Elon Musk has issued a warning to the American people about the critical nature of this year’s looming elections. Musk warned that “America is doomed” unless there is an election “red wave this November.”
It would be HILARIOUS if Musk started heavily censoring information on X in the lead up to the election in favor of Trump, such as posting summaries to Don's great posts! - (and it wouldn't be an illegal violation of the First Amendment since he'd be doing it with his own private company and NOT doing it to cave to GOVT demands, right?)
He's being much more effective just letting the truth come out. The bloodbath remark the left tried to run with just got destroyed - it is disappearing so fast, especially since the righties started finding ways to link bloodbath with Biden.
I'm sure he wold love to but A) He would lose 90% of his advertisers. And B) His platform's infrastructure is run by the government. And C) The first amendment only applies to one side.
My understanding is that he bought Twitter from Jack Dorsey and whoever else owned Twitter. I have never heard that the govt had anything to do with it.
I thought Dorsey was only owner-he started it. That is what I was questioning to whoever inferred that the Gov't owned it. My thought was if Gov't owned it then what did Musk pay for? Before Musk the Gov't was using it to control content, He stopped that.
I heard this morning that Biden has abandoned 11 US embassies around the world in his less than four years in office. The previous record holder was BHO, who abandoned eight in his EIGHT years in office. Now we're being kicked out of Niger. I thought "America is back!"???
They're talking about all the embassies that have had to be evacuated - like Haiti being the most recent. We need to be rescued from these evil idiots and SOON!
“For all the cries of Trump being Putin’s puppet, Putin sure has done well with Biden running our federal government. It is as if Biden were falsely accusing Trump of the things that he actually did, you know, like keeping classified documents in his garage.”
This is the reality of the situation: projection. The Dems/Left always accuse others of doing what they are in fact doing. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember.
The capstone of their pathology being their claim that “Trump will destroy Democracy!”, while LITERALLY every single thing they have done, are doing and plan to do is guilty of that very charge!!
All of this crap and I mean all of it has to be planned by idiots.
A delegation shows up unannounced? And they wonder why they get tossed.
Obama is running the show via his surrogates along with Blackrock and other financial institutions.
None of what is going on is to help the folks but to 1. Enrich those investors involved - think China, EV’s and the new EPA regulation just released and the Ukraine bank to rebuild after they kill off enough Ukrainians and 2. ruin this country in the process so Barry the Fairly and his kind can notch a “win” for Islam or whatever guiding authority they believe in.
Joe is just the hollowed out vessel of delivering the goods. He has no idea of what comes out of his mouth and “Dr. Jill” is even dumber.
Their spectacular arrogance and hubris is what blinds them.
They’re utterly convinced they are the “smartest people in the world”, and thus have zero respect or consideration for others, no matter who, what or where, which only leads to a trail of destruction wherever they trod.
I feel quite certain that upon arrival the esteemed delegation fussed about no red carpet roll out and an appropriate welcoming group of high officials. Wonder why Blinky wasn't chosen to lead the delegation - must have been beneath his pay grade
Never underestimate Joes ability to F**k things up per the puppet pulling his strings as ordered by the evil puppeteer.The only goal of this entire regime has been to undo all progress made by PDJT and hasten the demise of America as a super power and world example of free enterprise.Thank you Don for another dissection of willful idiocy in power.Acts such as these should lead to the re-election of PDJT and a return to a sense of sanity and ray of hope for America.Tough poll but lead on Poca-Man.
03/21/24: Check that degree thesis for plagiarism. Rumor has it that a few Harvard degrees were actually earned by grad students who --- gasp! --- wrote their own theses. Can the truth be stranger than fiction?
Name one, just one instance of a Democrat accusing Trump of something that they weren't guilty of themselves. One. Just one. I'll wait. What a gang of miserable, anti-American sons of bitches. Obama started it, and the current administration continues with every decision they make. God help us!
And they do it shamelessly. Overtly. They shove their actions in your face and defend them because they believe that is the only way to run a government. For homework, spend an hour looking at pictures of them. They are one butt-ugly bunch.
How can any administration be this bad or incompetent? It could be that promoting people into jobs simply because they vote “D” contributes. Or it could be on purpose. But “why”, you ask. The people doing it have to know they are going to have to live in the very place they are destroying, so who does that? Having spent almost two decades interacting with and working with congressional folks, it was very clear to me that the priority for everything that is done by a congress is always “political implications first”. Not good use of funds, not best interest of America, always politics first. When you understand that congress does not have the best and brightest working there, you begin to understand how institutionally incompetent the place is. Then take the Executive Department who are all picked for their political ties, and you start to wonder if “whats best for America” is ever a part of the decision matrix. It doesnt have to be this way but it isnt going to change either so long as we have professional politicians and professional government workers who are never held accountable for their actions.
Don't forget that Congress is overwhelmingly staffed with highly credentialed and connected 20-somethings all climbing the DC pole. What's best for America is never part of the equation, it's what's best for my career.
That was my point, its always politics that drives decisions. If it isnt good for ones party, they will never vote for it even if it is vital for the country’s wellbeing. We the people are just the bill payers in the equation.
Glenn Reynolds expounds on this in his substack - https://substack.com/home/post/p-142679502?source=queue - and he think buried in there is a reference to a book he co-authored on this topic. And it appears he was on to this some time ago.
In short - the government is getting dumber, and as it gets larger, its dumbness is accelerating.
It boils down to those in the government wanting power and keeping it. Those are the idiots who are making these decisions, THEY dont think they are going to live in the mess they made. They will be above the mess. its not going to work that way. China and I am sure Putin, takes the traitors out first because you cant trust a traitor.
