I do think some of the things he says are amusing, I will give him that. (although when he knocks Trump, he gets my hackles raised). However, if he were the only man on earth I would take a vow of chastity. He is so gross. My description of him: "Separated at birth: Bill Maher and Hugh Hefner" and the similarity was astounding. Hugh was mega gross to me in every way imaginable. Maher is not an elitist unless he thinks he is. He is just another hack rebuking traditional America. Boo.
While I wouldn't enjoy having dinner with Maher either, he has said quite a few sensible things that go against the Leftist mainstream: about the idiocies of transgenderism, about the failures of the CDC, and about the 'whiteness' phobia, about carrying on as if racism in America is at an all-time high and we haven't made any progress there, which he has called "Progressophobia".
So called black victimhood was making a good change until Obama came in office. He set race relations back to pre-1960. The Geo Floyd debacle was the most disgusting thing I've seen in my entire life. The man was a criminal, didn't obey the police orders, was full of drugs/narcotics and died as a result. There is an autopsy to prove it. A white man sits in jail for doing his job. Clearly his knee was on his shoulder. The Floyd family got millions, he had gold casket, was treated as a martyr, etc. etc.,and it is just all abominable to me. You all know the rest of that story.
Personal note... My oldest daughter tends to be intellectual because I allowed unlimited questions with both of my daughters on discussing God Church theology politics etc. Even though she has many strong friendships with evangelicals partly because of her deep involvement in homeschool basketball she sometimes frightens them cuz of her far-ranging ideas. She likes Bill because he can rationally and quietly discuss opposing views and I have enjoyed listening to him from time to time. On Bill's new book tour he stopped by my favorite late night host Greg gutfeld.
I know a lot of folks like Greg but I can't find anything about him to like. I find him annoying and not funny. I know I am in the possible minority but what is it people like???? And why is Tyrus on these shows?
I find Greg annoying and funny and brilliant. Watch his summaries on the 5. Both Kat and Tyrus are intellectual equals and can stand up to his annoying them. I think Greg enjoys highlighting the size differences between all of them.
I can't stand him so much I don't think I could watch a summary. I don't doubt their intellect but I find him distracting with all the geegaws, tats, hats, size, jewelry, facial hair....I am sure he is a great husband and dad from what we know but as I said, distracting.
I've been a Maher fan on and off for a long time. I think he's actually honest. That is not to say he is sane; Maher is clearly a loony when it comes to The Orange Man and FJB, but I think he really believes what he says. I would love to handcuff him to a chair and force him to look at all the evidence - actually, calling it evidence is wrong; it is PROOF - of the grand theft that was the 2020 election and see if that kind of intervention would cure his TDS.
Jane's 86 years of accumulated "daddy didn't love me" gripes makes her vegetable instead of mineral or animal. I hope she lives to regret her choices, but I doubt it. (Perhaps On Golden Pond meant something entirely different. Bidness is Bidness)
From everything I've ever read, Henry Fonda was a grand horse's ass, and his psychological abuse far worse than any physical. No wonder his children turned out like they did.
In the interview process for OCS back in the 70s I was asked what I thought about Hanoi Jane. I said I don't agree with what she's saying/doing but I'm bound to protect her right to say it/do it. Not sure I answered that correctly now.
Me either. Had to look it up to see what it was about. The dumbest thing in the world is encouraging the end fossil fuels in any form or fashion or ridiculous boycott. !
IF we can beat the cheat and get our boy where he deserves to be, the first order of business needs to be the destruction of the democratic party, root and branch.
As an aside, as reasonable as Bill Maher appears to be lately, he is just trying to move himself and his show closer to the political center so he has an audience left after the reckoning. But as far as I’m concerned, he, Stewart, Oliver, Colbert and that ever more detestable Jane Fonda, need to be put up against a wall.
After a short trial of course. These assholes have rights!
Wife was watching a series the Jane Fonda starred in. I wouldn't even be in the room while it was on. It's a free country, so far, so she can watch what she wants but, I was clear about my intense dislike for Hanoi Jane.
