When did measles mutate from a childhood disease that we all caught, got over and gained immunity to becoming so terrifying that 35 cases is reported with horror?

Just how afraid of life do they expect us to be?

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God forbid that anyone might suggest that this measles outbreak could have been brought in my illegal "immigrants"!

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Oops. I think I just did. If you need me, I'll be under the bed.

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner.

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Maybe they are just feeling nostalgic by trying to bring back the good old days of Covid.

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It used to be, “if it bleeds, it leads.”

Now it’s, “if it scares it leads.”

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And don't be surprised if they promote a brand new "pandemic" say by late summer. Especially since it surpassed their wildest dreams.

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“Disease X” they are already calling it!

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Seems they floated two or three different versions last fall if memory serves me right.

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Yes, they are looking for COVID Part 2.

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Yet, they aren't going to get any help on that one. CDC is reporting 13% of children have gotten it and less than 25% of adults. I am assuming those numbers are juiced a bit high, given the source. And absent a co-morbidity you shouldn't be vaccinating your kid. You never should have been.

If Disease X shows up, no one will rush to get vaccinated. Public health officials have ruined our disease response forever.

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The more pressure you put on black carbon soon with heat and pressure it's turned into diamonds and has great clarity and becomes tougher than nails and breaks everything it comes in contact with. It's all set up.

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I'm thinking we'll all be notified by the run-up to the election! LOL

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Grandpa, tell me about the good old days. A song.

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How about "The Good Old Days" featuring rah rah rumble seats and running boards? ~~Roger Miller

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Afraid enough to use their 'new products' as older treatments like HCQ don't raise revenue anymore.

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35 cases of measles sounds like my third grade.

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Your third grade was my older brothers bringing measles home from school so my younger brother and I could become infected. Same with mumps, german measles, etc.

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I don't recall measles being a commonly caught disease.

Mumps, yes. Chicken pox, yes. (I had both of those.) Measles, no.

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When I was a kid (1950s), there were three types of measles - German, Red and one other for which I don’t remember the name. I had all of them plus mumps and chicken pox.

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German, Red and 3-Day measles...as I recall..

I think I got the 3-Day measles and Doc said...Good-Good! Tough kid!

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I had them all as a child, except for the mumps.

My kids started their vaccinations against these childhood diseases at 3 months, then at 6 months and a year. They don't get the full dose all at once.

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I got the vaccine for ennui. But that was later. Not sure that it worked.

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Is there a vaccine for procrastination? Say yes, please. And tell me where.

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We always distinguished between red measles and German measles. I have no idea why, but I liked having a choice. (As if!.)

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Gail, you must be younger than me because I can remember measles sweeping through our community along with chickenpox and somehow in the remote wilderness of Southern Illinois at Grandma and Grandpa's farm I called German measles. We now know German measles while easy on children is deadly in mothers who are carrying a child.

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My sister had rubella in her 3rd month of pregnancy and my nephew was born deaf in 1963. He later had a couple of surgical procedures, and can now wear the nearly invisible hearing aids.

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I am over 60. 😊

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Do not take this as flirting, but I learned this after the marriage to Queen Mary who was 60 when we married. Women who are over 60 get hotter not colder and that is all I will say.

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I had all three in the 60s. The measles were not the German measles. They had a vax for the mumps and measles by the time my boys were born in the 80s. I remember purposefully exposing them to chicken pox. They didn’t get it then, but got it later.

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I thought all babies got the measles-mumps-rubella vaccines at about 1 year.

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There are parents -and sub-cultures - that are anti-vax; always have been. Today, many more of us are waking up and joining their ranks. We're starting to see clearly the Medical Industrial Complex for what it has become: a profit driven industry no longer focused on*health* only in profiting from chronic illness at every age level.

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Amen. My first two grandchildren got all of the early vaccines. By the time the third child arrived our daughter decided not to get any of the shots. Covid caused her (and us) to lose confidence in the entire corporate medical community. Another factor is that her best friend’s son got all of the early childhood shots and has autism. That connection another big cover up by the medical community and the government.

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My approach, as always, is to carefully and quietly consider both sides. My much more dangerous Taylor Swift friend says... A balanced life is chocolate in both hands. You got to love her!

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Pharma is a lousy boys club, with dudes making too much money. I was engaged to a woman who tried to make her way through that. Of course, the prices are especially driven by the costs of randomized long-term clinical trials. The draw is to find medications that must be taken forever. No need for cures.

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I should have said Big Pharma. I'm sure there are many individuals with modest efforts who are attempting to do the Lord's work.

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Every woman including the godly know that money is useful and can point you to ways you can earn it,by working hard, hand over fist. But the Jezebels and the Queen of Babylon in Revelation will go to any lengths including the murder of their own children to keep control and get the money flowing in. And all the people said...