It is sad that such a beautiful country in the bread basket of the world would think that 81 million people are wrong. In reality, Niger understands what everyone else in this world knows. Why do business with a country led by a fake president with fake money and no weapons left. They know America is in trouble. They also know that this administration is only good at one thing…a thing they don’t need….printing ballots. FJB
Random thought on the rise of Islam: Teachings of Koran celebrate the most violent and controlling psychopaths, elevating them to the level of religious martyr. The genocidal foundations of Islam are hidden under the "religion of peace" lie.
"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191
"Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood." Koran 9:123
"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Koran 9:5
"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85
"The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them."... Koran 9:30
"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33
"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19
"The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them." Koran 8:65
"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28
"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Koran 8:12
"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Koran 8:60
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme.” Koran 8:39
"O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people.” Koran 5:54
And then extolled Kwanza, the fake made up holiday invented by a convicted felony torturer and kidnapper of women. I only liked Bush because he seemed less an establishment character, at the time( i was naive and was fooled) but soon learned when George spent more than Clinton on their bigger government and they still called him Hitler, that something was off. And then Obama deficits were even bigger and the media were crickets. This slow motion train wreck has been chugging along for some 30 years now. The endless lies and indoctrination are why so many people are clueless and acting against their own best interest. It has to get worse before it gets better because its the only way stubborn people want to learn...the hard way.
But wait! There's more! He also gave us the Dept. of Homeland Security and the TSA. What a dickhead! We are still living with the consequences of that.
Oh yeah, that's why the Tea Party came to be...And Pat Buchanon warned us. I remember him saying that there was no difference between Gore or Bush, and wasn't lying. After watching the towers come straight down from "jet fuel" fires, I knew then something was really wrong. The more time goes by, the more obvious it becomes at how corrupt our government is and has been with both parties at the helm the last 50 years. It also why Trump is the guy for this time...the Dude abides.
This administration is full of absolutely stupid people. They scream my democracy - yet do more undemocratic things before breakfast than most of us do in lifetime - I actually talk about that today elsewhere. They flood the economy with dollars and government spending and don't know why inflation won't go away. They nominate and place on the supreme court a lady who either is really that dumb, or just mouths whatever platitudes she thinks are necessary for her tribe thus just looking real dumb, suggesting the first amendment shouldn't restrict the government's ability to monitor and throttle speech. Why in the hell do you think they wrote it in the first place?!?!?!
Biden gets punked by the Texas governor on the border and is setting the stage for red states to usher in the most dramatic repudiation of federal authority since the civil war. Your current treasury secretary is so useless you barely hear her name - and if we take public comment and try to figure out what it really means, suggests the fed chairman thinks she is pretty much worthless. About which he would be right. Another diversity hire who has no business being in her position.
I could go on. I appreciate I'm going to disagree with those with different political viewpoints. I would expect to. But why do I feel like at the moment, way too many of my political adversaries are some of the dumbest people on the planet?
Obama thought he was the smartest guy in the room - and refused to do the down and dirty work necessary to get the work done. Yes, he is pulling strings behind the scene right now. But he is lazy and overconfident in his ability. We are fortunate it was so, and remains that way. Individuals whose job puts them in constant contact with the feds regardless of party in power that I knew commented that the Obama administration was staffed with complete idiots, who couldn't even manage the business of government.
I've lost contact with those folks over the years - but I have to think that the comment on Biden's regime would be similar.
I can see the problem. The Biden administration forgot to follow the great example of brilliant international diplomacy set by the Hillary -- I mean, the Obama-Biden administration. You know, in Libya.
The Ukraine debacle has opened a lot of eyes. The U.S. and NATO as run by the neocons has destroyed the credibility of both. Niger kicked the French out last summer. There is a historic geopolitical shift occurring, and BRICS is the clear winner. Couple that weakness with the diplomatic arrogance of the past 40 years—mandating LGBTQ+ values, undermining democratic elections and fomenting color revolutions—and it’s an easy choice for allies and enemies alike to switch sides. Put a narcissistic coward like Biden at the top—“you don’t mess with a Biden”—and the country becomes a laughingstock.
The good news is (1) we might heed George Washington’s wise advice to stay out of foreign entanglements, and (2) the loss of the dollar’s reserve currency status will force us to live within our means and take care of our problems at home.
1) Let us hope. The Ukrainian war is actually very important to us and with the cloud of corruption surrounding everything Biden touches, especially as it pertains to Ukraine, it has made it much more difficult to try and fight it for the strategic value it actually has for us.
2) The dollar will still be the world's reserve currency, such as the world will need one going forward. There is nothing to replace it. Absolutely nothing. Our economic power and size protects us from many terrible decisions made by our poor political leadership. Perhaps this inflation spike might make them think about it - because servicing the debt has gotten more expensive - but I'm never optimistic about the government not spending.
To be honest, I think they are intent on destroying the dollar. They have done everything they can to take it down. and since VERY FEW care about our debt because everyone but the government has to live on a budget, that exponentially rising debt still has no meaning to them.
I'm not sure they would have the ability to take down the dollar if they wanted to.
I am completely sympathetic with your concerns. Here is the current reality. To the extent the globe needs a global currency - and with the old global trade network fracturing into a more traditional national interest one the need is reducing somewhat - the currency needs to have certain attributes able to withstand the volume demands placed upon it. Heck, Argentina is actually looking to use the dollar as their currency.
