"George Soros may be evil, but he is not stupid. Biden is both."

Truer words were never spoken

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The incident on J6 was scripted as two states were about to reject their electoral certification. The incident was used to close congress and its rules to allow the motions to decertify and reopen under different rules disallowing motions. The backup plan if People didn't participate was the (non)pipe-bombs at the RNC and DNC.

Pelosi's daughter was there to film; she hates America, why would she be there to film?

Funny how the 10s of thousands of hours of Capitol film aren't actually being released...

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

A woman who lived through the Holocaust in Nazi Germany said of her experience, "You know you're in trouble when your government is a criminal cartel."

We are not in Nazi Germany and this is not the Holocaust, but we are experiencing something that is in some ways worse: genocide by experimental gene therapy whose batches were also laced with Simian Virus 40 (implicated in causing cancers) and E. coli bacteria (gut bacteria) which were used to produce the mRNA in large quantities. More people have had severe adverse reactions to this injection than from all previous vaccines combined. The Swine Flu vaccine was stopped after 12 deaths. In the US from the COVID bioweapon, we are over 13,000 deaths and that's a low estimate.

While not in Nazi Germany, we are not in the America in which I grew up. We have witnessed an election characterized by massive ballot fraud which Joe Biden actually admitted to proudly, on camera. (see his YouTube video on this).

We have a government that is currently studying new ways to track and find those who disagree with them by scraping the internet and social media using Ai.

The Biden junta has provoked a war with Russia that the US cannot win, and spends billions of dollars on it to kill people. This is not a war we need to fight for national security reasons, it is simply a war to kill people for the purpose of making money. This is similar to giving people a known poison and calling it a vaccine in order to kill and maim as many people around the world as possible in order to make money.

On Day 1 of being in office, Biden destroyed 70,000 good jobs by killing the Keystone Pipeline. He caused inflation in the US because when you stop petroleum production and have to import it, you increase the price of EVERYTHING. That made Russia rich, and able to fight the war in Ukraine.

When Trump was president, oil was $40/barrel. Putin could not have fought a war then, but Biden made Russia Great Again.

Joe has done such a great job at destroying everything he touches that he has turned to attempting to lock Donald Trump up and throw away the key.

But every time he indicts Donald Trump, Trump wins more support. Biden is trying hard to be a dictator, but he is making Trump more popular and a sympathetic figure around the world. Even democrats realize Joe is having difficulties. They are not sure what to do about it, but their answer to most problems is to blame Donald Trump, Israel, global warming, or UFOs.

Meanwhile Putin's popularity is at an all time high while Joe's is at an all time low.

What will Biden do to win the election for the democrats? Provoke Russia into nuclear war? Go to war with China? Begin locking up every person who voted for Trump in the last election? Assassinate Donald Trump? Declare martial law and take away the peoples' guns? Create a false flag attack on US naval installations in the Black Sea? Crash the economy and bring about hyperinflation? (Oh I forgot, he's already working on that). What do you think he'll do?

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This is an official Fan Mail. Thank you for one of the brightest stars in the blogosphere, today's article. It was like a double chocolate chunk ice cream sundae and a cherry on top (calorie and gluten free). Since I never delete my cache, I know it will be right here on my HD. I had forgotten all about Blagojevich. I would love to forget all about Hitlery's e-mails. There's a tragic-comic tale about my late husband's final vote in 2016. I'll share it, if it ever gets funny enough.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If you think we are going back to the way America was, you’re wrong. It hasn’t been that way for a longer time than we realize and was probably never that way under the surface. We were duped by the media for the last several decades. Trump woke us up. And we can fight these garbage bags running the country.

We are in an unstable situation: politically, socially, financially, militarily. The Democrats can’t run the country, except into the ground. The Republicans refuse to run the country if it means upsetting Democrats. Evil and cowardice is not a recipe for success.

Surber is correct. The Dems overdid it. They always do on every front. They are terrified of Trump. They are terrified of the American people. Nobody with an IQ over room temperature believes their constant lying any more. Any adult who buys this Commie crap at this point is too dumb to save. It’s more important than ever to stand up against the Commies and for Trump. He’s not perfect, but he’s the best hope for the nation. We have a lot of work to do.

Trump 2024.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"An acquittal clears Trump. A conviction makes him a martyr."

Never count on a politician of any stripe to give the slightest consideration to the law of unintended consequences. It's not so much that The Donald plays 3-D chess, or even that he plays chess while his opponents play checkers (as per a famous political cartoon of the '80s showing George Schultz and Eduard Shevardnadze sitting across from each other at a checkerboard. Shevardnadze has chess pieces while Schultz had checkers). Trump plays chess while his opponents play jacks.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"He hired Kamala because she is the only speaker in DC who sounds worse than he does."

