I too love PDJT and have read how DeSantis is really a RINO. His actions say otherwise.

If both Trump and DeSantis run, My only hope is that PDJT does not go nuclear on DeSantis. State your case and let the voters decide.

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You got it, Schløngtäviøus

Good to have you and several others here

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I don't have a dog in this fight as a Canuck, but stating your case and letting the voters decide is the only way to go.

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Perhaps the eGOP is backing DeSantis, knowing full well it will create a giant schism within the party between Trump and him, thus assuring that NEITHER Republican will win in 2024, which is really what the Uniparty wants anyway. They love to lose.

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The GOP cannot win in 2024 unless one specific thing happens, which I cannot believe will happen at this point. If I were DeSantis, I wouldn't run, because he will lose the general if he wins the primary, which I think he would over Trump. But as Don has mentioned, the window is often small, and sometimes you just have to take the shot because time dictates you must.

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I don't think the window is small for DeSantis. He'll still be young enough in 2028.

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I agree LuAnn. Both Nixon and Reagan lost elections before both came back to win, then going on to win second terms.

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oops...tablet shut down before I finished. My point being the window may not close if DeSantis waits.

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Any Republican presidential nominee risks being sacrificed in 2024 if Democrats and their media and Big Tech allies continue to lie and cheat.

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That would be my biggest worry as a Republican voter.

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Here's a good summary of just that, written by a man who has lived in Florida since the day he was born: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/01/31/the-2024-gope-roadmap-appears-modified-to-use-republican-governors-association/

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Sorry - can't trust anything he writes on this subject. He is way too emotionally invested.

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Question for John Mills: Is your assessment of his writing based on face to face interaction with its author, or only in having read what he has written?

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It would help to get the first name correct. I can only read what he writes, so I am supposing he is writing honestly. If you suggest that is just a ruse, then perhaps I could be mistaken.

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Pretty sad, huh? Your correct name, Jim Mills, is right there in front of me and I still got it wrong. I reckon I was too emotionally invested in posing my question to you to notice my mistake. Thank you for responding to my question.

Anyway, I take it that your only contact with Sundance is, like mine, thru his writing alone. I've read quite a bit of what he's written. As with all the stuff I read online, I take it with a grain of salt. Still, the research and detail Sundance presents in his articles are easy enough to verify.

Sundance sometimes employs phraseology of anger and frustration with corrupt people & corrupt government. But when it gets right down to the facts, there ain't much emotion displayed. The facts speak for themselves and those facts often engender rage.

I do not suggest the writing of Sundance is a ruse. That's your idea. But now that you mention it, I will admit I've wondered more than once: "Is this guy for real? Is this another CIA front?" But then, I ask that question about many, many things I see online these days.

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The Let Trump Be Trump horse isn't bucking me off!

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To me, common sense dictates: Why the hell are he and Trump not running on a ballot-proof ticket?! Total.F*cking.Landslide. Because of multinational donors.

Ron is doing great things in Florida. Because he can. It really isn't hard. He did the absolute right things by cleaning his voter rolls which is key. I like him, but he is a lawyer and politician not involved with what drives economics.

Nationally he belongs to Ken Griffin and the multinational donor class; the Republican Governor's Association.

If he announces that he will unleash American fossil fuel energy(like Trump actually did) and close our border(which he won't, but Trump did against republican wishes), then I will vote for him. Otherwise, I will not vote nationally based on what the republican party has done the past 7 years.

Respectfully. I didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 primary and I immediately changed my prism.

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A Trump/DeSantis ticket appears unstoppable by the “crazy” left. Trump’s age is a big problem but the DeSantis backup cures it. Concern that DeSantis is an undercover RINO is his big problem but Trump’s record cures that. Brandon has done so much damage that there will be too much for one person to fix in 4 years. Trump had many problems with enemies among his appointees, he will need a strong loyal VP who goes after the swamp. Plus their policies might stick around for 12 years. We need that time to fix the damage. (btw the Constitutional issue of both being FL residents is easily fixed, see Bush/Cheney.)

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Wyoming would gladly take Trump in a New York (er, Mar-a-Lago) second

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I would feel a soothing schadenfreude if Trump chose to pick Wyoming as his next home. To say nothing of how I’ll feel when he goes back to D.C with DeSantis to drain the swamp, for real. (see Cheney and Cheney)

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ESG is the ugly stepchild of Operation Chokepoint, the scheme administered by Obama to get banks to refuse financing for any and all conservative leaning ventures, I.e. the Teaparty, True the Vote, etc.

EAG is being used by Western countries to prevent countries in Africa and other developing nations from being allowed to invest in energy infrastructure the would allow them to prosper and power new industry. The West will allow the export of all their rich resources, coal, minerals, etc. but won’t lend or finance their own ability to use those resources for themselves.

It is being used here to prevent you and me from using our own money, or borrowing money to finance anything that does not comport with their Woke Green agenda, as well as preventing companies from financing the manufacturing what they deem not in conformity with said agenda, I.e. oil and coal, and gas, etc.

It is evil incarnate.

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I like Trump and Desantis both, and have no problem with Trump's name-calling, I think he can be funny. Better than being PC in my book, or woke.

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I don't think DeSantis minds it either, though Trump has already learned he can't use anything but the A Team in funneling those attacks at DeSantis. DeSantis and his communication team are disciplined in the extreme and much better than what Trump has around him at the moment. Trump will need a different plan of attack than what he has been floating.

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Look at who DeSantis has in his inner circle. All Wall Street anti Maga types Jeb! is there. Why? He’s a loser but with swamp connections.

I live in Florida and voted for DeSantis twice and I’ll vote for him in 2028 but not 2024.

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"...Jeb! is there. Why?"

