Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

To understand beer for middle America, probably not a good plan to hire a NYC “Harvard” grad. I blame management. They knew what they were getting.

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Alissa Heinerscheid is typical of what is wrong with academia in this day and age. She is over-educated, which means she has the common sense of a frog. Hire someone with lots of degrees and what do you get. I see her as an Albert Einstein. Intelligent as he was, his personal hygiene was atrocious and he would forget to clean himself after a rather debilitating visit to the bathroom. Ms. Alissa may not have hygiene problems, but the way she presents herself in public struck me as her being very different--and she is....yet the media wants to present herself as "normal" and she isn't. Neither is any other liberal.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If ever there was a need for “all of the above”, it’s today’s brilliant poll.

Actually, all of HOW BUD LIGHT GOT ‘TOOTSIE ROLLED’ qualifies as a Masterpiece, including the hilarious title.

Thanks ever so much, Don.

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Alissa Heinerscheid reminds me of that woman at The New Yorker who was aghast that Ronald Reagan had been elected president—she hadn’t known anyone who’d voted for him! These people haven’t a clue, and never will. They are today’s occupants of Panem; merrily thriving while the rest of us seethe. They have their armies and enforcers ready to crush dissent in all its forms. I sense a revolution brewing, and it won’t be pretty. Good thing I know how to rope and ride a Clydesdale!

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Tough poll today, Conan.

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"That makes perfect sense when you have one of the best marketed MBAs in the land."

That is the problem: Go to the 'Ivy Leagues' and you are now part of a failed upward club that runs its own bubble. Every FBI/CIA agent is an Ivy League asshole with a 'law degree' - our unelected 4th branch of government running things - who has never practiced law other than imprisoning people without due process. Levrentiy Beria is smiling.

If you live in Silicon Valley or the Acela Corridor, well, good luck... You have nothing in common with reality.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Thinking about why people resent the new spokesphrodite so much -

Beer commercials are ALL about association - who do you want to drink beer with: Bikini models? Bass-boat bro's? Real Men of Genius? Where and when do you want a cold one? Music festival? watching sports? Spiking kegger with Everclear with bikers?

Budweiser has been selling beer on identity forever and this is the identity they now presume you want.

Nobody wants to sit across a table from little-black-dress Mulvaney (Daily Mail reported that he can't get a date).

Nobody pops a Bud light to soak in a bubble bath.

It is disturbingly surreal to people who DO watch beer commercials as part of their lives.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sadly, conservatives are generally terrible at boycotting. Remember when the NFL was the target of their ire, until it turns out Sunday is boring and/or you’d have to talk to your wife and kids?

I hope this is putrid enough to get conservatives to live their principles. The track record so far is not great.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Bud Light was the butt of more than one Jeff Dunham joke in his recent appearance in Huntington.

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"We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all of its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat." ~ Willi Munzenberg, communist, and one of the founders of the Frankfurt School.

Communist leadership figured out that convincing the masses to rise up against their oppressors was a big no-sale. So they took the back way through the easily duped, vainglorious upper classes who love to groom and preen their godless intellectual credentials.

Here are three links from 2 highly intelligent women from NYC. Both grew up there and thrived on the Communist Left. Now they are having second thoughts. Too bad for them, the cat is out of the bag...

The first two links are text-only from feminist, Jennifer Bilek. The third link is an hour long presentation of the vile and cruel depravity practiced by the Pfizer Corporation in their formulation, production and administration of that genetic serum they call a vaccine. Feminist Naomi Wolf presents the horrors...




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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Needs more Marie Antoinette

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Q. How many ‘A’s and ‘H’s in the word ‘Shadenfreud’

A. 3 each…HaHaHa!

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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Today's poll is one where ranked choice selection actually makes some sense. Had it been allowed, my fist choice would have been #2, then #1.

"'So I had this super clear mandate. It's like, we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. What I brought to that was a belief in, okay, what does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity. It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that's truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different and appeals to women and to men.'"

