The fools in Chicago voted out Mayor Beetlejuice and replaced her with a communist. How’s that working out?

That 39% want the illegal madness to continue and the 14% who are unsure must sit there and think that at least Chicago is still better than NY, LA and SF. Until winter comes.

And the killing never stops.

Next year’s democrat national convention should be fantastic, when we add in the Palestinian supporter riots.

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1968 redux. I can’t wait!

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That and the fallout from the Vietnam War, both of equal weight, changed the course of our society in NA.

And as you can see, not for the better!

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Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

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My favorite quote along with "little bastard shot me in the ass!"

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and this time it's the Hamas supporters

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It’ll make ‘86 look like child’s play

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11-22-23: What, there weren't any lesbian-communist challengers in the primaries?!

Oh, sure, Chicago's going Republican. Any minute now.

Right after O.J. confesses that he murdered his ex-wife and an equally innocent bystander, and voluntarily reports to jail after paying the waiter's family the judgement monies awarded to them (that, it's assumed, he hasn't paid them yet).


RIP J.F.K. What a horrible day it was, sixty years ago today.

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I'd pay to bus Hamas supporters to get there in June to join their perspective to the alphabet soup mob

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I remember the '68 convention, I was living on the southside at the time.. fun, fun, fun for a 9 yr old

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Nice, Schlong! See, commas are important.

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I sometimes channel ee cummings.

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Illegals are not going to enjoy winter in Chicago, but I imagine that no one does. Sounds like Montreal.

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What once was the Hog Butcher for the World, City of the Big Shoulders is now the Arm Pit for the World, City of the Big Scolders.

Carl Sandburg is crying.

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See what a decent education gets you. Good Post SL.

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I used to think Vallejo CA was the arm pit of the world (~1989-90) but there are so many contenders now....

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So many to choose from, so little time to visit!

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Well said, Mr.Lardmaster!

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The best part of watching this illegal alien story play out is watching the voters freak out. I love it when Dems have to live by their own rules. Sanctuary city status is an emotional feel good decision as many liberal dem decisions are. In reality, the delayed effect is realizing someone has to do something with all of thee people. I hope city/county government bodies take steps to restrict illegals in their areas. That is, to become - and announce - they are anti-sanctuary areas and will enforce immigration law to its fullest extent. This would force the massive future voting block for Dems to NY, Chicago, all of California, etc. Make them live and die by their own rules. And when Trump gets re-elected, he'll know exactly where to send the troops to gather them up and ship them somewhere.

Early Happy Thanksgiving (USA) everyone!

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Unfortunately, smallpox and tuberculosis are already here, which, of course, sets up the coming nationwide campaign for forced Gates vaccinations. Only God knows what in that crap.

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Bill Gates is evil. We should not be listening to him. He is qualified for nothing and an expert in nothing. Go away.

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Happy early Thanksgiving, Shrugged.

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And to you and yours!

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

For any of this to work you need…Educated. Employed. Black. Voters.

You can find them on the planet Ebonia.

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Employed is not enough. Government employees will always vote for big government. Bring back the private sector with no government collaboration.

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Nice shot Chuck !!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Hilarious! You can’t make this stuff up. In San Francisco, black voters also threatened to “not vote” if they didn’t get their million dollars in reparations they thought they had been promised.

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That's it!

Black voters stay home, Democrats lose

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Why are we --- why is almost everyone --- assuming that these elections are honest, and that the voting records reflect the actual number of living people who voted?

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There you go, assuming people are assuming the elections are honest.

The problem is nobody is doing anything about it. Those who tried were labelled lone nuts and terrorists and are now rotting in Jail cells awaiting trial before the kangaroo court of DC, or have been murdered.

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Especially in Chicago. City of law and order.

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Only on TV.

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The first 10,000 homicides are on the house. Outrage commenced with #10,001.

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As a former Republican election judge, I can tell you they are not. Not even close.

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if only there was a way to get the "educated liberal" to do the same

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What's an educated liberal? People who are educated vote republican. Those who voted donk are indoctrinated.

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And if they go vote, everybody loses. That goes double for AWFLs.

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Fingers crossed!!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I was born in Chicago (Oak Park). Many of my family were Dutch immigrants there around the turn of the 20th century.

Thankfully, my parents moved us out of there before I was three years old.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Oak Park was, at one time, a genteel home for artists, writers, and academics like Frank Lloyd Wright, Ernest Hemingway, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Astronaut Lee Archambault was from there. But then the gangrene from Chicago spread through Oak Park, Forest Park, Evanston, and other suburban towns and villages along Chicago's border.

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Detroit was once a pretty great city too. I guess that's ancient history now.

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I stayed around until I was 17, then enlisted to get out

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"But cracks are showing." LOL

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More like butt cracks are showing as these politicians try to cover their arses over the mess they have made.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Do they really think the politicians care? Welcome to the world of mail in voter fraud. Oh, you're gonna vote republican? They have ten dead voters for every live one to keep Chiraq blue. Modern printers can churn out ballots faster than Lake City makes bullets. AND the fake voters don't require food housing or attention.

