"The party of slavery, segregation and senility has a tranny problem it won’t tuck in." <chef’s kiss>

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You forgot to add "LGBTQI+ people" to the sordid list of animals supported by the democrats and Hollywood. Yes, the liberals have a lot of money, but little else. I have not heard otherwise, but did the polysexual (Someone who would engage in sex with anything), CA Governor Gavin Newsom, really fail to march with the "Pride" marchers for the first time in his life this past weekend. If someone as dense as Gavin Newsom can see the light of NO future with the trans movement OR reparations, there really IS hope.

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I swear the grease Newsom uses on his hair is seeping through to his brain and mucking up his thought process- there’s no other explanation.

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He's a lib - what brain?

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The movies prophecy that even brain dead zombies can be transitioned back to life by love or in some case, heroic medical intervention. I'll supply examples later.

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One of it's few saving graces.

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lol Hair Gel uses enough petroleum products on his hair to keep an oil rig running all by his lonesome.

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Unclear; is "Newsom fail" a question? At any rate, “The Wall Street Journal, aka Rupert’s Journal, clucked its tongue at Musk…”

Comic relief provided by gun to head of all NY Post hacks (and invited guest op-eds --- in this case, opiate-heads) who have unanimously declared that they always hated Trump and always will until Trust Fund Lachlan deems otherwise. Reminds me of the Red China forced "bourgeois confessions" of the 1960s.

The Repubs if non-brainless (have you ever seen a BIGGER “if”?!) will run that Mulvaney Bud Light ad a thousand times in the two weeks prior to 11/05/24. Their stellar track record indicates that they’ll either get the date wrong and run it after the presidential election, or forget to do it altogether, because if there’s one thing a RINO loves to do, it’s LOSE.

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It's what they do.

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So. True. Sigh.

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Truly why Don evokes Will Rogers and Mark Twain in one.

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Grab a copy of There's Not A Bathing Suit In Russia, by Will Rogers [1879-1935]; Oklahoma State University Press (1973 hardcover). You'll love it. Also, possibly even better, Will Rogers' Illiterate Digest, Will Rogers [1879-1935]; Albert & Charles Boni (1924 hardcover).

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My mother had the Illiterate Digest which the family all read as teens and loved.Thank you for the Bathing Suit suggestion and I will try to find this.

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Big Mike seems to have a problem with that.

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It's curious that Drag Queen woman face is not seen in the same light as black face in a Minstrel show. It's just as degrading and de-humanizing. It's akin to erasing women as "the other."

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Home run of an article. I have been so angry, I can’t put my thoughts together coherently. Thank you, Don. You have.

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SL, getting so angry you can’t think straight is a part of their strategy. You’re a really good thinker and writer, with a shit load of experience to back it up. Put your thoughts to paper…I can’t wait to see what you produce!

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We are that angry as well because the GOP is so completely inept at fighting for us, preferring to pretend to do so to get re-elected. Time for an honest conservative party to recalibrate the other two.

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That's why I voted that "Democrats won't fall like Bud Light sales". The Republicans regained the House and Senate back in the '90's. Clinton was re-elected in spite of an affair with an intern young enough to be his daughter. Republicans in the House and Senate were unable to stem the tide of the Deep State. A Republican President, George W. Bush, was elected to two terms. After the horror of 9/11, the US found itself in a quagmire in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. Look how that turned out. We had two terms of Barack Obama, the "Light Bringer", who had his head of the Internal Revenue, Lois Lerner, go after Republican and conservative political organizations. Donald Trump managed to gain the Presidency mainly due to Hillary Clinton's lack of charm. He lost in 2020 due to the efforts of the Mainstream and Social Media and outright fraud in a number of states. In spite of their malfeasance and incompetence, the Democrats still have tight grip on power in the Federal government and in Blue states and cities throughout the country. I'm sorry for being such a "wet blanket" but I don't see the "Normals" gaining control in the next year or in the years after. But hey - at least we normals and conservatives have the best memes on the Internet

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Possibly the best statement so far today, but the day is young. My dad and uncle were the Blues Brothers of World War ll. Their mother and wives were fierce anti bullying coaches. The ladies coaching us shaped the Dittmer siblings and descendants into fearless warriors. Time is short so I will only mention my uncle John Dittmer, the original Navy Frogman who single handedly made it to Omaha Beach the day before D.Day long story... to live long enough to drive a Caterpillar... his repressors were killed...on DDay... and live to tell it. More later.