The currency needs to be generally accepted, seen to have value, portable and easily used. It has to be able to absorb the sheer volume of transactions. What other currency has any of these in more ways that the US Dollar? Do you have any examples that you think do any of those things better?
The dollar represents the combined productivity of the US economy, which despite the stupidity of our leaders, continues to be the most productive and dynamic economy in the world. The place where global capital goes to be treated better than anywhere else. This reality places the US Dollar almost beyond the reaches of our leaders stupidity. And the other thing supporting the dollar in this role is that other currencies are overseen by stupider or as stupid political environments, with less successful economies.
Well, the argument that what will save the US dollar is that all the other options are worse, is still extremely shaky ground to be on. I can envision some scenarios where there would be an alternative to the US dollar, but hesitate to advertise them publicly because you don't want to give them any ideas. But do not underestimate how low the Left and our international opponents would go to destroy the dollar and replace it.
TPG /I feel Jim is very close on his assessment of the dollars strengths despite this and ozeros regimes attempts to destroy it.The answer will arrive in Nov. elections with a MAGA PDJT victory having coattails to assist in the return to sanity.
I agree that the dollar has some strengths, and may pull through as the reserve currency, due to the paucity of alternatives. And, if Trump makes it back into the White House, I think this whole country could turn around and right itself at the speed of light.
But the dollar is still very vulnerable, and taking hits from all sides.
Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker, has some videos on YouTube that try to give us a feel for "what is a trillion dollars". We all got used to "billions", and it doesn't seem like much anymore. But "trillions" is far, far, far more than that in magnitude. I highly recommend watching one of his videos:
He has about 4 different versions of this, just search the list. In a nutshell--to compare millions to billions to trillions-- how long do you think 1 million seconds is? The answer is 12 days. How long is 1 billion seconds? 32 YEARS. How long is 1 trillion seconds? 31,600 YEARS. And this only illustrates ONE trillion. When these videos were done 10 years ago, the US debt was $15 trillion--so to get the true picture, you had to multiply all his analogies by 15.
NOW, it is $34 trillion, so multiply all the analogies by 34. And the Unfunded Liabilities we are obligated to for Social Security and Medicare, are $214 trillion today, so multiply the analogies by 214 plus 34, or $248 trillion.
Tony Robbins then tries to portray what a trillion dollars is in hard assets-- like if you took all the income of all the Fortune 500 companies-- how close would that get you to $1 trillion; if you took all the income of the top 1% of the wealth, how close would that get you to $1 trillion. Etc. And then multiply the analogies by 34, and 214, and 248.
It is really shocking--I encourage everyone to look at one of his videos. It is uncertain if it is even possible to come back from this level of debt.
If push comes to shove, the dollar is a house of cards.
The BRICS arrangement was created as an alternative to and in opposition of the US constantly using the US dollar as a weapon via the issuing of sanctions upon any country that opposes whatever policy of the day they’re trying to foist on other countries.
That has angered and concerned ALL nations worldwide as it forces them into complying with US policy, whether they agree with it or not, or they’ll suffer the consequences.
It has not been a just steward of the global currency in that regard (boy, there’s an understatement), in subjugating the world to its political whims by holding such a threat over the world economies.
Yes, it was. And what does it have to show for it. Brazil, Russia, India, China - and I think South Africa has joined. Am I missing anyone?
Brazil will be consumed into the North American trading zone as it develops. Strangely, their demographic outlook isn't very good anymore either. Their currency cannot take the dollars place. And politically they are having some of the same loony problems we are. Russia, consumed by war, with still an almost third world consumer market for industrial technology outside of mining and oil. The value of the ruble has fallen against the dollar to become even more worthless. The rest of the western world trades only in commodities with them for the most part. China - dying, getting very old before it gets rich. Massive youth unemployment, a real estate bubble that makes our 2008-10 escapade look like a walk in the park. A truly crazy president. Western capital is fleeing,the chance at creating a domestic consumer market is gone. Probably will be half its current size in 25-30 years. Just a mess. India - the one bright spot. Not enough to carry the group. South Africa - ugh - turning into Zimbabwe.
The US is actually turning very inward - developing bi-lateral trading arrangements - none of which include any of the BRICS countries who will be locked out of one of the few economic growth zones on the planet. Brazil and India will have some options. One nice thing about us turning inward is that we will be less inclined to do the types of things you mention. The bad thing - the rest of the world outside of Mexico and Canada, Japan and Korea, the UK and probably the Aussie/NZ area, will have to learn to live at a much lower standard of living and fight like hell to get into the US trading area due to their having something we need; or be able to stand alone. Some of the SE Asian countries will have things we want - like Vietnam. They will have some options. Some like France, India and Turkey have some opportunities on their own. But China, Russia, Middle East, most of western and central Europe are in a bad spot.
Goodness, Jim, since the day Biden shut Russia out of the Swift system, BRICS has grown to 9 member states plus the UAE, and 28 countries attended the BRICS summit last fall.
Thank you Jim, you raise good points but I am very cynical these days. I never expected our country to go as far down hill as it has in just a measly 3 yrs. What that tells me is that the ground work was laid in the last Dem presidency and the strategy turned up in this one.
The founders were smart, and had a lot of common sense but I dont even think they imagined the evil of some of our current leaders. I pray you are right and the Dollar will withstand the assault, just as our country will.
The dollar could continue to be the world’s global currency until we end up collapsing our electronic grid which may happen sooner than later. If most new cars are RV as the EPA demands who soon will daily load shedding occur and when that happens what will our economy look like. The veneer of civilization is very thin.
