One of the other quadrillion things the Trump presidency accomplished was the outing of the entirely fake so-called conservative movement, like those at National PU, and the Mitch McConnells, Paul Ryan’s etc.
Trump actually ACCOMPLISHED so many things that these poseurs had proclaimed for decades that they wanted, ( ” if only you’d donate to their candidates and causes!”), but, somehow, strangely, could just never get over the finish line, like energy independence, true immigration reforms, etc. etc. AND THEY HATED HIM FOR IT!!!
He totally exposed them for the liars and grifters they truly are and were all along. Trump ripped the mask off the lot of them revealing they’ve never really been about conserving this Constitutional Republic, but only for lining their pockets and hearing themselves talk. David French is their poster boy.
You're not wrong, but Mitch McConnell was not as bad as Paul Ryan, that sneaky creep. During Obama's final year, McConnell refused to take up the appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, which in the end meant that Trump could appoint THREE Justices. For that we owe McConnell.
McConnell was Pro-china and did a lot of damage to the US, especially the economy. That damaged the daily lives of most Americans. He also seemed to be Schumer's best buddy on many votes that weren't conservative.
Yes, I am grateful Garland didn't get the Supreme Court, but here are two questions about that:
1) Would he have been any more liberal or dangerous than Ketanji Brown Jackson?
2) If he had been on the Supreme Court instead of the AG, would the DOJ have been as damaging to PDJT?
Shortly before he stepped down as Minority Leader, Mitch’s sister-in-law died recently in a suspicious car accident currently under investigation. She was directly affiliated with the CCP in a veritable Scrabble Board of lettered agencies and organizations, and her husband’s communist Chinese connections have been designated as a “military operation”!
And Mitch has been in the position of wielding influence over US-China policy and legislation for decades! No conflict of interest, to say the least?? I mean WTH.
Thanks for adding to the rest of this story. It would be reasonable to suggest the timing of the accident may have been connected to his stepping down.
About a week ago, I asked the search engine what had Elaine Cho ever done for America. Most of the items were "scrabble board" non-words, also that her spouse was Mitch McConnell.
He did that because that was the thing he should have done. I don’t give him extra points for it. That was what he was put in that position to do: stand up for Conservative principles.
If only he continued to show the same courage and bold manner in supporting Trump and get his cohorts on the Senate to do likewise during his presidency. But he didn’t.
You are so pot on. Coke Mitch thought the justices he would get through, (from the Federalist society) would be more Souter's so he had to do that only ONE thing, its like when the wide receivers prance around the end zone for catching a ball....seals have more dignity.
I don't disagree with you. My view is simply that his stand on that SC nomination makes up for a lot of the weaselly stuff he did -- because that will continue to pay dividends long after Mitch is gone from this earth.
I believe in rendering thanks for thanks is due to keep our own abused hearts from being bitter and Mitch did a good job getting us three conservative true conservative justices.
In the interim, he is being called Freeze Frame. Poster Wim above ended with "after Mitch is gone from this earth." I was about to add "Toot toot! Here's your ride, sir."
Suzie, you nailed it! I watched the slow motion train wreck of National Review in astonishment as one writer after another threw their principles overboard. They destroyed a hallowed conservative journal that over decades had painstakingly laid the foundation to elect Reagan, the right man at the right time for America. Unfortunately, Bill Buckley’s hand-picked successor was blind to one of the most momentous political earthquakes in American history and not only missed it, but foolishly didn’t even try to understand it except to mock it.
I felt the same way about Derbs, and not long after that Mark Steyn left after NR punted on standing up for free speech. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t dump NR till 2016.
Never forget watching a panel of pundits on National Review way back when. Amongst others I specifically remember George Will and Charles Krauthammer talking about Obama being a "centrist". LOL. Even the best minds are naive and get duped.
Trump's job has barely begun. The number of human obstacles that remain in DC awaiting extinguishment is beyond comprehension. He is expert at identifying them and relegating them to oblivion, but replacing them with qualified, honorable, patriots will be a problem until qualified replacements are actually willing to give up their private life and be part of government. I hope there will be a ground swell, but would you be willing to take the chance if you were accomplished and thriving in the private sector? That's the BIG question.
We must neutralize the engines in our society which have polluted our government. Academia is the primary vehicle/training ground for the government employees which constitute our deep state. Those people cannot be easily replaced. However, the politicos who lead them can be replaced.
The cleaning of the system will take decades. I suggest an Inspector General Office charged with holding protected officials to account. Government should be Apolitical like the military used to be.