It was called Grace and Frankie and my wife enjoyed watching it. Like you, I refused to join her when it was on. I would rather have cleaned the mold from the grout between the bathroom tile with a tooth brush than watch Martin Sheen be a gay man married to Sam Waterston.
Bill Mahar’s new centrist approach is to hold on to as many independents as viewers as possible. He helps to confirm their growing concerns of things spinning out of control but keeps them rooted to democrats.
Frankly, it is better marketing than what the DNC has been using.
Bill Maher and Hugh Hefner always remind me of that "separated at birth" thing...remember that? Both gross males who most women with taste and dignity would NOT touch with a 10 ft pole or two 5 foot....I can't remember that part, lol. Help.
I try hard to extend kindness and compassion to those who deserve it, not to those who want to tear out the beating hearts of all Trump supporters like the Aztecs did during their sacrifices. I guess I have to work on those Bible teachings on forgiveness. It isn't in my Scottish blood.
A quick perusal of the links on CFP this morning and I come across (1) the interview of Anderson Cooper and Bill Mahar complaining lawfare hasn't worked well enough, (2) some BS ad from Martin Sheen claiming Republicans have introduced over 100 bills to destroy and control future elections that destroy "democracy", and (3) an interview with Jim Comey saying Trump will totally destroy and rebuild a corrupt FBI and DOJ if elected. The depth and breadth of the putrid, vile, evil corruption in our government and their media allies is overwhelming and very close to ending America's reign at any cost. They're just pissed they didn't start earlier on the lawfare.
While I get re-energized at the small victories we get, I have no kindness or compassion bones in me to try to live in a civil manner with these people. Civility against the satanic is exactly what the satanic want. The Democrats - whatever they have become - are a cancer. We either totally remove every cell of it or it will return and kill us all. By every cell, I mean every person in government or Hollywood or media who has promoted the cancer of the democrat strategy. Nobody gets a mea culpa.
Trump's four years will only be a small start on this large undertaking. The VP choice will be the one to do the heavy lifting if they can continue the 12-year run that starts with Trump in 2024. The VP choice may be the MOST important decision Trump will make for his next term.
I agree - VP has to be smart and tough, not just a vote magnet. So I’ll be disappointed if Scott is the choice. Nice guy, not smart enough to have confidence in when he’s being sold something or scammed by the bureaucracy.
The obvious choice is DeSantis or even Ramaswamy. We need someone for VP for will play hardball. That's all these people understand. Nice won't get it.
If they asked me - and there was no residency conflict - I would pick Rubio. I don’t think DeS is smart enough (he chooses wisely and keeps working to goals) and V, although very smart, has the attention span of a gnat. Lots of ideas, hard to keep him focused. Rubio has a lot of raw brain power and I think now understands the stakes. His family history of Cuban dictatorship helps. But he’s very smart. And pretty likable.
I was thinking nearly the same thing, only not quite as cogently. That's what I get for majoring in Church Music and Early Childhood Education. Getting a well-rounded education took an unexpected turn. Uffda!
May I suggest -- don't watch these people at all. You may think it's important to know what they're up to, but far more important is your peace of mind.
When DJT was President, the world appeared at least “tamed”. All the malign actors in the world were, for the moment, subjugated. Even the glimmers of a peaceful Middle East for the first time perhaps ever seemed possible. There truly was peace and prosperity, and hope for a brighter future.
Because these things ARE POSSIBLE.
During that time, however, his enemies, here in his own country, were working continuously to thwart all his efforts at every turn. Because evil never rests until it is thoroughly subdued.
Eventually, and through acts of sheer chicanery, they managed to seize power from him, and rushed headlong into destroying, not just all of his accomplishments, but far further, in a concerted effort to trample every principle, value and virtue this country has ever stood for. And it was a worldwide effort, aided and abetted by nearly every western power, now all aligned to change the entire world into some crazed new alien and inhuman entity.
So, here we a find ourselves, just four short years later, our country barely recognizable, and the world in flames.
Let’s say there's about a third of the world’s population that is all in on this effort at mass destruction, one third who are vociferously opposed, and about a third either sitting on the fence or with their head buried in the sand.