He picked Harris for exactly the same reasons that Obama picked him. First, assassination insurance. No one, even Democrats, wanted Biden in the White House back then (nor do they now, but what choice do they have?). Second, there was not the slightest chance that Biden would ever up-stage Obama. He was a gaff machine even when he was semi-lucid.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sorry Don, but Biden ain’t no genius. He is the Wil E Coyote of Presidents. Trump is the ACME box. Boom!

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John Fetterman makes Xiden (when he’s jacked up on drugs) and the Ho VP (sometimes, cackle, cackle) the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don’s right. Biden is no puppet when it comes to driving the persecution of a political opponent or any opponent of the Biden crime family. He’s been a nasty, vindictive piece of work throughout his entire career. Biden sets the culture and the tone of his administration. The fish rots from the head down.

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Nice spread on the early poll results.

I would note that in the end, the dems are prepared to either create dem votes or reduce GOP opportunities to vote in quantities enough to blunt any emerging awareness of US voters to Biden's criminal doings.

Oh, and Trump managed to once again step on himself regarding abortion. Now he wants a federally codified federal law - right after the SCOTUS said the feds have no business in it at all, and are prepared to start dismantling a great deal of US Federal social policy? After the abortion impact of 2022? And after the number of abortions was substantially reduced? You did the work - you took the hit - its over. Way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Trump is playing chess while Team Xiden et al are chasing a non existent ball.

On to the observational thoughts of other in Europe about our dear Slo Joe. Trump won five more rounds today as I spoke with an Aruban, two Canadians and two Aussies. None of them thought anything good about Slo Joe, rhe Canadians compared him to Black face Justin in Canada. The Aussies did think Trump tweeted too much but laughed when I asked about our dear leader.

Next stop Nafplion and more informal asks if “what do you think of Slo Joe.

For a moment last night at dinner I thought Slo was on board but it was just a fellow passenger collapsing at dinner…. face plant on the steak he ordered. The medical team showed, inserted an in and he was on his way to the infirmary for a more extensive evaluation.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Joe Biden was a stupid liar on his best day ever. That day was long ago, and now he’s cognitively impaired. While his political instincts were obviously strong, he’s so far past his “use by” date even his supposed Dem “allies” are trying to figure out how to sideline him.

The prosecutions will continue until the end. PDJT will be convicted in NY, GA and DC due to the startlingly TDS suffering partisan jury pools until/unless somehow The Supremes get involved, or PDJT wins re-election (not holding my breath, see 2020 and 2022 election shenanigans) and pardons himself. No matter what happens, I sense that even normies are slowly realizing how broken our system is. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a 2024 election for President (COL (Ret) Douglas MacGregor was the first non-lunatic I heard proposing that scenario) given how even the slow kids are beginning to understand at some level that yes, the 2020 election was stolen from PDJT. If the color revolution ends up not sticking we might face the possibility of a more energetic one in the not-too-distant future.

Oh, almost forgot - Fuck Joe Biden!

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sure he does and the CIA needs to admit that they assassinated JFK. And Lauren Boebart needs to admit that she put that dress on for a reason. Not holding my breath.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

So much has been written by both sides about this series of cases. Every time a new case drops I feel the Constitution and Bill of Rights fading from our view. After reading the charges of each case and listening to experts explain their significance, it seems likely that the intent of each was not necessarily to win but simply to hurt DJT so badly in the eyes of the undecided and independent voters that they would vote Biden because “where there is smoke there must be some fire”. Remember, there are still a lot of people in this country who simply believe our government could never be as corrupt as most conservatives believe it is. It is unfathomable to them. One thing is certain though, by the time election 2024 is finished, most of those people are going to be badly shaken. Don, it would be great if Biden dropped all federal charges but it wont happen. He’s too stupid and arrogant to do it. I see this as a great “life learning moment” that is about to unfold in front of the entire world. It will be written about for decades to come.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Don Surber

President Trump will be convicted in all the current prosecutions, plus any more that the Uniparty assemble. As will all his associates, all the J6 political prisoners, and anyone else who oppose the Dems and RINOs. Every judge in the country, federal, state, and local, with a "D" by their name, is a political partisan and no one who opposes the Dems and their RINO allies will receive a fair trial. These are all socialist show trials, just like the ones the national socialists and communists have used for over 100 years. The trials are just theatrical Kabuki performances for the Uniparty members and the low information voters. The only hope is that all convictions will be reversed on appeal, but given that many of the judges at that level are D's or RINO R's, I'm not confident that justice will be served. I would be more sanguine about the prospects but mass psychosis has deeply rooted itself in all of our institutions and none of the people who run all of our legal, business, academic, and political bodies are capable of recognizing their own mistakes and wrong doing, so they'll just proceed on their present course, no matter what.

Danny Huckabee

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