Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Can’t wait to hear whatever change this assassination attempt has brought about in Donald.

Meanwhile, here’s my last exchange in my ongoing chat room with my sons from last night. I’d love some feedback:

I don’t jump to conspiracy theories but the strength of this one is 1) why would he go there expecting to find an unoccupied rooftop, & 2) what are the odds he’d happen to find one?

And 3) how could he go around looking for one carrying a rifle?

Makes more sense to me that he went straight to that one KNOWING it would be available for him.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Yeah, and the rule of thumb these days seems to be the most outrageous conspiracy theory turn out to be the right ones.

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Went to BB, they’re already on it.

They report that as of this morning, Trump’s already been indicted for inciting an assassination attempt.

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The MSM has already been trying to foist that one out there!, blaming Trump for bringing it on himself! They are truly despicable.

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Not sure if I should say welcome to nazi Germany or welcome to Stalin's Russia.

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They had a few hours to reconsider, and then went - nah - orangeman bad! Orangeman bad! Must destroy!

While I continue to worry about another attempt on Trump's life, they are making it easy for a huge left wing loss in November

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And likely the death of an innocent attendee. Never underestimate the lefts limits to subvert and benefit politically from a crisis.

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My thoughts exactly!

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LOL… that’s perfect!!

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I’m waiting for the Babylon Bee take on it. Then I’ll know.

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Thx for reminding me of the BB, our sharpest knife in the drawer.

They’ll filet the bogus official pronouncements.

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07/15/24: Their headlines in the past 48 hours have been superb (superbly funny, as well as being true): "Trump Safe, Leaving Only One Dead Candidate."

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Fer Shur…this has FBI or CIA written all over it. But what ever, it didn’t work, T and his boys will tighten up their security and the d-rats will try again.

I predict that the D-rats will now assassinate JB, claim it was T or Pubby payback and stick either Big Mike or Killiary in as VP, thereby keeping the 120 million in the party and then at some point Harris ditches and voila, Obum Boy gets his 4th term.

We CANNOT let that happen!

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I also had that distant thought that the hoped for assassaination of Trump was to be used as cover for the real plan to assassinate Joe, and try to blame it on “MAGA revenge”. They’d then be conveniently rid of both of them.

Trump survived however, which they’d not really bargained for. They’re plenty pissed off and now back at their drawing board cooking up new horrors to inflict.

Stay sharp, stay vigilant and pray without ceasing for the continued grace and mercy of God to with us all.

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“New horrors to inflict” is exactly what the death cult party actively conjures. What a terrifying thought you had. The idea behind such an evil plot has Old Scratch’s fingerprints all over it. Despicably devious.

God spared Trump and American patriots that day. I imagine the demons are growing more frantic and desperate. They are in retreat but not defeated so it is good advice to pray without ceasing for grace and mercy.

As Election Day approaches, events may become almost unbearable to a people unaccustomed to potential widespread societal upheaval.

Grace and mercy…..

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Amen to that! 🙏

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Blathering Biden has said numerous times that gruesome Newsom is his lady in waiting to replace him..

Zou goes off script a lot, but I think he's saying what his owners are saying, not necessarily what they tell him to say.

HiLlARy is still the most hated creature on the planet. Most people would rather play in the ocean with Submarine the shark than vote for it err her.

Big Mike isn't a team player. She's only slightly more popular than the Hildabeast. The money changers are better off with whorizontal Harris and she's worthless except as assassination insurance. The only question is how they remove her, leaked video of her blowing a summit meeting?

Reality is this is Soros' third term. He's the one who made Barry, but he's getting old and the reins of power are passing behind the scenes. Barry is just a puppet. Xiden? Think Jeff Dunham's skit where peanut has a maniquin. BUT there are people dumb enough to vote for that.

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Ole soros’ kid is marrying that hag that was married to Anthony wiener of all people and who worked for Hillary back in the phone hammering, pc scrubbing days so who’s running what I wanna know.

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Eight years ago Huma wasn't bad looking. Don't know about now. As with all liberals the ugly is mostly on the inside.