It is that last third, the fence sitters, the fearful, the ignorant, and the indifferent who will be held most responsible for the downfall of this country. It is they who need to be called out, and held to account.
The evil doers will pursue their evil, the good will fight the good fight, but those who sit on the sidelines and convince themselves they have no dog in this fight could not be more wrong. They will determine which way the pendulum swings, and they must be made aware that their very life and the life of their children and grandchildren depend upon the choice they make, a choice they must make before their very ability to even choose is stripped from them.
Deuteronomy 30:19
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:“
These people are bad news. Bad ideas, bad intentions, and bad results. These guys live in a bubble which I am fervently hoping gets burst very soon. I don’t find any of them worth watching. When someone promotes a demented political agenda and has zero entertainment value, they are there to tell you what to think.
Johnny Carson was funny. David Letterman was funny until he started taking himself seriously. The rest of these guys are not funny. They’re giving you a lecture. If want a lecture, I can get that from my wife, without the libtard thrown in, thank you.I imagine Hell as being forced to watch The View for all eternity.
I liked Letterman until he would do the same Mitt Romney had his dog on the roof of the car. Never took a swipe at Dems. Worshipped Obama. I remember when he made fun of Trumps hair when he was on the show. I still liked the line in one of his monologues from many years back, “ You can tell it’s Springtime in NYC. I just saw a bunch of birds fly out of that thing on top of Donald Trumps head.” You had to admit it was funny.
Nope -don’t feel kind when someone wants to destroy civilization. Don't feel like being gracious. Best I can do is avoid encountering those (formerly friends) who can not behave. That includes not supporting activities, organization and businesses that promote evil behaviour by others.
Radicals of all stripes aren’t interested in learning from experience: they are driven by the drive for power over others. If one experience or tactic is unsuccessful they will try another but the objective is the same - defeat those supporting civilization.
I’d show as much kindness to these people, and I’m including every one involved in the CoVaxx mass murder horror story as the Texans showed the Mexicans at San Jacinto!
I haven't been fonda Jane since she was posing with my enemies while we were in Vietnam. California governments have been honoring Fonda, Angela Davis, Huey Newton and others like them since the 60's. Nothing has changed except the governors are more ignorant than ever and one party rule means there is no pushback now.
If it were possible to rot-in-Hell while still breathing, that might be what Jane has going for her. IMHO, it would be a plus! And it would explain the uptick in sales of Noxema.
"Racial integration is praised but only in one direction." The curious thing about this is that many white people seem to think this is a good idea. May I humbly suggest a counterpoint or two? Rhodesia.
South Africa.
And let us not forget some historical examples of how white people fare when blacks take over, like Haiti.
This is the result when "racial integration" is forcibly imposed; it never stops with mere integration. It illustrates the pendulum principle, which decrees that the swing will never stop in the middle, but will continue until it reaches nearly the opposite side. Or, as I always like to point out, the slave never wishes mere equality with the master; he wishes to be the master.
It was not enough for the do-gooders on the Supreme Court to simply declare all invidious discrimination based on race to be unconstitutional. No, they had to declare that its opposite, i.e., "affirmative action" was acceptable, legal and even preferable. So here we are, living in a land where race is declared not to exist, yet it is the most salient factor in social and career advancement; where discriminating against someone on the basis of race is declared illegal, unless it is blacks discriminating against whites; where white celebrities who live in gated, exclusively white communities and whose children attend private schools where they never encounter a typical black or hispanic student get to harangue the rest of us on the evils of racial discrimination; where black millionaires get to lecture the rest of us on how hard it is for a black to get ahead in racist America. Next time, please, let's pick our own cotton.
Please excuse my vernacular, but you are pissing down a rathole. Haiti will never climb out of the black hole of neediness that it is. It features the worst combination of tyrannical, kleptocratic government (to the extent there is a "government") and a population that is remarkable only for its stupidity and ignorance. Its only parallell in the modern world is to be found in the "Palestinians." Benign neglect coupled with very tall and unbreachable fences is the only proper reaction to either, but I am afraid the opportunities for mutually beneficial graft exists to such an extent that things will never change until the inevitable collapse occurs. God help us.
