Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

I think FJB’s dementia, Parkinsons, senility, etc, etc, etc, are only symptoms of his real disease, which is just the natural consequence of being a lying, rat-bastard for the entirety of his adult life.

I believe Clarence Thomas and many, many others would join me at the bar to toast that diagnosis.

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THANK YOU, STEVE! While I am optimistic, I believe that WE are NOT OUT OF THE WOODS, by any means. The Dems have PROVEN, time and time again, that they have NO MORAL COMPASS, and their "bag of options" for winning, getting their way, showing how powerful they are, etc... INCLUDES LYING ABOUT ANYTHING, CHEATING AS A WAY OF LIFE, ELECTIONS, BUSINESS DEALS, AND SO FORTH, STEALING, EVEN FROM THOSE THEY HAVE PROMISED NOT TO STEAL FROM, BECAUSE THEIR 'WHAT'S YOURS IS MINE' MENTALITY IS INGRAINED.. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE BAG OF OPTIONS IS MURDER.

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

I’ve always said, Dems can’t win at the ballot box on issues. Their platform is anti human. They have always manipulated the inner city vote. Just like they change the rules for voting or inside the Congress procedures to favor them.

We need to repeal the 17th. That would stop most of the nonsense dead in its tracks when the Senators have to respond to theirs state legislators and not the public.

Today there would be 58 Republican Senators. Their responsibility was to protect the State’s interest in governing. The House was the people’s way to voice their concerns. This was a crucial check and balance that detrimentally altered our form of government.

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Well, Dems can’t win at the ballot box, but Joe thinks that he can beat Trump at the “battle box”. So, there’s that.

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Yeah what is that?

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You know…the thing.

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I've been saying that for years. Keep saying it and getting the point across.

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Bravo Steve.

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Thank you

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I still think it's tertiary syphilis eating away at his brain.

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Thank you for this important message. I know nothing about this health issue, but will look it up. Of Course, It would possibly attack the brain.. THANK YOU for posting this important information, as we will get NO INFORMATION from the Moron Family..

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Absolutely, the entire clan is beyond description evil.

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Probably started out as a little mouse bastard

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the rat bastard cracked me up, that says it all.

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Well said.....

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"... The natural consequence of being a lying, rat-bastard..."

An excellent diagnosis! The only quibble I have is that I think the pattern was locked in long before "Diapers" Biden became an "adult."


How in the world could John Cassidy at The Nude Yorker have gotten it so wrong in 2016?! Why, look at these impeccable credentials!:

"Cassidy received his undergraduate degree from University College, Oxford, , studied at Harvard University on a Harkness Fellowship, and received a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University and a master's in economics from New York University" (Wikipedia profile 09/17/24).



Kamala Harris is "black"? Really?!

OK. I'm George Washington Carver. Care for a peanut?

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You are undoubtably right, but all we have to go on for that is myth.

I limited my data to the public record.

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Well said. Have a splendid evening.

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You too, thx

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You're most welcome. And if you need a laugh, here it is: https://x.com/TheKevinDalton/status/1813986069261713422

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

The country is now at a crossroads not seen in almost 200 years. Trump must win or the country may in some way, shape, or form, break apart. There is no way Trump’s supporters will accept 2020 again.

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Almost those exact words were used over and over again when Barack Obama was running for his first term. They were used again when he ran for re-election. They were used still again directed at Clinton when she ran against Trump the first time. Each time they were used we lost the WH until the first Trump/Clinton election. Maybe we Americans just don't "get it" until things get desperate, and then we step up and do the right thing. I'm not sure. This country's citizens have never ceased to puzzle me at times. Some of us see reality so clearly and what is ahead. But there are so many people who seem incapable of recognizing their own plight or being able to separate fact from fiction. I am praying for a GOP landslide in November 2024, but I will settle for just a convincing win. We don't have any elections to waste any longer.

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The founders set it so that no ideology could control everything. 2 years for House, 4 as President, 6 years as senators selected by the legislature-(That’s important and the best thing we can do to stop the pain - repeal the 17th. ) and lifetime as Supreme. This was designed to slow the emotions.

We may have a once in a century chance here to repeal socialism-60 years worth. We need to win, win, win. This would be a Revolution of its own.

