I expect they'll try to find another unknown dem who will campaign towards the middle to capture the independent voters like both Clinton and Obama did. After winning they move leftwards. That's where the big grift lays. Tampon Tim, Kamala and those like them are Kryptonite right now.

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I think you are right and the Dems will proudly claim they are restoring Democracy.

I hate the word Democracy because we are NOT one. Never were one.

We don't live by majority vote (that under Dems is mostly fake). We live by a Representative vote.

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“Democracy” is their code word for “Democrat party power”. If you keep that it mind it all makes sense.

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And all the media - including that which is 'conservative' - use it endlessly. Once in a while it would be nice if they used a term like 'representative government' or even (probably banned in media) Representative Republic.

I can't expect them to use "Constitutional Republic' for fear of causing heart attacks among the left wing media elites.

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Agreed. The word "Constitution" is like Kryptonite to them. The First and Second Amendments would vanish if given even half a chance.

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And probably eight more, if not even more.

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Correct, and I will bet you half of their base of lefties cannot give you the definition of the democracy either. It's all virtue signaling, everything they say or do. Mr. Obama taught America what happens when you speak well and say one thing and then do quite another. The essence of the problem with Democrats is that they stand for nothing at their core. Not bragging here about the GOP either but the Democrats of today are a fake party that stands for nothing but the use of raw power when they have it. It will be a while before they get the reins of power back because people are tired of being lied to and forced to submit to their insanity agenda.

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When the Democrats use the term Democracy it’s always qualified as “our democracy.” Which is their interpretation of democracy and a way of excluding the rest of us who disagree with them. This is similar to how they use the wooded truth. It becomes “our truth.” Biden even has a statement where he said something like we don’t deal in facts we deal in the truth.

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The donks strenuously avoid majority vote. Had they allowed it Horizontal Harris would have finished at the bottom of the heap as usual.

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And sleep Joe would have been the candidate...

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No, he was done then. Everyone knew it. Had he run and actually won he would have been impeached or deemed incompetent.

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Politics is all a PR campaign of deception.

When Trump appeared on the scene what resonated was the TRUTH, in plain spoken English. And it was harsh and searing. The truth cuts like a sword.

That’s the standard now for anyone currently in, or entering in politics.

Anything else is just the same old lying dirtbag pol of yesteryear.

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What’s the old saying about truth - you don’t need to remember your lies.

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03/04/25: Speaking of campaigns of political deception...

"CBS News chief Wendy McMahon and 60 Minutes boss Bill Owens have faced escalating pressure to settle [DJT's] lawsuit—including from incoming president Jeff Shell. McMahon and Owens will be lucky to keep their jobs once the merger gains approval."

When Dan Rather got dumped by CBS after being held accountable for lying about Bush during the 2004 election campaign, you would think he would have tossed Straight Out The Door.

Nope. He was plopped down into the 60 Minutes program.

The 60M on-air talent and staff were horrified! At that time (@ 2005), they were still entertaining the fiction that they were an objective news outfit (unless Tiger Woods needed Emergi-Med-PR after hitting fire hydrants).

So? The 60M management and staff froze Rather out.

About a decade later, Chelsea Clinton with her no-show NBC "News" job (@ $500K/year) ended up getting more air time than Rather did on 60M.

Now 60M is chock FULL of Dan Rathers. Rathering and Stahling is ALL they do.

Enter stage left: "Turtlewax" Shell, whose "Roman" hands --- surgically attached after being picked up at the Harvey Weinstein prison auction --- got him bounced out of NBC.

He's now swinging a bat in the Skydance on-deck circle.

Study hard, boys and girls. Get all straight A's. Be proud of America, where all of the above can never happen.

Yours truly,

Matt Lauer

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Horizontal Harris couldn't come off as moderate, only moderately intoxicated. We dodged a bullet.

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She couldn't dispel what everyone saw, that she was a moron who couldn't speak a complete coherent sentence that mattered. If you cannot communicate, you cannot win.

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"Vance looks like Trump’s oldest two sons and acts like the backup Trump, which he is. "

Vance is our hope because we must get his eight years following Trump's four to build the foundation for change in government. Maintaining the support we have so far through the next four years is the single most important thing Trump can deliver. He will deliver it by doing all the amazing tactical changes he is making, but also staying connected to the broader constituency.

