Tulsi and Bobby are doing one thing very well- that is exposing the vitriolic behaviour of those questioning them. How embarrassing for those poor actors. They must realise way down deep inside that they are cretins and are on their way out--- if their constituents have half a brain.
Given the number of times these unctuous morons have been returned to office, I’d guess that at least half their constituents have less than half a brain. Way less…
Texans are doing this too. The super-majority RINO Texas House has long partnered w democrats to elect Speakers of the Texas House, rather than a conservative Speaker. Just did it again, even ignoring Texas Republican Party Agmt only to vote for nominee they voted t/b Texas Speaker. RINO House members just voted for democrat supported Texas Speaker and let democrats vice-chair most important Texas House Cmtes. Same Texas RINOs that failed to impeach Texas AG Ken Paxton last Session. They were able to strip Texas AG from power to investigate election fraud.
Slowly democrats and their Texas RINO allies have thwarted efforts to govern w conservative values, and close to elections in fat & happy oblivious Texas…. Texas Senate is conservative, but House will not act….
This is disappointing and disturbing all at once. Not that I don’t have my own issues up here in Canada but here I am thinking Texas is as safe a State as possible for folks with a mid Conservative mindset, only to have you tell me the d-rat, leftist rot is in full swing there!
That’s why this edition of the democratic party needs to be torn out root and branch and replaced with an America First version!
It is most disturbing and potentially very dangerous.
It is incumbent on the citizens of both FL and TX to get loud and put a stop to this behavior. These RINOs need to feel some serious and prolonged HEAT at their feet to get them in line. The MAGA citizenries of both states need to get mobilized, get out there and bring it - pronto!
Pain in our asses. Corralling them in the corner is hard, but we get closer all the time. Terry Wilson the rep from the Georgetown area of Williamson Cty has now proven that he is a 💩. We aren’t going to let him forget it. We have already voted to censure.
There is only one solution--MAGA people have to get active in the county and state Republican Party apparatuses--the Executive Committees. This is the RINO's seat of power, and how they function as "gatekeepers" as to who is allowed to run for office as a Republican. They will keep fielding RINO's until we replace them in the Party apparatuses.
Arizona and Texas needs to wise up. You can't fix this problem from the outside just complaining about it. You have to weed the RINO's out from INSIDE their Party fiefdoms, by taking over the State Parties.
I thought W was a good governor but our other choice when he was elected was Ann Richards. I continue to wish I could take my vote back the 2 nd time I voted for him as president but sure am glad Gore wasn’t president when 9/11 happened
Florida legislature is bucking DeSantis’ immigration bill that simply says Florida will support Trump’s immigration policies & goals (working with Federal entities in rounding up illegals, etc.)
The best governor in America & his own are working against him by turning Florida into a sanctuary state. It’s ridiculous & puts their constituents in harm’s way not to mention fund these folks who broke our laws at the moment they crossed our borders.
Your problem is the California virus that has moved to Austin and made it trendy. People like Mathew McConaughey with cowboy hats, boots and no horse or cattle. Before long Texas will be purple. It happened to Virginia same way. Many states are now split in geography red and blue. Liberalism is a disease with no cure, and it spreads much like terrorism thru ignorance. Mr Trump has a chance to reset the political cultural if successful. We all need to demand that congress help.
Austin always has had the commies/hippies since the 70s, but any single family house is in Travis county is over $1million, they can’t afford taxes anymore. Youngsters have to live 50 miles away…. A lot of Kalifornians are moving out after the Texas summers.
And the solution is to flood the zone and spend the money to educate those of us who don't know what a RINO is. If we don't primary every one of them, Texas will become deep purple.
Dumb? Perhaps. I see it as low-information. Millions are un-engaged in the process of running this country. They don't really care to get involved. Most did not - will not - watch the hearings or even read any real reporting on the topic. And, the reporting this low-information audience gets is all BS and lies.
One cell is still a brain. So is it possible they are sharing it? The retarded version of the Borg from Star Trek and they are assimilating our children.
Which brings us to the quote from Lincoln or Twain, “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than opening it and removing all doubt.” The main stream media are losing their clout and as a result so are the Democrats.
Thanks for that quote. I must admit that I have never heard that one; or I have forgotten. One thing I really like about Don's column is this kind of exchange of information. Thanks again.
It gets attributed to both. I remember in highschool one teacher said Lincoln and another said Twain. Need to see if there are any YouTube videos that can confirm that either really said it first. ;-)
Fools all, for sure. Done? I don’t know about that. Corrupt machines and totalitarians can withstand enormous failures. Look at Chicago, California, NYC, New Orleans, Memphis, Seattle, Portland … and then, there’s the “Beyond Our Borders List” which is too long for me to thumb-type on this here gubmint tracking device (aka, smart fone).
They’re fools alright, but sadly they’re not done. I live in MA where Republicans rarely get more than 40% of the vote in any given race. Which explains Warren and Markey.
What are we going to do to change this. How much of this is fraud in the elections? Clean up the voter roles and get rid of the machines and the RINOs and you will find a different percentage of the vote go to Republicans. I’m MAGA!
