I learn at least one new thing here each day. Today, it was the Irish Exit. I will now use that term when appropriate.

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I just went a solid week without touching alcohol. I'm gonna call that an Irish exit

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"Republicans all know this. Expect them to do nothing." Don't be surprised to find out in the future people like Grahamnesty and McCain, et al., were on the take in Ukraine as there are many pictures of them smiling with Ukrainian assholes.

The republican party exists to use power to make money. For the 1,036th time: "We make more money when our guys lose." Justin Riemer, Chief Legal Counsel of the RNC after Trump's team asked for some of the millions of PAC cash he generated to fight election fraud.

I wholeheartedly agree with your quoted VFW as I have a similar history. If you wonder why we didn't trust Trump at first in 2015, now you know why we love him. He was against all of this grift and is risking his life and freedom. You had the highest purchasing power of your lives and no war a mere three years ago because of his sound policies.

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Biden doesn't run anything: Obama does. He's a Stalinist, just like his parents and everyone who mentored him growing up and who groomed him. Like all communists, he has a deep, visceral hatred of us and the Judeo-Christian west and wants to destroy everything about it and replace it with a socialist imperium, regardless of the cost. That's the whole point of all the graft and destruction of all of our institutions, rules, economic system, and murder of innocents.

Danny Huckabee

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Not too many even know the name Barry Soetoro or anything of his sordid past, do they?

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Or if they're like me, they know little about Obamacare. Great article in WSJ-Obamacare is Only for the Healthy. (paywall, but I Bidened it from Instapundit).

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Yes, and it advanced government control, waste and expensive, unaffordable health care. More than one employer related this tome.

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I think you’re right Will and I find that fact hard to swallow. I think every one who calls themself a Conservative should know them chapter and verse!

As well as his various alias’…O Bum Boy, Bath House Barry and Big Mikes Bitch.

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As we've learned recently, the only thing Obama really cares about is between his legs, and I suspect he's a little jealous of Moo-chelle's - cuz "hers" is bigger ...

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You are spot on Danny except ozero is merely a link in the chain dragging us to the bottom.No one in this misadministration is capable of honesty by design and the msm flaunts it in our faces!

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Always detected a great sense of sanity and clarity in your writings Don. Sadly, I feel America is on the precipice of whether we'll continue as a free Republic, as a free people, as it was envisioned by our founding fathers, or whether we end up in a totalitarian state. For me, I've been in those two opposites worlds and would die to be in the one. History is a great teacher, if we learn it. Three things come to mind immediately when I think of consequences that exist. President Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex, which seemingly not many heeded. The power of the purse, yes, US taxpayers' money, ultimately powers our nation. What's happened? Military influence is obvious, but more sinister is how the funds direct, for example medical research, and now the ever present and ubiquitous Climate (HYSTERIA) Change narrative. Forcing owners of the muscle car era, now to be identified for the exorcism you've described for their gas guzzling sins, A recent edition of "the esteemed, scientific magazine NATURE" had a scientist recant his support for contributing to mis-leading information he contributed to in an article on climate hysteria. WOW, he did another 180 degrees turn when threatened with crucifixion by his blasphemy of his THE CULT, of which he is again a recognized member of.

The other easily identifiable and perhaps, even more dangerous capture, is that of the medical establishment. Headed by the Grand Wizard himself, Dr Anthony Fauci, who definitely proclaimed to all the world "I AM THE SCIENCE!" WTF!!!! Well what da ya know? Gazillions of people, either unwittingly or through unjust mandates, got the Clot Shot. (Remember Nuremburg Code? My body, my choice?} Today, an UNPRECEDENTED number of people have died, will die, or be left to a debilitating disease.. WTH happened? We trusted the experts, like sheep, and were slaughtered.