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Yes, agree and what I fear in 2024.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Well, my message to Chicago voters will be familiar to you: Good and hard, gooder and harder, and then goodest and hardest. (Hat tip to Instapundit) If it hurts, you asked for it.

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And when they finally tire of that, give them the complete opposite - Hard and good, harder and gooder than hardest and goodness.

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Heehee, Mr. Lardmaster!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Unfortunately, the black vote does not matter anywhere in this country. Not because Black people don’t matter clearly, but votes don’t matter anymore. The politicians no longer have to respond to the electorate. When the once great city of Chicago, completes it destruction, the only thing remaining will be the cockroaches, which never die, and the Chicago hotdogs which are filled with so many nitrates they never disintegrate.

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Voters no longer matter. It's how you count the votes. I blame Republicans for not standing up and doing something for this kind of fraud, unless they are in on it, too.

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The Republicans are worse than the Democrats LuAnn. At least with the Democrats you know they are sincerely evil.

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Yes, you got that right, Mark. (Unfortunately)

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...which is why I always had a properly dressed Polish from Demon Dogs on Fullerton. Sadly, it's been gone for decades.

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It's entertaining to watch Chicago Dimms eat their own crapola pie, especially when told by you, Don.

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Yes. Insane policies eventually lead to insanity. They're eating their own and have no idea how to solve this mess that's been a long time coming. They're up to their necks in absolute, self-inflicted hell and they still hate Trump. Rabid dogs come to mind.

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Reminds me of the Nazi soldier in the dentist's chair. Very difficult operation; he was given strong drugs and laughing gas. While the dentist was working, he was startled to hear the man say over and over again, in a faint but emphatic voice, "Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!" How many people are like that in Chicago? (too many).

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Problem is, they're forcing us to eat their crapola pie as well...

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If a Republican said "targeted for removal", all hell would break loose with progs clutching their pearls.

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Right. During that chaotic meeting, did anyone blame Trump? They should have rolled a giant mirror into the room so they could meet the makers of their misery face to face. I'm tempted to laugh my ass off.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

What most upsets the blacks is seeing dollars flowing to the invaders that could be going to them

Welcome to the digital age, with EBT and deadbeat err debit cards replacing cash, the government can print $9999. as fast as it can print $10.00 every second of the year. No worrying about ink and paper or armored cars to deliver the worthless script.

The WEF intends to screw US with this flood. The blacks, like Trump, are just in the way.

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Yes, it exposes that the lower-class/ghetto segment of blacks (NOT the middle class blacks), have been feeding at the government trough for decades, and have made it a lifestyle. The illegals are encroaching on THEIR welfare streams. They still want all that money spent, they just want it spent on them, not illegals. They need to be told Enough Already, and to Get Their Damn Act Together and start becoming responsible people.

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100% correct, Jeremy R.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"watching it all go down" - the problem is that we all may go down with it. Biden, Mayor Johnson, Governor Newsome, and all the others still haven't realized that their mouths have been writing checks what their asses (and ours) can't cash.

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Unfortunately, it's our checks they want cashed.

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They carry the Bangalore torpedoes for the WEF. They don't understand that it's a death mission.

They, like the Viet Cong will die as well.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I think a lot of this sanctuary city thing is driven by white, upper class liberals and in particular unhappy women who feel they just have to show how much they "care." They, of course, likely live in gated communities or wealthy suburbs and see or feel none of the pain of the policies they are pushing. Have another glass of wine, ladies!

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Yes, the Left has really found the way to "hook" white liberal women. I know this is generalizing, but I think there is an innate female instinct to be "caring" and to perceive themselves to be "good" or "righteous". And when women indulge in mental laziness, there is also the tendency to go by emotion rather than reason. ("Emotional" being another quality one could generalize that women tend towards.) Further, when you diminish the role of religion in your life (as the more atheistic Left tends to do), you still have those underlying spiritual cravings but begin to attach them to holding particular political viewpoints.

This is a perfect storm of vulnerabilities that make white (and actually black too) liberal women particularly susceptible to the Left's siren call. It accelerates into a VERY emotional, VERY rigid "righteous" attachment to Left policies that they are taught to think are "virtuous". I have found this is a particularly difficult segment of the population to try to reason with, because you're not just challenging their political outlook, you're challenging their entire self-worth and substitute religion.

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Really well said, TPG. I think you are totally right. When you give up God, you go for ridiculous alternatives. They really think they are "virtuous," but often they are rigid and intolerant. All this "caring and sharing" is a substitute religion.

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I feel they are torn between self loathing and narcism making them want to get feel goods for their caring attitudes.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Drat! I got the poll wrong again.

I hate re-education camp (Even though last time they made me the town driver. Not kidding. FPC Ashland. 2 years.)

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