Before Trump exits office, we have some very difficult battles to survive, not the least of which is a likely major recession or depression. The financial arrows are aimed and ready to deflate this economy. Then, there is the severing of many ties with our European allies. Europe is like the 30 year old adult child that is still living in the basement on mom and dad's dime while the kid plans the next 6-week 'holiday'.

Radical change is risky and difficult but the cabinet that is in place now is our best shot. They need to pull off some real magic in reforming government. Hopefully, we'll all be here reading this Substack - and high-fiving - in four years when JD becomes president.

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I believe the only way we have a recession now is if the GOP doesn't get the tax cuts passed and they start to go freelance again with a hundred different agendas like they did during Trump 1.0. I have no faith that Johnson can hold the party together for four years and actually pass meaningful budget bills as well as codifying the agency cuts going on now. If we can't get to a balanced budget in four years, what does that say about their willingness to change past spending into oblivion practices?

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Kamala at 2%. 😤' and “move away from the dominance of small-dollar donors whose preferences may not align with the broader electorate”. 😁Believe that and you're part of the lunatic left. Since when did they ever give a damn about the. small dollar donors?

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That jumped out at me too. Their problem is the huge-dollar ultra far left globalist elitist donors, who they will never give up.

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And Soros is his name.

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There are plenty of others. Look to the membership of the WEF.

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One of many.

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I was shocked at that suggestion as well. The way I read it, the party just threw the rank and file Dem voter under the bus. This from the party of the little guy.

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The Democrats need a change of leadership. They need to get rid of the one who is the head of that party. I am referring to: Satan. I don't believe that the Republicans are on the side of the angels, but I do believe the Dems are on the side of Satan. Look at their agenda: destruction of faith and family; corruption; destruction of jobs and the economy through the "green" agenda; perpetual war; abortion; transgenderism; racial divisiveness. It's an agenda of evil.

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Paul Harvey "If I were the Devil" 1965. https://youtu.be/jnPE8u5ONls

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While the Dems are devoid of anything & everything, let’s not forget that Trump also destroyed the Republican Party too.

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They needed remaking in a big way. He didn't destroy them, he forced them to adhere to an agenda that was of his making. The GOP House and Senate are largely leaderless with some really well meaning people who haven't got a clue how to get the ball across the finish line. They are a it like a football team without a quarterback.................and then Trump came along.

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One of the things that is just marvelous right now, is the mentoring and teaching that Trump is doing for the whole world.

Years ago, in Trump's TV show, The Apprentice, it was marvelous to watch as he was essentially teaching America about Merit and Capitalism. We got to witness him giving these capable potential apprentices a new challenge each week, then evaluating their performance and giving useful criticism, and demonstrating "consequences" each week when the weakest performer was told "You're Fired".

In Trump's 2nd term as President, there is some wonderful and intense mentoring going on between Trump and his super-capable cabinet and close advisors. And we are getting to watch it all unfold in real time on TV and the Internet.

Trump is educating and developing his staff, but he is also educating ALL Americans, which is incredibly valuable. And not only that, the WHOLE WORLD is watching AND LEARNING, and this is a phenomenal and superb thing. The whole globe is witnessing a masterclass in the principles that generate freedom and success. Merit, common sense, hard work, courage, a tough persistence, fidelity to principles, a fairness and an honoring of goodness in any individual that displays it, regardless of their class, wealth, race, or fame; an acknowledge of the divine, and so on.

It seems like Divine Providence, that the 14 seasons of The Apprentice that Trump starred in, was a perfect preparation for the mentoring that Donald Trump is now doing on an even larger scale for the whole world.

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I'm looking forward to what our man in the WH has to day to the joint session of Congress tonight. I love that we have a front row seat to watch what's happening in real time!

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You are 100% right, Tea Party Gal. Great insight. Thank you!

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Totally agree. Just watched a clip of Hannity’s Vance interview. All content aside, it was refreshing to not have to hear narrative BS.

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Europe is a lost cause unless they can somehow generate a revival similar to ours. There will be major violence and upheaval in Europe before they figure it out.

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They must stop Muslim immigration in order to survive a suicide by stupidity.

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You're *almost* correct here Don:

"Democrats meanwhile face an existential threat from Trump. If he’s successful, they are staring at they very real possibility of eight years of President Vance."

