. But it’s a good lookin dark blue.

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you mean colors are back? What is the brand and store you purchased it from? I know the Italian mfgrs had some red stoves a while back.

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I can send pictures of mine if anyone doubts your description . . .

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Now it’s “moss” and it’s cool.

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that shade of green is still gross in a house unless it's leaves in all green shades in wallpaper, then maybe acceptable.

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Aug 26
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Remember when you could buy ALL your Frigidaire kitchen appliances at Sears who then delivered and hooked them up for under $1,000 and they lasted for 20 years? In 1977 I chose a butcher block style but hardy Formica countertop and a colorful linoleum/vinyl floor covering. All sturdy and easy to clean, still looking good when I sold the house in 2003.

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We always went with the Kenmore appliances. Badge-engineered by some well-respected manufacturers.

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Maybe it was Kenmore but can't be sure, lol. Sears I know. We bought everything there for years.

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In the late 1950s my eldest brother Gene, having learned the Three Rs - readin', ritin', and the Road to Akron - pulled up stakes and headed down Route 21 to Cleveland, where he found love - a girl also originally from the West Virginia hollers - and started his family. A few short years and five children later all of them were in Cleveland schools - public, of course, since that was what he and his wife could afford.

Along slouches Lyndon Johnson, the Great Society, racial turmoil, and Forced Busing for school children. After two of his girls were intimidated and harassed by the street thugs in East Side ghetto schools, he pulled his kids out of public education and put them all in private schools - a crippling cost for a working stiff from Rock Creek, West-by-God-Virginia. All graduated and did well in the struggle of life.

Fast forward twenty years. An article appears in the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the timely death of one Judge Batista, the federal who had presided over the whole goat rodeo called "busing" in the 1960s. It seems that in his old age he was an avid hunter, had received a tick bite while hunting, and died from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. The Plain Dealer was asking for citizen's letters commenting on this "very controversial man's life."

My brother entered the following, written as a classified ad:

"Reward. $2000 for anyone who can locate the tick that bit Judge Batista. I wish to buy him his own dog."

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You win a cookie. Best post of the day. LMAO on that one.

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“ What would the death of DEI mean for you?” MERIT RULES-SANITY RETURNS

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Off-topic, but we must remember: three years ago on August 25, a 10-yr old boy, five newborns, three 1-year olds, three 2-year olds, and a 4-year old, all born in 2001, were sacrificed at Abbey Gate, Afghanistan, due to the hubris and ineptitude of our civilian and military “leadership”. For 18 months there were no reported casualties of American troops…Trump had negotiated an orderly withdrawal with the Taliban…all American personnel were preparing to depart the country. And the Biden “administration” completely screwed the pooch by withdrawing early, abandoning Bagram airbase in the middle of the night with a “turn out the lights, the party’s over” maneuver, abandoning billions in military equipment, leaving most of the embassy personnel behind in addition to hundreds of Americans and loyal Afghans to fend for themselves. And the 11 brave Marines, 1 Army, and 1 Navy that were slaughtered at Abbey Gate. 11 men and 2 women. My brothers and sisters in arms. Never forget that date. And never forget how they were greeted at Dover Air Force Base…the p(Resident) checking his watch as the caskets were rolled off the transport, like he had a hot date somewhere. These “leaders” are evil and must be removed by any means necessary. You think that you hate them enough, but you don’t…you really don’t.

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DJT is laying a wreath at Arlington Cemetery to remember the three soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan three years ago.

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Amen BubblePuppy!

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Feeling sick anytime I am reminded of this traitorous act.

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Amen and AMEN !!!

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Your cogent and very apt explanation comes at a bad time for me BP7. I had only this morning committed to trying to quit hating the stupid snotwads currently in the WH and that entire surrounding area. Maybe all I can do is quit saying "hate" out loud where others can hear me. I know I'll have to pull up my own bootstrap on this one. There probably isn't enough hate left to go around.

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I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to do this also, until this anniversary came up and reminded me of how much we veterans have given up for our country, and for WHAT? So, don’t “hate” them…just “intensely dislike” them. I’ll do the same.

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Let me be a Republican and say, "We have won. Let's go home." Let me be a realist. "We have won a major battle but the we have lost 80% of our territory. We must fight on, never stopping, remaining prepared to fight the next battle." Reality: Today, we are watching our enemies dialing back their insane activities. They are hiding their candidates, letting the media surrogates fight a holding action, while stacking every available deck. (See Wayne County Michigan.) As soon as the GOP celebrations wind down, the anti-Americans will unveil a "new" campaign, an attack from a new angle with a new acronym hiding the same destroy America content.