NEXT, we have the CIA operation MOCKINGBIRD, exposed in the Church commission of yore. Director Colby? sat there and said yes, we have something like that going on. Infiltration of what was once AN ESSENTIAL AND NECESSARY function of a free people, now controlled by our agencies, Ike spoke of exactly that? A classic example today is Nicolle Wallace, an anchor on MSNBC. Anyone remember her ardent support od Bush and Cheney's WMD used as an excuse to propel Dick Cheney in the Haliburton Boardroom and keeping Bush SOBER having realized the monies made weren't at all worth that cost millions their lives and destabilized the Mideast regions to this day? Hey where's Jan Psaki today? She's circling back to us in the MSM isn't she? And who's behind this curtain. Like Obama and his useful idiot Biden.

Finally Benjamin Franklin is said to have said to a lady when asked, exiting the convention that created this GREAT NATION, "Maam, It's a Republic, if you can keep it" I know I butchered that but you get the drift. Sorry for the rant, but all good writings are supposed to stir the inner soul, and well, Don you have a good habit of rattling my mental cage. Thank god for spell check and sorry for length. BECAUSE I LOVE THIS LAND! For the love of God people vote President Trump back in he's the only person who's voluntarily defending us and our nation and at great personal costs to him and his family.

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well said.......ditto

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He weakens us across the world and he weakens us here. We’re now everybody's punch and everybody’s punchline. We have who knows how many foreign armies and terror cells here disguised as refugees/immigrants living off our tax dollars just waiting for the signal from their governments or sponsors to harm us and the agencies designed to stop/negate/cancel and eliminate them are AT WAR WITH US and actively work to weaken our capacity to defend ourselves.

Even if T is elected (and there is a very reasonable chance he somehow or another wont be or will be incapacitated from performing his duty) how will we ever sort this shit pile out. For example, how long is it going to take him to clean out, and then re-focus the FBI, and thats just one of the agencies militarized against us. And do you think that, while he is going through the 3 letter agencies with a fine toothed comb, our enemies are just going to sit around waiting for him to gather his strength against them. Do you think Iran or Al Queda, or the Chinese or who-knows-who thinks the Marquis of Queensbury is where its at? How many agents is he going to have to hire to boot these immigrant parasites out once and for all, and how long will that take and how much damage are they going to do in the meantime.

We are in trouble folks and I don’t mean maybe. Get your supplies ready and ammo up. At the end of the day our last line of defence is going to be what in reality its always been…us the common citizen.

Its my guess that whatever is going to happen is going to come out of the Jack-in-the-Box long before Nov 2024!

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As a fellow conspiracy theorist, I agree with most everything you say. I can feel in my bones that China has a small army of terrorists already placed in our country and before they make a move these well-placed people will take down the grid thereby incapacitating us from much of a defensive response and it all collapses from there. They are here and the latch on that jack-in-the-box is sliding back to open the lid.

Find a bunker, supply it, and paint it blue.

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Paint it Blue…yeah!!!

While we’re on the conspiracy train here, am I the only person (who doesn’t believe in coincidences) who thinks the blue in Lahaina is a pretty good match to the blue on the UN helmets?

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DEWs are electromagnetic energies that can be fine-tuned to do their deeds. Murdering others for their land in a timeless tradition of man. Apparently, you don't sound like Oprah and Rock convinced you to contribute to their fund drive, which they probably collect their cut too. (LOL me either) Just too many coincidences to see here. How about the Maui Police Chief brough in from a yet nebulous investigation of the Las Vegas massacre? Also Oprah said the replies she got she didn't realize all the "haters". Hell Oprah, you people are so out of touch you're part of the problem

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As you say, there are no coincidences. . .

D.E.W. burned Lahaina.

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To think of the concerted efforts to carry out this massacre? I know I wasn't involved, and that's about it.

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Prove it!

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Anyone hear from the CIA lately? What are they doing? Who is giving them their marching orders? How are they connected to the FBI? Who is providing oversight over the CIA? If those questions don't trouble a person then a person needs to ask himself if he is part of the problem or not.

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Conspiracy theorists? BS We know that term has been used to (developed by CIA) to dispel anyone or anything that questions, challenges the status quo. You wear proudly that conspiracy theorist label, as I, and keep at em by any and all means.

