The poster child of DEI is actually Barack Obama. He was unaccomplished individual probably from Kenya, who, somehow with his pot smoking unaccomplished high school education got into prestigious, Occidental college in California. After two years of unaccomplished, education and pot smoking, he transferred to prestigious Columbia University in New York and maintained his unaccomplished college career. Miraculously, he applied and was accepted to prestigious Harvard law school with less than a required 3.99 GPA and 170s on his LSAT. Somehow he became the head of the Harvard Law review with his unaccomplished legal scholarship and pot smoking. He left Harvard a became a community organizer which requires no skill or insight, much less than it would require to be a air traffic controller and was elected state senator in Illinois a state he had little allegiance, too. However, Illinois has a political machine that is so corrupt, they could elect a bowling ball as mayor of the largest city in the state. From there, Mr. Obama was inserted as the candidate for senator, after somehow the leading candidate, who was once married to, Star Trek’s 7of 9 had a scandal released. After two years as a unremarkable, junior senator from Illinois, he was elected president of the United States, and spent eight years destroying a country that took over 200 years to build. Mr. Obama is DEI on steroids.
According to the liberal New Yorker magazine circa 2009 - Michelle was employed as an ‘manager of affirmative action’ in a hospital making $125K a year (because she couldn’t make it to partner of the law firm that formerly hired her). Then Barack became a senator, landed $2 million for Michelle’s hospital which subsequently bumped her salary to $300K plus…and that’s how it works.
Cc. Michelle is the runner-up DEI poster child reading her Princeton dissertation is like listening to a Norm Crosby comedy sketch with a significant number of malapropisms. Somehow it got released to the public. If you get a chance, read it, it clearly is an affidavit of her stupidity..
That is why I mentioned Ft Knox. It used to be the place where the US kept its gold reserves.... and locked up tighter than Area 51. Shows how old I am lol.
Great way of summarizing Barack's record, Mark. Yes, he was being sponsored and pushed by someone(s).
Just to add some information about Obama's Illinois years--there are only two "community organizer" projects that are known that he did--one, a brief stint unsuccessfully trying to fix the toilets in one of Chicago's high-rise welfare buildings, which NYT columnist David Brooks mocked as "the most fulfilling 3 months of his life"; AND the 5 years which Obama spent as CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD of Communist Bill Ayer's Chicago educational foundation. Ayers was the President of it. It was financed by the Annenbergs (who finance other far left groups like this). The Wall St. Journal published the Charter of Ayers and Obama's educational foundation when Obama was running for President in 2008, and it was totally devoted to instituting "social justice" teachings (a euphemism Marxists use for Marxist theory) in schools. Think about that. Their focus on indoctrinating innocent youth has been long-standing. As to other "community organizer" activities, he was probably involved in building the Marxist network in Illinois/Indiana (e.g., the Buttigieg family--Pete Buttigieg's father was an outspoken Communist, the leading biographer of Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci; etc.).
And as to Obama as an Illinois State Senator--he was notorious for voting "Present"--he rarely voted Nay or Yay on a bill. It was infuriating to see. Probably a combination of trying to hide his radical Marxism with a bland record, plus general laziness and non-engagement.
Thank you TPG for your brilliant insight. He voted present because he knew the plan by the DeepState Communist Wing to install him as President. If he had a record of votes, or grades or academic papers (all buried) it could be used against him. But a well spoken Black Jerry Mahoney with good sound bites was unstoppable. His Hope and change was not what most Americans were looking for. Now with Knucklehead Smith in the White House continuing his legacy, we are seeing the Pillars of society coming down. Kudos to Paul Winchell (a truly great scientist author and artist).
If I recall, I think Obama voted "Present" as an Illinois state senator 153 times. The article where I read that said he set a record for voting "Present".
12/29/23: And we're supposed to be happy that Noonan and Farak-A-Liar (by the way, an apprehended PLAGIARIST, despite the Wikipedia white-wash) suddenly find it convenient to say what has been OBVIOUS for the past TWENTY YEARS?
My theory is that Barry was not born in Kenya (there is no evidence of this), but lied and said he was. The “about the author” blurb for his first book said he was born in Kenya right up until 2008, when he started his presidential run, when the publisher changed it. He said he was a mediocre student at Occidental, and even in those days it was very difficult to transfer into Columbia, so how did he do it? There has been much speculation about shadowy sponsorship, and I don’t doubt it, but my guess is that he claimed to be Kenyan born and thus became an exotic foreign student to the Columbia admissions office.
My theory about why they have carefully hidden his birth certificate is that Barack Obama Sr. was not his father. My guess is that it was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist pedophile who was a Chicago associate of Barry’s grandfather, moved to Hawaii and whom Barry mentions as a mentor during his teen years in his book. One wonders what mentoring he did besides communist indoctrination. The father part is wild speculation. The, um, mentor part is maybe not so wild.
And my theory has been and always will be that the world class billionaire businessman, who was known as having the most secure and best intelligence, along with the best security team, has known all about this Charlatan, who was deliberately set up, since childhood, to be installed as POTUS, in order to destroy our great Republic and bring in the NWO.
Why do you think the enemy within is so fearful of this 45th, 46th and soon to be 47th POTUS?
I assume you’re talking about Soros? I believe the events I mentioned above occurred before he became a “world class billionaire,” no? His infamous play on the pound Sterling happened in 1992. He was a millionaire before that, not a world class billionaire.
I've very familiar with Donald Trump and have researched him, his family for many years.
You might say that's my neck of the woods, so to speak.
