Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

I picked ‘prepare for rioters’, then saw 2/3 of you picked ‘Thank the Lord’. You, of course, chose best, and my conscience has been pricked.

Don, you have attracted a great bunch of readers, which speaks volumes about your wisdom and craft. If you take pride in this, you do so justly.

However, praise the Lord and pass the ammo!

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That was a last minute add by the cat.

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I'm with you.

God's grace is ever-present, but the rioters will be sent to tear this country apart unlike anything we saw in Portland. We're not just talking ANTIFA and BLM idiots. This is where the military-aged males from all over the world will be doing significant local terrorist destruction with who knows what munitions.

Get ready.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Just witness the recent reaction by the Leftist goons and unassimilated masses in France after their elections on Monday. They’ve set the place on fire.


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Where is Samantha Powers? This has her bloody fingerprints all over it.

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She’s busy trying to destroy Hungary.

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All the shitholes in this country will erupt upon Trump winning.

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There would be a ripple effect from the terrorists that have been striding in through the vast open frontier, or whatever is the opposite of “border.”

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Ammo cans are overflowing….got so much having to depot w friends & family…

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Yep, and itching to "distribute" some of it. Haven't had the chance to do any target practice for awhile...

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Romans 13:1, notwithstanding. I was a teenager when the "lunch counter sit-ins" took place in downtown Nashville.

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Lawsy, I like the “notwithstanding” part.

Paul benefitted greatly being a Roman citizen. Certain people (ahem, his brethren) wanted to do away with him, and would have if the Roman overlords hadn’t enforced his rights as a citizen.

I think that was what Paul had in mind when he called for obedience to authorities as they’re ordained by God to administer justice.

With that in mind, there is room for believers in God and His Word, to practice civil disobedience when the choice is obeying God rather than man.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Thanks for sharing the scripture, which I have read many times, but never thought about it in what I will call treasonous times at the Federal level. Even Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple - ie. those in government authority.

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Without a doubt. As soon as it becomes clear (and perhaps prior to force the issue), the unrest will start. Summer 2020 will be a picnic compared to the punishment the Left has planned for America.

What if. . . What if the Congress, The WH and Supreme Court were completely controlled by the conservatives? Would they actually fix anything? Would they create new amendments to fix the glaring problems in the system? Corruption by elected officials, out of control taxing and spending? Etc. these would also set off violent revolt.

Folks, this doesn’t end any other way than through violent upheaval. Neither side is going to wake up one morning and capitulate to the other. It’s the history of man. We will fight over this. And it will be a near extinction event.

Absolutely, get ready!

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In response to your question, Congress will sit on their hands and stare blankly out the window, the courts are only reactive to pending cases so they won’t have a preemptive role. The ONLY responding life form will be PDJT. The executive branch ENFORCES the law, and I believe he will do so without the slightest hesitation. He will need a loyal National Guard, and possible military backup.

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Oh, but then the mamsy-pansy Republicans will be quick to act against DJT. They did last time under far less actions. There is a real shit show coming.

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The republican congress will be quick to undermine President Trump and betray the voters. They have bribes to earn after all.

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Hear, hear!! To all of the above!

Praise the Lord!

And Pray without ceasing! ♥️🙏

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I picked, "Prepare for Rioters" because that is exactly what I will do. And, in fact, already have begun.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

My thoughts exactly, Mr. Boggs.

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Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")

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You don’t have to be religious to enjoy Don’s reporting.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

I propose a new, thorough and ever-reaching process to begin using Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, both victims of the use of the law by a political party against its enemies, as prime examples. Beginning the day President Trump takes the oath of office, our country needs a far-reaching, everlasting process that holds both elected and appointed federal government officials subject to severe penal punishment for violating their oath of office and failure to legally carry out their duties with severe punishment that includes fines, imprisonment, and a lifetime ban from serving in public office. There will be no statute of limitations. People like Hillary Clinton, John Brennon, Adam Schiff, Liz Chaney, Barack Obama, and countless others, must be held accountable, found guilty of disloyalty, deception, dishonesty, deceit, breach of faith, and traitorous actions. Remove them from the government, and sentence them prison terms.

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and remove their pensions and government benefits

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Oops, that slipped my mind. Thanx.

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Yeah, this just might be the first time ever that one (or actually lots) of these criminals will finally flee to another country... as they have threatened to do countless times. Good luck with the extradition process.

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Naw, keep them here in prisons. Cost of housing, feeding, etc will be well worth occasional photos of them doing prison chores and rotting in cells. The only happy one would be limp-wrist Obama, with a harem of Bubbas.

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"The trial was so bizarre that I want a DNA test to determine whether Judge Merchan is a man or indeed a kangaroo."


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A true Surberism .

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The very definition of an effortless, perfect punchline. I suspect they do write themselves, and the writer (name irrelevant) then transfers it to paper, then edits it to eliminate the overwriting (if any).

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DJ, need to make prison the penal colonies they were meant to be.