Getting all of the statist, grifter, corrupt, hack, goons to expose themselves was his greatest accomplishment. Our government is organized crime on an unprecedented level.
03/06/24: At this rate, Mr. French will propose marriage to Mr. Trump. And with his luck, French will end up in bed with Nikki Hasbeeny.
And while we're firmly ensconced in Mocking Humor mode, let us imagine the chagrin another useless NYT "conservative," Bret Stephens, experienced in 2017 when his ex-wife, Perky Paul, also a NYT employee-gismo, revealed some of his more notable negative attributes in her bubble-bath memoir,
"My Life With Bob, Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues" (Henry Holt & Co. 2017 hardcover).
You have correctly deduced merely by reading the title of this immensely silly book that even a dime would be too much to spend on it.
If you do happen to find a free copy --- perhaps on the ground, ala Saratoga Racetrack, where after the Race One plungers lose and then storm out the gates, flinging their programs into the mud (ala Hillary Clinton in 2016, emitting venomous alibis as to why she lost an "in the bag" election) --- take a peek at it.
P.S. Mr. French is one of my most cherished Exhibit A candidates for those who on Election Night (11/05/24), when asked if they're "in the mood," will say: "Not tonight dear. I have a migraine."
(Moments later, his lithium-powered electric sex toy erupts in flames, revealing what he really had been up to before she came home from work.)
Right after the Towers were bombed, on the newsy website most of us were on, posters were calling the French, Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkeys. Today the radio news spoke of France's current abortion law (any baby, any time, any age, any reason).
Great piece, now let me hijack this platform. I do so hoping you approve, Sir Don, and that you might take this piece of coal and turn it into a diamond. Then Kane will link to it, then Don Jr will see it, then it will reach the Donald.
Now that its clear (absent unforeseen circumstances) that Pres Trump is well on his way to reelection, I think he has greater power to effect immediate change than he did yesterday morning.
I want him to declare now, that he will instruct his AG to conduct a ‘Nuremberg Trial’ into everything surrounding the arrest and imprisonment of the Jan 6ers (one day, perhaps, only the name of an NBA team).
The point isn’t another plank in his platform (of course his person is his platform) but rather effect immediate change in the conditions these political prisoners are experiencing.
The point is to strike fear into the guards, wardens, judges, and prosecutors, and particularly that pos Garland, to cease and desist piling up their crimes, because there’s a 99% chance of a day of reckoning.
I specialize in good ideas (esp’ly ones that lose me money) so I’m anxious for my wiser peers to tell me the down side to this.
Yes, free the J6 prisoners and get them justice, but as long as you are having a Nuremberg party, I would add that we also go after every son of a bitch that was behind the COVID lie. It was the greatest crime against humanity bar none. They murdered millions with intent. It's effects are STILL murdering people around us each day. It was first degree murder. That's our government.
I read recently that the annual Flu shot will be combined with the mRNA COVID shot per the new CDC Director. The mRNA technology was never safe, never effective, and causes a multitude of secondary damage to the human body. And they are still pushing it? Pretty soon it will be in our food supply. When will the annual flu shot be mandated?
Notice how the COVID people are fading into oblivion? Fauci. Walensky. Jacinda Ardern.
The money they got was outrageous!! Tens of thousands of dollars to attribute a condition to COVID even when it wasn't covid that killed them, put someone on the vent, prescribe remdesivir.
Every damned hospital senior executive team and board of directors/trustees should be charged with murder or manslaughter.
Docs and nurses just say they were "following orders". So did all the guards of the death camps and it didn't work for them in their court trials. They hung by their necks until dead.
Hang the nooses from the arm of the Statue of Liberty for all to see.
I'm so glad you said the " C word" because my son and I were chatting on our cells earlier today and I had mentioned two people he knew but didn't know they both passed away, and I mentioned Covid protocols used during their double funeral twice in my conversation. Our phone call was shut down. Son called back to say that was a gov operation to monitor offensive words.
Interesting. I know they are “listening” to written communications because there are commercial software programs that do listening of social media posts for marketing products. Havn’t heard of anything that actually listens to phone calls. I guess that would be a government operation.
NSA does it all the time. They have a few data storage centers that have captured data. Probably why the govnmt is slobbering all over AI. Once they figure out how to sort and process it, they can continue with march.
The hospitals and doctors were bribed with Covid money to say everyone including those hit by a tree or gunshot wounds, or heart attacks died BY covid not WITH covid.
