In 1955, qat age 20, I volunteered for the draft and served two years in the United Sates Army. I was a lousy high school student and figured if I served my country at the very least the experience would straighten me out. I was right. I've loved my country ever since, and the hair stands up on the back of my neck every time I read about cowards (and that is exactly what they are) who game the system. Take a trip to Israel and see what every one of their citizens commit to doing to serve and save their country. Military service should be mandatory for every single United States citizen. So when I read stories like this column, the combination of cowardice and corruption is a left hook to my jaw. Add to that, the disgusting deterioration of our military under the Biden administration and I'm ready to go ballistic. May every money grubbing politician has diarrhea for the rest of their lives.

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PS: If you really want to talk about deterioration, stop for a minute and consider how Blow Job Kamala, who can't spell cat without erasing, and can't utter a coherent sentence without a cue card, can rise to the top of our country's political system and be seriously considered a candidate for the highest position in the entire world. What in God's name is going on with our country?

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The answer is a soft coup that will destroy and permanently end this republic. They are doing what enemies of state do. Until Trump, they were getting away with it as a complicit deep state and GOP neocon party helped out.

We are seeing the attempted overthrow of America.

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With Trump, it will destroy the Democrats!! "Stand up straight and hold the line!"

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Kamala is a cardboard cutout figurehead candidate, just like Dementia Joe. This is all theater for the Democrats. They work for unelected powerful interests who determine the direction the world moves. Thus instant President Obama, and the same thing happens in the EU. Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, WEF, Club of Rome, international financiers, in conjunction with the Commies, the CCP, these groups of influential people form networks that drive politicians and policies, regardless of public opinion. The Democrats aren’t even pretending to care about the democratic process any more.

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I don't want to unnecessarily promote another substack here in Don's home, but this one should be required reading for anyone who thinks that we have been living in America for the past twenty years. We have not been, and still are not. We are living in the alternative hellhole that Obama created and that he still controls through the members of the globalist cabal he intalled in every federal administrative position over which he had control, and especially the so-called "intelligence community." https://topsecretumbra.substack.com/p/who-really-is-barack-obama-a-counterintelligence

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Both scary & shocking. Harris is a joke. I have never been more fearful of what will be if she gets in.

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I did, and do, fear Obama. I knew what fundamentally changing American meant.

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Perhaps it’s hyperbolic but in ways Obama is the devil incarnate…

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The DIMS don’t care if there’s a ham sandwich in the Oval Office as long as it’s their ham sandwich. We’ve already had 3+ years of a badly animated corpse.

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I strongly disagree. I hate to think of our youth, in the prime of their lives, being turned over to the government. The best thing they can do for our country is get a job and raise a family. Hopefully, some good people will—and have—volunteer(ed) for the armed forces.

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Jester's sentiment is correct, but as a former soldier I agree and am advising our youth to avoid military service under this administration.

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Some of the readers of this site know that I wholeheartedly approve of America's intervention in Europe during WWII; and given my background I can hardly do otherwise. If that had not happened -- I more than shudder to contemplate the possible consequences. And when one visits the Allied military cemeteries overseas it's hard not to be struck by a profound feeling of reverence for all those sacrificed young men in their prime -- and shed a tear.

But taking a broader perspective, it's not unreasonable to wonder if that intervention would have been at all necessary if Woodrow Wilson, the founder of the Deep State, had not pushed this country into its predecessor, meaning WWI. That move enabled Wilson to quash Americans' civil rights, to poison previously positive relationships with Germany with vile falsehoods, and worst of all, enabled the European "allies", led by always-vengeful France, to impose a highly punitive, highly humiliating peace settlement on the Germans. Without Wilson's venture, in the post-WWI years Hitler could not possibly have had as much wind in his sails as he got -- and World War II might not have happened. At least, not in the European theater.

All I'm saying is, there really was wisdom in John Quincy Adams' warning for his country not "going abroad in search of monsters to destroy." Even if he made that remark in the context of Latin America.

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In general you are right about avoiding foreign entanglements and adventures. But in practice it’s far more complicated. Nevertheless we should drastically cut back on foreign meddling for a host of reasons and focus instead on fixing the nation. That won’t happen with Kamala as a figurehead President for the shadow globalist -commie regime.

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Amen to this,let us concentrate on healing the U.S.of A. from a severe case of liberal/socialistic mentalpause first.

