I gave up trying to spell Tchaikovsky correctly

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I'll tell Beethoven the news

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Gotta be old to get that.

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Ba dump bump.

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Chai Cow Ski - think Tea, Milk, and downhill!

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I will never believe Xiden. I will also never believe economic statistics from China and Russia.

I do believe the entire situation is a disaster.

Ukraine and China are the two biggest bribers to the Xiden crime family and the leaders of both countries are making out like bandits.

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The article said:

Newsweek asked earlier this week, “As Xi Summits With Putin, Is Biden Losing Ground to China?”

I say;

Biden has lost ground in every single thing he has attempted to do except that the bribes that just keep coming not only to him, but to the "Smartest man he knows" his drug addicted son, Hunter. When will the FBI do their REAL jobs and put this whore before a firing squad for aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power (...or enemy) ??

As far as polls go, I gave up reading them after all the polls said Hilary would win with over 90% of the vote in 2016. Just remember that Hilary Clinton is the ONLY person to EVER be called "Too Dishonest" to work the Watergate Hearings in Washington DC. Now THAT is an accomplishment (of sorts).

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His old boss told us. Never underestimate Joe's ability to XXXX things up.

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Barack Hussein Obama was never and never will be the "boss" of anything. Dude is a sock puppet handled by the Chicago communist consortium headed by Bill Ayers, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and Valarie Jarrett. The century-old Chicago communist machine broke laws, stonewalled, bribed, and cheated Obama into office. All Obama had to do was dress nice, smile, smoke dope and make non-sequitur speeches on cue. Obama is an embarrassment and a criminal scar on the U.S. political system. His installation in the Oval began the most dangerous time in the history of this republic since the Civil War ended. Here's hoping (and praying) We The People can muster the moral & spiritual moxie to straighten this mess out.

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Soetoro could only read a speech. Speaking without a teleprompter, he was a stammering fool, trying to remember what lies he last spewed.

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It is much easier to tell the truth because there is SO much less to remember. I thought for sure it would be Obama/Sotero who would destroy us, not a senile for sale whore like Biden.

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You are aware that two males in Ohio were found murdered as Obama was taking the lead over Ms. Hilary. Their crime? Both were homosexual drug dealers who claimed they had had sex with Obama on a regular basis and sold him coke as well. It made its way into the media briefly and the story was tossed aside for quite obvious reasons.

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Despite his ability to f$$k things up, he has never been defeated at the ballot box. That certainly says something.

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yep, the dead vote democrat and vote often..... what is entertaining is watching the blue states fight to keep from cleaning up their voting rolls. Which is mainly, yep, the dead.

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Try telling the whole story. No one ever ran against him in 46 years.

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The FBI ? They have to pay for TV shows to keep up their old image. The real FBI makes the Mob look like choir boys.

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Apparently they didn't like the competition from the Mob.

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Long before idjit Biden was placed in the President's chair, American Politicians on the payroll of Globalist American Corporations had finished the 30 year job of getting rid of America's core industries by sending and financing them to China and Mexico.

Today's China was created and financed by American capital and taxes. And at what cost? Destroyed American factories, jobs, value-added, tax-base, families and communities.

By the grubby-handed policy of DC war-mongers, it became inevitable that Russia would engage China as a partner. And do not think that Russia is some junior partner. That is just wishful thinking in DC where, once again, they have started a fire they cannot put out.

Sanctions? Russian Diesel fed the U.S. Northeast, now gone. Russia minerals are key parts in airplane engines, rockets, etc. So sanctions may not affect the USA too much but they are killing Europe.

Quite the threat to Russia ? Europe "Do what I say or I will keep punching myself in the face."

Europe is the fulcrum point, and Europe is starting into full blown social collapse. Maybe that is what Washington's goal was all along.

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As the world collapses, the WEF is trying to unleash its plan for the Great Reset.

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There are hints of it failing but yeah they are pushing the Great Reset. This climate stuff will be the death of many. While EU might have been ok this winter with belt tightening, what happens next when it is way too cold and there is no gas? Cold kills faster than heat ever will. There is not enough wood to burn. CO2 is not a poison, it is PLANT food. Plants make O2 which we need. Lord, I pray for common sense to return.

I am not sure with as much as the WEF is trying, that the Great Reset will take over. Too many people either freezing or starving will put the hurt on that. Farmers are rioting in EU and other places due to the impossible restraints due to 'climate'. Amazingly the stories are hard to find but its still going on.

Also for your amusement. I remember the 'mini ice age worry' with the blizzard of '78 and the ice storm of '79. There is one with closer to 100 failures but I couldnt find the link.


