Wow, the internet has taken 50% of our readers. I know let's alienate another 50%.

Oh don't be stupid let's hide behind those chainsaws.

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I started reading the Cleveland Plain Dealer every morning around 1958, then moved around from DC to CA still reading papers dailly. When I moved to Philadelphia for family reasons 6 yrs ago, I subscribed to the Phila Inq and after a few months, cancelled it. All it is in my opinion is anti white and anti Trump, in fact there are several articles every day dissing Trump along with photos and more opinion articles stating blatantly untrue statements. My neighbors just cancelled their subscription. So called newspapers are no better than tabloids these days except for Epoch Times and Wall St Journal, that I know of. I don't get my news from TV but try to sift through the many pieces on the internet and scan thru some of the news stations and then use common sense. What else can we do?

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WSJ, other than a few editorial page writers, employs similar leftist, young, arrogant and ill-educated writers.

Some years ago there was some passable writing on business and economics. Not so much now. The Murdoch son curse in full play there; and they aren't cheap. I cancelled in 2020. Sometime will relay the conversation that a WSJ employee had with me over my cancellation, and I didn't prompt the call.

They just don't get it.

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So they dropped the "Dixie" from their name because... Southern racism? Slavery? BLM threatened to burn them to the ground if they kept it in? Anyway, isn't it ironic that they kept the "Chicks" part in light of the rather anti-feminist taint of that nomenclature? I mean, I'm pretty sure that most current "feminists" would resent some man referring to them as "chicks." Or did I miss something? And one more thing. at their age, I think it would be the right time for a further name change to reflect more accurately their somewhat advanced stage in life. Something like "The Hens," or perhaps "The Roasters" or "Tough Old Biddies." No matter what they call themselves these days, as far as I am concerned they can all go pluck themselves.

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LOL, this works. Pick a little, peck a little, cheep cheep cheep.

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Love it!

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Loved Willie’s version of ‘Goodnight Ladies’…of course w pothead liberal Kamala-Willie, he’s probably done 20 versions of it…

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Amen. He just did a concert for a campaign stop for her. Few days ago now.

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Great pun! Love it!

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How about "The Musical Matrons", or "The Crooning Crones"?

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Thanks for those laughs, Steve. I recall the insulting ex of a friend who called us mothers/wives ""little brown hens"" how is that for insignificant? It's still a man's (a what) world.

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It’s amazing to me that the upper management of newspapers fails to realize that their product has been effectively supplanted by the internet.

The declining number who actually want a paper delivered are those who have carried over and find comfort in the habit they established in the pre-internet era.

Such people tend to be conservative - at least culturally if not politically.

Haranguing your main audience that only stays with you because of such conservatism for being conservative is insane.

It’s like a company that makes buggy whips using buggy whips to flail the few who still use buggies instead of those new fangled horseless carriages.

This is just another example of the tried and true principle-

Stage 1. Conservatives build useful things. Stage 2. Liberals weasel their way in and take over useful things.

Stage 3. Liberals run the previously useful thing into the ground. They parasitically feed on the host until it dies.

The modern newspaper business (as well as legacy media in general) has achieved Stage 2 and is knee deep in Stage 3.

Rinse, lather, repeat.

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I think the papers are beginning to realize or their owners at least. At least the W Post and the LA paper. Either that or their owners are tired of losing so much money. I used to think that they were just tax write-offs or some such for the owners. But if they actually change their stance and begin reporting more objectively. The LA owner went against his very liberal daughter so it must be more, at least I hope. I dont read it.

On a good note, the non-endorsements got a lot of liberals to quit without severance packages. In this economy, those quiting for virtue might not find new jobs and they dont get unemployment. The jobs are lean pickings in a lot of industries.

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Nah, there's always MacDonald's. Just ask Trump what a great place to work it is.

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That is the same 3-stage process that has been destroying cross-country train travel in America. I was lucky to have a few truly magical cross-country multi-night sleeping train experiences early on.