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Intervening was not the problem. We basically put all of Western Europe on our welfare rolls. We went too far and now they are like many of our spoiled Liberals who believe everyone should have everything without responsibility to provide the labor for it. It was not help up but rather a hand out then continued until we have what we have today.

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And the 16th and 17th Amendments passage was the beginning of the end for Federalism. Repealing both of those would right the ship in a big way. Decentralizing is the key to all of this. Local control of ones self rather than the centralized power of an unaccountable bureaucracy.

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There’s a reason the planet has oceans.

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MMMmm ... There's many more than one: moderating the climate, providing seafood, enabling economical shipping ... but yes, being located thousands of wet miles from potential sources of trouble is a big one too. A great blessing, really, and one I'm sure is the envy of many other states.

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Yes—I appreciate Jester’s service, and hope more like him will serve.

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You disagree from a position of the conditioning from the endless lies from media. The government is We the People, or it is supposed to be. If high schoolers had to do a mandatory service for their full understanding of what it means to be a part of sovereign and civil society that serves others as part of the social contract, we might not be in the crap we are now. For the gigantic amount of teens that think Socialism sounds great from their indoctrination, would soon learn how they are wrong once they serve 2 years in the government run military.

I saw first hand how inefficient and wasteful the bureaucracy of the military is and how in taking my oath, plan on serving my country and will defend the Constitution til my last breath. It is grotesque how far the citizenry has fallen from the ideas of the founding. The Media is the enemy of the people and the continued lies from them are the crux of the problem. First hand experience is waning more and more with the virtual brainwashing leading to a very incapable society. The pain will have to be so great it finally wakes up the sleeping giant. Even a Trump win will not avoid the pain that is coming. Hopefully the Dems get away with stealing this one too, so everyone sees the corruption even clearer so we can get to the business of cleaning house instead of the procrastination happening now.

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Your argument is sound however, if we wait for the ultimate pain to be inflicted it may be too late to correct it. I'd be willing to bet the people of China would like to "fix" their situation. I fear once gone it is gone.

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Kind of agree. If not for anything else the fact we have very few men anymore willing to actually fight.

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From the "news":


These poor folks are in the largest region in the country and yet are the poorest. They too are deemed domestic terrorists for daring to want to be separate from the corrupted central government controlling their lives. How dare they. the winds have changed, sails up folks, get ready to tack. Watch that main beam, it packs a whollop if you aint looking

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But I would suggest in 1776, that a majority were not in favor of fighting the King either, and yet what occurred? What percentage of the population actual fought for a new country in ways that pledged their fortunes, their lives and their sacred honor? Sad to say but a culling of the herd will happen, in one shape or another, and the strong will survive. I'm impatient and deplorable so I'm trying to get this shindig going. No amount of reason will convince Leftist they are wrong about everything. They are so wrong they don't even understand charity can only occur when people are free to build wealth and then give. The pinch coming is going to sort out who is strong enough mentally and physically to plod forward and correct the corruption and have the stomach to punish the criminals.

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I would be happy with requiring all students to get a sound civics and US history course.

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I can agree with all of that except for what follows "Hopefully ..."

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Are you going to vote?

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I agree but our leaders keep getting us into stupid wars so a lot of soldiers die or are wounded needlessly.

To protect our country is the goal of the military but when since WW2 was our country truly threat by a foreign adversary?

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When? Since 9/11/2001 right up to this very minute.

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True but turning Afghanistan into glass with one bomb would have had a more permanent effect.

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Kudos to you and thank you for your honor. A rare breed today, especially from our "servants".

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This may show my ignorance of military matters, but how can you have "volunteered for the draft"?

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If you know you have to go all you do is go to a recruiter and say you're volunteering for the draft. The most common way is just to wait to be drafted but is wasn't the only way. A classmate of mine in high school volunteered and spent his two years in Germany. The found out he could type so they kept him for his entire two years. Lucky bastard....

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OK; I guess the problem is my definition of the draft, which is the forcible enlistment into the military of those in a certain age bracket -- which implies they're not volunteering. Evidently that is wrong.

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My brother's draft number was 1, and he was 1 in the county. So instead of being cannon fodder, he volunteered to do two years in the Army. Almost made it to VN until they found out I was there already. So he stayed in the states. He did get shot at Ft. Hood, scavengers on the ranges. So yes you could volunteer for the draft.