Donald Trump, as a businessman, worked with politicians, both sides of the aisle, world leaders and others, which gave him insights that others may not realize. He did this, along his Father, Fred Trump. There is a lot of information available on his family and their history in the world of politics.
You have your theories based on.......and I have mine, based on my own knowledge and research.
Happy 2024, may it bring you, everything you need.
One more thing. To win the race for senator, didn’t he manage to have his opponent’s sealed divorce records unsealed and made public? Now how did he accomplish that? Another strong indication that some very powerful people have been behind him, for a very long time.
I also remember reading about one of his fellow Punahoe students saying that, even back then, he hated America.
Well chronicled. Whatever is written on the life of Barry Soetoro and his trans wife, I never see the facts come out. Well put and absolutely appropriate.
As far as I can determine, an air traffic controller requires a tad more educational rigor than a school crossing guard, but without any of the compassion. To actually serve as POTUS, as opposed to merely being elected to it continues to be several steps short of the ideal crossing guard. As such, it is grievous error in judgment.
yes, conservatives were right about dei and who pushes the dei agenda?......k-12 and who runs k-12?....feminists and who do feminists vote for?....donks.
I got nothing to add to this so I’ll just mention that yesterday I went a funeral for a woman born in 1930. Three of her eight grandchildren spoke lovingly of her. Her obituary mentioned her eight great grandchildren. As I stood there it occurred to me that there was no reason to think in 1930 that it was a good year to be born, but Roz proved it was.
Tmitsss, Thank you for your added eulogy. God creates all of us in his image. Each of us is beautiful in our own way. We are blessed to have bad people in the world as they serve to show in contrast how many truly wonderful ones exist.
I was director of marketing at a Cleveland university where academic quality was suspect, but the basketball team caught fire in the March Madness tournament and advanced to the third round. I ran a full-page ad in the Cleveland news papers aimed at getting citizens to rally around the school's success. The faculty was up in arms that I had done such a thing and pitched a fit with the president. He called a meeting of deans and administrative department heads and asked me to defend my position. I quoted Bear Bryant, the Alabama football coach, who said, "It's hard to build school spirit around a math class." And then I walked out.
Hey, that makes you a Viking. I worked for Walter Waetjin when he was president until he retired in 1989. I had known Walter when he was a board member at Union Commerce Bank––I was a vice president there. The bank was taken over in 1980. At the same time, there was a significant decline in the birthrate which meant fewer high school graduates in CSU's market area, so Walter asked me to become his marketing director.
Defiant Jester: We’re in the same general neighborhood. I just retired from a competitor school about 40 minutes down the road from you. Vikings have more brand strength than kangaroos. CSU has a strong business school.
"Conservatives were right about DEI" Conservatives are right about everything. They get up and go to work every day, so they live in the real world. What a concept, eh?
I used to try to understand leftist intellectuals and academic’s positions on issues. I gave it up because they are never required to sit and discuss and defend their positions. So I don’t know, they may be bright, well educated and many times wealthy, but I finally decided to stop trying to understand them and just admit that I find most are terribly ignorant on so many levels. Doing so has made me realize how terribly corrupted the education system has become at every level today. There will come a time when people finally realize that education should be about learning how to solve problems, and attaining a level of knowledge that makes the individual functionally useful to society. Teaching people what to think is not education, it’s just the opposite, it’s brainwashing. Ms. Gay and people like her trade in intellectual fraud and refuse to defend their positions, relying on people instead telling themselves “It must be a complex subject and she must be a lot smarter than I am”. Bur she’s wrong. We are far smarter than she realizes because we see people like her as just frauds who have intellectualized farm yard BS.
I once lived a few blocks from Northwestern University (just north of Chicago). Many events were open to the public, and I went to a doctoral presentation that was supposed to be about Martin Luther King's sermons. (His sermons are collected in a book and several of them are outstanding in presenting a spiritual basis for standing up to evil.)
(PS, the book is Strength to Love. My favorite sermon is "The death of evil upon the seashore". Also of interest: "Shattered dreams", and "How should a Christian view Communism. I'm not 100% in sync with him, but love his overall thrust.)
There were about 12 of us sitting around a conference table for this presentation. The fellow presenting went on for almost 90 minutes, and his only point really was that "Dr. King used a different speaking style in his "homiletics" (a fancy word for homilies/sermonizing) than he used in his other communications. (I think the "big word"--"homiletics" was repeated about 50 times.) I kept eagerly waiting to hear something about the content of those sermons. But there was NOTHING, the whole presentation was about how MLK's verbal style differed depending on the setting or audience he was speaking to. I couldn't believe it-- everyone tailors their speaking style depending on the audience or setting. I just kept thinking-- SO? !!! Later I told a friend who is an academic about this, and she laughed and said, 'that's the one word you never say in academia-- "So?".
Academics are very impressed with their own intelligence, and thinking of themselves as "intellectually superior" to their fellow man ends up becoming central to their sense of self-identity. That's another reason why it's hard to discuss any specific position they take with them-- they see it as a challenge to their very identity and self worth.
IMO, one of the best examples of leftist hypocrisy in action is how they abandoned and treated MLK. His message was fairly simple: Judge a person by their character and not their skin color. The left has been rubbing skin color in our faces for 50 years and DEI is the latest spin on this hypocrisy.
The world would be a much better place if the simple message of MLK had been operationalized in society because it was the original intent of civil rights.
These are the people that have gotten participation ribbons for the last few generations. I think it started some with my brothers. We were raised in the same household but my parents coddled them. They and later generations think they are owed something by the world. They are told they are the best and the brightest and so do nothing. Then reality hits at some point and they are woefully unprepared.