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With a "T" ("Trump") added to "DJ," I suspect that he'll pull it off! BTW, the beneficiaries of Traitor Myorkas (sic) blowing up the border? Federal Department of Prisons (or whatever they call themselves) budget expands 500% in the next 3 years while other fed departments are vaporized in order to pay down the national debt. And that will pay for T.M.'s incarceration (life imprisonment).

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I agree. The DJ was a reply to Defiant Jester.

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All of them should be thanking Justice Thomas - who is trying to bring the crazies back from the abyss. Because the payback that is building would demand a fair number of those you mentioned facing prison time. Obama did order the killing of a US citizen if I remember accurately. So is Thomas or Sotomayor correct in their legal reasoning?

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Gitmo at the least , Gallows preferred.

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Hear ! hear !

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

“ FJB been haphazard”

Haphazard?!!! You are far too kind here, Mr. Surber.

Biden’s diabolical plotting against his rival could be considered Haphazard, only if you meant they were brought on by his merely merely being stupid, foolish, ignorant or just plain dumb.

But these efforts in attempting to crush his political opponent are more borne out of a malicious, malevolent, egregious, nasty, vicious, wicked and spiteful nature.

They have been thoroughly deliberate and designed to destroy another human being.

There nothing haphazard about them.

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Too kind? That's where readers like you come in...

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Let them have it Don. They deserve the ridicule.

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FJB has always been a cheap con-man

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If you don't hate Biden, you don't know Biden.

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Spot on accounting of Biden. So much so in fact that I am not sure what is more disgusting the fact that he is the stupid, evil, pathetic man he has always been or the fact that they are trying their best to give him a pass. At this point, I could easily forgive Hitler before I could Biden.

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Tell us how you really feel about FJB, Suzie!

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BIden was and is and ever will be a mean and wicked, cruel and heartless deceiver. That probably was his cocaine in the WH locker. That, or senile dementia suddenly hit him midships.

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The hatred of obidet manifested Suzie

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

Clarence Thomas deserves to be on Mount Rushmore, right alongside some of America’s greatest and truest Patriots, for he is truly one of them.

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The best associate justice since Robert Jackson and worth of John Harlan

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Never have so few done so much for so many.

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MLK, Jr begged us to be like you.

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

The lib Ditzy Chicks. Trademark it.

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I like Tanto's "the three commie chicks," too.

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Since my upvote has been disabled (by the FBI directing the Substack minions), I'll say thank you, in person (maybe we should all have our upvotes disabled, if it encourages direct human contact, instead of the substitution of a sterile "click.")

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Mine too! What’s up with that?

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The original Dixie Chicks messed up their group career by being so woke it died. Die-hard disc-jockeys played their stuff anyway.

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Didn't they get canceled due to a postion widely accepted now, by their past fans.

The irony

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Hah! Indeed!!

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They would shorten the name to The Chicks

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I’m glad that I’ve lived long enough to see Justice Thomas get some justice of his own and the icing on the cake is that he is, of course, dead right.

I watched every minute of those hearings and in doing so, learned everything I needed to know about Pedo Joe Biden. One of the highlights was a Republican, (maybe Orrin Hatch? Hard to remember.) telling Splash Kennedy to sit down and shut up.

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I am glad you did, too

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It is pretty sweet that Clarence Thomas is sticking a fork into Xiden after what that disgraceful soul did to him at confirmation.

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Yes, but I don't think it's retribution. I believe it's justice.

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Agree! There’s is a big difference!

I call it the “Restoration of the Rule of Law and the Constitution”.

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Hmm…will the “October Surprise” come in September, instead, when Trump is sentenced? I’m telling ya, this summer and fall is gonna be lit. Avoid crowds. Stay in Condition Yellow.

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Or even "Orange" if you know what I mean...

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That is a true thing.

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I know exactly what you mean. LOL

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When Smith is adjudicated to be illegitimate, can everyone sue him for reimbursement for their legal bills? Does he have prosecutial immunity? Can Trump go after him civillay for breaching attorney-client privilege in the DC case?

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Prison - at least, U.S.-style prison - is too good for some of these people!

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Send him to Gitmo so he can hobnob with the terrorists.

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CB - your ideas would be beautiful if played out in real time! At the very least JackS needs to burn in hell! Talk about the incarnation of evil!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

Loved this until we got to the fat man at the end. The ex AG who might be the most corrupt, slimiest, barnacle scum sucking weasel ever to inhabit the Swamp. So depressing.

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Like Pompeo, he seems to be trying to sweeten up to Trump, probably hoping to get some role in the administration.

Barr laughed at Trump's sentencing in his interview. He needs to eat his smirk-smile.

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Bulging Barr and Pompous Pompeo should be nowhere near Trump's second administration, period.

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AND pussy Pence!

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I agree Rev. Thank God Trump has someone with 24/7 access to him that is 100% loyal and who knows all the bad apples to stay away from: Kash Patel.

