One man’s madman is another’s greatest president in one’s lifetime.

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Amen Brother. Asking that question should be the Shibboleth of our time!

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Hosannas, Schlong-Don nailed it-Warts and all, the Donald is a giant among pygmies.

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Well, now that Dianne Feinstein is safely in Hell, something worthwhile might be accomplished, like impeaching Joe Biden.

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True-proof we're smarter than they: While more than half of Republicans who received a Covid-19 vaccine believe it wasn’t worth it, that sentiment was shared by just 29% of independents and 5% of Democrats who say they are vaccinated. Of those who say they got a vaccine, 67% of independents and 90% of Democrats say the decision was worth it. Overall, 69% of vaccinated respondents said it was worth it.

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The 90% of Democrats are living under a rock. Truly have no idea what’s going on in the world due to only looking at the Left media-cartel crap.

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One guy I know had five vax shots! 69% is a huge number. Another reason our nation is in such great peril!

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The Trump presidency, almost more than anything else, revealed the Republican party to be a complete fraud.

Literally everything that party mouthed promises to accomplish over decades Trump actually DID accomplish most of in just three years: energy independence, stopping illegal immigration, lower taxes and unemployment, more jobs and a return of US manufacturing, literal peace in the Middle East, and around the world, our adversaries all rendered powerless, a renewal of the strengthening of our Defense posture of America in all areas. All of that IN JUST THREE YEARS!!!

He exposed the corrupt lies and racket that is the whole Washington machine, who never intended to address any of those things, ever, just make more money out of the prolonged agony of our country and the world, the consequences be damned.

Just looking at that list of accomplishments- and it’s not even the whole list - and knowing what Trump actually got done in just three short years staggers the mind!

But what is more incomprehensible than anything is that his own party hates him for it.

I mean, what that has revealed is far more devastating than even all of the Left’s evil and wicked machinations against him, because that’s what the Left is driven by: pure evil.

But the supposed opposition Republican Party is without excuse and are far worse offenders in my book for their aiding and abetting the enemy Democrats. The McConnels, the Rubio’s, the Cornyn’s, the Collins, the Ryan’s, the McCarthy’s, the Rove’s, the Bushes, the Pence’s, the Christie’s - and all the little dweeb cowards who follow their lead. The have betrayed their people, their oaths, their party and their country. They are despicable.

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Amen a thousand times. Just imagine what Trump could have accomplished if his own party had backed him up!

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Your comment that "All of that in JUST THREE YEARS!!" reveals - without a doubt - even in Mind-Freeze McConnellville - that the reason we never got such under regimes is that our rulers did not want such to occur.

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Precisely. They’ve been frauds for generations.

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That's why they stay in Congress for generations... it's a grifter's gravy train - on our dime.

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Rev, I had a dream-or maybe just dementia-see my post to Don's highlights Sat.

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For instance: every president for 20 years promised to put the US Embassy in Jerusalem, instead of Tel Aviv. Trump is the One who Got it Done. Jerusalem is the TRUE and historic Capital of Israel.

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100% a complete Fraud. They're wannabe Ds.

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Excellent comment Suzie! There is a list on Citizen Free Press of 18 Republican House members who voted with the Democrats against a ban on Pentagon drag shows. Worse than Rinos, they are Marxist or Marxist enablers in “sheep clothing”.

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Dang, Marlan-sent me to guugle again.

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According to Emerald Robinson, 109 Republicans in the House voted against stripping “funding for CISA, the notorious Cyber Security Agency inside the Department of Homeland Security used to install the Biden Regime in the 2020 election”. To use your term, these so called Republicans are indeed despicable!

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You hit the nail exactly on the head. They are disgusting beyond belief!

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To borrow from Patrick Henry who famously said “ Give me liberty or give me death”. In 2024 it is “Elect Trump or elect death for America.” Simple as that. Those who love America must vote in droves to overcome the certainty of election fraud that the Marxists will carry out. Our job is to wake people up from their stupor.

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You bet. Next year, there will be 4,000 mules. Everyone who cares about the shining city on the hill must get involved; borrowing a phrase: By Any Means Necessary.