Yes, and I think the insecurities are because they don't have enough of a relationship with God. Discerning and experiencing the presence of God or the Divine (in nearly every religion) puts things in a particular perspective, because it always seems to come with a sense of the presence of Love. One comes to realize we have INHERENT value, because of our marvelous Creator. Then we aren't trying so hard to gain worth by being "humanly impressive" or "better than other people". Instead, we can recognize and honor the divine qualities in everyone.
Academia seems to be a subculture that makes human intellect primary.
I guess it's nice to see Ms Noonan has become aware that there are evil ideologies and cultures out there that are worse than MAGA conservatives and populists. Hope springs eternal. The same can be said for many others on the left and the RINO precincts. Taki writes in his magazine that for decades, conservatives, Christians, and populists, even Jewish ones, have been threatened, driven off , and assaulted on university campuses by the people who have given us DEI and other race based policies. He didn't mention Ms Noonan but pointed out that wealthy Jews have maintained very generous funding of these schools, no matter what, because the victims were people like you, me, and your readers and the rich Jews were ok with that, as they have the same opinion of us as the racists, Islamacists, anarchists, sexual Mafia, and white Gentile communists. But now that that these groups have taken over most all institutions and are coming after the Jews like they have Christians for generations, the rich, leftist Jews are shocked, shocked by that fact. Better late than never, I guess.
Whether these are just gallows conversions and the Noonans, etc., revert back to normal or they actually suppress their hubris and pride and actually oppose the totalitarians remains to be seen. My guess is that most will return to form until another 9/11 event occurs and they, or their own, or immediate friends are victims of things as bad as 9/11, or the genocide of Jews (and some Muslims and Christians) in Israel and Gaza, or something worse. These are stiff-necked people and believe themselves better than us and they all live in the same bubble, where there is no.... diversity.
The first step in redemption for liberals, addicts and alcoholics is the recognizing there is a problem. The truly hard part is doing something about it. So what does Noonan et al suggest we do about these Woke policies/programs? The fixes are hard and sometimes very brutal and nasty. Not many it seems have the stomach for the cures....
Obama has done nothing on his own. He's not smart or tough enough. What group selected and groomed him and paved the way? Was this Soro's greatest achievement?
His grooming and elevation predated Soros’s activism. We know he was an acolyte and mentee of Edward Said at Columbia, the Palestinian (coincidence, huh?) activist professor who built, I think, the first of the now many Middle Eastern Studies departments, and who popularized the “orientalist” narrative. Orientalism was a Gramscian iteration of the “white man bad, brown man oppressed” sort, which in turn was an iteration of the “Western civilization bad, everyone else oppressed” narrative that the communists developed in the 1950s to replace their failed narrative about industrialists and “workers.”
Barry’s communist training went back to his grandfather and Frank Marshall Davis, continued, by his own admission, at Occidental, and flowered at least in part in association with Said, where perhaps his antiSemiticism began. Who sponsored all this is a fascinating question that we may never get an answer to, but we know what types they must have been.
Very interesting--didn't know any of that about Edward Said at Columbia.
While in Chicago, there was influence by anti-semite Louis Farrakhan.
While he was President, I definitely recall reading that his buddy Bill Ayers was over in Palestine and Israel, spending US tax dollars, agitating for the Palestinians, and trying to influence Israeli elections.
The Communists are behind him (he is their quintessential “useful idiot” as he was their first success at getting the Oval Office resident). These people are and have been since after WWI, interspersed all throughout government, business, and “high society” after decades of infiltration into every American institution and government office. He’s their guy 100%, aiding and abetting their decades old project to destroy the US from within.
Great comment. I believe people like Noonan and so many others like her hide behind a sort of academic or intellectual firewall that most people find hard to understand. So people keep coming back trying to “get it”. But there is no “get it”, only biased and fraudulent arguments.
Their NYC superior bubble is infested from door to door now. Even worse than when Felix Rohatyn saved it, PDJTrump renovated it, and Rudy Giuliani and Paul Kersey tamed the criminals and mafia. Peggy Noonan and her ilk have allowed it to decay to where it is now - they are responsible, and instead of cleaning it up, the rats are bailing the city & state to infest other states and towns.
Re: "NewsNation reported, “30% of Gen Z say bin Laden’s anti-American views were ‘force of good.’”
As Abigail Schrier wrote about Gen Z in her seminal book, Irreversible Damage:
"The rising generation is swimming in therapy. Forty two percent of Gen Z—those born between 1995 and 2012—has been in therapy (more than any other generation). Forty two percent has a mental health diagnosis. One recent survey indicates the extent of diagnosis may even be more dramatic: 60 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 26 may have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
No one finds this surprising. Everyone seems to believe-- it’s the conventional wisdom-- that the fault lies with social media and telephonic gadgets. And yet, as Shrier points out, the statistics lead us to question this causal relationship: Perhaps most alarming, by 2016—long before the Covid lockdowns and well before American kids aged 2 to 8 were even on social media—almost 20% of these little ones had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.
They are receiving unprecedented levels of mental health treatment. Curiously, they also seem to be getting worse."
Could it be that this generation is so favorable to Hamas and Bin Laden and their ilk because they are, for lack of a better word, "nuts"? Could it further be that this generation is so enthusiastic about switching sexes because they are, as proposed, "nuts"? What shall become of Western civilization when (or should I say if) Gen Z assumes its place at the head of all of its institutions? At my age, it is likely I shan't be here to observe the carnage, but barring the Parousia, the future seems bleak.