They dont need the EVs even, just a couple of shotguns and a couple well placed EMPs. In Washington State, or maybe Oregon it was just the shotguns because the criminals were stupid enough not to know how to disable the cameras, so they took the substations out instead.
When we have/have had all kinds of military aged men pouring over the southern border for the last 3 yrs. what infrastructure do you think will go first? Sorry I have gotten really really cynical in the last few yrs.
Jim, I disagree that Ukraine has any strategic value for us U.S. citizens. Russia’s natural resources had a lot of strategic value for the MIC, and the neocons’ proxy war to grab them has failed, putting everything at risk.
As for the dollar, I agree with all you say, but the hard-earned moral authority the U.S. wielded judiciously in the past has been squandered by the neocons. The financialization of everything and the resultant transfer of wealth from the many to the few has saddled the many—you, me, our children and grandchildren—with the $34 trillion debt that enriched the few. I give the dollar’s status to remain the reserve currency less than a decade.
I disagree, my friend. None of these "blunders" are truly blunders. A blunder is a mistake attributed to ignorance or extreme carelessness. The Biden (Obama) Administration foreign policy strategy is working exactly as planned. The Obama-Biden gang set out to destroy our country. Every weaponized department and agency of federal government is directed by those in concert with the Biden-Obama mandate. Our government is performing exactly as intended.
Does a well-intentioned government supply terrorists with billions of dollars in weapons? Or give billions of dollars to terrorist supporting regimes? Of leave civilian friends to the mercy of terrorists? Or tell our ally not to defend itself? Or supply Hamas with aid and comfort at the cost of American lives? The only logical conclusion is that we are watching an intentional plan as it unfolds.
Or drawing down our weapon stocks, knowing that to replace them with our state of manufacturing will take a decade or longer? Or drawing down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Or banning oil and gas drilling? Or rendering us less than self-sufficient in so many strategic areas, ad nauseam?
The potential list is endless and grows every day. It is all part of the plan to destroy our country. We cannot expect otherwise when our leaders are on the payroll of our enemies.
Sub Saharan countries just South of the desert are a strategically important resource rich area - minerals, rare earth minerals, oil, etc., with a lot of interest from the U.S., China, and China’s new BFF and client, Russia. The U.S. model of doing business internationally is losing out to the Chinese who are less heavy handed when it comes to lecturing the nations they get into relationships with. Both the USA and China use strong arm tactics to get deals done, but the U.S. version includes a lot of efforts to mold countries in our image and they don’t like it. Now that includes trying to push US style “democracy” everywhere which includes transsexual and LGBTQ initiatives which these countries don’t appreciate. China copied our economic foreign policy moves with a few twists to make it more palatable to other nations. They are winning in big swathes of the “Global South” aka the Third World. We are losing because of the dumbasses in Washington, particularly the war mongers and condescending scolds in the State Department - useless bums.
In the past many countries were afraid of repercussions, because we overthrow governments ( including our own now apparently ), and heads of state and other influential types who defy us often end up dead after “accidents”. The difference is that now fewer countries are afraid of us and they have the Chinese throwing more money and less propaganda at them than we ever did. Sure the Chinese dams burst and the bridges and buildings collapse sometimes, but that’s after the claws are sunk in and the infrastructure loans are impossible to pay back. Biden, who is not respected or feared, has pushed Russia into the arms of China, which is a massive mistake. Our foreign policy was for decades to avoid just that outcome in order to avoid a coalescence that would dominate the Eurasian land mass.
Biden is now, and always has been a crooked clown. But he is just one of many politicians playing the grift game in Washington DC. He’s the current fraudulent, retarded cherry on top of the evil jumbo sized ice cream sundae of fraud that is our corporatist government system. He’s sniffing little kids and mumblestumbling around while driving the country and the world into chaos. But the policies come from the Deep State and the shadow, illegitimate President Obama who coordinates all the toxic sludge for Joe to present. Hey Jack! Joe’s just trying to steal money and live in the White House. C’mon man!
Perfect assessment of the mess we are in and facing.PDJT must win but it will take a follow up Patriotic President to even get close to rectifying the damage done.
Elon Musk has issued a warning to the American people about the critical nature of this year’s looming elections. Musk warned that “America is doomed” unless there is an election “red wave this November.”
An understatement if ever there were one.
It would be HILARIOUS if Musk started heavily censoring information on X in the lead up to the election in favor of Trump, such as posting summaries to Don's great posts! - (and it wouldn't be an illegal violation of the First Amendment since he'd be doing it with his own private company and NOT doing it to cave to GOVT demands, right?)
Even better will be his “Community Notes” debunking and exposing everything the Left spews out.
MORE SPEECH is the correct tactic.
He's being much more effective just letting the truth come out. The bloodbath remark the left tried to run with just got destroyed - it is disappearing so fast, especially since the righties started finding ways to link bloodbath with Biden.
That is the value of Musk having X (Twitter).
Well said Jim .
I'm sure he wold love to but A) He would lose 90% of his advertisers. And B) His platform's infrastructure is run by the government. And C) The first amendment only applies to one side.
His platform infrastructure is RUN BY THE GOVT????
That is the first I've heard of that! I'm learning all sorts of things today from this comment section! 😱
What did he pay for then?
I'm not sure what you are asking.
My understanding is that he bought Twitter from Jack Dorsey and whoever else owned Twitter. I have never heard that the govt had anything to do with it.
I thought Dorsey was only owner-he started it. That is what I was questioning to whoever inferred that the Gov't owned it. My thought was if Gov't owned it then what did Musk pay for? Before Musk the Gov't was using it to control content, He stopped that.