Then the government--Amtrak--took over, and now the little sleeping rooms cost more than a 5-star luxury hotel; the temperature controls don't work and they are sweltering and the union-member attendant can only bleat repeatedly "There's nothing I can do about it!!!"; you have to nag to get your 1 complimentary bottle of water; the dining car serves microwaved Stouffers dinners; and the time schedule of when you're going to arrive at your destination is laughably off by many, many hours, totally screwing up your hotel and car reservations when you get there. Worse yet, I suspect the maintenance in the tunnels and the tracks on steep mountain ledges is frighteningly neglected.

If ever the government was "feeding parasitically on the host until it dies", that is the cross-country Amtrak routes.

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Im glad I took the children from east to west in the sleeper train cars 40 years ago while it was still fun to do train travel and fairly decent food and accommodations....travel of any kind if really difficult and not very enjoyable, especially since we had these two boobs in office the past four years. Nothing is much fun anymore as it's too complicated, crowded and not reliable...too bad.

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New York Post has a few columnists that are very readable.

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Right on... Miranda Devine is the best.

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AND the New York Post endorsed Donald J. Trump for the 47th President.

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Deceased Newspapers who don't listen to their readers? Bury them without a marker. Forget where you dug the hole.

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Nixon said it was in New Jersey somewhere….remember that was one of the Funniest Far Sides….some folks leaning over the edge looking down into the void…

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Starting jobs in a big city newsroom, if they pay at all, are so low that Mom and Dad almost always have to kick in for rent and food. And there's that student loan for the J-school degree from Medill or the equivalent where the kid, no matter what beliefs were held at admission, by graduation is fully woke. Otherwise he/she/they/zir would have bailed for Engineering, just up Sheridan Road and way up in starting salary.

To keep those parent-subsidized copy slaves requires editors who are of a similar mind. This explains how in oil refinery Houston the paper endorses EV crazies. The Chronicle doesn't have a Bezos to cover the red ink.

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Thanks for the latest on the EX-Dixie Chicks. It's good to get an update on them every couple decades.

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I was raised on a big farm and Mom took care of the chickens and other poultry.

When the chickens no longer laid, they made the best chicken fricassee, chicken soup....just sayin...

I thought the Dixie Chicks were long gone to pot.

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A number of years ago a group of Jewish High School students asked for and was granted a meeting with the editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer. They called him out for his one sided anti-Israel positions on both the news side and the editorial side. He told them if they didn’t like the coverage they should drop their subscriptions. They did, I had already and I wonder how they are doing now?

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As noted above, I dropped them almost as soon as I realized their BS which they are still sending out everyday....But then again, this is a demmy city so what would you expect?

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Biden really came through when he deep-sixed Obama and Pelosi’s plans by immediately supporting Harris after being kicked to the curb.

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Yeah, that was the actions of a very mean, pissy man but they deserved it. And about every 2 weeks he ties Harris to his administration so she cant run away.

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When I am in Texas, I receive the Temple Daily Telegram daily. It does a good job with local news . Otherwise it is filled with AP Bullshit.

In Brasil, I keep up with things with the Epoch Times.

And always look forward to your expressed view on matters, Don.

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Quit my hometown paper when they endorsed Biden in 2020. They called me to ask why and I told them. They've been begging me to resubscribe. I explain I am no longer interested in their communist rag.

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A longer quote of if you dont stand nothing, you will fall for anything.

“If you stand for something, you will always find some people for you and some people against you. If you stand for nothing, you will find nobody against you, and nobody for you.”

– William Bernbach

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“…the days of whine and propaganda”!

Love that!

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Newspapers are anachronisms. The Internet has rendered them unnecessary. Without advertising revenue and paying subscribers, what are they? I get email offering me a 1-year digital subscription to a major newspaper for $1. Sorry, not interested.

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How many of us said, Biden will never make it 4 years? I think we can claim victory on that.

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