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As a kid born in the early 60s and who grew up in the 70s, I have been hearing climate doom my entire life. I remember the new Ice Age stories in the early 70s. All of this never bothered me. What bothered me the most growing up was the thought of hand-to-hand combat in a war, not nuclear war either. And you are right, cold kills more than heat. I know that first hand because I live in a cold climate and there have been plenty of people who have died in the cold over the years for various reasons. CO2 is not poison either. Life is carbon based. Where does this misinformed idea about getting rid of CO2 come from? I guess it comes from our wretched public education system. I was very heartened to see the Dutch farmers' party make electoral gains in the recent election there. Oh yeah, the elites and the WEF and Bill Gates are after our farms for sure.

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And I might add that not one of these dire predictions has come true. It's nothing but hysteria.

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From what I've been reading, Russia and China and their other partners (is that what BRICS is?) have based their economies on actual material stuff that modern humanity needs to survive. Things like rice, wheat, corn, soybeans, coal, gas, oil, gold, silver, copper, iron ore, etc.

Western culture and our American Way of Life have been hijacked by delusional idiots who think fiat paper or digital currency is money, produced from thin air, to buy a skimpy selection of products manufactured with energy from windmills and solar cells. Can you say, "Epic fail."? Evil idiots like Obama and Biden are charge: their minions have firearms and billions of high-caliber rounds. They hate us. They will not stop until they ARE stopped. Cold.

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It is little understood that today's U.S. dollar became mighty and universal on the Industrial Might that the USA once had. Little by little, then all at once, more nations refuse to get caught in the USD spider's web.

Of all the many monstrous Foreign Policy screw-ups by the grubby hands in DC, not working with Putin on a Ukraine solution, while starting a 2 front war with 2 mighty nations, will go down in History as the worst possible outcome.

Let us hope that the tiny brained DC chest thumpers don't start a Nuclear War from the egos that are inversely proportional to their brains.

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I have never understood the DC plan to outsource all our manufacturing ect which started in what the early 90s? yeah the prices are cheaper but we outsourced our industry to frenmies and enemies.. This includes steel, antibiotics and everything else. And Xiden admin is trying to keep the states from preventing China from buying our farmland.

I wouldnt even ....well I would but I would be more understanding... mind much if the hundreds of warehouses going up on prime farmland near me were attached to manufacturing plants. They are not. They are just warehouses, where one will be filled and the rest sit empty but its totally destroying our farms which are a limited resource. And the idiots dont care.

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China should be banned from buying farm land in Canada and the U.S. Add Bill Gates to the list, too.

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Indeed, Biden deserves credit for what he has done to America. With the sanctions against Russia, our dollar is worth less and the ruble has increased in value. Russia and China are now united and America is divided like it hasn't been since the Civil War. We can't give Biden all the credit for that division though. Obama put the dividing of America into overdrive. Trump slowed it down some but Biden revived it.

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It is well documented that the Biden family used your tax dollars to get paid by Xi.

Never forget that Trump unleashed American energy and very targeted tariff's to cripple China, Iran, and Russia. They are all now funding your politicians against you. Biden is on camera telling you that he blackmailed Ukraine to get prosecutor Victor Shokin to stop investigating Hunter.

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China played a masterful game against Trump. Buy politicians, buy media, tie him up in controversy then unleash Covid then install an anencephalic President. Trump had Xi by the balls and was crushing Chinas economy and Trump embarrassed XI.

Trump like the US lost. Yet, make no mistake, Russia and China won’t last long. It’s a marriage of convenience. By then though the world will be on fire.

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Russia and China have a lot of solid reasons to maintain a long term alliance. And the grubby hands pulling Biden's strings simply accelerated the inevitable.

But you are right about the Nuclear problem bring the party to an end.

Amazing how controlled U.S./Western Media/Internet are selling "survivable Nuclear War" as the same soap as the Covid Scam.

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I do not wish to be a citizen in a "survivable" nuclear war. What are these people smoking?

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Not sure 'they' realize that even a small nuclear war will do as much damage as a large volcano eruption. Nuclear winter is a real thing and lasts a hell of a lot longer. And like LuAnn, I dont want to be around for it.

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These people are virtually outlawing gas and oil - which are solely responsible for running literally everything - with NO alternative that could possibly in their wildest dreams replace it.

If that isn’t suicide I don’t know what is.

So for them to have fantasies about a “good” nuclear war seems to track with their particular mindset.

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I want to be a non-participant in that!

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Now what if. We have a volcanic eruption on top of that. I don't want to have to use my Neanderthal genetics for that.

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Oh yeah the U.S. is back and the adults are in charge, as we were told. I read Blinken's comments and I had to read them again. China and Russia together is a marriage of convenience? Yes, but the damage this couple will do before their divorce is enormous. I don't know whether what is happening to the U.S. is planned or diabolical genius, but it just beggars belief at this point.

