In the aftermath of 9/11, as he attended hundreds of funerals and held New York City together, Rudy Giuliani became America’s mayor. He rose to the occasion and set an example for every other mayor in the nation. None of them followed, and within two decades, NYC reverted back to being a sewer of crime.
As a Floridian, one of the many important things DeSantis did during that time was make available daily a spreadsheet of every "covid" death - including the date of onset, hospitalization and death and age of the patient. I quickly discovered deaths of young people that didn't make sense - they died the same day as their diagnosis - and alerted reporters. Shortly after, one news outlet in Orlando ran a story about a 25 year old killed in a motorcycle accident but classified as a Covid death. Other children's "covid deaths" i the state were revealed to have passed away after long bouts of cancer, birth deformities incompatible with life, drugs and even suicide.
Living in an over 55 community, we should have been ground zero for Covid deaths in a Monty Python scene of wagons appearing each morning yelling "bring out your dead!" Instead, I knew no one who died although I, along with several friends, got the first round of Covid and recovered without hospitalization. That was when I realized my government was lying to me - and the media was in on it.
Information is our most powerful weapon - especially against tyrannical rule.
I had it not knowing what it was. I was sick for three weeks but treated it like the flu. Chicken soup, orange juice, and lots of bed rest. My wife who administered said remedies never got it. It was about six weeks later the “Pandemic” became news. I looked at my wife and said, Wow, that’s what I had.” I am in the “High risk, senior citizen category and also survived. Hospitals were getting payoffs to label a death as covid related regardless of comorbidities.
Yep, I had it for exactly four days before the pandemic was declared. Never went to the doctor. I traveled like normal during the entire pandemic. I saw first hand how people acted once you get away from the big cities. In parts of Idaho and Wyoming and Montana they just ignored it and kept working. I learned the media is not taken seriously there as well. Its held in contempt. I got one J&J shot and said enough. I will never let the government control my life like that again!
All true. But those beautiful "wide-open spaces" states were not seeded with the real poison, like NY/NJ. People were SICK here. By the grace of God we saw through it and got ourselves on the forbidden prophylaxis immediately. And no shots for us.
I have a Dr friend who did not get vaccinated. As things opened up he went golfing. His three buddies were vaccinated when he told them he was not they stepped back... He said Whoa!! You are vaccinated so why are your worried about me? I'm the one at risk not you! - at lest ostensibly. Our world was filled with abject stupidity.
Sounds similar to my experience. The only way I knew I had had it was after the fact when I requested my primary for an antibody test which was positive. My husband, who took care of me through my entire illness also had antibody test which was negative. He may be older, but obviously has a better immune system than I!
At some point about 18 months in to the pandemic, CitizenFreePress linked a deep study, where investigative reporters had determined for all 50 states what the definition of "a COVID death" was. It was shocking. There were states where if you had had Covid in the last 6 months, they called your death a Covid death REGARDLESS of what you actually died of. Also, nearly all states included "Death with Covid" in the count of "Death from Covid", so even if you'd actually died after a long battle with cancer, it was listed as a Covid death.
Later, when they started really digging into the distinction between Death with Covid and Death from Covid, incredible numbers appeared. In Italy--which was supposedly very hard hit by Covid-- you will not believe this-- but 90% of the Covid deaths were deaths WITH Covid, NOT death FROM Covid. This was a drastic distortion--only 10% of the Covid deaths were actually FROM Covid.
This very high percentage proved true in many countries and jurisdictions where they looked into it, but this was crucial news that was suppressed by the Left media. I believe it was calculated that 70% of American Covid deaths were NOT really deaths FROM Covid, but death from another cause, where Covid was present, or had been in some time period prior to death.
At no time during the pandemic, even according to the CDC's official position, did the survival rate for COVID drop below a 96-99% survival rate, even for the elderly and high risk patients. Think about that. But the Left media TOTALLY suppressed this key point, and most people still today think Covid was far more deadly than it actually was.
ALSO--and this is HUGE--the government announced in October 2021, that the PCR Test-- the main test people took to determine if they had Covid--COULD NOT DISTINGUISH between Covid and the Flu, and that they were going to stop using the test for classification on Dec. 31st. Think about that!!! And, that most of the statistics for 2020 and 2021 showed zero--no--deaths from the Flu. That is NOT possible. That means--all the flu deaths in 2020 and 2021 were classified as Covid deaths-- further inflating the Covid death numbers.
