May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“We let government grow, but at a slower rate.”

Still speeding towards that cliff, but at a slightly slower speed.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don Surber continues to amaze with one superb column after another.

My favorite paragraph today is: "McCarthy may have scored more points in this deal but he made a mistake by playing their game. He should have played our game and let the government shut down before reaching an agreement."

McCarthy is inept at politics. The fact that he is somehow Speaker reveals that something else is going on beside rationality--something like Sabotage.

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Only in DC does not increasing spending equal a cut.

Why have a debt ceiling to begin with? It is meaningless. Reach it and raise it. Only in DC. If credit card issuers worked this way, we’d all have multi-million dollar limits on our cards.

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I received a letter last Friday to support "Conservatives and conservative policies" with Kevin McCarthy's snout on the first page. I thought I'd wait and see what happened with this debt ceiling issue. Up until yesterday, I'd been somewhat surprised by Mr. McCarthy's performance to date, but no more. I wrote across the letter "33 TRILLION ISN'T ENOUGH SPENDING?" It's time to get real conservatives in real positions of power, Not RINOS like Kevin McCarthy.

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Bad news is we are already bankrupt, the good news is so is the rest of the world, they just don't know it yet. The fact is at least our apartment buildings have humans residing in them; Unlike the Potemkin villages that dot the China landscape, anyone who thinks that a great investment is a empty highrise apartment building is a fool but the Chinese don't seem to mind one little bit while the real people live in hovels made of canvas and cardboard. We are moving inevitably toward war with the aforementioned for one reason, they have too many men. That is due to the genius who thought that one child per family was a great idea. The excess males will be taken care of, as they always are, through a bloody and all encompassing world war which, if allowed to, will implode the population bomb and cause a world of grief and suffering the likes of which we can only imagine in our worst nightmares or video games.

Our youth have lived through those video apocalypse senarios in their comfy chairs, unfortunately the real thing will not be so comfy for them or their heirs. i hate to be the bearer of bad news but looking foward, this Cassandra can see nothing good coming. And even with a change in leadership to someone who actually has a brain (read any republican Trump or DeSantos included) , I fear the worst although that small voice of optimism that is my American gene is trying to call out from the depths that all is not lost. I hope like tinkerbell in the original version that little dream still lives, and can overcome this black cloud that is approaching faster than we know.

There is a storm coming.....

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The regime throws conservatives crumbs until we think we are winning and become delirious on our rare feeling of power. But, the big issues that further the nefarious mission of the investment bankers, George Soros, and the deep state "steam roll" over us without a murmur or a frown from our party "leaders". The fragmentation of the freedom caucus is proof the left is winning. MTG defected. Others in the caucus were strangely silent in expressing their views publicly until confronted. The love of money is the root of all evil. The bill is evil because Washington loves money.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“Every single prediction by the climate change cult has not come true. It still snows in winter, rains in the spring and heats in the summer. We have floods. We have droughts. The rich have beach houses.”

BINGO! I’m gonna use that.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We're all mad as hell while our "leaders" (who are a joke) burn Rome. When do the knives and ropes come out?

We've had enough of their double standard: expect us to live in a budget while they just print money with no end in sight. Time to kill the beast before it destroys us all.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This compromise seems to be along the lines of…. the bank will increase your monthly payments but not as much as you thought and the balance on the mortgage will increase but not as much as it could have increased.

Either way we spend more each month and owe more each month.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Spelunker McCarthy delivered for his paymasters exactly what they ordered. Playing along with the Freedom Caucus until the eleventh hour and then stabbing them in the back is payback for the 15 rounds of voting in January.

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Don, I agree with your assessment, although I'm not as critical of the speaker; I think he got the best deal he could. But the deal, at best, is nothing more than a meaningless minor tactical victory. Strategically, it counts for nothing, it just allowed the congressional and administration figureheads to preen and posture for the cameras and accomplish next to nothing. The real action is what's happening with the boycotts - where the people are actually making consequences bite. We need more of that. Washington delenda est.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I always like to see commie's cry but we need massive 'deconstruction' of the federal beaucracy. Debt ain't going away until we root out the parasite, in DC and around the country.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Since our government is essentially broke how about layoffs, and dramatic pay cuts across the board, as would happen in any business when the overhead exceeds the income? Cutting The bloat of government salaries and the ranks of administrative branches would save the US a bundle.! Why is that never even discussed?

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Right on brother Don. This deplorable domestic terrorist is fed up to the gills with these bozos. McCarthy started to show some promise but blew it to RINO hell.

I make a motion to vacate and get a real fighter in.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Yes this sux along with Everything the D-Rats touch. And it’s going to continue to suck until T is back in the WH.

The truth was laid out perfectly by Charlie Kirk who hit the nail on the head so solidly I’m surprised ihe didn’t drive it all the way to Chyyna…

‘…The math is simple. Either we do the real work in about 80 counties across 5-6 states, @realDonaldTrump goes back to the White House, or we don’t and he doesn’t.

Anyone telling you anything otherwise, or in some other grandiose fashion that involves independents and walk-aways,…’

Want things to stop sucking? Let’s listen to Charlie and let’s get to work!

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I gently disagree. The good news is my stolen election slogan Mean Tweets 2024 now has a higher probability of happening. You do remember who I stole it from? I'm a die hard rabid Surberite.

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