My wife is a precinct chair. Last year we swept out the Republican County Chair. He was a true piece of shit. We did it by building our precinct chair base. Strike 1 against the Bushes. The State Party last year voted to close the primary. Strike Two against the Bushes. We voted to censure any State Representative that didn’t vote for the Party choice. Williamson County has already voted for that. Now is time to do this. We are getting there. The cat in the corner does want to fight so we will have to give him/her that fight.
I wonder to what extent she told them what they demanded to hear. Same with Bobby and vaccines. I still would vote to confirm them both then watch what they actually do.
"My prior concerns about FISA were based on insufficient protections for civil liberties, particularly regarding the FBI's misuse of warrantless search powers on American citizens. Significant FISA reforms have been enacted since my time in Congress to address these issues.”
Exactly what “significant reforms” were not stated, to my knowledge.
Austin always has had the commies/hippies since the 60s, but any single family house is in Travis county is over $1million, they can’t afford taxes anymore. Youngsters have to live 50 miles away…. A lot of Kalifornians are moving out after the Texas summers.
Good question. I don't see anything about Hegseth and the DOD tranny policy. It would seem to me that dumping 15,000 troops would be of concern to teh LGBTQ-owned party
If they did it doesn't matter because few of them let the candidate answer their question.
Their questioning wasn't meant to provide insight for listeners. They were mini-monologues of the Senator's hateful, bribed, corrupt positions and opinions.
Or, as Alan Keyes, explaining the main difference in the two Parties, once put it: “Democrats believe that man is God, whereas Republicans believe that money is God.”
Godspeed, Pete: Hegseth was unapologetic: “DEI is not going well at the Defense Department because it’s dead.”“One of the dumbest phrases in military history is ‘our diversity is our strength,’” Hegseth said. “Our diversity is not our strength. Our unity and our shared purpose is our strength. Merit based and colorblind”. What a novel idea.
I never gave much thought to Bobby over the years, although that speaks well of him since I never thought well of any of the Kennedy clan that survived my early childhood (which ended around the time Bobby Sr. did). I don’t remember what made me buy his Fauci book, but I’m glad I did. The level of research that effort must have taken is amazing to me. As is the depths of evil of that malignant gnome Fauci. So to see the deadly serious clown show playing out under the big top of the embarrassment that is the World’s Most Deliberative Body (my ass!) is once again, infuriating. Tedious, but infuriating. I’ve seen Fauxcahontus in action twice now, and if there was ever a poster woman that advocated for the removal of women from eligibility for elected office it’s her (I’ll need a palate cleanse of Pam Bondi, Elise Stefanie, Kristi Noem and/or Tulsi Gabbard to disabuse me of my misogyny). Anyway, RFK Jr’s ordeal reminds me of Sundance’s regular reminder that “there are trillions at stake.” Imagine looking at the U.S. health metrics over the last half century and thinking “this is working - we just need to throw more money at it.” I hope he passes the confirmation shit show, and burns it all down so we can start over.
Haven’t watched these before. It was amusing when Sen. Mullin went after his “colleagues” during Pete Hegseth’s “Trial By Stupid” and showed what an obviously fake and dishonest masquerade that collegiality is. I’d be more impressed if they started hitting each other with chairs. At least that would be honest. And interesting.
As you, the charisma for me ended with RFK,Sr. & while I support him & his appointment, I have a gut feeling this isn’t going to end well even if he is confirmed.
Handwriting on the Wall: Trump’s New Transportation Secretary Takes a Sledgehammer to Biden’s ‘De Facto EV Mandate’ As His First Act in Office, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy on Tuesday began the process of rolling back fuel economy standards set by the Biden administration that he said “put coercive pressure” on automakers to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles. Breaking: In his first action, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy axed Biden’s CAFE fuel economy standards that were seen by critics as a de facto EV mandate. THE EV BUBBLE CONTINUES TO DEFLATE: Volkswagen Cancels the ID.7. It Won’t Be Coming to America After All. It would be interesting to see how History will judge the era of EV, DIE, CRT, GND, FJB, LGBT-ETC.
Agree, Shrugged. I get the sense that too many of us are celebrating like the war is over. It's far from over. Just listen a little to the media and other lefties. I see no white flag there.
The election of Trump only landed us on the beach. We now have to fight our way into and throughout the occupied territories and take them back, one by one, as many as we can, until we fully take back and repossess the land - the USA - they’ve stolen from Americans.
“ We have the best criminals in the world. Unleash their potential.”
I’ve always said that if only criminals put as much effort into a legal operation that they do putting into their criminal ones, they’d be just as rich, with the bonus of being able to stop looking over their shoulder and sleep well at night.
Or, do what the Mafia eventually did: get into government!
I listened to the hearings yesterday for about 4 hours (on an 8-hour road trip) as the channel rotated between the commentator, Gabbard, Kennedy, and Patel.
The Democrats/Uniparty were rabid and spewing a cocktail of anger overshadowing fear. Some were foaming at the mouth as each of the three remained calm and Constitution-focused. That is, IF they were given the courtesy of answering the questions asked before being interrupted and stomped-on by the Senator(s). The loud mouths were on their bully pulpits.