I refused last yr to take the flu shot. Doc told me this yrs was ok too. I am 'forgetting' or the pharmacy is too busy to get me one this year. Not taking it.
I am sure that there are hundreds of shredders already a-buzzing, and many smoky backrooms humming with plots and plans to cover a great many asses, should their worst nightmare come true and DJT once again assume the mantle of Leader of the Free World.
They will not go quietly.
It would be a good thing to offer an amnesty to whoever is first to rat out these bastards, but time is short, so act quickly or go down in flames of infamy with the rest of the traitors.
Again, you’ve nailed it. Yesterday, the architect of the Ukraine fiasco, Victoria Nuland, resigned. She’s skipping out of town to try to distance herself from the coming collapse of the neocons’ dream to takeover Russia and harvest their natural resources for the enrichment of the swamp creatures. That wretch has the blood of 500,000 young men on her hands.
Fine, but before all of that he needs to pardon every one of the prisoners, set them free and give each of them a big financial award for the heinous treatment they received. It should be billed to their tormentors but I will be perfectly happy if my tax dollars are used.
The pardons MUST be on Day One, January 21 (circa) 2025. And simultaneously convict every one of the corrupt FBI agents to serve out the freed prisoners' terms.
Oh! And money saved by terminating 90% of the employees of the State Dept., Justice Dept., the CIA, the FBI, etc. etc. Trump is going to have a busy first day. Perhaps he should have his staff draft a list of cancellation and termination and make it part of his inaugural address. Then have him sign the speech at the end, forever after designating J20 as Termination Day. Yea, that’s the ticket!
These are the worst kind of people. At worst sociopaths. At least narcissists. Both David French and David Brock are equivalent to the media as FJB is to Capitol Hill. The go whichever way the odor emanating from the diaper goes.
Not sure why I am using a browser not Google but none of them were helping this morning. Might be operator error, I need more coffee.
I made note of it when it happened because 9-0 was unheard of esp w Roberts in charge. There was at least one more I think. Most of the 9-0 had to do with reigning in the government. I will look again when I get back this afternoon.
In one of those old Marx Bros movies, Grroucho is speaking with a woman and concludes his talk by saying (as he waggles his eyebrows and hist cigar): "Those are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."
It's one of the best lines show business ever produced.
There are a lot of David French-like critters out there. There’s Bret Stephens and the old broad over at the WSJ, Peggy “Time Warp” Noonan, and Jonah Goldberg. There’s Bill Kristol, although there probably shouldn’t be, since he’s nuts. And there are a bunch more of these RINO clowns. All these trademarked “conservatives” are just shills for the Swamp. We are currently in the battle of Washington DC versus America. It’s like the war for Independence, except our Government are the British against the American people and the Chinese are on their side. There is no France equivalent in this war to help us, since as usual, the French have pulled out and are busy making macaron and pouting. And most other countries are regime centric, since the U.S.G. either pays them or threatens them.
All the pundits scurry, the Swamp’s favor to curry. They have one principle - self preservation. They serve to provide theatrical support for the even handedness of our ruling class tormentors, to show us how to be weak and submissive while pretending to be tough and “conservative”. The regime can pull them out where necessary to support non-entities like Trikki Nikki and faux solemn Mike Pence and other assorted backstabbing trash. Don’t fall for it. I don’t think most people with an IQ higher than a toaster oven do anymore.
"French, the principled man, eventually landed a columnist gig at the New York Times as the House Conservative." One must give the devils their due. The editorialists at the NYT clearly saw French for what he was; an arriviste, an opportunistic social climber who would sell out his mother for a chance to become one of the cosmopolites living physically-but mostly mentally- in the exclusive bubble of the Upper East Side of Manhattan. And now that he has arrived, he will say what his paymasters tell him to say. In a manner of speaking, he is the prime example of the type described by Sinclair when he quipped, "“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
David French has been the ingrown toenail of the Republican Party. A narcissistic pain in the ass that offers absolutely no functional value to anything but himself. His "principles" are like a chameleon's skin, adapting perfectly to its surroundings so as to be fully camouflaged and changing again when he moves to a different spot.
Well, perhaps when he gets down to the removal of the last piece of clothing we'll see he was never a man after all. Without the plumbing, he's just one of those "imagining" their malehood. Given his constant roaming of principles, he's probably pretended to be every known - and made up - gender listed on Google's job application.
