I stopped listening to NPR decades ago when their news became the equivalent of "problems of African pygmy lesbians". /sarc. Therefore I read UB's article with glee.
Yes, but notice NPR accepted no criticism and nothing changed there. If all the staffers are lefty’s and they have no GOP voting reporters in DC, how on earth, by their own metric’s can they pretend to be unbiased? They, like most of America, are in denial and institutionally ignorant about what is happening in plain site.
So true. I read somewhere recently, maybe here, that 60% of Democrat elites would rather win by cheating than lose a fair election. Whereas it was I think 7% in the general population. Chilling but telling.
That is the real challenge we face, trying to figure out why so many people who have gained the American dream have somehow lost all their moral and ethical base.
Because they are the elite. Above us rubes. They will have the big gas guzzling SUV’s — protected by guys with guns. They will have air-conditioning, red meat, fresh produce. We will not. The idea is to destroy the middle class.
Big government is so inextricably linked together with the tech industry, and state and local governments at all levels that it now try's to control us all rather than fix our problems...............because it's easier.. Their message over and over again is "we are making progress, we just need to spend more money at it". Yet none of them can say how much is enough or are they held accountable when they fail to meet their goals. They are not the problem though, we are because we fall for the same disappointments over and over again. Then we give them more money and ...........................
God sends those who refuse to love the truth (that God exists and we should do as He commands) a strong delusion so they will take pleasure in unrighteousness. The Bible says this in several places (2 Thess 2:10, Romans 2:8, 2 Tim 4:3, Is. 5:20). I try and repeat it as much as possible in my comments. And yet no one seems to take it to heart. Perhaps you should ask yourself what delusions you are being provided and what unrighteousness you are preparing to take pleasure in? I do this myself every day as I read God's word.
David thank you but we are going to have to disagree on the substance of your comment. God is not doing this, human beings are. God gave us a brain above all other species and he expects us to use it wisely for other humans. Some choose not to do so and it is up to the rest of us to correct it. God is waiting to see what we are going to do. Its time we started fixing this mess.
Most Dems would cheat if THEY wouldn't get caught and punished. Most would of course sanction someone else doing the cheating. The non punishment of the 2020 cheaters has changed our election dynamic forever. Until we fix the cheaters we will have grim times winning winnable elections.
Very clear point, Chuck--it is actually very easy to have clean elections--everything you said, plus as Suzie said, plus well-designed audit methods by Certified Public Accounting firms.
Really makes it crystal clear-- it's so easy to achieve, why are the Democrats putting up huge barriers to it?
We all know the reason. Now to help the public understand the reason.
B-b-b-b-but, CHUCK!!! Dems LOVE to WIN WIN WIN all the time,, even if they don't reallly WIN, they want to WIN anyway.... So, at NPR, the"DID NOT EARN IT" GROUP OF MORONS, HAD SO MANY MEMBERS, ALL TELLING THE SAME LIES, COULD PRETEND TO WIN WIN WIN, AND ONLY RARELY DID THEY RUN INTO ANYONE WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THEIR LIES! Now that this isolated MORON knows he will not be fired, or even asked to OWN UP TO HIS MASSIVE CAREER OF HATEFUL AND HARMFUL LIES, he sees no reason to do that, as he can just continue to be the face of the DEI Ignorant, arrogant, and loving it, NPR LIAR in charge of MANY LYING MORONS. But, HE also Now KNOWS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT A COMPLETE FRAUD HE IS AND HAS BEEN. How will his DEI buddies fix that "Kink of REALITY" into their new "Platform of adjusted LIES"? WE, WHO SEWEK TRUTHS, have known of this for so very long, we stopped looking and listening. What now, NPR-MRNS?
04/10/24: I had to cease listening to NPR (18 hours a day!) when I came to the stunning, cruel realization that as much as I wanted to fit in, to conform, that as much as "LGBTQI" describes me to a T, I would never qualify as an "A" ("Assh*le"). Thus, I was excommunicated from the NPR Vatican (WDC), and now reside as a bag lady in a GE box on the steps of the Capitol building. Berliner came by the other day and bought me coffee, which was very nice of him... [sarcasm].
I noticed the same thing years ago. I recall an 'appeal' and that funding was being cut. It makes sense now and and is overdue. Stories were of little to zero interest over and over and over ...
I didn't/couldn't laugh because the story is all too familiar. Perhaps it would help if there was a Woke Anonymous support organization where people like Berliner can go.
I am so glad your wrote about this, Don. My comments on the article were not nice. As a father of three, and an adult in general, I am sympathetic to learning situations, but this is not acceptable. When you know something is wrong for over two decades and choose to 'explain it away', well... I am not sympathetic. I sent that article to my three young adults and they have the same opinion.