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Don, thank you for these history lessons that give us a view looking back to show just how criminally orchestrated those events were by Obama. Speaking for myself, living through them going forward, I didn't know what to think or believe at the time. We can't put the pieces together until we can look back on the entire thing.

As we read through this narrative of the events in the early days of Trump's term - now knowing the truth that it was the well-planned work of corrupt madmen - the "head of the pimple" is undeniable.

It is treasonous Obama and company.

Valerie Jarrett must have worked her ass off between 2008 and 2016 to corrupt the FBI, DOJ, and many of the federal agencies.

Trump will pop this pimple and it will be a glorious day of justice when he does.

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I hope that day of justice includes prison terms for treason. We may need to build a few more of them to hold all of the odious creatures who were involved. And not the “country club” kind.

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Gitmo or the dark cells holding the J6 patriots will work just fine. But, I would prefer an old fashioned public hanging as was done after WWII.

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No prison terms - public hangings in the town square, just like what was done to the Sioux indians in Mankato, Minnesota ~1862.

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For this magnitude of treason, the death penalty IS appropriate. But, first they have to be tried very publicly and lengthily so that most on the Left grasp that indeed this was treason and they were hoodwinked and misled by the evil media cartel. If they are given the death penalty without this process occurring, the country will still struggle with being divided because people on the Left will merely think “it’s all political” and make them into martyrs. I care more about the whole country seeing the truth and returning to a decent degree of unity than whatever the particular punishment is (tho if not the death penalty, the only other acceptable option is life imprisonment).

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perhaps something like the Nuremberg trials? Round the suckers up - search them out in their hidden-holes wherever they may be in the world! Televise it for the world to see

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Like the Nuremberg trials--Exactly!

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Yes. That is what is needed. The lunatic left and non-committal moderates need to watch these public trials until their eyes bleed.

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Agree, TPG-hanging for treason-the firing squad for murder. No faster way to restore Law and Order

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You mean the massacre of Souix innocent or not.?

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There were no Siuox innocents - only adult males were hanged.

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But will he be allowed to pop the pimple? He is not a dermatologist.

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If he makes it to the Whitehouse, he’ll have one 4-year shot. Perhaps, instead of building a cabinet of those who defect to the Neocons, he should get an experienced “teenager” who is an expert at pimple-popping. By “teenager”, I mean experts outside the beltway.

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I can't speak for other people, but I like Diet Coke. Even Bill Clinton was a spokesman for Diet Coke until he was impeached. As far as all the dishonesty in Washington D.C., tell the truth the first time cuz there is so much less to remember--IF YOU CAN.

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and how many Big Macs per day?

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I never cared for big mac's. Years ago, when McDonald's increased the sauce amount and decreased the burger size, big mac's, in my humble opinion, were just GROSS.

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Agree. Too much bun. Not enough beef

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When the quarterpounder first came out, it was a delicious product. Whether fresh or freeze dried meat, it was salted with fried onions. YUMMIE. That was before McDonald's became health conscious. Now it tastes like a vegan burger--which really means NO flavor at all

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I was referring to some of that early anti-trump petulant propaganda pooped out by the prolapsed press that Trump consumed something like twenty-four Big Macs a day.

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That's just not possible. You'd be vomiting for a week.

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The GOP debates accomplished one thing: it demonstrated the intention of party leaders to revert to their 2015 form if Trump leaves the scene. They will either adapt to the paradigm shift or be relegated to the fate of the Whigs.


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We should have pursued the fate of the Whigs long ago. The GOP won't die until there is a clear alternative external to it. Effecting change internally - if it works at all - will take longer than we have. Patriots need a place to go to drain the GOP swamp.

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there's no hope for this nation as long as either side of the political cartel continues to exist. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/09/28/establishment-republican-ken-buck-seeking-cnn-gig-joins-amy-klobuchar-to-push-jcpa-media-bailout-bill-again/

Mr. Buck owes his ticket to the gravy train to extreme leftist out-of-state donors who succeeded in railroading Marilyn Musgrave - who actually represented her constituents - out of office in 2008. the district recoiled in horror at the commie who replaced Musgrave and Buck, a popular sheriff, saw his opportunity to belly up to the trough. He knows well where the butter for his bread comes from.