A prime example of rino mentality on a level with Senators and RepRESENTatives in the DC swamp.I read Elon has joined Poca-Man in deeming TDS a mental disorder which is reaching endemic rates in newsrooms and studios worldwide French and A.Navarro are merely on display.for alll to see. Poll was a token gift after yesterdays?Please keep exposing the fraudsters Don as we work our will to a MAGA 2024 victory.
"David French — Harvard-trained lawyer, former Army JAG officer..." Ron DeSantis. Sorry, just had to... I like what RdS has done in Florida, but that training route defines D.C. and its corruption - because rare is it that anyone there has ever worked in the private sector where there is risk other than bribery or blackmail.
Great piece, Don. Any further exposure of 'people' like French is necessary.
Thank you for an easy choice on the poll. I trust gas station sushi hands down compared to any money grubber. My morning protocol is slowly evolving into a delightful regimen, with a well-groomed cat on my lap and coffee finished, I can now move to turning on Fox News on mute. I will finish cleaning the kitchen and getting breakfast ready. Thank you for being such a great catalyst in my life, Don. Among the days activities that I will relish are conversations with your great crowd of followers. I am 76 years old,have lost my second wife, and I'm having a blast. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. That comfort includes humor, likes a clown named peanuts who was viciously attacked by an elephant causing the crowd at the funeral in Mary Tyler Moore's episode to break out in laughter at the most inappropriate time.
Need a poll between Filling Station - a) sushi, b) roller dogs, and c) BBQ. Tie breaker w/b to guess ingredients in the ‘hot dog chili’….hint #1 - McConnell’s SIL had the import license….
One of the other quadrillion things the Trump presidency accomplished was the outing of the entirely fake so-called conservative movement, like those at National PU, and the Mitch McConnells, Paul Ryan’s etc.
Trump actually ACCOMPLISHED so many things that these poseurs had proclaimed for decades that they wanted, ( ” if only you’d donate to their candidates and causes!”), but, somehow, strangely, could just never get over the finish line, like energy independence, true immigration reforms, etc. etc. AND THEY HATED HIM FOR IT!!!
He totally exposed them for the liars and grifters they truly are and were all along. Trump ripped the mask off the lot of them revealing they’ve never really been about conserving this Constitutional Republic, but only for lining their pockets and hearing themselves talk. David French is their poster boy.
You're not wrong, but Mitch McConnell was not as bad as Paul Ryan, that sneaky creep. During Obama's final year, McConnell refused to take up the appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, which in the end meant that Trump could appoint THREE Justices. For that we owe McConnell.
McConnell was Pro-china and did a lot of damage to the US, especially the economy. That damaged the daily lives of most Americans. He also seemed to be Schumer's best buddy on many votes that weren't conservative.
Yes, I am grateful Garland didn't get the Supreme Court, but here are two questions about that:
1) Would he have been any more liberal or dangerous than Ketanji Brown Jackson?
2) If he had been on the Supreme Court instead of the AG, would the DOJ have been as damaging to PDJT?
Shortly before he stepped down as Minority Leader, Mitch’s sister-in-law died recently in a suspicious car accident currently under investigation. She was directly affiliated with the CCP in a veritable Scrabble Board of lettered agencies and organizations, and her husband’s communist Chinese connections have been designated as a “military operation”!
And Mitch has been in the position of wielding influence over US-China policy and legislation for decades! No conflict of interest, to say the least?? I mean WTH.
Thanks for adding to the rest of this story. It would be reasonable to suggest the timing of the accident may have been connected to his stepping down.
Im sure it is was a warning about something, less they strike closer to home.
About a week ago, I asked the search engine what had Elaine Cho ever done for America. Most of the items were "scrabble board" non-words, also that her spouse was Mitch McConnell.
Texas style Arkancide?
He did that because that was the thing he should have done. I don’t give him extra points for it. That was what he was put in that position to do: stand up for Conservative principles.
If only he continued to show the same courage and bold manner in supporting Trump and get his cohorts on the Senate to do likewise during his presidency. But he didn’t.
You are so pot on. Coke Mitch thought the justices he would get through, (from the Federalist society) would be more Souter's so he had to do that only ONE thing, its like when the wide receivers prance around the end zone for catching a ball....seals have more dignity.
Hooray for dignity, wherever it is so sparsely found.
I don't disagree with you. My view is simply that his stand on that SC nomination makes up for a lot of the weaselly stuff he did -- because that will continue to pay dividends long after Mitch is gone from this earth.
So, imagine how many more dividends we would all be benefiting from if he’d not been such a thorn in Trumps side!