This is as embarrassing as that study published by Brown University linking climate change with an increase in home runs in MLB games (https://abc6onyourside.com/news/nation-world/mlb-players-are-hitting-more-home-runs-thanks-to-global-warming-study-says-major-league-baseball-climate-change-warmer-temperatures-air-density)

She has absolutely no clue as to what IS her job. Effective marketing and brand management has nothing to do with inclusivity - just the opposite - it is excluding the demographics that don't purchase your product, and better serving the ones that DO - Joseph Freaking Carpenter! Hahvahd and Wharton both ought to revoke her degrees, immediately.

"Tucker wrote, 'She is a perfect symbol of a problem that afflicts high-end corporate and government culture: a shocking blindness toward the mainstream of American life, including working classes and other people less privileged.'"

I can only think of the titular character in the Coen brothers' film, "Barton Fink." A successful Broadway playwrite who writes plays for and about the Common Man (a most elitist and condescending view of others not of his world), as if all of us in fly-over country think exactly the same.

"And her type is pervasive in corporate America with its huge layers of management developed over 20 years of loose credit and push for token representation at the highest levels."

Recessions used to force enterprises that had become too top-heavy and/or too bloated, to eliminate staff positions in redundant layers of management as well as line-function roles in an effort to reign in costs and stem the bleeding.

The fact that Bud Light so quickly pivoted to mainstream American imagery and slogans is nothing more than pandering to the customers of the market it alienated, and it is insulting that the brand thinks we're such simpletons that such an appeal will work. I was never that into drinking water, anyway, so I'm not part of Bud Light's demographic.

Sadly, it's a pretty good bet. This is largely the same demographic that was outraged when the NFL thumbed its nose at the values held by the vast majority of us by encouraging ingrate millionaire players to protest the very nation that allows them to be ingrates and prosper from it. As angry and outraged as they claimed to be, these same good ol' boys continued to watch the games, purchase their Red Zone subscriptions, consume the products of the sponsors when they could have voted with their $, their time, and their feet.

Shameless plug: https://culturalorphan.substack.com/p/bloodying-the-nose-of-the-woke-sports

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I have to be honest: I was kind of surprised at the strength of the backlash. I didn't think people on the right paid that much attention. Obviously, Anheuser-Busch didn't either.

Look, that Bud Light gave Mulvaney his own can . . . meh. As much as I don't actually mind her, making Caitlyn Jenner Glamour's Woman of the Year was ridiculous, but we survived it. (Of course, Bruce Jenner had accomplished a lot in his own life, so his whole claim to fame wasn't being trapped in a body with dangly bits.) What really got them in trouble was that Mulvaney did his whole bimbo routine with the cans rather than just, I don't know, thanking them. And then, rather than just finding a "woke" scapegoat among their peons to blame the "misjudgment" on, they announced that they were partnering with him. Because I guess pissing off your customer base is infinitely preferable to pissing off a bunch of people who wouldn't be caught dead drinking anything less than the latest local craft beer and probably limit themselves to spritzers and overpriced wines?

The (il)logic here is mind blowing.

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“How long has it been since you had A Hot, Steam’in Bowl a Wolf Brand Chili? Wellll, Pardner, - THAT’S TOO LONG!!”

I don’t think miss mulvaney could have pulled off THAT Classic ad!

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Regarding the phenomenon of “Lite beer”: A long time ago (and far far away) one could only buy low alcohol content beer in the state in which my college was located. By law, beer with normal alcohol content wasn’t sold in the groceries, just low alcohol stuff. We would make road trips to a neighboring state to purchase what we considered real beer.

“Lite” beer was a brilliant marketing campaign to sell the low alcohol beer that no one was buying. Some brilliant person decided to sell it as low calorie beer. It is a high-profit product as the taxes are lower because of the lower alcohol content, and the prices are higher because the beer is special low calorie (meaning in reality low alcohol) “Lite”. It required much advertising to make the sell a success. Now this vice president of beer has managed to make such tasteless low alcohol beer even more distasteful.

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