Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

I stopped listening to NPR decades ago when their news became the equivalent of "problems of African pygmy lesbians". /sarc. Therefore I read UB's article with glee.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at this.

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I am so glad your wrote about this, Don. My comments on the article were not nice. As a father of three, and an adult in general, I am sympathetic to learning situations, but this is not acceptable. When you know something is wrong for over two decades and choose to 'explain it away', well... I am not sympathetic. I sent that article to my three young adults and they have the same opinion.

NPR takes, forcefully, $500,000,000 of your money every year and bludgeons YOU with it. As a former soldier I am disgusted.

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I listened to Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, back in the day. Two amusing guys who looked under the hood of your car and discovered amusing things to say about the spark plugs and washer fluid. Other than that, NPR always aired boring monotone BS intentionally slanted to misinform the country's maggot demographic.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

Must be Takedown Week! Stay on it.

What a chump! No backbone whatsoever. Whatever he had is now gone.

I was in the Evangelical Covenant Church when Floyd committed suicide-by-cop. Two days

(!) after, church hq came out with their Statement on the Killing of George Floyd (made possible by having a well-funded Ministry of Racial Reconciliation). With a little research I learned that a year before our pastor and many other white ministers (and only the white ones) had signed a resolution confessing/decrying their inherent racism.

Fighting racism with racism is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

NPR is another example of a government funded, but otherwise highly profitable, money laundering scheme which benefits those residing in the institution, and the guardians counting the money. It’s a lot like the Education Industrial Complex in that regard. The inmates pay for the pleasure of being indoctrinated, while the guards live in isolated splendor. What a great con.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

And none of this means anything because even if Republicans win the Presidency and Congress, they'll do nothing, just like they did nothing after winning 2016.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

NPR uses the racist term "Latinx"! What a shock! Not!

Spanish is a gendered language. Imposing gender neutrality with a nonsensical, unpronounceable made-up word is not only idiotic, but since it is elite white leftists doing the imposing, it is pure colonialism. Yet another example of rich white people, forcing something they've personally selected, upon non-white people from outside privileged culture. Yes, the NPR writers, listeners, and donators are the very colonialist racist they pretend to hate. But, then again, the fact that these people are full of self-hatred is not even news.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

Best part of the article what after his pathetic woo is mean sniveling he concludes that many people want to defund NPR, and he makes a half assed plea that we shouldn't because they are redeemable, priceless. That's gold, Jerry, gold.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

NPR and its visual companion PBS, emphasis on the BS, is a waste of taxpayer money.

If lefties want to pay for it, fine. And I’m sick and tired of Rick Steves begging for money on PBS, emphasis on the B S.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

“…There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed. It’s frictionless—one story after another about instances of supposed racism, transphobia, signs of the climate apocalypse, Israel doing something bad, and the dire threat of Republican policies. It’s almost like an assembly line.”

What a perfectly concise definition of absolutely every MSM outlet, Democrat organization, Academia, and every Lefty institution in the world! They are nothing more than programmed robots assigned to wreak havoc, division, disruption, hate, and lies.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

NPR's hypocrisy reminds me of when they fired Juan Williams on October 21, 2010 because Williams made a comment about Muslims. Williams appeared on The O'Reilly Factor that day. In the interview, Williams simply said when he is on a plane and sees people dressed in Muslim garb he gets a little nervous (because it reminds him of 9/11).

NPR fired their only male Black reporter at the time because he expressed his opinion on O'Reilly's show.

Williams said the following, " . . Well, now that I no longer work for NPR let me give you my opinion. This is an outrageous violation of journalistic standards and ethics by management that has no use for a diversity of opinion, ideas or a diversity of staff (I was the only black male on the air). This is evidence of one-party rule and one sided thinking at NPR that leads to enforced ideology, speech and writing. It leads to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions and displaying independence of thought."

It seems, at NPR, your words and thoughts are under their control even when you are "not on the clock".


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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

This guy is pathetic. 25 years a member in good standing of government funded propaganda. On occasion I force myself to listen in the car. It is unbelievable... and only last about 10 minutes before vomiting out the window.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

I have long railed against NPR, and essentially stopped listening to them about 20 years ago. But I still pay federal taxes (just did, in fact) and a portion of that money goes to NPR. So I feel aggrieved. If it were not for my financial support, I would not feel justified complaining about their bias. Oh, except for one thing: their constant tone of resentful entitlement. I have written op-eds about this, and I am certainly not the only person to notice this. Why don't others speak out about it and call for Congress to stop their federal subsidy?

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As always when it comes to liberal-induced damage, NPR stands for No Professional Responsibility.

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Apr 10Liked by Don Surber

And of course still zero self awareness. Still reciting lies about Trump. Still claiming George Floyd was “murdered.” Still laughably claiming that in the good old days there was openness and curiosity in the newsroom, as opposed to the reality, which is that NPR has been resolutely leftist since at least the 80s, when I used to listen.

I remember naively corresponding with my local affiliate back then, complaining about their bias. I got a letter back (this was before email) citing their show that featured “alternative” voices. Those voices were invariably Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, etc. Never a Thomas Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson. I wrote back again asking what these voices were an alternative to…the merely relentlessly mainstream liberal fare they offered 24/7?

It only got steadily worse from there. More and more strident. More and more dishonest. And, sorry Uri, less and less “curious.” I gave up on them entirely decades ago.

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