Precisely. Why, indeed? Who knows? Just because he's there doesn't mean DeSantis is listening to him.

"He’s a loser but with swamp connections."

Perhaps that is why...DeSantis doesn't seem like he has much tolerance for palace intrigue, but he's not stupid, either. Who knows? If Trump is the ~20% on which they disagree, who cares? There's ~80% on which to work in agreement – as long as that ~80% is standing up for us, and our rights, and in so doing, reversing the devastating effects of the Kenyan Light Bringer's three administrations.

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I worry about the inner circle supporting DeSantis.

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They aren't doing a very good job of "controlling him" and his anti-Davos comment pretty much shows that they will have to make their money the old fashioned way, not by subjugating the rest of the world. He hasn't governed as a RINO, it is a weak argument. He did take a RINO GOP legislature and turn them MAGA. He talks little until he has actually done something. I'll vote for he or Trump in the general, but I think DeSantis would do a much better job at this point. Trump broke open the blinders. We will be forever in his debt. I think we need a guy who can now do the detail work to attack them. I hope Trump sees that.

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“The House State Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted 13-3 to approve a bill (HB 9B) that would give Gov. Ron DeSantis authority to appoint the district’s five-member Board of Supervisors and change the name to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.”

The takeaway in reading that little summary is that its power is seated with the Governor, not the people. When DeSantis is no longer governor of Fla, the new governor can undo what the old governor did. The New Rule looks good and it sounds good in the present moment but in practice it is more shifty double-talk.

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That's typical. A board is appointed to defined terms and members replaced when the term expires by the governor with Senate approval.

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He's picked the perfect time to fight ESG and colleges. ESG was a product of ZIRP and QE. Venture capitalists and hedge funds had INFINITE cash to throw around, so they were able to enforce their own demonic tastes instead of seeking real profit from real business.

Now that the central banks have turned off the source, VCs can't play their luxurious game any more.

Colleges are also feeling the pinch from newly finite donors and federal grants. Colleges will have to seek paying students, and paying students want JOB SKILLS instead of ideology.

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"California has a $22 billion deficit. Texas has a $33 billion surplus. Florida has a $22 billion surplus. Being the debt leader is not the win that Mini Mike and Bezos would have you believe. If it were, they would both work to go bankrupt."

It is beyond sad that Mini Mike (thank you, Don – that's perfect), Bezos, and their ilk seem to truly think that we are that stupid: Budget deficits=good, budget surpluses=bad?

I don't think the state should be sitting on a pile of cash, and apparently neither does DeSantis: "He just proposed a $2 billion tax cut for Floridians."

Contrast that with what Democrat governors do when their states run budget surpluses (Minnesota) – they give it out to their cronies in the form of grants, and campaign contributions. The people who paid those taxes never see a dime back in the form of a tax cut or a rebate.

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Very good move, Don - supporting them both. I love, love , love your columns & your commentators. The gold standard in journalism.

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By their works ye shall know them.

I have been concerned for some time about the move towards a cashless society. It is so convenient and safe, until governments get involved for their own political benefit.

One of the most important and beneficial things that Trudeau (!) ever did was to use government power to close down contributions to the Canadian truckers.

On a world stage that highlighted for everyone everywhere what power governments can have over our personal finances.

The enhancements that DeSantis has proposed would go a long way towards reassuring me that leviathan can be controlled by the people.

We must do something similar here in NZ, and as soon as possible.

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Once people can't freely use their cash, freedom is gone.

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ESG if instituted broadly without a fight will change our lives for the worse. We will be regressing, not progressing in a good way. Look at Sri Lanka, which embraced ESG and is now unable to feed itself. The Netherlands and Canada are pushing this nonsense, too. Anarchy is only three days away when you can't feed yourself. A cashless society means a loss of freedom. Why should the government or your bank know if you bought a pack of gum or a sofa? Or, if you withdrew large sums of money? It's your money, not theirs. We will be able to tell whose side politicians are on by who they align with, no doubt there. You align with WEF, you're not for the best interests of your people. As for Trump and DeSantis, it would be ideal if they are both on the same ticket. That seems to me to be the only way to put down, hopefully for good or a long while, the WEF forces and maybe the RINOS. I don't think even cheating could stop a victory by this pair.

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I get a news letter from a tea party gal (not ours) who is down on DeSantis, saying he's really a rhino and his backers are globalists. I'm not sold but she makes a very good argument backed with things he's done and said in the past. I do not want a Republican's blood bath primary. There are so many people out to get Trump they're going to do and say everything. I am a Trump guy all the way. All these people are going to try to tie Trump up any way they can up to and including the unthinkable.

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-->"Trump’s acceptance into the University of Pennsylvania, after an academic record notable only for its mediocrity, ... was an egregious example of leveraging personal connections to get into a prestigious university..."

Source? Citation?

Smearing partisan opponents in print is de rigueur for the NYT.

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And now we are discovering the next ESG movement - deplatforming conservative media, drying up ad dollars through another "group" determining whose opinions are right and whose are wrong, ostensibly with federal government assistance. Time for some states to start suing these groups for illegal restraint of trade, and put them, and their founders in legal peril, as well as their big pocketed supporters.

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ESG is a means to destroy capitalism as we know it.

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So is removing cash and controlling crypto currencies.

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The parallel with Reagan's governorship in California is interesting. Line up Florida today and California then, the culture wars today and the culture wars then.

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"Billionaire Mini Mike Bloomberg’s news service on Monday distributed a column that Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post ran."

There is absolutely no doubt about it, Bloomberg Propaganda is as Communist as Stalin's Russia (1925-1953). And the New York Post (non-sports) is well along on the trail to that moral and ethical oblivion.

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