NPR takes, forcefully, $500,000,000 of your money every year and bludgeons YOU with it. As a former soldier I am disgusted.
$500 million! Close them down now. (And PBS too.) With the entire legacy media Leftist, the country is in no danger of not hearing "the Leftist point of view". It is absolutely insane to have an ADDITIONAL taxpayer-funded Leftist entity like NPR/PBS.
Also, I have never been able to stand the NPR announcers 'signature' patronizing tone of voice.
I had a feeling that someone would rightly post this video. How fitting that NPR is now and forever aligned with a murderer who they passed off as a cultural hero.
I listened to Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, back in the day. Two amusing guys who looked under the hood of your car and discovered amusing things to say about the spark plugs and washer fluid. Other than that, NPR always aired boring monotone BS intentionally slanted to misinform the country's maggot demographic.
The list of credits at the end of each show. My favorites were Chief Legal Counsel: Hugh Louis Dewey of Dewey, Cheetham & Howe, and Animal Control Officer: Turner Luce
I’ve never had the attraction to cars like the typical American male, but I loved listening to Click and Clack. If vocal cords could smile, Click and Clack’s were like a ray of sunshine.
And even Tom and Ray (who I also enjoyed listening to) held their Italian noses and pushed the safety and better mileage mantras of the left. I bet they rolled their eyes every time they had to push that Dept. of Transportation (Tranny) nonsense.
There is a program on Saturday afternoon I used to listen to - A Way With Words - because it was interesting, was a call in show and answered the question of where some particular words came from. Years ago I stopped donating to them, ditto for PBS but I used to love Austin City Limits
What a chump! No backbone whatsoever. Whatever he had is now gone.
I was in the Evangelical Covenant Church when Floyd committed suicide-by-cop. Two days
(!) after, church hq came out with their Statement on the Killing of George Floyd (made possible by having a well-funded Ministry of Racial Reconciliation). With a little research I learned that a year before our pastor and many other white ministers (and only the white ones) had signed a resolution confessing/decrying their inherent racism.
Fighting racism with racism is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
" . . . I learned that a year before our pastor and many other white ministers (and only the white ones) had signed a resolution confessing/decrying their inherent racism."
They surrendered to the institutional victimhood of race and forfeited their God-given talents to non-producers.
Steve, well said. I am sick and tired of the hoax that Derek Chauvin murdered St. George. It is clear as day that George killed himself with a massive drug overdose and was a dead man walking well before Chauvin restrained George with his knee. Sadly, Chauvin will likely die in prison as he has already been assaulted at least once.
NPR is another example of a government funded, but otherwise highly profitable, money laundering scheme which benefits those residing in the institution, and the guardians counting the money. It’s a lot like the Education Industrial Complex in that regard. The inmates pay for the pleasure of being indoctrinated, while the guards live in isolated splendor. What a great con.
Forty or so years ago this started, and we all paid no attention to the subversion of almost every institution in the country…………until now. NPR like most of our institutions, is an illusion of free thinking and honest debate.
And none of this means anything because even if Republicans win the Presidency and Congress, they'll do nothing, just like they did nothing after winning 2016.
Oh no, they will do something. They will spend six months telling us the voters chose sanity and want change and then they will spend a year and a half arguing with each other. I’ve had it with the GOP.
They will do something. If elected, they'll join the efforts to prevent Trump from taking office, and if that fails will work to have him impeached and removed, beginning on November 6th.
The challenge of a republic is you must trust the person you put in office to represent you. You can trust a Democrat to do exactly what he or she promised to do, which is to shovel money out the back door by the truck load. But you can never, ever trust a Repubican to do what he or she promised to do. As evidence, I submit their performance over the past several decades. They promote the Democrat agenda, just like Speaker Johnson is doing right now.
Yup, they do. It'll take lot's of years to even things back up. However, things are so bad now that even Bill Maher and the Ragin cajun have voiced displeasure with the Dems.
I have higher hopes than that. Like many of you I was down in the dumps after watching the first couple of months after the 2016 win. I expect The Trumpster to use his pedestal for some serious Retribution, not revenge. Revenge is dish best served cold and he is a master at that.
I too have expectations for it to be much better this time. I know, I know, the Republican Congressmen have a history of disappointing us. But it is simply inaccurate to overlook the positive change that is occurring with Trump people newly taking control of the RNC, etc.
