Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe the world butts in on our affairs because we are constantly butting in theirs. How about we listen to President Washington, spend our money taking care of our own people, and keep our nose out of other people's business? Good fences make good neighbors.
"Good fences make good neighbors." And bad neighbors make good compost. So, watch out, you foreigners, especially you, you ILLEGAL, child-abusing, pet-eating migrants and smug, ignorant foreign correspondents.
I have to admit that, at times, homicidal fantasies do drift through. Of course, whoever shoots first, loses, and so far the Normies have been smarter than the Commies. Let's see what happens, though, as they keep pushing and pushing.
If Heels-up Harris gets installed (not elected - that certainly won't happen), the damage we've seen the past 3-1/2 God-forsaken years is just a warmup, and the most dangerous man is the one with nothing left to lose.
I'm not sure I understand why/how Nationalism Promotes Individualism - in the extreme, it seems more likely to promote Conformity - nor why, as seems to be implies (perhaps I'm not carefully reading this), that would be bad, ie: "means trouble."
Nationalism promotes what a country believes in. In the unique case of America, it stands for freedom, and that means individualism is practiced by the majority of Americans. Once that stops, America is doomed. The foundation we once were built upon will be weeded out of the history books.
i finished painting the west side of my home this morning and didn't an opportunity to respond to pi guy. you expressed my thoughts so clearly i have nothing to add.
Australia, a former English penal colony has after decades of democracy turned itself back into a penal colony but no longer under the English but their own home grown Marxist fascists.
Ironically, I just opened a letter from the “Queensland government reminding my adult son that he owes $1,160.00 dollars because he was caught, by high speed camera, driving with his cell phone on his lap. He visited there 2 months ago. There was no way to protest, they had the picture! He was guilty but the punishment seems
I have good friends who were scammed with a very high dollar traffic ticket with pictures, etc. after a visit to Australia. Are you certain the vehicle and driver were actually your son? This is a common scam for Americans visiting Australia.
They fought it and won. The scammer backed off but it took months. They were threatened by the scammers who sounded and appeared to be authentic.
My friends actually called the agency (or police station).
At $1,160 for a fine, it's quite possible the scammer is the Queensland Government...Australia is still at heart a convict settlement, as well as a police state in practice.
"I wish I had just gone to bed earlier instead." i watched a movie. my expectations were almost zero and apparently that's pretty much what!
it is a shame that the best female we can come up with is harris.
It's the shame that "female" is a criterion. How about "competent candidate?"
They tell soldiers to take care of their feet first. My policy is to keep my head clear, and in doing so, I now refuse to ever listen to a Democrat talk. It's a waste of time and annoys me. I've made up my mind; I have better things to do than raise my blood pressure.
Thats all you got? LOL ...typical of a staunch 'conservative'...don't actually address reality, just pull the lever and hope. Avoid discomfort and logic and go with ad hominem, and change the subject. Sad you don't even get the point.
Trump’s administration during his four years lifted this country up by every metric and brought peace and stability around the world.
Kamala/Biden’s four years have only sown division and rancor in every corner of the nation, decimated the economy, crushed the middle class, brought death, destruction and ruin around the world.
They can prop her up all they want, make her say whatever they want.
But I’m going with what the evidence has already proven works for the country’s true best interests beyond a shadow of a doubt: Trump.
Right on. That’s all Trump needed to say. You want four more years of what we have now? She’s your girl! Want me to finish what we were doing until China interfered with COVID, bring me back. But don’t say you weren’t warned when the system collapses.
Of all those GOP'ers after Reagan, it took a NY Liberal real estate mogul adored by media liberals for decades, to unite republicans and democrats against the Uniparty. Have you heard Trump speak off the cuff, he is a walking comedy routine. Have you heard Matt Gaetz or Thomas Massie speak, or Rand Paul? Trump is a better social media poster than he is a debater. Fact. And I doubt he actually writes up his own posts, or by himself. I voted for him twice and its only because I despise the entire government more than Trump is an awful debater.
I know a couple small business owners who use every way available to get federal funding and their ss checks but will not register to vote lest the government collect too much data on the personal lives. Then when they whine about taxes and regs I reply [ you get what you vote for].
Its not hard to decide that the whole system is corrupt, and therefore voting is corrupt. The selection of Trump this time will prove that the system does what it wants and lets you think you have a choice. Just like last time. HAHAHA
Trump didn't have the wherewithal to call out the very RINO's even more. He wanted to be liked more than he wanted to drain the swamp, but I think he knew they would take him out for sure. He didn't fire Fauci the murderer. He doesn't understand any of the science behind Ivermectin, HQC, or Chlorine Dioxide. He signed off on Operation Warpspeed and let the Jan 6th Fedsurrection actually happen. He had to of known it was going to go down like that, he is the highest security clearance there is. The long con being played is going swimmingly so make sure you help and vote harder. What's another 35 trillion among friends?
All politicians are corrupt. None are perfect. Since the dawn of this country almost all of our presidents have been mired in controversy. Lincoln the first Republican president was neither a saint nor a devil. His political instincts almost lost him the 64 election. Yet a few well timed events propelled him to re election and historical greatness. The same fav be said for most “great” presidents and historical figures. Trump is very flawed. History will either remember him as Lincoln or Coolidge. Time will tell. He is undisciplined yet principled….an odd combination.