Plus, Haiti has quite a dark religion, that makes it a treacherous place to engage with. I remember back at some point when we had US troops there for a short period (was it under Clinton??). There was a remarkable, unusual, number of suicides by US troops.
Many articles were written about it, speculating as to why. I believe it was a type of mental curse or attack (stemming from the Vodoun religion, also known as Voodoo) which is something that does occur and can impact one negatively if they are not spiritually alert and stably grounded in light.
South central Minnesota - much nicer than south central L.A.
For a few summers in college, I used to guide seven-day excursions through the BWCA - we'd put in at Gunflint Lake at the Lodge at the end of the trail.
Never realized I'd ever miss it as much as I sometimes do.
When Trump was President the USA was clean and safe. Trump is on Trial in NYC. When Giuliani was mayor NYC was clean and safe. Guiliani was just indicted in Arizona. THAT IS ALL.
PS I wish Caitlin Clark all the best. I watched the final NCAA Women’s championship because of her. The Iowa team looked like female athletes. The South Carolina Team looked like the cast from "Love after Lockup". It is sad the only place she gets to go to is the WNBA. I hope she blows the doors off the trannies there.
I heard my great Senator Marsha Blackburn on a radio interview yesterday. Host asked her a question about Biden, and when she began her answer, she first said, "Bless his heart." The co-host wanted to know what that meant. Host said, "If you haven't had some southern mom or grandmother "bless your heart," you aren't living right. If I should have said congresswoman, I will not. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is doing the work of THREE men!
Gingrich and the GOP targeted Clinton because the veep, Al Gore, gave the Chinese U.S. intellectual property in exchange for campaign funds.
Knowing what we now know about the deep state and Clinton’s disastrous foreign policy that launched the neocons’ forever wars, I wonder if Starr’s investigation took that ludicrous turn towards semen on a blue dress to distract us from the real crime.
I don’t care what Don says, I am not ever hugging Jon Stewart.
Same with Maher. Some humility is in order for these folks; until they admit they have been wrong...
Maher is nothing more than a very low IQ elitist who is NOT a comedian.
I do think some of the things he says are amusing, I will give him that. (although when he knocks Trump, he gets my hackles raised). However, if he were the only man on earth I would take a vow of chastity. He is so gross. My description of him: "Separated at birth: Bill Maher and Hugh Hefner" and the similarity was astounding. Hugh was mega gross to me in every way imaginable. Maher is not an elitist unless he thinks he is. He is just another hack rebuking traditional America. Boo.
While I wouldn't enjoy having dinner with Maher either, he has said quite a few sensible things that go against the Leftist mainstream: about the idiocies of transgenderism, about the failures of the CDC, and about the 'whiteness' phobia, about carrying on as if racism in America is at an all-time high and we haven't made any progress there, which he has called "Progressophobia".
So called black victimhood was making a good change until Obama came in office. He set race relations back to pre-1960. The Geo Floyd debacle was the most disgusting thing I've seen in my entire life. The man was a criminal, didn't obey the police orders, was full of drugs/narcotics and died as a result. There is an autopsy to prove it. A white man sits in jail for doing his job. Clearly his knee was on his shoulder. The Floyd family got millions, he had gold casket, was treated as a martyr, etc. etc.,and it is just all abominable to me. You all know the rest of that story.
Even if Chauvin's knee was on Saint George's neck, the windpipe is on the front, not the side.
There's no disagreement here. But it's amazing how falsehoods draw grifters, like carrion draws flies.
Well put Wim.
Personal note... My oldest daughter tends to be intellectual because I allowed unlimited questions with both of my daughters on discussing God Church theology politics etc. Even though she has many strong friendships with evangelicals partly because of her deep involvement in homeschool basketball she sometimes frightens them cuz of her far-ranging ideas. She likes Bill because he can rationally and quietly discuss opposing views and I have enjoyed listening to him from time to time. On Bill's new book tour he stopped by my favorite late night host Greg gutfeld.
I know a lot of folks like Greg but I can't find anything about him to like. I find him annoying and not funny. I know I am in the possible minority but what is it people like???? And why is Tyrus on these shows?
