Shock and awe-she was RFK’s VP candidate: ‘Billionaire Philanthropist Nicole Shanahan Puts Senate on Notice — Vote to Confirm RFK Jr. or I Will ‘Personally Fund’ Primary Challenges’

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My prediction is Nicole Shanahan's threat alone will be enough to confirm RJK. The end of the day this is all these weasels think or care about. Their next term. This, in addition to the obvious huge amount of monies thrown at all of congress by Big Pharma and Big Ag will expose them for what they are. Whores.

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New law: Members of congress in the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Ag are whores and must wear arm bands signifying who their Johns are.

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You'd think they would recuse themselves if they were taking money from Big Pharma or at least come out with a disclaimer before embarrassing themselves??

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It is a common business practice to ask for disclosure of Conflict of Interest when an outside relationship involving money may be seen as being influential in business decision making. I know I had to sign disclosures several times in my career.

The money that comes to Congress - who makes laws and regulates the markets from which those money sources originate - create absolute conflicts of interest.

Poor Bobby Kennedy got smoked today from every Senator (D and R) who takes big money from big food or big Pharma.

That money should stop. If it doesn't, those Senators should not have a right to vote on a candidate nominee.

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The last head, Becera, did nothing, zilch, took the money and the perks...nice gig if you are a crook, lol.

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They can't. Their "sponsors" would have their heads. Thus they woud lose the next election and become irrelevant.

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Threat of a Primary challenge to all congress critters is kryptonite

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Praying that you are right, Deplorable. We'll see how many Republicans vote against Bobby.

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It's not looking good today, but I think it is still in committee. We'll see if he makes it through committee.

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01/30/25: She can out-bribe Big Pharma. A sobering thought.

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I thought that but Big Pharma and the US CofC can tap billions from their corporate 'partners'. Has to be an issue that gets folks of a State fired up for a full year.... Perhaps have someone Even Worse be the next batter up.

Other benefit of taking their time, the 'Acting' Director of an Agency can fire people at will, whereas a newly 'senate confirmed' Cabinet Member has to wait 120 days to reassign/fire Anyone - so Trump/DOGE is firing, reassigning, benching, moving to the Southern Border like crazy right now - longer confirmation drags on, the more cleanup is getting done.

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Her first primary pick is Georgia’s Warnock after he refused to allow RFK,jr to answer his bloviated questions.

Warnock didn’t really win his seat, cheated just like all the others.

He’s evil incarnate. Even his wife asked Georgians to Not Vote for Warnock!

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AS she also stated that's exactly what she did for many of the Marxist Democrats now in Congress

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Cool-her sword swings both ways

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it won't let me comment even though it says upgrade to founding which means I AM a subscriber!!!!

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This time it did let me comment but usually it says for paid subscribers only. NOW if only I can get the SUBSTACKS in my email like I WAS doing for a long time but now they've stopped. Substack organization needs to clean up it's act, I am very frustrated with them.

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So sorry to hear that, Vicki. Substack organization needs to clean up it's act. Couldn't agree w/you more. All my dealings with them have been unsatisfactory.

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“The Atlantic”? As much of a waste of good trees & ink as “The New Yorker”; a compilation of self-absorbed, out-of-touch, bubble-wrapped “progressives” who’s hand wringing over (insert issue[s] here) knows no bounds. So infatuated with the smell of their own “progressive” farts the clear air of freedom is actually noxious to them.

The aforementioned deluded screeds have but one use: toilet paper.

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Kudos to The Don for reading the rags I won’t … and reminding me why I don’t.

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01/30/25: Very much appreciated here, as well.

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Remember, the Atlantic is the voice of DC democrat power. They are telling you the dems in DC are afraid. Now what do they have to be afraid of. Administrations change all the time.

The fear is if the progressive monolith is torn out by its roots, there will be no way to replant it. They will have to rebuild from scratch. And it will be out in the open, not in stealth mode.

It's the end of world wide leftism.

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"Now what do they have to be afraid of. Administrations change all the time."