I heard this morning that Biden has abandoned 11 US embassies around the world in his less than four years in office. The previous record holder was BHO, who abandoned eight in his EIGHT years in office. Now we're being kicked out of Niger. I thought "America is back!"???
america is on it's back. there...fixed it for yah!
And Kamela is the leading expert
ouch! better put some ice on that.
Huh. That is interesting. I'll have to listen for more information on that. I had not heard anything about that.
Not the kind of news the MSM likes to report about Mr. Magoo.
They're talking about all the embassies that have had to be evacuated - like Haiti being the most recent. We need to be rescued from these evil idiots and SOON!
Found this, Gail…I haven’t verified it yet, but it’s a place to start.
We know several of them are true because they were evacuated like Saigon.
Correction: "America is Barack"
You're welcome!
“For all the cries of Trump being Putin’s puppet, Putin sure has done well with Biden running our federal government. It is as if Biden were falsely accusing Trump of the things that he actually did, you know, like keeping classified documents in his garage.”
This is the reality of the situation: projection. The Dems/Left always accuse others of doing what they are in fact doing. It’s been this way for as long as I can remember.
The capstone of their pathology being their claim that “Trump will destroy Democracy!”, while LITERALLY every single thing they have done, are doing and plan to do is guilty of that very charge!!
Nailed it in spades Suzie!
No, no... they're helping you.
You're just to stupid to understand much like you probably don't think Biden has made a robust economy!
All of that said in jest to you, but that's what they think.
Remember what Reagan said about the government showing up to help you?
Good point.
All of this crap and I mean all of it has to be planned by idiots.
A delegation shows up unannounced? And they wonder why they get tossed.
Obama is running the show via his surrogates along with Blackrock and other financial institutions.
None of what is going on is to help the folks but to 1. Enrich those investors involved - think China, EV’s and the new EPA regulation just released and the Ukraine bank to rebuild after they kill off enough Ukrainians and 2. ruin this country in the process so Barry the Fairly and his kind can notch a “win” for Islam or whatever guiding authority they believe in.
Joe is just the hollowed out vessel of delivering the goods. He has no idea of what comes out of his mouth and “Dr. Jill” is even dumber.
Their spectacular arrogance and hubris is what blinds them.
They’re utterly convinced they are the “smartest people in the world”, and thus have zero respect or consideration for others, no matter who, what or where, which only leads to a trail of destruction wherever they trod.
Look for Joe to hire Hunter as a special advisor to the President since he once said Hunter was the smartest person he knows.
Pretty much says it all, doesn’t it ?
Based on his administration, Joe was being honest even with that low of a bar.
That is pretty freaking arrogant. Biden admin thinks they like are American blacks. Just too damned stupid to look after themselves.
I guess Nigeria doesnt have an Al Sharpton.
Agreed. They not only barged in but probably started out by stating their preferred pronouns. The meeting was probably all downhill after that...
Ahahaha! Wouldn’t doubt that!!
I feel quite certain that upon arrival the esteemed delegation fussed about no red carpet roll out and an appropriate welcoming group of high officials. Wonder why Blinky wasn't chosen to lead the delegation - must have been beneath his pay grade
And the esteemed delegation arrived with no warning....... yep sounds about right.
He went last year - see how well that turned out.
Never underestimate Joes ability to F**k things up per the puppet pulling his strings as ordered by the evil puppeteer.The only goal of this entire regime has been to undo all progress made by PDJT and hasten the demise of America as a super power and world example of free enterprise.Thank you Don for another dissection of willful idiocy in power.Acts such as these should lead to the re-election of PDJT and a return to a sense of sanity and ray of hope for America.Tough poll but lead on Poca-Man.
So how did Ms. FitzGibbon's become a "top Africa specialist"? A degree from Harvard said so?
03/21/24: Check that degree thesis for plagiarism. Rumor has it that a few Harvard degrees were actually earned by grad students who --- gasp! --- wrote their own theses. Can the truth be stranger than fiction?
Nothing like a condescending Liberal white woman to tell a black junta how to think...
Name one, just one instance of a Democrat accusing Trump of something that they weren't guilty of themselves. One. Just one. I'll wait. What a gang of miserable, anti-American sons of bitches. Obama started it, and the current administration continues with every decision they make. God help us!
…as well as everyone they target as the “opposition” in the same way, as Don illustrated here about Niger quite plainly:
“ What kind of country replaces and prosecutes presidents? Imagine having to live under such conditions.”
And there’s a gazillion other examples of that same pathology they employ everywhere, and every day!
It really quite a phenomenon to behold!
And they do it shamelessly. Overtly. They shove their actions in your face and defend them because they believe that is the only way to run a government. For homework, spend an hour looking at pictures of them. They are one butt-ugly bunch.
Beauty is skin deep but ugliness runs clear through.
Right to the bone.
How can any administration be this bad or incompetent? It could be that promoting people into jobs simply because they vote “D” contributes. Or it could be on purpose. But “why”, you ask. The people doing it have to know they are going to have to live in the very place they are destroying, so who does that? Having spent almost two decades interacting with and working with congressional folks, it was very clear to me that the priority for everything that is done by a congress is always “political implications first”. Not good use of funds, not best interest of America, always politics first. When you understand that congress does not have the best and brightest working there, you begin to understand how institutionally incompetent the place is. Then take the Executive Department who are all picked for their political ties, and you start to wonder if “whats best for America” is ever a part of the decision matrix. It doesnt have to be this way but it isnt going to change either so long as we have professional politicians and professional government workers who are never held accountable for their actions.