Excellent. Have you noticed the almost total silence on the part of the mental health community when it comes to explaining transgenderism? Wonder why?
The "mental health community" was bought off (politicized) decades ago (1970's), when they removed homosexuality as a deviant behavior that needed treatment and correction. That was the beginning of where we are today.
Most of the Mental Health community went into Mental Health to help themselves. (at least the ones I have dealt with.) Not necessarily to help others. So their lens is really skewed before they start helping people who need them. Hence, the patients get more screwed up then they get fixed.
This is 100% true. I was a Psych major in college in the 80's when I discovered much to my horror that the other Psych majors were crazy or were only in it to figure themselves out. How can those be the people to help & lead others? They can't & we see what decades of so-called therapy has produced.
starts with drugging little boys in grade school because they were just too rowdy being little boys for their teachers to handle and goes on from there - of course they call it ADHD, but mostly it was little boys simply being little boys
So much could be said in response to this column today.
My first thought is that Republicans (as originally intended in 1965) wanted to provide equal access to minorities WHO WERE QUALIFIED to do the work. It was about being qualified NOT about being another color. It has been the work of dastardly democrats to shift this definition of "equal" to meeting a predetermined quota for skin color regardless of credentials. The best example of the Republican version is Clarence Thomas. I never think about or notice his skin color, only the intelligence in his words. The democrat version is Claudine Gay; a person who can't produce original research without cheating (copying) off her neighbor's paper. BUT, she is female and black. Yes, we all know she is female and black. That's ALL we know about her.
Second, the protection of race and national origin in hiring have lost their luster. The Dems needed to turbo-charge their bastadization of law and invent newer, bigger, broader terms that would have farther-reaching destruction on our society. Thus, DEI was invented as a corollary to affirmative action to control decisions in society that now include dozens of made-up gender choices and other "protected" categories. Once again, they shift the original intent into a self-serving destructive force by any means necessary.
All of their destructive work is the work of satan who is unravelling God's creation one thread at a time. Just wait for the "Big Reveal" about aliens from another world in an attempt to destroy the notion that we were created by God. It's coming, and when it does, we'll talk about it here.
They may have awakened to the real world but what are they doing to atone for their past actions and statements?The indoctrination has been ongoing and very thorough for too long to alter over night but I am willing to take one step at a time for the better.Thank you for reading these op-eds for us and great poll.Even Dr. Cat says we are winning so onward MAGA and Just fjb.
When leftist lunacy starts to affect the lives of lots of normal people, the sleeping giant wakes up a little more. Watching these freak-show commies slide into self-inflicted oblivion is entertainment at its finest. The problem is the scorched-earth damage they do along the way. As Glenn Beck says, their goal is to create as much chaos as possible and these creeps are vandalism experts. Cleaning up their mess is going to be one hell of a big job but we can do it.
That the Wall Street Journal pays lightweight Peggy Noonan $350-400K a year is baffling to me…she’s been coasting on ‘50 beams of light’ for decades now….IMHO her writing is a waste of space.
Even if DEI flourishes and 2024 sees Biden's corpse elected president, we should rejoice that God is reproving us, for He reproves those He loves. That is the message we should be spreading, instead of focusing merely on addressing the concerns of this world – though it will cause many ears to itch.
Another superlative column. I am continually amazed at how good Don Surber is at writing. As someone who has struggled with English I love reading great passages and columns. Especially about current events.
I have a saying: when you DIE you die. So very obvious when you read today's column by Mr. Don Surber.
I've have 7 decades of Jew Hating stories during my life so when I read about people sticking up for what is right I jget a very warm feeling. And on a Friday to boot!!!
The poster child of DEI is actually Barack Obama. He was unaccomplished individual probably from Kenya, who, somehow with his pot smoking unaccomplished high school education got into prestigious, Occidental college in California. After two years of unaccomplished, education and pot smoking, he transferred to prestigious Columbia University in New York and maintained his unaccomplished college career. Miraculously, he applied and was accepted to prestigious Harvard law school with less than a required 3.99 GPA and 170s on his LSAT. Somehow he became the head of the Harvard Law review with his unaccomplished legal scholarship and pot smoking. He left Harvard a became a community organizer which requires no skill or insight, much less than it would require to be a air traffic controller and was elected state senator in Illinois a state he had little allegiance, too. However, Illinois has a political machine that is so corrupt, they could elect a bowling ball as mayor of the largest city in the state. From there, Mr. Obama was inserted as the candidate for senator, after somehow the leading candidate, who was once married to, Star Trek’s 7of 9 had a scandal released. After two years as a unremarkable, junior senator from Illinois, he was elected president of the United States, and spent eight years destroying a country that took over 200 years to build. Mr. Obama is DEI on steroids.
According to the liberal New Yorker magazine circa 2009 - Michelle was employed as an ‘manager of affirmative action’ in a hospital making $125K a year (because she couldn’t make it to partner of the law firm that formerly hired her). Then Barack became a senator, landed $2 million for Michelle’s hospital which subsequently bumped her salary to $300K plus…and that’s how it works.
Cc. Michelle is the runner-up DEI poster child reading her Princeton dissertation is like listening to a Norm Crosby comedy sketch with a significant number of malapropisms. Somehow it got released to the public. If you get a chance, read it, it clearly is an affidavit of her stupidity..
I thought they all but locked Michelle and Obama's school stuff in Fort Knox?
TJ, it would be easier to get into Area 51 than see Obama’s Academic records.
