The new Standard is to be Poor.

The democrats (communists) want to destroy the middle class. They don’t care about our credit rating or the national debt.

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The last time I saw election interference so bad was 1963.

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Yeah, around Nov. 22nd, right? I still don't think Oswald acted alone.

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Oswald didn't act alone. For Kennedy to go forward and then back proves that. There are three types of shooters rated by the military and Oswald was rated as a marksman, that means he hit 50/100 in basic training, which means you are a lousy shot. For Oswald to hit a moving target three times would be an impossibility. Oswald may have been shooter, which I doubt, but there was NO WAY he acted alone.

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I realize that now; he was just a convenient dummass to pin it on. Way ahead of time. The feds may have even given him a bright, shiny c-note to do that. After all, he had visited Russia , Russia, Russia.

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Sarcasm. Kennedys MLK 9/11 2020 all deep state ops.

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I have heard so many things about 9/11 that I don't know what to think. I will say this:

I don't believe for one second that a little man with a towel around his head was responsible for it.

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Tony, did you ever see any pictures of plane parts, engines, fuselage, wings or luggage at either the Pentagon or in ShanksBerg, Pennsylvania? I’ve seen other crash photos of planes hitting the alps at 600 miles an hour, and there were still very discernible parts. If you believe that united 93 somehow went into a hole and then caught on fire, and then melted along with every other part, then I would like to see the physics of how that happened. It was all BS.

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Yes Oswald was alone, as were the 20 hijackers on 9/11. Wake up America!

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The dumb leftists don't get that equity or equality means that we will all be equally poor or dead.

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They won't stop at destroying the middle class...

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Or freedom of speech, or right to life, or secure in your papers and person, or, or—. New Civil War? Fuggedaboutit. Ashes ashes, all fall down.

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Inflation is a policy. It’s not an accident.

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Killing the middle class is the key to socialism/communism.

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Yep, that along with closing the churches and schools and opening the bars and whorehouses.

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The article says:

Fitch is correct. The last 20 years have been a spending spree for the government.

And what have I always said:

The more the government does, the worse the problem gets. It doesn't matter what this government does. It is ALWAYS wrong and it ALWAYS fails, and like Joe Biden, it lies about everything it does. That's quite a record.

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It’s one big grift - lots of folks are filling their pockets - unions, the military industrial complex, non-profits (churches ‘helping’ illegal migrants grift even more taxpayer goodies, climate floggers, woke universities) everyone’s on the take and no one says ‘no’. Ya gotta find a seat on the give-away train. A pox can on all of their houses.

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Try not to think about things too much cuz that can get depressing. Just resolve to do the things you have promised yourself and when the time comes, DO IT.

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This president has but 14 months left to complete his assignment to fully “transform” this country into the Totalitarian vision the powers that be aspire to. There’s really only one thing left for him to do in order to wrest full control of the the threats his administration is facing, and put the final nail in this country’s coffin: to declare a National Climate Emergency.

Declaring such an emergency would grant him a vast array of supra-authoritative powers, which could dictate how we live every facet of our everyday lives, and how every industry in America must operate.

They’ve been talking about it for four years, and the UN has recently signaled the time is now.

You think the Covid mandates were bad?!

Buckle up.

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What would happen if a couple hundred million of us simply refused to comply?

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I didn’t comply last time…why should I start now??

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We use to call this sort of thing Martial Law.

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Thank you all for your friendship and prayers. You are the first ones to know that Mary passed away very early today. Continue to pray for her family.

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I just said a prayer for you, reverend.

Prayer works.

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My heartfelt condolences to you and the family. May God comfort your hearts.

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May God bless and comfort you and your family. Please accept my sincere condolences. I will pray for you and your family.

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Condolences to you and the family, revmaddog.

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Prayers to you and your family.

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All of the above from me too. We have a family funeral to attend this weekend. Seems that we’ve gotten to the age where there are more and more losses every year.

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You and your family are in our prayers.

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Condolences upon your house Rev.

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I went to your Substack the other day and saw the lovely pictures of Mary, and the precious video of you singing Just As I Am. How blessed you were to have Mary by your side. May God’s Love embrace and sustain you through this difficult time.

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Imagine her waking up in Heaven! Alive evermore.

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Deepest sympathies, sir. May you and the family find some comfort in this trying time.

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Prayers for you and your family, reverend. May blessings surround all yall.

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☹️ 🪽 🕊

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So sorry to hear about your loss. May the Dear Lover of our Souls comfort you and your family during this season of grievous loss and grant you strength, peace and sweet memories of your beloved.

