If only ALL OF THE ABOVE was an option for today's poll.

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That would be too easy. You of all people should understand the logic of Don’s cat, Kitty.

As the father of girls, sniffing was the obvious choice.

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Having a daughter and 3 granddaughters, I also chose sniffing.

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I just though about which would offend God the most. Then I recalled something like "whosoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him to have a millstone tied to his neck and tossed into the sea."

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Matthew 18:6 . They are on the wrong side of God

We will see that shortly

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Praying for that, but vengeance isn't mine.

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But I would like vengeance.

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The challenge for me is rejoicing that justice is done, not that the guilty are punished, for if I were to have received what I deserved before I was saved, I most certainly would not be here, now.

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...only there isn’t a millstone large enough or a sea deep enough for the collective millions of those monsters who irreparably harm God’s little ones just from our own country and government.

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There must be, though - but if not, God will provide one.

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Yup Lard. My choice as well. It's how he chooses his shower partners.

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7 fold Amen. Cue the choir.

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Ditto, kitty. Of course there are several other choices that should be considered, as well. Just plain CRIMINAL, would cover a multitude of his other vile actions.

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Or just plain TREASON.

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If only. Since that is never going to happen, I’m going with sniffing little girls. Since Biden’s sudden Friday 5 pm news drop acknowledging granddaughter Navy Roberts, and his statement that he’ll visit her when the time is right, I hope he doesn’t now have a convenient and built in sniffing opportunity. He’s so scuzzy that I wouldn’t put it past him or his supportive wife.

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I have this fantasy of her mother smacking him in the face for getting to close to her daughter.

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Kudos to this.

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Aug 1, 2023
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Today's saying is:

"It's how you blow who you know"

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There is ONLY one hope for Washington D.C. and that is to hope, either by friend or foe, to have Washiington D.C. blown off the face of the earth.

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I assume you mean while congress is in session.

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It's already prophecied.

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Well that fixes the immediate problem but not the forces behind it all. America needs a new push to morality and ethics. Without a basis for a solid Republic based on the rule of law, we will not survive.

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Nuked from low orbit.

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Washington delenda est, mi amigo, Washington delenda est.

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Qiete cabron.

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Why thank you very much! (Heh!)

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Here’s hoping Judge Noreika delivers justice before Rodham, Soetoro or Xiden deliver Arkancide, Kenyacide or Delacide.

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Despite his corruption and dementia, the thought of Kneepad Harris as President is revolting. What a dilemma.

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Well, when you think about it, aside from the fact that she’s a woman, they’re both just puppets, placed there by the machine to do their bidding. Neither of them can express a coherent thought and they most certainly not calling the shots, so in the infamous words of HRC, “at this point what difference does it make.”

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They were intentionally placed there because they are both empty suits who are controllable. They constantly distract daily conversation with their ongoing idiocy so Obama can keep destroying us.

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She was placed there so no one would get bright ideas about Biden. Obama picked Biden for the same reason.

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And so far it has worked for him.

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Very well put Suzie!!!!

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HW was no dummy, in that regard. Selecting Quayle as his veep was his insurance policy against Reagan loyalists' efforts to remove him.

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My thought is she might be easier to impeach since she doesn't have the history and connections to the swamp that Biden does.

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What difference does it make WHO goes rhrough those empty rituals?

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Agreed. Obama and Chy-Na are already running us into the ground...

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She would be no worse than ‘Mr. Magoo Biden. The same string pullers would be involved. Frankly, she isn’t smart enough to be a crook.

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"Trump is an existential threat to the Banana Republicans and their allies in the Democrat Party."

That is the TOP of any thread or narrative out of D.C. They hate you, remember that.

Pauly Ryan... Just like his hero McCain - he married into wealth and then used that to further his wealth while never producing a good or service in the marketplace.

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“I suspect that the 10% for the Big Guy that his children surrendered from their loot did not mean Biden but rather his boss, Obama.”

I have been making that point to friends and in comments for month now. The proof is in that famous video included in today’s column where Xiden brags about getting the prosecutor fired. The Ukrainians asked him if he had the authority to refuse their billion dollars in aid and Xiden’s reply was to call 0bama. 0bama is up to his eyebrows in this treason.

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Up to his jug ears at least.

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We live in an evil version of the Matrix movie ( The first one, as the rest were unwatchable). Mr Trump is neo, trying to get us to wake up. Ironically Neo’s nemesis was also Mr Smith. Yet too many people are taking the blue pill. We will not be free, until we are free of DC.

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But as the evil becomes more aggressive and ‘in our face’, or as Don Surber said, as “they rub our noses in their filth”—people all over are indeed becoming red-pilled every day.

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I wonder why we keep re-electing these kleptocrats? Do the American people even care about the realities in DC? Or has the national media-political complex kept us in the dark so long we've gone blind? God help America.