ANSWER: This is the first time the new administration ISN'T Democrat or Uniparty, which means they are the same and didn't threaten the DC democrat power. Even Trump's first term ended up being Uniparty for most of his four years. This time he applied his learning from his first term and he is kicking the dem/uniparty's asses.

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The "deluded screeds" are worth Less than toilet paper - the paper they are printed on is Too Slick!!

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True. Birdcage liner then! ;<)

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I read the piece earlier...what I found illustrative of our primary disconnect from Leftists is this quote:

"politics is not a game, and this nation’s basic security and functioning are at risk."

To me, Trump's actions comprise a return not just to sanity, but a means to ensure security as well as a sustainable spending level that allows the gov't to continue to function.

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A very poetic comment on a coyple of rags I haven't touched since jr college.

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01/30/25: Did you notice how many times that Atlantic bow-tie wearing kazoo typed the word "norms"? Strip all the rest away and view the terror. His "norms" have evaporated. He'll have to tie his own shoelaces in the morning, from now on.

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The sense of calm in our household now is interesting. Smiles all around. Same goes for our neighbors and friends. Everyone it seems has calmed down and relaxed. People seem more courteous everywhere. Even in the crowded aisles of Costco. We are talking to one another again. Multiply all of this by millions of other households and imagine the change in attitudes across the country; just about anywhere. Thank you Mr. Trump.

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Same here. Although we all need to DUMP COSTCO!

They’ve ’Bud-lighted’ themselves. We need to make them own their DEI choice.

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Yes, I've decided not to renew my membership when it expires. There are a few things I like to buy at Costco, but they can be replaced. Besides, so much of the time I spend there is wasted because they constantly move their merchandise all over the place, and even if you ask an employee to find out where it is, half the time they are wrong.

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I dropped my Costco membership in 2013. I don't need to buy things in bulk -- I never liked doing that. It's a cult to me.

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I suppose that's why they call themselves "Wholesale". But yes, you have to be choosy, but not everything keeps well.

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We are aware of their decision to keep DEI as part of their corporate culture. We choose, for now, to ignore that and simply shop for the stuff we need. Our Costco (the only one in central/northern Arizona-in Prescott) is 10 minutes from our home. Knowing when to shop there is key. In a retirement community like Prescott it is pretty easy to predict when the hoards of old people will be at home and not in the store. Then it can be a pleasurable experience. We value their choices in food stuffs and if DEI works for them in hiring people working in their store, so be it.

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I know. Costco is pretty much all we’ve got in a semi-rural area in the FL panhandle too. Hubby is going to see when our current membership runs through and then make sure it’s not on auto renewal. Our understanding is that their entire profit margin is from their membership fees. All their goods are sold at cost (supposedly).

Won’t shop there again unless they stop being racist against whites, Christians or anyone else.

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To me, DEI is anti-white, that’s its whole purpose. I won’t support businesses that choose to implement DEI (if I’m aware of it) That’s their choice and that’s my reaction to it.

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America is great. A country where we all make our choices. As for the profit margin being solely from their membership fees, that is not correct. They have loss leaders (like their wonderful rotis chickens) which attract buyers to the store who then wander the aisles. And they constantly move goods around so you have to search for them. That creates more impulse buying. If you shop around you can actually find some products cheaper at other stores. Walmart for instance beats Costco on many products and you don't have to buy as much in bulk. And for all those people who complain about egg prices, buy in bulk at Costco- the price per dozen is very low.

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I pick & choose the things I buy for us at Costco. I'm sorry they no longer sell books since we read all the time rather than watch TV and we almost always buy gasoline & vitamins, etc there. Bottom line, we try to make our purchases from places that are good for us, rather than make a political statement

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Your money has more power than your vote.

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Always avoid the day after social security checks arrive, or you will be trampled.

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If people would use a calculator they would find Frys has better prices.

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I hate it when I can't boycott something because I already don't use it. The Reverend (hear Rush’s voice) Sharpton may have put the kibosh on Costco. We’ll see. Many people will continue to go there. The Bud Light boycott really surprised me. Some of my friends still drink it because it is often less expensive. (Because it is awful)

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To Rush, "Reverend" was a six syllable word.