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Agreed. It is no coincidence that a majority of the illegals are young unaccompanied men. Joe Biden and Obama did that.

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All I want for Christmas is that Biden's impeachment investigation spreads far enough to prove that Obama raked in the fortunes he invested in mansions. Let's kill two birds with one stone.

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Not sure we will get there publicly, but let's be honest, everyone paying attention today, red or blue, knows that Biden is a crook who along with his family sold out his country for money, and that Obama is driving all of senile Biden's policy decisions. Too many people will not admit it because it forces them to admit how toxic and corrupt the Dem party has become. We on the right have our own problems with our do-nothing party but that is a separate issue. And the world continues to burn because too few want to fix it.

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oNE THING IS REMARKEABLY VERY DIFFERENT than in 2015, is the fact that DJT knows the game and very importantly. he's assembled a team, a highly talented team, of individuals' who have also been put through hell. You can't buy allegiance, you earn it. TRUMP 2024

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From your mouth to Gods ear Will

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Clarity Chuck please

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If Mr. Trump had been sworn in again as the 45th president as he should have been, I'd be hard pressed to see what you would be writing about, Mr. Surber. By the way, what ever happened to Maxine Waters--you know, the one Sam Bankman-fried gave 10 million to ??

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Pundits used to say something similar to Rush. That is, they would say he only had things to discuss on his wildly popular show when democrats were in office. Rush used to laugh at that because the absurdity of politics never changes regardless of who is in power. Don Surber will do the same - and every bit as well as Rush.

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Define Democrat as it relates to Republican actions. Very little difference. Dem's have forsaken the Constitution while the GOP uses it to fund-raise.

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Don't forget my gal Shelia. Both are poster children for Dimocratic values.

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"These mistakes are deliberate."

How can they NOT be?

"The world tires of dealing with a bipolar America that one year is the leader of the free world and the next year a doddering old fool."

I hate to say it but can anyone blame the rest of the world? Under the "leadership" of the first sodomite president, the US became an unreliable "ally." Trump's presidency threatened to derail the plan to completely emasculate the US, but with Wilhelm's installation, it resumed.

"Republicans all know this. Expect them to do nothing."

This is why, as evil as are the Democrats, the Republicans are worse. The Democrats' destructive efforts are expected, but because congressional Republicans COULD fight back and choose NOT to, they are even more so - and every single one that has "served" more than one term needs to be arrested, charged, incarcerated, tried en masse in a military tribunal, and then publicly hanged or executed by firing squad. Then we can move on to the Democrats.

"Republicans go along with this treason for money."

Well, that money does them no good if they're dead. See my comment immediately preceding.

As for the poll, an "All of the above" option would be welcome, but it's too easy an out. Hence, since Mr. Green T-shirt is the first recipient of our tax dollars, he benefits the most.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

—John Stuart Mill

"Silence in the face of evil is itself, evil: God will not hold us guiltless.

Not to speak is to speak.

Not to act is to act."

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Not to decide is to decide."

—Harvey Cox

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Well, NotFromTexas, can you tell us how you really feel? Agree 100% my friend. Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke out for the Jews when all around him were being good complicit Nazi's. What it get him? Imprisonment at first and then execution when they realized he might be freed by occupation forces and finally the love, respect and admiration of those who recognized his bravery. he possessed in the face of total tyranny.

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I do believe the USA became an unrealisable alliy of the west when FDR sided with Joe Stalin at the Yalta conference in Feb 1945 in the carve up of East Germany, against the wishes of Churchill, Gen Patton & Curtis LeMay.

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Obama committed treason. He arranged a deal between an Iraqi involved in Saddam Hussein's nuclear program (Dr. Jafar) and a Russian, Sergei Primakov, who established the KGB's Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS) to obtain a cargo port INSIDE THE WIRE at Port Canaveral. The purpose of the cargo port was to house the Russian Club K Missile System. This missile system can convey any kind of warhead including biological, chemical, or nuclear. Thus we can be attacked from inside the United States. This was Project Pelican. https://theamericanreport.org/category/home/gulftainer/

The deal was struck during Obama's presidency. It was struck without the required national security assessment and clearance.