Thank you! I agree that there were things that he could have done better. My view is that he did what he could given the fact of the opposition he had. (His inauguration was a good start!) Frankly I am surprised that he survived to the end of his term. You said " but I think he knew they would take him out for sure." So it seems that we agree. I prefer to think of what he did do, especially as compared to Biden. Compare Jan 6th to the BLM efforts in Seattle and Portland and the lack of Action.
I think the Jan 6th effort was a set up against Trump. It was not an insurrection! (The protests of the Kavanaugh Appointment, resulted in an invasion of the Congress did it not?) The investigation afterwards did not show, IMO, that it was. The fact that the committee destroyed all of the records indicated that they had something to hide.. Nobody seems concerned that the Russia Russia Hoax was created and paid for by the Clinton Campaign; Or that one of the 2 impeachment efforts was for something that Biden actually did and bragged about it; and that there was a concerted effort to hide Hunter's laptop by the FBI, to cover up bribery efforts by the Biden Family. I get the exasperation that things were not better, but we have seen in the last 3.5 years how things could be much worse. The perfect is the enemy of the good. At least it seems that we agree that given the circumstances of this election that Trump is the best choice.
I only watched a few minutes of it. Cackmala obviously had studied hard -- too hard, because behind that phony smile and the other mannerisms and all those lies she was desperate. Trump, on the other hand, seemed a bit defensive, or maybe just tired; and who could blame him? The man's energy has seemed superhuman, and we owe him.
Well, America has been butting into the world’s affairs for way too long. Exhibit A: Ukraine and Obama drawing a NATO line in the sand, Middle East needing “democracy” for people who think differently, and the list is way too long.
One of America’s biggest problems is that too many people don’t understand why America was NOT designed to be set up as a democracy. The Constitution was supposed to protect the tyranny of the majority as designed by the electoral college, as well as the original idea of Federalism -10th Amendment and 9th Amendment.
But setting up a supreme national government that can supersede states’ rights (yeah, and I get the slavery/jim crow issue that is now moot) doomed state sovereignty from the get-go.
Now, we need to protect We the People from Tyranny of the Minority (deep state/oligarchy) and we are screwed unless we make serious changes to reduce national government, which is unlikely since back to 2nd sentence – a big portion of the voting population is ignorant, and we will go down exactly like Plato predicted in the sailing ship of incompetency.
I agree, the Civil War for instance. People are taught it was the North against the South however it was really Republicans vs Democrats. Interestingly the North used to be Republican and the South emocrat. That has done a 180.
I've always found it odd that the RINO's also call our republic a democracy on cue when their better halves ignore the truth of the matter. Even Tucker does. Republicans ought to stop participating in the lie, but they don't. Thats why I'm not participating anymore either. The whole thing is a farce at this point. The only thing that matters is doing your work and caring for your family. The government has ruined the republic and it has been transformed into a tyranny of the bureaucracy. Maybe something drastic changes and the electorate gains enlightenment, but the bread and circuses seem to be doing a fine job of maintaining the blissful ignorance. Only if the blue city democrats actually stop voting for the Leftism will things turn around. I'm hoping for further ruin so the cold shot of water to their face burns more when the riots start when there is no more money or workers for social services.
Speaking of ears. Rumor is Cackles may have been wearing Nova audio earrings. If she were, wouldn't they alter them to look a bit different and not an exact match? Or was it a planned set up so they can "debunk" it and make fun of MAGA morons? In any event how anyone can watch this bimbo babbling empty platitudes for an hour and a half is beyond belief. And Trump knowing he is going up three against one is a warrior we should all be proud of. Who else would do this?
i'm probably going to take some flack for this but i'll toss it out there anyway. that "bimbo babbling platitudes" is just another woman similar to all the other women in america who think like her and communicate like her so they don't see anything particularly unusual or especially wrong with the way she communicates her idiocy or how her brain works. bring harris up to ten random women today and see what they say. or better yet simply ask them what their position is on thermonuclear warfare and the effects of an emp on japan and australia should china invade taiwan in the spring.
Yeah, doesn't matter her abject incompetence, her lies or her immorality. Only matters that she is not a meany-head like Trump. Women who vote with their feelings thinking they are standing up for the weak, the poor and the huddled masses are doing the exact opposite.
Right. The LAST thing we want is an old Meanyhead to upset the Boy Scouts and choirboys among the ChiComs, Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, Turks, et al! We need someone who can peace out… unburdened by what has been.
I’ll take heat as well. Since suffrage, we’ve fought a civil war, 2 world wars, a Cold War, too many regional conflicts, killed millions of people, kicked God out of society, undermined the family unit, made killing babies an obligation, turned reproduction into a sport, turned men into boys and overspent our budget.
OK Donald & thinks MEN have been in charge this entire time!!!!! I don't like feminism anymore than you do but can you at least tamp down the woman hatred some. Smart conservative women don't like Harris anymore than you do, but when you make wild generalizations about all women based on Hyena-Harris, I think I see some serious misogyny. Which Donald, I have called you out on before.
Alice, I too see "some serious misogyny" and have called it out before.
To me, it's like Mitt Romney, who always self-righteously criticizes his fellow Republicans, but never utters a word against the far more dangerous Democrats.
The commenters here who continually try to blame "women voting" for the problems of the country seem rigorously set on ignoring the tens of millions of white MEN who are liberals and play the real "power role" on the Left. White men finance and manage the Left. I never hear the misogynists suggesting that those men should not be allowed to vote.
Stereotyping rarely is legitimate. So there is some other motive in operation in this anger at women. Probably there are personal wounds at root here, and for that, my heart does goes out to those who have had bad experiences, and I wish for them only healing.