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I was speaking more to her inner appearance vs outer tbh. Anyone who spends that much time with HRC as a devoted confidant has to be dead evil inside. No amount of outer attractiveness can cover that up.

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100% agree, as I said with liberals the ugly is on the inside, but eventually it seeps through every pore.

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I have another question though that more knowledgeable people might be able to answer. I saw a pic that purportedly was the scene where Corey Comperatore was shot and it not only was blood soaked but it looked like brain mater all over. Is a single .223 capable of doing all that.

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Velocity trumps weight.

So yes

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Another piece of knowledge. Thanks David

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Light bullet (low caliber) high velocity will do as much damage as high caliber.


A slow large caliber won't get as easily deflected.

308 probably still most used deer round. Likely to be shooting through brush.

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Saw a video of Dr Jim Sweetland (on YouTube) who tried to resuscitate the man and he mentioned brain matter, so I guess the answer is yes.

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07/15/24: They'll bump off JB and claim that Trump did it.

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Not to sound like a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, the miss of DJT now requires a false flag move on Biden to get him off the stage. Having said that, I think that it's too late to swap out Slo Joe for another Democrat. The image of Trump with his fist in the air with Old Glory above him has given him a lock on the election. I have always said not to get cocky, but I think the election is in the bag.

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07/15/24: The data that I've been doing for the past two months --- which doesn't give a damn what I personally think --- all indications are that this will be an unmitigated disaster for the D卐M☭CRATs (New name! Which accurately defines the evil that they've done). Even the D's congressmen who do get re-elected will be returning to WDC as members of a decimated political party. Note: That is, IF we can survive November THIRD, and IF there's an election on 11/05/24.

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That will very nicely. I thank you.

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False flag? This may have been the false flag with the plan being to remove Zou and blame it on a conservative revenge seeker.

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Wonderful video on CFP today where a guy suggests that Pres. Trump get his protection from "The Hood".

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Maybe, but look how Trump got a jump in the polls after the attack. Same thing will happen if FJB is attacked. Sick country right now.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Yes, lots of very logical questions about oddly convenient coincidences (for the left). I don't normally listen to his podcast, but I went looking for Dan Bongino's response yesterday because Bongino is a retired Secret Service agent. He knows how these events are set up and how they eliminate risk areas. He was shocked about the roof with no agent on it.

Regarding the rifle and how it got there (he makes it clear he is speculating), it is possible the shooter buried it days before the event was set up so he didn't have to bring it through. The other theory is he went through an access point that didn't use metal detectors.

I'll leave it to you all to find it if you are interested, but he talks about every event having 3-Ps for entrances (The Press, the Public, and the Protectee). Members of these three P's come in a different entrance. Only the public has metal detectors at the entrance (if I understood his short update yesterday).

UPDATE added to this post: Today's Bongino show is much better source material than any regular talking head or news site because he is a retired Secret Service agent. The show on this Rumble link doesn't start until about minute 6:00 so forward the timeline to that spot.

Link: https://rumble.com/v571hol-an-apocalyptic-security-failure-ep.-2286-07152024.html

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Honestly, after reading all the stories about the incompetence of the Secret Service, it is my opinion that the shooter simply climbed up a ladder he either found in situ or brought (more likely) to the building with his rifle slung over his back. He must have given this some thought beforehand in order to put himself in a position where he had a line of sight to the podium, so the question is how/when he found out about the stage arrangements. I assume everything would have been set up at the latest, earlier on the day of the event, but I have seen nothing that establishes this rather crucial timing matter. Likewise, nothing has been mentioned about whether the business normally conducted out of the building whose roof he used as his sniper's nest was open, closed, etc. Typically, businesses are rather sensitive about people clambering around on their roofs, but again, nothing about this has come to my attention. The main point is, nevertheless, that the SS hierarchy was at least grossly negligent in disregarding an obvious vulnerability. I read that they have attempted to deflect criticism on to "local authorities," but it is their job to protect the assigned protectee. They failed miserably. Was it a case of their being careless "accidentally on purpose"?

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I hear you but there is so much information and so many assumptions floating around I doubt the real truth about what happened is possible right now. There will likely be much blame to assign at some point but it's also highly likely that the people responsible will never be held accountable and a bunch of underlings will be thrown under the bus in the end. Then it will be all forgotten and we will be ready for the next event or news flash.