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Another poll without an answer, Don. You left out my choice: Burn. It. All. Down.

We need to start over again. Reread the original documents and implement the constitutional republic of the founders.

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my choice. gain of function research on syphillis. the kleptocrats and media figures tend to extreme promiscuity. it's the fastest and surest way to sideline them.

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Me too, Tex-BAMN

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Agree. Go back to appointing Senators, not electing them. The Senate is meant to be a brake on the House, and vice-versa.

Also, every congressperson (senators, their staff, etc), should receive their salary from their local state which they represent - NOT the Federal Trough. Health care, too. Each state decides individually what their compensation will be. Get the money and perks out of Washington! Make their local state feel the pain of how much a bloated staff for one of these pigs costs!

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"'...his wife...'"?

Surely, you must have meant to type, h-u-s-b-a-n-d, yes?

Making no pretense about one's moral bankruptcy, dishonesty, deception, depravity and duplicity is not honesty - that being said, the RINOs are WORSE than Democrats because they hold the voters in such contempt that they think we'll believe THEIR lies. They think we'll believe their posing.

Should President Trump win a third election, he's GOT to surround himself with better people, LOYAL people (that would likely leave 80%+ of staff positions unfilled, but that's no problem), hire a loyal acting AG and loyal US attorneys, and use his newly weaponized DoJ to go after his enemies, and terrorize every publisher who gave a book deal to that c**t Hutchison and her ilk - freeze assets and payrolls, even if eventually determined to be unlawful.

It's time for the "party" that replaces the GOP to be that which is feared by the Corporate Class - enact legislation that upends publicly-held corporation law that empowers minority shareholders to more easily remove management, more easily sue when resources that fund initiatives that are not accountable in an income statement or balance sheet (ESG, BLM, et al.), and that requires that the value of C-level compensation cannot exceed X% of the lowest paid employee. Since it is based on the value if the price of the stock, if it computes to an amount in excess of that %, then the shares must be liquidated in the public exchange. The excess value either gets re-invested in the enterprise, or it goes back to the shareholders.

All that you want back, Brother Don, I want back, too!

I say, finish building back the wall, then take back every $ the green t-shirted grifter got from the RINOs and traitorous Democrats.

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Yep, still waiting for those Magic Mike pregnancy pics. The first thing Brandon said when he met Mike was Mike's biceps were bigger than his thighs. His "tool" too.

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Who do you like for AG when Trump returns? Ted Cruz? Sidney Powell? John Turley? None of those 3 quite up to it. Giuliani’s too old for the magnitude of the job—he’s already slayed his lions earlier in life. Probably there are some good state AG’s but I don’t know which ones.

Whoever it is will have to be tougher than steel and have incredible integrity and courage. Like someone said recently, an Elliot Ness or Sean Connery-type. Jim Jordan?

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With all modesty- PAXTON

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You beat me to it: Ken Paxton.

He's been put through hell like Trump, so he's motivated to drain the swamp and extinguish the vermin.

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Stumbled into a substack by someone named Dr Buzzard-reads 56-not Don-a sample: The reasons they’re able to create such mischief on levels most cannot comprehend is the Constitutional Conservatives and Libertarians, for the most part, just wanna be left alone… On the other, you have these sociopaths that end up running the levers of power as if it is some kind of religion, and they determine ideologues on a Messianic mission to save the planet come hell or the next election that inserts their next New World Order Tyrant into even more pitched higher realm of fanatics, and you better believe they’re on a mission to save the planet even if it means blowing it up. Good lord I’ve never seen so many lured into the most self-destructive behavior in the name of their Greenie God.

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I could accept Cruz or Powell, but I have always longed to see Mark Levin in that role. The guy is usually spot-on for Constitutional law. I know some don't care for him but I think he'd kick serious ass.

He's honest too. In 2016, he endorsed Cruz and offered good reason to do so. Trump was an unknown New Yorker who hung out with Democrats and did not have a conservative history. However, Levine changed to Trump when Cruz didn't make it. He has admitted Trump completely shocked him - and most people - with his accomplishments. That's politics. If we all bet on politics, we'd all be broke.

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We need a David.

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What about Josh Hawley— a young man on fire? Is he an attorney? It would be like the Nuremberg trials. Whoever prosecuted it would be a future candidate for President.