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Too many people get their news from the enemedia or they don’t pay attention at all. They just vote for the party which their family has traditionally voted for.

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Some of my Dad and his moms worse fights were on Politics. Dad was a die hard Republican, Gma a die hard Democrat. Dad didnt want taxes and endless wars, he was 33 yrs in the Navy. Gma remembered the food from the stockpile warehouses when 'times was tough'. This was before both parties went to hell in hand basket. Dad is rolling in his grave over what the military has become.

I think Gma would be too to be honest. The Democrats are nothing like they were in her time when they supported the blue collar workers.

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They hate every one else’s representatives. Theirs bring home the bacon so they keep voting for them. That may be why polls show congress being held in such low esteem, but incumbents get re-elected at such a high rate.

Thad Cochran was “our man in DC” and head of appropriations. In his last election, he was a mix of Feinstein and Fetterman, yet corruptly won the primary so he could keep the money flowing back here.

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“I wonder why we keep re-electing these kleptocrats?” Answer: we don’t. They weren’t actually re-elected.

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Who can verify without any doubt that we are electing them?

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The force is strong in Surber today.

The Gordian knot of Washington corruption is symbolized by the increasingly difficult polls.

Right on point about them all being crooks.

The Obama link makes sense, does it not? He knew all about Biden’s payola. Why wouldn’t he be taking a piece, as it was not without personal risk?

Yes, there is something very odd about the sudden fascination of our ruling class with Ukraine. We need the details.

“In government, the scum rises to the top.”

- Friedrich August von Hayek

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Regarding the Big Guy - O - how else is one to pay for all those multi million $$$ mansions?

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Book deals for crappy books he didn’t write. TV production deals for shows he didn’t produce. Speeches at $500K a pop so he can insult the country and the people who voted for him. Mix a little Chicago style corruption in there and pretty soon you’re talking about some money.

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Biden has lied so much that nobody believed his yap about forcing the prosecutor's firing. This merely connects the Russian woman to Hunter with an expensive diamond for payment. Q: What's the worst thing about Biden? A: That there is NO good thing.

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" ... no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges."

One of the factors that a prosecutor must weigh is the likelihood of being found floating face-down in his swimming pool.

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When Trump returns, his first act should be to free Julian Assange! And let the retribution begin!

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“Trump is an existential threat to the Banana Republicans and their allies in the Democrat Party.”

While that is 100% correct, the great irony is that right now, and all because of his dufus son, Biden has become an even greater threat, due to his and his sons sloppy and greedy business deals, blowing wide open the corruption and lawlessness of the entire weaponized Federal government.

Make no mistake, they want him and his family GONE, but Kamala is in the way. She’s the one who should be plenty worried.

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Agreed. Biden saw clinton get away with murder and corruption and figured if she could do it he could cash in too. Yes, he really is that stupid.

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Harry Reid didn't say Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." That was Biden. Please get your history straight.

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Oops. I misread the link. I apologizer and shall fix

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It’s mentioned in the article you linked to. Reid’s comment was about 0bama’s light skin and lack of black accent.

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As well as the sex-change operation that didn't take.

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WHO ?? Or that gorilla wife of his ??

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Big Mike!

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Good point. Neither op worked; he didn't become a man, and she, not a woman.

Meanwhile... If They Wanted To Re-Enact Chappaquiddick...

Couldn't they find a car and a bridge?


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Did you read the linked article? It states that Xiden made that comment and that Reid made one which was just as racist.

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Articulate, bright and clean? Hmmmm. Clinton was the first (light skinned) african American. Trump wasn't a Rhodes Scholar, but I'd give him an A+ in street smarts. As far as "Clean" goes, obama's white trash handlers ordered the execution of two of obama's cocaine suppliers who were also homosexuals murdered over in Ohio two months before the 2008 election. Although I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976, obama would certainly have given Carter a run for his money as far as who was the most stupid. Biden looks positively virginal as far as obama and graft and corruption goes.

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Obama is from Chi town....... Where every mayor has been to jail for corruptions or should be.

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Actually, that's the standard for Aldermen. Mayors need the tacit approval of Tony "Sensible Shoes" Preckwinkle, president of the C(r)ook County Board of Commissioners.

Governors are expected to have served time in prison for corruption, but nothing else. Gov. Blagojevich went up the river not for corruption, but for attempting to sell the remainder of the term of The-Turd-in-the-Punch-Bowl's senate seat.

Had it been Durbin's, no one would have cared, but because he, a white guy, had the nerve to think he could prosper off of the Kenyan Light Bringer, he became persona non grata in Illinois Democrat politics, a he-who-shall-not-be-named.

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Clinton our first AA president.


First chuckle of the day! Thanks!