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Lines to buy gasoline at a good price. Fill up. Parking spot hunt. Frisk IN. Admire the 96 inch big screens TV's. Fetch the Rotisserie large chicken bargain. Free food samples. Occasionally TP. Occasionally Bacon. Pay at the self serve aisle. Buy bargain hot dogs in the short cash only line. Wonder why the lids on the drink cups seldom fit. Frisk OUT. We still don't get it? Why did we pay $50 to belong? Why do people leave this store with carts so overloaded that they must be preparing for Armageddon? A little bit creepy...Not worth DEI.

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When leaving wallmart I will not show my receipt.

I tell them, if you think I have stolen call the police and prove it.

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Yesterday, the first pleasant day since Thanksgiving, I stopped into Walmart, bought things I could've gotten at Kroger. I fumbled for my receipt at the "exit door lady." She said, don't worry, I don't need to see it because your purchases are all in bags. Hmm. Sherlock Holmes, please call your office.

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These “Senate confirmation hearings” are comical to watch Bernie. the fake Indian and the dunces from Rhode Island and Oregon all made fools of themselves in the last few days. Bernie going off on the saying on some infants clothing really reveals what a get in line toady he truly is. Mr. 3 houses and counting really needs to stay home.

Trump has outsmarted them all by nominating people with talent. Senators aren’t use to that and they beclown themselves with their “questions “ and antics

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Exactly! It’s not that the Dems have been such geniuses all these decades.

It’s the Republicans have been either spineless or woefully UNtalented and so the Dems prevailed.

We’re on TRUMP TIME now and it’s a thing of beauty!!

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Sen.Wyden may supposedly represent Oregon but has lived in NYC for 20+years just maintaining a mailing address in state. He is was and always will be a worthless parasite in the bowels of government.

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01/30/25: Senator Angus King from Maine is new to me. I'm submitting an entry to the Guinness Book of Records --- the record time in which it took him to prove he's a dunce. "Hey, at least I didn't take gold bars for bribes!" Quiet, Angus. No further need to impress the Guinness people. You're in like Flynn.

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This time I didn't pick any answer in the poll. My guess as to why their marriage may be on the rocks is that Barack failed--to maintain their power and prestige, and their effective control over the country. After 20 years of national dominance, that's a major blow.

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You make much sense

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Phil, I agree. When both resorted to scolding black men for not wanting to vote for empty-headed Kamala, and both looked so forlorn, you could see in their pained faces that they knew the jig was up. They've been the dividers-in-chief since at least 2007 and their cultural relevance gave them a grip on the Dems so absolute that even normal liberals welcomed the Communist Left into their party. And you can see that it'll take a long time to fix this bc lefties are still singing the same tune as seen in the Atlantic, NYT, New Yorker, WaPo, etc. It has been a delightful couple of weeks----always smiling & happy!

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The whole subject is pretty icky. Not my circus not my monkeys. I didn’t play today.

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01/30/25: How was the sunshine outside the tent?

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You don't think his limp wrist, or the bulge in her pants, has anything to do with it?

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It's probably been a major blow for Obama even before he became POTUS.

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She hated Washington, don't you remember she was always on permanent vacation all over the world? Thank God she hated politicks.

She's not going anywhere because they have their Hawaii and Martha Vineyard homes and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s. (Plus 24/7 SS protection.)

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I've always wondered if those two girls were "theirs" or merely borrowed to round out the family tableau. It worked for a while, until it didn't.

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01/30/25: Proving that Barry now has to accept the reality that Big Mike was just in it for the limos and the free samples of this: https://www.google.com/search?q=hair+removal+products&oq=hair+removal+products&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.3627j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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Hard to describe how much I love this column but it arises from sheer satisfaction. Real, genuine satisfaction with Team Trump.

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Ditto. First read of the day. Gets my mind straight and my heart strong.