I think people are being way too harsh on Speaker Johnson. Heck-- even one of his closest (supposedly conservative) supporters in the House (Marjorie Taylor Green) is holding a threat over his head to vacate his speakership. Which is an extremely dangerous and foolish move, given that Hakeem Jeffries is waiting in the wings to pounce and give total control of our government to the Left.
NPR uses the racist term "Latinx"! What a shock! Not!
Spanish is a gendered language. Imposing gender neutrality with a nonsensical, unpronounceable made-up word is not only idiotic, but since it is elite white leftists doing the imposing, it is pure colonialism. Yet another example of rich white people, forcing something they've personally selected, upon non-white people from outside privileged culture. Yes, the NPR writers, listeners, and donators are the very colonialist racist they pretend to hate. But, then again, the fact that these people are full of self-hatred is not even news.
Best part of the article what after his pathetic woo is mean sniveling he concludes that many people want to defund NPR, and he makes a half assed plea that we shouldn't because they are redeemable, priceless. That's gold, Jerry, gold.
Supposedly, NPR still gets $3 million of federal tax dollar funding. Going forward, Trump should insist that it be used to deprogram NPR’s discriminatory, intolerant & warped staff.
“…There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed. It’s frictionless—one story after another about instances of supposed racism, transphobia, signs of the climate apocalypse, Israel doing something bad, and the dire threat of Republican policies. It’s almost like an assembly line.”
What a perfectly concise definition of absolutely every MSM outlet, Democrat organization, Academia, and every Lefty institution in the world! They are nothing more than programmed robots assigned to wreak havoc, division, disruption, hate, and lies.
Your point about repetitive messaging is important to consider. Mass Formation Psychosis is part of the plan to continue shifting attitudes and opinions. That Robert Malone came under so much criticism for his use of this term to explain the scary compliance and adoption of otherwise idiotic rules that defied science proves he was right about its use.
NPR's hypocrisy reminds me of when they fired Juan Williams on October 21, 2010 because Williams made a comment about Muslims. Williams appeared on The O'Reilly Factor that day. In the interview, Williams simply said when he is on a plane and sees people dressed in Muslim garb he gets a little nervous (because it reminds him of 9/11).
NPR fired their only male Black reporter at the time because he expressed his opinion on O'Reilly's show.
Williams said the following, " . . Well, now that I no longer work for NPR let me give you my opinion. This is an outrageous violation of journalistic standards and ethics by management that has no use for a diversity of opinion, ideas or a diversity of staff (I was the only black male on the air). This is evidence of one-party rule and one sided thinking at NPR that leads to enforced ideology, speech and writing. It leads to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions and displaying independence of thought."
It seems, at NPR, your words and thoughts are under their control even when you are "not on the clock".
Yes, I had hopes for Juan when NPR first fired him and he went to Fox. At first he seemed like a reasonable guy, and it seemed that there was a real possibility that his firing would become a catalyst to his being red-pilled.
But I guess the "role" Fox wanted him to play was to "represent" the Democratic point of view, and they put Juan on The Five as the (then) sole liberal. At the time, I did not like The Five at all. Greg Gutfield was too abrasive and scornful for the format of The Five (but has now found a much better niche with his own show), and I can't stand airhead Dana Perino. The "discussions" on The Five at that time were hard to watch. I felt very sorry for Juan having to be on the panel with them, and feel that his unpleasant experience on The Five pushed Juan back into being just another Democratic diehard. Since then, Juan has been just a big disappointment.
My impression is that he didn't get better or worse, he just "babbled." In his defense, what insane system is it when you have to be on a show where you're outnumbered 4-1 every single day? At any rate, that's all done now, and Fox-Pravda is crawling back on it's hands and knees (their usual media sex-worker position) to Trump. It won't work. Can't wait to see this farce play out!
This guy is pathetic. 25 years a member in good standing of government funded propaganda. On occasion I force myself to listen in the car. It is unbelievable... and only last about 10 minutes before vomiting out the window.
You’re brave. I can’t listen to it. NPR is just too biased and flakey. We unsubscribed from the New York Times about 7 years ago as well. Stopped watching CNN over a dozen years ago. Also deleted ‘AP’ (associated press) app on my phone. None of these outlets are honest brokers.
That's why I subscribed to "Air Mail," created by Graydon Carter (former Vanity Fair editor who got the heave-ho after SI Newhouse died; Air Mail is such a virtual recreation of Vanity Fair, I call it "Vanity Air").
I also read/subscribe to Airmail (primarily for the cultural heads-up)- that said, Graydon Carter was the one who characterized Trump's hands in 1984, as "small and neatly groomed" in a GQ cover story, and later a "short-fingered vulgarian". The jabs went back and forth. I was just at the Waverly Tavern (owned by Carter) - he used to put a Trump quote atop the menu: "The worst food in NYC - Donald Trump" - hoping some reverse psychology would bring in some business...and so it goes....
