"How bad off is Baltimore? It is a sanctuary city, but neither Governor Abbott nor Governor DeSantis was cruel enough to ship illegal aliens there." That is gold.

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I would bet that any illegals shipped to Baltimore would demand to be shipped back to their original home countries.

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OK - let's start shipping illegals to Baltimore right now! What a brilliant idea to start cleaning up this mess that the current administration obviously can't get their arms around!

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We used to visit Baltimore to go to Orioles-Mets games. No more. As in, "NEVER."

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Aug 10, 2023
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Or Chiraq or Detoilet or Atlanta... Earth has more assholes than the democrat party

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Baltimore also pioneered the zero percent math proficiency school district. All counties west of Hagerstown should petition to leave Maryland.

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The Mayans developed their version of math over 700 years ago - they didn't have the wheel. The Sumerians developed a version of math around 5,000 years ago. Baltimore's schools have kids who can barely count on their fingers - and these are the kids in middle and high school. The teachers in government-run schools in Baltimore as well as in other cities - Chicago, Oakland, Atlanta - should be fired and the teachers' unions should be dissolved.

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You are correct, and I am sure it feels good to point out a solution that actually works. However, the schools in the cities you mentioned aren't actually schools. They are instead full employment programs for Democrats. When the schools run out of teaching positions to fill, they double or triple the administrative staff - and pay far too many six figure salaries. That is their sole purpose - the kids be damned. It's a permanently ensconced scam - and it works like a charm

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All the more reason to shut down the schools, fire the teachers, dissolve the teachers' unions, and get rid of the Department of Education.

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That would be a good start.

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They could be annexed to West Virginia!

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Better to create a new West Maryland and pick up 2 more Senators for our side and at least one House seat.

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Good idea. Perhaps some of Virginia’s western counties would secede and join West Maryland.

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Back in 2002 a series called the Wire was produced by HBO. It was a brutal albeit accurate portrayal of a city in ruins. It was written by an exp cop who lived it. Nothing has changed, it has just moved farther down the path to total destruction. When we look back into history we often wonder what happened to all those great cultures and civilizations. Well, folks, go to Baltimore and see for yourself how corrupt politicians, judges and cops can bring a once great city to its knees.

Baltimore is not alone and we have ourselves to thank as long as no one is willing to say out loud what we all know is happening with large scale payoffs and massive corruption. Baltimore is merely a small example of what is going on all over this nation while its people stand helpless in the face of this political menace known as liberalism. It has brought a great nation to her knees when foreign attacks and bombs could not.

Until the majority is willing to scream out and be heard at the ballot box in such numbers even the truckloads of phony votes will not be able to overcome it we are doomed as a free people. Let us hope that that day is coming because if it doesn't then the future will be bleak indeed.

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I agree with all you say Lady, but it is also not NEARLY ENOUGH.

Conservatives sit around and clutch their pearls and wring their hands while leftists GO OUT AND WORK and ORGANIZE. As Dan Bongino says: "The 'DO' matters!"

TOO FEW Conservatives actually DO anything intelligent to effectuate a course correction. 😩

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Hard to go out and work when you already have a full timre job... a lower hurdle for the social services -receiving unemployed. Call it paid free speech....

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I agree. It is harder.

My husband took a day of leave for each of the past several General Election cycles to work as an Election Judge. Life is all about choices.

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Conservatives don’t live in these communities, they are 100% Democrats. ‘Nuf said.

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And that is how the leftists are taking over. Keep your eye on 'reddish' Ohio that just lost an important ballot special election this week to the leftists.

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Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Gary, Memphis...

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Freddy's family may have been awarded millions, but the lawyers (Democrats) grabbed a hefty chunk of that. It's created a cottage industry of families crying on local news about their deadbeat relatives that contributed zip to society. Geesh. George Floyd hit the Mother Lode of 34 million, paid by taxpayers. Should have gone to businesses destroyed in those first amendment "protests". Sounds like the Police Chiefs in both cases had their knees on their own officers throats.

That mayor should be punished, at least removed. She didn't realize your first amendment rights end with the first brick you toss? Also, the mayor picks the police chief, think about that when you vote Democrat. Same with Presidents pick our military leaders, how's it going with Joe's picks so far?

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All the money in the world won’t change the ‘culture’ in which this is happening….

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As I recall, I think both this former mayor and perhaps her husband went to JAIL, but not for her poor governance. I think on embezzlement charges or something.

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This will be short and (not so) sweet. I took Amtrak from Boston to Washington D.C. a couple of times. When we went through Baltimore, I was glued to my window going through Baltimore. I couldn't believe what I saw and still can't and it's been over 20 years. Baltimore is THE most dilapidated, run down and filthiest city I have ever seen. If there ever was any federal money sent to Baltimore, it was stolen by their "representatives" (Elija Cummings, anyone??). I can only hope that after Washington D.C. gets blown off the planet, our saviors take out Baltimore, New Jersey, New York City, Rhode Island and Boston while they are at it. This is just too much.

