
"The war is a collection of idiocies by NATO leaders. The most idiotic of these idiocies is Biden’s economic sanctions on Russia."

Fabulously stated.

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The entire war is a debacle except for the corrupt leaders.

The key takeaway- Xiden’s comment “we stand up to freedom”. He accidentally told the truth. The Department of Justice proves it an every day.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, it's not you. It's me. Your article exhausted me. Not because it was bad. It took a very good indepth look at the war and this article badly needed to be written. I thank you for it. It exhausted me because this war badly needs to end. It must be exhausting for both sides, too, who can't or won't end it. (Again, sorry for the harms and devastation to ordinary people who didn't ask for this war.) It is exhausting to see that grifter Zelensky and his wife prance around the globe in their war as celebrities. What war has ever had celebrities? This exhausts me, too. When will it end? I think I am actually rooting for Team Putin. He doesn't exhaust me as much.

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I AM rooting for Putin.

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Me too

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And now to make me even more exhausted, Zelensky is asking the IOC not to allow Russian athletes to compete in the Olympics. Could he just focus on getting this war over? How about getting to the negotiating table? If I get rested up, I will help him bring about peave but it seems unlikely.

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But why would he want the war over? He and his wife are living the good life, and have become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Do they know" might not be the right question. Our sanctions on Cuba have been backfiring for 60 years. Our sanctions on Persia have been backfiring for 40 years.

Blockades always hurt the aggressor more than the victim. It's not a mystery.

They do know. The only conclusion is that Western governments ENJOY hurting their own people. There's plenty of other evidence for that enjoyment, and not much counterevidence.

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In the old days cities built defensive walks around themselves. Attackers would sometimes spend years trying to breach the walls and starve the population. That is, apply sanctions. It often did not work and they ended up either leaving or suing for peace. Same thing, different times. There is nothing new under the Sun

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

1. No Media/Internet stories on Seymour Hersh's story on the U.S. being the culprit in blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline.

2. No discussion on the U.S./Europe/Ukraine tearing up the Minsk Peace agreement.

3. No concern for the People of Europe and the U.S. but Big Concern for war Profiteering.

I deal more than adequately with plenty of people for whom I have little affection, but those dealings provide mutual benefit. The American Colonies in Europe need Russia far, far more than they need counterfeit U.S. dollars. Rome took a few centuries to slowly strangle their own Empire. But the Squeaky Cretins pulling the levers in DC, against the interests of the American Nation, are bound and determined to disembowel the USA, for a few pieces of silver, and the warm comfort of their own Press Clippings.

Does the USA need the Dark Creeps in Washington, or do they need to be removed?

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I have to say that I am really surprised that the MSM is ignoring Hersh's story. I thought he was on their team. I guess he stepped outside the lines.

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Outstanding article by the great Don Surber. The US is financing and supplying this tragedy. For what purpose? What is the US interest in Ukraine that justifies financing this carnage? "Making the World Safe for Democracy '' as Woodrow Wilson sold US entry into the Great War more than a century ago? Or, is it the decision of a few in the Administrative State with extraordinary and stunning influence that perpetuates the death and destruction? They are known as NeoCons and it is stunning their power.

Walt wrote, “Since Russia invaded on February 24, 2022, the two combatants have each suffered more than 100,000 casualties, along with thousands of tanks and other armored vehicles lost.

“Ukraine’s economy has shrunk by roughly 30%, and more than 30% of its population has been displaced. [ about 14,000,000 people mostly women and children]

Its infrastructure is being wrecked, and some 40% of its electricity-generating capacity has been damaged.

“Neither side seems willing to compromise or even consider a cease-fire; if anything, Moscow, Kyiv, and Ukraine’s Western supporters are doubling down.”

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I am flattered that Don Surber, himself, liked my comment. I subscribe to his Substack page for articles like this.

In my view, only the re-election of Pres. Trump in 2024 will bring an end to this disgraceful and destructive US policy. $100 Billion is enough.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Exactly, Robert. Which is why the GOPe is all-in on preventing PDJT's re-election. And GOPe supporting DeSantis causes me concern.

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"I subscribe to his Substack page for articles like this."

Same...Substack is going to bankrupt me...so many good writers...

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I believe everything Biden does is aligned with a Marxist takeover of America and the WEF agenda. It doesn’t matter if he is demented, amoral, evil and perhaps incapable of sound reasoning. The two agendas are the goal of his masters and he eagerly complies.

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Rob, I agree 100%. That agenda you speak of needed a puppet, and certainly knew how to pick one.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

You never fail to enlighten & entertain, Don. Thanks. At first I thought the long essay format was less successful than the news-of-the-day column, but I have become just as addicted to this as I was before, though I still miss your daily news snippets.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sanctions like all other edicts that come from Washington DC only benefit some specific donors or class of people. With the sanctions against Russia, all you have to do is look at who benefits from this ultimately it is Mr. Biden, and his friends.

Russia is doing well because they tied their Ruble to gold, and it has some level of value. Our currency has zero value, and that is evidenced by runaway inflation, which will certainly turn into hyper inflation if the BRICS collision can get their monetary system together. By blowing up the Northstream pipeline, we sacrificed our friends in Europe for our benefit pushing them over the cliff before we go over it.