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Same as it ever was…

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The area where the shooter was located was outside the venue perimeter, thus no metal detectors or security set up.

Still begs the question, how did the shooter know that?

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Yes, Bongino and others have made the point that having a perimeter only 400 feet from the stage is very odd in itself, however, Bongino adds that the area outside that perimeter still has layers of Secret Service personnel closely watching everyone personally and with binoculars. For example, the people who were standing outside the perimeter still had several police and secret service people to talk with to point out the shooter on the roof.

We now hear that one brave police officer went onto the roof to confront the shooter but was repelled when the shooter pointed his rifle at him. That was a local police officer. Why not the Secret Service? Where in the hell were the nearby secret service people who should have positioned a shot to take him out from that location? We're told they were under orders to wait until the assassin took a shot?!?! Ludicrous.

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Just read where the SS has thrown the local police under the bus and said they were responsible for all security outside the venue. See how easy it is to get rid of responsibility when you are the federal government?

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Local Fire Chief ordered derailed train to be blown up in Palestine.

That is still the line.

F the Feds.

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These people are not our friends.

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COINCIDENTALLY, Dr. MengeJill as well as Kamala scheduled events that same day in PA, which the SS has said “diverted” many of Trumps usual (and more seasoned detail) to them for their events, leaving Trump with fewer and greener agents to be on hand.

Can’t make this up if you tried.

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How conveniently coincidental for them . . . .

Steve Bannon says, "There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences" meaning it was planned to be this way.

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Who fired the bullet that nicked the Trumpster. I doubt it was the kid. If the Trumpster hadn't turned the kill shot would have been successful even with the wind drifting the bullet. I think there was a second more experienced shooter. The kid was there to take the blame.

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Might have had some inadvertent help or just got lucky.

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The shooter could be an insider... sounds very plausible.

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I go with he set up in advance the night before, next day climbed up on the roof and waited for the crowd to be distracted at the height of excitement.

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Steve, my questions exactly. Plus

4) How did a guy who didn't make the high school shooting team (missing a 50 foot target by 20 feet) make that shot, and

5) How did he sight in his rifle for a 130 yd shot if he didn't know the shooting position in advance?

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And we will probably never know the truth about any of it because our illustrious FBI is busy burying that truth -er, investigating the whole incident.

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Ask his daddy. It was his rifle. I am interested in the interviews with his Dem parents. So far, zilch.,

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Read today that the dad has 60 guns...

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…and aside from perhaps some very “prepared statement” we never will.

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130 yard shot is almost considered to be Point Blank Range. Maybe he was trying for center mass. We’ll never know the motive of the shooter, because they were plastered all over the roof of the building. Sad.

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I beg to differ. Shooting downhill slightly without a tripod, just prone on a hot roof, couldn't have been comfortable nor steady. "Point blank" is a stretch even with a .223. There is a reason not every service member gets a marksman ribbon in basic training. One has to prove they can shoot. And at less than 100 yards with M-16(.22) only 6 of us got ribbons out of a squad of 75.

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07/15/24: Ah, a reminder of the night time firing test in basic training (Fort Polk 1975). I was scared out of my wits, being forced to aim at basically nothing after the light over the target would be turned off by the instructors prior to the order to fire. The order was given. All the lights on the line went off --- except mine. Which is how I managed to pass the test (!).

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He missed with a rifle at a range that I and friends shoot pistols at.

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Why would his old man own an AR-15?

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I await his reply.

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The AR-15 is a common sporting arm lots of hunters utilize them for everything from feral hogs to prairie dogs. Sales data indicate it is the most popular gun in America, certainly the most copied. There are numerous companies who make clones of the original AR and modifications which make it one of the most versatile guns ever.

Add to that, they are fun to shoot, easy to control, low cost ammo, low recoil and easily adapted to meet a persons tastes, needs and imagination, they will remain popular for many years to come even as the military switches to something different.

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Why are you so hung up on the AR15

Not rare

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Why shoot pistols at targets over a 100 yards? Excess ammo?

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Short reply, why not?