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God blessings to you and your family, I am keeping you and your family in my heart and prayers.

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I am sorry to hear that. My sincere condolences.

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Technically, I suppose that every president has available to him the excuse that he doesn't spend a dime unless congress approves it - and congress approves every expenditure the president wants - unless it's Trump's border wall, or before that, America's involvement in Vietnam at what later proved to be a most crucial juncture. If memory serves, The-Turd-in-the-Punch-Bowl didn't even bother to submit a budget as required by the constitution - Dingy Harry and The Lush agreed to let the Executive Branch spend freely, then approve it via a continuing resolution - it wasn't until the debt ceiling needed to be raised that he had to pay attention. When he finally DID submit a budget, it was a joke, and everyone knew it.

Reagan's argument for a line-item veto was never adequately or satisfactorily refuted. Almost every governor has that privilege, why not the president?

No, the answer is not more power in the Executive branch, but I'm not sure there is an alternative to a collapse of the entire US economy first, then the rest of the world.

Which only illustrates that the best designed systems of government are only as good as the character of the people entrusted to be stewards, custodians of said government.

Our constitutional republic endured for only 85 years before it was all but gutted by The Wrestler's declaration of war on the other half of the nation.

Since then, we've only been playing, 'constitutional republic' in the same way children play, 'house.' Only now, there WILL be a market-driven correction which will necessitate the collapse of the economy, and at that point, it won't matter what the ratings agencies say.

I say, let the sh*t sandwich be served, and if possible, let the Political Class and the rest of the elites have the first bites.

The cat, for some reason, is taking it easy on your subscribers, today. The correct option is the fourth one because make no mistake, that one is coming - if Wilhelm, Communist China's Delegate to the Executive Branch directs the Do"J" to do that, it will.

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The answer is simple to describe, but difficult to accomplish: a Constitutional amendment restricting Congress' budget to 10% of the GDP. OK, maybe 15%. Nothing off-budget. To get there from here, simply require each year's expenditures be 5%, maybe 10% less than the previous year's. Any time the spending goes over the limit, no member of Congress can be re-elected or hold any other federal office. The economy would roar and, eventually, the Congress would have piles of money anyway.

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It’s too simple and elegant. It would work but the crooks will never go for a radical change like that. Also if you abolished taxation on production ( income tax) the economy would do great, innovation would be off the charts, people would have money, and taxes would be based on consumption not labor, which would incentivize people to work and save. Again, will never happen under the present paradigm.

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Yeah, I know.

But when I take over . . .

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All this will happen but I strongly believe the problem is between good and evil. It is worldwide. Unless God intervenes in some unprecedented way, we are living in the end times. Believers and children under the age of accountability will be raptured. Then the 7 years of the tribulation will begin.

All the systems to empower the antichrist are already built or close to being fully developed. Think digital currency, artificial intelligence, one world government, WHO healthcare, etc.

The culture today is worse than during the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah. Read Romans 1. Read Revelation with the help of a top notch biblical Bible Commentary. I use John MacArthur’s. Watch reputable shows about end times and the similarity with today’s conditions, by pastors such as Tom Hughes and Jimmy Evans. There are many others.

Now is the time to deepen our walks with Christ, share the gospel, and fear not because He will defeat evil in His time and His people will be with Him before the awful tribulation starts!

In the meantime, we push back on the evil, we pray for a revival, we stay close to other believers, and we share the gospel.

Blessings to all!

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Hear Hear !!!

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All so very well said.

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(Referring to Not From Texas’ original comment.)

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My Climate is fine, the USA’s fiscal climate is not. Which one is getting the most gloom and doom press?

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My climate is changing. I am getting hotter under the collar.

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I would "like" this twice if I could.

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The only numbers blowing up more than the debt are Trump’s poll numbers with each farcical indictment. I’m bullish on 1/20/2025.

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The media keep saying Mr. Trump is "Neck and neck with Biden." Who could possibly believe such idiocy? Oh yeah, liberals.

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Babylon Bee headline: Trump nails indictment hat trick!

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Can we bring back debtor's prison and put politicians in it?

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Forget debtor's prison. Just put them all in prison. All crooks and criminals.

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That would be ILLEGAL--just like everything else this government does.

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oh its illegal by the laws for what they do, if we did it, we would be in jail.

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Look at Hunter Biden.

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Don, since last night I have been anxiously awaiting your take on yesterday’s indictment. As usual, you did not disappoint!

The Greatest Generation kept our country from falling into the abyss of political correctness and fiscal mismanagement. Now, their Gen X grandchildren, Millennial great-grands, and Gen Z great-great-grands want it all, and they want it now. We were raised by the anti-establishment boomers, but the establishment against which they rolled was our Judeo-Christian foundation. “God is mean!” they cried, and stopped taking us to church and synagogue.