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He’s a squish too.

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Sorry to hear that. I haven’t followed him that closely.

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I’d rather have Chairman Trump than Chairman Obama, or his puppet Knucklehead Biden.

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Apologies to Paul Winchell’s Knucklehead Smith who’s IQ was 100 pts higher than Biden

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The 3rd option to the poll should also be the first thing on every Trump Voter and Ally’s mind when they wake up every morning … Destroy the D-Rats and their pestilential party, root and branch!

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Destroy the RINOs, first - they are the more existential threat.

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A good enough place to start, but the overall damage to our continent and nations wrought by the commies may never be completely obliterated. Best to start as early as we can!

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No madman can sign off on millions of words of financial & legal negotiation, produced by hired accountants and lawyers over three decades and come up smelling like fresh roses even after every crooked communist lawyer from coast-to-coast spends 12 years and millions of dollars searching for that one little mistake that will put DJT behind bars. That one fact alone tells me there is a whole lot more in play here than love of money, luxury and power. The agents of Satan working so furiously to destroy Trump want his life, your life, and my life under their thumbs. They deserve nothing but wholesale destruction: them, all associated with them, and everything they stand for wiped out totally. It's the kind of destruction that Almighty God produces from time to time. Lord, bring it...

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I vote for both choices :-D. May I add that Trump's beautiful combination of Wilbur Ross and Bob Lighthizer also - literally - got rid of 10s of thousands of business killing regulations. He hired more good people than bad. By far.

Contrast the clownshow of a globalist-corporate sponsored Fox 'debate' with Trump smartly addressing UAW workers over the completely destructive EV mandates:


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Don gave us a poll that should produce a 50-50 tie.

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I never thought that in my 70 years shuffling around on this rock that I'd see the kinda shit going on totally unabated in this country. Tranny crap, lbgtq, marxism so rampant, electrification of everything, yet the total stripping of any sort of reasonable actual power grid, Bidens total treasonous acts of allowing the invasion of my country with millions of ILLEGAL ALIENS, PLUS MILLIONS with all looking the other way....Inflation, all the usual suspects, the shear incompetence of the cabinet members, I say start building the gallows NOW.......

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Build my gallows high, baby-RM

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Don ,you are right in bring on the chaos if it will bring our freedoms back but we must come together as a nation to achieve it.This means all races and classes must desire freedom over socialism which is a tall order.The msm is in overdrive avoiding true reporting on the state of our economic future and security as a free nation.The nation's capital has earned the title Department of Corruption and proudly flaunts this for all to see.The battle for the soul of America is at hand and thank God for you and others leading the charge.Great post and poll.

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Most interesting comment on Xitter yesterday went -- Notice that Biden's dogs only bite SS agents, why not reporters, aides, visitors, etc? Is it that Biden is somehow abusing these animals and Secret Service is forced to protect him and getting bitten in the process?

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Somebody has to dog sit and be on dog duty to remove the "piles". Perhaps that is why nobody saw who dropped the baggie of cocaine. They were scooping up dog poop in the rose garden.

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“I want my country back. I want 1.4% inflation back. I want the car dealership in Kenosha back. I want my no wars back. I want my liberty back.

And I want those 20 million illegal aliens sent back.

If it takes a madman to do it, elect him. Out of chaos, freedom. If we must, we should build a pipeline from the Diet Coke plant to the White House and get it done.”


Surber gives a masterclass 6 mornings a week on how to write a newspaper column. Lately he’s been in turbo boost mode. In any sane world he would be the national dean of newspaper columnists. Instead, at what used to be important media outlets, we have confused bought off Commie shills who call themselves “journalists”, but are illiterate, incurious, and deceitful. They spend their days lying to their brainwashed audiences for the criminals of the Deep State.

Trump 2024.

Surber for Press Secretary 2024.

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Yes—“a masterclass”!

And Yes—“Surber for Press Secretary 2024”!

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Never got into politics when working-just wanted to be left alone. I thought at the time, Bush was very heroic, standing on the rubble with a fireman. Like Maria, I have evolved while following you Surbs. Don gave me a blog, and I'll be forever grateful.

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