I do agree that men often do better in the leadership positions, but women were only "liberated" in the 70's, and it takes awhile (at least a few generations) to gain the deeply rooted experience in top-level leadership. Courageous and well-grounded women leaders ARE coming down the pipeline at some point.
Agree Gal, there are personal wounds at play. And compassion for that. Great call on comparing Romney to this!! He is such a loser, longing for a return to "the old way" that will never come. The "White Dudes for Harris" zoom call actually took place and just wow, what a group of sad sorry men. I think also at play is some resentment of the feminization of men by a female-oriented society, which is what we have been living in for 20 years? -----this has been the goal of the teachers' union, that is run by a childless lesbian. Make boys more like girls, and tell boys and girls that they can change their sex with surgery & pharmaceuticals. I am all for girl power when it is channeled correctly----this is something the feminists overreached on.
Agree--I can totally understand resentment against the feminization of men, the bashing of men, the "toxic masculinity" BS. We have seen a ton of "toxic femininity", and I think we're all on the same wavelength against that.
Think the point they are making is too many women vote with their feelings instead of their brains. Of course not all but a much larger percent than men. This is a huge problem and has been for 100 years. Since 1920. A coincidence since then the country has be slowly going to s**t?
Totally agree & I just don't understand it. Liberal women absolutely do vote with emotion. I guess the education system has made people value emotion over reason? If it feels good, do it?
On the other hand, suffrage could have been a necessary reaction to a civil war and a world war that killed hundreds of thousands of men leaving women alone and potentially destitute with no way to fend for themselves legally. So there’s that.
Not misogyny. Just pointing out that as usual we took a good idea, over worked it until it became a perversion of its original goal and self defeating.
I knew some would be offended. AD is correct. There are too many single angry women with big mouths who hate their lives because they are “saddled” with being a woman. The most important job on the planet btw. They can’t get over the fact that there are rules for the male and the female of the species without which the species dies. Sorry! Not sorry. Not my rules. Your reaction almost makes my point. Emotional reaction gets you killed on the battlefield and in politics. Women by nature are more naturally more emotional due to the maternal instincts we carry. And that has a big place in tempering the wild in boys and turning them into mature men. That’s missing in our society as well. Feminism has killed western cultural.
Yes, generalization. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t apply to you. Which I don’t think it does since you’re here and thinking. I have worked with some fantastic men and women in my life. And met some real nasty assholes too!
Respectfully, I wouldn’t call it misogyny… I’d call it honest impression based on experience. I’d say further, that the entire political history of the world, proves that people - men and women - instinctively prefer men over women as their principal leaders. The exceptions prove the rule. But that does not mean that people hate women. Rather, it means that people - men and women - throughout history have demonstrated a manifest preference for men and women in differing roles. Not always, but generally. It’s wrong to assign this preference to hate.
I'd agree with this take. Thatcher being one excellent woman. I still haven't seen a woman that I'd want for President of USA, and chiefly bc they all run as the potential "first woman president." That's almost an immediate disqualifier for me. Just run on your ideas & policies and we'll see if you're up to the task. Feminists always think women should vote for women just bc they're women. That's as stupid as voting for someone bc of their skin color. But millions do this bc it feels good. Or just plain old virtue signaling. The current line-up of men in the Five Eyes leadership positions leave much to be desired.
I wouldn't vote for any of them. It's despicable that we had Barry Soetoro a citizen of Indonesia and now Kamala the anchor baby but those three? We fought a revolution to get away from English rule! So scratch the iron lady. Golda was born in Kiev so technically is roosky and Indira is from India (same as horizontal Harris BTW). Let's find a great American girl, then think about it.
" Madam President, why did you nuke Moscow?"
"Sorry, that time of the month and he didn't like my post on Facebook."
you need to reread my post alice. you missed a very important point i (intentionally) made...or perhaps purposefully ignored it. not that you would or did but anything is possible. now assuming you are not going to reread my post again i'll copy and paste it here for you:
"... just another woman similar to all the other women in america who think like her..."
I did re-read it and I think I got my dander up a little quickly! I don't understand women who act like Kamala. Part hooker/part attack dog/part hyena. I think women who vote for her are doing so due to emotion & an orientation to emotion over substance. I tend to blame him for everything, but I'd lay this at the feet of Obama & identity/victim politics. But also Bill & Hillary. Bill is a rapist and a womanizer and by being that way, every Dem woman felt sorry for her very public humiliation with the Lewinsky event and thus she was elevated to Senator, Sec State & almost-POTUS. What a cancer the Clintons are.
People tend to ignore that HiLlARy was just as evil as worthless Willie. She was known to have many affairs both men and women. Such was her reputation that some think Webster Hubble is Chelsea's father and appearances would seem to affirm it.
I wonder if Ugly Chelsea wakes up in the middle of the night and considers how she escaped the fate of her many aborted siblings?
Having watched the so called debate I feel PDJT bragged a bit too much but the spoiled brat gave him the win with too many childish facial expressions and flat out lies.The favors from the mods were outweighed by a voice ranging from blah nasal to fingernails on a chalk board. Funny how other countries think they know what is best for Americans but can not solve their own problems. Great post with snap poll on hump day so lead on as the MAGA train picks up voters for a 2024 win too big to rig.
People with functioning brains know that the Founders devised a system that would prevent one or two states from dominating the Presidency. There were stark differences between colonies just as Florida and California are far different places today. Thank heaven the Founders were smarter than people like Rowland!