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Apropos Trump's "remaking" of the federal government, a somewhat counterfactual analogy came to mind. Imagine we are all passengers on The Titanic on its maiden voyage, sailing full speed ahead on the course plotted and maintained by the captain and crew when suddenly, a lookout notices a rather large iceberg looming dead ahead. He shouts a warning, but the captain ignores it, having determined to sail the ship on the course he plotted and planned for years in advance, despite the clear and unavoidable conclusion that it will doom the ship and its passengers. However, the lookout decides to take matters into his own hands, gathers a group of passengers who throw the captain and former crew overboard, take control of the ship and radically change its course and speed, narrowly avoiding a deadly collision. While floating about in the water, the former captain and his crew all shout epithets condemning that lookout and his supporters who had the nerve to change the course, speed an direction of the ship. Of course, the length of time spent treading water and the increasing distance between them and the safely departing ship tend to make the impotent ravings of those left behind in the drink become less and less noticeable to the ship's company, now safely continuing their voyage. You can draw your own conclusions.

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Your scenario assumes that the Titanic's failed management can swim which, given their obvious general incompetence, may not be the case.

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Wouldn’t matter - they’d die of hypothermia even if they managed to stay afloat.

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True, but then, this thread is pure fantasy anyway.

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Now would be a great time for you to explain what "Cry Harder" means?

Some of us apparently have used it wrong.

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I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question, and my remark didn't include "Cry Harder". What am I missing here?

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In past comments you told me,

"I don't think cry harder means what you think". Since the title of this article is Cry Harder I thought it would be a great chance for you to impart with some of your great knowledge.

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I don't remember the comment or the context.

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Remembering isn't necessary.

Just tell us what you think it means when the phrase Cry Harder is used.

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I like your analogy a lot.

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Bravo Steve!!!!!

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THE END! Great story.

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Maybe politics shouldn't be a game but it is. Democrats made it a game about 80 years ago when they ran out of constructive ideas for the American people. Their game plan was giving away as much of other peoples monies as they possibly could in exchange for votes. And frankly it has worked pretty well for the past 8 decades. But it was all offense and no defense. Pushing the alphabet people, the gay mafia and the woke agenda was a bridge too far. The chickens are now coming home to roost.

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When I was a kid they were for the little guy. Now they make things tough for the little guy and then tell them every election that they are going to fix things that they broke. Nobody is buying it anymore. They've jumped the shark with woke and the little guys don't trust them anymore. Dems are not in a good place right now.

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Nailed it Jake //you need to re-elect me so I can fuck more things up worse, then pretend to fix them by funneling monies to my donor companies.Laundering !!!

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I hope he keeps hammering away, daily. But: Every EO and the associated press release about spending should state that it is intended to reverse spending (stop using the word funding) initiated unilaterally by former President Biden and not authorized by Congress grass as required by law. That fact should be reiterated so that the extent of the Biden lawlessness is broadcast daily. Not even Manchin would have signed off on all he spent.

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Good point. Continually repeating that this is SPENDING that is being stopped would be an effective way to wake up the Left side of the country. It is not "abstract funding for noble things".

And pair that with continually repeating this question:

"So what part of 'We are $36 trillion dollars in debt' do you not understand?"

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It all seems too good to be true.

Gotta say, faculty meetings are kinda fun these days. So much kvetching and despair, as I sit there with my heart of stone, trying to not laugh.

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I can see where you are coming from. An old high school chum who is now a retired journalism professor from a California state school loves Facebook. Lately, his posts are full of despair and gloom as he watches his beloved Marxist policies get trashed. I am filled with Trumpenfreude.

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You know what's really funny? I am not on fb much, but recently I've seen a thing shared around by my wokey friends that goes something like: "Trump voters are anguished because Dem voters think they're stupid! They can't understand why Dem voters think they're stupid!"

You can see why such imaginary horseshit would go viral. Here, make a comment explaining to stupid Trump voters why they are stupid! I don't know a single person who worries about what Dem voters think of them, and if Dem voters DO think I'm stupid, I don't GAF. But Dem voters imagine themselves to be more intelligent than Trump voters, and there's nothing they like better than going on fb to "dunk" on their opponents.

It's about as straw-man a phenomenon as it's possible for it to be.

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They received their college Marxist education (Me smart) and have no clue, and can't be told, how ignorant they are.

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Shock & awe doesn’t by itself win wars or football games, but it does confuse the enemy and force them to reconsider their game plan. I’m of course thinking Chyna.