I find Greg annoying and funny and brilliant. Watch his summaries on the 5. Both Kat and Tyrus are intellectual equals and can stand up to his annoying them. I think Greg enjoys highlighting the size differences between all of them.
I can't stand him so much I don't think I could watch a summary. I don't doubt their intellect but I find him distracting with all the geegaws, tats, hats, size, jewelry, facial hair....I am sure he is a great husband and dad from what we know but as I said, distracting.
I've been a Maher fan on and off for a long time. I think he's actually honest. That is not to say he is sane; Maher is clearly a loony when it comes to The Orange Man and FJB, but I think he really believes what he says. I would love to handcuff him to a chair and force him to look at all the evidence - actually, calling it evidence is wrong; it is PROOF - of the grand theft that was the 2020 election and see if that kind of intervention would cure his TDS.
Don't try to confuse me with the facts! My minds made up.
Non stop chuckles from reading these comments.
Amen. Can you imagine what you could catch?
Is it appropriate to slap a lib first then hug them?
The NFL and the White House are filled with rapists pedofiles and wife beaters (aka P Diddys ) and they want to cancel Butker? FJB
With all due respect (cough, cough) to Jane Fonda and her “pussy boycott”…I don’t think she has a cat in that fight.
Jane's 86 years of accumulated "daddy didn't love me" gripes makes her vegetable instead of mineral or animal. I hope she lives to regret her choices, but I doubt it. (Perhaps On Golden Pond meant something entirely different. Bidness is Bidness)
From everything I've ever read, Henry Fonda was a grand horse's ass, and his psychological abuse far worse than any physical. No wonder his children turned out like they did.
Someone needs to inform Jane that a liberal pussy is as desirable as a flat, warm beer.
In the interview process for OCS back in the 70s I was asked what I thought about Hanoi Jane. I said I don't agree with what she's saying/doing but I'm bound to protect her right to say it/do it. Not sure I answered that correctly now.
I didn't even know that Hanoi Jane was still actively around making a sound, much less calling for any boycott.
Me either. Had to look it up to see what it was about. The dumbest thing in the world is encouraging the end fossil fuels in any form or fashion or ridiculous boycott. !
IF we can beat the cheat and get our boy where he deserves to be, the first order of business needs to be the destruction of the democratic party, root and branch.
As an aside, as reasonable as Bill Maher appears to be lately, he is just trying to move himself and his show closer to the political center so he has an audience left after the reckoning. But as far as I’m concerned, he, Stewart, Oliver, Colbert and that ever more detestable Jane Fonda, need to be put up against a wall.
After a short trial of course. These assholes have rights!
Wife was watching a series the Jane Fonda starred in. I wouldn't even be in the room while it was on. It's a free country, so far, so she can watch what she wants but, I was clear about my intense dislike for Hanoi Jane.
Quelle Bitch!
Quelle putain traîtresse.
It was called Grace and Frankie and my wife enjoyed watching it. Like you, I refused to join her when it was on. I would rather have cleaned the mold from the grout between the bathroom tile with a tooth brush than watch Martin Sheen be a gay man married to Sam Waterston.
Colbert is the most detestable of all.
No Argument from me. We’ll move him closer to the front of the line.
I'm not sure why I feel that way, VICKY, but I wholeheartedly agree. Colbert is in the same category as Bill Gates and Mitt Romney.
I'd begin with the Republican Party - we KNOW what the Dems are, but the congressional Republicans cannot be relied on when absolutely needed.
Bill Mahar’s new centrist approach is to hold on to as many independents as viewers as possible. He helps to confirm their growing concerns of things spinning out of control but keeps them rooted to democrats.
Frankly, it is better marketing than what the DNC has been using.
Bill Maher and Hugh Hefner always remind me of that "separated at birth" thing...remember that? Both gross males who most women with taste and dignity would NOT touch with a 10 ft pole or two 5 foot....I can't remember that part, lol. Help.
I try hard to extend kindness and compassion to those who deserve it, not to those who want to tear out the beating hearts of all Trump supporters like the Aztecs did during their sacrifices. I guess I have to work on those Bible teachings on forgiveness. It isn't in my Scottish blood.
