CBS has been lying to us since at least 1968 when everyone’s most trusted “journalist,” Walter Cronkite said that we had lost the Tet Offensive. The fact that the NVA lost 50k soldiers and it was a disaster for them meant nothing. The NVA defense minister General Giáp used that propaganda to hang on and the rest is history.

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Thank you for reminding us that our armed forces did not lose the Vietnam war! The leftist media stole it from the brave patriots who sacrificed much to achieve victory over tyrany.

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They continue to do the same things…

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Enimedia as they are rightly called, where you go to SeeBS.

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In 1968 I had developed, as a teenager, the habit of listening to my shortwave radio late at night. One station that had a very strong signal was Radio Moscow, which was broadcast in perfect English. I could laugh at their propaganda (yes, even in my teens I recognized it), and compare what they said to what Walter Cronkite was saying on television. Perhaps that has made me a lifelong cynic, but to this day I look for news from multiple sources and learned never to believe most of the stuff being shoveled out by the media.

The way I used to feel about Rush Limbaugh and now about Don Surber is not that I think like them, but that they articulate the exact things that I am thinking.

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My brother brought back from Japan a radio with AM,FM,SW1,SW2,SW3 and one other band I don't remember. I wish I could recall what stations we listened to on the SW bands. I wasn't allowed to change stations on it.

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Remember that Dan Rather became famous reporting on the Vietnam war. It eventually led to his ascent to the anchor job. Rather reported the infamous “Fake but Accurate” hit job on George Bush to try to steer the 2000 election in Algore’s favor. CBS has been in the tank for the Dems a long time.

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Rather was in Dallas in 1963. That more than anything threw him into national prominence. He was and still is a turd. “courage”

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Can Rather account for all his movements in Dallas in ‘63? Just asking. 😎

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He spread that ridiculous story that a high school class cheered when the news of the president's death was announced. It wasn't true. My late FiL had a friend who was in the school at the time. They didn't announce JFK's death. They announced that they were closing school early that day. Of course the kids cheered! Wouldn't you? The kids didn't find out about Kennedy's death until they got home.

But the "far-Right, Nazi-loving" city of Dallas was the "narrative" the CBS suits in NYC wanted to hear. Danny Boy gave it to them and he was soon on his way to fame and fortune.

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Plus ABC-NBC-NPR-All over the left field fence Dems.

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CNN and the aptly named Faux news. I refer to them as the right end of the leftist media. While they are conservative compared to See BS, they are still liberal propaganda.

CNN is of course the left book end.

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I forgot about CNN and MSNBC. Thanks

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For some reason this makes me think of Dagwood and his sandwich. In this case, it's a shit sandwich without any bread.

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There were too few news sources back then and like in every other thing, bias was inevitable. Today we have thousands of sources to read and as Musk noted, we are the journalists.

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It wasn't long after that I remember my mom calling them SeeBS. To be exact, I was watching Star Trek when she told me to change the channel so she could see BS. I was young but I knew exactly what BS meant even if I would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap had I uttered it at school.

I was the youngest in the family. My second and middle brothers were in the military stationed in Thailand and South Korea at the time of Tet. My two oldest sisters were married to veterans and we strongly supported the troops.

When I was a teenager I often visited two aunts who lived in a complex that houses quite a number of Vietnam refugees. I got to hear a few stories about the atrocities perpetrated by the VC.

After hearing those stories I hated Nixon for abandoning their people.

I acknowledge that LBJ pulled a shitty to get us into the war, and today have mixed feelings about it. Sadly we fought, but not to win.

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Those in power were willing to give those of a lesser status lives away for a political statement. This happened on both sides.

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Hate to say this but it always happens that way, well, since the Norsemen anyway. Glad to see we now have some folks running our defense that have been in the fight.

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Probably one of the first payees of USAID. Still on their OK to pay list. Probably still ARE getting paid…

See if Hanoi Jane Fonda/nè Turner is on the payroll while at it…

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Does it shock anyone to learn that USAID was used to fund the Russian collusion delusion?