That is why I mentioned Ft Knox. It used to be the place where the US kept its gold reserves.... and locked up tighter than Area 51. Shows how old I am lol.
Agree but think Goldfinger broke into in in the 60s lol. I’m old too.
You are on the mark, Mark!!!
Youse guys leave Hussein and Big Mike alone.
UofChicago Hospital.
Great way of summarizing Barack's record, Mark. Yes, he was being sponsored and pushed by someone(s).
Just to add some information about Obama's Illinois years--there are only two "community organizer" projects that are known that he did--one, a brief stint unsuccessfully trying to fix the toilets in one of Chicago's high-rise welfare buildings, which NYT columnist David Brooks mocked as "the most fulfilling 3 months of his life"; AND the 5 years which Obama spent as CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD of Communist Bill Ayer's Chicago educational foundation. Ayers was the President of it. It was financed by the Annenbergs (who finance other far left groups like this). The Wall St. Journal published the Charter of Ayers and Obama's educational foundation when Obama was running for President in 2008, and it was totally devoted to instituting "social justice" teachings (a euphemism Marxists use for Marxist theory) in schools. Think about that. Their focus on indoctrinating innocent youth has been long-standing. As to other "community organizer" activities, he was probably involved in building the Marxist network in Illinois/Indiana (e.g., the Buttigieg family--Pete Buttigieg's father was an outspoken Communist, the leading biographer of Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci; etc.).
And as to Obama as an Illinois State Senator--he was notorious for voting "Present"--he rarely voted Nay or Yay on a bill. It was infuriating to see. Probably a combination of trying to hide his radical Marxism with a bland record, plus general laziness and non-engagement.
Thank you TPG for your brilliant insight. He voted present because he knew the plan by the DeepState Communist Wing to install him as President. If he had a record of votes, or grades or academic papers (all buried) it could be used against him. But a well spoken Black Jerry Mahoney with good sound bites was unstoppable. His Hope and change was not what most Americans were looking for. Now with Knucklehead Smith in the White House continuing his legacy, we are seeing the Pillars of society coming down. Kudos to Paul Winchell (a truly great scientist author and artist).
If I recall, I think Obama voted "Present" as an Illinois state senator 153 times. The article where I read that said he set a record for voting "Present".
Barry was the first true Manchurian Candidate/President. Obiden is the second.
12/29/23: And we're supposed to be happy that Noonan and Farak-A-Liar (by the way, an apprehended PLAGIARIST, despite the Wikipedia white-wash) suddenly find it convenient to say what has been OBVIOUS for the past TWENTY YEARS?
My theory is that Barry was not born in Kenya (there is no evidence of this), but lied and said he was. The “about the author” blurb for his first book said he was born in Kenya right up until 2008, when he started his presidential run, when the publisher changed it. He said he was a mediocre student at Occidental, and even in those days it was very difficult to transfer into Columbia, so how did he do it? There has been much speculation about shadowy sponsorship, and I don’t doubt it, but my guess is that he claimed to be Kenyan born and thus became an exotic foreign student to the Columbia admissions office.
My theory about why they have carefully hidden his birth certificate is that Barack Obama Sr. was not his father. My guess is that it was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist pedophile who was a Chicago associate of Barry’s grandfather, moved to Hawaii and whom Barry mentions as a mentor during his teen years in his book. One wonders what mentoring he did besides communist indoctrination. The father part is wild speculation. The, um, mentor part is maybe not so wild.
And my theory has been and always will be that the world class billionaire businessman, who was known as having the most secure and best intelligence, along with the best security team, has known all about this Charlatan, who was deliberately set up, since childhood, to be installed as POTUS, in order to destroy our great Republic and bring in the NWO.
Why do you think the enemy within is so fearful of this 45th, 46th and soon to be 47th POTUS?
I assume you’re talking about Soros? I believe the events I mentioned above occurred before he became a “world class billionaire,” no? His infamous play on the pound Sterling happened in 1992. He was a millionaire before that, not a world class billionaire.
Hell No!
I'm referring to the billionaire businessman who became our 45th President.
The Charlatan is the installed 44th POSTUS.
Read my comment carefully.
Ok, calm down. Trump “was known as having the most secure and best intelligence?” I guess I don’t follow you there.
I'm calm, very calm.
I've very familiar with Donald Trump and have researched him, his family for many years.
You might say that's my neck of the woods, so to speak.
Donald Trump, as a businessman, worked with politicians, both sides of the aisle, world leaders and others, which gave him insights that others may not realize. He did this, along his Father, Fred Trump. There is a lot of information available on his family and their history in the world of politics.
You have your theories based on.......and I have mine, based on my own knowledge and research.
Happy 2024, may it bring you, everything you need.
One more thing. To win the race for senator, didn’t he manage to have his opponent’s sealed divorce records unsealed and made public? Now how did he accomplish that? Another strong indication that some very powerful people have been behind him, for a very long time.
I also remember reading about one of his fellow Punahoe students saying that, even back then, he hated America.
You are on target my friend.
Perfection !!!
Well chronicled. Whatever is written on the life of Barry Soetoro and his trans wife, I never see the facts come out. Well put and absolutely appropriate.
As far as I can determine, an air traffic controller requires a tad more educational rigor than a school crossing guard, but without any of the compassion. To actually serve as POTUS, as opposed to merely being elected to it continues to be several steps short of the ideal crossing guard. As such, it is grievous error in judgment.
yes, conservatives were right about dei and who pushes the dei agenda?......k-12 and who runs k-12?....feminists and who do feminists vote for?....donks.
k-12 is child abuse straight up.
