Slightly off topic but does anyone remember that we STILL don’t know anything about the guy who shot up the Las Vegas country music festival which started this whole bump stock thing? I want to know what the government is hiding about the guy. He obviously didn’t fit their right wing gun nut narrative or we would have heard about it 24/7 starting within minutes of the massacre.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Well, our feds tried like heck to hide the diary of the Nashville Tranny shooter in the Christian school - until it somehow got found and released by a brave person in media. Boy, was the FBI pissed. Clearly shows a total nut case tranny who hated living and took that hatred out on small children. Who could do that?

I suspect similar weirdness surrounds the Las Vegas shooter. Both shooters here may have been "programmed" by the same deep state that took out a sitting President (JFK) - but blamed it on a "patsy" they set up.

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CIA knows who popped JFK and it wasn't the dumbass commie they setup. The fifty year rule has elapsed for release of the info but hasn't been. Wonder why?

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JFK and the Unspeakable - Why he died and why it matters by James W. Douglass

Answers a LOT of questions. Sounded well sourced. And to prove the point- there’s never been a total document dump of ALL the files.

So, you’re right Reddog: Wonder why?

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I suspect it is because the CIA is effectively running our government today, at least our foreign policy and defense. They need to be dissolved along with a useless FBI.

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Would like to see a court rule that drug tests be performed on the perps in mass shootings cases immediately upon capture. What story would that tell? How many metric tons of drugs are fed to our school children every year? Are they a contributing factor in all this BS? Why don't we ever hear about that?

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Mindy Robinson has done a documentary on this, and hasn't been sued like Alex Jones, thats weird


The photo they showed of the shooter after he "shot himself" - looked so old , Like He was "Vince Fostered" and there were more than one area were shots were recorded coming from. I saw video...but when the Deep States wants more than one version to whip up conspiracies, who knows.

All I do know is the Government is a worthless corrupt den of thieves and murderers. Worse is they are also bureaucrats. The lowest scum of the earth, worse than lawyers, and politicians ...and to think they can be both at the same time, eww. I threw up in my mouth a little, oops.

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They don't care about Sandyhook they care about Alex Jones.

It's him, not the cans.

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as always, follow the Benjamins!

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He was an FBI agent who went rogue. That’s why they’re hiding it.

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Or an FBI stooly who didn't.

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No rogue about it. It was planned to make him a patsy, He Lee Harvey Oswald-ed himself. Thats why its coverd up.

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If we didn't hear about it, it's only because it didn't fit the lefts messaging.

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

I vote that Congress ban Lobbyist money, which probably kills more people than bump stocks.

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Then what would be the incentive to run for Congress?

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I know you are being sarcastic to make a good point with which I agree, but it does deserve an answer. The answer is there should be NO incentive to run for Congress. It is done out of a devotion to maintaining our way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is a job that GIVES not GETS, which is why it started as a part-time endeavor so the congressman could still earn a living back home and tend to the farm.

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Spot On Shrugged !

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I feel much the same about teachers.

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Right!! It was never intended to be a “Career”!!!

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Politics today is about power, not good will. They may start out with some good intentions but quickly learn that by joining the club...............and staying there, they become very powerful. That translates to $$$$$$$$$$.

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Shrugged, it often comes to me that some of our commenters here would be excellent people to have in office-- and today I am wishing that you would run for something. I don't know what your situation is, but I am certain you would be a breath of fresh air in whatever setting you chose to. If national office (like House of Rep.) is too ambitious (though, why should it be?), even school board would be a great place to participate in returning America to sanity.

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You are too kind and over-estimate my capability. I just retired and (if this world survives the next 6 months and gives us a Trump victory) hope to be able to start enjoying this phase.

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But you clearly CARE about our country, and it might actually be enjoyable and fulfilling to be an anchor of sanity on a county or state school board. This could be only a part-time (or quarter-time) commitment.

This is on my mind because we just had primary elections here in WV for school board, and this time I actually researched the candidates. These are not highly competitive offices. And it was pretty clear who were Dems and who were Trumpists. The Dems appeared to have more money and mailed out more campaign promos, but I was heartened to see that the Trumpists, even with very little promotion, came in pretty close seconds. With a little effort--and you are very articulate, so anyplace you can get anyone to listen to you, you would attract votes--it would not be hard to get into office.