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I'm thinking, Dorcas, seller of purple. You too?

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My mother took me to a neighbor friend who's child had the mumps. But an older ministry couple I was close to lost a child because they were anti-vaxxers and the child died of whooping cough. Be careful out there. It's a jungle. Hill Street Blues

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An epidemic level outbreak of snowflake-itis. Or candyass-itis.

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Calling the media Birdbrains is an attack on the wrong end of a bird. The media are more like Bird Droppings.

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No matter how sunny the day, or how rosy your outlook on life may be, the media will splatter your windshield with bird droppings..

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So true. Who among us here do not get thoroughly depressed every day we look at the news? And every day it seems to get worse. Do we, as Republicans, conservatives, god fearing, law abiding patriots ever get any good news?

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If you believe in God, you have the only good news you need: the gospel!

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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I get good news every time I see Biden's poll numbers. 🤣

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Look for earth-shattering news November 5th.

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We can only pray.

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Sorry but praying is not the only thing you can do, by far!

There are a number of volunteer groups who are working hard and seem to be doing EXCELLENT work that might actually make a huge difference.

United Sovereign Americans is one: https://unite4freedom.com/ But there are MANY others fighting everything from Biden's Title IX changes to illegal immigration. SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND.

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And... Live. Love. Laugh and be happy. When the red red Robin goes Bob Bob bobbing along.

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Defiant, I sound repetitious, but I will say it again. Bingo.

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Me. But I'm certifiably insane. Yesterday my daughter literally threatened to have me certified if I did not follow her advice closely. She wants me to never get married again. I laugh loudly but then realized she would find it pretty easy to get me certified.

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Love that!

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I enjoy the thought of the media splattering on my windshield like a bug, but then I did get kicked off of Twitter. Evil laugh.

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"A third example of birdbrain reporting comes out of Florida. Channel 6 in Miami’s reporting was typical. It said..."

While I agree entirely with the Birdbrain premise, ALL local-TV news stories are GARBAGE. Their on-air staffers are the worst-educated, most credulous and easiest-to-corrupt group of people in America.

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Just being contrarian, but bird droppings at least make good fertilizer. The stuff the mediocre spread are mental poison.

The media garbage is more like fallout from a volcano eruption. Or a pustule being lanced.

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Defiant Jester, excellent comment, as always.

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“the polls are wrong because there’s a Hidden Biden vote”

The “hidden Joementia vote” in two words: voter fraud.

Why do we still pretend that our country enjoys free and fair elections?

Either we must play by the same illegal game rules but with the sure threat of prosecution or we must accept the political reality—one party rule.

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on the money. judging by 2018, 2020, 2022 elections and the resulting do nothing actions by the GOPe, states legislators, courts and the citizens in general, coupled with the iron fisted gastapo rule of the donk party, i would say you have your answer sophie....one party rule. uni-party but in reality they're all pretty much the same evildoing garbage. mcconnell, mitt the mutt, ronna, thune, graham, collins, murkowski and haley are no different than biden, harris, newsom, palosi, schumer, whitmer, the clintons and the obamas. garbage!

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We can't compete with this. Most Republicans have jobs that cannot afford them a day off to earn $20 for a bus ride to the local polls. Money better spent would be manning the polls and enforcing local laws.

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I think that’s a lame excuse, if you will allow me. People have lunch breaks, or go before or after work. Or say your kid is sick, take a sick day, a vacation day, but EVERYONE has to vote!! It HAS TO BE OVERWHELMING!!

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That's not what I meant. Of course we all have to vote. I was referring to the slimy tactics used by Democrats. THAT we cannot compete with.

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Or rather, choose not to compete with.

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Feb 28, 2024
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Are the people who can affect change not paying attention or do they benefit from the status quo?

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The AP story about that poor girl murdered in Georgia really 1. pissed me off about the way it was reported 2. made me think Hamas had written the story as it was about as believable as anything coming out of AP in the Middle East and 3. reinforced my commitment to vote for Trump this year as NONE of these Washington fools want to do ANYTHING to stop this illegal alien crap going on and Trump is the only one who has stated he wants to deport these monsters.

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The promise to deport may play even stronger than his promise to build the wall. Deportation gets huge reactions in his rallies compared to his promise to build the wall.

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Feb 28, 2024
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In Georgia, they'll all be voting come November, especially in Fulton County.

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your cousin ann feels the same way. great minds think alike. build the wall.

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There are Birdbrains everywhere. In the press, in government and especially in "education". Problem is there was a time when the Birdbrains were confined to an insane asylum. Now they get promoted to positions of power. Seems like the dumber one is the higher they go. Guess this is what DEI gets us.

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you guess correctly as far as i'm concerned.

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The lunatics are running the asylum!