1) Carter was co-editor of Spy Magazine. Be careful of what you wish for:
"1. Speaking of predicting the future, in [1988], Spy Magazine urges Trump to run for president.
“ 'We have come to believe that a Donald Trump candidacy is viable.'
“ '[T]his is one candidate who will not let you down. After all, we already have Donald Trump’s personal guarantee that if he did run for president, he would win.' ”
2) Andersen was the other co-editor. The spineless cur drank the Park Slope Woke Brooklyn ideological Kool-Aid a while ago, in order to "stay relevant":
3) Have you seen Spy The Funny Years (the book?). A superb idea in theory, but the arrogant b*stards f*cked it up big-time.
The print job was a disaster; 75% of the type was unreadable due to its unreadable type-size (a "let's do-it-on-the-cheap" Hong Kong job).
I spent about six weeks with three copies of the book and razor-cutters and created (thanks to xeroxing 150%, etc.) the only readable copy of the book in the world.
4) Re Carter's restaurant: I wouldn't go into Manhattan now for a million in cash. Too dangerous and dirty. And a Mayor who's darker than Monday's eclipse.
I have long railed against NPR, and essentially stopped listening to them about 20 years ago. But I still pay federal taxes (just did, in fact) and a portion of that money goes to NPR. So I feel aggrieved. If it were not for my financial support, I would not feel justified complaining about their bias. Oh, except for one thing: their constant tone of resentful entitlement. I have written op-eds about this, and I am certainly not the only person to notice this. Why don't others speak out about it and call for Congress to stop their federal subsidy?
Being forced to pay for NPR is only slightly less macabre than the Nazi's mailing postcards to the relatives of the men they executed, billing them for the cost of their prisoners' incarceration and execution. And, rest assured, they made sure they got paid.
And of course still zero self awareness. Still reciting lies about Trump. Still claiming George Floyd was “murdered.” Still laughably claiming that in the good old days there was openness and curiosity in the newsroom, as opposed to the reality, which is that NPR has been resolutely leftist since at least the 80s, when I used to listen.
I remember naively corresponding with my local affiliate back then, complaining about their bias. I got a letter back (this was before email) citing their show that featured “alternative” voices. Those voices were invariably Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, etc. Never a Thomas Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson. I wrote back again asking what these voices were an alternative to…the merely relentlessly mainstream liberal fare they offered 24/7?
It only got steadily worse from there. More and more strident. More and more dishonest. And, sorry Uri, less and less “curious.” I gave up on them entirely decades ago.
I stopped listening to NPR decades ago when their news became the equivalent of "problems of African pygmy lesbians". /sarc. Therefore I read UB's article with glee.
Yes, but notice NPR accepted no criticism and nothing changed there. If all the staffers are lefty’s and they have no GOP voting reporters in DC, how on earth, by their own metric’s can they pretend to be unbiased? They, like most of America, are in denial and institutionally ignorant about what is happening in plain site.
So true. I read somewhere recently, maybe here, that 60% of Democrat elites would rather win by cheating than lose a fair election. Whereas it was I think 7% in the general population. Chilling but telling.
That is the real challenge we face, trying to figure out why so many people who have gained the American dream have somehow lost all their moral and ethical base.
Because they are the elite. Above us rubes. They will have the big gas guzzling SUV’s — protected by guys with guns. They will have air-conditioning, red meat, fresh produce. We will not. The idea is to destroy the middle class.
Big government is so inextricably linked together with the tech industry, and state and local governments at all levels that it now try's to control us all rather than fix our problems...............because it's easier.. Their message over and over again is "we are making progress, we just need to spend more money at it". Yet none of them can say how much is enough or are they held accountable when they fail to meet their goals. They are not the problem though, we are because we fall for the same disappointments over and over again. Then we give them more money and ...........................
Reddog you have discovered politicians tell you we are facing problems only they can fix but don't tell you they created them to get re-elected.
God sends those who refuse to love the truth (that God exists and we should do as He commands) a strong delusion so they will take pleasure in unrighteousness. The Bible says this in several places (2 Thess 2:10, Romans 2:8, 2 Tim 4:3, Is. 5:20). I try and repeat it as much as possible in my comments. And yet no one seems to take it to heart. Perhaps you should ask yourself what delusions you are being provided and what unrighteousness you are preparing to take pleasure in? I do this myself every day as I read God's word.
