Merrick Garland is a piece of shit.

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I concur. Imagine him on the Supreme Court. We dodged that bullet once, and I hope it never comes again.

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On the Supreme Court he would have been a slightly smarter equally deluded KJB. As Attorney General he is a ‘benevolent’ Heinrich Himmler. Law of unintended consequences in action.

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Hi Dave

Did we ever dodge a bullet. As weird as it sounds, if I’m not mistaken it was Turtle who pulled the plug on that right. Anyway, want to be sure it never happens again? Abolish the D-Rats once and for all. No matter what issue you’re talking about, th D-rats are right in the middle of it.

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Chuck -- Yep, gotta give creds to the Turtle for that.

Dems are led by termites who want to destroy the best thing in the history of humanity -- the constituted USA. Some in the GOP are influenced by the termites, too.

Imagine if 'Biden' nominates Garland. Or puts Garland on the 2024 ticket. Yikes!

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Jun 22, 2023
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The HO VP may be the only person dumber than she is, although Mad Maxine Waters and Tipover Hank Johnson are close competition.

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Do you know the story with Hirono… it’s too good not to make you look it up on Wikipedia but I’ll give you a taste… her mother was an American Citizen who married a Jap POW in Japan. As anyone can see the poison Apple doesn’t fall far from the traitorous tree!

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Hi SL,

He’s one of ours so make that a shtick dreck!

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A complete embarrassment. Sadly, not the only one.

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I'm gonna hafta to ax you to quit reading my mind!

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I'd like it more times if the program would allow it.

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He is evil personified.

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Now write one about the grooming Biden funds through boatloads of taxpayer money given to NGOs - principally so-called Catholic Charities - to transport illegal invader children from South America to the US Ports of entry and then to varieties of child abuse across the US. So much grooming. These are truly debased and degraded human beings. Once again the Dems are the Party of Slavery.

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Catholic Charities has been at it for at least 20 years, Bosnia, Lost Boys, rally ramped up with Obama, now super efficient under Biden. Just like ballot harvesting & MotorVoter. RINOs, like our old Pete Sessions, could have cared less, even after their District voted them out b/c it flipped democrat. The greedy Stupid party.

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Catholic Charities along with some Lutheran groups promoting illegals entering and then helping them once they are here has to stop. Take away their tax deferred status will send the right message

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They are getting a closer look in some of the more Catholic Dioceses of what CRS actually is. We will see how it all ends up. I think CRS is doing Satan's work myself, what will happen when like Judas they realize their error, I hope will have an historical precedent.

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I walked away from anything to do with Lutheran Charities when I was still actually interested in helping. Sorry to be actually involved in such an antiamerican operation.

BTW this was Missouri synod. Baptist now

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Amen, and that’s just one of the many reasons why I no longer attend mass. As to today’s poll - don’t give your kids to nuns for their education. Most nuns went radical feminist about 40 years ago.

I have 3 grandkids under the age of 4 - they will never set foot in a public school. The oldest is already attending a conservative Christian (pre) school, the other two will join him when they are old enough and all three will continue through high school.

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Super dittos on homeschooling. That said, son & wife asked me to come for a week to stay with their four kids who were being homeschooled while Dad & mom went on a business meeting. Overseeing 4 kids, 4 different grades, 4 computers, 4 curricula, was the hardest 4 days work I ever did. (Son said he'd be happy to let the kids be on vacation. I said no-way-Jose, that stay the course was better for grandkids.)

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You said it, Mr. Surber:

The more we spend on education, the worse it gets.

....and I have said it MANY times

"The more the government does, the WORSE the problem gets."

We can start by shutting down ALL school boards.

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Hi Tony,

Not sure shutting them down is the answer more than reconstituting them with Conservative, Concerned, Grandparents who were raised in the 60’s and 70’s. We need to boot anyone who isn’t a, or never was a parent. The Bain of Western Civilization is over-educated, single, white women…just the kind of human detritus that gravitates to that position!

My take anyway.

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People MUST see the pure evil that every government agency is. All government agencies started as a good idea, except the Department of education and they are much harder to get rid of at the federal level, but you have to start somewhere.

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In the Biden administration, I have to wonder if there are any men or women with integrity or honor? It seems to an outside observer that everyone there has been touched by Satan.

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I just read an article on the concept of bureaucracies in the west and the summary at the end was that the only way normal individuals can understand them is if they look at them as being run by their enemies.

Now onto a topic that seems to be occupying more of my reading and learning time and that is the ‘Pedophilia Industry’ both here and in the West as a whole. It starts in, and is facilitated by the Schools and the school boards. It’s easier for Grand Parents to find the time to run for school board positions. The same Grandparents who grew up learning about God, Duty and Country. If you ever thought that you were going to leave this earth regretting that you have not left your mark…here’s your shot!

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My wife (66 years old) and I (73) have custody of our 6-year-old granddaughter. There is an organization here in Texas called Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. Good outfit. Connects us to resources we wouldn't otherwise know about. We are also very fortunate to live ten minutes from a stellar charter school called Founders Classical Academy, and it is true to that name. If I can stay healthy for the next 12 years, she will get a very good start in life.

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God bless you both. What a gift for this granddaughter! When she reaches majority, she will look back and bless you both and be thankful you led the way.

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Of course they would have something like this in Texas.