Long reply, we hone our skills, train for the impossible so when the improbable happens you're ready. The unofficial motto of the SAS was we the unwilling led by the unknowing have been doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little we can now do anything with nothing.

There is a club near Limon Colorado who shoot 22 rifles to 1000 yards. Why? Because they can.

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That's why this kid missed, because he can, when one doesn't train. But I don't fully believe the unwilling part, God bless you.

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Members of the military go where ordered even though initial enlistment is voluntary and joining elite groups is also voluntary hence the unwilling lede.

May GOD bless you as well.

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Did a ladder just happen to be there for the shooter?

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Why wouldn’t a ladder be attached to a business building?

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Those ladders are supposed to be locked or grated to prevent casual access. Think of the liability if someone climbs up then falls or gets tossed off

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I've just read on www.lucianne.com that Crooks walked up to the shed with his rifle plus the ladder, which apparently he'd just purchased from a local store.

So he knew the place to attempt his assassination in advance.

And the FBI state "We know Nothing. We saw nothing. We did nothing"

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I think the number of “inexplicable” shootings by single males, loner in personality and bullied in middle school, living at home with one or more parents, without requisite skills and knowledge, going serendipitously to accommodating venues (without apparent plan for exit) has reached the no coincidence level. You know what they say: coincidence is just an explanation waiting. My money is on the groomed and aided by third parties explanation. I don't expect public confirmation but do expect additional actions.

nb: I do accept that the inexperience of local LE was a contributing factor in both planning and near success. Most police officers rarely do actual range practice beyond required minimum and never fire their service weapon. They just have no experience in live action. It’s a useful weakness in planning. But you do have to know where the locals take over responsibility for secure perimeter.

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👍-the whole thing smells like LeBron's jock strap.

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You might want to re-think that reply. After all, how would you know?

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Well, everything else about LeBumb stinks....

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Methinks you would make a great FM So pony up the hundred bucks.

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Your mom told me.

That the stock come back.

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Ooo, that’s rather descriptive!

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Another bit of "breaking" news is that the shooter had explosives in a nearby van and a transmitter with him on the roof. The theory is that the shooter planned to detonate the explosives as a diversion. Again God intervened via the actions of onlookers whose protests seem to have prompted the surveillance teams to take a bead on the shooter, prompting the shooter to fire earlier than he might have..

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Where did he buy all those explosives and how did he learn to make such a car bomb?

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Guess we'll find out.

Learning that the shooter staged himself on TOP of the "command center" is bad enough.

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He must have learned that from the J6 pipe bombs.

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Could he have been hiding inside the building, waiting until the crowd was distracted to go up to the roof?

He was local and obviously knew his way around.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

all three.

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Project 2025.- The President elect now has a clear mandate. to implement project 2025. For those not too familiar with it, believe it or not, there's a good article in the Washington Post. Click on my FM button if you can't stand the WAPO (Democracy Dies in Disinformation). Full disclosure: sometimes I feel like a ‘, sometimes I don’t. I’m a cut & paste blogger, w/o shame or remorse.

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That’s ridiculous. It’s exactly the issue the Democrats want to hang around his neck , and you are a Democrat troll or an idiot, probably both.

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He's a long time poster and one of the more conservative people here.

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Thank you, Jeremy. Just saw your comment to something named Anthony Davidson (Jul15-don't ask). I gave him my post on Project 25-https://paulmaj13.substack.com/p/project-25---Thx again.

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As those who follow me know, I am a strong believer in project 25. Trump and his campaign have often distanced themselves from it. I sincerely hope that this is just a tactic, a ruse as Dickie might say, and as soon as he is elected, he will embrace project 25. There are four pillars that are absolutely bulletproof to any American'

My friend at PJ Media sees it differently: ‘This is EXACTLY what Trump should be focused on. Instead, he’s buying into Democrat soundbites and falling into Democrats’ traps. Let us hope that Trump gets his head on straight and stops attacking the very individuals most qualified and determined to help him succeed. Otherwise, we’ll almost certainly witness a disorganized disaster as we saw during the 2020 election’.