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We're on the right track - and we've made a lot of progress in the last year or so - but we have an awful lot of RINOs still standing in the way.

RINOs are the hidden enemy - far more than a committed Democrat - because most Republican low to moderate information voters don't see the damage they do resulting in those same millions of voters blaming the Republican party for never getting anything done. In reality, it's the RINOs throwing wrenches into the system by tacitly supporting Democrat policies.

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Only 60 years' worth? the Deep State has been building for more than a hundred years.

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THIS ELECTION IS ABOUT SAVING YOUR OWN LIFE. f y ou did not get a chance to watch any part of the Republican Convention, PLEASE go online to NTD or a different site, to see a bit of ANY DAY of the Convention. I promise it will be well worth your time, you will LEARN A LOT. this election is the END, especially if you do not show up.

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You are so right, it should be required. It was awe inspiring and bought tears to my eyes several times. It showed us hope and a plan for making America great. But...the evildoers have made maga into something opposite of what it is. While they are ignorant or just crazy, it's imbedded in the hate society now.

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Very true Greg. Although I have long been against term limits I changed my mind a couple years ago when I conceded that it was fruitless to depend on elected members to do the right thing and not make it a lifetime profession. This is a revolution, but the outcome remains unknown. Winning in November is just the start. What remains to be seen is what the GOP does afterward should they take control of both houses of congress. I don't think we should assume they will be committed to Trumps ambitious agenda if history is any indicator. There are too many GOP members with an agenda that does not align with DJT agenda. Maybe that's a good thing to begin with but at some point the party needs to get things done for the country, and that does not include more ambitious spending on ratholes like Ukraine.

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This is where J.D. can throw some weight at p w rino rats as we move PDJTs plans forward.

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Yes, at this point I sure as heck don't want to second guess DJT's pick. On the surface it would appear that the GOP has a very deep bench of people who could have been VP, but I think it's somewhat of an illusion in reality. We have a RINO problem we need to deal with.

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Terms Limits is a terrible idea. I personally know people who are staffers on the Hill. No way do you want to give these people even more power. They would be the de facto decision makers since they will have far more experience than the always newly elected numb skull. You need to limit the size of staff to 3 people. All admin assistance not allowed to research or work in legislation.

I like changing to a lottery. Remove gerrymandering - round out every district. Every elector district voter is eligible to be conscripted into service for 2 years. Part time. And you get what you get.

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I worked on and off with congress for almost twenty years, primarily with my home state delegation. I watched and listened when working with them. That includes both parties Representatives and Senators. I never once witnessed a single staffer say or do a thing that their principle would not have done. That includes, where necessary, lying or misrepresenting their positions. I found most staffers were very young, most with no prior experience after college, most of them on a power trip due to their positions, most of them not having a clue about the real world and all of them eager to please their boss. Leaving out most chiefs-of-staff, they were all rookies in life. The staffers are just unexperienced typically but they are all-in with the wishes of their bosses. My opinion of elected members is different. I found about 25% who were truthful and forthcoming on an issue, the rest not so much. Some are truly despicable power brokers and that's all they care about. Too many think the answer to a problem always lies in spending more money on it rather than revising laws or policy. But you can be sure that virtually all members answer to one thing, their parties leadership, first and foremost. And in virtually all cases, the party leadership are veterans of many years on the Hill. They are professional politicians who cling to power like a deer tick. If they will not be ethical and moral and honest, then the only way to fix it is with term limits. So I'll stick to my position on this until I see elected members start acting like the real Americans they preach to us so often about. Until then, we will continue to see too many of these warped people cling to their power like a third world dictator. Its up to us to fix it.

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Well, Winston Churchill observed that you can always count on the Americans to do the right thing -- after they've tried everything else.

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Yes, but he still let us save his country, didn't he. I don't care what they say about us, friend or foe.

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Don't forget that Churchill had his version of RINOs who delayed and delayed while Hitler advanced in power and territory.

Pres. Trump has many similarities to Churchill, who was also masterful in communication (a brilliant orator), a fearless warrior, and a stubborn advocate for his country. What is happening in the UK is a tragedy, God willing Nigel Farage and his allies can turn the tide.