David thank you but we are going to have to disagree on the substance of your comment. God is not doing this, human beings are. God gave us a brain above all other species and he expects us to use it wisely for other humans. Some choose not to do so and it is up to the rest of us to correct it. God is waiting to see what we are going to do. Its time we started fixing this mess.
Maybe God, if there is such an entity, isn’t interested in petty bs.
Most Dems would cheat if THEY wouldn't get caught and punished. Most would of course sanction someone else doing the cheating. The non punishment of the 2020 cheaters has changed our election dynamic forever. Until we fix the cheaters we will have grim times winning winnable elections.
And so easy to do. Picture ID… one person.. one vote… inked finger! Done and Done!
Very clear point, Chuck--it is actually very easy to have clean elections--everything you said, plus as Suzie said, plus well-designed audit methods by Certified Public Accounting firms.
Really makes it crystal clear-- it's so easy to achieve, why are the Democrats putting up huge barriers to it?
We all know the reason. Now to help the public understand the reason.
Amen Chuck !!!
B-b-b-b-but, CHUCK!!! Dems LOVE to WIN WIN WIN all the time,, even if they don't reallly WIN, they want to WIN anyway.... So, at NPR, the"DID NOT EARN IT" GROUP OF MORONS, HAD SO MANY MEMBERS, ALL TELLING THE SAME LIES, COULD PRETEND TO WIN WIN WIN, AND ONLY RARELY DID THEY RUN INTO ANYONE WHO DID NOT BELIEVE THEIR LIES! Now that this isolated MORON knows he will not be fired, or even asked to OWN UP TO HIS MASSIVE CAREER OF HATEFUL AND HARMFUL LIES, he sees no reason to do that, as he can just continue to be the face of the DEI Ignorant, arrogant, and loving it, NPR LIAR in charge of MANY LYING MORONS. But, HE also Now KNOWS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT A COMPLETE FRAUD HE IS AND HAS BEEN. How will his DEI buddies fix that "Kink of REALITY" into their new "Platform of adjusted LIES"? WE, WHO SEWEK TRUTHS, have known of this for so very long, we stopped looking and listening. What now, NPR-MRNS?
And the other 40% were lying.
04/10/24: I had to cease listening to NPR (18 hours a day!) when I came to the stunning, cruel realization that as much as I wanted to fit in, to conform, that as much as "LGBTQI" describes me to a T, I would never qualify as an "A" ("Assh*le"). Thus, I was excommunicated from the NPR Vatican (WDC), and now reside as a bag lady in a GE box on the steps of the Capitol building. Berliner came by the other day and bought me coffee, which was very nice of him... [sarcasm].
I noticed the same thing years ago. I recall an 'appeal' and that funding was being cut. It makes sense now and and is overdue. Stories were of little to zero interest over and over and over ...
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at this.
Fortunatly I don' have a heart of stone so, I laughed heartily.
I didn't/couldn't laugh because the story is all too familiar. Perhaps it would help if there was a Woke Anonymous support organization where people like Berliner can go.
I am so glad your wrote about this, Don. My comments on the article were not nice. As a father of three, and an adult in general, I am sympathetic to learning situations, but this is not acceptable. When you know something is wrong for over two decades and choose to 'explain it away', well... I am not sympathetic. I sent that article to my three young adults and they have the same opinion.
NPR takes, forcefully, $500,000,000 of your money every year and bludgeons YOU with it. As a former soldier I am disgusted.
$500 million! Close them down now. (And PBS too.) With the entire legacy media Leftist, the country is in no danger of not hearing "the Leftist point of view". It is absolutely insane to have an ADDITIONAL taxpayer-funded Leftist entity like NPR/PBS.
Also, I have never been able to stand the NPR announcers 'signature' patronizing tone of voice.
I had a feeling that someone would rightly post this video. How fitting that NPR is now and forever aligned with a murderer who they passed off as a cultural hero.
And even the GOP will never do anything about it. Its only $500,000,000 after all. /sarcasm
The GOP never does anything about anything. Never, ever trust a Republican.
We are witnessing the demise of our two party system in real time. Professional politicians are not going to do anything until they are forced.
They're all in the same toothpaste tube. The Repubs are the multi-colored swirl and the Dems are the white goo.
And they taste like poop.
Can I give this comment more than one "Like" - Bravo Danimal28! You've hit the nail on the head. Keep hammering!
Thank you for your service
What is the source for your $500,000,000 figure? Sounds like BS.
Been this way for decades... Here is one of many sources.
I listened to Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, back in the day. Two amusing guys who looked under the hood of your car and discovered amusing things to say about the spark plugs and washer fluid. Other than that, NPR always aired boring monotone BS intentionally slanted to misinform the country's maggot demographic.