NO. The problem for Dems that Trump represents is his AGENDA. It is SUCCESSFUL. American people LIKE IT.

How do Dems run AGAINST THAT??

Answer: They CAN'T!!

We just saw their 'summit' in our last stomping grounds of Loudoun Co VA that they are proposing a MAGA agenda of PATRIOTISM!!! Whaaaaat??

TRUMP is ushering in a total REVERSAL of POLITICS, Trump has planted a flag where THE LEFT HAS TO MOVE TO THE RIGHT to gain any support, instead of the reverse that it has been under the RINOs like McConnell and McCarthy, Ryan etc for almost my ENTIRE lifetime, except for Reagan.

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Very well said. The dems keep sliding to the left (David Hogg) and the rest of us are going wtf???? OK by me, fall off the electorate cliff,,, and take jamie foreskin with you.

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You are right-on.

The Dems were always able to run against the Truth and American Values (ie to lie) because they had a vast complicit media across all channels. The average voter was blasted with messaging that drowned out any logical thinking.

That has been destroyed with podcasting and other new media sources that don't have many leftist voices on them yet. That will change rapidly. Our newly achieved position won't remain comfortable for very long.

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But remember when the Left tried to imitate the success of the Right's talk radio? They tried hard, but it never took off. They even tried to offer humor with Al Franken. I think it's because there's so little SUBSTANCE to their talking, it's more smear and outrage than it is background, information, and reasoning. You can listen to Right-wing radio for an hour very easily because it's also intellectually engaging.

I just wonder if the Left can sustain hour plus-long programs that feel like a superficial angry diatribe. Their intellectual argument is not persuasive. It's just grating.

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All Limbaugh had to do was to articulate the obvious truth not defend the buck naked emperor.

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The right stands for American values, things that mean something to humanity. The left doesn't stand for anything. They are bankrupt. You cannot keep shoveling money out to special interest voter groups forever and have an economy afterward. Democrats really stand for nothing in terms of what real Americans want.

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The "small dollar donors?" Are they talking about the thousand dead Chicagoans ActBlue was using to launder Soros money?

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The democrat "plan" for the 2026 elections is the same one they have relied on for the past three decades, viz. lie their asses of about what they really believe in and what they intend to do and hope that the sheep comprising their electorate fall for it. The best example was Obama, but there is not a single democrat who has been elected on a platform of telling the truth about his/her/its intentions for as long as I can remember. And I have a very long memory..

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The Dems plans for the midterms will be the same as always: lie, lie, lie, cheat, cheat, cheat, steal, steal, steal. Real election reform MUST, MUST, MUST happen before the midterms!

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Speaking of Steal, steal, steal, CFP posted a Scott Pressler X-post about 14,000 Dem voters mysteriously showing up on Philadelphia, PA voter rolls:


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Slow mail maybe?

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💯! That can also be said for the majority of Republicans, who for decades, promised all sorts of things and never, ever delivered- Until Trump, and the they conspired against him!

The whole machinery of our government has been corrupted in every nook and cranny. DOGE is exposing the lion’s share of it and how vast and widespread it is. Cutting off the spigot of money is just step one. Perp walking the worst perpetrators is step two. But without step two, even step one will turn out to be a waste of time, not just money.

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Cutting the spigot of money is the job of Congress. Trump can do some with EO's but we see a constant battle with that in the courts. DOGE investigates and points it out. Congress has to take action. As of now they are refusing to do it.

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The problem is the mail in ballots. Covid did 2 things. Bring down Trump's first administration and legitimize mail in ballots. As bad as the first was the 2nd is far worse.

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I agree a thousand times! They’ve got to go in the trash!! It’s not a coincidence that you don’t see any elected officials - either side - calling for that from the rooftops.

I also think every single person who’s been in the Congress from before Trump was ever elected - either administration - has to be primaried. They are all poisoned by the Swamp status quo. We need all fresh blood in there, untainted by the Uniparty club mentality.

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Steve, ever see a very mad and aggressive dog in a small cage? All you can see is vicious snarling and attacking. It is the exact same thing going on in the Democrat party today. They have no real power, they have been embarrassed to no end, and they have no legacy to run on. So they are just mad and angry and trying to hurt the right anyway they can right now. But most people see this and it turns them off. They are sick of the constant roadblocks and nastiness. It's just really getting old and tiresome for most of us. But it points out a valuable issue, that the left doesn't really care about fixing the country or saving tax money or finding the corruption, they just want to yell and scream and have their power back. They are children.