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Both Trump and Musk have a chaotic, disruptive leadership style. They also have clarity on the stupidity of war.

The Unity Party has only stupidity. This is reassuring to many Americans.


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There's is so much conformity of opinion that disruptors are not appreciated and are basically despised.

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Like Theodore Roosevelt?

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We have to live in the world as it is, not as we want it to be.

Most regular, everyday, ground-level Americans know this. Only those who coincidentally think a mask keeps out a virus or you can physically change a man into a woman (rather than just cosmetically) think you can create reality by throwing a big enough fit and making grand declarations.

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It’s not just China and Russia who’ve bonded due to this Administration’s incomprehensibly feckless policies and behavior. It’s China-Russia-North Korea- Iran-Brazil-Argentina-Saudi Arabia, and a dozen or so lesser countries like Belarus and Syria. And that’s just as of today. Next it will add Canada and Mexico.

In just 2 1/2 years the entire world has realigned and we now are in a world of hurt, but we ain’t seen nothing yet.

With our false and failing fast economy, a depleted and demoralized military, energy reserves on fumes, and a collection of some of the most stupid, brainless and idiotic people at the helm for the next 1 1/2 years, we need to be praying for a miracle because that’s the ONLY thing that can save us from this “gathering storm”.

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I never thought I would see anything like this in my life time. It is beyond comprehension. Yes, we do need a miracle.

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Canada has already "bonded" with China. We now have allegations of Chinese interference in our 2019 federal election, which I believe.


The world is now truly a dangerous and crazy place.

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When the first sanctions were imposed and the US froze all of Russia's assets, it seemed obvious to me that they would start working on alternative ways to do business. And that other countries would see what happened and work out their own alternatives. That is what is happening. Alternative payment systems, alternatives to the dollar, ways around the existing system. What I haven't decided yet is whether that is a bad thing or a good thing.

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If you look at the direction the values of respective currencies are heading, that should give you an indication.

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A bad thing or a good thing? Very, very, very bad for our elites, middling bad for regular Americans in the short-term, but in the long-term, I have hope that without that a better balance of power in the world, maybe we'll have a chance to focus on our own problems (let me dream).

As for the world? I don't know that in a unipolar world China will be any less imperialistic than this country has been (meaning any less destructive), but if the West maintains enough power, maybe we can have greater balance, which is a good thing.

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Good thing to force U.S. Adventurism off the necks of the rest of the world and a good thing for the American people because it would force U.S. industry back home.

Bad thing for money printers, Government and the Financial skimmers and churners who have lived high on the hog from endless U.S. dollar creation.

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Give up Tchaikovsky? This poll is too easy today. I don't think Tchaikovsky has anything to do with this modern Russia or Stalinism.

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I gave him up. Easy. I never listened to him to begin with.

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Much better than anything modern, for sure.

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It was the most “Russian” thing in the house. I was going to give up all things Ukrainian too, in protest of the comedian, but I can’t live without perogies. I could switch to Alberta vodka.

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I've never tried Alberta vodka although I have tried the Quebec vodka, Kamouraska. I am not a vodka expert. By the time the ice gets in there and a twist of lime, I just drink it.

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I like bourbon but I’ll just stick to craft beer. This conversation is way less stressful than politics 😂.

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Yup. It's making me thirsty for some post-work drinks!

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And its no where near post work as yet....

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Yep, not near 5 p.m. yet.

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I abstained from voting this morning. I am continuing with both.

As long as there are enough ignorant people out there that believe the MSM and The View we're going to have Democrats. Here in North Georgia Trump flags still fly. Even with the stupid early voting there were lines both in 2020 and 2022. There was no doubt who people were voting for. Yet Trump "lost" and so did Hershel Walker. Gas prices came down a little bit because the dems figured out even the ignorant knew who was causing that. Diesel however is still very expensive thus high shipping costs. Trucks and trains use diesel. but the Walmart shoppers don't understand. They think its Trumps fault. Never overestimate the intelligence of the great unwashed.

That the Deep State got away with the "steal" is both distressing and frightening.

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Sadly, I think even if you do vote you're still going to be stuck with Democrats. It's rigged.

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Come on. The scientific poll needs your vote. It is not rigged. Dominion does not have any part in it and I don't accept mail-in votes

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Tchaikovsky's the 1812 overture and John Phillip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever are the 4th of July for me. The latter would play when Popeye was about to kick Bluto's ass. Interestingly Tchaikovsky hated the 1812. Said it was too loud.

I guess I could make thousand island dressing work.

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