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Did you mean: Why is bill clinton considered the united states first black president.

In 1998, Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison in The New Yorker called Clinton "the first Black president", saying, "Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas," and comparing Clinton's sex ...

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No. I knew that back when TM said that about Clinton and not in a complimentary way.

I conveniently had forgotten all about that bit until your comment struck my chuckle-bone this morning.

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Do yourself a favor. Ask Google WHY people say Clinton was The United States first black president. At least the answer used to be hilarious.

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doesn't matter who said it, they're both from the same anus

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"When [crimes committed by Hillary, and the same by The-Turd-in-the-Punch-Bowl] became public knowledge, do you know what a Republican-controlled House and a Republican Senate did?"

"Nothing. They did nothing. No prosecutions were recommended."

Of course, not. It makes me sad that I am not outraged, or angry in any way about this. I am indifferent. It's just the way of corruption, avarice, and greed. If McConnell ultimately steps down, absolutely nothing will change - the only mark in Thune's favour was that he was not Tom Daschle, and now it's that he's younger than The Turtle and the other two potentially vying for top job in the caucus in the senate. Cornyn would be as bad as McConnell, or Thune. I don't know enough about Barrasso to make an informed assessment, but he and Cornyn both are ovet 70, and unless you're Donald Trump, your experience as a RINO is a liability.

"Hunter’s criminal case offers a small hope that Biden won’t get away with it this time."

With all due respect, Brother Don, it is a small, false hope - does anyone really think that Hunter will ever be allowed to be in a position where he can spill? He will meet with an accident, first - as will Wilhelm.

See, this is the Republicans' fatal flaw - they seem to truly believe none of their own are above the law - just another example of the two wings of the Uniparty playing by two sets of rules. The Republicans naively play by the rules of a constitutional republic. The Democrats, on the other hand, play by the rules of the law of the jungle. That's why they win.

As for today's poll, it's #1 - everything else is indeed criminal, but they don't compare to his being a pedophile.

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I keep praying that some great candidate will come forward to primary Cornyn - he needs to go away!

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There are no great candidates, there is only equity of mediocrity.

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Who goes into politics? It’s not Jimmy Stewart from Mr Smith goes to Washington. There are 2 types generally: those with unknown pasts like Obama (shady people run by faceless puppeteers with little in their past to use for destruction) or those with lofty goals and Noble past deeds ( like Dan Crenshaw). Yet, the system corrupts most of the honest brokers who then make deals to get re elected, and the system crushes those who don’t give a F, and buck the uni party(Trump). Many are given “a pass” like the Rand Paul’s, to be used by the system to show there are opposing views. Many of the rest are compromised. Jefferson ,Washington ,Lincoln, and Reagan, Would all be appalled at what has happened to this once great land.

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The-Turd-in-the-Punch-Bowl's past was not unknown, it just wasn't publicized. Every Chicago cop assigned to his local security detail before he was a candidate for POTUS knew the sh*t about which they were expected to keep silent. His association w/ outfit fixers and Democrat Machine operatives was common knowledge – it's just that the media knew what was expected of them, and they dutifully complied.

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Remember how Obama became senator. Then candidate Jack Ryan, ex of Star Treks Jerri Ryan dropped out of being a shoe in for senator when it was “revealed” he and Jerri visited sex clubs. Suddenly community organizer “Barak Obama” takes his spot. Months after being Junior senator he announces to run for President. There are no coincidences in politics. Who were the shady people behind the Ryan reveal and Obama ascension?

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Ala Rev Wright of ozeros church/to air the truth was(RACIST) and un pc.

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That’s way too blanket of a statement, and it isn’t helpful. There are tons of earnest and dedicated patriots seeking office, former SEALs, etc. And there are some strong heroes already in office— Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, stoic Jim Jordan (I don’t know how he has found the strength to endure), Byron Donalds, even Burgess Owens, etc.

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I wonder if Mark means, in Texas...

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Ah, maybe so. I’m not that familiar with the Texas scene.

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It's bleak, at best – for both wings of the Uniparty.

Consider that Beto was the candidate the Democrats ran to beat Cruz, which should have been a cakewalk.

Then, Beto was the candidate the Democrats ran to beat Abbott (which shouldn't have been difficult given his knee-jerk shutdown in the wake of the covid hoax and the damage from that) plus Texas being caught with its pants down knowing the deep-freeze was coming, and the Ercot scandal.

Neither wing as a particularly deep bench – and what's there are RINOs.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Huffhines primary Cornyn, but he's gunning for Abbott...

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Great column, again over the target. Along with Congress the swamp around DC includes all the lobbyists and law firms there and the beltway bandit companies feeding off the tsunami of money flowing out of the capitol. Then there are the million civil servants led by political appointees guaranteeing everything stays the same.

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