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Thank you for the expose but in my opinion this DEI shit never would have occurred had we heeded Sen. McCarthys warnings in the 50s. Socialism sounds wonderful and fair in the selling but any research will prove it to be the opposite. When socialists took over what is now the mis-education system pre-k /college the first casualties were History and Civics (anchors for a nation) followed by .common sense and reasoned logic of parental up-bringing. Things. have gone downhill ever since but we are presented with a chance to stop the slide with a MAGA 2024 election of PDJT/JDV slate in numbers too big to rig. Treats to the cat and lead on Poca-Man.

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Until Marxist are once again considered subversives the only defense is education and the ballot box.

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“No government is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.”

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England did, all over the world.

Point taken.

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Communism by example: Spit in one hand and wish into the other one and see which hand fills up faster. That is not my own empirical research, but by one of my smarter teachers. (I admit to being 6 days older than dirt.)

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Ok, that box checked; keep tabs on doing it with the law’s intent. Now recognize we need to regain our manufacturing base and that means not everyone needs to benefit from college: trade schools need to become recognized again. We need to promote excellence in every strata of our youths’ potential. That means opportunity to be recognized for their strengths: give all strata opportunity to excel according to their natural endowments. Give then a route to self respect. Easy to say; hard to do. Leaders! grow up and get their heads out of their navels; nothing there worth inspecting. Entitlement to be worth anything to anyone must be earned!

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With the benefit of hindsight, it should be obvious that a side-effect of the massive post-WWII rush to college was a denigration of physical labor of all kinds, including the skilled trades that are essential to a functioning society. The underlying big mistake was the failure to recognize that there are different kinds of intelligence, all are needed, and all can provide a dignified lifestyle -- unless those jobs are exported to countries that turn out to be our mortal enemies. As a result, we now have an oversupply of over-educated, feminized functionaries everywhere, whether we are talking about Harvard and MIT, Budweiser or Starbucks, Disney or Hollywood.

BTW, I never could stand Bud Light, anyway. No flavor.

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Oh, it had a flavor, all right. Just not one you would mention in polite company. Or so I’ve been told.

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When I was still in the restaurant business, an Australian customer described standard American beer as "rather pissy". But since then there's been a lot of change -- and improvement, at least in my book. And in his, I would imagine.

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Force the m to use their trust funds for undergrad tuition. All masters and phd should be paid for in cash.

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Hate to say it but maybe the Government should cut their Education support subsidies by 50 percent or more. Most of the leftover monies should go to skills we need as a country. STEM majors for example. Funding the graduate programs should follow the same line. No more Federal Aid for Dr Jill types. You want it, you pay for it.

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There's no doubt that the major effect of the federal funds flowing to the colleges has been the astronomical rise of tuition charges. But how could it have been other wise, with the money spent on resentment studies and DEI-do-nothings making 350K or more a year?

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Amen-- "resentment studies"! aka Critical Race Theory indoctrination.

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I've had the same thought for a long time.

WHY (rhetorical) are we - The Taxpayer - paying for "education" that WE DO NOT NEED (or want)?? Let's subsidize education in STEM and THE TRADES. Also MEDICINE as there seems to be a critical shortage of doctors and there has apparently always been a shortage of nurses.

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I always thought the purpose of any company was to make and sell things want and are willing to buy. Otherwise there is no company, no jobs, no taxes to be collected… nothing.

DEI and a company don’t go together as hiring someone based on skin color doesn’t necessarily get the job done but the attitudes and behavior of the DEI hires goes a long way to destroying that company.

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But your entire federal government is full of uneducated DEI boobs in executive and management positions.

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I beg to differ. Executive and Management positions have mostly been held by boobs of the ruling party. Now the boobs have infiltrated entire organizations from top to bottom. One of these days a couple of planes are going to hit each other and kill everyone aboard because the air traffic controller was a DEI hire. Used to be you could train for four years or more and still not make the grade and get cut. No so much anymore... It's scary out there.

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evil never dies. dei is merely waiting (hiding from the voters) for harris/waltz to start off clean in january.

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Evil never dies, true enough in this fallen world. But its neither omniscient or omnipotent.

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Evil can be "excellent" at aggressively promoting itself (and attempting to intimidate); but so colossally incompetent at producing or sustaining anything good, that it ultimately self-destructs.

So the quicker we recognize evil and fight it, the less likely we will be to get caught in the turmoil of its inevitable collapse. If evil gets entrenched, it can cling to power for decades like a parasite (e.g., China, North Korea, Cuba, Russia before Gorbachev, etc.) until it fully consumes the host and can no longer feed itself--unless it takes over another country (like America), and can then spend decades parasitically consuming every last bit of good here.