But Garlands anti Trump hatred is on full display now.
He hates us. Trump is just in his way.
...and that debt has been repaid - it does not warrant gratitude in perpetuity.
Most radio hosts were respectful of McConnell, fawning, even, in order to keep on speaking to him. Turtle, meet shell.
I believe in rendering thanks for thanks is due to keep our own abused hearts from being bitter and Mitch did a good job getting us three conservative true conservative justices.
As Rush would say, "he will soon assume room temperature". Mitch is 82 and won't last long.
The fires of hell burn a bit warmer.
In the interim, he is being called Freeze Frame. Poster Wim above ended with "after Mitch is gone from this earth." I was about to add "Toot toot! Here's your ride, sir."
Yes. Send Obama back home - to KENYA!
Bikini atoll, closer to his wife's family
Suzie, you nailed it! I watched the slow motion train wreck of National Review in astonishment as one writer after another threw their principles overboard. They destroyed a hallowed conservative journal that over decades had painstakingly laid the foundation to elect Reagan, the right man at the right time for America. Unfortunately, Bill Buckley’s hand-picked successor was blind to one of the most momentous political earthquakes in American history and not only missed it, but foolishly didn’t even try to understand it except to mock it.
i didn't loathe NR until they threw John Derbyshire to the wolves in 2012. similar story to what happened to Dilbert's Scott Adams more recently.
I felt the same way about Derbs, and not long after that Mark Steyn left after NR punted on standing up for free speech. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t dump NR till 2016.
Don't think for a moment that WFB, Jr. hasn't been spinning in his grave for the last decade, or so.
Never forget watching a panel of pundits on National Review way back when. Amongst others I specifically remember George Will and Charles Krauthammer talking about Obama being a "centrist". LOL. Even the best minds are naive and get duped.
Things haven't changed at all since the days when a "journalist" could be bought for the price of a steak dinner.
Barry is centrist if your ends are stalinism and maoism....
And the end of the USA.
And racism...
Trump's job has barely begun. The number of human obstacles that remain in DC awaiting extinguishment is beyond comprehension. He is expert at identifying them and relegating them to oblivion, but replacing them with qualified, honorable, patriots will be a problem until qualified replacements are actually willing to give up their private life and be part of government. I hope there will be a ground swell, but would you be willing to take the chance if you were accomplished and thriving in the private sector? That's the BIG question.
We must neutralize the engines in our society which have polluted our government. Academia is the primary vehicle/training ground for the government employees which constitute our deep state. Those people cannot be easily replaced. However, the politicos who lead them can be replaced.
The cleaning of the system will take decades. I suggest an Inspector General Office charged with holding protected officials to account. Government should be Apolitical like the military used to be.
Amen Dennis as to your last sentence.
Have you heard about Project 2025?
Having ahead start this time is encouraging imho
That’s what will weed out the chaff from the wheat. which case no replacement is better than a deep-state mole - recess appointments fix that.
Truly agree DJ/who needs the hatred of the left lurking everywhere you may be?
Getting all of the statist, grifter, corrupt, hack, goons to expose themselves was his greatest accomplishment. Our government is organized crime on an unprecedented level.
I guess the old adage is true: You can never trust the”French.”
03/06/24: At this rate, Mr. French will propose marriage to Mr. Trump. And with his luck, French will end up in bed with Nikki Hasbeeny.
And while we're firmly ensconced in Mocking Humor mode, let us imagine the chagrin another useless NYT "conservative," Bret Stephens, experienced in 2017 when his ex-wife, Perky Paul, also a NYT employee-gismo, revealed some of his more notable negative attributes in her bubble-bath memoir,
"My Life With Bob, Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues" (Henry Holt & Co. 2017 hardcover).
You have correctly deduced merely by reading the title of this immensely silly book that even a dime would be too much to spend on it.
If you do happen to find a free copy --- perhaps on the ground, ala Saratoga Racetrack, where after the Race One plungers lose and then storm out the gates, flinging their programs into the mud (ala Hillary Clinton in 2016, emitting venomous alibis as to why she lost an "in the bag" election) --- take a peek at it.
Nikki Hasbeeny! Hilarious!!
P.S. Mr. French is one of my most cherished Exhibit A candidates for those who on Election Night (11/05/24), when asked if they're "in the mood," will say: "Not tonight dear. I have a migraine."
(Moments later, his lithium-powered electric sex toy erupts in flames, revealing what he really had been up to before she came home from work.)
