In a CNN interview, Bill Maher of its corporate sibling HBO said, “If it’s Biden against Trump, Biden will win — that’s a good bet. I think he’s done the job perfectly fine. Generally, he’s restored normality.”
Normal, huh?
The highest inflation rate in four decades — in two generations — is normal to Maher.
Adding $10 trillion to the national debt is normal to Maher.
Shutting down the oil industry which led to record high gas prices is normal to Maher.
Leaving $7 billion in military equipment to the Taliban is normal to Maher.
Giving $100 billion to Ukraine to fight a war that’s already lost is normal to Maher.
Locking up 1,003 protesters — some who were not even in DC at the time — and slandering them as insurrectionists is normal to Maher.
Constantly investigating President Donald John Trump is normal to Maher.
Raiding a president’s residence on behalf of some squirrelly federal bureaucracy is normal to Maher.
The FBI targeting on parents who speak out at school board meetings is normal to Maher.
The biggest crime wave in years is normal to Maher.
Gangs looting stores without consequence is normal to Maher.
Electing Uncle Fester to the Senate after he had a stroke is normal to Maher.
Having a man who denies biology and pretends to be a woman as your assistant secretary for health is normal to Maher.
Putting a man in drag who steals women’s clothing in charge of the nation’s nuclear waste is normal to Maher.
Setting ablaze a toxic mix of chemicals after a train derailment is normal to Maher.
Having an 80-year-old president is normal to Maher.
Appointing a justice to the Supreme Court who cannot define what is a woman is normal to Maher.
Showering with your underage daughter who later become a drug addict and a nymphomaniac is normal to Maher.
Withholding a billion bucks in aid to until Ukraine drops its investigation of the company that paid his son more than $800,000 is normal to Maher.
Having the FBI and other government bodies pressure social media to censor critics — and bribing those companies with taxpayer money — is normal to Maher.
Allowing millions of illegal aliens cross the border unchallenged is normal to Maher.
What is normal to Maher is a nightmare to any decent American.
I am so glad that this perverted denier of the basic norms of society is not my neighbor because it already is difficult enough for me to love my neighbors without putting an actual lunatic on the street. Maher wouldn’t know normal if it smacked him in the head. I believe it has.
How is it normal to believe the 9/11 hijackers were not cowards but our military is?
Maher’s exact words were “We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly.”
Disney’s ABC took 9 months to cancel his show over that remark but took one day to fire Roseanne Barr for daring to make a joke about Obama’s chief of staff. And six months later, HBO put Maher back on the air. Barr is still off the air.
This next report is from England but it shows where we are headed.
Fox reported, “The Isle of Man government has suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders, according to a new report from The Telegraph.
“A petition from parents of students attending Queen Elizabeth II High School previously called for an immediate investigation into the curriculum. The petition was addressed to the school’s head teacher Charlotte Clarke and signed by more than 500 people.
“‘We consider the attendance of a drag queen in class and alienating students clearly confused about the information discussed during this session wholly inappropriate,’ the petition reads in part.
“Speaking with Energy FM, Marown Parish Commissioners Vice-Chairman Eliza claimed that children as young as 11 were taught by a drag queen and told there are 73 genders. One student responded that there were only two genders, which prompted the drag queen to say, ‘you’ve upset me,’ and asked the student to leave the class.”
To be fair to Maher, he did support Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. That was mighty big of him to support not having teachers talk about their sex lives to kindergarteners.
He said, “I guess it’s a reaction to Republicans who feel that there’s too much talk in lower grades — I think it’s only, they’re talking about kindergarten to third grade — so we’re talking about very young kids who, you know, as always with this stuff, you know, it’s not like there’s no kernel of truth in that maybe kids that young shouldn’t be thinking about sex at all. It’s not like you’re not allowed to literally not say gay, but they just don’t want teachers talking about it. They think it’s the province of parents.”
How nice of him to support making teachers wait until fourth grade to start grooming children.
But the fact that we are even having this argument over talking to pre-teens about homosexuality — and in great detail about anal and oral sex — shows how abnormal we as a nation are. Biden has not uttered a word in protest.
In fact, his spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said of the ban on talking to kindergarteners about sex, “Today, conservative politicians in Florida rejected those basic values by advancing legislation that is designed to target and attack the kids who need support the most.”
That was a ridiculous comment that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.
We are governed by a bunch of haters. We need a comedian to get us through this Era of Irrationality.
Thank goodness and the voters of Louisiana that we have Senator John Kennedy, who told CPAC this weekend, “Americans do not deserve to be governed by deeply weird, nauseously woke people who hate George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Seuss, and Mr. Potato Head.”
Fact check: Liberals bitch that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and claim — falsely — that Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves. Not only did he sign the Emancipation Proclamation but he got Congress to start the ratification of the 13th Amendment.
Liberals also censored six books by Dr. Seuss and neutered Mr. Potato Head rendering him genderless. Poor Mrs. Potato Head.
I get that people say Bill Maher is just a comedian with terrible taste in writers, but his crediting Biden with something he didn’t do — return us to normal — shows Maher is just Jimmy Kimmel with a better selection of interview subjects.
What has returned to normal is the left being in charge of a federal government with too much power and a fascist intent. Coercing private industry such as Twitter to censor critics is indeed fascist.
Maher once said, “I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?”
But he reserves that patriotism to himself and others on the left. Yes, I get that once or twice on his show each week he says something that conservatives may agree with, but that’s just good marketing. I am not so needy to accept a few crumbs while he gives loaves away to libs each week.
Praising Biden as normal shows either Maher is an idiot or he believes we are. He has to say these things to keep his HBO gig because while he can praise al-Qaeda, if he insists on telling the truth, he’s gone.
So many conservatives are stupid. Like you said, Maher sometimes says something we all agree with and the stupid conservatives think he is one of us. He is not. Liberals are liberals. A leopard does not change his spots.
Amen AND Amen! You dropped the mic with this one, Don.