Zhou Xiden is the most consistent politician in history. He is always wrong and always fucks things up.

The deep state picked the perfect man to be the face of our weakness/wokeness and try and finish off Soetoro’s transformation.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Rush Limbaugh declared "The United States of America is a true miracle." Its probably going to take another miracle to keep it.

The founders were God fearing men with morals and scruples. We're looking more like Sodom and Gomorrah these days. I'm supposed to be enjoying my "Golden Years" not worrying about the demise of our great nation.

Who are they going to steal from when we're all broke and can't pay taxes?

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Two things happened here: The first is time. Nations rise and fall. Of course, ours did it at warp speed. We're overachievers that way.

The second is that a democracy requires an involved, educated (in the purest, best sense of the word) public to survive. Our public is neither, and that is by design. That way, the elites can gut the country of its riches and resources and move on like the parasites that they are. But our public *chose* to be complacent. We didn't have to be that way.

Of course, the real tragedy is that if there was one system that could have kept leadership in check, it was ours. And our citizens just let it all slip through their fingers worrying about which side of the uniparty was the least bad rather than ridding themselves of the uniparty.

Yes, I'm having a bitter day.

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"If you want to know why Obama and Gates fear President Trump, it is the threat to BRICS he posed and still poses. The supporters of a weak America know is better to have an incompetent and a crook in charge. With Biden, they have both."

That is why the deep state will manufacture more bogus ballots than there are eligible voters to make sure Wilhelm's installation is not interrupted.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This is nothing more than the culmination of years of elite capture by Red China. As I ask myself why in the hell is there no difference between the DNC and RNC, is cause they've all been bought! We as a people are to blame, Einsteins definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence should be able to connect the dots, Bidens been lying for his entirety of his so called public service, paid millions of dollars, honestly the man cannot put one comprehensive sentence together to not only save his life, more importantly OURS. Sound as a pound, was Great Britains slogan when they were the worlds currency, now it's our turn. Yeah another gigantic shit sandwich, EVERYONE is gonna have to take a bite! If you look at the current state of affairs, trans crap, devaluation of the dollar, baskets and boxes full of documents he had NO right to have as a senator or a VP, His sons laptop, MSM and big tech carrying his water, inflation, illegal immigration, porous borders, inflation thats transitory?, third world shit such as putting your political opponent on trial. It's always pussy or money now both. Are you pissing down my back or is it raining? I've never seen so many do so few. Rome isn't burning, it's burnt, yes they shall rule over the ashes....Ammo up

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Maybe we could get Dylan Mulvaney to take charge of things. It has been so successful with Bud Light..

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

A meme I recently saw…

‘Planned Demolition made to look like iIncompetence’

Do we really think we’re going to be able to vote ourselves out of this?

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I will ask this question again: What does it take to put anyone associated with the Biden/Harris regime before a military tribunal and firing squad-for the good of the United States and the world..?

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The BRICS nations, or Global South, comprise nations which have strong extractive industries/ natural resources and manufacturing of real goods versus the financialized, manipulated service economies of the West. The decline and fall of the West has been the doing of corrupt insular elites who print money we don’t have to support luxurious social engineering programs that never work, while destroying real components of a functional economy, to the point that now we don’t make anything or extract as much as we could because it interferes with their unrealistic social ideas. It’s easier to make more money arbitraging labor costs than hiring Americans and making things here. So they ship jobs to China. Or they bring in illegals to do manual labor or give H1 visas to Indians to work in tech at a discount. And the closer an insider is to the money printing press

And politicians, the more they can skim. So they get rich off their bad ideas. So we have a trillion dollar defense budget, but a military that’s not equipped to win wars. We throw all kinds of money at poor people, and poverty never goes away, but we destroy the middle class , the pillar of any democratic nation, on the process. We can have sex with anybody we want now and do drugs all day, but we can’t build a computer or a car or a pill here.Progress! No. The country is being carved up deliberately and the golden goose is about done.

On a more practical note- not financial advice but consider buying gold, silver, Bitcoin, other tangible assets that you can sell or barter with or use for self preservation/ defense, buy storable food, survival stuff. Learn some skills that make you more resilient and independent- like growing your own food. Don’t keep a lot of assets in banks. There’s no cavalry coming. Hope is not a plan. We are on our own. Good people are not going to be immune from the fallout of all this stuff. Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI had nothing on our decadent ruling class. We saw how that ended.

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Great piece, Don. May I add that our financial situation's base is rooted in Joe Biden completely stopping American fossil fuel - cheap energy - development? It is the basis of our lives and affects everything we touch starting with food. This is a supply-side recession caused by the Executive Branch which controls energy and economic policies. Never forget this.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Two thoughts, connected:

The US has spent the last 70 years showing it is not a trustworthy international partner. A spoiled, bratty electorate may or may not support you in the next cycle, but our moneychangers will still lecture and try to coerce your tiny African nation into loving homosexuality in exchange for American money.

Second, how will you cease conducting the trillion dollar global drug trade if not in dollars? America’s perpetual children love drugs and drug culture. Who’s smuggling cocaine for Red Chinese money? No one, that’s who.

A bonus hot take for you, Don: Have you seen the photo of Manchin giving Zelensky a WVU hat? I was about to be upset by that until I realized how appropriate it is. Like the Mountaineers, no matter how much money you throw at it you still won’t be able to buy a win when it really matters.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Well, it would be nice to be able to pay off my debt with a “Biden” Dollar, the end of the US dollar as reserve currency is still far away. The BRICS and the other countries, have the same economic problems that we do. The only difference between their leaders, and ours is their leaders are evil and smart, our puppet president is demented yet evil. It will be a while before the dollar is replaced if ever, because a world war or two will keep people running back. While gold is rising now It’s a lousy investment because you can’t get rid of it in time of crisis and it’s just a reflection of inflation to some extent. As a 10 year investment. It has been poor.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Totally agree with your column, Don. I do believe that Biden and his handlers are doing as much as possible to destroy the greatness and exceptionalism of America from within with the goal of creating an uber class and a dependent class. You cannot have a functioning democracy without a middle class. And, yes, the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have made contributions to this situation. While the decline of the U.S. dollar on the world stage is certainly worrying (and likely planned), I don't believe that the BRICS are a stable group in the long run. That may push the U.S. dollar to the top to stay. But with governance as you now have in your country, c'est pas pour demain -- meaning this isn't going to happen right away. Some days, I find the news to be exhausting and this is one of those days. Everyday, it's another disaster, tragedy, calamity that should not be happening. Bring back the mean tweets!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Yet I see no signs in Congress to stop Bumbling Biden. Is that on purpose? They sure threw a lot of superfluous monkey poo at Trump for all these years and not ONE thing stuck? Biden is committing treason very publicly with the help of his commie loving Dems and Rinos. Is there something we the people can do short of an actual Insurrection? Or Revolution? Civil War? Anything?

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The bully gets his way until he doesn't. The belief in 'might makes right' doesn't make it so. The moment someone returns the favor by pushing back, the bully's glass jaw becomes apparent. The so-called rules-based international order is just the bully's way of calling the shots. Stealing foreign reserves and seizing private property is the bully's taunt, "because I can." It is a mark of the insecure, amoral, and arrogant--and not that of "the last best hope of Earth."

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

For once Obama was right.

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