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Churchill was disliked by many in his government, much like Trump is. The guy was a very astute judge of people and knew how to maneuver his colleagues to achieve a sought-after result. His relationship with Ike during WWII was a very interesting one where both men understood each other very well and set aside difference of opinion to achieve the great goal. I too have hope for the UK and pray they reverse certain courses before too late. But I fear too much damage has been done to them now and the repairs will result in a violent future for them.

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It is certainly dire for them. Check out Lawrence Fox's tweet re. the number of mayors and other local leaders that are Moslem. And, btw, this is not to demonize these folks, just to acknowledge that Sharia law and the Koran led impulse for control are inimical to Western culture.

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"A day LATE and a Dollar SHORT" is a LETHAL way to live.... it just does not work. If the TIME IS RIGHT FOR ACTION, just get up and ACT.

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"you can always count on the Americans to " give you a bill for their support.

FJR presented Britain with a bill of 4.33 billion dollars for weapons supplied by USA during WW2.

That debt was finally paid off in 2006.

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I did not know that; do you have a source for it? But it brings up a related point. Did the Soviets ever pay us for the incredible supplies of war materiel given to them under the so-called Lend-Lease program? Marshal Zhukov himself expressed his appreciation for all that -- in private.

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I didn't know that part about the repayments. The article does mention that anything acquired under the Lend-Lease Act did not require payment, however; which confirms my impression that Lend-Lease was just a convoluted way of saying so. I remember Americans who lived through that era telling me they were still waiting for payment for Lend-Lease assistance. All this confirms my impression that mysteriously complicated terms concocted by governments often stand for the opposite of what the public thinks.

Aside from that, when the payments finally did kick in, 2% was an extremely reasonable interest rate, not anywhere near enough to make up for inflation.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

I think the reason it takes Republicans a long time to get in the game is because many in the party are deeply committed to God - a higher, and far more important, calling - than the low life of politics. They hold the most people who believe they are here to work for God, not necessarily the state.

I am not saying all Democrats are non-believers. I'm sure there are some committed believers in their party, but I think the vast majority of Democrat voters DON'T have a higher calling other than their belief in "the state". They are blindly committed to dozens of causes to "save the world". They don't see beyond the physical world.

Humans can't save the world. Believers are here to listen and learn from their God so they can be called home some day. Democrats want to stay here and run it after we're gone. I say, let them, but only after we're gone.

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yes! Waiting too long is the same as DOING NOTHING! We need to pray for CONFIDENCE in our ability to make RIGHT DECISIONS, AS CHRISTIANS. On TIME. just my opinion, love grandma

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THANK YOU, REDDOG, for reading my mind, and presenting it so concisely. I no longer care how many leftists 'wake up' to see reality. My concern is that WE, the thinking Americans, will not get up from whatever entertainment is the current addiction, to STAND UP AND VOTE FOR THE LIFE SAVING CHANGES WE NEED.... BECAUSE ALL OF OUR HOMES AND LIVES ARE ALREADY FULLY ENGULFED IN FLAMES.

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It is truly a crazy dysfunctional world we live in today. To make matters worse, just saw the news bulleting that the largest IT outage in history just took place affecting virtually all websites to some extent. It was inadvertently (they say) caused by a glitch in CrowdStrike software. CrowdStrike.............that is us! That is US government software! An accident? Or maybe a message to everyone to remind us who is really in charge.

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And flights were grounded around the world also as a result of that failure.

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Just a glitch, right? Must be true, our own government said it was. /s

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

"There is no concern about the fate of the country or the world when left in the hands of a doddering old fool run by his wife and his cocaine-addicted son. No, all that matters to Democrats is getting re-elected so they can stay on the gravy train ..............................."

That paragraph, Don, says everything. It makes me sick to my stomach to see the president of the United States, regardless of party, pushed out into the business of running the country every day when he is so obviously doddering and displaying clearly senile characteristics by people who swear to us that he is just fine and making policy. Any people who would do that to this country can never be allowed to govern it again. People who would do this to a President would cut your throat in a heartbeat and never lose a minute of sleep over it. This is not just politics in America, it is the politics of communist countries. We need an earthshattering landslide in November to show the left they are done.