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How much and how long must "too much" exist before halfway responsible people decide it actually is too much? I believe the Democrats, aided and abetted by the Davos boys, have created a new human subspecies, marked by a massively, undersized brain. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll open a hunting season on them. But, for now, they're protected, similar to the status their rats enjoy.

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Has anyone ever called you an optimist?? When all else fails--Pray !

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Some Baltimore history. Shiela Dixon was the first female mayor of Baltimore. She was better known as Shiela the Steala for “misappropriating” gift cards intended for poor kids in the city. Rawlings-Blake succeeded her, finishing her term after she resigned in disgrace and then winning her reelection bid. When she decided not to run for another term a third Charm City charmer, Catherine Pugh became mayor. She bribed companies to buy her books by trading them for city contracts. After Pugh Baltimore had a male mayor but the evidence shows that corruption and ineptitude in Baltimore is not gender specific.

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Just shows that greed, corruption and damn incompetence is definitely gender neutral. LOL

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And has apparently become quite the cottage industry!

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It’s Marxist specific.

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The time bomb that has desecrated US cities was the creation of welfare. When you get something - A LOT of something - for nothing, you have no skin in the game. You don’t have pride in ownership, living in subsidized housing, or in having achieved success, receiving handouts of every imaginable type, from food, health, education and housing. You become “less than” and increasingly begin to feel entitled to being taken care of. That has all sorts of negative consequences, from run down housing estates which become ghettos and nests for crime, which spills out into the greater parts of the cities. Dems, in their incomprehensible backward approach, think the solution is more handouts, and greater leniency for criminals, rather than admit their failed policies have created a permanent underclass of plain miserable people.

Add to this, the unfounded pension plans for the city workers and educators who also always demand more, and a corrupt-crony system of politicians making side deals and skimming off the top to line their own pockets, well, what do you think is going to happen. It’s all unsustainable, and getting ready to blow, especially when you throw in 7 million illegals with their all their hands out wanting a piece of that ever dwindling pie. It’s a recipe for disaster, and their doubling down on failed policies and wealth transfer from the productive to the non-productive has a definite expiration date.

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The sicko welfare state got gigantic legs in Spring, 1964 when LBJ made his Great Society speech at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. After that speech, the federal welfare rot settled first in Detroit and has been spreading ever since.

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I was a grad student there in 1964 (Analytical chemistry) and attended his commencement speech.

Agree with you about the harm done by the welfare state.

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Television hasn't been a big part of my life. My mother kept me from watching it as a child and the habit stuck with me. I happened to be walking by a television somewhere when I heard the words "great society" come from LBJ as he was making that speech. From that moment to this, I haven't ever lost that first impression of knowing what President Johnson meant did not mean any good for much of anybody. Rats and roaches all the way down. We need the Orkin man real bad...

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Globalist Marxists must destroy America to implement one world government. This multi prong attack includes the destruction of our cities, culture, schools, no border controls, Covid, vaccines, Fed digital system, giving control of health to WHO, stolen elections, pedophilia, control of Hollywood, the media and corporations. Etc, etc, etc!

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"But pigs like to wallow in their own filth. Let them." Indeed. I see no need to travel to my own Minneapolis ever again. It was a great city up to 2020.

Not critical of you, Don, but I always wonder why DeSantis and Abbott didn't ship them back to Mexico... Yes, I get the supposed political example, but... we are stuck with them either way.

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Is it possible that because they are Governors of states, they have no authority under federal law to ship the illegals back to Mexico?

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I feel the same about Atlanta where I lived 50 years.

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I have family in Baltimore. They remain there for sentimental reasons (he was born and raised there), but we keep trying to convince them to come to OH. Perhaps in retirement, when we will no longer be around to enjoy them. Or perhaps the next time the Vandals decide to sack the city. Whichever comes first. I'm betting on the Vandals.

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IDK, OH might be the next place that needs to be moved out of. The LEFT just had a BIG electoral win this week with the defeat of the ballot initiative that was meant to protect pro-life legislation. OH Conservatives better get to work or you're going to be the next Colorado. 😩

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Yeah, I watched it go down - sad.

My wife was working the polls and was on her way to the board of elections (BOE) to drop off the voting machine memory cards and provisional / curbside ballots (i.e. the precinct's total votes). Before she got home (15 minutes), the websites I had been monitoring called the election for the no vote by 8:45 or so. Polls stay open until 7:30. It takes a good hour to collect and deliver the electronic votes to the BOE. How did they call this so soon?

While this round was really a referendum on abortion and the over-turning of Roe V Wade, just wait to see what the lunatic leftists (notice I didn't call them liberal) have up their sleeves! Next up will be an attack on the 2nd amendment.

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Calling elections in the USA has become quite accurate. It might sound unlikely that an election could be called only an hour after the polls close, but watching precincts that normally go a certain way, or that are from a zip code that is predominantly one party or the other, will give a good indication if an election is following the usual pattern or not.