One of the first tasks of the T admin should be to nuke the DoE and Teachers Unions.
for sure and on the money. 85%+ of k-12 teachers are card carrying feminists who vote donk 100% of the time.
k-12 is child abuse.
I got nothing to add to this so I’ll just mention that yesterday I went a funeral for a woman born in 1930. Three of her eight grandchildren spoke lovingly of her. Her obituary mentioned her eight great grandchildren. As I stood there it occurred to me that there was no reason to think in 1930 that it was a good year to be born, but Roz proved it was.
Tmitsss, Thank you for your added eulogy. God creates all of us in his image. Each of us is beautiful in our own way. We are blessed to have bad people in the world as they serve to show in contrast how many truly wonderful ones exist.
My mom was born in 1930 as well. A VERY good year.
Great observation and thanks for sharing it!
I was director of marketing at a Cleveland university where academic quality was suspect, but the basketball team caught fire in the March Madness tournament and advanced to the third round. I ran a full-page ad in the Cleveland news papers aimed at getting citizens to rally around the school's success. The faculty was up in arms that I had done such a thing and pitched a fit with the president. He called a meeting of deans and administrative department heads and asked me to defend my position. I quoted Bear Bryant, the Alabama football coach, who said, "It's hard to build school spirit around a math class." And then I walked out.
I think I may know you. . .
Good school. I have a diploma from it somewhere.
Hey, that makes you a Viking. I worked for Walter Waetjin when he was president until he retired in 1989. I had known Walter when he was a board member at Union Commerce Bank––I was a vice president there. The bank was taken over in 1980. At the same time, there was a significant decline in the birthrate which meant fewer high school graduates in CSU's market area, so Walter asked me to become his marketing director.
Defiant Jester: We’re in the same general neighborhood. I just retired from a competitor school about 40 minutes down the road from you. Vikings have more brand strength than kangaroos. CSU has a strong business school.
These days you’d have to amend that to say any “studies” class instead.
To those people I say, "Bite me."
Good for you!!
But, I must ask. is that why your story is written in past tense?
Because it was the 1986 NCAA tournament.
Cleveland needed all the help it could get back then as well. Ignorant academics!!
Thus another instance of no good deed ever goes unpunished!😵💫
🤣 That is fabulous!!
And then what happened? Did the ad bring in supporters?
How much longer did you stay at that school?
I prefer to rearrange the letters of dei to ide intellectually dishonest educators to reflect what they really are.
They can take their microagressions and shove em up their macro arses.
"Conservatives were right about DEI" Conservatives are right about everything. They get up and go to work every day, so they live in the real world. What a concept, eh?
As I heard on the old Smothers Brothers show, reality is just an escape from people who can't handle drugs
back in the good old days when comedy was funny!
I used to try to understand leftist intellectuals and academic’s positions on issues. I gave it up because they are never required to sit and discuss and defend their positions. So I don’t know, they may be bright, well educated and many times wealthy, but I finally decided to stop trying to understand them and just admit that I find most are terribly ignorant on so many levels. Doing so has made me realize how terribly corrupted the education system has become at every level today. There will come a time when people finally realize that education should be about learning how to solve problems, and attaining a level of knowledge that makes the individual functionally useful to society. Teaching people what to think is not education, it’s just the opposite, it’s brainwashing. Ms. Gay and people like her trade in intellectual fraud and refuse to defend their positions, relying on people instead telling themselves “It must be a complex subject and she must be a lot smarter than I am”. Bur she’s wrong. We are far smarter than she realizes because we see people like her as just frauds who have intellectualized farm yard BS.
I once lived a few blocks from Northwestern University (just north of Chicago). Many events were open to the public, and I went to a doctoral presentation that was supposed to be about Martin Luther King's sermons. (His sermons are collected in a book and several of them are outstanding in presenting a spiritual basis for standing up to evil.)
(PS, the book is Strength to Love. My favorite sermon is "The death of evil upon the seashore". Also of interest: "Shattered dreams", and "How should a Christian view Communism. I'm not 100% in sync with him, but love his overall thrust.)
There were about 12 of us sitting around a conference table for this presentation. The fellow presenting went on for almost 90 minutes, and his only point really was that "Dr. King used a different speaking style in his "homiletics" (a fancy word for homilies/sermonizing) than he used in his other communications. (I think the "big word"--"homiletics" was repeated about 50 times.) I kept eagerly waiting to hear something about the content of those sermons. But there was NOTHING, the whole presentation was about how MLK's verbal style differed depending on the setting or audience he was speaking to. I couldn't believe it-- everyone tailors their speaking style depending on the audience or setting. I just kept thinking-- SO? !!! Later I told a friend who is an academic about this, and she laughed and said, 'that's the one word you never say in academia-- "So?".
Academics are very impressed with their own intelligence, and thinking of themselves as "intellectually superior" to their fellow man ends up becoming central to their sense of self-identity. That's another reason why it's hard to discuss any specific position they take with them-- they see it as a challenge to their very identity and self worth.
IMO, one of the best examples of leftist hypocrisy in action is how they abandoned and treated MLK. His message was fairly simple: Judge a person by their character and not their skin color. The left has been rubbing skin color in our faces for 50 years and DEI is the latest spin on this hypocrisy.
The world would be a much better place if the simple message of MLK had been operationalized in society because it was the original intent of civil rights.
Spot on Shrugged !!
These are the people that have gotten participation ribbons for the last few generations. I think it started some with my brothers. We were raised in the same household but my parents coddled them. They and later generations think they are owed something by the world. They are told they are the best and the brightest and so do nothing. Then reality hits at some point and they are woefully unprepared.