The magnitude of fraud that was perpetrated around Covid was enormous.
Hi DCH. Sorry for a long reply here, but hopefully Substack will condense this comment for length and folks will not have to wade through all this unless they are masochistic enough to choose to "Expand comment". :)
Most of the above information came thru and MANY, MANY other websites back in 2020, 2021, and 2022. I have hundreds of bookmarks on my computer which would take a long time to sort thru. After time, many links no longer work. Unfortunately, CFP only keeps most links up for about 4 days, and CFP has no archive--that's why I save so many. And it would be hard for you to find using Google etc., because for a long time now Google has been suppressing news that counters the Dem narrative. At first Google had at the bottom of the Search results page the statement "Some responses have been removed." Now, they don't even bother with that. Maybe you would have better success on Rumble or something. (One thing I would recommend to people--when you find a particularly outstanding report online--print a hard copy.)
But I want to assure you everything stated in my comment above was solidly backed by not just one article, but usually numerous articles from many Right-leaning and independent news sources making the same point. I ranged widely among many, many websites, and there was a flood of evidence for everything stated above during those years.
But In the case of the PCR tests being found unable to distinguish between Covid and the flu-- that first came to my attention from a different source--directly from the big national pharmacies. I was going to attend the wedding of a relative. We were all required to have a Covid test in order to attend. The tests were in short supply right at that time, and I went online to Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy, and Walmart's Pharmacy to locate the tests. All 3 websites discussed the options for tests, including both the home self tests, and the "more official" lab-analyzed PCR tests, which were favored by medical professionals. (I ended up purchasing some home self-tests for purposes of the wedding.)
But it was while reading the information on the PCR tests at these big consumer Pharmacy sites that I learned the government had announced they were terminating the usage of the PCR tests for classification on Dec. 31st, because the PCR tests cannot distinguish between Covid and the Flu. This shocked me--it should have been national news. CVS, Walgreens, etc. felt obliged to notify customers in their information on the Covid tests, but the media suppressed it. But it was true. And later in the fall, November and December, I saw several other news stories which confirmed this as the Dec. 31st date approached. This SHOULD have been front page news around the world. It is hugely significant that it was NOT.
(An aside--and there were also numerous reports about how many "iterations" of a PCR test were appropriate to make. Meaning, normally the PCR tests go thru 10-18 "iterations" of scanning the biological sample for the presence of a disease. In the case of COVID, they were running up to 35-40 iterations on the PCR tests--meaning, they were picking up more and more teeny tiny trace elements of the presence of a disease, and then saying the disease was present and the test positive. But the fact was pointed out by many scientists, that at a 35-40 iteration level, such trace elements of the disease were essentially either already dead or inactive, or so extremely weak that they could not actually cause a viable case of the disease. So whether the PCR test was pulling up the presence of EITHER Covid or the Flu, at that iteration, many "cases" were not even actual live evidences of the disease. It's also why so many people with "positive Covid tests" had no actual symptoms of the disease.)
DCH, you will just have to research broadly (and usually not on Google) to find tons and tons of articles about all aspects of COVID, but they are out there. Try the archives of any Right-leaning news outlet, if they have archives. There are about 100 online news companies now on the Right. I'm sure there is a wealth of information to find. There probably are sites specifically focused on compiling Covid information.
One thing--also notice what is NOT available anywhere. For example, about a million times, it was said that if you got a Covid vaccine, that even if you then caught Covid-- the vaccine would help assure that your case would be milder than it would have been if you had not had the vaccine. Consider this-- Covid ALREADY had a 96-99% survival rate. Have you ever seen ANYWHERE, ANY STUDY that showed ANY figure that supported that the vaccine made a case milder? Like, if Covid was normally 98.5% survivable for a particular age group, did having the vaccine make your case now 98.7% survivable????? or 98.9 % survivable????? How can a disease that already has a super high survival rate in the 98-99% range become "even more survivable" in ANY measurable way because of the vaccine? It's absurd.
The only "evidence" I ever saw cited to support this, were spotty reports from a hospital here and there that claimed vague anecdotal "evidence" that some patients did better if they had had the vaccine before catching Covid. There was NEVER any solid, auditable statistical results, and NO medical studies. There was zero supporting data analyzing the medical history of the patients who theoretically did better from the patients who theoretically did worse, to eliminate any difference due to their differing medical history and medical condition. Yet, this "assertion" was parroted by the media and the public relentlessly. It shows the huge scale of gullibility that people were susceptible to.