A quick perusal of the links on CFP this morning and I come across (1) the interview of Anderson Cooper and Bill Mahar complaining lawfare hasn't worked well enough, (2) some BS ad from Martin Sheen claiming Republicans have introduced over 100 bills to destroy and control future elections that destroy "democracy", and (3) an interview with Jim Comey saying Trump will totally destroy and rebuild a corrupt FBI and DOJ if elected. The depth and breadth of the putrid, vile, evil corruption in our government and their media allies is overwhelming and very close to ending America's reign at any cost. They're just pissed they didn't start earlier on the lawfare.
While I get re-energized at the small victories we get, I have no kindness or compassion bones in me to try to live in a civil manner with these people. Civility against the satanic is exactly what the satanic want. The Democrats - whatever they have become - are a cancer. We either totally remove every cell of it or it will return and kill us all. By every cell, I mean every person in government or Hollywood or media who has promoted the cancer of the democrat strategy. Nobody gets a mea culpa.
Trump's four years will only be a small start on this large undertaking. The VP choice will be the one to do the heavy lifting if they can continue the 12-year run that starts with Trump in 2024. The VP choice may be the MOST important decision Trump will make for his next term.
I agree - VP has to be smart and tough, not just a vote magnet. So I’ll be disappointed if Scott is the choice. Nice guy, not smart enough to have confidence in when he’s being sold something or scammed by the bureaucracy.
Scott is UniParty, cannot be trusted.
The obvious choice is DeSantis or even Ramaswamy. We need someone for VP for will play hardball. That's all these people understand. Nice won't get it.
If they asked me - and there was no residency conflict - I would pick Rubio. I don’t think DeS is smart enough (he chooses wisely and keeps working to goals) and V, although very smart, has the attention span of a gnat. Lots of ideas, hard to keep him focused. Rubio has a lot of raw brain power and I think now understands the stakes. His family history of Cuban dictatorship helps. But he’s very smart. And pretty likable.
I was thinking nearly the same thing, only not quite as cogently. That's what I get for majoring in Church Music and Early Childhood Education. Getting a well-rounded education took an unexpected turn. Uffda!
Uffda! Now that's an expression I grew up with. The modern version is WTF.....
I got it honest. I learned it from "bachelor farmers" in Minneapolis, Minnesnowta back when it was still part of the United States.
Is uffda a regional term?
Yeah, I learned about WTF from “Modern Family”. Phil says he gets it…”Why The Face”? I use it all the time now.
May I suggest -- don't watch these people at all. You may think it's important to know what they're up to, but far more important is your peace of mind.
When DJT was President, the world appeared at least “tamed”. All the malign actors in the world were, for the moment, subjugated. Even the glimmers of a peaceful Middle East for the first time perhaps ever seemed possible. There truly was peace and prosperity, and hope for a brighter future.
Because these things ARE POSSIBLE.
During that time, however, his enemies, here in his own country, were working continuously to thwart all his efforts at every turn. Because evil never rests until it is thoroughly subdued.
Eventually, and through acts of sheer chicanery, they managed to seize power from him, and rushed headlong into destroying, not just all of his accomplishments, but far further, in a concerted effort to trample every principle, value and virtue this country has ever stood for. And it was a worldwide effort, aided and abetted by nearly every western power, now all aligned to change the entire world into some crazed new alien and inhuman entity.
So, here we a find ourselves, just four short years later, our country barely recognizable, and the world in flames.
Let’s say there's about a third of the world’s population that is all in on this effort at mass destruction, one third who are vociferously opposed, and about a third either sitting on the fence or with their head buried in the sand.
It is that last third, the fence sitters, the fearful, the ignorant, and the indifferent who will be held most responsible for the downfall of this country. It is they who need to be called out, and held to account.
The evil doers will pursue their evil, the good will fight the good fight, but those who sit on the sidelines and convince themselves they have no dog in this fight could not be more wrong. They will determine which way the pendulum swings, and they must be made aware that their very life and the life of their children and grandchildren depend upon the choice they make, a choice they must make before their very ability to even choose is stripped from them.