James Clapper was a Communist, and Obama was mentored by Communists and was involved with many Soviet spies in Chicago, including members of the Silvermaster Spy Ring.

Department of InJustice: It was the great financial crisis of 2008, which was caused by mortgage fraud at the largest Wall Street Banks. Whom did Obama appoint to lead the DOJ? The number 1 person was Eric Holder, and the number 2 person was Lanny Breuer. Both of these men were lawyers with the law firm of Covington and Burling. Their clients were all of the Wall Street Banks.

Not one of the Wall Street Banks which caused the worldwide economic meltdown were ever prosecuted.

A great (and very funny) video on this subject was made by Ned Titus who analyzed the roles of Holder and Breuer, as well as the lies Obama told on TV about it. Ned Titus said that what happened in the DOJ was not merely an issue of corruption, it was really an issue of sovereignty. He showed how the Bank of Int'l Settlements told Holder not to prosecute any of the big banks. The US lost our sovereignty at that time.

I believe that a major reason they are trying to prevent Trump from becoming President is that Trump can reveal the treason of Obama, Clinton, Clapper, and their friends.

Obama turned the surveillance state which resulted from the Patriot Act against Obama's political rivals such as Trump. He did this because he knew he had committed treason and he fully intended to destroy the US as the world's superpower. He knew the one person who could prevent his dream from becoming true was Trump.

So they stole the 2020 election through massive fraud.

We know now that the voting at every precinct in America is connected electronically with the government and can be monitored and changed from within the federal government.


The only person who can potentially save the United States would be Trump. That is why they will stop at nothing to prevent him.

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And, Eve, I want to know more about that Silvermaster Spy Ring. I do remember in the fall of Obama's first year as President, that on a particular weekend the FBI gathered up about 10 or 12 (or was it 20) leading Russian spies whose purpose had been to influence / control American leaders. By Sunday morning, Obama had traded all of the Russian spies back to Russia "in exchange for" two very elderly American spies that Russia held. That act was ULTRA FISHY, and obviously seemed directed to not let those Russian spies be interrogated and reveal which specific American leaders they had 'turned'. This whole episode was completely buried by the media, but I have always sensed something really important happened that weekend.

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Excellent comment, Eve. You must have a finance background. I never heard of Ned Titus or Lanny Breuer, or the action of the Bank of Int'l. Settlements.

You are right-- genuine pure treason has been committed by many on the Left, and that is why they literally must stop Trump, and are DESPERATE to censor and suppress everything outside of their "narrative".

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And how much did Obama profit from his actions? When will we follow the money that built all of Obama mansions?

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Tucker was in Argentina last night doing a show on inflation killing a nation basically.Must watch him exchange one $100.00 bill for pesos.

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I wonder if the Left are furious with The Crackhead and The Big Guy. Sure, those two have been willing stooges, but they have also been very reckless and have brought unnecessary scrutiny upon the Left's big plans. Obama must be clenching his jaw and thinking 'We were so close...'

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I continue to believe they only have one job. That job is to constantly distract us so we can hold our daily blathering about how corrupt they are. It consumes a lot of time, energy, and attention while they pull the strings elsewhere. The Bidens - and his worthless cabinet - are all playing their roles perfectly.

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Food for thought? Agree.

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Don't think that dynamic duo had a clue of what was going on. Biden has long been compromised and everyone knows it. Can you imagine Biden's proclivity for young girls (PEDOPHILE) AND the CCP knows that. Biden is a CCP asset, a Manchurian candidate if you will. I bet every visit to China and Ukraine, by Biden and his entourage, has produced endless hours of Biden "being fed young girls and boys too, that were captured on video . BIDEN IS TOTALLY COMPROMISED AND A TRAITOR.

