Again, I need an “all of the above” option.

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I concur!!

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I’m glad I read your comment before I posted mine. I would have looked silly saying the same thing.

A category “ Other” with a text box wouldn’t hurt, either. 🤡

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Other fits nicely in the comments as does all, or none of the above.

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Trouble with that is, it doesn't tell Don what the MOST important issue that is on your mine. I think that is reason no "other" box. Makes one think harder, maybe?

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My first thought.

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Jan 12, 2024
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Sorry to hear. I’d like to think I’m safe in Des Moines, but who knows how long it will last.

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You likely are reasonably safe in Des Moines right now but there is a reason for that. Cops are still actual cops there, not tiny women and tiny guys just looking for a good retirement who are lead by social justice activists, and people tend to be more self-sufficient and "handle" their own security problems themselves. But the wild card in this is the illegal invasion of people who are gang members and criminals and out in out terrorists that are being sent everywhere in the country where they will quickly build more gang members and the crime will go up accordingly. Your time for action is now, not after the problem is out of control. Good luck.

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Looks like "Escape from New York" has turned into a documentary. We could use a few Snake Pliskens right now.

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I thought something similar but I think we ought to keep people like Snake in the Red states and let the Blue cities burn.

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Now I stick in a Ditto!

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We have them, but they are not living in NYC. They are in Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana and Texas and they work on ranches, farms, and build things everyone needs. They live in those places for a reason. NYC is finding out that a city full of girly men and guys afraid of testosterone don't really fit the bill.

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Tons in Texas except here in the People's Republic of Austin - girly men and soy boys abound!

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Maybe its something in the water in Austin? Or more likely the City Hall.

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How does something happen in the Teat State of Texas?

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When we were growing up we didn't need to learn about Situational Awareness. Now we all need to learn and apply it.

That, and a large caliber handgun.

“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”

– Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper

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Comment of the day.

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Leslie Nielsen, Eugene Levy, Rich Little, Rick Moranis, Martin Short, Mort Sahl, Jim Carrey, etc.

You’ve got bragging rights today LuAnn and Chuck!!!

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Thanks SL… those were the days weren’t they! I bet it has to do with being isolated in a cabin under 6’ of snow. That way you can do rewrite after rewrite while trying to get your audience… a beaver… to laugh!

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lolol i can actually envision that esp with Shatner

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Now that one made me laugh!

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You left out William Shatner and Nathan Fillion.

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Paul Kersey...

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Thanks, Mr. L! And I will brag. I don't know why we have so many funny Canadians. It could be the winter weather! Maybe it's our origins -- English and French. Maybe we have to be funny because we live next to America and there's no way to compete with you.

In any event, I grew up watching SCTV -- a very funny Canadian comedy show featuring a number of the above mentioned comedians.

At the end of February, I am going to see a very funny Montreal comedian called Sugar Sammy. (His family are Indian immigrants who settled in Montreal.) He makes fun of Quebec's language laws and the pecularities of living here in a way that makes us laugh at ourselves.

Another funny Canadian is Catherine O'Hara who was on SNL in the mid-80s.

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We enjoy the Canadian sitcom, Corner Gas. Brent Butt and the cast are a breath of fresh, funny Saskatchewan air.

Due South with Paul Gross is another delightful comedy. Of course, Diefenbaker stole the show!

An honorable mention goes to Murdoch Mysteries dramedy until the writers went full leftist loony tunes. We blame Julia’s character.

So, brag away!

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Kids in the Hall is a Canadian comedy troupe that had a TV show in the 1990s. There were some really good and outrageous sketches, but not to everyone's taste. My friends and I watched it religiously back then.

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But comics alone are not going to save Canada. Nose thumping works though.

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I think Canada is almost beyond saving. No kidding.

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I hope you’re wrong on that one. We need all the friends and help we can get here.

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Schlongy ,,does Jerry Clower ring your chime?

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He sure does. Clean, funny humor.

He was a fertilizer salesman for a company that became a client of mine. He told jokes while selling, and boom. He used to come back and visit the company till his too soon passing.