Don't forget that Congress is overwhelmingly staffed with highly credentialed and connected 20-somethings all climbing the DC pole. What's best for America is never part of the equation, it's what's best for my career.
That was my point, its always politics that drives decisions. If it isnt good for ones party, they will never vote for it even if it is vital for the country’s wellbeing. We the people are just the bill payers in the equation.
Glenn Reynolds expounds on this in his substack - https://substack.com/home/post/p-142679502?source=queue - and he think buried in there is a reference to a book he co-authored on this topic. And it appears he was on to this some time ago.
In short - the government is getting dumber, and as it gets larger, its dumbness is accelerating.
It boils down to those in the government wanting power and keeping it. Those are the idiots who are making these decisions, THEY dont think they are going to live in the mess they made. They will be above the mess. its not going to work that way. China and I am sure Putin, takes the traitors out first because you cant trust a traitor.
We are living in the reality version of the Matrix movie.
*snort Id say the Twilight Zone but either works.
We are seeing Rod Serling a lot these days. 😎
Best government money can buy Redd.
It is sad that such a beautiful country in the bread basket of the world would think that 81 million people are wrong. In reality, Niger understands what everyone else in this world knows. Why do business with a country led by a fake president with fake money and no weapons left. They know America is in trouble. They also know that this administration is only good at one thing…a thing they don’t need….printing ballots. FJB
Amen Mark.
I very seldom pray, but I'm praying almost daily for Donald Trump to be our President again.
Random thought on the rise of Islam: Teachings of Koran celebrate the most violent and controlling psychopaths, elevating them to the level of religious martyr. The genocidal foundations of Islam are hidden under the "religion of peace" lie.
"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191
"Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood." Koran 9:123
"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Koran 9:5
"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85
"The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them."... Koran 9:30
"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33
"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19
"The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them." Koran 8:65
"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28
"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Koran 8:12
"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Koran 8:60
Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme.” Koran 8:39
"O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not guide an unjust people.” Koran 5:54
Islam allows rape of captive women (Quran 4:24).
But didn't George W. Bush tell us that Islam is the religion of peace? (sarc)
And then extolled Kwanza, the fake made up holiday invented by a convicted felony torturer and kidnapper of women. I only liked Bush because he seemed less an establishment character, at the time( i was naive and was fooled) but soon learned when George spent more than Clinton on their bigger government and they still called him Hitler, that something was off. And then Obama deficits were even bigger and the media were crickets. This slow motion train wreck has been chugging along for some 30 years now. The endless lies and indoctrination are why so many people are clueless and acting against their own best interest. It has to get worse before it gets better because its the only way stubborn people want to learn...the hard way.
But wait! There's more! He also gave us the Dept. of Homeland Security and the TSA. What a dickhead! We are still living with the consequences of that.
Oh yeah, that's why the Tea Party came to be...And Pat Buchanon warned us. I remember him saying that there was no difference between Gore or Bush, and wasn't lying. After watching the towers come straight down from "jet fuel" fires, I knew then something was really wrong. The more time goes by, the more obvious it becomes at how corrupt our government is and has been with both parties at the helm the last 50 years. It also why Trump is the guy for this time...the Dude abides.
And the Patriot Act , don’t forget!!
How’s that workin’ out for us patriots?
This administration is full of absolutely stupid people. They scream my democracy - yet do more undemocratic things before breakfast than most of us do in lifetime - I actually talk about that today elsewhere. They flood the economy with dollars and government spending and don't know why inflation won't go away. They nominate and place on the supreme court a lady who either is really that dumb, or just mouths whatever platitudes she thinks are necessary for her tribe thus just looking real dumb, suggesting the first amendment shouldn't restrict the government's ability to monitor and throttle speech. Why in the hell do you think they wrote it in the first place?!?!?!
Biden gets punked by the Texas governor on the border and is setting the stage for red states to usher in the most dramatic repudiation of federal authority since the civil war. Your current treasury secretary is so useless you barely hear her name - and if we take public comment and try to figure out what it really means, suggests the fed chairman thinks she is pretty much worthless. About which he would be right. Another diversity hire who has no business being in her position.
I could go on. I appreciate I'm going to disagree with those with different political viewpoints. I would expect to. But why do I feel like at the moment, way too many of my political adversaries are some of the dumbest people on the planet?
Obama thought he was the smartest guy in the room - and refused to do the down and dirty work necessary to get the work done. Yes, he is pulling strings behind the scene right now. But he is lazy and overconfident in his ability. We are fortunate it was so, and remains that way. Individuals whose job puts them in constant contact with the feds regardless of party in power that I knew commented that the Obama administration was staffed with complete idiots, who couldn't even manage the business of government.
I've lost contact with those folks over the years - but I have to think that the comment on Biden's regime would be similar.
I can see the problem. The Biden administration forgot to follow the great example of brilliant international diplomacy set by the Hillary -- I mean, the Obama-Biden administration. You know, in Libya.
The Ukraine debacle has opened a lot of eyes. The U.S. and NATO as run by the neocons has destroyed the credibility of both. Niger kicked the French out last summer. There is a historic geopolitical shift occurring, and BRICS is the clear winner. Couple that weakness with the diplomatic arrogance of the past 40 years—mandating LGBTQ+ values, undermining democratic elections and fomenting color revolutions—and it’s an easy choice for allies and enemies alike to switch sides. Put a narcissistic coward like Biden at the top—“you don’t mess with a Biden”—and the country becomes a laughingstock.
The good news is (1) we might heed George Washington’s wise advice to stay out of foreign entanglements, and (2) the loss of the dollar’s reserve currency status will force us to live within our means and take care of our problems at home.