I would venture that you probably are UNDER-estimating your capability!

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I haven't gotten todays Surber Substack. Did you? If not, I wonder what happened. . . .

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Yes I did-- it came in at 7:13, and is titled "That's a Shame month". Don't know why your email wouldn't have gotten it.

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Hah! That’s an argument in favor it doing it!

Less incentive for grifters!

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Well, they can still steal thru insider info.

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Amen to that my friend.

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

Don, that last clip is one heck of a powerful message/story. Thanks for sharing.

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Last minute addition. Saw it. Had to get it in soonest. May recycle it on Saturday

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i agree, joated. The main thing...

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

SCOTUS ever figure out who was behind all the shooting & killing in Las Vegas? Or just another move along event. Like Tsarnev brothers in Boston..... Like Tranny in Nashville school..... But those morons can pose taking a knee like they are NFL players.... Angels Rule precious Marcus, thanks for reminding us Who's in charge.....

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You and I posted at the same moment. Great minds and all that.

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As the new ATF DIRECTOR his first action is to fire everyone and shut it down

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That’s the remedy for the whole enchilada. Shut it down.

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I have heard it said by many experts that the second amendment needs only a few pages of policy to enforce it. Wonder why we need a whole agency to do so? Thought that was the job of the FBI?

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

"This court, dominated by Trump’s Trio, is taking on the most powerful, present and clear threat to your liberty: the federal bureaucracy. This was just the latest swipe."

Don't celebrate too soon. We need to see how the SCOTUS cowards will decide the Chevron case. Notice they're delaying that annoucement 'til the end of their session. Same goes for the immunity decision. I expect narrow, fragmented rulings that leave too much unresolved. Meanwhile America twists in the wind.

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They never resolve anything. They skirt the issues often ruling on technicalities. They are cowards.

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Too many women on the court. The way I see it now, one is too many.

Not sure all the men are real men there either.

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Too many screaming, hair on fire, feminist nutjobs on the court and in the Democrat Party. Carvelle is right on the nose.

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Isn't that they are women, its that they three of them are liberals and thus, suspect in intelligence and motive.

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Greg, read a great description of how they operate. Wish I could give it credit but it went..."They'll demur with a blur of excuses." Couldn't have said it better myself.

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…and Don't forget the CENSORSHIP decision is due also!!

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I don't disagree with your comment but I also don't believe the SCOTUS Justices are cowards. But they are human and as such have human weaknesses or traits. When you have a congress who shuns responsibility for just about everything it then falls on the highest court to be the final word on issues. This happens far, far too much today and that is a heavy burden for any group of people to weigh. It is a very heavy weight to bare.

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They signed up for it and I have no sympathy for any of them.

The Constitution calls it separation if powers. Congress makes the laws, the courts interpret and define those laws, and the President applies the law through the DOJ. No branch can step outside their turf or we have corruption. This is why judges should never rule outside of law by writing their own “version” of it which they do in leftist courts regularly.

A judges job is to make a judgement even if it is very difficult. They signed up for it.

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No disagreement here. But there are way too many laws being decided by the top judicial court in the land. The high court was never intended to have this role at the rate they are being asked to decide cases. If we cannot start out with laws that meet the limits of the constitution we have a pee poor congress. I promise you, laws are being written today rhat are clearly not constitutional ON PURPOSE. The left wants this to be about the “partisan” SCOTUS, not their warped version of the Constitution. They believe the court should be controlled by Democrats. They believe they own the judiciary. If Marxist Democrats get their way, they will own the law like they did for so many years in the past. Never underestimate the lengths they will go to control the power of the courts.

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Right on, Reddog. It's because the 535 member Congress is NOT doing its job, that the burden of keeping things right under the Constitution is falling disproportionately on the 9 member Supreme Court.

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No excuses. Leadership and doing the right thing require courage. These are not courageous people. We continually pick the wrong people to lead us. So we get what we deserve.