Come to think of it,"she" might not be a "she."
Also, ala Nasty Pelosi, using scissors to tear up PJT's State of the Union address.
I've found "fragrant" stuff on the sole of my shoe that was more honorable than David French.
Yes. At least Dogs are consistently faithful to their owners.
Right after the Towers were bombed, on the newsy website most of us were on, posters were calling the French, Cheese-Eating-Surrender-Monkeys. Today the radio news spoke of France's current abortion law (any baby, any time, any age, any reason).
The French have never won a single military action since the Duke of Wellington crushed them in the 1815 Battle of Waterloo.
America grew from the Napoleonic Wars by the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.
David Letterman once referred to the French as "Cheese-loving surrender monkeys".
If the shoe fits...
May David French have diarrhea until he falls through his ass and hangs himself. Problem fixed! Who's next on the hit list?
Is that the definition of
an "a$$-hat"?
If it isn't, it will have to be until a better one comes along.
The list is long and distinguished
I’ve got ‘principles’says David French… and if you don’t like those…
I’ve got other ones!
If he said that, he stole it from Groucho Marx.
He didn’t say it (obviously) I’m summing up Dons point. But, I was too lazy to look up the original quoter… thanks for filling me in!
He is actually employed in the NYT principles office…
Great piece, now let me hijack this platform. I do so hoping you approve, Sir Don, and that you might take this piece of coal and turn it into a diamond. Then Kane will link to it, then Don Jr will see it, then it will reach the Donald.
Now that its clear (absent unforeseen circumstances) that Pres Trump is well on his way to reelection, I think he has greater power to effect immediate change than he did yesterday morning.
I want him to declare now, that he will instruct his AG to conduct a ‘Nuremberg Trial’ into everything surrounding the arrest and imprisonment of the Jan 6ers (one day, perhaps, only the name of an NBA team).
The point isn’t another plank in his platform (of course his person is his platform) but rather effect immediate change in the conditions these political prisoners are experiencing.
The point is to strike fear into the guards, wardens, judges, and prosecutors, and particularly that pos Garland, to cease and desist piling up their crimes, because there’s a 99% chance of a day of reckoning.
I specialize in good ideas (esp’ly ones that lose me money) so I’m anxious for my wiser peers to tell me the down side to this.
Yes, free the J6 prisoners and get them justice, but as long as you are having a Nuremberg party, I would add that we also go after every son of a bitch that was behind the COVID lie. It was the greatest crime against humanity bar none. They murdered millions with intent. It's effects are STILL murdering people around us each day. It was first degree murder. That's our government.
I read recently that the annual Flu shot will be combined with the mRNA COVID shot per the new CDC Director. The mRNA technology was never safe, never effective, and causes a multitude of secondary damage to the human body. And they are still pushing it? Pretty soon it will be in our food supply. When will the annual flu shot be mandated?
Notice how the COVID people are fading into oblivion? Fauci. Walensky. Jacinda Ardern.
Hospitals and larger doctor groups were complicit too.
Thx for reminding me of the larger elephant in the room.
The money they got was outrageous!! Tens of thousands of dollars to attribute a condition to COVID even when it wasn't covid that killed them, put someone on the vent, prescribe remdesivir.
Every damned hospital senior executive team and board of directors/trustees should be charged with murder or manslaughter.
Docs and nurses just say they were "following orders". So did all the guards of the death camps and it didn't work for them in their court trials. They hung by their necks until dead.
Hang the nooses from the arm of the Statue of Liberty for all to see.
I'm so glad you said the " C word" because my son and I were chatting on our cells earlier today and I had mentioned two people he knew but didn't know they both passed away, and I mentioned Covid protocols used during their double funeral twice in my conversation. Our phone call was shut down. Son called back to say that was a gov operation to monitor offensive words.
Interesting. I know they are “listening” to written communications because there are commercial software programs that do listening of social media posts for marketing products. Havn’t heard of anything that actually listens to phone calls. I guess that would be a government operation.
NSA does it all the time. They have a few data storage centers that have captured data. Probably why the govnmt is slobbering all over AI. Once they figure out how to sort and process it, they can continue with march.
The hospitals and doctors were bribed with Covid money to say everyone including those hit by a tree or gunshot wounds, or heart attacks died BY covid not WITH covid.
Yes, good reminder. Every nurse and doctor knows this.
Nuremberg ‘em, then nuke ‘em
They're both from the same source: Our corrupted Federal Government. We're really talking about the same problem, just in different events.