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Kash is a good dude!

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Same for his daughter and son-in-law.

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There is just no way anyone who has read the fat man's speech to the graduating law students at Notre Dame in 2019 can come away with any other thought than this man has been compromised. Maybe he is listed in Epstein's little black book. Who knows? But it is something.

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They’re all in Epstein’s book.

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That covers an awful long list. Hard to choose

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

“Pray for peace

Prepare for war”

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

It is critical to the survival of this Republic that DJT, the victim of the most egregious and unlawful use of our legal system by the crime organization aka the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party to be re-elected. It is the only way to demonstrate that this country is not a banana republic and to save us from the Marxist cabal that is destroying our nation and culture.

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While I agree that Trump is the best choice, I contend we’re not on a slippery slope. Rather we’ve already gone over the cliff and cannot stop it.

Pain is coming.

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I venture to say had Donald Trump NOT been the intended victim, and been just a John Doe, would the whole world be watching? One prophetic minister calls Trump an object lesson for the ages and a light in the dark halls of justice for the rest of us.

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

I am a long time admirer of Justice Thomas and the late Justice Scalia. Both are the gold standard of Justices in my view. But I do not believe Justice Thomas is seeking retribution for the attack at his confirmation hearing. Rather, he see’s a DOJ out of control and seeks to rein them in. That’s his job. What really troubles me about all of these SCOTUS cases the last year or so is the lack of personal accountability by those that try to twist the law and use it for their own purposes. Biden was taken to the court for his college loan payback (vote buying) scheme. That should have been the end of it but nope, he’s still doing it with impunity. And what about all of these made up cases directed at Trump to remove him from the ballot and bankrupt him like they did to Mike Flynn? Are those prosecutors going to be held personally accountable? Not likely. Is Biden going to be held accountable for his increasingly obvious corruption with his family gang? Ha! What are they going to do, try a feeble old senile guy after he losses this election? 100% no. The GOP will just go back to sleep again. So then what is the deterrent for the same people or others to do the same things or worse? I’ve heard DJT say he has no interest in retribution if he wins office. I’ll take him at his word. But what then stops the left from another four years of attacks on him? We all know they are coming. I have mixed feelings about Trumps “no retribution” statement. But I never want to see this kind of corruption again. If the players who initiated these attacks are not held accountable for them, then our system of laws has failed us and those Americans coming after us. The left needs to feel pain at the same level they brought on Trump, Flynn, et al. To not do so means nothing will change. The left pays no price for corruption. NY state just disbarred Rudy Giuliani for his support of Trump. Mike Flynn’s life and wealth were destroyed for a phone call. Steve Bannon and others are sent to prison for misdemeanors at best. The current AG as well as the current DHS director have blatantly lied to congress and the American people about the status of the southern border and refused to follow the law. Held accountable? They are still working. So no more Lyndsay Grahams, McConnells, Johnsons, Romneys and other do-nothing, lip-flapping career RINO’s. Tell me, when does our judicial system start working for our side and America’s future?

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I couldn't agree more with your excellent points, all. If we do, as some have suggested, let these criminals go, they will return and create even more havoc.

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Nov.6 2024 is kick in date for massive unrest requiring an apropos response stat.

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The problem with getting a stat apropos response is that the current administration will still be in power, at least until Jan. 20.

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That will be THE MOST concerning time frame when Trump wins.

However, traditionally, that time period is when the transition of the new administration is supposed to take place, so, hopefully, those chosen by Trump will be moving in to place and able to at least interfere with or thwart whatever evil the Biden team tries to pull.

But any way you paint it it’s going to be a very dangerous two months of all.

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The Patriots will be the powers by dint of numbers I Pray.

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The absence of consequences for any of these people is the single most demoralizing factor.

But we know that the words “You will reap what you sow”, as well as “Be sure your sin will find you out” are eternal and no respecter of persons.

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On many of the Lawyer TV shows over the years, the lawyers, judges and prosecutors were all deathly afraid of being charged with malicious prosecution.

I guess that's why the shows are fiction.

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

The several legal attacks on Trump appear to be deflating fast, while FJB simultaneously disintegrates in real time. Merchan and Bragg must realize that a Trump juggernaut is increasingly likely, and perhaps they'd prefer not to be on the receiving end when the Just-Us Department becomes the Justice Department again, administered by the next Trump AG. They can be forgiven for having second thoughts, but never for corrupting their positions for political gain.

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

Thank the Lord THEN prepare for the rioting insurrectionists.

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Jul 3Liked by Don Surber

Good morning, all.

If any further examples of two-tiered justice are needed: ho many of these chuckleheads openly calling for the murder of a former President have had their door kicked in at 0400 hours by a Secret Service team? Yeah, I know...

What these people don't think, or even possibly care about, is the consequences of such a deed(an assassination). I believe "infuriate" is a very mild word, in this case.

I pray it doesn't happen.

Have a great day, everyone.

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