But remember, Trump originally agreed to that debate because it was supposed to be Biden, and the only way to coax Biden onto the debate stage was for it to be on a Marxist network (CNN last time, ABC this time). He used the same reasoning with Kamala-- she was terrified to debate him and the only way to get her up there was for it to be a situation where all the cards (e.g., the moderators, etc.) were in her corner.
Trump made a calculated decision that getting her in front of the public and addressing MANY of her lies very effectively (which Trump DID do) was worth it to connect with independents and those Democrats who are still semi-sane and disturbed by what's happening to the country.
I think Trump made the right call to do that debate. Now he can legitimately hammer Kamala as a coward if she refuses to do a Fox Debate, which was supposed to be the 3rd debate. And Trump has another event to hammer the Left Media with-- ABC was glaringly, horribly, biased in helping Kamala. No one could fail to see that.
You left off the biggest Answer to your Poll question.....Z) Because everyone in the world in with some form of power IS GETTING PAID BY THE US Sundance says.....'There are TRILLIONS at stake...."
If America is so bad with a weird election system why are we the "suppliers" and defenders for most of the world including the countries these men come from? We are the last great standing republic and the last stand for personal liberty on the planet. Perhaps they should be looking in the mirror when asking their questions and sharing their oh SOOOO important opinions.
Australians are a particularly arrogant group of individuals who gave up their rights to their freedom when they gave up their guns. It didn’t work out well for them during Covid and it won’t work out for them in the future.
I went there to lecture the Royal College of Surgeons on a particular aspect of medicine that I am an expert on. The arrogance that I dealt with by a group of doctors that just sit around and observe, but don’t operate was profound. I was left with the impression that these people were all talk no action.
As to the debate, I don’t think it changed anyone’s opinions. If anyone wants to get upset about it, they should be mad at Mr. Trump who was well aware he was walking in to a lions den. He should have been more prepared. There’s no reason to bitch at ABC as they behaved as expected.FJB
The debate was an absolute shitshow. Cackles got under The Other Don’s skin from the start and proceeded to lie about, well, everything, while studiously avoiding revealing any details of her/the Corpse In Chief’s policies. That she did it under covering fire from the absolutely horrible partisan hacks from ABC was obvious to anyone with three functioning brain cells. The takeaway from the debate was everybody lost. Trump, Harris, ABC, and especially the American people. The nice thing about the upcoming election is that half the country is going to be angry no matter what the results are. “United” States? Ha.
Didn’t watch the debates, nor have I watched a single address or speech from Biden. My mind has been made up since 1980. I’ll vote for DJT even if he committed murder of 1000 Wall St execs in broad daylight.
Anyone with any basic civics class could understand the electoral college is one of the key things that our Founders struggled with long ago. It matters:
As for the POTUS debate, here is the best 30-minute thorough recap to help know the good, the bad, and the ugly of the completely unfair three on 1 contest DJT took on. You and Bryan are my daily "go to" sources:
Yep, I didn’t watch it but I listened to The Wright Report first thing this morning. And waited for Don’s post. Also Scott Pressler, he tells it like it is.
I voted none of the choices given, because they did not include what, in my experience of living on both sides of the Atlantic, is the real reason. Most or all foreigners are eager, or even anxious, to feel superior; although in truth, probably all of humanity does. It's a universal human trait.
But that universal human trait goes to extremes towards America, which twice pulled Europe's chestnuts out of the fire, and almost as an afterthought defeated Japan as well. And what is worse, all over the world the common man eagerly adopts American culture, customs, expressions, entertainment, technology, etcetera, despite the nose-in-the-air disdain of his own country's elites towards those crass Americans ... . Why, it's just intolerable. Or as my grandpa used to say, "You'd run away -- if only you knew where to go!"
Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe the world butts in on our affairs because we are constantly butting in theirs. How about we listen to President Washington, spend our money taking care of our own people, and keep our nose out of other people's business? Good fences make good neighbors.
Washington was an early MAGA supporter.
General George Washington was the creator of the MAGA party.
"Good fences make good neighbors." And bad neighbors make good compost. So, watch out, you foreigners, especially you, you ILLEGAL, child-abusing, pet-eating migrants and smug, ignorant foreign correspondents.
I have to admit that, at times, homicidal fantasies do drift through. Of course, whoever shoots first, loses, and so far the Normies have been smarter than the Commies. Let's see what happens, though, as they keep pushing and pushing.
If Heels-up Harris gets installed (not elected - that certainly won't happen), the damage we've seen the past 3-1/2 God-forsaken years is just a warmup, and the most dangerous man is the one with nothing left to lose.
socialism requires total compliance whereas nationalism promotes individualism and that means trouble all along the watchtower jim.
I'm not sure I understand why/how Nationalism Promotes Individualism - in the extreme, it seems more likely to promote Conformity - nor why, as seems to be implies (perhaps I'm not carefully reading this), that would be bad, ie: "means trouble."
Nationalism promotes what a country believes in. In the unique case of America, it stands for freedom, and that means individualism is practiced by the majority of Americans. Once that stops, America is doomed. The foundation we once were built upon will be weeded out of the history books.
So really you mean American Patriotism, or something to that effect. I think my first thought was more _Nationalism_ as a general concept.
To the extent that American Nationalism includes Freedom as a bullet point, I agree.
i finished painting the west side of my home this morning and didn't an opportunity to respond to pi guy. you expressed my thoughts so clearly i have nothing to add.