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The most missed fact is that South Carolina has open primaries and the Haley campaign launched a sub rosa effort to attract Democrats to vote for her as an anti-Trump message. That and apathy (Trump has the nomination wrapped up) led to Haley sweeping a number of conservative enclaves in Charleston County. We hope to close the primary voting circus ASAP!

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Exactly. I am here in Beaufort county where the same thing happened. It is no coincidence these counties have a large representation of northern retirees with their fat government pensions who have escaped the high cost of living and move here for a better life but bring their toxic politics. It is infuriating.

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And they bring their bs ideas with them

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I think the only counties Haley took were those containing Charleston and Columbia which tells me the democrat crossover was only concentrated in those populous areas.

I'll bet those crossover votes were harvested from dem voters in those populous areas who weren't likely to get out to vote.

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That “apathy” of Trumpers, even if it is just a primary troubles me.

No matter what the polls say, or how “in the bag” Trump may have come November, EVERYONE must come out to vote - everyone! We need to overwhelm the system in order to indisputably foil any rigging efforts.

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Wait a minute - although measles is an average kinda germ (unless you’re an adult who never had) no one seems to wonder who the unvax’d germy kids might be. How many of the illegal invaders have the full complement of CDC mandated kid vaccinations? Shouldn’t they be the ones quarantining?

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Here's a good question that screams hypocrite to the vax nannies: Where are they now while millions of unvaxxed people invade America? Americans were fired for not being vaxxed during COVID. Do people know that many universities and even children's camps still require a COVID shot to attend their locations? A shot that has virtually no relation to the current strains of COVID that are circulating? Could it be any more obvious they are running a nanny/fascist state? Where are these nannies today regarding unjabbed illegals?


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It’s wonderfully ironic how often they find themselves “hoist upon their own petard”! Kinda like the bomber who blows himself up!

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Almost all illegals lack preventive health previous to crossing - and they aren't getting it here thanks to how dems process them at the border before letting them go free. Our government is KNOWINGLY spreading disease carrying agents to all 50 states. That's probably part of the plan.

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Last line says it all Shrugged>

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I am going to be that guy, so feel free to rag on me.... Weren't measles on their way out due to herd immunity in about 1963 - right when a vaccine became available? I am not an anti-vax guy(anti Covid treatment for sure), but after Ancil Keys published his BigSugar funded 'fat studies' in 1957 I feel the narratives fit what Big(Anything) wants.

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You are correct. The data is out there: most diseases - including smallpox - were nearly eradicated BEFORE vaccines were developed and deployed. There is statistical, historical evidence from England that smallpox actually had greater spread in communities with higher vaccination rates.

Vaccination and vaccines cause much more disease than they heal - I believe that now. And I (sadly) used to be totally pro vaccination (my kids got all their "immunizations" growing up).

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Same. My daughter has not immunized our grandson and he is perfectly healthy at the age of three. He is rarely sick, although a big part of that could be because of not going to daycare...

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Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine were and still are highly effective

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Studies show 97% of scientists agree with the funder of the study.

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There likely will be an uptick in many diseases that had long been eradicated in this country because of the illegal invasion. There was a time when immigrants were vetted and checked for infectious diseases before they could enter.

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“There was a time” when most people were not lunatics!

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I think I remember those days of yore.

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The measles headlines are rampant - used to bludgeon conservatives and COVID anti-vaxxers.

I don't know much about the measles, but in the late 1950's, when my sister had the mumps, our family doctor instructed my mother to have me go and kiss her so I would get the mumps.

At that young age, I thought it was a little weird to go and kiss my sister out of the blue, but I did, and I got the mumps according to plan. I also had the chicken pox.

That was the "vaccine" strategy called natural immunity.

F*ck mainstream media and associated federal "Health" departments

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These people freaking out over a few dozen cases would have gone into shock if they'd seen my elementary school.

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A decade or so ago, our local AP Capitol reporter here had more Democrat yard signs in his yard than the Dem HQ a couple blocks away. He went on to get appointed to a better paying gig by the next Dem governor.

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Kissing ass and wannabes are a large part of being a Democrat.

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"No, there is no killer measles epidemic sweeping the nation"

No, there is not - but it does remind me that with all of the illegals flowing into the nation, many are carrying diseases that were all but eradicated in the last half of the previous century - and the efficacy of stockpile of vaccines is likely questionable, at this juncture.

No, we who are of level heads and clear minds ought not panic, but we SHOULD raise awareness of the resurgence of once-eliminated health risks.

"AP couldn’t pull it off. Editors slapped a headline on the story that delved into the Twilight Zone: 'The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes.'"

How in the hell does one make a quantum-leap of logic like that? The mental gymnastics and contortions one must perform as a leftist and cog in the machinery of the propaganda apparatus is beyond incredulity.