I refused last yr to take the flu shot. Doc told me this yrs was ok too. I am 'forgetting' or the pharmacy is too busy to get me one this year. Not taking it.
I am sure that there are hundreds of shredders already a-buzzing, and many smoky backrooms humming with plots and plans to cover a great many asses, should their worst nightmare come true and DJT once again assume the mantle of Leader of the Free World.
They will not go quietly.
It would be a good thing to offer an amnesty to whoever is first to rat out these bastards, but time is short, so act quickly or go down in flames of infamy with the rest of the traitors.
Again, you’ve nailed it. Yesterday, the architect of the Ukraine fiasco, Victoria Nuland, resigned. She’s skipping out of town to try to distance herself from the coming collapse of the neocons’ dream to takeover Russia and harvest their natural resources for the enrichment of the swamp creatures. That wretch has the blood of 500,000 young men on her hands.
MOST interesting!
My apologies FBI. Didn’t mean to leave you out (no offense to you- fictitious good apples)
Fine, but before all of that he needs to pardon every one of the prisoners, set them free and give each of them a big financial award for the heinous treatment they received. It should be billed to their tormentors but I will be perfectly happy if my tax dollars are used.
Dear Plays- I agree, first pardon, then judgment dat. But that comes after election.
Now with a plausible threat, he can improve their conditions
The pardons MUST be on Day One, January 21 (circa) 2025. And simultaneously convict every one of the corrupt FBI agents to serve out the freed prisoners' terms.
Abso-flipping-lutely, Don. Those items could be on the Resolute desk within minutes of his swearing-in. Amen and Amen!
The J6 hostages can be paid from money saved by terminating the thousands of IRS agents hired by FJB.
Oh! And money saved by terminating 90% of the employees of the State Dept., Justice Dept., the CIA, the FBI, etc. etc. Trump is going to have a busy first day. Perhaps he should have his staff draft a list of cancellation and termination and make it part of his inaugural address. Then have him sign the speech at the end, forever after designating J20 as Termination Day. Yea, that’s the ticket!
All of them should go. Including ATF and NSA.
In amounts equal to the Biden Crime Family bag money. Or what has been spent on Ukraine.
Mr Boggs is a thinking man for the age !!
Ha! I’m thinking now of the Old Fashioned I’ll have tonight in my reading chair.
No Manhattan?
Certainly, but this is Wednesday. That’s part of the Saturday rotation.
Since nobody asked- here my recipe for Boggs Knees (a cousin of Bees Knees)
2 oz Gordon’s Gin infused with Lavender Creme Brulee Tea (which I found in Albuquerque & bought for my wife)
1.5 oz Citrus Honey
Egg White
Dry shake
Ice- shake and strain
Coupe glass
One bar spoon of an Islay Scotch (Laphroaig)
Peychaud drops on top
Drinks best with the little finger of glass-holding hand extended
Alright Gayle! Two of us; if we reach a minyan (10) he’ll have to do it. He’ll have no choice.
I can only imagine how powerful that idea would become in his hands!
These are the worst kind of people. At worst sociopaths. At least narcissists. Both David French and David Brock are equivalent to the media as FJB is to Capitol Hill. The go whichever way the odor emanating from the diaper goes.
Are we talking about FJB's diaper? Depends.
LOL. Indeed.
I love a good pun,
Although, since he is probably under Hospice care at this point they use a cheaper brand brief. Made in China no doubt. Gotta support his benefactors.
When was the last time The Supreme Court voted 9-0 on anything? Doesn't matter a win is a win. Carry on!!
Actually they had a few last year. Also sending a message. I havent had enough coffee to remember which discions they were.
I did search and came up empty.
There was at least one other I think but you are right, search was way thin on details even on other than 9-0
Thanks TJ. This one was not splashed across the top of the front page I guess.
Not sure why I am using a browser not Google but none of them were helping this morning. Might be operator error, I need more coffee.
I made note of it when it happened because 9-0 was unheard of esp w Roberts in charge. There was at least one more I think. Most of the 9-0 had to do with reigning in the government. I will look again when I get back this afternoon.
French is toast.
He has egg on his face.
Breakfast is served! Rightly so.
"It's what's for breakfast.
Right-o. Give it to Mikey, he hates everything. Or, it may have been that Mikey EATS everything. We had to sit close to the TV to hear it.
In one of those old Marx Bros movies, Grroucho is speaking with a woman and concludes his talk by saying (as he waggles his eyebrows and hist cigar): "Those are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."