God Bless you Both!

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My wife and I raised our oldest grandson and he thanks us all the time for stern but fair guidance.Now wedded they have given us a ggd from heaven

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Nice story, Richard.

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Spot on Chuck.

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Belgium and Malaysia are the two worst with regard to having a problem with child molestation.

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Absolutely true. I seem to remember one scandal in Belgium that reached all the way up to the countries highest judiciary.

Damn these parasites!

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I watched something with regard to the few young girls that even survived and it was beyond sickening--Jeffery Epstein on steroids. The media has done some stories about him and his clients, but they could and should have done far more.

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One of the other lies sold was we can trust our kids to the local schools, because <some BS>. Not everyone can home school, which is why public education was developed. But historically it was families doing it. Today, buy a smaller house, own an older car, don't eat out and if you can't home school, find a solid private school. And check it out like you would to buy a home or a car. Because some of them are crap too.

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What would one expect from a man who will shower with his teenage daughter and enjoys being naked in a pool with children in the pool?The degeneracy of this regime is straight from history of the Roman empires destruction and I learned decades ago in school history will repeat if allowed unchecked.Great post and sadly needed but if we stand strong we will continue to gain and win in the end.Plow ahead Mr.Surber ,we have your back.

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It clearly wasn't enough for Biden to mess up his own children, he's after everyone else's too!

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"Can't convert a pervert". At least no political system could do it. Whatever happened to the good old adjective ''skeevy''?

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MAP - Minor Attracted Person

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That’s where this is heading. They are laying the groundwork to legitimize pedophelia. They will never stop until they are forcibly STOPPED.

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Half way through the article, all I am thinking is “home school”.

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Before you stop thinking: ask yourself what agency with responsibility for the care of children - federal, state, county - has a reputation for managing that care well AND in the best interests of those children? Then think of the list of agencies sanctioned or at least in the news for abusing or ignoring the abuse of children in their care. All of those bureaucratic agencies are run for the benefit of the adults, including public schools.

Homeschool used to be much harder - good curriculum materials hard to find and manage, etc. Not so now. The array of readily available resources is stunning.

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Periodically we hear politicians call for eliminating the Department of Education and the return of educational policy to the states. Why, in God’s name, have we not done this? Taxpayers are providing $195 Billion to a department that not only fails to educate our kids, but contributes mightily to their indoctrination into racial and gender ideologies.

Come on spineless Republicans. You claim to be for fiscal responsibility so what better way to show it than to fully defund and abolish a department that is not only useless but measurably destructive?

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Fiscal responsibility, indeed. Eliminate one entire secretariat. Hooah!

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All this crap, yes crap, is all about transforming our nation into what Obama and his ilk perceive all this crap as the "right" way in which a society should be. There's always been little said about Michelle Obama being Barrack's trans-wife. It started with Joan Rivers and evidenced by AI which determined Michelle had a man's facial makeup. These children have become dumb as rocks through the efforts of teacher's unions led by the infamous Randi Weingarten. If you ever listen to her you'd ask yourself if we'd be better served if she sat in on classes of pedology rather than Obama's class on how to transform a nation into a totalitarian state

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I chose nuns with rulers because I'm a huge fan of the Blues Brothers, along with my youngest son in law who married my oldest daughter with my full blessing and NO REGRETS!! Long story. NO TIME! NO TIME!! Liam Neeson

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I'm laughing out loud with that remark. My childhood friend went to Catholic school, and reported that Sister Sumpter made them all eat dirt one day. Her mom got to the bottom of it. Sister had said she wanted the floor around all desks as clean as you could get it. Her name was Sr Assumption, not Sumpter. All our moms and siblings had a great laugh at my friend's expense. Worth what we paid for it, too.

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Some schools would need nuns with tasers.

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Of course he is funding indoctrination...

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Random thought: Do your kids and grandkids love to play wii games on your TV? Teachers like to play Wii with those same kids, meaning "We Isolate and Indoctrinate."

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Only our 25 yr old son games online. All three of our kids are very well educated on our founding documents and what they mean so they are well armed against the Left. :-D

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Each year Kansas State University hosts a 4H event. This year they were rooming gender pretenders with younger kids of the opposite sex. According to one person I know, they had a seventeen year old boy in a skirt rooming with girls who were thirteen or so.

Pushback is long overdue. I hope those girls have parents who care and that they share about this.

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I can't recall when I have been equally enraged, and sad at the same time.

Our own legal system and due process has been inverted to not just protect these pedophiles and groomers, but enable them and facilitate their abhorrent practices, so they indictments, charges, and arrests are pipe dreams.

Among the Milos are more than one Audrey Hale - and one of them is going to think it through more fully, and will return to the hospital to shoot it up instead of a school.

It's of little if any comfort to those children who have been failed by their parents (and I can only hope that each and every one is brought to utter financial ruin from lawsuits brought by their children), but vengeance is indeed the Lord's (Hebrews 10:30), and when it comes to harming children (Matthew 18:6), that vengeance will be particularly harsh.

We, as a society, are more than deserving of the same fate as that met by Sodom and Gomorrah - may it come quickly.

My preference is to eliminate the DoEd, but failing that, turn it back over to the nuns.

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Double dittos: My preference is to eliminate the DoEd, but failing that, turn it back over to the nuns.

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