Academics and libs suffer from insecurities within ergo the hear me.
Yes, and I think the insecurities are because they don't have enough of a relationship with God. Discerning and experiencing the presence of God or the Divine (in nearly every religion) puts things in a particular perspective, because it always seems to come with a sense of the presence of Love. One comes to realize we have INHERENT value, because of our marvelous Creator. Then we aren't trying so hard to gain worth by being "humanly impressive" or "better than other people". Instead, we can recognize and honor the divine qualities in everyone.
Academia seems to be a subculture that makes human intellect primary.
He’s a scholar, don’t you know? And they love calling themselves scholars. But we know them as dullard frauds.
Excellent comment. Education is wasted if one doesn't use it for a purpose and the good of humanity.
All you need to understand is that liberals/leftists/progressives are very good at wasting other people's hard-earned money.
(This includes 99% of politicians, btw.)
I guess it's nice to see Ms Noonan has become aware that there are evil ideologies and cultures out there that are worse than MAGA conservatives and populists. Hope springs eternal. The same can be said for many others on the left and the RINO precincts. Taki writes in his magazine that for decades, conservatives, Christians, and populists, even Jewish ones, have been threatened, driven off , and assaulted on university campuses by the people who have given us DEI and other race based policies. He didn't mention Ms Noonan but pointed out that wealthy Jews have maintained very generous funding of these schools, no matter what, because the victims were people like you, me, and your readers and the rich Jews were ok with that, as they have the same opinion of us as the racists, Islamacists, anarchists, sexual Mafia, and white Gentile communists. But now that that these groups have taken over most all institutions and are coming after the Jews like they have Christians for generations, the rich, leftist Jews are shocked, shocked by that fact. Better late than never, I guess.
Whether these are just gallows conversions and the Noonans, etc., revert back to normal or they actually suppress their hubris and pride and actually oppose the totalitarians remains to be seen. My guess is that most will return to form until another 9/11 event occurs and they, or their own, or immediate friends are victims of things as bad as 9/11, or the genocide of Jews (and some Muslims and Christians) in Israel and Gaza, or something worse. These are stiff-necked people and believe themselves better than us and they all live in the same bubble, where there is no.... diversity.
Danny Huckabee
The first step in redemption for liberals, addicts and alcoholics is the recognizing there is a problem. The truly hard part is doing something about it. So what does Noonan et al suggest we do about these Woke policies/programs? The fixes are hard and sometimes very brutal and nasty. Not many it seems have the stomach for the cures....
Obama has done nothing on his own. He's not smart or tough enough. What group selected and groomed him and paved the way? Was this Soro's greatest achievement?
We all had help of some kind at some point - we acknowledge it, and are grateful, so we help others, and aren't ashamed to do so.
Scum like Zero, would rather take all the credit, and IF they help anyone else, it comes with conditions.
Zero wont think conditions are strange. His help came with conditions.....
His grooming and elevation predated Soros’s activism. We know he was an acolyte and mentee of Edward Said at Columbia, the Palestinian (coincidence, huh?) activist professor who built, I think, the first of the now many Middle Eastern Studies departments, and who popularized the “orientalist” narrative. Orientalism was a Gramscian iteration of the “white man bad, brown man oppressed” sort, which in turn was an iteration of the “Western civilization bad, everyone else oppressed” narrative that the communists developed in the 1950s to replace their failed narrative about industrialists and “workers.”
Barry’s communist training went back to his grandfather and Frank Marshall Davis, continued, by his own admission, at Occidental, and flowered at least in part in association with Said, where perhaps his antiSemiticism began. Who sponsored all this is a fascinating question that we may never get an answer to, but we know what types they must have been.
Very interesting--didn't know any of that about Edward Said at Columbia.
While in Chicago, there was influence by anti-semite Louis Farrakhan.
While he was President, I definitely recall reading that his buddy Bill Ayers was over in Palestine and Israel, spending US tax dollars, agitating for the Palestinians, and trying to influence Israeli elections.
The Communists are behind him (he is their quintessential “useful idiot” as he was their first success at getting the Oval Office resident). These people are and have been since after WWI, interspersed all throughout government, business, and “high society” after decades of infiltration into every American institution and government office. He’s their guy 100%, aiding and abetting their decades old project to destroy the US from within.
J. McCarthy tried to warn us but was shouted down.
Great comment. I believe people like Noonan and so many others like her hide behind a sort of academic or intellectual firewall that most people find hard to understand. So people keep coming back trying to “get it”. But there is no “get it”, only biased and fraudulent arguments.
We will see if Noonan maintains her position or if one of her next columns attacks Netanyahu or says that Israel needs to back off.
Their NYC superior bubble is infested from door to door now. Even worse than when Felix Rohatyn saved it, PDJTrump renovated it, and Rudy Giuliani and Paul Kersey tamed the criminals and mafia. Peggy Noonan and her ilk have allowed it to decay to where it is now - they are responsible, and instead of cleaning it up, the rats are bailing the city & state to infest other states and towns.
You have (either intentionally or inadvertently) defined conservative and progressive:
Conservatives build, improve and fix things;
Progressives leech off of, devalue and destroy things.
This cycle repeats itself over and over again.
This NAILS IT in a nutshell. True, true, true.
Re: "NewsNation reported, “30% of Gen Z say bin Laden’s anti-American views were ‘force of good.’”