You will hear much more from the Democrats about project 25. It is driving them bats*** crazy. A profile in courage would have made it the Republican platform, but DJT is more pragmatic.

When you have absolutely nothing else to do. this is a good read on Justified.

After All These Long Years: The Last Words of Justified | The Golden Age of Television (goldenageoftvblog.com)

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There are things you might have said had you some tinge of letters or of wit to color your discourse. But wit? Not so, you never had an atom. And of letters, you need but three to write you down: A, S, S. CdB

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You cut me to the quick-Idiot probably, but I was taught mostly by Rush. Doubtful the lunatic left is in position to hang anything but hang down their heads to cry, Tom Dooley.

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deletedJul 15
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PM. That was written by the Heritage Foundation and is not DJT’s stated platform. They use ‘Project 2025’ as fear porn. Let’s see what his official platform is at the convention.

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Actually most of the 900 pages in the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 playbook is drawn from former R platforms. Don't swallow the MSM characterization of anything. They lie for a living.

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Trump says he has ‘nothing to do’ with Project 2025 despite ties to MAGA allies-If you read the 3main objectives, they are almost as good as mom's apple pie. It's hardly fear porn- Compare it to truth, justice, and the American way. Concentrating power in the presidency:

Achieving longtime conservative priorities

Taking a hardline religious-right agenda

Paraphrasing somebody who once said: If you disagree with it, you ain't no conservative . Dr Guy Fogel, soon to be a FM,read all 922 pages so I don't have to, and agrees w/it- If it's good enough for the doctor, it's surely good enough for me.

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I don’t disagree with conservative principles but the way P2025 is layed out makes it sound like the 3rd Reich. A group of bots put it up on a local non political site last week and it was WWIII. I had it taken down for violation of site policy. It is not DJT’s stated platform and the USA is center right but not extreme right.

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I read all 922 pages of the Mandate for leadership the Conservative promise. It covers our problems well and it is really solid. I am very impressed.

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'The 922-page document containing a plethora of extremely contentious policy proposals, has come under the spotlight ahead of next week’s Republican National Convention, where Donald Trump will formally be nominated as party’s presidential candidate for the November elections’.

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What leftwing rag did you copy that from?

You are not only very distracting, but apparently also a ripe victim of distraction as well.

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Et tu, Suzie? You didn't read my original post. I gave full credit to WAPO. Can't help but notice you post a lot. Why haven't you become a Founding Member?

Just hit the dots after you click on mine. You can block me report me. mute me.

In Rio Linda, distraction is a term of endearment.

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Hopefully, this is therapeutic for you because your mental health is very important. You are a good person, don’t ever forget that

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Perhaps a tad too much fentanyl in my cereal this am. ICYMI-No one can prove those numbers wrong. https://paulmaj13.substack.com/p/the-2020-election-was-lost-not-stolen

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Save your bragging for ur momma she's the only one who cares.

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I get so confused. Somehow this wound up in my email box. Kind of a tacky thing to say, don't you think? And especially to a Founding Member.

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Yes indeed

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Cashion is not a founding member, just a peasant.

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Lower than a snakes belly.

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07/15/24: The poll. It's a splendid idea, but I doubt that Allyson Comperatore can recover so soon after experiencing the avalanche of trauma unleashed by her father's murder.

Boy, I hope she can handle this. How long will it be before the despicable Bolsheviks working for the Blob Biden accuse her of whatever?

Mike Pushkin is a mouse, but even mice matter once in a while (they helped foil the German attempt to rescue the surrounded Sixth Army in Stalingrad late 1942).

So let's chalk up an earthquake for Pushkin on or about 10/31/24 (fittingly, Halloween).

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

I know this is going to sound ridiculous and I apologize for going off subject (and to Mrs Comperatore) but this has been burning a hole in my brain and I just need someone to tell me to settle down and quit being a conspiratorialist.