But, yeah. We all love the smell of Hendrix and Dylan in the morning. 😊
are you from another country? just curious as to where your educational background comes from.
Appreciate the Hendrix quote (actually written by Bob Dylan), but I'm not sure what you mean about trouble. From whom or where?
Good oceans. Well, it used to.
"Albanese doesn’t look like he can pull a straw out of his purse." !!!!!!!!!!!!
Australia, a former English penal colony has after decades of democracy turned itself back into a penal colony but no longer under the English but their own home grown Marxist fascists.
Very astute observation of reality !!
You nailed it, MLR.
Ironically, I just opened a letter from the “Queensland government reminding my adult son that he owes $1,160.00 dollars because he was caught, by high speed camera, driving with his cell phone on his lap. He visited there 2 months ago. There was no way to protest, they had the picture! He was guilty but the punishment seems
extreme for the crime.
I have good friends who were scammed with a very high dollar traffic ticket with pictures, etc. after a visit to Australia. Are you certain the vehicle and driver were actually your son? This is a common scam for Americans visiting Australia.
They fought it and won. The scammer backed off but it took months. They were threatened by the scammers who sounded and appeared to be authentic.
My friends actually called the agency (or police station).
At $1,160 for a fine, it's quite possible the scammer is the Queensland Government...Australia is still at heart a convict settlement, as well as a police state in practice.
I did watch”the debate” such as it was.
The moderators made CNN look good.
David Muir is just snarky and full of himself. That other woman? Never heard of her.
Kamala wants to give $6,000, $25,000 and $50,000 of our tax dollars to various groups of people who didn’t earn it.
Oh, she says she’s a gun owner. Didn’t know that. Don’t believe that.
And Trump repeated himself too much.
I wish I had just gone to bed earlier instead.
"I wish I had just gone to bed earlier instead." i watched a movie. my expectations were almost zero and apparently that's pretty much what!
it is a shame that the best female we can come up with is harris.
It's the shame that "female" is a criterion. How about "competent candidate?"
They tell soldiers to take care of their feet first. My policy is to keep my head clear, and in doing so, I now refuse to ever listen to a Democrat talk. It's a waste of time and annoys me. I've made up my mind; I have better things to do than raise my blood pressure.
Or that the Best Republican is Donald Trump?
go aks your wife permission to pee standing up. i'll wait.
Thats all you got? LOL ...typical of a staunch 'conservative'...don't actually address reality, just pull the lever and hope. Avoid discomfort and logic and go with ad hominem, and change the subject. Sad you don't even get the point.
Trump’s administration during his four years lifted this country up by every metric and brought peace and stability around the world.
Kamala/Biden’s four years have only sown division and rancor in every corner of the nation, decimated the economy, crushed the middle class, brought death, destruction and ruin around the world.
They can prop her up all they want, make her say whatever they want.
But I’m going with what the evidence has already proven works for the country’s true best interests beyond a shadow of a doubt: Trump.
Right on. That’s all Trump needed to say. You want four more years of what we have now? She’s your girl! Want me to finish what we were doing until China interfered with COVID, bring me back. But don’t say you weren’t warned when the system collapses.
Suzie, I enjoy your commentary - this one is spot on. This is what Pres Trump should have hammered home.
Thank you Suzie. Well said.
What's the point? Fact that Donald Trump isn't Ronald Reagan? We all know that.
Of all those GOP'ers after Reagan, it took a NY Liberal real estate mogul adored by media liberals for decades, to unite republicans and democrats against the Uniparty. Have you heard Trump speak off the cuff, he is a walking comedy routine. Have you heard Matt Gaetz or Thomas Massie speak, or Rand Paul? Trump is a better social media poster than he is a debater. Fact. And I doubt he actually writes up his own posts, or by himself. I voted for him twice and its only because I despise the entire government more than Trump is an awful debater.
Avoid discomfort and hard decisions.
Don't vote.
Don't count.
I know a couple small business owners who use every way available to get federal funding and their ss checks but will not register to vote lest the government collect too much data on the personal lives. Then when they whine about taxes and regs I reply [ you get what you vote for].
Its not hard to decide that the whole system is corrupt, and therefore voting is corrupt. The selection of Trump this time will prove that the system does what it wants and lets you think you have a choice. Just like last time. HAHAHA
What did you hate about his 4 years other than mean tweets? Was Obama or Biden better? What RINOs did it better?
Trump didn't have the wherewithal to call out the very RINO's even more. He wanted to be liked more than he wanted to drain the swamp, but I think he knew they would take him out for sure. He didn't fire Fauci the murderer. He doesn't understand any of the science behind Ivermectin, HQC, or Chlorine Dioxide. He signed off on Operation Warpspeed and let the Jan 6th Fedsurrection actually happen. He had to of known it was going to go down like that, he is the highest security clearance there is. The long con being played is going swimmingly so make sure you help and vote harder. What's another 35 trillion among friends?
All politicians are corrupt. None are perfect. Since the dawn of this country almost all of our presidents have been mired in controversy. Lincoln the first Republican president was neither a saint nor a devil. His political instincts almost lost him the 64 election. Yet a few well timed events propelled him to re election and historical greatness. The same fav be said for most “great” presidents and historical figures. Trump is very flawed. History will either remember him as Lincoln or Coolidge. Time will tell. He is undisciplined yet principled….an odd combination.