1) Let us hope. The Ukrainian war is actually very important to us and with the cloud of corruption surrounding everything Biden touches, especially as it pertains to Ukraine, it has made it much more difficult to try and fight it for the strategic value it actually has for us.
2) The dollar will still be the world's reserve currency, such as the world will need one going forward. There is nothing to replace it. Absolutely nothing. Our economic power and size protects us from many terrible decisions made by our poor political leadership. Perhaps this inflation spike might make them think about it - because servicing the debt has gotten more expensive - but I'm never optimistic about the government not spending.
To be honest, I think they are intent on destroying the dollar. They have done everything they can to take it down. and since VERY FEW care about our debt because everyone but the government has to live on a budget, that exponentially rising debt still has no meaning to them.
I'm not sure they would have the ability to take down the dollar if they wanted to.
I am completely sympathetic with your concerns. Here is the current reality. To the extent the globe needs a global currency - and with the old global trade network fracturing into a more traditional national interest one the need is reducing somewhat - the currency needs to have certain attributes able to withstand the volume demands placed upon it. Heck, Argentina is actually looking to use the dollar as their currency.
The currency needs to be generally accepted, seen to have value, portable and easily used. It has to be able to absorb the sheer volume of transactions. What other currency has any of these in more ways that the US Dollar? Do you have any examples that you think do any of those things better?
The dollar represents the combined productivity of the US economy, which despite the stupidity of our leaders, continues to be the most productive and dynamic economy in the world. The place where global capital goes to be treated better than anywhere else. This reality places the US Dollar almost beyond the reaches of our leaders stupidity. And the other thing supporting the dollar in this role is that other currencies are overseen by stupider or as stupid political environments, with less successful economies.
Well, the argument that what will save the US dollar is that all the other options are worse, is still extremely shaky ground to be on. I can envision some scenarios where there would be an alternative to the US dollar, but hesitate to advertise them publicly because you don't want to give them any ideas. But do not underestimate how low the Left and our international opponents would go to destroy the dollar and replace it.
TPG /I feel Jim is very close on his assessment of the dollars strengths despite this and ozeros regimes attempts to destroy it.The answer will arrive in Nov. elections with a MAGA PDJT victory having coattails to assist in the return to sanity.
I agree that the dollar has some strengths, and may pull through as the reserve currency, due to the paucity of alternatives. And, if Trump makes it back into the White House, I think this whole country could turn around and right itself at the speed of light.
But the dollar is still very vulnerable, and taking hits from all sides.
Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker, has some videos on YouTube that try to give us a feel for "what is a trillion dollars". We all got used to "billions", and it doesn't seem like much anymore. But "trillions" is far, far, far more than that in magnitude. I highly recommend watching one of his videos:
He has about 4 different versions of this, just search the list. In a nutshell--to compare millions to billions to trillions-- how long do you think 1 million seconds is? The answer is 12 days. How long is 1 billion seconds? 32 YEARS. How long is 1 trillion seconds? 31,600 YEARS. And this only illustrates ONE trillion. When these videos were done 10 years ago, the US debt was $15 trillion--so to get the true picture, you had to multiply all his analogies by 15.
NOW, it is $34 trillion, so multiply all the analogies by 34. And the Unfunded Liabilities we are obligated to for Social Security and Medicare, are $214 trillion today, so multiply the analogies by 214 plus 34, or $248 trillion.
Tony Robbins then tries to portray what a trillion dollars is in hard assets-- like if you took all the income of all the Fortune 500 companies-- how close would that get you to $1 trillion; if you took all the income of the top 1% of the wealth, how close would that get you to $1 trillion. Etc. And then multiply the analogies by 34, and 214, and 248.
It is really shocking--I encourage everyone to look at one of his videos. It is uncertain if it is even possible to come back from this level of debt.
If push comes to shove, the dollar is a house of cards.
The BRICS arrangement was created as an alternative to and in opposition of the US constantly using the US dollar as a weapon via the issuing of sanctions upon any country that opposes whatever policy of the day they’re trying to foist on other countries.
That has angered and concerned ALL nations worldwide as it forces them into complying with US policy, whether they agree with it or not, or they’ll suffer the consequences.
It has not been a just steward of the global currency in that regard (boy, there’s an understatement), in subjugating the world to its political whims by holding such a threat over the world economies.
Yes, it was. And what does it have to show for it. Brazil, Russia, India, China - and I think South Africa has joined. Am I missing anyone?
Brazil will be consumed into the North American trading zone as it develops. Strangely, their demographic outlook isn't very good anymore either. Their currency cannot take the dollars place. And politically they are having some of the same loony problems we are. Russia, consumed by war, with still an almost third world consumer market for industrial technology outside of mining and oil. The value of the ruble has fallen against the dollar to become even more worthless. The rest of the western world trades only in commodities with them for the most part. China - dying, getting very old before it gets rich. Massive youth unemployment, a real estate bubble that makes our 2008-10 escapade look like a walk in the park. A truly crazy president. Western capital is fleeing,the chance at creating a domestic consumer market is gone. Probably will be half its current size in 25-30 years. Just a mess. India - the one bright spot. Not enough to carry the group. South Africa - ugh - turning into Zimbabwe.