Through out the past 48 hours Ive seen screen grabs of Corey Comperatore's X comments. They're sharp, on target and pointed at some very powerful people including Joe Biden. He was a man of substance. A powerful man within his lane. It could not have been that hard to know where he would be at that moment. I know, sounds whackadoodle but in my 65 years since the last time I soiled my diaper, I've seen some strange goings on many blatant and obvious, some not so. If Mrs. Comperatore happens to read your substack, well I would like to pass on to her the heartfelt sorrow that our nation feels at this moment. Of course I didn't know him but from the one photo shared I could see a good man.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

What Trump said years ago was proved true Saturday in the most tragic of all ways:

“They’re not just coming for me - they’re coming for you. I’m just in the way.”

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Settle down and quit being a conspiratorialist (?) Mr. Comperatore just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The bullet that nicked Trump had to end up somewhere. It’s sad to lose anyone in such circumstances…I’m just glad that the shooter didn’t go 3-for-3.

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". . . Obama’s false claim 20 years earlier of being born in Kenya back into his smug face."

Maybe it wasn't a false claim. If there really is a long-form birth certificate from Hawaii, why did he put a forged document on the White House web site?

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He wasn't born in Kenya, he's spawn of the devil... Spawned in Kenya.

But more importantly , he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro and became a citizen of Indonesia.

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Dosen't know who his daddy is.

Mother was a slut.

Grand parents were Marxists.

Should make a great president.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Once Babydog arrives in Washington the Senate dining room will put Alpo on the menu. I bet the English Bulldog will get along just fine with our next president who's gonna be a Pit Bull.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

The term “ conspiracy theory “ was coined by the CIA. People ( and the media) now use it loosely to deride and belittle a contrary or controversial belief or idea. As an earlier commenter says, “conspiracy theories have recently been proven true”. Candidly, I find more intelligent, lateral thinking from commenters than I ever have from MSM. And on that note, Don Surber’s sensitive post after the assassination attempt, opening it up to comments was just brilliant. You made us feel that our thoughts mattered.

We are not just “views”..

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Conveniently, the “conspiracy theory” term was created by the CIA after the JFK assassination to defame and discourage people from asking uncomfortable questions or putting forth possible unpleasant theories. Today, such thoughts are also labeled ”mis-, dis-, and mal- information”.

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I'd be looking for a "grassy knoll" right now. The Trumpster stood up and presented a great target but the counter sniper guys took the head off the kid within seconds. The real sniper was not able to try a second shot because the kid could not be blamed for it. Looks a lot like a typical CIA op.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Greg Rubini says the FBI does the cover-up for every CIA assassination (JFK, RFK, Reagan). That's what is happening here.

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To be fair, the Secret Service admits that their ROE didn’t allow any action until the shooter took a shot at the President. Excuse me, what? Doesn’t that sorta negate the purpose of the SS?

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A special forces sniper said that was insane if those were SS instructions and doubted it highly. But it could well have been local law enforcement regulations to wait for permission to fire.

He also said the SS sniper (who may actually have been local law enforcement), did the #1 “No-No” of taking his eyes up from his scope before he returned to then take the shot.

The whole horror show was very “Keystone cops”, especially the alleged incident of the LEO who was said to have climbed up and saw the shooter and then retreated back down the ladder instead of taking even a shot at him!!

But then, the whole “amateur hour behavior” by so many that day all could very well have been intentional - the lax and unprofessional law enforcement and greenhorn SS agents assigned to the detail - in order to be better able to pull off the operation.

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Sorry, I don’t know how to link comments from X, so I have to cut and paste them. The following is from Susan Crabtree, a political correspondent for Real Clear Politics:

“ Here’s my reporting on why the Secret Service did not shoot until AFTER the shooter engaged and some context about the House Republicans’ investigation already underway (months before Trump’s assassination attempt) into whether the agency’s DEI policies are affecting its readiness.

The blowback against the Secret Service started within the hour of the assassination attempt and continued even after Trump and other credited the agency with saving Trump’s life by quickly killing a shooter crawling across a nearby rooftop.

But a source within the Secret Service community tells RealClearPolitics that the agency rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.

“You want to take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope?” the source suggested. “The Secret Service is by nature reactive…and you better be right when you do react or you’re f-----d.”

The Secret Service protocol requires that a counter sniper aware of a potential shooter to radio directly to intelligence division team to respond and investigate. In this case, the investigation may have been cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, so the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return.