Thank you! I agree that there were things that he could have done better. My view is that he did what he could given the fact of the opposition he had. (His inauguration was a good start!) Frankly I am surprised that he survived to the end of his term. You said " but I think he knew they would take him out for sure." So it seems that we agree. I prefer to think of what he did do, especially as compared to Biden. Compare Jan 6th to the BLM efforts in Seattle and Portland and the lack of Action.
I think the Jan 6th effort was a set up against Trump. It was not an insurrection! (The protests of the Kavanaugh Appointment, resulted in an invasion of the Congress did it not?) The investigation afterwards did not show, IMO, that it was. The fact that the committee destroyed all of the records indicated that they had something to hide.. Nobody seems concerned that the Russia Russia Hoax was created and paid for by the Clinton Campaign; Or that one of the 2 impeachment efforts was for something that Biden actually did and bragged about it; and that there was a concerted effort to hide Hunter's laptop by the FBI, to cover up bribery efforts by the Biden Family. I get the exasperation that things were not better, but we have seen in the last 3.5 years how things could be much worse. The perfect is the enemy of the good. At least it seems that we agree that given the circumstances of this election that Trump is the best choice.
Well said.
I only watched a few minutes of it. Cackmala obviously had studied hard -- too hard, because behind that phony smile and the other mannerisms and all those lies she was desperate. Trump, on the other hand, seemed a bit defensive, or maybe just tired; and who could blame him? The man's energy has seemed superhuman, and we owe him.
Well, America has been butting into the world’s affairs for way too long. Exhibit A: Ukraine and Obama drawing a NATO line in the sand, Middle East needing “democracy” for people who think differently, and the list is way too long.
One of America’s biggest problems is that too many people don’t understand why America was NOT designed to be set up as a democracy. The Constitution was supposed to protect the tyranny of the majority as designed by the electoral college, as well as the original idea of Federalism -10th Amendment and 9th Amendment.
But setting up a supreme national government that can supersede states’ rights (yeah, and I get the slavery/jim crow issue that is now moot) doomed state sovereignty from the get-go.
Now, we need to protect We the People from Tyranny of the Minority (deep state/oligarchy) and we are screwed unless we make serious changes to reduce national government, which is unlikely since back to 2nd sentence – a big portion of the voting population is ignorant, and we will go down exactly like Plato predicted in the sailing ship of incompetency.
Me thinks it may be too late
America has been in far worse shape. The Framers were very smart men.
I agree, the Civil War for instance. People are taught it was the North against the South however it was really Republicans vs Democrats. Interestingly the North used to be Republican and the South emocrat. That has done a 180.
I've always found it odd that the RINO's also call our republic a democracy on cue when their better halves ignore the truth of the matter. Even Tucker does. Republicans ought to stop participating in the lie, but they don't. Thats why I'm not participating anymore either. The whole thing is a farce at this point. The only thing that matters is doing your work and caring for your family. The government has ruined the republic and it has been transformed into a tyranny of the bureaucracy. Maybe something drastic changes and the electorate gains enlightenment, but the bread and circuses seem to be doing a fine job of maintaining the blissful ignorance. Only if the blue city democrats actually stop voting for the Leftism will things turn around. I'm hoping for further ruin so the cold shot of water to their face burns more when the riots start when there is no more money or workers for social services.
I have shared this classic explanation as to why we are a republic instead of a democracy here before, but it never gets old:
Speaking of ears. Rumor is Cackles may have been wearing Nova audio earrings. If she were, wouldn't they alter them to look a bit different and not an exact match? Or was it a planned set up so they can "debunk" it and make fun of MAGA morons? In any event how anyone can watch this bimbo babbling empty platitudes for an hour and a half is beyond belief. And Trump knowing he is going up three against one is a warrior we should all be proud of. Who else would do this?
i'm probably going to take some flack for this but i'll toss it out there anyway. that "bimbo babbling platitudes" is just another woman similar to all the other women in america who think like her and communicate like her so they don't see anything particularly unusual or especially wrong with the way she communicates her idiocy or how her brain works. bring harris up to ten random women today and see what they say. or better yet simply ask them what their position is on thermonuclear warfare and the effects of an emp on japan and australia should china invade taiwan in the spring.
Yeah, doesn't matter her abject incompetence, her lies or her immorality. Only matters that she is not a meany-head like Trump. Women who vote with their feelings thinking they are standing up for the weak, the poor and the huddled masses are doing the exact opposite.
Right. The LAST thing we want is an old Meanyhead to upset the Boy Scouts and choirboys among the ChiComs, Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, Turks, et al! We need someone who can peace out… unburdened by what has been.
Peace and love man...let's veg out, smoke some weed and sing Kumbaya around the camp fire. LOL.
I’ll take heat as well. Since suffrage, we’ve fought a civil war, 2 world wars, a Cold War, too many regional conflicts, killed millions of people, kicked God out of society, undermined the family unit, made killing babies an obligation, turned reproduction into a sport, turned men into boys and overspent our budget.
Now we’re all suffering.
Read my reply to you & Donald.
Can you tell me what you mean by "Since suffrage"?
"...or how her brain works..." - whut, wait - Harris has brain?!
Of course she does, if she didn't her ears would clap.
OK Donald & thinks MEN have been in charge this entire time!!!!! I don't like feminism anymore than you do but can you at least tamp down the woman hatred some. Smart conservative women don't like Harris anymore than you do, but when you make wild generalizations about all women based on Hyena-Harris, I think I see some serious misogyny. Which Donald, I have called you out on before.
Alice, I too see "some serious misogyny" and have called it out before.