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Edit: Predecessors

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Dont disagree with you. Sadly, we live in a country with two justice systems now. When the balloon finally goes up, the Dems will be shocked. Then they will blame us for it all. Their fall will be epic.

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I fear that they will take a lot of us with them in their fall.

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Revolution is messy but the left are cowards, choosing to ban speech and remove firearms for example rather than work to fix problems. When it happens just watch how many of them try to convince you “they were never one of the radical fascists, they are just good Democrats”. The first rule of liberalism is to lie about what you are doing and accuse your adversary of actually doing it. If we do not have a confrontation with the left we will look like East Berlin during the communist occupation very soon.

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Clinton didn't get impeached because John Glenn got to Ride the rocket again.

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Well, yeah - he was a Democrat...

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It's not just that they don't fight for us, it's that the are FIGHTING AGAINST US! I watched a video today of the man who put together the website revealing all of what is on the Biden laptop, and he said the reason the FBI case on Hunter is going nowhere is because a group of Republicans and Democrats in Congress want him protected. What does that tell us? They WANT ANYONE BUT TRUMP AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP DJB IN THERE AS PRESIDENT.

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Very true indeed. I sometimes ask myself who I am most angry at, the Dems or the GOP! Clearly we have a GOP at cross purposes. The party has gotten to the point where we need a change. Weak leadership, too many liars with secret agendas, and too many tough talkers with no backbone. Time for a third party of Conservatives to force the two major party's to compete for our votes. McCarthy and McConnell are abysmal leaders who have their own agendas for what the party should do ......................basically nothing.

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And that is why they hate Donald Trump with a fiery passion.

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Regarding the poll, democrats should lose massive amounts of votes.

They are so cocksure about the tranny issue, they won’t know twat hit them.

But, they will kick up the fraud machine in their corrupt states to make up the difference.

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Yep. They've been governing lately like they won't face a voter backlash, because they won't! This is the hill they must die on. We must fix our vote integrity. Period

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There's no such thing as voter backlash when the votes are fake.

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True - but they are fighting a retreating action. They are losing much more than you think, and at a certain point, you can't cheat your way out of it. Agree, voting integrity is all important.

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That is my worry, that they know they can control the elections through fraud. So now they are going wild.

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We just had a blowout at one of the private schools where I live when a 5 year old took a book, clearly aimed at confusing and grooming infants, home from the library. Mom asked what she was reading, the primer ignited and inside of a week there was a 300 parent insurrection that turned the whole school inside out.

These things can be fought against. I’m old enough to remember when the pre-cursor of political correctness was rising its very tiny and timid head out of the goo and it slid by claiming to be kindness to people who thought and acted differently…and look where we are today.

Action committees, Parents (and Grandparents) groups, raising holy hell in school boards, or city or community council meetings all work, but someone needs to be a leader, just like the mother who was interested enough to ask her kid what was up.

Once started these things develop legs, long enough legs and many of them might, just might carry Trump into the White House.

Incidentally, and I know after you’ve read the above you’re probably going to say WTF, the person who has his head screwed on the tightest in this whole Trans thing, especially in the sports argument is Bruce Jenner. Look we’ve always had cross dressers and transvestites in our society. If that’s what floats their boat and allows them to feel good about themselves so be it. The line is (for me anyway) when they come after my kids (now grandkids) and trying to make me support their mental illness as anything other than the delusion it is. Jenner gets all that. Read what he puts out, you’ll see he is a good ally for us to have!

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As Don said….Momma Bear Sarah Palins being activated by the thousands in flyover country…let alone Chicago projects and perhaps Oakland KA….

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Chicago will get its comeuppance but I think it will be their support of the illegal aliens that does them in. The really poor neighborhoods are getting a taste now.

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Excellent post. Wish I'd seen the private school insurrection!

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"Child porn is go-to-jail stuff, not curriculum."

Truth. Should've been the title of this substack.

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POLL: In reality, we've already flushed the Dem sewer rats down the toilet, but they keep swimming back up through vote fraud and election theft. Most of the country is (finally!) beginning to realize this...now we have to fix it by closing the lid on the commode.

