Trump should mock these fools by including "bloodbath" in every speech at every opportunity.

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He did make an ad regarding Biden's Border Bloodbath


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Wow. Thanks for sharing. Why the hell isn’t morning Joe and his gorilla sidekick - and mainstream media - talking about THIS bloodbath??

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I think that responding to fools by playing their game is unwise. Though failing to respond at all will leave them wise in their own eyes:

Proverbs 26:4–5

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.

But goading fools is not the proper response:

Proverbs 29:9–11

If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet. Bloodthirsty men hate one who is blameless and seek the life of the upright. A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.

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Trump should mockingly call it a "mostly peaceful protest" for the mainstream media.

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A mostly peaceful blood bath

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"Scorn" is both a noun and a verb. Don has put both to good use.

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Hillary said "If he wins, we'll all hang!" Maybe they are afraid of a bloodbath in DC after the Trumpster wins? We're all hoping for it, figuratively speaking.....

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Hillary SHOULD hang. She's got plenty of blood on her hands.

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As does Obama.........

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She isn't worth the time or cost of the "heavy" rope necessary to do so. Dor insight, see recent pick of her.

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Did she really say that?!!!

HAH! That is Grrrrrreeat!!

They are sh*#%ting their pants!!

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Hilary did say it, there's video. But I think it was awhile ago when she said it. She's clearly been keenly aware for a long time how thin the shield is between her and "the consequences". She actually has no choice but to continue to try and present herself as a "relevant politician" so she can claim any mention of her crimes is "just political". This is a woman that now spends her whole life skating on thin ice.

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And drinking the boxed wine...

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I used to do a lot of white water (no, not racial) rafting out west and because we were gone for several days we took along ice, "good" (okay, kinda good) boxed wines and spritzer water to drink on the 100 mile floats. Amazing how good boxed wine tastes in 95 degree weather: on the river :)

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She said that the night she lost the election, and that's when she told her campaign to go with the Russia, Russia, Russia lies.

I read the book exposing Obama's, etal involvement and the Hillary plan for Trump's destruction.....sorry, I can't remember the author or the book's title.....suffering from CRS this morning...Bad-Bad.

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Not doing much skating if recent pictures of her are any indication.

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From Reuters - who claims they "debunked" the story. . . . so we know it is true and she really said it:

The full claim in the posts reads: “If that fuckin bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses! You better fix this shit! – Hillary Clinton, email to Donna Brazile, DNC Chair, October 17, 2016.”

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Even the Mafia wasn't organized as well as the DNC. Just think what America could be if they put their efforts into working for us instead of themselves.

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25 in 25 is gna be the Bloodbath.

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“Documents are over-classified anymore.”

They have been for decades. Back in the 80’s I served in Europe in a job which required a higher than top secret clearance. I can’t tell you how many times I read a “top secret” document and then realized that I had seen the same information that morning in the International Herald Tribune.

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If you recall when the FBI raided Mar-A-Lago and took photos of folders strewn of the floor labeled "Classified", I realized then that this was a clever psyop by the Deep State to make DJT look like a foreign agent. In the same vein, dawn raids at Trump supporters homes by FBI agents in full battle gear served the purpose of making those folks out to be dangerous felons. The FBI has morphed into the KGB/Stasi before our very eyes.

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Wray goes before congress and lies openly about what his agency is doing and yet no one is trying to remove him. Why? Because congress is toothless.

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Wray-Mayorkas-Hoover bidet all lied and posed for the msm /evil bastards all.

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First impressions count Jim.

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Yep. Totally accurate for me too. I would ask the writers why they attached that classification to an open source quote. They said what was classified was not was reported, but the fact that they were reporting it.

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THAT is classic government convolution!!

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I'm sorry, but this is clear as mud. Or was that on purpose?

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The office that was sending the report to Washington did not want it known, outside their very limited channels, that they were sending it to Washington. Can't be any clearer than that.

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Here's what it said: "They said what was classified was not was reported, but the fact that they were reporting it." Maybe I'm handicapped, as a non-native English speaker, but to me it remains clear as mud.

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You're right -- I left out the word "what". It should have read 'what was classified was not what was reported,. . .'

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The FBI/KGB seized over 11,000 documents (meaning pages/pieces of paper in journalism speak), per AP at the time. They included newspaper and magazine clippings in that count. It was later reported by AP that 100 "documents" meaning pages had indication of being classified. And yes, the classification attachment game is often nonsense to the extreme.

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Means nothing. Clinton and her staffers routinely went around classification by going into a Scif and then cutting and pasting classified info into non-secure emails that were sent to others. She was never charged or penalized for doing so. Only Conservatives are required to follow the rules. Two party's, two judicial systems.

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Spot on Redd.

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Over or up-classifying internal documents has become the defacto way of preventing the public from knowing what their government is doing.