Thank you for another great article Don.

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Among activists in the Palm Beach Republican Party, and leadership, and donors, and Republican voters support for Trump 2024 is 100%

No Republican can win the Primary without without Florida and no Republican can win Florida without Palm Beach County..

I think it highly unlikely DeSantis will challenge Trump.

I am a member of the Palm Beach County Republican party as a rank and file member of the Republican Executive Committee and a Regional Director District 7 and 2.

Gov. DeSantis cannot defeat Pres. Trump in a primary without Palm Beach County Republican Votes and there is little, if any, support for such a divisive primary which would not only damage Gov. DeSantis but also divide and destroy Republican Party cohesion.

Ron DeSantis is Governor 2018 because of Trump 2016. No Trump; No DeSantis and everyone in the Palm Beach County Republican Party knows that.

I am a member of the REC, the Republican Executive Committee, and a Regional Director of two regions. I was at a major meeting several nights ago

NO talk of a DeSantis challenge. Everyone is on board with Trump 2024. If activists won't support a DeSantis challenge, how can he defeat Trump? I could be wrong but I am telling you what I know.

How do any of those challenging Pres. Trump get past Palm Beach County Republican Party? Palm Beach Party Republican Party is having its annual fundraising Lincoln Day dinner at Mar-a-Lago with record fundraising.

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Hope you are right. But then even if Trump is the nominee, what about the Deep State and the cheating. I wish I could say I were confident that he could beat that combo.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The only reason I think Trump has a ghost of a chance to win the presidency again is he now knows what he is truly up against. The man is not stupid by any means. I can only believe he has a plan that will defeat the deep state. If/when he is reelected he then has a plan to put his people in charge. He'll need the senate to approve his choices so I believe he has people working on that as well. I believe our Florida friend is correct in his assessment of DeSantis. If DeSantis runs and loses he goes from hero to zero in 60 seconds. Let Ron finish his Governorship. Then make him Secretary of state so he gets around and meets the world leaders that way when he runs in '28 he has his finger on the pulse. Meanwhile Trump eradicates the swamp dwellers. In my perfect world that's how it goes down.

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Only problem politically with that plan of DeSantis in 28, is whomever Trump chooses as VP immediately catapults over R.D. into the lead for 2028. Can R.D. allow that?

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In my humble opinion Secretary of State is a far more prominent position that V.P. Let's say R.D. does acquiesce to Trump, finishes his term as Governor, then become Secretary of State he has maintained his popularity and prominence thus giving him an excellent launch pad to the Presidency. He would also have the backing of PDJT. Honestly, I do not think DeSantis can defeat Trump straight up. There would have to be some shenanigans in play which of course the rhinos, deep State, and Democrats are certainly capable of doing.

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perhaps... but in somewhat recent history, a lot more VP's have elevated to President than SOS have. Recent exception is Hillary who would be president had Trump not stolen that election! (hahaha...that was SARCASM!)

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No argument there, historically correct. As I stated originally that would be my perfect world. However also in my perfect world FJB would be with Hillary in the dust bin of history.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

King Charles III ain't his mama. What a disgrace.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

No he is not and his Mama knew it. that's why she hung in there until the end. She was trying to outlast the idiot.

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Indeed she was.

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100% true. What a twat.

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I am not a monarchist, but I am Canadian. I had deep and abiding faith and respect for the Queen, his mother. There won't be another like her.

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I spent many hours watching the people honor her as they walked by her coffin.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Just got home from the grocery store. Wife complained about cost of food. I said it's part of the plan. She yelled at me and said I was being negative.

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Don, two comments: 1) There is no need to defame rocks in your poll. 2) The only “winners” of this war will be the MIC.

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I did not say all rocks are retarded, but a few are. Extrusive igneous rocks are not known as Einsteins

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I stand corrected. LOL

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Embrace the power of both. Grandpa Dementia has no idea what's going on but his administration is for sale to the highest bidder. Ukraine out bid the Biden Bunch.

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I hate war. I cannot avoid reading bits about it, but it breaks my heart when so many tens of thousands of the best young men of both sides are broken and destroyed.

The Art of War says it best when it advises that the best wars are won by not fighting.

For me the takeaway from your timely article is that the threat of nuclear war although always in the background has receded. Nuclear war is unpredictable in many ways except one: there will be no winners.

The elite on both sides don’t want power over glowing ashes.

If the threat to Russia was existential then the immediate danger of a nuclear exchange would be high.

With Russia stabilising economically, and with the support of the BRICS that threat has retreated.

This war has some time to run.

It will end eventually with a negotiated peace because it cannot be won by either side.

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Maybe in spite of their uncontrolled hubris they also understand that there is a good chance that they too will be immolated in any nuclear exchange.

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Agree. It bothers me immensely that my son is of the age where if he were Russian or Ukrainian, he could be conscripted into this carnage.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, you can get Walmart’s waffle fries in the frozen foods section. Fry them up in peanut oil, salt and they are better than that crappy chicken place.

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