Click and Clack. Legends
The list of credits at the end of each show. My favorites were Chief Legal Counsel: Hugh Louis Dewey of Dewey, Cheetham & Howe, and Animal Control Officer: Turner Luce
Oh wait, I forgot the Director of Purchasing: Lois Bidder.
They were great!
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe were lawyers on the Amos n' Andy show.
I’ve never had the attraction to cars like the typical American male, but I loved listening to Click and Clack. If vocal cords could smile, Click and Clack’s were like a ray of sunshine.
Those guys were a gift! And you’re right - they were the only ones worth listening to on that otherwise horrible waste of airwaves.
Tom and Ray Magliozzi were entertaining - but even better than those guys is Scotty on YouTube.
Glad I visited that scottykilmer link--immediately learned some useful things about automatic transmissions.
And even Tom and Ray (who I also enjoyed listening to) held their Italian noses and pushed the safety and better mileage mantras of the left. I bet they rolled their eyes every time they had to push that Dept. of Transportation (Tranny) nonsense.
Tom and Ray Magliozzi. They launched a "Live Larger, Drive Smaller" anti-SUV campaign.
There is a program on Saturday afternoon I used to listen to - A Way With Words - because it was interesting, was a call in show and answered the question of where some particular words came from. Years ago I stopped donating to them, ditto for PBS but I used to love Austin City Limits
Red Green Show was great, Garrison Keillor show was entertaining. "The left destroyed comedy" quote Jerry Seinfeld.
Must be Takedown Week! Stay on it.
What a chump! No backbone whatsoever. Whatever he had is now gone.
I was in the Evangelical Covenant Church when Floyd committed suicide-by-cop. Two days
(!) after, church hq came out with their Statement on the Killing of George Floyd (made possible by having a well-funded Ministry of Racial Reconciliation). With a little research I learned that a year before our pastor and many other white ministers (and only the white ones) had signed a resolution confessing/decrying their inherent racism.
Fighting racism with racism is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
" . . . I learned that a year before our pastor and many other white ministers (and only the white ones) had signed a resolution confessing/decrying their inherent racism."
They surrendered to the institutional victimhood of race and forfeited their God-given talents to non-producers.
Steve, well said. I am sick and tired of the hoax that Derek Chauvin murdered St. George. It is clear as day that George killed himself with a massive drug overdose and was a dead man walking well before Chauvin restrained George with his knee. Sadly, Chauvin will likely die in prison as he has already been assaulted at least once.
In my book, it may be the dirtiest of the vast number of dirty deals our broken “justice system”.
I followed that trial very closely. In the police training manual is a photo of the very technique Chauvin was sent away for.
I concur. One of the most flagrant, egregious abuses of the law and Justice perhaps since Reconstruction.
Hey, can't have the truth getting in the way
NPR is another example of a government funded, but otherwise highly profitable, money laundering scheme which benefits those residing in the institution, and the guardians counting the money. It’s a lot like the Education Industrial Complex in that regard. The inmates pay for the pleasure of being indoctrinated, while the guards live in isolated splendor. What a great con.
You’ve pretty much just described the operation of the entire government machine as it is currently constituted!
Forty or so years ago this started, and we all paid no attention to the subversion of almost every institution in the country…………until now. NPR like most of our institutions, is an illusion of free thinking and honest debate.
And none of this means anything because even if Republicans win the Presidency and Congress, they'll do nothing, just like they did nothing after winning 2016.
Since 2016? It’s been their “modus operandi” from their inception!
Oh no, they will do something. They will spend six months telling us the voters chose sanity and want change and then they will spend a year and a half arguing with each other. I’ve had it with the GOP.
They will do something. If elected, they'll join the efforts to prevent Trump from taking office, and if that fails will work to have him impeached and removed, beginning on November 6th.
The challenge of a republic is you must trust the person you put in office to represent you. You can trust a Democrat to do exactly what he or she promised to do, which is to shovel money out the back door by the truck load. But you can never, ever trust a Repubican to do what he or she promised to do. As evidence, I submit their performance over the past several decades. They promote the Democrat agenda, just like Speaker Johnson is doing right now.
Yup, Dems run the Swamp.
Yup, they do. It'll take lot's of years to even things back up. However, things are so bad now that even Bill Maher and the Ragin cajun have voiced displeasure with the Dems.
I have higher hopes than that. Like many of you I was down in the dumps after watching the first couple of months after the 2016 win. I expect The Trumpster to use his pedestal for some serious Retribution, not revenge. Revenge is dish best served cold and he is a master at that.