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See NY or Cali .

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

The whole concept of checks and balances has become way out of whack with non-elected government agencies assuming the role of legislators while the real legislators, Congress, assumes the role of village idiots. Right now SCOTUS seems to be the only obstacle to these agencies. As far as I can tell, the only real way Congress can rein in these rogue agencies is to defund their budgets and retake their role of rule/law makers and overseers of the Executive Branch. Is this going to happen? I rather doubt it, but I can always hope.

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We need a Milei-style Congress each armed with a chainsaw and just chop the government down to its Constitutionally ordered size and scope.

But that would require some real Brass ones, which are clearly MIA, rather Missing in INaction - in this Congress.

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MTG has the biggest cojones in congress now Suzie.

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maybe Massie is stepping up a bit and Cory Mills is strong

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Massie is tight with the constitution so yeah .

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Defund the pantywaists (bureaucrats). Added bonus is lower gov't spending and some potential to cut the debt.

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Brace yourself folks, if you believe that bump stocks are a big deal, try this: A controversial Supreme Court decision will be revealed in a few days and Chief Justice Roberts has asked that barriers be erected outside the Supreme Court because all hell may break loose after a particular verdict is announced in a matter of days. This has only happened once in history. That was before the Roe v Wade ruling. You may wonder what will cause the next street rebellion. Well, the court has yet to announce its decision regarding Trump's claimed immunity when he contested the J6 election results. From this vantage point the left is the group that relishes opportunities to take to the streets. They are the destructive bunch and will rebel if Trump wins. On the other hand, the Republicans are pussies. They run to mama and wipe their tears in her apron, instead of growing a pair and storming the gates. Stay tuned. The circus is coming to town. And it may make J6 seem like a cake walk.

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Barriers story did not check out

But you are correct about the rest

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Thanx. Let's hope the Trump immunity verdict doesn't give Roberts second thoughts.

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…But, even if Roberts said no such thing, it Could be a “dog whistle” to the Dem Stormtroopers to get prepared.

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An unknown but large number of people agree with you. But this DC monstrosity has been a hundred years in the making.

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

Joe Biden says that if we are going to take on the government we need more than guns since they have F15s. Fortunately the government has F35s which don’t work and they are flown by DEI TG Pilots. Even though Joe beat that bad dude “CornPop,” he won’t beat the good people in America. FJB

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

Good topic and very timely as we approach looney election season.Every piece of bureaucratic (law?) should be disposed of and make the elected officials do their damn jobs.If the politician has to vote on some stupid proposal they will be on record as to how and why the vote they cast.Snap poll with an excellent option,lead on Poca-Man as we are winning in 2024 with coat tails.

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That’s precisely why they pawn the issues of to the agencies and regulators, so it doesn’t cost them votes. Evil works in darkeness and despises the Light.

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

Finally - an easy poll.

We need less government. Smaller government means less spending, less interfering in our lives, fewer wars, more freedom. Government is the problem. America as it was intended is the solution.

Trump 2024

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Shades of RWR spot on Tanto !!

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Constitutional arguments are a waste of time to liberals: they seek to do away with the constitution - to them it is not a desirable thing. They are the enemy of freedom and the personification of injustice and repression: they try to peddlle shit to people and demand we applaud it as shinola. They have no souls they are empty shells of envy, anger, deceit and dissembly.

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God giveth, the bureaucrats taketh.

But not for long…

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

i see where ice admits that 7.5 million illegals are awaiting deportation back to their respective countries. that means the real number is closer to 25 million no doubt.

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Jun 18Liked by Don Surber

Organized crime in Italy showed the U.S. government how to capitalize on a crisis. See L'Aquila earthquake of 2009 for details. They move into an area that receives financial assistance after a major disaster and infiltrate all areas to drain the well.

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I preferred the Mafia. They had a code. The US Government has become the new mafia and they suck at it.

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I've been saying this for years. The mob used to run all the gambling rings and after the states took over lotteries and other gambling venues, they became more corrupt than ever. They had to answer to no one.

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Don, you should add "ATF bans twerking" to the list of choices. That would be an entertaining case to follow.

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