Once we perfect our skills at booting the criminal & degenerate illegals back across the border, we need to root out the Chinese ‘student visa’ agents in our midst.

That’s playing tenacious defense. Pres T has and is setting in motion the many changes needed to unweaken us, viz. everything FJB touched.

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This is a very good point about "Chyna". I've been nervous about them intervening in a catastrophic way to interrupt Trump's term. But they have to be pausing and scratching their heads a bit at the moment.

I wonder if China's leaders are smart enough and flexible enough to re-think their goals. If they were to choose to embrace a new vision of the future, they do have the opportunity to recalibrate their society and go forward as partners with the US and Russia into a new future of peace and prosperity for all. Gorbachev did it. Can Xi?

If Xi could come to this realization, it could be the beginning of a new "Golden Age" for the whole planet Earth. These are 3 tough, savvy leaders--Trump, Xi, and Putin. Imagine if they came to a "meeting of the minds" and together moved towards freedom.

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Interesting thought. It would take some serious diplomacy with Xi. Putin might be more amenable. The problem as I see it, those guys are in power for life. Our side is just 4 or eight years with no guarantee of the next guy honoring the previous guy’s promise.

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“And what they want is very clear: to take full control of the federal government. Not in the way that typifies every change of administration but in a more extreme way designed to eradicate opposition, disempower federal authority, and cause federal bureaucrats to cower. It is an assault on basic governance.”


THERE IS NO FEDERAL AUTHORITY, beyond what We The People give it!

The bureaucrats should cower!

As long as they continue to be blind to that fact of who has the power in America, WE’LL KEEP WINNING.

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Maybe it's just me, but it feels to me, more and more every day, as if humanity, the universe, is on the precipice of, if not already in the throes of a quantum shift.


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'Existential' may be the most overused word in the English language. However, November 5th has to rank up there with one of the gravest threats to our Republic.

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I have determined (through personal observation) that in recent years, the most overused word is "impactful" - and I'm pretty sure that it is not even a real word, but rather something made up by some woke "college educated" retard. I'm so sick of hearing it used all the time. Especially by people who should know better.

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The term that hurts my ears is "reach out"

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Evolving Together -- hurts my ears -- as do many other terms like this. I also dislike Belonging.

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My schadenfreude runneth over!

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Four more years of Trumpenfreude. Halleluyah!

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I throw up in my mouth a little when I read sobbing from the likes of Paul Rosenzweig, then I feel joy like I haven’t felt in a long time. These leftists used to screech about “the man” until they became the man times ten. Now they worship the massive, bloated, sclerotic government machine they created like it’s some holy relic, and even the smallest retreat from total control is seen as sacrilege. They don’t even care about the horrible outcomes their blessed machine produces, only that it’s their machine and they worship it. If the god-machine of government produces it, then by default it is good. I’m glad to see their altars torn down and their idols smashed.

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I'm old enough to remember that. The lefties were anti government.

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Like that Sprint commercial......

-staffer - 'is that your new Sprint phone...'

-executive - 'yes, w my new phone plan & can talk to who and when, whenever I want....it's my little way of 'Stickings it to the Man'....'

-staffer - 'but Sir, you are the Man, so aren't you Sticking it to Yourself'.....

Surprised Verizon actually ran that...

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‘Billionaire Philanthropist Nicole Shanahan Puts Senate on Notice — Vote to Confirm RFK Jr. or I Will ‘Personally Fund’ Primary Challenges’. It don't sing and dance and it don't walk. But MONEY TALKS. Every rino in Congress must be seeing visions of being Forever in Blue Jeans. Bout time the Conservative Billionaires played the same games as the left-Elon could fund them all.

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Shanahan must have had an amazing “Come to Jesus” moment because, when RFK chose her as his running mate, she was a far left wacko.

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Truth be told, first I heard of her. She got the red pill, or she is smitten with RFK.

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It's the latter. She didn't take the red pill. Has she gone this far to support any of the other Trump nominees?

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She was Bobby's VP choice when he was running as an independent.

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What makes you think she isn't still a far left Whacko?

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