Unfortunately all the Republican wave coming this November can do is slow down the bleeding. Even with a best-case wave they will not have the votes to override Presidential vetoes or convict impeached federal officials. Nor can they do much about executive orders.

If the Republicans are smart they will pass the parts of the budget Democrat Presidents use to bludgeon the Republicans into spending submission early and separately. Break the budget bill into separate parts. Fund Medicare and Social Security in a separate bill right out the gate. Then hold the parts of the Federal government most annoying to law-abiding citizens to account. Justice Department funding? Individual bill. Eliminate spending on the corrupt parts. If the President vetoes the bill, let the Justice Department shut down. Ditto for the IRS, the Department of Education and etc. As long as Social Security checks and Medicare payments keep flowing, the general public won't care.

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This would be an excellent strategy. Which is why they won't do it.

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Unfortunately, true.

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Fortunately false.

Jeffery (both of you), I doubt it would be that easy and we all know the Democrats would demagogue it (as Brandon is already trying to do) as a way to cut benefits (which, if you're going to do any serious repair work) is what would have to happen.

You're as obvious as Brandon.

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No, actually it's pretty simple. Just like every president said they couldn't move our embassy to Jerusalem until Trump just did it.

It's that easy. You force the dems to unfund SS and Medicare. It's not like you have any friends in the bureaucracy anyway.

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It’s actually quite easy to do and would be successful. But DC repubs are too fearful and obedient to their corporate contributors.

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Mr. Sea Writer, Sir,

Do you know you are roughly describing the standard budgeting process that the former usa formerly used …. ya know, before the “ emergency “ ?

Best Regards,

Old Geezer

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They used to pass a separate budget bill for every major department of the Federal government. However, back sometime in the Clinton Administration (I think) they went to passing omnibus budget bills. Easier to add pork that way

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This guy almost makes one miss Obama. However it is possible this is really Obama wrecking the nation. He and his wife hate America.

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It certainly isn't Biden.

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Nor was it Zippy. You know who it was, Jeffery; Your bosses as well as theirs.

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Oh course its the marxist obama. Buy-den can't tie his shoes w/o permission.

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Bizarro doesn’t do justice to the total disaster Xiden is - mentally, physically, corruptly, ineptly. I pray we survive his term. And what’s worse is his Vice President is every bit as bad as he is, if not worse.

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The Venn diagram (nervous cackle) of survival strategies is empty except for prayer.

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Excellent recap of Xiden’s destruction of the American economy! I hope an increasing number of American voters are paying close attention and send at minimum 50% of US House reps packing. Dems have supported Xiden 100%. One can wish, right?

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I am very hopeful that we can turn things around, if, all conseratives will only show up and vote.

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Even if the Republicans - purely by the Grace of God - sweep these midterms, the Dems will blame every negative effect of Biden’s policies on them over the next two years. It’s an ancient game. So what. And we could possibly elect enough - hopefully - to override a Biden veto. So let’s get to work!

IF the Repubs grow some large ones - another miraculous intervention- they should veto all of Biden’s bills. Let government shut down. Defund or slash every single government agency in the entire federal Govt. budget to the bone. They should go scorched earth on the Dems policies starting with anything “green”, and show absolutely zero mercy. This is for survival of the country folks- no more Mr.Nice Guy. They need to take the biggest pin imaginable to the bloated behemoth known as the federal government. And issue investigations, subpoenas and contempt charges galore! Put ‘em all on notice. We’re mad as hell and we’re not taking it anymore.

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Outlaw govt employee unions. Close the dept of Ed

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Presidents don't present Bills, congress does, and congress doesn't veto, Presidents do.

But yes, Republicans should pass a zero deficit budget and force Biden to sign, and If he vetos, shut down the government

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Even at 65% off I can't afford Nikes. Otoh, Wallie's had $11 sneakers on sale for $7 a few months ago. Jit, because my last pair from their last sale were falling apart. Got 3 new pairs.

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Another spot on column Don and perfect timing to boot!!

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GOLD GOATS 'N GUNS recently had some good articles:

“Strong as Hell” Economy is a Mirage of Math: https://tomluongo.me/2022/10/21/strong-as-hell-economy-mirage-math/

"The “Biden” administration realizes now that the American public is with the Fed if it means a return to sound fiscal policy, a return to cultural norms and the end of the Democrats’ woke craziness.

That will be the GOP’s sell after the mid-terms. GOP leadership will be dragged kicking and screaming into finally embracing America First six years after electing Trump. And the rest of the world better brace for a very hard landing for everyone over the next few years."

Fed Watch: When They Call For the Bailiff You Know You’re Winning: https://tomluongo.me/2022/10/18/when-they-call-for-the-bailiff-you-know-youre-winning/ (on the Fed's fight with Davos)

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Excellent. And Bloomberg "News" is as corrupt as Jeffrey Epstein.

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Notice they are VERY ANTI-RUSSIA? Its almost like they or their buddies are buying up Russian bonds-etc on the cheap in the hopes of selling them for a premium when the war ends or if they rejoin the western financial system, one way or the other, at some point....

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"Inflation" sounds rather benign. It is NOT! The "official" "inflation" figures - 8-10-12% - are absurd. I am seeing 40-100% price increases all over the place. Money without wealth is just paper. We are painted into a corner. Remember who did this to us. I do not see it ending well.

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This all been planned since Obama said he would just be wearing sweat pants in his basement when he made all his decisions. Biden is clueless. He doesn’t know what century he is in. The Communist democrats have gone completely insane since Crooked Hillary lost. It may be time to destroy them from within.

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Absolutely his traitor team are ruining us still

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You've got great insight Don.

Over the summer I heard Edie and the New Bohemians sing "What I am". I came home and sang a few bars for my wife, projecting it to be an upcoming hit.

She clued me in, "Oh wait, it's 12 years old"?


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Excellent spot on column! Share this with concerned voters!

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45 Minutes? I grew up there. Anything less than 90 minutes was considered fast.

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