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This sick movement to mutilate children has to end and it will when these children realize what has happened to them and want to return to their normal state. The law suits should be coming hot and heavy and these very sick Doctors who would do this to a child should be stripped of their licenses to practice medicine. These surgeries are performed by people who are mentally ill, It is time we say so and call out them and the hospitals who allow them to carry on this sick and disgusting work.

Hospitals & Doctors should stand for curing and helping people not mutilating them and enabling illnesses to flourish. The answer we should all be giving these people is "NO I DO NOT STAND FOR STERILIZING CHILDREN". Is that so hard to say or to understand? I am giving some democrats the benefit of the doubt in assuming that they do not realize exactly what is being done here. If that be the case then they are just stupid, if they are not stupid, then they can only be labeled by another word, that word is evil. God help them and God help us if we do not speak out now at the beginning of this horror.

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People say we shouldn't let politics affect family/friends.

Democrats (and their voters) are either stupid or evil. And I have no desire to spend any time with someone who is stupid or evil. Whether family or friend it WILL affect how I interact with them if at all

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If you constantly have to be mindful of what you say or do around people and can't be yourself, then you should severely limit the time you spend with them just for the sake of your peace of mind.

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I think it is a matter of being polite. I don't need someone to argue politics with me in order to enjoy their company. On the tranny stuff, I have started a slow attack on the word transphobic. It is thrown around very liberally. And I find when pressed the person throwing it around is, by the definitions of the day, also a transphobe. So my response to them is that if everyone is transphobic, or any definition of transphobic means you are bad, that means the word really has no meaning. And the transphobe slur is thrown around for other reasons that have nothing to do with that. It always gets an interesting self reflective stare. If they still go off the deep end, then jettison them. They are evil and irredeemable. But if they are thoughtful about it, then they are capable of being made to see the folly of all the trans stuff. I have yet to run into someone who wasn't thoughtful about it.

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Blood isn't thicker than water and, generally speaking, you can't cure stupid.

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"These surgeries are performed by people who are mentally ill, It is time we say so and call out them and the hospitals who allow them to carry on this sick and disgusting work."

Fabulously stated.

Somewhere in Hell, Josef Megele and Satan are laughing uproariously.

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Those 'doctors' have forgotten the oath to do NO HARM. I actually think they have been seduced by the money flowing in from the patients and Big Pharma who needs the T's to take drugs permanently.

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Red states can amend state malpractice law to make them ineligible for malpractice coverage as being a non-medically necessary procedure. Then docs who perform this service can go to secondary malpractice insurance providers and pay through the nose.

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You are right - and rightfully hopeful - the legal system will stop the medical institution from criminal, morally offensive behavior, but I must say I am very skeptical it will happen after seeing what these same physicians, hospital systems and administrators did to the victims and families of COVID. It was a total fraud that they supported with their EYES WIDE OPEN. They are perhaps as untouchable as Hillary and Barack.

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Many people who have undergone sexual mutilation are having buyers remorse. They are being muzzled, and so far the lawsuits are being shut down.

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At this point, the only people who don’t know what’s really going on are either lying, mentally challenged or, in the case of dems, both.

It would be better if all those evil people followed the advice Jesus offers rather than hurt another innocent child.

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There have only been two transvestites worth a dam… Klinger in MASH( and everyone knew it was a ruse) and Dr. Frankenfurter in Rocky Horror and everyone knew that was a spoof. The rest of them are just pervs.

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My Mom showed up at my college on a Friday night at 11 . We were heading to Rocky Horror show and were just about done with making our props. My roommate invited her to go. She went but she also never showed up that late on a weekend again. =p Good times.

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You forgot Big Mike, who provided gales of comedy material when the days had only 15 minutes of sunshine each.

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I guess once again I'm letting my age show, I thought a "tuck in" was what Mom and Dad or my grandparents did as I went on to bed for the night! I thought as you said regarding child porn was illegal and severely punished if caught on someones computer, but now the LBGT etc seems just dandy? everywhere US military, schools, department stores, etc etc etc......