He was telling the redneck jokes long before Jeff Foxworthy.


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BTW, thanks for this, Don. I had not heard of this guy but will check him out on YouTube.

As BabylonBee has proven, humor is a gift of God & a powerful weapon for truth. We all need to be honest about the Emperor’s invisible clothes. Pretty much the universal construct for humor. Ain’t hard!

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Unfortunately, BabylonBee has become a more of a prediction website. They are so good at satire but satire is not supposed to become real within 6 months. I do love them though.

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I think when humor is based on truth its bound to be prophetic.

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Like conspiracies?

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lol that come true 4-6 months later. Or I love this one, within 72 hrs? just cuz the MSM want soooo badly for something to go their way?

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It's America's newspaper of record.

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Thanks for sharing this about the Canadian comedian. I'll try to catch him, as there are very few funny people, from anywhere, any more.

Regarding the reader who was violently assaulted in NYC, that's not surprising at all, given the complete collapse of civil society in all blue cities and states. I hope he recovers quickly. This lawlessness will continue and is going to get much worse. The only thing that will stop it is when the white cognitive elites, Jews and gentiles, and their families start getting assaulted, raped, and murdered. Heretofore, it's mostly been held to the ghettoes, barrios, and working class and middle class neighborhoods and our WCE's don't care about the people from those areas. Except, of course, when there's an election.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to your weekly summary tomorrow!

Danny Huckabee

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Members of the Asian-American rock band The Slants have the right to call themselves by a disparaging name, the Supreme Court says, in a ruling that could have broad impact on how the First Amendment is applied in other trademark cases.

The Slants' frontman, Simon Tam, filed a lawsuit after the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office kept the band from registering its name and rejected its appeal, citing the Lanham Act, which prohibits any trademark that could "disparage ... or bring ... into contemp[t] or disrepute" any "persons, living or dead," as the court states.

After a federal court agreed with Tam and his band, the Patent and Trademark Office sued to avoid being compelled to register its name as a trademark. On Monday, the Supreme Court sided with The Slants


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Their lawyer, Ron Coleman, is one of the guys I follow on Twitter

The government said it was a slur but if a bunch of white guys used it, they would be OK with that.

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The US and UK have made military strikes on the Houthi's and the Dems in Congress are complaining that the strikes are unconstitutional. Apparently the Congressional Dems have suddenly become Constitutionalists.

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Only when it suits their agenda.

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Amen !!

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A border without the men and women to enforce it is pointless. An opposition party writing good laws does nothing without the men and women to enforce them and protect them.

Those men and women of law enforcement are wasted if we don't get the courts to punish criminals.

Probation doesn't work. Incarnation doesn't work. The criminals need to suffer enough that they consider the crime not worth the time.

My first wife didn't believe in spanking. One day our oldest son wanted a toy his little brother was playing with. He looked at mom, looked at the corner, looked at the toy several times around. Walked over, punched his brother, took the toy then walked to the corner.

It was at that point she understood sometimes you gotta spank em.

Our disaster of a legal system is jadding our law enforcement. Seeing criminals walk free makes them feel useless. We loose until we get tough on criminals.

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That a line from a comedian illustrating leftist reality is hilariously funny is proof these "leftist norms" are still seen as "extreme". Otherwise, the punch lines wouldn't be funny. That is a good sign.

However, The Babylon Bee deserves credit for doing it first and really well.

I wish this young aspiring talent great luck and will check him out.

Final thought: The other day we were entertained on this site by Pierre Poilievre handling the media. I complimented his style in handling the reporter and attributed the enjoyment of watching it as something in Canadian culture that is unlike any other culture. Todays substack now helps me understand why I loved Pierre Poilievre's answers so much. It was the same calm, direct, truthful "punch lines" that made it so good. This comedian uses it in comedy as Poilievre uses it in politics. I join SL in saying to Chuck and LuAnn - thanks for this entertaining weapon when we need it the most.