To me, it's like Mitt Romney, who always self-righteously criticizes his fellow Republicans, but never utters a word against the far more dangerous Democrats.
The commenters here who continually try to blame "women voting" for the problems of the country seem rigorously set on ignoring the tens of millions of white MEN who are liberals and play the real "power role" on the Left. White men finance and manage the Left. I never hear the misogynists suggesting that those men should not be allowed to vote.
Stereotyping rarely is legitimate. So there is some other motive in operation in this anger at women. Probably there are personal wounds at root here, and for that, my heart does goes out to those who have had bad experiences, and I wish for them only healing.
I do agree that men often do better in the leadership positions, but women were only "liberated" in the 70's, and it takes awhile (at least a few generations) to gain the deeply rooted experience in top-level leadership. Courageous and well-grounded women leaders ARE coming down the pipeline at some point.
Agree Gal, there are personal wounds at play. And compassion for that. Great call on comparing Romney to this!! He is such a loser, longing for a return to "the old way" that will never come. The "White Dudes for Harris" zoom call actually took place and just wow, what a group of sad sorry men. I think also at play is some resentment of the feminization of men by a female-oriented society, which is what we have been living in for 20 years? -----this has been the goal of the teachers' union, that is run by a childless lesbian. Make boys more like girls, and tell boys and girls that they can change their sex with surgery & pharmaceuticals. I am all for girl power when it is channeled correctly----this is something the feminists overreached on.
Agree--I can totally understand resentment against the feminization of men, the bashing of men, the "toxic masculinity" BS. We have seen a ton of "toxic femininity", and I think we're all on the same wavelength against that.
Think the point they are making is too many women vote with their feelings instead of their brains. Of course not all but a much larger percent than men. This is a huge problem and has been for 100 years. Since 1920. A coincidence since then the country has be slowly going to s**t?
Totally agree & I just don't understand it. Liberal women absolutely do vote with emotion. I guess the education system has made people value emotion over reason? If it feels good, do it?
Yeah, and half the men in this country are kinda women too... especially the ones in "education".
On the other hand, suffrage could have been a necessary reaction to a civil war and a world war that killed hundreds of thousands of men leaving women alone and potentially destitute with no way to fend for themselves legally. So there’s that.
Not misogyny. Just pointing out that as usual we took a good idea, over worked it until it became a perversion of its original goal and self defeating.
I knew some would be offended. AD is correct. There are too many single angry women with big mouths who hate their lives because they are “saddled” with being a woman. The most important job on the planet btw. They can’t get over the fact that there are rules for the male and the female of the species without which the species dies. Sorry! Not sorry. Not my rules. Your reaction almost makes my point. Emotional reaction gets you killed on the battlefield and in politics. Women by nature are more naturally more emotional due to the maternal instincts we carry. And that has a big place in tempering the wild in boys and turning them into mature men. That’s missing in our society as well. Feminism has killed western cultural.
Yes, generalization. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t apply to you. Which I don’t think it does since you’re here and thinking. I have worked with some fantastic men and women in my life. And met some real nasty assholes too!
The county started going to sh*t right after the democrat party was formed, don't credit feeling or PMS.
Respectfully, I wouldn’t call it misogyny… I’d call it honest impression based on experience. I’d say further, that the entire political history of the world, proves that people - men and women - instinctively prefer men over women as their principal leaders. The exceptions prove the rule. But that does not mean that people hate women. Rather, it means that people - men and women - throughout history have demonstrated a manifest preference for men and women in differing roles. Not always, but generally. It’s wrong to assign this preference to hate.
I'd agree with this take. Thatcher being one excellent woman. I still haven't seen a woman that I'd want for President of USA, and chiefly bc they all run as the potential "first woman president." That's almost an immediate disqualifier for me. Just run on your ideas & policies and we'll see if you're up to the task. Feminists always think women should vote for women just bc they're women. That's as stupid as voting for someone bc of their skin color. But millions do this bc it feels good. Or just plain old virtue signaling. The current line-up of men in the Five Eyes leadership positions leave much to be desired.
Nominate a Margaret T.,Golda M.,or Indira G. and I will vote for a woman president .
I wouldn't vote for any of them. It's despicable that we had Barry Soetoro a citizen of Indonesia and now Kamala the anchor baby but those three? We fought a revolution to get away from English rule! So scratch the iron lady. Golda was born in Kiev so technically is roosky and Indira is from India (same as horizontal Harris BTW). Let's find a great American girl, then think about it.
" Madam President, why did you nuke Moscow?"
"Sorry, that time of the month and he didn't like my post on Facebook."
you need to reread my post alice. you missed a very important point i (intentionally) made...or perhaps purposefully ignored it. not that you would or did but anything is possible. now assuming you are not going to reread my post again i'll copy and paste it here for you:
"... just another woman similar to all the other women in america who think like her..."
I did re-read it and I think I got my dander up a little quickly! I don't understand women who act like Kamala. Part hooker/part attack dog/part hyena. I think women who vote for her are doing so due to emotion & an orientation to emotion over substance. I tend to blame him for everything, but I'd lay this at the feet of Obama & identity/victim politics. But also Bill & Hillary. Bill is a rapist and a womanizer and by being that way, every Dem woman felt sorry for her very public humiliation with the Lewinsky event and thus she was elevated to Senator, Sec State & almost-POTUS. What a cancer the Clintons are.
People tend to ignore that HiLlARy was just as evil as worthless Willie. She was known to have many affairs both men and women. Such was her reputation that some think Webster Hubble is Chelsea's father and appearances would seem to affirm it.