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This is why we gotta give Vance a chance. MAYBE, being he is new to DC he is not yet corrupted by Swamp scum — the lobbyists who take you out for a lavish dinner, get you drunk and then own you.

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Yes, he is going to get his chance. Unless he screws up big time, what has just happened is that DJT just made a 39 year old guy with barely two years experience in politics potentially the next president of the US. I really pray that for once, Trumps choice proves to be the right one. He is batting about 250 so far based on his past choices for positions in government. Hope he has learned something over the past four years.

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The good part about Vance’s short term as politician is that it only took him that long to grasp how utterly corrupt it is and that’s what transformed firmly into the Trump camp.

He’s really in the Lion’s Den now, but seems more than willing to take them on. We gotta pray much for that guy and his family.

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I agree with you. Perhaps his being somewhat of an outsider is good for us here. He is certainly willing and able to defend his positions and opinions, regardless of his opponent. I like the things he says so far. He doesn't just say that throwing more money at Ukraine is bad, he has a reasoned position with facts to defend that position. So far, the left has thrown a lot of mud at both he and his wife but so far none has stuck. Must be driving the left crazy:)

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Flack is thick over targets.

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It’s a plain case of elder abuse. And the entire world see us for the immoral people we’ve become.


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Just makes it very obvious that power begets corruption in a lot of people. What bothers me the most is that, using Biden as an example, most people see that he and his family have been profiting off Joes positions in our government. Same goes for the Clintons who made political corruption the norm. But even when it is so obvious, so many Democrats just blow it off as a political witch hunt or conspiracy and fake news. Yet it continues to happen again and again. Do they not realize that we, all of us, see what is happening and make judgements about our government based on that reality, regardless of what the establishment says? Maybe we are at a place in time that calls for both parties to be banished from our political landscape. There is plenty of blame on both sides here. Right now, it is the left that is out of control, but it is the GOP who does nothing about it. This will have to change, one way or the other.

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Well said, Reddog, but the convention we just witnessed was really America First all the way. It was glorious how loudly McConnell was booed, and he did not get to speak. Nor did McCarthy, or any Bush, etc. Yes, we still have ALOT of RINO's to purge, but clearly the process of transforming the RNC is well underway.

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No argument from me. But why they let Johnson speak was beyond me. That guy is a real disappointment so far.

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We are gradually winning, Suzie, but part of the reason is the utter chaos and dysfunction the left has brought on themselves. Liz Warren, Dick Blumenthal, Adam Schift, and Nancy Pelosi just might not be the smartest people in the country after all. /sarc

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

I Love Trump with the the same level of emotion I felt for my families patriarch… but ya gotta know Surber Nation People, the d-rats and commies are going to be coming after him with everything they have.

They can’t let him put one foot in the WH or finish his term! It’s that simple. They are about to unleash South American or Eastern European levels of candidate cancellation!

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I happened to stumble upon some MSM round table discussion (think it may have been PBS) while waiting for the President’s speech last night, and Whoo boy! Wow!

What a combination of inane, ignorant, pathetic and truly incomprehensible analysis.

These people had absolutely zero comprehension of what they were witnessing - and feeling - coming from right there down below them on that convention floor, as they struggled desperately to grasp it, only to characterize it in the darkest and most threatening terms.

Their insane, twisted and all consuming detestation for Trump and those of his party filtered through each of their commentaries, but something else was most notable of all: their utter fear and dread, like a person who sees their certain end looming right before them.

The spirit and energy in that convention absolutely baffled them, and terrified them at the same time. They could feel it in their bones, but were totally unable to comprehend what it meant.

They know their days are numbered and that makes them extremely dangerous. They see MAGA as a threat this country and to the world, and they will stop at nothing to crush it by any means necessary.

Buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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Suzie, keep in mind I’m Canadian.

When I see that level of denial, and you see it all the time, all over the place, it’s because of one thing!

These people no longer understand what it like to be an American!

There! I said it and I’m glad I said it!

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It is even worse than that! They find even thinking in those terms, “American”, to be repulsive.

I believe it was the NYT and CBS who cropped the American flag out of their reproduction of that iconic picture of Trump rising up at the rally, and their reason?