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Diarrhea and never to enjoy a decent nights sleep!

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How do you volunteer for the draft.

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first in line, and using definitions of words wrong.

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Yeah, always kind of sad the typo Nazi's we find in all comment sections. Do they really read for the content or are they looking for mistakes so they can condescendingly point out? And yes, the press is always scared to death of God fearing, good Republican men. And why the savaging of JD Vance will never stop.

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The idea that we shouldn't expect perfection because no one is perfect, doesn't mean we give up being as accurate as possible, does it? When I misspell or write something that is incorrect, I try to fix it. If I miss it its because I am a dumb ass. The fact the double standards have existed for decades for the Left is what the bigger problem reveals. No one in the GOP wants to be the perfection "nazi" because that's how an unethical press reports it. Why argue facts and science when you can exploit feelings. Anyone that points out flaws of our human imperfection is a NaZi, because that's the most ugly thing they were taught in public indoctrination centers. Sadly though the courage of anti -Leftists is dwindling in our pysche as a country. The entire political problem would fix itself if the common sense people just continue to speak out and correct the Leftists every chance they can get to expose the ugly flaws that are collectivism's shortfalls vs. individual liberty's triumphs. But that would mean more reading for those that aren't readers. dang it.

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Correct. No one is perfect.

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If Jesus was running for office they'd crucify him again for associating with a known prostitute.

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My point, is don't take the criticism as condescension, it is just science. If a person is acting condescending, that's their imperfection, not yours, you just spelled wrong.

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Yes, little Karen, what is your question?

Can we have more homework.

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If Democrats didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all.

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I realize there are smarter Dems who have seen behind the curtain and understand how utterly corrupt and hypocritical the Dems are. It’s absolutely amazing the stuff they do and are never ever exposed bc all of the media are partisans. I actually blame the media the most bc politicians are expected to trade donations for favors, but the media’s role is to expose that, not cover it up for one party. So now the country is fractured and we can lay it at their feet.

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I hope Dan Quayle sees what politics has become and thanks God daily for that spelling bee.

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Re the Poll: Althoigh Kamala has aided and abetted her party in the continuing desecration of the country, I chose Pence as the worst VP in history because, in my book, he was a traitor to his President, his party, the people and the country. I can’t see how one could be worse than that.

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I got mixed feelings about Pence -- but I do think he was too concerned about preserving his holy halo. Politics is not Sunday School.

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Pence is the worst kind of sanctimonious phony. Talks about religion and puts on a pious front, then stabs his President and the voters in the back, all coordinated with Nancy Pelosi and the Deep State.

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Pence and religion are a repub version of Pelousy /bidet and the Catholic Church .

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He also worked covertly during the Covid drama behind Trump’s back together with Birx to sabotage Scot Adams from replacing Fauci. She even talks about it in her book.

He was “embarrassed” by his affiliation with Trump, signed onto being VP just for the power trip, but was heavily aligned all throughout with the Uniparty’s machinations against DJT.

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But maybe there was something in it for Trump too, like balancing the ticket with a VP who was very much an establishment candidate ...

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That’s probably what he thought at the time but how’d that work out for him?

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Well, let's face it; Trump was a newcomer to politics, and he made some mistakes, as anybody would. Still and all, we do want him back, don't we? And he WILL be wiser to the wily ...

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His administration revealed more than anybody ever imagined, that’s for sure!

And yes, we most assuredly want him back - this time with eyes wide opened!!

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I chose Biden. Everything that is happening now can be laid at the feet of Hussein 0bama and Biden did his bidding for 8 long years as VP and for the past almost 4 years as president. Putting ComAllah on his ticket in 2020 was most likely 0bama’s doing as well.

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But we might not have even had him as a VP if Pence hadn’t been a cowardly traitor.

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And the teacher who handed the flashcard to Quayle with the misspelled word on it grinned through the entire exercise. He always wondered if someone in the press put her up to it.

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The irony about Quayle's service in the Indiana National Guard was that his unit ACTUALLY DID GO TO VIETNAM. They were the only NG unit to actually deploy "in country" during that conflict. They had just returned by the time Quayle enlisted, but there was certainly no guarantee they wouldn't be sent back.


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I voted Pence- Sanctimonious Judas stabbing his solemn vow to the US Constitution repeated in the heart….for The Team. Leaders are held to higher bar says Paul….