The US is actually turning very inward - developing bi-lateral trading arrangements - none of which include any of the BRICS countries who will be locked out of one of the few economic growth zones on the planet. Brazil and India will have some options. One nice thing about us turning inward is that we will be less inclined to do the types of things you mention. The bad thing - the rest of the world outside of Mexico and Canada, Japan and Korea, the UK and probably the Aussie/NZ area, will have to learn to live at a much lower standard of living and fight like hell to get into the US trading area due to their having something we need; or be able to stand alone. Some of the SE Asian countries will have things we want - like Vietnam. They will have some options. Some like France, India and Turkey have some opportunities on their own. But China, Russia, Middle East, most of western and central Europe are in a bad spot.
This is alot of good and interesting information you've shared today, Jim.
I do hope your fairly conservative but optimistic assessment as to how the US comes out of this ends up occurring.
Goodness, Jim, since the day Biden shut Russia out of the Swift system, BRICS has grown to 9 member states plus the UAE, and 28 countries attended the BRICS summit last fall.
Thank you Jim, you raise good points but I am very cynical these days. I never expected our country to go as far down hill as it has in just a measly 3 yrs. What that tells me is that the ground work was laid in the last Dem presidency and the strategy turned up in this one.
The founders were smart, and had a lot of common sense but I dont even think they imagined the evil of some of our current leaders. I pray you are right and the Dollar will withstand the assault, just as our country will.
The dollar could continue to be the world’s global currency until we end up collapsing our electronic grid which may happen sooner than later. If most new cars are RV as the EPA demands who soon will daily load shedding occur and when that happens what will our economy look like. The veneer of civilization is very thin.
They dont need the EVs even, just a couple of shotguns and a couple well placed EMPs. In Washington State, or maybe Oregon it was just the shotguns because the criminals were stupid enough not to know how to disable the cameras, so they took the substations out instead.
When we have/have had all kinds of military aged men pouring over the southern border for the last 3 yrs. what infrastructure do you think will go first? Sorry I have gotten really really cynical in the last few yrs.
Jim, I disagree that Ukraine has any strategic value for us U.S. citizens. Russia’s natural resources had a lot of strategic value for the MIC, and the neocons’ proxy war to grab them has failed, putting everything at risk.
As for the dollar, I agree with all you say, but the hard-earned moral authority the U.S. wielded judiciously in the past has been squandered by the neocons. The financialization of everything and the resultant transfer of wealth from the many to the few has saddled the many—you, me, our children and grandchildren—with the $34 trillion debt that enriched the few. I give the dollar’s status to remain the reserve currency less than a decade.
I disagree, my friend. None of these "blunders" are truly blunders. A blunder is a mistake attributed to ignorance or extreme carelessness. The Biden (Obama) Administration foreign policy strategy is working exactly as planned. The Obama-Biden gang set out to destroy our country. Every weaponized department and agency of federal government is directed by those in concert with the Biden-Obama mandate. Our government is performing exactly as intended.
Does a well-intentioned government supply terrorists with billions of dollars in weapons? Or give billions of dollars to terrorist supporting regimes? Of leave civilian friends to the mercy of terrorists? Or tell our ally not to defend itself? Or supply Hamas with aid and comfort at the cost of American lives? The only logical conclusion is that we are watching an intentional plan as it unfolds.
Or drawing down our weapon stocks, knowing that to replace them with our state of manufacturing will take a decade or longer? Or drawing down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? Or banning oil and gas drilling? Or rendering us less than self-sufficient in so many strategic areas, ad nauseam?
The potential list is endless and grows every day. It is all part of the plan to destroy our country. We cannot expect otherwise when our leaders are on the payroll of our enemies.
It really looks like a national suicide mission.
Pure evil by design Bubble.
Amen Jim M.
Sub Saharan countries just South of the desert are a strategically important resource rich area - minerals, rare earth minerals, oil, etc., with a lot of interest from the U.S., China, and China’s new BFF and client, Russia. The U.S. model of doing business internationally is losing out to the Chinese who are less heavy handed when it comes to lecturing the nations they get into relationships with. Both the USA and China use strong arm tactics to get deals done, but the U.S. version includes a lot of efforts to mold countries in our image and they don’t like it. Now that includes trying to push US style “democracy” everywhere which includes transsexual and LGBTQ initiatives which these countries don’t appreciate. China copied our economic foreign policy moves with a few twists to make it more palatable to other nations. They are winning in big swathes of the “Global South” aka the Third World. We are losing because of the dumbasses in Washington, particularly the war mongers and condescending scolds in the State Department - useless bums.
In the past many countries were afraid of repercussions, because we overthrow governments ( including our own now apparently ), and heads of state and other influential types who defy us often end up dead after “accidents”. The difference is that now fewer countries are afraid of us and they have the Chinese throwing more money and less propaganda at them than we ever did. Sure the Chinese dams burst and the bridges and buildings collapse sometimes, but that’s after the claws are sunk in and the infrastructure loans are impossible to pay back. Biden, who is not respected or feared, has pushed Russia into the arms of China, which is a massive mistake. Our foreign policy was for decades to avoid just that outcome in order to avoid a coalescence that would dominate the Eurasian land mass.
Biden is now, and always has been a crooked clown. But he is just one of many politicians playing the grift game in Washington DC. He’s the current fraudulent, retarded cherry on top of the evil jumbo sized ice cream sundae of fraud that is our corporatist government system. He’s sniffing little kids and mumblestumbling around while driving the country and the world into chaos. But the policies come from the Deep State and the shadow, illegitimate President Obama who coordinates all the toxic sludge for Joe to present. Hey Jack! Joe’s just trying to steal money and live in the White House. C’mon man!
Trump 2024
There’s no reasonable alternative.
Perfect assessment of the mess we are in and facing.PDJT must win but it will take a follow up Patriotic President to even get close to rectifying the damage done.