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Guess some people just believe what they want to believe. But the truth is out there and really not that hard to find. Maybe their will come a time when the gaslighting will blow up in their face. Maybe that time is now.

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one can hope

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The sad thing to me about the ‘bloodbath’ hoax is that its probably as effective as they hope it will be; their audience really is that gullible- esp’ly the foot soldiers they need if they’re to have a chance this election (since its possible a lot of their cheating techniques are getting shut down).

On that note, the post-bloodbath RNC seems to be prepping for real war. I wish they’d make Steve Wynn the co-co-chair. I suspect he knows more about stopping cheating than anybody.

Groucho’s duck- the only thing from my childhood that I can remember giving me nightmare’s, was that damn duck.

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Sorry to trigger you

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Apology accepted

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I don't think the majority of lefty's are that gullible, they just believe winning and being in power is their birthright so they look the other way at the consequences of their party's actions and keep voting "D".

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I don’t know about the majority, but the ones I know are that gullible. If your entire worldview comes from CNN & MSNBC; your pretty damn gullible.

But you’re right about power, and don’t forget the money. Leave the canoli.

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Disagree. They watch those shows after all

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Trump re-negotiating bilateral trade deals with Canada and Mexico rather than omnibus-like disasters like NAFTA was genius and I am grateful.

China used NAFTA to backdoor goods through Mexico since 1994, I know this because I design and manufacture durable goods made mostly here, but from several other regions.

Clinton was the first politician(maybe HW with Saudi's) to take money(Peter Giady) from Asia and here we are today with China paying our politicians....

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HW lived in China, so nothing there would surprise me.

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And was the director of the CIA afterword... Dirty. All of them.

Why the hell are all of our leaders so enamored with China going back to Chiang Kai-sheks days?!?!

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I don't think you understand how politics works. We have two major parties today. Think of them as marketing companies. Then there are literally hundreds and hundreds of lobbying, PR, marketing, advertising, and financial companies that "live" off of the party they are aligned with. People leave politics and start companies that contract with political parties and other companies involved in politics. The object of all these interconnected companies is to make money off the political process. These companies' sole products is furthering the interests of the party they are aligned with. They make money regardless of which party is in power. And no, most of them don't give a damn about the country because the country never drives the object of their efforts; power. It is the most incestuous and sick relationship ever conceived by man. Congress is completely aware of this linkage and relationship but will never do anything to stop it or regulate it because they are part of "the family".

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Don't forget relationships with dictatorships, etc. :-D

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Oh... I am well aware.

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"Besides, they are pretty blank faces who do not understand what Trump was saying."

If the average Biden supporter doesn't understand Trump's message that was clearly explained at his rally, then they don't have the intelligence of a grade schooler. Trump has made this statement about the auto industry in other rallies. I can't recall if he used the word Bloodbath. I think he did.

I plan to go out and do my part in causing a bloodbath today by voting IN PERSON in Ohio's primary election. Unfortunately, our county uses Dominion voting machines which were approved in a closed door secret meeting of county commissioners that - by precedent - was to be a public meeting and vote. This action took place after the 2020 election fiasco.

We need a bloodbath.

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Shrugged: Stupid people’s votes count as much as Smart people’s, Dead People’s Manufactured People’s and Illegal Peoples Votes.

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Yes, but it's the same dumb people counting the votes. If they can't understand the meaning of Trump's words, they will have trouble counting to ten.

I guess that's how Joe Biden suddenly jumped to 81,000,000 votes in 2020. It must have gone like this: 1, 2, 3, 81,000,000. Biden wins.

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True. It was rigged and everyone knows it. Yet name any organization, that has the power to do so, that is trying to fix it? The political Mafia doesn't care who is in power because they make their money anyway.

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Sad but true/all dem votes Mark.

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Blank faces and Play-dough for brains!

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We are indeed led by Brandt’s “ Ship of Fools.” When the media and Democrats lie about the context of Trump’s comment, while at the same time lie about the usurper in charge’s obvious Dementia. Thankfully for X and Sunstack the truth is available. Two concerns in the future: SCOTUS Missouri case may allow government to clamp down on free speech. Finally, Mr Trump is having trouble getting a bond on the sham NYC case which will have profound effects.

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Yes, SCOTUS continues to raise our hopes, then disappoint again. And again.

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Two MAJOR and troubling occurrences.

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Trump just filed a defamation lawsuit against ABC and Georgie - Boy .... over his outrageous Trump lies in his abusive interview with SC Rep Nancy Mace, who is a rape victim.

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In an attempt to recreate the”fine people” hoax, the left underestimated the power of the X army to debunk the BS quickly and en masse. The desperation on the left is real and their pearl clutching is entertaining. Keep the faith.

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As I've said previously, I'm a big fan of Musk! just like Trump, the "other side" is doing everything it can to mess with him.