I wonder if Ugly Chelsea wakes up in the middle of the night and considers how she escaped the fate of her many aborted siblings?
Having watched the so called debate I feel PDJT bragged a bit too much but the spoiled brat gave him the win with too many childish facial expressions and flat out lies.The favors from the mods were outweighed by a voice ranging from blah nasal to fingernails on a chalk board. Funny how other countries think they know what is best for Americans but can not solve their own problems. Great post with snap poll on hump day so lead on as the MAGA train picks up voters for a 2024 win too big to rig.
I really wanted to slap those childish facial expressions off of her face! She was so irritating.
What matters most is how votes were affected. Most people already have decided--the debate did not change their votes.
Interestingly, it appears that of 10 undecided voters, 6 are now voting for Trump (3 for Harris, 1 still undecided).
People with functioning brains know that the Founders devised a system that would prevent one or two states from dominating the Presidency. There were stark differences between colonies just as Florida and California are far different places today. Thank heaven the Founders were smarter than people like Rowland!
Write in option on the Poll…
We let them by caring what they say!
This should be our reply…GFY!
That ‘Debate’ was a F’n ambush!
Harris had the questions before hand and the moderators are now on my list of people going to immediate trial and summary…!
But remember, Trump originally agreed to that debate because it was supposed to be Biden, and the only way to coax Biden onto the debate stage was for it to be on a Marxist network (CNN last time, ABC this time). He used the same reasoning with Kamala-- she was terrified to debate him and the only way to get her up there was for it to be a situation where all the cards (e.g., the moderators, etc.) were in her corner.
Trump made a calculated decision that getting her in front of the public and addressing MANY of her lies very effectively (which Trump DID do) was worth it to connect with independents and those Democrats who are still semi-sane and disturbed by what's happening to the country.
I think Trump made the right call to do that debate. Now he can legitimately hammer Kamala as a coward if she refuses to do a Fox Debate, which was supposed to be the 3rd debate. And Trump has another event to hammer the Left Media with-- ABC was glaringly, horribly, biased in helping Kamala. No one could fail to see that.
You left off the biggest Answer to your Poll question.....Z) Because everyone in the world in with some form of power IS GETTING PAID BY THE US Sundance says.....'There are TRILLIONS at stake...."
If America is so bad with a weird election system why are we the "suppliers" and defenders for most of the world including the countries these men come from? We are the last great standing republic and the last stand for personal liberty on the planet. Perhaps they should be looking in the mirror when asking their questions and sharing their oh SOOOO important opinions.
Regarding the debate, Megyn Kelly captures the anger and frustration I felt while watching last night. Here it is if you haven't seen it:
Australians are a particularly arrogant group of individuals who gave up their rights to their freedom when they gave up their guns. It didn’t work out well for them during Covid and it won’t work out for them in the future.
I went there to lecture the Royal College of Surgeons on a particular aspect of medicine that I am an expert on. The arrogance that I dealt with by a group of doctors that just sit around and observe, but don’t operate was profound. I was left with the impression that these people were all talk no action.
As to the debate, I don’t think it changed anyone’s opinions. If anyone wants to get upset about it, they should be mad at Mr. Trump who was well aware he was walking in to a lions den. He should have been more prepared. There’s no reason to bitch at ABC as they behaved as expected.FJB
The debate was an absolute shitshow. Cackles got under The Other Don’s skin from the start and proceeded to lie about, well, everything, while studiously avoiding revealing any details of her/the Corpse In Chief’s policies. That she did it under covering fire from the absolutely horrible partisan hacks from ABC was obvious to anyone with three functioning brain cells. The takeaway from the debate was everybody lost. Trump, Harris, ABC, and especially the American people. The nice thing about the upcoming election is that half the country is going to be angry no matter what the results are. “United” States? Ha.
I want a divorce!
Be careful what you wish for…you might just get it good and hard.
Didn’t watch the debates, nor have I watched a single address or speech from Biden. My mind has been made up since 1980. I’ll vote for DJT even if he committed murder of 1000 Wall St execs in broad daylight.
I'm not sure killing wall street execs is a crime. . . . .
Why does the world butt into our politics?
We butt into theirs.
Anyone with any basic civics class could understand the electoral college is one of the key things that our Founders struggled with long ago. It matters:
As for the POTUS debate, here is the best 30-minute thorough recap to help know the good, the bad, and the ugly of the completely unfair three on 1 contest DJT took on. You and Bryan are my daily "go to" sources:
Here is free link on Spotify:
Thanks for your daily work.
Yep, I didn’t watch it but I listened to The Wright Report first thing this morning. And waited for Don’s post. Also Scott Pressler, he tells it like it is.
I liked your comment, but note that your link for wrightreport is only for paid subscribers.
it is free on Spotify sorry. Here is THAT link
I voted none of the choices given, because they did not include what, in my experience of living on both sides of the Atlantic, is the real reason. Most or all foreigners are eager, or even anxious, to feel superior; although in truth, probably all of humanity does. It's a universal human trait.
But that universal human trait goes to extremes towards America, which twice pulled Europe's chestnuts out of the fire, and almost as an afterthought defeated Japan as well. And what is worse, all over the world the common man eagerly adopts American culture, customs, expressions, entertainment, technology, etcetera, despite the nose-in-the-air disdain of his own country's elites towards those crass Americans ... . Why, it's just intolerable. Or as my grandpa used to say, "You'd run away -- if only you knew where to go!"