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france is being consumed by evil and quickly. uk is on the chopping block and america is next in line.

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Or read another way, coming total reverse racism a la South Africa where the Harris/Walz regime will confiscated land from white owner’s and give to their special constituents.

Total race war

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To get a feeling for what's been going on over there, google "Plaasmoorde". The so-called oppressed don't want equal opportunity. They want to get even -- with a vengeance.

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yes...like feminism was supposed to be for equal opportunities but ended up being for equity payoffs and a war on boys.

k-12 is child abuse.

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As if it was not enough that the teaching trade was already dominated by females. No DEI there.

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Zackly. Lying in wait. Classic ambush.

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are americans politically ignorant or just plain stupid? i think it's a valid question. using our corrupt and nefariously duplicitous k-12 systems as the template we can make the case that they're ignorant but if we rightly or wrongly assume elections are NOT stolen...then the american electorate (on aggregate) appear to be dumb as dirt.

but that's just me.

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They are NOT going to win!

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but what if they do?

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I’m very skeptical: I think any silence after the decision demonstrated that the left intends to ignore the decision. Did the Columbus article say that Marco Baker was fired? It didnt seem so. I’ll be very surprised if he or any of the staff were actually fired. It did quote Chancellor Bennett saying “We have the greatest opportunity to reach more people with a model that's not centralized." He also said that the efforts for diversity would continue, naming all the segregated programs and institutes that would further “the work.” I expect more camouflage in their budgeting.

So…… I think these re-orgs in academics and the big corps are just window dressing to cover radical activities the so-called academics intend to continue. The HR Harpies in the corps will never surrender. DEI and all the other Marxist-oriented programs will have to be beaten bloody before they capitulate. And then they will emerge again under another name. Evil never quits and never admits defeat.

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MIT reintroduced SAT requirements when they discovered without it they were getting too many students with limited math abilities which, of course, is their CORE requirement.

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Who would have thunk it? I thought the MIT types were smart. Guess not.....

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"My grandfather had maybe a second grade education but he knew calculus because he needed to know it to be a toolmaker."

As the quote suggests, any association of individual intelligence with years in school is a fallacy. School doesn't make anyone smarter. Individual intelligence is established at birth just like one's XX and XY gender. School merely enables certain skills (or, applications if you prefer) that can be used such as Calculus.

And, here's the biggest slam against the grip of Education against our freedom: Regular parents with regular educations are teaching their kids AT HOME faster, better, and more effectively than the Department of Education's (DoE) band of DEI and Grooming warriors.

As DEI dies, let's also take out the DoE with it.

Trump is promising to do just that. Godspeed.

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"Jimma Caatah" separated Education into its own secretariat away from Health and Welfare. I had to listen for 9 years to the university quacks yammering praise on him for that. They wore little school busses around their necks instead of crucifixes.

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Well, I think it is good to separate Education out of Health and Welfare-- Health and Welfare are big enough on their own; to have the same department also in charge of Education was too much for any humans to successfully manage.

But even better of course, is to totally dump the Department of Education and let the states handle it.

The current "Health and Human Services" departments that we have at the federal and state levels are gigantic, out of control agencies, and also need severe cutting or elimination.

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It’s still infested in some schools. I got cancelled from LSU and recently interviewed with a college in Minnesota. The first interview went really well; it was with a professor in the department. The second interview was with an associate dean and that did not geaux well. She dropped the DEI question on me without warning. The first interviewer was cheerful and mentioned life in the upper Midwest with her husband. The associate dean was stoic and had a resting bitch face even when she talked. I think they wanted someone to teach gender economics, which is a “made up” field.

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The resting bitch face was the first requirement for that job. Can't imagine what it would be if you survived to get to the Dean's or Provost's level. They probably have horns emerging from their skulls . . . or long pointy eye teeth.

BTW: I lost a similar shot at a teaching side gig in Cleveland when I was asked a DEI type question in a panel interview. I knew it was a risk but refused to make up a "politically correct" answer. I used the Martin Luther King quote of using character rather than color as the arbiter.

Yep. Never heard back. I found another side gig - but not in Cleveland.

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Thanks for bringing attention to the fact that we can win at issues like these. From Bud Light to John Deere and Tractor Supply, companies are finally realizing that to let their brand ride on DEI is to let their brand DIE.

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And I just want to point out for the commenters here who have been blaming women for everything, that 99% of these corporations that have gone DEI are run by white men.

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... with moustaches. I'm sure it's the moustaches. Or eyes - they all have eyes; yes, that's it.