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Every time the Corporate Media and the Democrats, but I repeat myself, get on their hobby horse about a word they President Trump says I think about the term I learned in college psychology 101 in 1968 “projection”. Wasn’t it various media and Democrats that said during the summer of love that the mostly peaceful riots were OK and a little “bloodletting” and mayhem was a a good thing. Wasn’t there a Congress Woman that suggested democrats get in the face of Republicans and make sure they know they weren’t wanted in that public space. Didn’t our VP suggest giving money to a bail fund so arsonists could make bail. Sounds like projection to me when they call out President Trump for an innocuous alliteration during a speech.

Another little bit of annoyance is when I write “President” either Obama or Biden comes up on my IPHONE never Trump no matter what many times I use his name. The subtle AI push in one direction isn’t so subtle.

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You left out Robert "I'm so tough" DeNiro in the poll. :)

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I was going to but then he emailed me YOU LOOKING AT ME?

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I need more monitor wipes. Was smart though and had moved the keyboard already. Coffee + keyboard + cream = really bad

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I saw both sides of this, and it is crystal-clear that in putting out lies of this caliber, the Dems and their media bootlickers confirm (again) that they have nothing but contempt for their core audience. They assume they are all intensely, incurably stupid and too lazy to find out what really happened. The trouble is that these old tricks have a limited shelf life because (1) nowadays anybody can find out what really happened by way of a few clicks on their computer or -- in the case of the younger generation -- a few french fry-polluted fingerprints on their iPhones; and (2) when Americans realize that their information providers consider them witless slugs, they'll turn against them.

And by the way, it's great to see Elon Musk post his own correction!

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I recall watching a Bill Maher clip when he had (gag me) James Carville on as a guest.

He (Carville) remarked how once, when he’d visited a Trump rally, could not get over how superior and more intelligent he felt than all those “rubes” gathered there, (his precise words). Maher excitedly concurring with him.

Arrogant and Despicable human beings.

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Carville. Isn't his picture on an iodine bottle?

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I believe Rush nicknamed him "Serpent Head"

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There are other more accurate anatomically referenced metaphors

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Not to mention: difficult to listen to for more than 10 seconds.

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Listening to Carville causes loss of brain cells.

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Either M.Matlin is a sadist or love was blind.

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Just remember that the mainstream media's 'core audience ' is very small, and mostly each other. They're an elitist echo chamber that exists to display and justify their phony self-righteousness and even phonier compassion.

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Amen, Rev!

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Well said.

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[W]Reckless men and feckless women. . ." My advice would be for the men to get wrecked and the women to get fecked. That'll straighten out that mess.

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Don't you think they already all have been?

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“Past lies become part of a quilt of untruths that they wrap themselves in. Pelosi comforts herself with the words she and her staff have twisted and tortured over the years.”

How I love that! Today’s piece is gold.

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I suspect that if Fani's fani was caught in the wringer, the wringer would break down due to the excessive size of the fani. Note to those under the age of 60. A wringer was a device attached to old washing machines that would squeeze out water from clothes before being hung outside on a clothes line to complete the drying process.

I didn't vote on today's poll question as my actual choice was a set of testicles, something that Joe Scarborough truly lacks.

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My mom used to call it a Mangle, but she was born in Scotland and that was the British term for the ringer.

It is sad our kids today don't have the personal experiences previous generations had with inventions improving the quality of life. Today's version of that is whether youth can detect the difference between 4G LTE and 5G download times.

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My grandmother had device called a mangle that she used for smoothing out wrinkled sheets versus ironing them on an ironing board. It looked like a washing machine wringer in that it had two rollers to feed the sheets through, but the rollers were much bigger and wider. I can't recall if the rollers were heated (like an iron), but I think they were. We are talking about memories that are approx. 65 years old, so I could be mistaken about the details.

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Yes, my memory of it is fuzzy. I recall her putting sheets through it so perhaps it was more like what you describe. I thought the rollers were to squeeze out the water.

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When I was young (9-10 maybe), my mother used a washing machine with a wringer to squeeze out the water between washing and rinsing and then before hanging them on the clothes line to dry. Our neighbor had a mangle, which was much bigger and was used to remove wrinkle in the dried clothes. The rollers were heated and it worked pretty well. I operated it a few times.

I don't remember for sure if the mangle had it, but the wringer had a crash bar that would release the rollers in an emergency. My mother taught me how to use it (I think she may have has experience when younger). Downright dangerous.

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Yep, being an inquisitive kid, I ignored my mom's warning about the rollers and put my fingers in it (after not being able to convince my younger brother to try it first). Boy, never did that again!

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Thereby comes the phrase “t*t in a ringer” which was a reference to a real occurrence which I learned about in Pathology. The course taught by an older MD who probably treated the condition.

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