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I believe it was the Vietnam cong who suffered the losses, not the NVA

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Per PAVN, the People's Army of Viet Nam aka NVA, the total losses were 75,000+ killed of which 45,267 were NVA. By comparison the US and allied losses at Tet were 9,078 of which 4,124 were American along with another 19,295 American wounded. The numbers are from wackopedia, but the source is the commander of the PAVN forces that were operating in South Vietnam at the time which he stated in 1981, so probably close to accurate and not propagandized. They also suffered massive defections, more than 20,000 NVA and VC surrendered.

Yet we lost. A military victory turned into a crushing defeat because closeted communists were reporting the news. I guess McCarthy was right about them.

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Amen Jeremy on McCarthy.

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I know mega fires are last month’s news and we have moved on to plane crashes, but I found this enlightening: As the threat of the fires encroached on the campus, JPL closed its doors on 8 January to all but emergency response personnel. Following its long-standing fire protocols, the lab has kept its hillside campus clear of brush and other potential fuel for a fire, created firebreaks, maintained an on-site fire department, and kept close track of the materials and chemicals in all lab spaces.


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Common sense.

Back in the 80s when I was visiting a friend in Lake Tahoe, I helped clear dead fall and debris around a couple of his and other friends properties for fire prevention. I was shocked at the time to find out that what we were doing was considered illegal when in fact, it improved the appearance as well as made the properties easier to protect.

I was told that if the properties did burn down, the owner would not be allowed to rebuild. Which seemed to be the whole point.

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Must of been California side.

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Does anyone know if the fires are all out now? There's been zero news about it.

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The rain came so now we (not me) have to worry about possible debris flows and land slides (and planes falling out of the sky)

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And, how have the people who lost their homes reacting, now that reality is setting in. Is the liberal indoctrination seeping back over them and they are making excuses for the Democrats in charge, or are they awakening to realization and anger?

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I can't help but think about how the German police must be employing scores of administrators and officers to surf the web, find the shitposting citizen trolls, plan raids on them, and then conduct those 6:01AM home invasions with squads of street cops...

...and meanwhile, some murderous on-the-dole Afghani jihadist, allowed into Germany by Angela Merkel a few years back, is already in his car, on his way to mow down innocent pedestrians shopping in a Christmas market.

And it turns out that the Afghani jihadist has a social media profile full of hateful murderous nonsense, which the oh-so-vigilant German police department surveillance team never noticed.

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The Germans know that if they can make examples out of a relative few, the rest of the sheep will fall in line. Apparently they learned nothing from their actions in WWII.

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Just like our FBI - wasting resources instead of protecting us from seriously dangerous people.

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Just the mention of Captain Kangaroo is enough to know I'm in the right place. Keep up the good fight against "corporate" media. What happened to our independent media? YOU ARE OUR INDEPENDENT MEDIA. Thank you, from the bottom of my green jeans!!!

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I thought your movie, the Flight of the Phoenix, was great! 😎

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LOL. Yes, the original was a great movie!!

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After dinner we have a short “which fake news outlet will we laugh at tonight” conversation.

Always Bull Crap usually wins because we don’t have to change the channel when it’s over as Jeopardy is on next.

At 8 we switch to Jessie Waters on Fox for about 30 minutes. He’s pretty funny and reports on things Always Bull Crap, Nightmare Bull Crap and Constant BS wouldn’t touch.

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Maybe they aren’t that funny…just sayin…

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It is pathetic what they classify as news and what they don’t.

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And Full On Xenophobia.

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Since the brutal AP-assisted invasion of Israel, their assistance amounting to not only the obligatory unfavorable coverage but embedding photojournalists to sharpen the impact the AP has had no credibility under this roof. In sizing up the status of state media these days, it seems like one by one they are all joining AP, for quite a variety of blatantly hypocritical reasons. But then sanity kicks in and I am forced to conclude that no, they all have long since gone over the cliff en masse like lemmings. There goes CBS, now ABC etc. Clarifying remarks such as Marco Rubio pointing out that the Third Reich’s heinous crimes were something other than the exercise of free speech. What interesting times we are in for.

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Looks like Rubio has toughened up quite a bit vs his previous positions as a Senator. That is a welcome change.

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I will watch for a go8 moment because he bought and pushed dem shit. As SOS he is showing a spine now creating hopes.