Yesterday's vote in OH was not close -- the NO not won by around 57%. That's pretty much a blowout.

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Well bravo to your wife for getting out and at least working the polls! IDK what the answer is re: securing the integrity of our elections. As you point out they 'called' the election one hour after the polls closed.

I guess you (non-leftist) Ohioans will have to get out and work harder to overtake these lunatics through the upcoming elections.

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Vandals, supported by local government, is a safe bet.

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Remember when Trump succeeded in making them defend rats? One of the funniest things I've ever heard from anyone, much less a politician. Hilarious times 10. These brain-dead idiots can't even be shamed into improving their self-made, medieval cities. It's because they have no shame, as they've proven time and time again.

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This one is easy, Don. Making and running a quality, safe, and prosperous city is hard work. Well run cities require tough but even handed leaders who all share the same vision and work ethic. Politics is not a driver in well run cities. People are encouraged to get involved and help in those cities. But well run cities also have far less corruption by city officials and law and order come first. None of that applies or exists in Baltimore. In Baltimore, simply reducing the crime rate or homicide rate while not being convicted of corruption will get a Mayor re-elected. That is their standard for success.

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In a few more years, those $25 and $26 million properties will be worth much less. There is no end in sight for these corrupt hellholes.

I just read that the Orioles haven’t reached an agreement with the city on renewing their lease on the harbor front baseball stadium which expires after this season. Maybe they will leave again.

Another democrat induced debacle.

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If I owned the Orioles, I wouldn't renew my lease either. The days of Dave McNally and Mike Cuellar ore OVER.

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Don't forget Cal Ripkin, please.

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And Jim Palmer and the Robinsons.

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The Orioles had some great teams and great players. I still say Brooks Robinson was the greatest defensive 3rd baseman I have ever seen although Mike Schmidt was the best overall.

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As a former resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, I watch what is happening in and around SF. Don could replace the city name of Baltimore with San Francisco. The story would remain factual. Market Street in SF is the main tourist/retail/financial artery leading to the once thriving Embarcadero waterfront. Market Street is now a street notable for its empty storefronts, restaurants and theaters. Offices buildings are vacant. Foot and vehicle traffic which once clogged the sidewalks and street are shockingly sparse. The last Republican Mayor of San Francisco left office in 1956. Baltimore's last Republican mayor left in 1967.

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Baltimore is San Francisco without the shit

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"...protected from the cars and other things that were going on..."

Huh? Cars are an event, something that occurs? The Cars, in concert, was an event back in the 80s, but generic cars is something that happens?

"Rioting is free speech!"

Immediately release all J6 prisoners, then. Not because THEY were rioting, but merely protesting.

A $5,000.00 bonus is not even a joke - it's an insult.

"...large numbers of workers opted to stay at home and perform their duties virtually."

At that time, it wasn't an option - it was corporate policy, as were the inhumanely stringent conditions to which one who perhaps wanted to continue working on-site had to subject themselves, one had no real choice other than to work remotely from home, or shared office space elsewhere.

Is the editorial writer truly so obtuse?

The best part of that film!


With all due respect, Brother Don, I'm not certain that pigs and their behaviour was the appropriate metaphor - after all, they are the source of bacon. Were it me, I might have chosen to liken them to parasites - like lawyers, who pupate into members of city councils, county commissioners, state and national representatives and senators, secretaries of state, and governors - the most incompetent ones serve in Democrat administrations, and Democrat-light administrations like those of HW, and W Bush.

As to the poll question, it should have been, "Should Baltimore be saved...again?" Yes, or, No, and the answer would be, No. For the record, New Orleans should not have been saved, either. Nonetheless, the correct answer is #3. I know he was Philly's mayor, but where is Frank Rizzo when he's needed?

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All these issues discussed have a great deal to do with core values of a society and its people. What are those core values anyway? I'm not an anthropologist or a psychologist, just a God-fearing man who was raised by two loving parents that I actually thought were unkind at the time and I was mistreated. LOL Hell. I was taught left from right, what's mine and what's yours, right from wrong and the backside of Dad's hand when I erred. Circa 100BC, Marcus Cicero is said to have stated, "If a people do not learn their history, they will remain children". Now that's probably butchered but you get it. For me one's education and upbringing are ESSENTIAL for a free and prosperous society to exist. I've actually lived in many of these Democrat controlled shitholes and I've seen the progression to perdition taking place In 1974 Coleman Young elected mayor of Detroit. (Also, a Krugerrand gold dealer when apartheid in South Africa) Many of my classmate's fathers worked in various departments in Detroit's government. One after the other, when asked what happened, a similar response was an inept, unqualified and in many cases beautiful woman was chosen to lead the department. Fast forward to 90's and Kwame Kilpatrick was convicted (A surprise for me) to years in jail YEAH! Don Surber, I guess part of your aim is to rattle people, you do, and I love it.

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