The takeaways are scary to me: The Dem/uniparty is fully rejecting what a majority of voters believe and why Trump prevailed in November. For example, The left still believes the COVID 'vaccine' was the COVID lifesaver, all vaccines are safe and have no causal role in the rise of autism, the intelligence community is pristine and innocent of using its power against American citizens, and the FBI is an institution of valor and above reproach. Mostly, the Dems/uniparty wanted to know the cabinet member (Patel) wouldn't pursue individuals like Fauci. The bribed corruption of those Senators was enough to make me pull into a rest area and vomit.
The best opening statement was Tulsi Gabbard's. She rubbed their noses with the IC corruption, listing specific examples of actions that were never held accountable during the last 8+ years.
The worst among the screaming Senators was: Booker, Bennett, Sanders, Warner, and Pencil-neck Schiff.
What I saw yesterday - the real faces of those who are leading America (with a few exceptions) - scares me to death. I can't wait to see the outcomes on the three from yesterday.
Yes--there is no substitute for actually watching this type of hearing. And it really is shocking to see what numbskulls are running our country.
I sometimes feel for the good guys who have hung in there--like Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz. They both seem quite tired to me. And very understandably so. It must be incredibly demoralizing to be around such low level crap every day.
Was a drive-by watcher myself, but agree about Tulsi’s takedown of replacing one dictator from another. If nothing else, this proved that If it weren’t for J6 & the 2020 election (which Trump won) the Dems would have nothing, as I doubt they even know where Syria is.
The screaming senators are like demons that know they have lost… desperately trying to hold onto power.. making a lot of noise, flailing about, grasping at the ridiculous (militant onesies???) still dangerous… but will lose in the end.
It was disgusting ! Asking a question and then not allowing a response is a total lack of manners , respect , and an insult to the taxpayers . Violations of this type should result in being escorted out of the chamber . Go campaign on your personal time , not the taxpayers .
Even Chinese and for sure Nigerians worked the Covid-loan Asimovian ‘billions and billions’. I am sure all the US spy satellites can take before/after pictures of known online-scammer areas of Nigerian, Ukraine, Russia, Sicily and see all the New fantabulous mansions built 18 months later after they money was scammed from the morons in DC…
How about the best idea / solution of the day ? Don has hit the nail on the head, if you want results give the private sector some direction and the opportunity to make some money then watch the results roll in . Thank you Don for bringing this effective method back into the light .
I like you am a 70+ Boomer. There are millions of us living, breathing, and enjoying life in this chaotic world. How did we survive with only three childhood vaccinations? Were we stronger? Are children today a weaker version of humanity? If a vaccine actually works to protect a person from a disease and my neighbor takes it and I don't, then he is protect; I am not. So why should my neighbor worry about me passing a disease to him, his protected, right?
Turns out it didn't. I had the shot. I caught Covid. i'm pretty sure a classmate gave it to me at a small reunion. He's a hand shaker. Half of us came down with Covid. All survived to tell about it.
Two years ago at my annual physical they told me I better get the Shingles vaccination. Got the shot. Two weeks later I came down with Shingles. That's some nasty stuff. I'm not saying the shot gave me shingles but you do the math...
A friend who worked in R and D at Moderna told me she wouldn’t use any new drug until it had a minimum of five years of clinical trials. She held the line and actually resigned rather than take the jab. That was enough for me to take my chances with natural immunity.
Six and half decades passed by and Don didn’t just nail it this Friday he cemented it. It’s the big picture after the fog and static fall when you see the light. He certainly shares his vision the way Jack Webb as “Joe Friday” acted it, ‘Just the Facts’! Thank You Don!
For years the CDC defined a vaccine as agents that “prevent disease”, simple. On 9/1/2021 the CDC quietly changed that to “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting that person from that disease.” Subtle, but removing the part about “prevention”. “Protecting” is not the same.
Fair question-prove him wrong-Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) is questioning whether diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) played a role in the fatal plane crash at Reagan Washington National Airport outside of Washington, D.C.
Whether or not DEI played a role in this tragedy, it has affected hiring practices within the FAA. Reports are that thousands of qualified applicants for jobs within the FAA have been turned away due to DEI policies. If these reports are true, then the FAA is less concerned about air safety and more about racial and gender quotas, which in my mind, is criminal.
Covid... My wife had an autoimmune disease so I had to take the Moderna shot like you. I refused the booster but my wife took it. She now has chronic fatigue going on five years and the Drs we see cannot or won't fix her. I caught covid a couple of years ago and survived. I gave it to her and she was hospitalized but survived. I get better lookin each day but my wife, still suffering....
My wife (she passed this past June) was in a nursing home during Covid so of course they were threatening me I couldn't see her unless I took shot. So I took one shot. And have had chronic fatigue since. Hardly have the energy to do anything. And yes, Drs. have no idea.
I was fortunate to come upon Dr. Robert Malone very early in 2020, who was one of the premier scientists in the field of MRNA research and technology.
He stated way back then, as he does to this day, that MRNA technology should never be used in human subjects due to the incalculable unknowableness of the myriad of its abilities which potentially could wreak havoc in the human body.
And yet, the scientific community now believes they have a license to play around with the DNA of the human species.