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Trust. And verify.

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I seem to remember that Hamas's headquarters were inside AP's building in Gaza. If correct, why would they be entitled to any kind of special privileges?

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Wow. Would this be the same AP that are contributors to a letter from Jack Smith and other DOJ insiders complaining how DOGE, Musk and Trump are ruining the "public trust" they built at DOJ. Incredulous!

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If I remember correctly, The Israelis warned AP to leave the building and subsequently bombed it. They were lucky to get the warning.

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What we are seeing was first noticed back in 2014. Martin Gurri, a former CIA analyst, put out an ebook called "The Revolt of the Public" which went into the rise of social media and the damage it did to traditional news media. In 2018, a revised version came out, with extra chapters covering Brexit and Trump's first election. I found it a couple of years later. It's still available on Amazon--https://www.amazon.com/Revolt-Public-Crisis-Authority-Millennium/dp/1732265143 Substack is now a major part of that change Gurri noted. And the last few years we have seen the efforts of the Ruling Class to recover control over the flow of information--and now they are failing.

For a few years Gurri had a blog that he called "The Fifth Wave." (The first wave was the invention of writing. The second was the invention of the alphabet, which made writing easier. The third wave was the invention of printing in the 1500s. The fourth wave was the rise of electronic communication, starting with the telegraph and telephone, then radio and TV. And the fifth Wave is the Internet.) That blog is still online, but he hasn't written anything since 2021. He switched to a Substack magazine called "Discourse." Lately he's been putting articles out on Bari Weiss' Substack, "The Free Press."

The changes Gurri saw are not over. CNN is dying, but not gone yet. Newspapers are dying, too. The question is, how long will millionaires and billionaires like Bezos keep pouring money into losing propositions. We are already seeing signs that some of them are facing the music.

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The answer to your last question is, “until doing so no longer benefits their bottom line”.

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From what I read and hear that day is here.

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We could make real headway in killing Pravda U.S. by eliminating some of their funding by taxpayers. And maybe this will embolden some of the so-called "journalists" to actually report news instead of talking points from their blackmailers.

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Wishful thinking AD .

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Yeah...thought is if they were not being funded by grub-mint anymore maybe they would not be so prone to carrying their lies. And most billionaire funding these rags go the way the wind is blowing. And it ain't blowing left now!

But you're probably right...

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I've wondered why somebody like Bezos doesn't realize that in subsidizing the Post he's just preaching to the choir.

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Excelant book. I read it on my Kindle.

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I’ve always believed that our government was funding the media , especially as readers & viewers were fleeing. I haven’t watched MSM in probably 10 years except for Don Imus for laughs & my local WGN morning show when I lived in Illinois.

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We have learned a lot during the last months. I would say that it speaks to strong and weak men and women. We are watching the reveal of good and evil and how we choose to deal with it. Lifting up a nation or tearing it down. I prefer to lift it up. I thank God for giving me a moment to contemplate that and how to move forward to achieve lifting the United States of America, versus tearing it down.

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Great comment. I too find what is going on breathtaking and pray that those involved can finish the job and the GOP run congress can make it permanent. We won’t get another shot at it ever.

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Churchill was right: the Hun is either at your boots or at your throat, and that includes the throats of their own people. There's just something authoritarian in the Teutonic mind, and it has not served them well.

I've a German friend, now living the U.K., and although England is not much better, she says it's unlivable in Germany. Electricity costs have quadrupled since they shut down their nuclear plants - all of them. Guess what they're using to make electricity - yep, those carbon-spewing coal plants which had to be put back online. You can't make this stuff up.

The 'fifties German comedian who said their problem was that, "Vee are too early oldt und too late schmart" was closer than he knew.

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In some ways, Germany and much of Europe has a bigger, more entrenched elite problem than we do. They have always looked to elites to make decisions and provide guidance to the people. The ultra-elite does not suffer from bad decision making on their part. But the people surly do.

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Since you and I are being accused of "Aggressive threats, lies, and harassment (that) have unfortunately become the norm online." I suggest we step up our game and accuse the bastards of everything from lying, cheating to even raping our family members. What''s good for the press is good for us.