In removing the Ultimate Authority from all aspects of American life, they also removed that great future hope that kept us, for the most part, at least trying to live decent, respectable lives.

Look at us now! We are sheeple who will fall for literally anything because there is no belief in objective truth.

There is only one Savior, and his name is not Donald Trump. But without Donald Trump championing truth, justice , and the old-fashioned American way as our rightful President, that Savior looks to be readying for the final battle a lot sooner than many of us thought. He brings with Him Truth and Justice, and I for one am here for it!

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Trump was sent by God. His instincts are uncanny. You might even say, super human.

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Janet Yellen said: "Many of these measures, including those related to governance, have shown improvement over the course of this Administration, with the passage of bipartisan legislation to address the debt limit, invest in infrastructure, and make other investments in America’s competitiveness."

Governance is a measure of how well (honestly) the government is working. Our government is now applying the law differently for different groups, lying, and spending more than it makes. When I used to rate the governance of various African governments, I would have downgraded them on each one of those metrics. The same applies here -- Yellen is lying and our score on governance is lower than it has been in my 80 years.

"Passage of bipartisan legislation to address the debt limit" means "we convinced Republicans in Congress to let us spend more than we're taking in." That is NOT an improvement. And "investment in infrastructure" is just another way of saying "buy votes." Another minus on the governance scale.

Yellen (and Biden) is either a baldfaced liar or doesn't know what she's talking about. Probably both.

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Yes to both or in this case, the power of WHO (not the World Health Organization)

“Yellen (and Biden) is baldfaced liar WHO doesn't know what she's talking about.”

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Janet Yellen is yelling because she's the 5th grade teacher about due to retire. She doesn't care any more and is just treading water until someone flushes the commode again. Fifth grade here, being the review of grades 1-4, we students learn nothing new until 2nd semester of 6th grade.

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A friend of mine said, "All government does is ruin lives and steal money." Prove him wrong.

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"WHOOPEE we’re all going broke."

Nope, not all of us. The governing elites are getting wealthy.

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Yes, the lying, cheating, non-profuctive grifters keep getting richer, while those of us who worked hard and "saved hard" for retirement (so that we could be SELF-SUFFICIENT) watch our life savings turn into pennies on the dollar. THIS is going to be the cause of the revolution in this country.

"We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore!"

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"non-profuctive" - now that's a Freudian slip if I ever came up with one!

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That too! It's called de-population.

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It’s a shame that WV has a pair of Senators who are “outraged” at Trump and Trump supporters over January 6th. It’s also telling they are totally silent about Ray Epps.

They too, are happy that their many years of cheerleading the swamp debt ceiling increases (along with the accompanying omnibus disaster after disaster) aren’t on the front page when the consequences are coming home to roost with the credit downgrades. They have played their part in the destruction of the greatest economy ever seen on this earth.

The ultimate political entity most firmly entrenched in building this disaster is the US Senate, and deep red states need to quit sending these swamp creatures to that forsaken town. January 6 and the mountain of lies and injustices perpetrated was all about trying to eliminate the loudest voice standing against their racketeering of the American treasury and the sellout to China and the WEF.

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Didn't the Manchin family call Moore "chief"

I look at our senators as the sister from another mister and the brother from another mother

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Illegitimate politely?

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Yellen takes her orders from the Communist Chinese. She demonstrated that when she bowed to them numerous times recently.

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Obama and Yellen, now they were so proficient at grabbing their ankles. The people I know and respect bow to none except the King of Kings.

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yeah and their excuse was she had hallucinogenic mushrooms - four servings no less. So did her security detail fail to notice? or were the CCP seeing if they could get questionable food through a state dinner to see if they could do more damage later?

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When the country is run by a brain dead corpse and the treasury department by a bag lady getting a downgrade is inevitable.

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Yeah, Rome is burning. No One gives a shit. Our elected officials ran the hell out of DC for their "summer recess", perhaps we need to be the adults and vote all of these children out of their cushy positions. They are all 100% responsible for dumping jet fuel on a bipartisan dumpster fire! The dems are simply the lemmings following one and other of the cliff, illegal immigrants, fiscal unresponsibilty, the decimation of the middle class, all leads to a second class nation leaning to a third world shithole nation. I'm not comfortable that this total clown show is even worthy of being saved. I know when I was working I was not very concerned with politics trying to provide for my family, perhaps what we see now is me or all of us in that similar situation reaping what we have sown.

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