Is Susan a reliable source? Is her source reliable? I don’t know. But it’s believable.

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That all does sound very plausible.

Still, if you see a guy on roof with a gun who’s not supposed to be there? They were looking directly over there way before the whole thing went down?

Just seems too messy in so many ways.

But then, it wasn’t me up on that roof with the SS guy.

And there was also a claim that a line of trees partially obscured the SS sniper view of that shooters roof, soooo….idk.

It just smells no matter how you look at it.

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Trees are well to the right in all images I've seen.

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That what I perceived from the pics too, but not being able to see what they could or couldn’t see from their spot on the roof behind Trump, it’s hard to say precisely.

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My husband noticed that FIRST THING. Said they BOTH jumped and took their eye off scope a HUGE no no when no motion at all is required. Luckily it was such an easy shot they could have done it with no scope but damn. I did notice they only wore vests with police on them so maybe local. Still, don’t they teach that stuff in local sniper school? Prepare you with trying to calmly snipe while bullets are flying. 🤷‍♀️

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I keep thinking of a phrase I read posted by Joel over at the Treehouse: “Evil intentionality disguised in rags of incompetence.”

I saw a video of a sniper taking his eyes from his scope and then returning to the scope and immediately shooting. Wondered how he could possibly shoot accurately that quickly, but I know little about it.

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That quote most certainly would fit this entire scenario.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

With apologies to journalists everywhere, i have to say it takes a wise man to think of placing a dog beside him with his dog's butt toward the camera. That right there proves he's the right man for the job. Or at the very least that he understands the state of journalism today in America.

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In another life, I was taught to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable Nowadays, I doubt if they even teach English. 68k for each student?CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION FAILS TO TURN $68K PER STUDENT INTO EVEN 1 ACADEMIC WIN

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Other city public schools are about as bad as Chicago public schools. A lot of the suburban schools are also in as bad shape. When I was in a suburban high school fifty years ago, we had classes in Spanish, French, German, and Latin. Now we have classes in remedial English.

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But do students transferring in receive Ebonics as a second language training?

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Why not? Bring back "Pig Latin" as "ell-way".

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There are some journalists around... but they ain't "everywhere"!

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Would love to see all three of these people speak at the RNC. Especially Javier Milei. He represents the perfect compliment to Trump and can illustrate in real time how the policies of Populism, common sense and draining the Swamp can resurrect a nation.

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Milei is who I voted for because he can lay out in detail just how fast he turned Argentina's economy around that had been corrupted for many years longer than ours. Trump is walking into a very tightly twisted and complicated deep state problem, but Milei's very recent detailed example would shine a lot of hope that this ship can be turned around with the right leader.

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Plus he’d bring his chainsaw to illustrate!

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A chainsaw is the perfect tool analogy for “Mr. Trump Goes to Washington”. Hopefully, our lackadaisical Congress will support him by allocating lots of fuel to run it.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

"This is a chance to bring the whole country, even the whole world together."

Imagine all the people in Western Europe, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand and here joining together in a populist tital wave to flush the global elite and their useful idiots out to sea, never to be seen again. Remember the famous line from the movie, Network? "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to this this anymore!" Someone once told me to dream big. Well, is this dream big enough?

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I pray for the same!

“With God ALL things are POSSIBLE”!!!!

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Suzie, with all that's gone on these past few years, I belive you. Trump coming down his escalator in 2015 has since verified that. Turning his head at the last second yesterday is further proof. When we say, "God bless Donald Trump," I believe He already has.

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Right on, bro, and pass the bong.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Bless you Poca-Man for starting my week with smiles after the Saturday we feared occured.Thank GOD PDJT turned his head or may I suggest the Lord turned the head in perfect time to bring the message home.The deep state /media/corrupt politicians are in an all out panic like trapped animals which means things will only worsen until the re-election of PDJT a 3rd time.MAGA 2024 ,perfect poll today !

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

We have two dogs in this upcoming race that have had a good share of press coverage.

Babydog (lovable and cute) as the defining partner of Jim Justice for our US Senate and Commander (a nasty biter of people) as the defining partner of Joe Biden for US President.

Strangely, each seems to define an accurate personality for their master.