There must be a moratorium on MRNA research and development, and I hope that is Job #1 for Mr. Kennedy when he is sworn in.
mRNA is used everyday on animals - the cows that produce the beef we all buy in the grocery store. We're eating mRNA.
We can't necessarily trust the 'grass fed beef' we see in some stores like Sam's and others because the label doesn't specify that cow also did NOT get hormone shots and other injections like mRNA vaccines. Lastly, Malone, in a recent post said once again, we are all being flooded with the spike protein because of shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated.
Fauci delivered on his promise to Gates and DOD. Gene therapy has been delivered to the human race on planet Earth.
Very sorry to hear about your wife and your fatigue. I am not a doc but I trust some experts in the medical community about COVID issues. One is the FLCCC which I used as a non-vaxxed person in 2020 and 2021. They assisted with helping me find Ivermectin and dosages for IVM and HCQ. They may have advice on detoxing your body to get rid of the spike protein. That may help with your fatigue issue.
Another excellent source is Dr. McCullough and his company: The Wellness Company. They have developed a spike detox formula. Again, this may help with your fatigue issue. I also have purchased and used this supplement. While I did not take the vax, I did get COVID in 2021. Whether we took the shot or only had COVID (or both), we all have spike protein floating around and lodging in our organs. If you believe the research suggesting the Spike protein is 'shed' from vaxxed to non-vaxxed people, it may make sense for everyone to have some spike detoxing solutions available - even those who had neither COVID or the vax.
Again, I am not a doc, but I have been a very active researcher since 2020 when I started learning from the FLCCC and Dr. Pierre Kory. These brave docs took a lot of risk to get the honest messages out despite being de-platformed, de-licensed, terminated, and publicly harassed.
Tulsi and Bobby are doing one thing very well- that is exposing the vitriolic behaviour of those questioning them. How embarrassing for those poor actors. They must realise way down deep inside that they are cretins and are on their way out--- if their constituents have half a brain.
Given the number of times these unctuous morons have been returned to office, I’d guess that at least half their constituents have less than half a brain. Way less…
Texans are doing this too. The super-majority RINO Texas House has long partnered w democrats to elect Speakers of the Texas House, rather than a conservative Speaker. Just did it again, even ignoring Texas Republican Party Agmt only to vote for nominee they voted t/b Texas Speaker. RINO House members just voted for democrat supported Texas Speaker and let democrats vice-chair most important Texas House Cmtes. Same Texas RINOs that failed to impeach Texas AG Ken Paxton last Session. They were able to strip Texas AG from power to investigate election fraud.
Slowly democrats and their Texas RINO allies have thwarted efforts to govern w conservative values, and close to elections in fat & happy oblivious Texas…. Texas Senate is conservative, but House will not act….
This is disappointing and disturbing all at once. Not that I don’t have my own issues up here in Canada but here I am thinking Texas is as safe a State as possible for folks with a mid Conservative mindset, only to have you tell me the d-rat, leftist rot is in full swing there!
That’s why this edition of the democratic party needs to be torn out root and branch and replaced with an America First version!
It is most disturbing and potentially very dangerous.
It is incumbent on the citizens of both FL and TX to get loud and put a stop to this behavior. These RINOs need to feel some serious and prolonged HEAT at their feet to get them in line. The MAGA citizenries of both states need to get mobilized, get out there and bring it - pronto!
Pain in our asses. Corralling them in the corner is hard, but we get closer all the time. Terry Wilson the rep from the Georgetown area of Williamson Cty has now proven that he is a 💩. We aren’t going to let him forget it. We have already voted to censure.
Georgetown is too close to the Austin bleeding heart liberals
Texas has a Bush problem.
Unfortunately his death won't fix the problem. We have found this with McCain in AZ.
There is only one solution--MAGA people have to get active in the county and state Republican Party apparatuses--the Executive Committees. This is the RINO's seat of power, and how they function as "gatekeepers" as to who is allowed to run for office as a Republican. They will keep fielding RINO's until we replace them in the Party apparatuses.
Arizona and Texas needs to wise up. You can't fix this problem from the outside just complaining about it. You have to weed the RINO's out from INSIDE their Party fiefdoms, by taking over the State Parties.
Rinos have the money.
But everyday they move closer to extinction.
I was going to say “pitchforks and torches,” but your plan is probably more practical!
I thought W was a good governor but our other choice when he was elected was Ann Richards. I continue to wish I could take my vote back the 2 nd time I voted for him as president but sure am glad Gore wasn’t president when 9/11 happened
I was a Perry man in the Federal primary.
I was also fooled by the neocons.
Trump opened my eyes to the truth about China, Neocons, and Globalists.
Trump opened eyes around the globe D.C. !!!
Florida legislature is bucking DeSantis’ immigration bill that simply says Florida will support Trump’s immigration policies & goals (working with Federal entities in rounding up illegals, etc.)
The best governor in America & his own are working against him by turning Florida into a sanctuary state. It’s ridiculous & puts their constituents in harm’s way not to mention fund these folks who broke our laws at the moment they crossed our borders.