Deuteronomy 30:19
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:“
Middle-of-the-Roaders always get run over; some die, some live with their life-long injuries.
Most states have laws, rules or admonitions against eating or selling Road Kill for food. Here, that even includes deer.
Even Oregon allows that now, I suspect because removing roadkill was too much work for the Highway Division.
They're trying to get eaten last....
I really think they believe as long as there is a (D) beside their name, they are immune and will always remain protected.
About 10-15% will do something in a crisis, 30% will watch, and the rest will run away. That’s how it always is. 🤷🏼
Hah! Maybe, but what I dread may be coming this go ‘round ain’t gonna spare anyone.
You’re gonna have to pick a side and fight whether you like it or not, or it’ll pick you.
These people are bad news. Bad ideas, bad intentions, and bad results. These guys live in a bubble which I am fervently hoping gets burst very soon. I don’t find any of them worth watching. When someone promotes a demented political agenda and has zero entertainment value, they are there to tell you what to think.
Johnny Carson was funny. David Letterman was funny until he started taking himself seriously. The rest of these guys are not funny. They’re giving you a lecture. If want a lecture, I can get that from my wife, without the libtard thrown in, thank you.I imagine Hell as being forced to watch The View for all eternity.
Too horrible to even contemplate. Like spending eternity in an overcrowded henhouse with rampant Salmonellosis
I miss the old David Letterman.
Arrogant narcissist described Letterman for me. He wasn't funny IMHO.
He was for a while. Then he started believing his own press.
Last time I watched D.L. was like shutting my fingers in a car door.
I liked Letterman until he would do the same Mitt Romney had his dog on the roof of the car. Never took a swipe at Dems. Worshipped Obama. I remember when he made fun of Trumps hair when he was on the show. I still liked the line in one of his monologues from many years back, “ You can tell it’s Springtime in NYC. I just saw a bunch of birds fly out of that thing on top of Donald Trumps head.” You had to admit it was funny.
Nope -don’t feel kind when someone wants to destroy civilization. Don't feel like being gracious. Best I can do is avoid encountering those (formerly friends) who can not behave. That includes not supporting activities, organization and businesses that promote evil behaviour by others.
Radicals of all stripes aren’t interested in learning from experience: they are driven by the drive for power over others. If one experience or tactic is unsuccessful they will try another but the objective is the same - defeat those supporting civilization.
So - nope, no kindness.
I’d show as much kindness to these people, and I’m including every one involved in the CoVaxx mass murder horror story as the Texans showed the Mexicans at San Jacinto!
I haven't been fonda Jane since she was posing with my enemies while we were in Vietnam. California governments have been honoring Fonda, Angela Davis, Huey Newton and others like them since the 60's. Nothing has changed except the governors are more ignorant than ever and one party rule means there is no pushback now.
If it were possible to rot-in-Hell while still breathing, that might be what Jane has going for her. IMHO, it would be a plus! And it would explain the uptick in sales of Noxema.
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised when they honor as misunderstood singer/songwriter Charles Manson. The world is that insane.
Actually a torta is a mexican sandwich, but I bet the judge sobbed when this hit his bench.
Jane Fonda's boycott wins. Ain't no sane human going anywhere near that thing. You can't have a boycott when they are no buyers.
I jus kinda like seeing PUSSY as a choice in the poll....
Tried to but couldn't post a picture.
Of the sandwich, you degenerate. Even I won't do that.
I saw that thing and I breathlessly uttered "Holy Guacamole!!"
"Racial integration is praised but only in one direction." The curious thing about this is that many white people seem to think this is a good idea. May I humbly suggest a counterpoint or two? Rhodesia.
South Africa.
And let us not forget some historical examples of how white people fare when blacks take over, like Haiti.
This is the result when "racial integration" is forcibly imposed; it never stops with mere integration. It illustrates the pendulum principle, which decrees that the swing will never stop in the middle, but will continue until it reaches nearly the opposite side. Or, as I always like to point out, the slave never wishes mere equality with the master; he wishes to be the master.