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Democrats have somehow successfully side-stepped the institutional rules of the free market for decades. They continue to promote ideas that should put them out of business. That their abject, hateful rejection of civil rights in the 1960's didn't cost them the African American voter in the decades following is astounding. Martin Luther King was a Republican at the time, and was not as persuasive as the Democrats in wooing their allegiance. More examples are there to study, but (sadly), until the conservative ranks abandon some rules of civility and honor and start playing hard rugby at all levels, their cancer will consume the good in our country from within. The country is in stage 4 of their democrat cancer at this point.

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Sure, the LGBTQ crown may lose the "T", but they've gained a "P" for pedophilia.

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Exactly. 'Minor Attracted Person' is the new way leftists say pedophile.

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We’ll they can’t reproduce so they have to recruit although that looks more like shanghied.

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The Democrat playbook is just a rehash of totalitarians’ recipe from the 20th Century - Soviet Commies, Chinese Commies, Nazis, Corporatist fascists from Italy. Same crap, different century. Just substitute predominantly sexuality/ “gender” , “climate” and racial warfare for economic class warfare and you have the formula.

As I’ve said before the problem I see for these modern Leftists is that theirs is a completely invented revolution. The Russians and Chicoms in the last century, albeit bad alternatives, had real grievances to work with against the corrupt status quos which kept people poor, hungry oppressed. The Germans had the crushing defeat in WW1 and the economic disaster of the Weimar Republic driving their insanity. Our lunatics are sponsored by Nike and Bank of America. The military salutes trannies. Legally, minorities and women and gay people have equal Protection under the law of the land. Most of us don’t want to know who you’re in bed with as long as it’s not a child or a cocker spaniel. So where’s the beef? This is a top down ersatz revolution, fabricated by the rich and powerful who ain’t going nowhere. Obama was handpicked. Biden was handpicked. By the Establishment. For all the talk about diversity, it’s window dressing BS. The purpose of what’s going on is not change but consolidation across the spectrum of power. It’s an anti-revolution. And as far as the “victim” groups, they get tossed aside as soon as they’ve outlived their usefulness. Yes, the dumbkopf academics drink their own Koolaid, but the money men and the power class are lip synching. They aren’t true believers in anything but more for them and less for everybody else.

So what do you do- they already have the power? And they own the GOP mostly too. Don’t be fooled. Number one, the system is crumbling. These people are shrewd in some regards, absolute idiots in others. It’s falling apart. So you don’t want to be buried in the rubble. Take care - prepare for disaster. If the peanut butter never hits the fan and I’m wrong, there’s not a lot of downside. Learn to defend yourself and avoid bad situations. There will be more false flag situations and riling up of the brown shirts. Support alternative economic and freedom structures. Parallel structures that can survive a collapse. Put your money in things beside US dollar denominated paper assets. If you can afford it, get a place outside the big cities or even better outside any of the places where governments think they are king. Speak up but don’t waste your time fighting with idiots. Stand up for your beliefs. The truth is coming out. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.

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Good thoughts. I would be a bit leery of avoiding dollar denominated paper assets. Unless you think the whole trading system is going to collapse and it will be mad max, these are the safest assets anywhere in the world.

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You are right in the sense that the USD is the tallest midget among world currencies at the moment and may get stronger if Europe collapses, which is not unlikely. I think long term the dollar is just going to continue to get devalued and physical assets and alternative assets will do better. Short term t bills are reasonable. Not investment advice.

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A very busy morning with my Alzheimer's stricken wife but this is EPIC AND PIVOTAL! MORE LATER.

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Let us all pray for you

This is truly the Lord's work you are doing

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Unfortunately, I don't see the Democrats losing elections - people have become too indoctrinated. They'll vote vote for a Democrat even if it means higher inflation, losing their job and higher crime. All they've been told to care about is that everyone is free to do anything and with no consequences. By the time they wake up, it will be too late.

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Abortion is the only issue that fires up the liberals.

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The real problem is spiritual. The democrats and RINOs are just tools doing the will of the Nephilim because you can either choose to be a slave to God whose will is good or a slave to His opponent whose will is chaos and destruction. The whole sexual perversion thing is just a part of the spiritual war to deface every aspect of God's creation.

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Yep! Everything wrong today started a looong time ago in a garden with a forbidden fruit tree. Satan made a pretty effective weapon with the democrat party.

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No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

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"Democrats embraced trannies early and often because that’s where the money is."

Both parties care only about money.

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