Your problem is the California virus that has moved to Austin and made it trendy. People like Mathew McConaughey with cowboy hats, boots and no horse or cattle. Before long Texas will be purple. It happened to Virginia same way. Many states are now split in geography red and blue. Liberalism is a disease with no cure, and it spreads much like terrorism thru ignorance. Mr Trump has a chance to reset the political cultural if successful. We all need to demand that congress help.
Austin always has had the commies/hippies since the 70s, but any single family house is in Travis county is over $1million, they can’t afford taxes anymore. Youngsters have to live 50 miles away…. A lot of Kalifornians are moving out after the Texas summers.
The whole TX house fiasco really has me concerned about our future as a Red state. What are those idiots thinking!
The long arm of Date Phelan and his cronies. We have a good Chair of the TX Republican party, but too many house members that are compromised.
Primaries should become the norm...not just in TX but everywhere represented by pols unresponsive to their constituents.
I do think folks are waking up to the Rinos, esp when taxes are double w prop values & insurance skyrocket…approaching mortgage pmts…
And the solution is to flood the zone and spend the money to educate those of us who don't know what a RINO is. If we don't primary every one of them, Texas will become deep purple.
They likely will regardless.
Right on. For a very long time my wife and I have agreed that 80-90% of America is dumb or stupid or both. Nothing seems to change.
Dumb? Perhaps. I see it as low-information. Millions are un-engaged in the process of running this country. They don't really care to get involved. Most did not - will not - watch the hearings or even read any real reporting on the topic. And, the reporting this low-information audience gets is all BS and lies.
The voters are apathetic courtesy of 50 years of mis or non education which was replaced brainwashing or re-writing history and civics.
Define it as it pleases you. Use any words that work for you. We are on the same page and that is all that matters.
Chosen, but not by the voters
With a nod to the Harvesters-poor crop in 24.
One cell is still a brain. So is it possible they are sharing it? The retarded version of the Borg from Star Trek and they are assimilating our children.
Which brings us to the quote from Lincoln or Twain, “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than opening it and removing all doubt.” The main stream media are losing their clout and as a result so are the Democrats.
Thanks for that quote. I must admit that I have never heard that one; or I have forgotten. One thing I really like about Don's column is this kind of exchange of information. Thanks again.
I look for his column every morning.
It gets attributed to both. I remember in highschool one teacher said Lincoln and another said Twain. Need to see if there are any YouTube videos that can confirm that either really said it first. ;-)
Here it is:
Proverbs 17:28
“ Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”
There are actually quite a few that make the similar point in various ways.
I believe the phrase, or words to the same effect, originated in the Book of Proverbs.
I’ll see if I can find it.
Hahaha true!
An axiom on full display- Politics is show business for ugly people.
Quote - Rush Limbaugh
Yes indeed.
Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobechar, Shifty Schiff, Durbin, et al are done. Fools all.
When Schiff opens his mouth, I cringe big time. It is as if one is looking at the devil in person. Very nasty person.
They are the best we have. I like them both. Grace of God go before us!
Fools all, for sure. Done? I don’t know about that. Corrupt machines and totalitarians can withstand enormous failures. Look at Chicago, California, NYC, New Orleans, Memphis, Seattle, Portland … and then, there’s the “Beyond Our Borders List” which is too long for me to thumb-type on this here gubmint tracking device (aka, smart fone).
What yesterday did for America is give us a front-row seat to the corruption and evil that has settled into our government.
I hope eyes were opened and mouths were agape.
Mine were.
It’s on my wishlist…
Astute observation sir!
Pompous asshats but not fools, if you look into their net worth they is crooked !!!!
They’re fools alright, but sadly they’re not done. I live in MA where Republicans rarely get more than 40% of the vote in any given race. Which explains Warren and Markey.
What are we going to do to change this. How much of this is fraud in the elections? Clean up the voter roles and get rid of the machines and the RINOs and you will find a different percentage of the vote go to Republicans. I’m MAGA!
So they are thieves!
My wife is a precinct chair. Last year we swept out the Republican County Chair. He was a true piece of shit. We did it by building our precinct chair base. Strike 1 against the Bushes. The State Party last year voted to close the primary. Strike Two against the Bushes. We voted to censure any State Representative that didn’t vote for the Party choice. Williamson County has already voted for that. Now is time to do this. We are getting there. The cat in the corner does want to fight so we will have to give him/her that fight.
Wasn't it Rush who called them 'mind numbed robots'?
Could be. I have a friend who calls them "The huddled masses of dumb asses"...
Looks like Tulsi switched her view on FISA's Section 702 for political expediency. Not good.
I wonder to what extent she told them what they demanded to hear. Same with Bobby and vaccines. I still would vote to confirm them both then watch what they actually do.
But did she even have to? This is all strictly on party lines anyway...
She switched her view to accommodate some of the Republican members too. Some of the R's are just Democrats in disguise.
It's the lesser of two evils; I just want to see her get in. Her actions will count more than words to fools in some theatre of the absurd.
Amen Ep and ye shall know them by their works.
Lankford was particularly snakey.
She stated:
"My prior concerns about FISA were based on insufficient protections for civil liberties, particularly regarding the FBI's misuse of warrantless search powers on American citizens. Significant FISA reforms have been enacted since my time in Congress to address these issues.”
Exactly what “significant reforms” were not stated, to my knowledge.