But then, of course, there's Alissa Heinerscheid, the young lady who started it all with the Bud Light debacle. And Vijaya Gadde, alleged woman, who headed up Twitter's censorship project. And then there's Carly Fiorina, who drove the world's tech icon, Hewlett-Packard, into the dirt. Or Ginni Rometty, CEO of IBM, whose abject failures led to her replacement by a man. And...and....and...

In forty years in industry and medicine, I learned a few things, one of which is that women don't generally make good leaders. Women, in particular, HATE working for other women. Men may carry the aggression and testosterone, but they sublimate that to work together superbly for common goals. The icing on the cake, of course, is that when they are criticized by their bosses, they tend to say OK and fix the problem rather than go to HR - invariably headed by a female - and disrupt the whole operation. Just my experience; I could be wrong.

If you want to compete in industry, I suggest you do what men do: start at the bottom. Lay pipe, climb electrical towers, build asphalt roads in 95° heat and blistering sunlight, install steel roofs 150' in the air, or my favorite, Which I Saw: hang upside down in a wetsuit below a bridge 75' above a frozen river and apply a rubber repair sleeve to a broken water pipe in 15° weather, with icy water drowning you and running across your frozen face, so an entire town can have water.

No, women don't want to do that kind of work and work their way up. They want to be magically teleported into the Boss Babe job, carried straight into the C-suite corner office to work in the air conditioning where they can push everybody around. The perfect example of that dichotomy is the current presidential race: a man who paid his dues, built much of the New York skyline and responded to being shot with, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" versus an empty suit whose career path was travelled entirely on her back.

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You're overboard on the stereotyping. The only sentence I agreed with was the last sentence.

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Stereotyping? Really? Deny that any of it is correct.

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Would take too long to reply to each point. Eg, (example given), in your first paragraph the women leaders you mention are the comparatively rare women who have run a big corporation-- 90% of the biggest corporations are still run by men. Then the blanket statement that women are in general bad leaders, and hate working for other women. It's just one imagined stereotype after another.

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Because something is generally understood - ie., a stereotype - does not make it wrong. Nor does the fact that a majority of large American corporations are "CEOed" by men mean it's a BAD thing; perhaps those men paid their dues by coming up through the ranks to get where they are and thoroughly understand the business, vis à vis being skipped directly to the top because they had the right genitals. That could explain why American corporations are generally the most successful in the world. Forty years' experience in hospital departments with 9/10 female employees who detested working for other women is, of course, a limited experience, too, but given all that, I'm sure you're right ...

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It could be because all those white men have to go home to a white female wife who is wildly liberal and rooting for Kamala - and Obama and Hillary before her. Maybe they are just trying to keep the peace at home. Just sayin'. I could be wrong though . . . .

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I think you are right, Shrugged-- there is a dynamic in operation that white men are letting their liberal white female wives intimidate them. I have seen it in many cases. I don't know why they don't stand up to their wives more. The wives NEED to hear the husband's reasoning. I'm just speculating, but maybe the wives are manipulating their husbands by a subtle threat to withhold affection if their husband has a different political viewpoint?

Is it that white men are buying into the overall societal messaging about toxic masculinity and the supposed "virtuousness" of women? I have seen so many white men sit quietly by while their wife is spouting off hardcore liberalism. And I sense that if I challenge the white woman, the husband will then be roused to bite hard AT ME in defense of his wife. It has happened a few times.

I would speculate that what's going on is the white man feels somewhat emasculated by his wife, but won't let himself admit that to himself. So he is meekly subordinate to her on politics. But when someone ELSE challenges his wife's liberalism, the man now has an opportunity to "be masculine" and roughly attack the person who challenged his wife's views. Meaning, he gets to "show strength" by beating up on a 3rd party. Doesn't change the fact that he's a wimp with his own wife.

It could also be that the husband is especially angry to see anyone else have the courage to stand up to his wife, because it makes him feel bad about himself for NOT standing up to his wife.

I think that by accepting a subservient position to their wives, men have encouraged the growth of toxic femininity. Liberal white women truly NEED to be challenged in their thinking, and when their husbands kowtow to them, they hurt America.

I would be in interested in what you think about this, Shrugged. I'm just groping to understand the psychological dynamic here. How does it seem from the male perspective?

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Excellent point. Although they could be men pretending to be women. 😆

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One of the worst aspects of affirmative action in college admissions is that it sets those who benefit from it up for failure. The drop out rate is high because so many of those students are not intellectually or educationally prepared for college or disciplined enough to handle the work load. Once they have failed and dropped out, a lot of them continue to fail throughout their lives.

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They used to get sent to Viet Nam. That focuses the mind. I pledged a fraternity and got two f's and a D. It was either summer school to erase those or head off to basic training. I took summer school and straightened my ass out. Graduated with a spanking B- GPA.....

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