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You're welcome, Shrugged!

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Hoping like mad Poilievre will eventually be our prime minister, but it will depend on how the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) votes. They are hopeless Liberals.

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I am praying for him as well.

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Walking in a blue-state big city...since these reptile cowards like to attack older people from behind, one needs a tailgunner accompanying them on their walks. Regading the cop who drove away...I wonder if their morale could get much lower. I mean cynicism now rules the roost and protecting their pension is now priority number one. Enforcing the law...not so much. Just great, eh?

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That cop’s reaction was just an example of human nature. How willing to risk your life would you be after the way DeBlasio, Adams and the rest of the left have treated you?

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When the perp would be back on the street in an hr after being arrested, yeah, I feel for the cops but lordy those people vote for idiots. Although Adams did camo himself pretty well.

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Should have snapped a few pics of those involved...

I got our parking lot attendant a GoPro to wear on his shoulder to record irate folks that think they all can park in our private, marked-as-such parking lot .

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I'm willing to bet the cop who drove away wasn't much of a cop to begin with. Most likely a diversity hire looking for a job with a good retirement while doing as little as possible. When I was growing up in a small town, the entire police force were military vets, both WWII and Korea. They paid attention to who came into town and a number of people with dubious backgrounds or criminal records were given a free ride out of town and told not to come back. Rumor was a few resisted and ended up with lumps for their trouble. We had NO violent crime, just petty stuff. Those same cops were always there to answer questions, chat with the locals and knew what was going on inside the city limits. They were role models for me and my friends.

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At times like this, we can laugh or cry.

I’ll do both.

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Was thinking the exact same thing!

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Prayers for the reader's recovery.

"'Good luck to that city. [It] deserves everything coming to [it]...'"

What it deserves (among other things) is to be nuked from low Earth orbit.

"New York City is not healthy for children and other living things.

That’s no joke."

No, it is not.

Mayor Adams can piss and moan all he likes, he can whine about having to live that which he professes with his mouth, but I want to see him lynched in Times Square by angry black New Yorkers after busloads of illegals have been released into predominantly black neighbourhoods to occupy all the church buildings that are home to black denominations, as well as every Islamic mosque.

It would also be most excellent to release busloads of illegals to occupy The Met, Lincoln Center, MSG, and as many theaters on and off of Broadway as is necessary to accommodate them to see the horror on the faces of the über-hypocritical New Yorkers.

Let's not stop there, though - let's have busloads of illegals be released at Gracie Mansion, and the governor's mansion in Albany.


I'm glad to learn of Mr. Bankas, and I wish him all the success in the world, but I'm just not inclined to be entertained, at the moment.

It's a controlled border we need the most - once allowing the public battery of white people becomes law, law enforcement becomes oppressive.

John Carpenter's, "Escape From New York" is becoming prophetic.

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Off Topic: today I learned that public libraries are adding indoor playgrounds, and are proud of it

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Off topic too-California, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington—plus the District of Columbia have adopted California's low-emission vehicle (LEV) and zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) standards. Yet, Hertz just announced that they're selling 20,000 EV's and replacing them with gas powered vehicles. How dare Hertz? Someone once said that EVs were intended only for available retirement communities and golf courses.

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That same someone said {you cant make this shit up }.

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More opportunity for Pedos to find their prey.

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Time for comedy with a meaning: Biden administration press conferences with pie fights. Reporters armed with lemon meringue pies they heave at administration imbeciles who (A) appear like they are from another planet, and (B) dipshits who give bullshit answers to pertinent questions. At least we'd walk away with something to talk about, rather than something to bitch about.

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we would be bitching about there being a shortage of meringue pies..... be worth it though.

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This was happening at news conferences in Montreal back in the early 2000s. They were anarchists or something and they were called Les entartistes (pie throwers.)

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Bring it on. The press secretary needs to be pummeled.

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"Law enforcement" would get us a Border

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Agree. It's a twofer. And in this context I would include the police, the courts, and the entire justice system under the heading of law enforcement.

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