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Everyone on the left is on the take, right along with Joe and Junior the Crackhead...so they really don't care if all the attention is on Joe: it keeps them in the dark. And besides, they know Ol' Joe isn't long for this world. I think even Jill wishes he'd hurry up and take the last crap in his diaper! They're Democrats; they eat their own - it's every perv for him/her/itself.

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That last sentence seems to apply to a growing portion of the GOP as well.

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Maybe - but I don't think so.

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Don, Mr Biden each day makes Sgt Schultz seem like a Nobel Laureate. He’s a puppet on a feathered string about to be cut loose. He will be replaced soon.

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How very cruel and very appropriate. LOL

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Thanks to Xiden, his handlers, Soetoro, the democrats and the RINOs, the BRICs coalition poses a real economic threat to the U.S.

Kim knows who the real dotard is.

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I have to disagree, sir. obama/sotero has the intelligence of a frog and is incapable of any free or inspiring thought.

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Tony, I respect your intelligence and writing/grammar skills but to consider Obama stupid and of low IQ is a fatal error. As an example, which President since FDR has had 3 terms in office!

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Well, given the fact that the DNC has been a fully functional crime syndicate for sometime now, Barry Soetoro's prominence, success and charisma has all been generated by the DNC, it is they who produced and marketed this idiot. Doesn't take much brains to be a hustler, hell look at Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Yes Chuck, BARRY IS AN EFFING IDIOT!

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Agree, Chuck-takes a lot of skill to fake it for so long.

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Sep 14, 2023Edited
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Language, please!

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You gotta thank the idiot, imposter, liar, etc.. for the real damage he's done. Only fair. LOL

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You vastly under estimate Mr. Obama because Obama was never the force, the people behind him were. He was just the smooth talking vessel to enact their wishes. Mr. Obama was a bright guy but lazy and lacking an moral or ethical base.

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You bet he was a smooth talker. After all, it was this Gypsy sotero who took Oprah Winfrey for 30 million.

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Oprah is the wealthiest racist in America, bar none.

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Geees! We have so many to thank for our possible impending doom, don't we?

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Fortunately we also have a multitude of lamp posts, lots of rope and for the less squeamish, lead to thank them with!

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Don, you said it best earlier this week, “In real life, the evil in Washington never quits. If it did, no one would serve in Washington because there would be no money in it.” Hope you don’t mind if I use it often always acknowledging you.

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Hi TeaPartyGal,

I don't have a finance background. Actually I wrote the name of the video's author, a brilliant economist's first name incorrectly. John Titus is the man whose videos are incredibly accurate, incisive, and funny about how the Obama Justice Department committed a coup d'etat:


Actually I'm a retired psychiatrist, but during my retirement I had questions I wanted to answer: What are the factors that lead to a robust economy? What policies lead to a stagnant economy? What is the history of the US relationship with Israel (I had visited Israel in 2006)? I started trying to find answers to my questions. The answers I found led me to shift my political views from left to right. At first I was largely a fiscal conservative. But I gradually became a social conservative when I began to think through the abortion issues and realized that the women's movement used language like "fetus" instead of "unborn baby" to make it seem like the baby was an inanimate object that didn't count, compared with the needs of the mother.

My political views are completely different from those of my family of birth, my siblings, my daughter and her husband, and my friends. That didn't/doesn't dissuade me, it just makes me want to understand more about the world. My family still loves me but we never discuss politics! Love is more important. But it helps to have places like Don Surber's substack and people like you with whom to share political thoughts.

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Hi Eve,

I followed the same trajectory as you from left to right, and also am in the situation of being the only one in my family who is now a “conservative”— tho the term “conservative” has never quite sat right with me— it somehow conjures up a picture of someone stodgy, dour, old, and knee-jerk negative. (That’s probably a result of the Left’s longtime smear effort.). I prefer to think of myself as a normal, common sense patriotic American, and I also like the Tea Party moniker, whose 3 principles were a constitutionally limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility.