It's one of the best lines show business ever produced.
Groucho, "Do you mind if I smoke?
Beautiful lady, "I don't care if you go up in flames"
MizGayle, you are very welcome.
There are a lot of David French-like critters out there. There’s Bret Stephens and the old broad over at the WSJ, Peggy “Time Warp” Noonan, and Jonah Goldberg. There’s Bill Kristol, although there probably shouldn’t be, since he’s nuts. And there are a bunch more of these RINO clowns. All these trademarked “conservatives” are just shills for the Swamp. We are currently in the battle of Washington DC versus America. It’s like the war for Independence, except our Government are the British against the American people and the Chinese are on their side. There is no France equivalent in this war to help us, since as usual, the French have pulled out and are busy making macaron and pouting. And most other countries are regime centric, since the U.S.G. either pays them or threatens them.
All the pundits scurry, the Swamp’s favor to curry. They have one principle - self preservation. They serve to provide theatrical support for the even handedness of our ruling class tormentors, to show us how to be weak and submissive while pretending to be tough and “conservative”. The regime can pull them out where necessary to support non-entities like Trikki Nikki and faux solemn Mike Pence and other assorted backstabbing trash. Don’t fall for it. I don’t think most people with an IQ higher than a toaster oven do anymore.
Negatron to RINOs.
Trump 2024.
"French, the principled man, eventually landed a columnist gig at the New York Times as the House Conservative." One must give the devils their due. The editorialists at the NYT clearly saw French for what he was; an arriviste, an opportunistic social climber who would sell out his mother for a chance to become one of the cosmopolites living physically-but mostly mentally- in the exclusive bubble of the Upper East Side of Manhattan. And now that he has arrived, he will say what his paymasters tell him to say. In a manner of speaking, he is the prime example of the type described by Sinclair when he quipped, "“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
that describes pretty much every nominal conservative that gets book deals, tv appearances, etc.
David French has been the ingrown toenail of the Republican Party. A narcissistic pain in the ass that offers absolutely no functional value to anything but himself. His "principles" are like a chameleon's skin, adapting perfectly to its surroundings so as to be fully camouflaged and changing again when he moves to a different spot.
It is time to strip French's camouflage.
He’s doing a pretty excellent strip tease all by himself every time he opens his mouth.
Well, perhaps when he gets down to the removal of the last piece of clothing we'll see he was never a man after all. Without the plumbing, he's just one of those "imagining" their malehood. Given his constant roaming of principles, he's probably pretended to be every known - and made up - gender listed on Google's job application.
That is the ne plus ultra definition of French. No matter what else he ever steps in and drags on the carpet, that will fit him ad infinitum.
A prime example of rino mentality on a level with Senators and RepRESENTatives in the DC swamp.I read Elon has joined Poca-Man in deeming TDS a mental disorder which is reaching endemic rates in newsrooms and studios worldwide French and A.Navarro are merely on display.for alll to see. Poll was a token gift after yesterdays?Please keep exposing the fraudsters Don as we work our will to a MAGA 2024 victory.
"David French — Harvard-trained lawyer, former Army JAG officer..." Ron DeSantis. Sorry, just had to... I like what RdS has done in Florida, but that training route defines D.C. and its corruption - because rare is it that anyone there has ever worked in the private sector where there is risk other than bribery or blackmail.
Great piece, Don. Any further exposure of 'people' like French is necessary.
Thank you for an easy choice on the poll. I trust gas station sushi hands down compared to any money grubber. My morning protocol is slowly evolving into a delightful regimen, with a well-groomed cat on my lap and coffee finished, I can now move to turning on Fox News on mute. I will finish cleaning the kitchen and getting breakfast ready. Thank you for being such a great catalyst in my life, Don. Among the days activities that I will relish are conversations with your great crowd of followers. I am 76 years old,have lost my second wife, and I'm having a blast. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. That comfort includes humor, likes a clown named peanuts who was viciously attacked by an elephant causing the crowd at the funeral in Mary Tyler Moore's episode to break out in laughter at the most inappropriate time.
Need a poll between Filling Station - a) sushi, b) roller dogs, and c) BBQ. Tie breaker w/b to guess ingredients in the ‘hot dog chili’….hint #1 - McConnell’s SIL had the import license….
Of the three choices in the poll only one has disappointed me. I have no expectations of quality for gas station sushi or the current National Review.
I'll admit to one thing: that gas station sushi gets better gas mileage than what they sell out of the pumps.