As Abigail Schrier wrote about Gen Z in her seminal book, Irreversible Damage:
"The rising generation is swimming in therapy. Forty two percent of Gen Z—those born between 1995 and 2012—has been in therapy (more than any other generation). Forty two percent has a mental health diagnosis. One recent survey indicates the extent of diagnosis may even be more dramatic: 60 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 26 may have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
No one finds this surprising. Everyone seems to believe-- it’s the conventional wisdom-- that the fault lies with social media and telephonic gadgets. And yet, as Shrier points out, the statistics lead us to question this causal relationship: Perhaps most alarming, by 2016—long before the Covid lockdowns and well before American kids aged 2 to 8 were even on social media—almost 20% of these little ones had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder.
They are receiving unprecedented levels of mental health treatment. Curiously, they also seem to be getting worse."
Could it be that this generation is so favorable to Hamas and Bin Laden and their ilk because they are, for lack of a better word, "nuts"? Could it further be that this generation is so enthusiastic about switching sexes because they are, as proposed, "nuts"? What shall become of Western civilization when (or should I say if) Gen Z assumes its place at the head of all of its institutions? At my age, it is likely I shan't be here to observe the carnage, but barring the Parousia, the future seems bleak.
Excellent. Have you noticed the almost total silence on the part of the mental health community when it comes to explaining transgenderism? Wonder why?
The "mental health community" was bought off (politicized) decades ago (1970's), when they removed homosexuality as a deviant behavior that needed treatment and correction. That was the beginning of where we are today.
Most of the Mental Health community went into Mental Health to help themselves. (at least the ones I have dealt with.) Not necessarily to help others. So their lens is really skewed before they start helping people who need them. Hence, the patients get more screwed up then they get fixed.
This is 100% true. I was a Psych major in college in the 80's when I discovered much to my horror that the other Psych majors were crazy or were only in it to figure themselves out. How can those be the people to help & lead others? They can't & we see what decades of so-called therapy has produced.
starts with drugging little boys in grade school because they were just too rowdy being little boys for their teachers to handle and goes on from there - of course they call it ADHD, but mostly it was little boys simply being little boys
Pretty much. Now they just drug them all if they can. Makes good little zombies to brainwash.
Amen, Sister. Preach on: "... ADHD, but mostly it was little boys simply being little boys."
So much could be said in response to this column today.
My first thought is that Republicans (as originally intended in 1965) wanted to provide equal access to minorities WHO WERE QUALIFIED to do the work. It was about being qualified NOT about being another color. It has been the work of dastardly democrats to shift this definition of "equal" to meeting a predetermined quota for skin color regardless of credentials. The best example of the Republican version is Clarence Thomas. I never think about or notice his skin color, only the intelligence in his words. The democrat version is Claudine Gay; a person who can't produce original research without cheating (copying) off her neighbor's paper. BUT, she is female and black. Yes, we all know she is female and black. That's ALL we know about her.
Second, the protection of race and national origin in hiring have lost their luster. The Dems needed to turbo-charge their bastadization of law and invent newer, bigger, broader terms that would have farther-reaching destruction on our society. Thus, DEI was invented as a corollary to affirmative action to control decisions in society that now include dozens of made-up gender choices and other "protected" categories. Once again, they shift the original intent into a self-serving destructive force by any means necessary.
All of their destructive work is the work of satan who is unravelling God's creation one thread at a time. Just wait for the "Big Reveal" about aliens from another world in an attempt to destroy the notion that we were created by God. It's coming, and when it does, we'll talk about it here.
We also know Claudine Gay fell asleep in the barber's chair.
Interesting observation.
They may have awakened to the real world but what are they doing to atone for their past actions and statements?The indoctrination has been ongoing and very thorough for too long to alter over night but I am willing to take one step at a time for the better.Thank you for reading these op-eds for us and great poll.Even Dr. Cat says we are winning so onward MAGA and Just fjb.
When leftist lunacy starts to affect the lives of lots of normal people, the sleeping giant wakes up a little more. Watching these freak-show commies slide into self-inflicted oblivion is entertainment at its finest. The problem is the scorched-earth damage they do along the way. As Glenn Beck says, their goal is to create as much chaos as possible and these creeps are vandalism experts. Cleaning up their mess is going to be one hell of a big job but we can do it.
If Peggy Noonan has finally "stood up against this nonsense," then maybe we have a chance to save our country and win the culture war. Lord willing...
I was more surprised by what Zakaria had to say than by Noonan’s epiphany.
It’s the blind squirrel syndrome.
That the Wall Street Journal pays lightweight Peggy Noonan $350-400K a year is baffling to me…she’s been coasting on ‘50 beams of light’ for decades now….IMHO her writing is a waste of space.
Noonan is so focused on being Noonan she hasn’t evolved from the last century at all. But on the plus side, she is consistent😎
Like her PBS buddy Juan Williams......
His nickname in our house is “Yawn” Williams. By the way, you any relation to Yosemite Sam?😀
Sounds like they are paying her welfare payments either to keep her off the streets, or safely in the bars
Even if DEI flourishes and 2024 sees Biden's corpse elected president, we should rejoice that God is reproving us, for He reproves those He loves. That is the message we should be spreading, instead of focusing merely on addressing the concerns of this world – though it will cause many ears to itch.
Another superlative column. I am continually amazed at how good Don Surber is at writing. As someone who has struggled with English I love reading great passages and columns. Especially about current events.
I have a saying: when you DIE you die. So very obvious when you read today's column by Mr. Don Surber.
I've have 7 decades of Jew Hating stories during my life so when I read about people sticking up for what is right I jget a very warm feeling. And on a Friday to boot!!!
Thank you Don Surber!!!!