It would show bias!! Picturing the American flag

would show bias??!!

I mean, there it is, right there.

They HATE this country.

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And to think they have devoted their lives to "fighting Prejudice".

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Sounds just like the way demons react when confronted by God. They can't see anything beyond the immediate physical world and their "fingertip" feelings.

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Just as chronicled in Isaiah 6...itching ears and eyes that don't see. Isaiah's vision is amazing and his twin revelation of God almighty and the people that are blind and deaf leads him to Isaiah's wonderful mission as a prophet.

Food for thought

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“One screen, two movies.”

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I’ve said it before. They are mad enough to go nuclear.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Greg, if they’re prepared to open fire on a crowd behind their intended target, at some level, not very far from where we’re at right now, I wouldn’t put that past them . Or the Kenyan!

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I’m praying that they are in too much disarray to even try.

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The d-rats war game this stuff out and even tell us they’re doing it. I guarantee the option has at least been discussed!

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They don’t care how much collateral damage they cause. As Shrillary said, “There is only the fight.”

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

Do not think that this election is over. Once again I will say it: They (the Democrats) cheat, lie, and steal better than the Republicans. I have decided that I am OK with losing lefty friends or acquaintances over this election. I am better off with not having to deal with them anyway.

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Welcome to the club! I removed leftist friends, acquaintances and relatives from my life back in 2016. They were well aware of Hillary’s decades long history of corruption and evil and voted for her anyway. Life is too short to spend a nano-second with people like that.

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Good response and appreciated.

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However, we still have to live with them and stop their destructiveness. Playswithneedles, you have so much to give. You've really just deprived all those truly needy leftists of encounters with you. I know it can be frustrating, but in many ways, you are their only hope.

Many leftists are caught in a hypnotic trance. Their encounters with you (or any of us) are opportunities for that trance to be pierced. Which is why they try so hard to avoid engagement with us.

Yes, you likely will not see "conversion" in one encounter with them. But hold steady with God and continue to confidently and pleasantly engage with them. And while engaging, Love them with the Love of God, and see through to the man God created-- not the surface man that Leftist programming has grafted onto these fellow children of God.

I know you can be effective, Playswithneedles, in turning people around. But be aware the turning is not just on the surface--the arguments and points we make--there is something going on beneath the surface, and you will have the most impact if you engage with them on that underlying basis that supports their return to sanity.

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And remember, Donald Trump is focusing on unity now. We are not contributing to unity when we just turn our backs on half the population.

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And further, when you turn your back on Leftists you are actually "pinning" their flaws tighter to them, thereby, you are making the problem worse, not solving it.

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All true and admirable, when it comes to trying to educate people out of lies.

But in truth, sadly, there are some cases where your just beating your head against a brick wall.

As Jesus said,

“And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”

~ Matthew 10:13-15

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Yes, it is true that in some cases you are just beating your head against a brick wall.

Many people might have said that about Saul of Tarsus, before he saw the Light on the Road to Damascus.

We are not really in a position to assess who is receptive and who is not, nor is that really our job. Sometimes those who "present" as most hardcore are far more ready to hear than we realize.

Our job is to engage in every encounter we feel LED to. Sometimes our engagement can be as little as a simple, brief (two or three words), kindly (and I mean, Loving) response that looks straight through the "opponent" to the Brother beneath it. But that is fine, and never underestimate the impact.

(Unexpected kindness can heal so many wounds. And whether they know it or not, many on the Left are very wounded.)

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

Simply put, this election...Trump vs. Biden, is a presidential campaign of generosity vs. avarice. Ponder that from as many perspectives as you like. The results will be the same.

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

Ralph Waldo Emerson — ‘When you strike at a king, you must kill him.’ I sincerely hope that DJT wipes the floor with these jackwagons and makes the progressive side of the aisle tremble in fear.

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Buy stock in rope making companies

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

That statistic on where Trump and “lunch box” Joe have spent money on meals is very interesting.

Lunch box Joe is just another fabrication.

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Just like Gavin Newsome. I’ll bet that place he loves frequenting doesn’t even do laundry.

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…unless it’s money.

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And so is the entire democrat party.