Christina Pushaw would make an excellent press secretary for a second Trump administration.

"'The school is in Weston, an upper-middle class and wealthy suburb, with a median household annual income of more than $120,000.'"

I can't help but wonder if these occurrences correlate with that of wealthy leftists taking in illegal aliens as modern-day slaves.

"I agree that they are wrong, but this is not the example."

Depending upon who is meant by, "they", I may have to take issue with your opinion - while I would hope that parents would vaccinate their children against diseases which are likely to be all but fatal or disfiguring, it's no one's place to mandate it - especially not the state, and given the corruption of virtually every institution that could be counted on to be a backstop for genuine dis- and mis-information, certainly not any non-profit. No, irresponsible parents are only accountable to God.

For many of these diseases however, the natural immunity accrued from contracting it is the most effective immunity possible. I would be most hesitant to characterize such parents as irresponsible.

I would hope that Trump voters turn out for the election that matters, and disregard the polls that show Trump two or three percentage points over JoeBama - if there was ever an election in which every single one of our votes was crucial, it's this one.

As for the poll, it's a tie between "Saint" Tony and "Docter" Jill - but Fauci's damage is more pervasive and widespread, so he gets my vote.

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The msm continue to live down to their level with snail undersides but the people are waking up courtesy of the Don Surbers Elons Tuckers and Truth Social.I often think of El-Rushbo at times like this and imagine his takes while smiling.The bb brains are still telling us the economy is roaring and Haley is scoring with the voters.Full blown TDS epidemic is running wild in newsrooms but is undetected in the victims.Great post with a bit rougher poll needing aota.Thank you Don and carry on.

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Super article, Don. Those with Birdbrain or As Sophie wrote Joementia have gone into fourth stage illness. Magical thinking. “When Reality fails us, there is always delusion.” Conan O’Brian….

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Fauci was the easy choice but I went with President Jill Biden, the evil ghost behind Joe. *** You and all of us lucky readers know the First Rule of [what passes for] Journalism is follow the DNC narrative. *** The Second Rule of "Journalism" is sensationalize the sun coming up in the East. *** The Third Rule of Journalism is only allow the most ignorant people write stories to be edited by DNC operatives. *** I will not call the murder of Lake Riley unfortunate. Fortune was not a player. Her murder is a part of a pattern, another statistic. Lake Riley's murder is unlikely to have national implications because like many others before her, her death will be shoved down the memory hole by the media. *** If you own a car in Georgia, you must choose your license plate from among about 200 options. Your plate can reflect your personal history, e.g., as a veteran (including specific service and war), your college emblem, your membership in an organization, your county of residence, a motto such as In God We Trust. The selection of colleges is not limited to Georgia. It is regional reflecting the passion residents feel about their schools, their fellow alumni and the current state of their former schools. Lake's murder has occurred within that environment. Her murder is viewed as a personal insult to UGA and every one of its alumni. It is a reminder to parents of current students that their children are in danger because of the Democrats. It is an affront to the standards of conduct expected in this strong Christian environment. Her murder is a story that will not be buried or forgotten by Georgians when it comes time to vote. *** Georgia a swing state? I don't think that is true for this election.

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I saw Kemp out there blaming the current administration for this atrocious murder by the illegal alien. He got hammered in the comments because HE is partly responsible for the fake installed like a toilet demented, drooling Prezzy Birdbrain being in the WH.

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Don't forget Kemp's part in enabling and covering up voter fraud in 2020 and his fight against voter integrity since then. Why? Because his next ambition is to be a US Senator. Yes, that is true. He has been building a campaign fund and an organization ever since he was elected Governor. Also watch as he refuses to support Trump this year.

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Plus......Kemp offered to take in the "refugees" from Afghanistan when the installed regime pulled out our troops and left 85 BILLION DOLLARS worth of our NEW MILITARY EQUIPMENT!!!

Don't forget what a political TOOL weakling kemp is....he played along with Fortifying the 2020 Election AND FULTON COUNTY JUDGE sat on Trump's Motion, timely filed, to investigate the unaccounted for tricky math of ballot county in Fulton County, until after January 6, 2021 and then the FULTON COUNTY JUDGE ruled his claim MOOT!

Kemp is knee-deep in this BirdBrain BS!

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It's hard for me to understand how these reporters (? -- are they really?) approach their jobs. Their ability not to see a stituation for what it is -- illegal kills nursing student -- is just stunning to me. Like I've said before, it has to be the education system. Many are infused with political correctness and a globalist, leftist view to their cores. This does not make for healthy leadership or institutions and we area already seeing that. Let the legacy media die a slow and painful death because it is much deserved. Let the new media take it place, as it already is or we wouldn't be on this blog regularly!

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