I too have expectations for it to be much better this time. I know, I know, the Republican Congressmen have a history of disappointing us. But it is simply inaccurate to overlook the positive change that is occurring with Trump people newly taking control of the RNC, etc.
I think people are being way too harsh on Speaker Johnson. Heck-- even one of his closest (supposedly conservative) supporters in the House (Marjorie Taylor Green) is holding a threat over his head to vacate his speakership. Which is an extremely dangerous and foolish move, given that Hakeem Jeffries is waiting in the wings to pounce and give total control of our government to the Left.
NPR uses the racist term "Latinx"! What a shock! Not!
Spanish is a gendered language. Imposing gender neutrality with a nonsensical, unpronounceable made-up word is not only idiotic, but since it is elite white leftists doing the imposing, it is pure colonialism. Yet another example of rich white people, forcing something they've personally selected, upon non-white people from outside privileged culture. Yes, the NPR writers, listeners, and donators are the very colonialist racist they pretend to hate. But, then again, the fact that these people are full of self-hatred is not even news.
Best part of the article what after his pathetic woo is mean sniveling he concludes that many people want to defund NPR, and he makes a half assed plea that we shouldn't because they are redeemable, priceless. That's gold, Jerry, gold.
Supposedly, NPR still gets $3 million of federal tax dollar funding. Going forward, Trump should insist that it be used to deprogram NPR’s discriminatory, intolerant & warped staff.
Just dump it. Bye-bye, grifters!
NPR and its visual companion PBS, emphasis on the BS, is a waste of taxpayer money.
If lefties want to pay for it, fine. And I’m sick and tired of Rick Steves begging for money on PBS, emphasis on the B S.
Well he has to pay for his cannabis somehow.
“…There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed. It’s frictionless—one story after another about instances of supposed racism, transphobia, signs of the climate apocalypse, Israel doing something bad, and the dire threat of Republican policies. It’s almost like an assembly line.”
What a perfectly concise definition of absolutely every MSM outlet, Democrat organization, Academia, and every Lefty institution in the world! They are nothing more than programmed robots assigned to wreak havoc, division, disruption, hate, and lies.
Your point about repetitive messaging is important to consider. Mass Formation Psychosis is part of the plan to continue shifting attitudes and opinions. That Robert Malone came under so much criticism for his use of this term to explain the scary compliance and adoption of otherwise idiotic rules that defied science proves he was right about its use.
NPR's hypocrisy reminds me of when they fired Juan Williams on October 21, 2010 because Williams made a comment about Muslims. Williams appeared on The O'Reilly Factor that day. In the interview, Williams simply said when he is on a plane and sees people dressed in Muslim garb he gets a little nervous (because it reminds him of 9/11).
NPR fired their only male Black reporter at the time because he expressed his opinion on O'Reilly's show.
Williams said the following, " . . Well, now that I no longer work for NPR let me give you my opinion. This is an outrageous violation of journalistic standards and ethics by management that has no use for a diversity of opinion, ideas or a diversity of staff (I was the only black male on the air). This is evidence of one-party rule and one sided thinking at NPR that leads to enforced ideology, speech and writing. It leads to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions and displaying independence of thought."
It seems, at NPR, your words and thoughts are under their control even when you are "not on the clock".
Juan is a pompous black Geraldo.Flaming egotistical liberal loons.
Yes, I had hopes for Juan when NPR first fired him and he went to Fox. At first he seemed like a reasonable guy, and it seemed that there was a real possibility that his firing would become a catalyst to his being red-pilled.
But I guess the "role" Fox wanted him to play was to "represent" the Democratic point of view, and they put Juan on The Five as the (then) sole liberal. At the time, I did not like The Five at all. Greg Gutfield was too abrasive and scornful for the format of The Five (but has now found a much better niche with his own show), and I can't stand airhead Dana Perino. The "discussions" on The Five at that time were hard to watch. I felt very sorry for Juan having to be on the panel with them, and feel that his unpleasant experience on The Five pushed Juan back into being just another Democratic diehard. Since then, Juan has been just a big disappointment.
But for a few, Fox as a cable network seems be LEFT of what Williams was in 2010.
The media world has migrated so far left I wonder if there are any positions further to the left to adopt.
Some of us even cut the cable, years ago.
Don't watch but the lefts positions are a bottom less pit.
They didn't push him to be a Democratic diehard, he was and will always be.
Yes, he got worse in his tenure at Fox
My impression is that he didn't get better or worse, he just "babbled." In his defense, what insane system is it when you have to be on a show where you're outnumbered 4-1 every single day? At any rate, that's all done now, and Fox-Pravda is crawling back on it's hands and knees (their usual media sex-worker position) to Trump. It won't work. Can't wait to see this farce play out!