Which dog wins?

(Side note: It is rumored that Commander is complaining he can't get Secret Service protection any more. It may have been diverted to Jill Biden).

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The dog or the CIC-Is there a diference?

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The SS sent temps to replace Trump’s regular crew. The pre-event planning was rushed. The staffing was inadequate for the venue. The communications with the state and local authorities was poor. This venue was used before by Trump and was swarming with counter snipers on rooftops because he was in office.

The agency screwed up at nearly every step.

They did shield his body after the shots were fired, but they never should have been fired to begin with. We also don’t need 5’ tall out of shape girls secret service agents in the name of diversity. WTF.

Was it a set up for Trump to get shot? It was a mixture of incompetence and deliberately withholding assets I think. Then they hoped for the worst. All deniable in terms of intent at this point. But make no mistake, none of the Biden folks or the Dems would be sad today if that miserable kid had succeeded.

Cute dog.

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But still begs the question, how could the shooter possibly know beforehand that such gross incompetence, including presence of SS “temps”, would occur that day, thus literally enabling him access to that roof?

He had to have had prior knowledge and/or help.

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absolutely, indubitably and beyond the shadow of a doubt. let's see how long it takes all the paid morons in the 3 letter agencies, and all those geniuses viewing films, congress, and local Fed Agents whose job it is to get to the TRUTH, to actually get there. WE will not hold our breaths.

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We all know the answer to your questions. We just can't prove it. That's how these ops are done. The kid was used as a foil to take the blame. They knew he'd be blown away and not tell any tales.

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Possibly, yes. Or he got lucky.,It sounds like he was wandering around for a while before he got up on the roof because people spotted him near entrances. It strikes me as someone looking for a spot rather than knowing exactly where to go. But unknown at this time.

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I just can’t buy that.

He was groomed and had help.

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We need proof.

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Ok, need proof.

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Ok, need proof.

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Just connected co=incident's Suzie as in WTF?

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They left him on stage way to long, they all sucked.


Cute dog

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

This weekend I was reminded of the first time I saw a rooftop sniper(counter sniper?). SIt was 1973 and Vice President Gerald Ford was speaking to the newly unified SC Bar Association. I attended the event with my parents. My parents were staying at the hotel where the event was held. There was a man with a rifle stationed on the roof outside the window to their room. So what do I remember about the event? Almost nothing. But 70 year old US Senator Strom Thurmond introduced the Vice President. The event began with the who’s who of the SC legal world including all the Federal Judges filing in with their spouses to sit at a very long elevated banquet table facing the audience. Senator Thurmond came in without his wife Nancy (their child James Paul Thurmond, Jr. was born in October 1973). Mrs. Thurmond came in herself a few minutes later.

When it was time for the introduction Senator Thurmond stood up before this very dignified crowd and began: First of all, I don’t want y’all to think Nancy was late getting here, it just that we have this new baby and he doesn’t like canned milk.

There was a moment of stunned silence before the crowd began laughing. And that’s all I remember of the speeches that day.

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After sharing this I realized that there are very few people left to remember this.

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Au contraire. I go way back-The University of Texas tower shooting was an act of mass murder which occurred on August 1, 1966, at the University of Texas at Austin. The perpetrator, 25-year-old Marine veteran Charles Whitman, indiscriminately fired at members of the public both within the Main Building tower and from the tower's observation deck.

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Our family has a photo of us sitting where some of the dead fell. We were there a day earlier than planned.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

It’s tough now to speak or write about any other than the events of Saturday

I was asked if God had not been there on Saturday would Trump be alive today. Perhaps God had intervened on his behalf but I’m struggling with the ones who were killed and injured. Was this part of God’s plan as well? Seems very cruel if it was.

Me. Surber thinks Mr.Justice is the right guy for this senate election in West Virginia. I hope so because the guy they got now speaks with forked tongue. It will be interesting to see if Justice gets elected if he brings the dog and his rear rear end into the Senate and uses it to describe much of what the Democrats policies are.

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Jul 15Liked by Don Surber

Now the just-us dept will get even dirtier if possible Suzie.

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Wow! Good catch, Suzie. Thanks!

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