I agree with you— I truly value the community that has grown up around Don Surber’s old blog on Google and now his Substack. I think Don Surber is the best political writer in America today, and I don’t say that lightly. I have followed politics closely for decades, and Surber consistently “nails it” like no one else. And with a sense of humor that is so very welcome.

And the Comments section is wonderful, with so many freedom-loving, wisely thoughtful, very well-informed and deeply concerned people from so many different backgrounds from all over the country (and Canada! and Australia).

Thanks, Eve, for being a part of it.

And I am still curious about that Silvermaster spy ring you mentioned, if you have any other info on it. I’m from Chicago, but had never heard of it.

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I believe Trump to be a "more honest" man, yes. I'm not a fanboy of Bill Maher but whenever it was that he said "we're not a serious country" jeezo he was correct.......

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If you sprayed Luminol over the entire DC city every square inch would glow like the noonday sun for all the blood on the hands of our so-called government officials present there.

When Trump won in 2016 it must’ve been an absolute earthquake to them, an outsider now entering their house of ill-repute with plans to clean it all out.

It was then that Every wheel in Washington was repurposed to accomplish only one thing: get him out.

Their “steal” seemed to do the trick, but he wouldn’t shut up. He must be silenced forever, one way or the other. They are on a mission.

At the same time, In just 3 short years, they’ve managed to bring this country to very edge of destruction, and all it will take is the tiniest nudge to send it tumbling over the cliff. Where that nudge will come from is what we are all feeling now, waiting for that last shoe to drop, and finish us off forever.

How this ship can ever be righted is almost inconceivable to imagine, so, so much is corrupted to its core, and its tentacles are so vast, spreading well beyond these shores.

Something(s) very bad are on the horizon for us and this country.

I think the truth is it will only be able to be restored through its own ashes once the destruction has been complete.

It’s a bleak vision. I pray I am wrong.

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I had an interesting get together with a bunch of my friends a while back. Most of these friends are prior service Army, pretty conservative, but a couple are infected with the "I'm a conservative about national security issues but open minded on social issues" virus. They're closet liberals who haven't fully transitioned yet from sanity to insanity. But one of the issues we discussed seemed to point to a very uncomfortable reality. That is, there is no denying that the deep state or whatever you want to call it exists. It's clearly operating and a huge problem for us. But our conversation seemed to ask something else, and we couldn't agree on one answer. The question; "Is our congress still in charge of our nations laws and purse, or have they been rendered so ineffective and reluctant that they are essentially subservient to the direction and choices of the deep state"? For my part, I believe that our congress has been so ineffective and paralyzed by hyper partisanship for so long they have essentially abdicated their role to the unelected bureaucrats today. When congress does act, so often it seems to be driven by political objectives and not public need. Today, who is being tasked with being the "authority" on all issues? The SCOTUS, not the president or congress. So ask yourself first, who is running this country, and then second, why? Do we still have a realistic hope of restoring our nations government to be representative of the desires of the people it purportedly represents? I would just say this; if we don't make our national debt a top priority very soon, then no one will be able to control what happens afterward. It's time to stop talking and act.

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The question; "Is our congress still in charge of our nations laws and purse, or have they been rendered so ineffective and reluctant that they are essentially subservient to the direction and choices of the deep state"?

IMO: Not really. Congress will tend to the small nonessential laws but they have clearly demonstrated they will not get in the way of some higher authority who has shredded our Constitution. They are doing it EVERYDAY in front of our eyes and they have no reason to stop doing it. Politicians take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, yet they look the other way every time it is hammered and smashed and ignored. One doesn't need to look further than the three years of COVID to see how easily they walk all over our rights - and few with the power to uphold their oath do anything in response.

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Do not disagree with you. I don't know what the real answer is but your version is as good as mine until we know for sure. I think sometimes we are so focused on the media minutia that we can't focus on the macro big picture. One thing I know for sure, WE are not the problem, congress is, and our biggest challenge is getting those people recalibrated to understand they are the one's who must make the tough choices to fix this mess.

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