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I have been a pretty dedicated consumer of all things Surber, starting when he had a humble blog, to which he turned all his attention and energy after being rather abruptly cashiered from his traditional newspaper bailiwick. (Funny how things that seem tragic often turn out to be merely the launching pad for success. But that is another story entirely.) My point in bringing this to the fore is this: today's post is, in my humble opinion, the best and most insightful effort, among many, many very good and insightful efforts, that Don has yet produced. His observations about the democrats' disdain to even think about the good of the country in favor of simply strategizing about how best to maintain their power is distressingly accurate. Democrats are now not a national political party; rather they have become a conspiracy of competitng special interest groups existing only to advance their separate interests at the expense of the country as a whole. The Clintons, especially the execrable (I find myself using that word repeatedly when speaking of democrats) Hillary are emblematic of the democrat party's raison d'etre: viz., how to advance my personal interests, influence, power and wealth regardless of the impact on my fellow citizens. Democrats are like the looters who show up after every natural disaster, seeking to amass for themselves the goods and wealth of others who worked for them. Democrats never talk about anything beyond ways to take more money from workers and bestow it upon layabouts in exchange for votes, except when they seek ways to dismantle every traditional social, religious and moral structure in order to better advance the interests of the deviant, degenerate and atomistic elements of society. Yes, I will state it clearly: if you consider yourself a democrat, if you vote for a democrat or worse, support the democrat party with money, you are a force for evil. You are doing satan's work. If this offends, so be it. I have nothing in common with you, for what fellowship does righteousness have with unrighteousness; what does light have to do with darkness? There are forces at work today, just as they have always been at work, seeking to extend the kingdom of the prince of this world at the expense of The Kingdom of God. They will not eventually prevail, but the struggle grows ever more intense. We must set our priorities aright; seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all these (other) things will be added unto you. After a lifetime of seeking to succeed in the world, I believe--hope is a better word, or perhaps even better, pray--that Trump has had his epiphany. I pray he truly believes that his presence in the world is only "by the grace of God," and that he redoubles his efforts to restore this country to its prior station, not for the sake of worldly praise, nor for financial gain, nor for any reason other than to restore it to what Reagan described as its role as a "City on a Hill," a place where God's people can go about doing God's work with God's blessing, as He promised in 2 Chronicles 7,14: "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land". May it be so.

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Perfection Steve !

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Extremely well said, Steve (recovering lawyer). And your words are worth being read by many people.

But I have to echo what others have said--please break up your comment into multiple smaller paragraphs. I had to discipline myself to read your comment all the way through, because I lost my place in it about 20 times, as my eyes shifted from the end of the line, to try and find the next line that was the continuation of your sentence.

I only say this to help you communicate more effectively, because what you have to say is really, really, excellent.

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I second that emotion…

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As always, on the nose.

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

Joe Biden has not changed since he was installed as president. Mentally and physically he is the same guy, bereft of a soul. Yet, after a bad debate he is getting the Obama Brutus knife in the back. After the failed assassination by the White House, the push to get rid of Joe intensified. Dr Jill and crackhead Hunter are pleading with Joe to stay so the grift continues. The shot at DJT was also a warning sign to Joe. Expect the Dems to cheat their way to November, not for the WH prize but rather to maintain the senate or flip the house. FJB

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The down ballot may just be more important than the top spot. I hope for crushing victories in all.

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BP7- we expected red wave in 22 and got nothing deep state will pull out all stops not to lose

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

"Forget sight, smell and hearing. The strongest sense in Democrats is the sense of entitlement."

Yep -- that's exactly right.

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Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

We will probably know by this coming Monday, what course the DNC is going to take regarding Joe or No Joe. If it is Joe, I believe the Dems have basically thrown in the towel which, of course, the Dems never do. Therefore, I believe that a deal will be struck to leave Joe in the White House for the rest of his term, but he will drop out of the race for President. The good news is that DJT is prepared to run against any Democrat that shows up. His message last night was, in effect, the same as the Blues Brothers. He is on a mission from God to reverse the malaise created by the Biden administration to Make America Great Again or...as Don suggests, to Make America American again.