I agree, you have a valid concern.
the senator who asked then spoke over her until the time was up instead of letting her answer "what reforms"
Thank you for this info. I will research further.
Trust, but verify.
Austin always has had the commies/hippies since the 60s, but any single family house is in Travis county is over $1million, they can’t afford taxes anymore. Youngsters have to live 50 miles away…. A lot of Kalifornians are moving out after the Texas summers.
Did any Democrat actually ask a relevant question of any of Trumps nominee’s?
Good question. I don't see anything about Hegseth and the DOD tranny policy. It would seem to me that dumping 15,000 troops would be of concern to teh LGBTQ-owned party
Until we exterminate the lobby they will hang in Poca-Man but you are bringing the heat daily. Thank you and carry on please.
If they did it doesn't matter because few of them let the candidate answer their question.
Their questioning wasn't meant to provide insight for listeners. They were mini-monologues of the Senator's hateful, bribed, corrupt positions and opinions.
It was only a “Hearing” insofar as we only got to hear them persecute and malign the nominee.
They were more like kangaroo courts.
Shameful and disgraceful display.
Yes. Sen Warner asking Gabbard why she switched her position of FISA's Intelligence Surveillance Act, Section 702. A HUGE Fourth Amendment issue.
Are there any relevant democrats…better question…is the Republican Party any better? I am MAGA…dark MAGA
As Sundance always says..."The DNC uses money to get power. The RNC uses power to get money." Two feathers of the same vulture.
Or, as Alan Keyes, explaining the main difference in the two Parties, once put it: “Democrats believe that man is God, whereas Republicans believe that money is God.”
Or...Democrats believe Government is God.
Effing vultures…I shot two yesterday they bleed green for money.
I see your “dark MAGA” and raise you 1 Anti-Federalist & neo-Confederate. (I have a thang for “gubmint by consent of the governed”.)
Actually, quite a few Republicans acquitted themselves really well! It was refreshing.
Every. Single. One. revolved around either protecting their future asses from criminal charges, and/or their slush fund pet projects.
Wasn't in their Talking Points.
They could have done better by expelling that gas via their posteriors.
Godspeed, Pete: Hegseth was unapologetic: “DEI is not going well at the Defense Department because it’s dead.”“One of the dumbest phrases in military history is ‘our diversity is our strength,’” Hegseth said. “Our diversity is not our strength. Our unity and our shared purpose is our strength. Merit based and colorblind”. What a novel idea.
I never gave much thought to Bobby over the years, although that speaks well of him since I never thought well of any of the Kennedy clan that survived my early childhood (which ended around the time Bobby Sr. did). I don’t remember what made me buy his Fauci book, but I’m glad I did. The level of research that effort must have taken is amazing to me. As is the depths of evil of that malignant gnome Fauci. So to see the deadly serious clown show playing out under the big top of the embarrassment that is the World’s Most Deliberative Body (my ass!) is once again, infuriating. Tedious, but infuriating. I’ve seen Fauxcahontus in action twice now, and if there was ever a poster woman that advocated for the removal of women from eligibility for elected office it’s her (I’ll need a palate cleanse of Pam Bondi, Elise Stefanie, Kristi Noem and/or Tulsi Gabbard to disabuse me of my misogyny). Anyway, RFK Jr’s ordeal reminds me of Sundance’s regular reminder that “there are trillions at stake.” Imagine looking at the U.S. health metrics over the last half century and thinking “this is working - we just need to throw more money at it.” I hope he passes the confirmation shit show, and burns it all down so we can start over.
“ to see the deadly serious clown show playing out under the big top of the embarrassment that is the World’s Most Deliberative Body ”
Brilliant! “the big top”!
Absolute Gold!
And don't just love how they introduce each other... "my esteemed colleague from the great state of..." LOL. Pathetic.
Haven’t watched these before. It was amusing when Sen. Mullin went after his “colleagues” during Pete Hegseth’s “Trial By Stupid” and showed what an obviously fake and dishonest masquerade that collegiality is. I’d be more impressed if they started hitting each other with chairs. At least that would be honest. And interesting.
Or my friend from …
But should Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Jamaal Bowman, etc., mean the removal of men from eligibility for elected office?
Bringing back tarring and feathering would be a return to The Olde Wayz ™️ I would support.
As you, the charisma for me ended with RFK,Sr. & while I support him & his appointment, I have a gut feeling this isn’t going to end well even if he is confirmed.
Are you referring to the Kennedy Curse? If so, Boby’s excommunication from The Family also speaks well of him.
Handwriting on the Wall: Trump’s New Transportation Secretary Takes a Sledgehammer to Biden’s ‘De Facto EV Mandate’ As His First Act in Office, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy on Tuesday began the process of rolling back fuel economy standards set by the Biden administration that he said “put coercive pressure” on automakers to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles. Breaking: In his first action, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy axed Biden’s CAFE fuel economy standards that were seen by critics as a de facto EV mandate. THE EV BUBBLE CONTINUES TO DEFLATE: Volkswagen Cancels the ID.7. It Won’t Be Coming to America After All. It would be interesting to see how History will judge the era of EV, DIE, CRT, GND, FJB, LGBT-ETC.