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News reports circulated yesterday that Governor Tim Walz is considering throwing his hat in the ring in two years. He has governed his state from the far left, so that's certainly no way for the Democratic Party to demonstrate they want to cast a wider net.

The bright lights might have blinded him to the fact that he was the end of a progression of ever-dumber vice presidents who were chosen to not outshine their principal candidate: Obama to Biden to Harris to Walz. That is not good recommendation for a presidential candidate.

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If he throws his hat in the ring, may his head be still in it.

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There's a meme.

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Petey Buttplug is making the rounds. I'd be willing to bet he will be in New Hampshire soon, if not aleady.

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Ugh ; he makes Bernie look energetic . There not even much hot air going on in there.

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Your average democrat would hug a porcupine before embracing patriotism, real community or traditional anything. The remnants of the Resistance are utterly insane. On a positive note I've recently been hearing younger women talking about registering as independents because the dems are just too crazy.

The republicans now have a deep bench of great candidates and the dems have the crazies, and soon to be revealed, the Criminals.

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Mary Matalin should muzzle her husband. He's always had a nasty mouth, and it's gotten worse:


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The article you linked quotes Carville as saying Trump is "...a fat f---ing slob" with "a beached whale body". Just in fairness, I feel compelled to mention that Trump has had to wear some serious body armor in public for a long time. There have been very few pictures without it, but when you occasionally see one, he is much "slimmer".

But regarding Carville, he actually does epitomize the Democratic Party, whose chief characteristic is "THE SMEAR". There are two things the Democratic Party is known for: grotesquely incompetent performance, and the 24/7 Smear.

The Democrats are quite blind if they cannot realize that their vicious, always personal, non-stop hateful Smear of Trump and of everyone on the Right, is a self-inflicted poison that is dragging them down into destruction. And the Smear is always delivered in a nauseously patronizing, self-righteous tone.

And Van Jones, would you please shut up with the incessant "white supremacy" accusation that you default to every time you open your mouth.

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No. We want them to keep up the "white supremacy", "racism" and "Nazi" rhetoric. It is backfiring on them spectacularly.

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Yep. When they lead with their mouth they are up shit's creek without a paddle.

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Agree. Ad Hominem is seen as a fallacy, a rank comment by an immature source, and the weakest of debate tactics. It reflects the incompetence of the person using it.

A 78-year-old Trump can run circles (mentally and physically) around most media reporters who languish on doughnuts and Billy Goat beer, most of whom won't be alive to see their 78th birthday.

Billy Goat Reference (where Trib reporters hung out each day): https://www.billygoattavern.com/locations/michigan/?srsltid=AfmBOooFxqLW7VQuvHgXEi6HXyRySPID1GWlUKSw7DVVRGsM74zkMKaB

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May the d's stay oblivious for a long long time!

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Carville should talk, his picture is on every iodine bottle.

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I agree that Trump looks slimmer without the armor. In fact, his face looks like he's lost some weight. He looks good. Maybe it's RFK Jr's influence ;~)

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Trump wears a new kind of soft armor that looks like a fat suit. First saw it in videos from the GCC fighting in Iraq. Looked like a bunch of fatties running around, but one got knocked flat by what looked like a 50 cal. Bounced back up and kept going.


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I'm glad you mentioned the body armor, having wondered about Trump's recent girth. Now it makes sense, although as a supporter I wish he could wear face armor. Lincoln and Kennedy were shot in the head ...

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Yes, there aren't many options for head protection. It takes courage to go out in public like he does.

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You are so right; and he is the rare leader with lots of it.

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If you look at Trump’s face now and at video of his first term, you’ll see that he has lost a lot of weight. I started to notice it when he was on trial in NYC and had to waste time sitting in the court room every day.

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Hès in prime fighting shape now Plays so hide and watch.

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I'm not so sure Carville isn't helping Trump more than hurting him.

Carville has had some of the most accurate hard-hitting criticisms of the Democrats through the entire election cycle and the left wing media puts them on the air. The Dems don't listen to him so his suggestions aren't being acted upon. He's the weirdest looking man on TV and his accent and delivery style make him uncomfortable to listen to long enough to make sense out of his words.