This guy is pathetic. 25 years a member in good standing of government funded propaganda. On occasion I force myself to listen in the car. It is unbelievable... and only last about 10 minutes before vomiting out the window.
You’re brave. I can’t listen to it. NPR is just too biased and flakey. We unsubscribed from the New York Times about 7 years ago as well. Stopped watching CNN over a dozen years ago. Also deleted ‘AP’ (associated press) app on my phone. None of these outlets are honest brokers.
It's hard but sometimes important to hear what the enemy saying. And it is sometimes Babylon Bee stuff...so absurd it is comical.
I dip into ‘lefty vehicles’ now and again to see whether the virus has abated 😂 but so far it hasn’t.
That's why I subscribed to "Air Mail," created by Graydon Carter (former Vanity Fair editor who got the heave-ho after SI Newhouse died; Air Mail is such a virtual recreation of Vanity Fair, I call it "Vanity Air").
I also read/subscribe to Airmail (primarily for the cultural heads-up)- that said, Graydon Carter was the one who characterized Trump's hands in 1984, as "small and neatly groomed" in a GQ cover story, and later a "short-fingered vulgarian". The jabs went back and forth. I was just at the Waverly Tavern (owned by Carter) - he used to put a Trump quote atop the menu: "The worst food in NYC - Donald Trump" - hoping some reverse psychology would bring in some business...and so it goes....
1) Carter was co-editor of Spy Magazine. Be careful of what you wish for:
"1. Speaking of predicting the future, in [1988], Spy Magazine urges Trump to run for president.
“ 'We have come to believe that a Donald Trump candidacy is viable.'
“ '[T]his is one candidate who will not let you down. After all, we already have Donald Trump’s personal guarantee that if he did run for president, he would win.' ”
2) Andersen was the other co-editor. The spineless cur drank the Park Slope Woke Brooklyn ideological Kool-Aid a while ago, in order to "stay relevant":
3) Have you seen Spy The Funny Years (the book?). A superb idea in theory, but the arrogant b*stards f*cked it up big-time.
The print job was a disaster; 75% of the type was unreadable due to its unreadable type-size (a "let's do-it-on-the-cheap" Hong Kong job).
I spent about six weeks with three copies of the book and razor-cutters and created (thanks to xeroxing 150%, etc.) the only readable copy of the book in the world.
4) Re Carter's restaurant: I wouldn't go into Manhattan now for a million in cash. Too dangerous and dirty. And a Mayor who's darker than Monday's eclipse.
They are a carbuncle on the Ship of State - scrape them off and cast them into the sea.
Better start scraping because there are more than we will ever fix.
The instant that you disagree with even one small thing, you're excommunicated. That's the way fascism works. Always has. Always will.
I have long railed against NPR, and essentially stopped listening to them about 20 years ago. But I still pay federal taxes (just did, in fact) and a portion of that money goes to NPR. So I feel aggrieved. If it were not for my financial support, I would not feel justified complaining about their bias. Oh, except for one thing: their constant tone of resentful entitlement. I have written op-eds about this, and I am certainly not the only person to notice this. Why don't others speak out about it and call for Congress to stop their federal subsidy?
Maybe we should create our own "victim" class. Cheated Highly Ultra Mad, or "Chumps" for short.
Then figure out how to actually force the d*mn gov't to stop spending like drunken sailors
Or maybe (with a little license) Citizens Hearing Unother Political Snowjob. Needs a little work. Count me it: CHUMPS it is.
Not bad! We should make t shirts to replace our Deplorable Tees that are worn out now
Being forced to pay for NPR is only slightly less macabre than the Nazi's mailing postcards to the relatives of the men they executed, billing them for the cost of their prisoners' incarceration and execution. And, rest assured, they made sure they got paid.
As always when it comes to liberal-induced damage, NPR stands for No Professional Responsibility.
And of course still zero self awareness. Still reciting lies about Trump. Still claiming George Floyd was “murdered.” Still laughably claiming that in the good old days there was openness and curiosity in the newsroom, as opposed to the reality, which is that NPR has been resolutely leftist since at least the 80s, when I used to listen.
I remember naively corresponding with my local affiliate back then, complaining about their bias. I got a letter back (this was before email) citing their show that featured “alternative” voices. Those voices were invariably Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, etc. Never a Thomas Sowell or Victor Davis Hanson. I wrote back again asking what these voices were an alternative to…the merely relentlessly mainstream liberal fare they offered 24/7?
It only got steadily worse from there. More and more strident. More and more dishonest. And, sorry Uri, less and less “curious.” I gave up on them entirely decades ago.
Well said.