"It would be interesting to see how History will judge the era of EV, DIE, CRT, GND, FJB, LGBT-ETC."
It all depends on who will get to write the history books. We'll get insight to the answer with the outcome of 2028 to see whether MAGA will survive.
America has a short attention span and half are so un-engaged in the process they can't name the Senators of their own state. Some can't name the VP.
Agree, Shrugged. I get the sense that too many of us are celebrating like the war is over. It's far from over. Just listen a little to the media and other lefties. I see no white flag there.
The election of Trump only landed us on the beach. We now have to fight our way into and throughout the occupied territories and take them back, one by one, as many as we can, until we fully take back and repossess the land - the USA - they’ve stolen from Americans.
Our hardest work assignment started on Nov 6th, the day after Trump was the President elect. What we all did to get him to Nov 5th was a cake walk.
Agree , we are just getting started.
Again.Shrugged this is via pre k-phd miseducation at work.
“ We have the best criminals in the world. Unleash their potential.”
I’ve always said that if only criminals put as much effort into a legal operation that they do putting into their criminal ones, they’d be just as rich, with the bonus of being able to stop looking over their shoulder and sleep well at night.
Or, do what the Mafia eventually did: get into government!
Sadly, too many of the criminals are in Congress
It’s a criminal’s natural habitat!
Worked for Steve McQueen— Wanted Dead or Alive!
Good show. Seeing it for the first time on reruns and my goodness was he good
I listened to the hearings yesterday for about 4 hours (on an 8-hour road trip) as the channel rotated between the commentator, Gabbard, Kennedy, and Patel.
The Democrats/Uniparty were rabid and spewing a cocktail of anger overshadowing fear. Some were foaming at the mouth as each of the three remained calm and Constitution-focused. That is, IF they were given the courtesy of answering the questions asked before being interrupted and stomped-on by the Senator(s). The loud mouths were on their bully pulpits.
The takeaways are scary to me: The Dem/uniparty is fully rejecting what a majority of voters believe and why Trump prevailed in November. For example, The left still believes the COVID 'vaccine' was the COVID lifesaver, all vaccines are safe and have no causal role in the rise of autism, the intelligence community is pristine and innocent of using its power against American citizens, and the FBI is an institution of valor and above reproach. Mostly, the Dems/uniparty wanted to know the cabinet member (Patel) wouldn't pursue individuals like Fauci. The bribed corruption of those Senators was enough to make me pull into a rest area and vomit.
The best opening statement was Tulsi Gabbard's. She rubbed their noses with the IC corruption, listing specific examples of actions that were never held accountable during the last 8+ years.
The worst among the screaming Senators was: Booker, Bennett, Sanders, Warner, and Pencil-neck Schiff.
What I saw yesterday - the real faces of those who are leading America (with a few exceptions) - scares me to death. I can't wait to see the outcomes on the three from yesterday.
Yes--there is no substitute for actually watching this type of hearing. And it really is shocking to see what numbskulls are running our country.
I sometimes feel for the good guys who have hung in there--like Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz. They both seem quite tired to me. And very understandably so. It must be incredibly demoralizing to be around such low level crap every day.
Was a drive-by watcher myself, but agree about Tulsi’s takedown of replacing one dictator from another. If nothing else, this proved that If it weren’t for J6 & the 2020 election (which Trump won) the Dems would have nothing, as I doubt they even know where Syria is.
Agree. Tulsi served in Syria. She knows it better than any Senator.
The screaming senators are like demons that know they have lost… desperately trying to hold onto power.. making a lot of noise, flailing about, grasping at the ridiculous (militant onesies???) still dangerous… but will lose in the end.
It was disgusting ! Asking a question and then not allowing a response is a total lack of manners , respect , and an insult to the taxpayers . Violations of this type should result in being escorted out of the chamber . Go campaign on your personal time , not the taxpayers .
We have the best criminals, unleash the potential!!!
We have a winner for the best line of the day folks!
They ARE unleashed - throughout our gubmints at all levels!
Thats why we are in this mess!
Right But I think Dons referring to the kind of criminals who actually hustle for a living and have a skill set
Even Chinese and for sure Nigerians worked the Covid-loan Asimovian ‘billions and billions’. I am sure all the US spy satellites can take before/after pictures of known online-scammer areas of Nigerian, Ukraine, Russia, Sicily and see all the New fantabulous mansions built 18 months later after they money was scammed from the morons in DC…
How about the best idea / solution of the day ? Don has hit the nail on the head, if you want results give the private sector some direction and the opportunity to make some money then watch the results roll in . Thank you Don for bringing this effective method back into the light .
I like you am a 70+ Boomer. There are millions of us living, breathing, and enjoying life in this chaotic world. How did we survive with only three childhood vaccinations? Were we stronger? Are children today a weaker version of humanity? If a vaccine actually works to protect a person from a disease and my neighbor takes it and I don't, then he is protect; I am not. So why should my neighbor worry about me passing a disease to him, his protected, right?
Turns out it didn't. I had the shot. I caught Covid. i'm pretty sure a classmate gave it to me at a small reunion. He's a hand shaker. Half of us came down with Covid. All survived to tell about it.