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Why do I keep hearing the voice of GET SMART saying, missed it by that much?! 🤣

In sci-fi lore there's a mystical creature in a primitive society that every time it poops it poops out a pearl. Every time you write Don, it's a pearl. You are a magnificent mystical creature. MAD DOG

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I have been a pretty dedicated consumer of all things Surber, starting when he had a humble blog, to which he turned all his attention and energy after being rather abruptly cashiered from his traditional newspaper bailiwick. (Funny how things that seem tragic often turn out to be merely the launching pad for success

I've been told that the Chinese symbol for adversity and opportunity are the same

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I dunno about all this. Do you really want to be associated with dog poop?

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The adorable mystical alien pets kept on the planet of Pearl was called a mul converter that pooped out infinity pearls that could power space ships. Hey, it's sci-fi. I'm not calling Don either cute or adorable but he seems to hatch pearls of infinite value in his post.

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I'm resigned to having a few gaps in my cultural awareness.

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Don't apologize for being ignorant of sci-fi. My relatively sane daughters and I are amazed at our compatriots in sci-fi who can speak Klingon and show up at sci-fi conventions in full gear. William Shatner once said in a skit to some crazy fan arguing about a minor point... GET A LIFE!!

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Shatner had a point. But what applies to sci-fi applies to a lot of hobbies, like the crowd that plays at being medieval. If ever it became possible for them to be transported to the mid-14th century, they'd instantly be cured.

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I would be feeding that mystical creature Ex-Lax like it was popcorn.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Don Surber

Consider this week's disparity between good and evil. For four days, the Republicans celebrated cohesiveness and a clear vision for a better future, a safer future and a more productive future. At the same time, the Democrats circled the wagons around their deceitful, cowardly leader, again hiding in a basement feigning illness with his heinous wife and corrupt son. Somebody, anybody, call Häagen-Dazs and order an ice cream cone for the liar-in-chief. All else is lost.

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The contrast between the RNC and the DNC is going to force people to accept that we are truly governed by divine intervention.

The line between good and evil has never been so bright.

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“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

John 1:5

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7 fold Amen. Cue the choir.

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That's why I agree with a four words that were told me by management?? It's. All. Set. Up.

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1. Rupert Murdoch (selected by whom) Lobbies Trump to Pick Doug Burgum for V.P. with repeated phone calls daily to Trump and represenatives sent to plead the case. Comments alleged that Murdoch wanted anyone but Vance, and picked Burgum so he could control Trump downstream and replace him. Alleged that it was contest of wills between Murdoch and Trump, who ultimately took his sons' advice for Vance, rather than Murdoch organizations'. Murdoch lost his control over the Republican Party thereby.

2.Gateway Pundit comments that, the day before Trump was shot, Austin Private Wealty LLC shorted as many as 12 million DJT shares one day prior - a huge order - Rothschild, BlackRock Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and Cheney family top investors. Later walked back - after revealed to public through leaks, transaction vanished from screens and Austin Capital announced it was a "filing error."

3. FBI announces that shooter had three off-shore encrypted bank accounts. And another report reports his body is missing. Why was FBI so forthcoming? Where was shooter's family in all this? Were they all moles, was the shooter really a kid? What was that early focus on his ear in the death photograph? Plastic surgery?

4. And, then, there is that time-line between discovery of threat and resolution of threat. What if there had been iphones present - in great numbers like Saturday - at Dealey Plaza? Would the Warren Commission Report (Gerald Ford was a member) have been written differently?

5. What was the caliber of the shooter's rifle? Many shots were fired Saturday, have any bullets been recovered? More than one rifle?

6. It seemed like it took SS a long time after first shot was fired to get to the podium. And what were short people on that detail about? Trump is 6'2". 5'2" can't cover him too well.

7. Titanic forces are at work here. Nothing is the way it appears. Shiny objects abound. The Devil Dissembles, but his actions betray.

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Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to prosecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing.

Vaclav Havel (via Salamander)

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Wow. Right on!

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Reducing the Faux News stranglehold on conservatism is a wonderful outcome of the last week. Murdoch is only interested in power and $$ and his sons are feckless with social climbing wives.

I had read about the short of Truth Social--didn't know that the Bush and Cheney families were part of it. Vile people that are Blob-ites wanting endless war.

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All excellent points, John McCall.

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