In all respects, Carville is an accurate caricature of the Democrat party.

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Carville is a pine needle under the Democrat's finger nail.

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Let him rage. He ain't helping the party and MAGA hates him because of Clinton.

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In the modern world, antibiotics are so commonplace and syphilis so easily cured that tertiary syphilis is almost unknown in the western world . One of the cruelest parts of the Tuskegee Experiment was the lengths the experimentalists (I won’t call them physicians) went to avoid an accidental cure of the subjects.

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Haven't ever figured out how Jimmy moves his mouth so well without a brain.

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Agree , not sure he's ever had anything else going for him. Starting to sound like FJB .

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The Democrat party should “embrace patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery”... yeah, you know, as a political tactic. Not like they actually believe in those things. Just get those votes back.

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Tampon Tim, cackling Kamala and toothsome Newsome are all done for. I seriously doubt any of them can make a recovery. I just don’t see LA forgiving him for the fires. And if he runs for national office, they’ll post pics and videos of the destruction every day of the campaign. The depravity of the Dems is the only reason any of these lightweights were in politics at all. Way too many “leaders” participated in all of their boondoggle nonsense so how do they step back from that? Maybe Shapiro can do it.

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Don't forget about Cuomo. Gonna be Hizzoner, da maya of new yok. Launch a bid for the White House from Gracie mansion.

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Never say never & he's at least semi-normal. But Covid will hang over his head, at least in red states it will. His absolute mismanagement of it in NY should disqualify him for anything except mayor of NYC. He sent covid-positive people back into nursing homes & killed hundreds if not thousands. It will be hard to shake that. The only people who think there should be "covid amnesty" are the ones in charge who completely mismanaged the response (all blue states) and the media, government's lapdog.

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I can't wait for Trump's State of the Union speech tonight. It will be interesting to see how many Democrats fail to show up, how many sit quietly on their hands like statues, and how many times Trump ridicules the hell out of them (hopefully by naming names) for being obstructionists to the country's best chance in decades to put new ideas in place. I hope Trump receives resounding rave revues, and may every opposition Democrat have diarrhea for the rest of Trump's presidency.

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The proper answer on the poll, if you change it to "Who is the face of the Democrat Party today?" would be "All of the above." And that's their problem. And they aren't going to fix it in just a couple of years. They have been taking their base supporting groups for granted for generations--and they keep losing them. And the biggest reason for losing them is that they don't really pay attention to what their base actually wants--they keep going after the latest new thing, even when it turns off the base.

If the Democrat Party survives--which I'm wondering if they can--it will take a generation to recover. If Schumer, Pelosi, Hoyer, and the rest of the Gerontocrats retire or die, they might have a chance--if they can also force out the younger hard-left fools like Crockett and AOC. But I'm not holding my breath on that. Political parties have died before--it happened to the Whigs in the 1850s, resulting in the rise of the Republicans and Abe Lincoln; and the Federalists were finished off by Andy Jackson.

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The Clinton’s were really successful at keeping the bench shut down that many work Dems went off and did other things. (Hillary -eeeewwww yuck.) Obama the same. So the leftovers working the radicals are the face and future. Bernie is the lightweight now in the radicals crowd, as well as the oldest. But any able to stand in their own are radicals. The PA brand of Fetterman and Shapiro won’t get any care and feeding I think, even if they are determined to say they are Democrats. They want to also be Americans, while the radicals absolutely do not.

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03/04/25: In four years, how many of the above will be deceased (old age?), In the meantime, schedule a Indy 500 with everyone on Capitol Hill currently in motorized wheelchairs (with Tim Walz waving the yellow flags).

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The new face of the democrats is the north bound end of a southbound mule.

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03/04/25: And hopefully, the Tories in England (replaced by Nigel Farage and Reform).

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Just as losers are unloved so are liars. The new Democrat agenda appears not to be repentance but doubling down on deceit. What the Democrats need is God. They have embraced Godlessness the foundation of Marxism. A system of government that appeals to tyrants and the indolent. Devoid of personal responsibility, always willing to trade freedom for dependence on government. For the Christian: God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. Our nation needs these gifts perhaps it is time to turn to the giver and receive them?

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