Two years ago at my annual physical they told me I better get the Shingles vaccination. Got the shot. Two weeks later I came down with Shingles. That's some nasty stuff. I'm not saying the shot gave me shingles but you do the math...
Some things are better left alone , that's why I totally support Don's position of " you do you " .
A friend who worked in R and D at Moderna told me she wouldn’t use any new drug until it had a minimum of five years of clinical trials. She held the line and actually resigned rather than take the jab. That was enough for me to take my chances with natural immunity.
Six and half decades passed by and Don didn’t just nail it this Friday he cemented it. It’s the big picture after the fog and static fall when you see the light. He certainly shares his vision the way Jack Webb as “Joe Friday” acted it, ‘Just the Facts’! Thank You Don!
For years the CDC defined a vaccine as agents that “prevent disease”, simple. On 9/1/2021 the CDC quietly changed that to “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting that person from that disease.” Subtle, but removing the part about “prevention”. “Protecting” is not the same.
Fair question-prove him wrong-Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) is questioning whether diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) played a role in the fatal plane crash at Reagan Washington National Airport outside of Washington, D.C.
Whether or not DEI played a role in this tragedy, it has affected hiring practices within the FAA. Reports are that thousands of qualified applicants for jobs within the FAA have been turned away due to DEI policies. If these reports are true, then the FAA is less concerned about air safety and more about racial and gender quotas, which in my mind, is criminal.
The reports are true, Jim. Don verified them for me yesterday
If reports are true, a Tranny was pilot-checked off all 3-d, e, and i
'I am not a doctor'. Meme of the day-A scene from "Sweet Home Alabama"-2 lovers embraced in a raging storm:
She-Is it raining?
He-I don't know. I'm not a meteorologist.
I think that’s spelled “meaty urologist”
That's how Archie Bunker would say it.
Covid... My wife had an autoimmune disease so I had to take the Moderna shot like you. I refused the booster but my wife took it. She now has chronic fatigue going on five years and the Drs we see cannot or won't fix her. I caught covid a couple of years ago and survived. I gave it to her and she was hospitalized but survived. I get better lookin each day but my wife, still suffering....
My wife (she passed this past June) was in a nursing home during Covid so of course they were threatening me I couldn't see her unless I took shot. So I took one shot. And have had chronic fatigue since. Hardly have the energy to do anything. And yes, Drs. have no idea.
I was fortunate to come upon Dr. Robert Malone very early in 2020, who was one of the premier scientists in the field of MRNA research and technology.
He stated way back then, as he does to this day, that MRNA technology should never be used in human subjects due to the incalculable unknowableness of the myriad of its abilities which potentially could wreak havoc in the human body.
And yet, the scientific community now believes they have a license to play around with the DNA of the human species.
There must be a moratorium on MRNA research and development, and I hope that is Job #1 for Mr. Kennedy when he is sworn in.
Yes, a moratorium on mRNA to ALL species.
mRNA is used everyday on animals - the cows that produce the beef we all buy in the grocery store. We're eating mRNA.
We can't necessarily trust the 'grass fed beef' we see in some stores like Sam's and others because the label doesn't specify that cow also did NOT get hormone shots and other injections like mRNA vaccines. Lastly, Malone, in a recent post said once again, we are all being flooded with the spike protein because of shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated.
Fauci delivered on his promise to Gates and DOD. Gene therapy has been delivered to the human race on planet Earth.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Find an attorney.
Very sorry to hear about your wife and your fatigue. I am not a doc but I trust some experts in the medical community about COVID issues. One is the FLCCC which I used as a non-vaxxed person in 2020 and 2021. They assisted with helping me find Ivermectin and dosages for IVM and HCQ. They may have advice on detoxing your body to get rid of the spike protein. That may help with your fatigue issue.
Another excellent source is Dr. McCullough and his company: The Wellness Company. They have developed a spike detox formula. Again, this may help with your fatigue issue. I also have purchased and used this supplement. While I did not take the vax, I did get COVID in 2021. Whether we took the shot or only had COVID (or both), we all have spike protein floating around and lodging in our organs. If you believe the research suggesting the Spike protein is 'shed' from vaxxed to non-vaxxed people, it may make sense for everyone to have some spike detoxing solutions available - even those who had neither COVID or the vax.
Again, I am not a doc, but I have been a very active researcher since 2020 when I started learning from the FLCCC and Dr. Pierre Kory. These brave docs took a lot of risk to get the honest messages out despite being de-platformed, de-licensed, terminated, and publicly harassed.
More on spike detox: https://www.twc.health/products/ultimate-spike-detox?_pos=1&_psq=detox&_ss=e&_v=1.0&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhvK8BhDfARIsABsPy4hetGx10zD67VOmx8hXFC9q66WPsSiVfknMNlUcRK-Xw0xz-uP8b7EaArzFEALw_wcB&utm_campaign=Search%20%2F%20TWC2022_Brand%20%2F%20EC%20%2F%20V1.0%2007%2F2024%20-%20US&utm_id=21478018049&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google
($1,600 billion or if you prefer, $1,600,000 million) in 2022. I prefer $1,600,000,000,000. Much more impressive😊
It would be better if that first comma was a decimal point.