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That's what Democrats do--accuse you of what they are doing. That is from the Marxist play book.

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Being of German heritage, having traveled there extensively & being an ongoing student of history one has to take that into account. It’s always been a semi-authoritarian country going back to Frederick The Great’s time (1700’s). Back then it was very provincial & split up into little duchies & regions ruled by kings & princes. There was a joke about the Prussian Army just happening to have a state & everything was militarized even the post office. Basically the military ran everything. This remained in place throughout Otto von Bismarck’s turn as Chancellor & he unified the German states in 1871. The Royal House of Hohenzollern (Kaiser Wilhelm) was deposed after the First World War in 1918 & the Weimar Republic came in. With no experience @ parliamentary democracy it was a disaster & led to then president Paul von Hindenburg appointing Adolf Hitler as Chancellor in 1933. One would think after a blatant & disastrous dictatorship the reformed Federal German govt post 1945 would be much more liberal in certain areas, such as gun ownership for example. You’d be wrong; the Federal German govt restricts guns as much as The Third Reich ever did.

To my mind, a lot of it doesn’t make sense in the wake of the National Socialist period but Germans seem to twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify some of this stuff. Seems the govt still rules with an iron fist only it’s been sheathed in a pink glove. Under The Third Reich if you said anything politically incorrect the Gestapo would swoop in - scoop you up - & after an exhaustive (& probably very physical) session of “questioning” you’d get dumped into someplace like Dachau for “reeducation” if you escaped the executioner’s bullet. Now the police will bust down your door - take you into custody - drag you into court & likely bankrupt you for “wrongthink”. Don’t see much difference there, the only thing missing are the beatings & armed guards @ the camps. The German govt is so agitated to head off “Nazi-like” behavior (as defined by them) that they’re ironically employing Nazi-like tactics in an effort to head-off whatever/however they define “extremism” which changes daily depending on what they’re concerned about. As we’ve seen over here, a “threat to democracy” has been redefined to whenever Democrats aren’t in office/in charge.

As far as the AP the death of the establishment media can’t come fast enough. In the wake of the discoveries of USAID the evidence is crystal clear they were on the take, promoting what a progressive admin told them to promote. They - along with the rest of their allies in the establishment media - are the complete antithesis of anything resembling “a free & fair press”.

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And their most rabid current manifestation of the Gestapo is centered in none other than their “Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Security”. How tragically ironic.

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Thanks for the history review, very enlightening. This might help explain why my Great, Great Grandparents came here from Southern Germany in 1855. (They got robbed on the ship & arrived in NY penniless.)

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Ahh Bavarians! They brew the best beer! Although Northern Germans will probably come after me for saying that!

It’s all top-notch!!! ;<)

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Food is pretty good also. I worked at an Air Guard C130 Unit and we would do support missions out of Ramstein every couple years for a month. One of my employees would always volunteer. After about the third trip I asked why he always wanted to go there. The Food Man the Food!.

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Oh yeah! Bavarian cuisine is off the charts!!!

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No mater how much you hate the legacy media it's not enough. So the leftist socialists who control Europe are big mad at the "far Right." The opposite of socialism is individual liberty. Can't have that, can we?

Nazis and fascists are just varieties of socialism.

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It makes perfect logical sense to call it The Gulf of America because it’s surrounded on three sides by North America, Central America and South America. But then we know that the left lacks logic and they’re always going to be against anything that PDT does even if it benefits them.

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EXTRA,EXTRA, the new sheriff in town will clean it up even if that means banning presstitutes from his presence. America hired this sheriff and his deputies because criminals in DC were expanding to major municipalities leaving no one safe from theft or bodily harm. This has the whoring media in a hair tearing,panty twisting tantrum for the ages. The good guys are winning courtesy of Poca-Man and the like educating America. Poll was a coffee snort choice.

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AP = adulterated poop. It has been pooping Left propaganda for decades and 37.5 M from the UniBlob federal bureaucracy to do it. Truth is not a word in its vocabulary.

CBS? Why Captain Kangaroo of course!

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Oh to be that innocent again.

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Well, Christoph Heusgen, it’s been a long Journey since 2018 but, “Who’s Crying Now”?

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