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photo finish and a five way tie. lying in bed last night it occurred to me that harris/waltz are going to get us into a shooting war with china. it's not really harris/waltz but the idiots who will be voting for them. i think that's a real possibility and there isn't much we can do about it. zuckerberg should hold a news conference on all the networks and announce his support of trump.


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Zuckerberg is an enemy of the people. Anybody that builds a zillion dollar bunker in Hawaii for protection is up to absolutely no good. He is cancer in the world of social media.

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Zuckerberg is bad news. But he did admit yesterday that Facebook was censoring information that affected the 2020 election at the behest of the Biden Administration and promised Jim Jordan he wouldn’t do it again. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one…

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and everyone yawned. Well played Zuck....

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IDK...don't you think the USA and China are so incestuous they would both lose?

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no war really. china is the new game in town but they know they don't quite (yet) match up militarily even though america is a feminized woke cesspool. perhaps another 4 years.

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Nah. The Chinese and the Democrats are on the same team.

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How do you figure that can happen if Walz's history shows his close connections to China? That's assuming of course that the Cackler/Timpon ticket gets elected ...

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How about all of the above on the survey today?

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Cheney, pence, Harris were nobodies, placeholders at best.

Biden was an international crook but kept it within his family and had little adverse affect on the country as a whole.

I voted for the lowest scoring Al Gore. Gore engineered and propelled the global warming brainwashing that has created a global socialist empire and a democrat's life-dream. Global warming needs to be taken on, every climate scientist lying about the climate fired from any position of authority, and our government screened and cleaned from the tyranny of climate disaster. Then, we need to re-educate everyone under 40 years of age that it was the biggest hoax (next to COVID) ever perpetrated on mankind. There is lots of data debunking global warming but those scientists can't speak up and the media wouldn't cover it anyway.

This is Al Gore's legacy.

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You make a great point, Shrugged. Gore was desperate to win the Iowa caucuses and kowtowed to the Iowa farmers to try to win it. Real climate scientists don't cherry pick the data of the last few decades, but show the data further back, which exposes the global warming lie. The ice ages and more moderate temperatures are memory holed.

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Do you refer to the pompous ass who twice had to cancel climate meetings in D.C. because the planes could not land in icing conditions ???

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I have heard numerous times that Bill Clinton is such a charmer that he is/was always the standout in the room. I think Obama would be the same if he cared to be sociable -- something I gather he reserves for basketball players and rap stars. John Kerry, OTOH, is a social dud, and he did end up in Vietnam, where he phonied up his record and got out early. I am guessing most military men are glad Bill Clinton stayed out of their organization. He would have back-slapped his way into a non-combat job where he would have smoked a lot of dope and chased the nurses. Same with Seargant-Major Tim Walz -- not sure his men would have wanted him in the trenches with them.

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I always wished Quayle had told Benson that "You're right. I never cheated on my wife. I never drove Marilyn Monroe to suicide. I never almost started a nuclear war, and my brother never left a woman to die in his car. Actually, I'm glad I'm not. How much of that were you complicit in, Senator."

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My distrust of the mainstream media started in 1992 when President George H. W. Bush attended a grocery trade show and expressed amazement at a new barcode scanner that could read damaged barcodes. The New York Times twisted that encounter into a front page story that said he was amazed by a barcode scanner, proving he was out of touch with everyday Americans. That was my first real glimpse of outright media bias directed at Republicans. I was a lot younger and more naive back then.

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IIRC, he was also panned for not knowing the price of a gallon of milk. I had a small child at the time and I didn’t know the price either - because it was a necessity so I bought it without looking at the price. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck you only check the price of something you can do without to see if, maybe this time, you can afford it.

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There is nothing I can add to this. So I’ll share a link. https://open.substack.com/pub/energybadboys/p/disposable-power-plants-wind-and?r=h1q64&utm_medium=ios Wind and Solar are the disposable one use plastic of the energy world.

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The center of gravity for our political woes is the MSM. There is no end to the number of jackasses who will use politics to their benefit. The principal facilitator for these asswipes has been the press. The marketing of Kamala is a primo example. The destruction of a political foe like Don describes is another. So the question is, who enables and runs the MSM? The MSM is the weapon but who holds it and wields it. It can't be one person. It must be a cabal/organization that coordinates between themselves and funds the MSM to do their bidding. Who is really calling the Progressive shots?? Take out the cabal and the rest will fall in place.

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