It was not enough for the do-gooders on the Supreme Court to simply declare all invidious discrimination based on race to be unconstitutional. No, they had to declare that its opposite, i.e., "affirmative action" was acceptable, legal and even preferable. So here we are, living in a land where race is declared not to exist, yet it is the most salient factor in social and career advancement; where discriminating against someone on the basis of race is declared illegal, unless it is blacks discriminating against whites; where white celebrities who live in gated, exclusively white communities and whose children attend private schools where they never encounter a typical black or hispanic student get to harangue the rest of us on the evils of racial discrimination; where black millionaires get to lecture the rest of us on how hard it is for a black to get ahead in racist America. Next time, please, let's pick our own cotton.
Those making the "Affirmative Action" law, rules and regulations ARE THE RACISTS!
Dittos on Haiti. Our tiny little church denomination sends more aid and more missionaries to Haiti than to any other place.
Please excuse my vernacular, but you are pissing down a rathole. Haiti will never climb out of the black hole of neediness that it is. It features the worst combination of tyrannical, kleptocratic government (to the extent there is a "government") and a population that is remarkable only for its stupidity and ignorance. Its only parallell in the modern world is to be found in the "Palestinians." Benign neglect coupled with very tall and unbreachable fences is the only proper reaction to either, but I am afraid the opportunities for mutually beneficial graft exists to such an extent that things will never change until the inevitable collapse occurs. God help us.
Plus, Haiti has quite a dark religion, that makes it a treacherous place to engage with. I remember back at some point when we had US troops there for a short period (was it under Clinton??). There was a remarkable, unusual, number of suicides by US troops.
Many articles were written about it, speculating as to why. I believe it was a type of mental curse or attack (stemming from the Vodoun religion, also known as Voodoo) which is something that does occur and can impact one negatively if they are not spiritually alert and stably grounded in light.
In other words…Haiti is just another African country. Africa wins again.
Reply to Steve's main comment-- Very well said. I will be borrowing and using the excellent way you nailed it, if you don't mind.
They are the pigs illustrated in Orwell's "Animal Farm."
Prayers for Caitlyn. I believe she’ll be ok, as she knows and loves her sport. But any kind of support against the msm rhetoric would help.
Iowans are a tough breed. I grew up there. Best life growing up, ever.
Northern Minnesota. Tom Sawyer life growing up there.
South central Minnesota - much nicer than south central L.A.
For a few summers in college, I used to guide seven-day excursions through the BWCA - we'd put in at Gunflint Lake at the Lodge at the end of the trail.
Never realized I'd ever miss it as much as I sometimes do.
Love Minnesota-woods and lakes, that is. Many summers there, too.
You get it.
Did you say hug a libtard or mug a libtard?
I get confused lately.
When Trump was President the USA was clean and safe. Trump is on Trial in NYC. When Giuliani was mayor NYC was clean and safe. Guiliani was just indicted in Arizona. THAT IS ALL.
PS I wish Caitlin Clark all the best. I watched the final NCAA Women’s championship because of her. The Iowa team looked like female athletes. The South Carolina Team looked like the cast from "Love after Lockup". It is sad the only place she gets to go to is the WNBA. I hope she blows the doors off the trannies there.
“Souled his soul”. Not sure if that was a typo or not but I love it.
I heard my great Senator Marsha Blackburn on a radio interview yesterday. Host asked her a question about Biden, and when she began her answer, she first said, "Bless his heart." The co-host wanted to know what that meant. Host said, "If you haven't had some southern mom or grandmother "bless your heart," you aren't living right. If I should have said congresswoman, I will not. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is doing the work of THREE men!
The U and the I are neighbors on the keyboard ...
Gingrich and the GOP targeted Clinton because the veep, Al Gore, gave the Chinese U.S. intellectual property in exchange for campaign funds.
Knowing what we now know about the deep state and Clinton’s disastrous foreign policy that launched the neocons’ forever wars, I wonder if Starr’s investigation took that ludicrous turn towards semen on a blue dress to distract us from the real crime.
was it semen?, I always felt that she was there for Hiliary...
Prolly so.