DCH-- it is too long to enumerate here, but when you start looking at it, there is NOT ONE SINGLE element about the COVID narrative that has not been shown to be incorrect. I feel very sorry for the folks in Australia--your government came down hard on people, enforcing the Left's narrative. I think your government is probably in as bad shape as ours right now. The events of recent years have been a wake-up call to us all that we can't just merrily live our lives and neglect a vigilant monitoring of our governments. We had a long run of peace and prosperity, so we took things for granted. And underneath the surface, hostile elements took advantage of our lack of attention, and wormed their way in. Now we have to identify and weed them out. On the bright side, though, once these negative influencers are brought into the light, the exposure alone reduces their ability to hurt us as they no longer have credibility and we no longer believe them. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."
I honor your efforts to "compile a dossier" on Covid, and expose the way it was exploited to scam us. There probably will eventually be some great books coming out that lay all this out, and their authors (including you if you take it that far) will have a bestseller on their hands.
Kudos to you, Page, for studying that spreadsheet of Covid deaths and then alerting the reporters, who then covered the story. Probably tens of thousands of people+ saw this news. What you did is an example of how 100 million+ of us who care about our country can make a huge difference. Each of us has our own circumstances and niche, but as we all take the actions that present themselves in our own situations, in aggregate these are hundreds of millions of acts. Just do the math--if each of the 100 million Trump supporters does just two actions a month, in the 5 months leading up to the election--that is 1 BILLION acts. (And most of us will do more than just two actions a month!)
That's why last week I was saying we don't need to go out and protest or riot in the streets. There DEFINITELY are times when it is effective to publicly protest. I personally would be drawn to mass "candles and prayers" demonstrations, like were held to bring down the Berlin Wall. But we are further along in our careers and lives than the student/20-something Antifa and BLM rioters. Therefore, we can take alot more sophisticated and effective action than emotional venting in a public riot. E.g., each of us who contributed to Trump's $200 million of donations after the verdict last week sent a strong and valuable message.
yeah brutal. Stupid record-keeping. NYC kept good data arrayed by the underlaying health of the individual - at least for a while... IN JUNE of 2020...yes JUNE of 2020 WE KNEW Covid was only killing sick people- people with pre-existing health issues. fewer than 1% of the Covid deaths in NYC we among people with no previous heath issues. Subsequently - much later -we discover the average death under Covid has 4 1/2 co-morbidities. That is why so may old people die, its because they develop so many health issues as they age- its not age per se. But the evidence for all that was there in NYC data by June of 2020 even before BEFORE the Great Barrington Declaration that created such a stir. CDC-NIH did not care. they wanted to spring vaccine on us. healthy people did not need it. Now we all are 'infected' with their spike protein and no one has any idea what that means or what it will do to us... Thanks Tony Fauci -Mission Accomplished!!
Well, Gruesome Newson really does take first place, though Witless Whitmer and Prickly Pritzker, for example,, have their own merits for this notable honor.
The reason more "Republican" governors haven't followed DeSantis' lead is that they're actually Democrats in Republican clothing. Never, ever trust a Republican. Wouldn't be great if we could?
Ugh ~ that poll! As someone here noted, “ what a rogues gallery of choices!”
I boiled it down to either Newsome or Whitmer.
Whitmer cemented herself in my mind as an absolute tyrant when she banned the sale of seed packets (seed packets!!) in the course of her megalomaniacal reign during Covid. She truly exhibited an unabashed joy in issuing inhuman decree upon decree upon the people with her unbridled power.
But I ended up selecting Newsome as his corruption during, and both pre-and post-Covid, he has shown himself to be one of the greasiest, slimiest, most corrupt, diabolical and destructive forces in every realm of power politics imaginable.
He is the poster boy for all that is quintessentially evil and wicked in politics.
I voted for Whitmer--she is so brazen and has a vicious streak. But it is also true that Newsom is pure poison. Katie Hobbs from Arizona also belongs on that list. She didn't even have the guts to debate Kari Lake.
Why would she? As sec of state ( or whatever she was) she was in charge of counting the votes/ “the election “. It was in the bag! No need to campaign. Just like joe she hid in her basement and knew she would “win”.
Gavin 'Knew Some' but not enough...he is pr giving money away.. reparations!, higher Min wage, WEEee!. Whitmer wants to control you. she was very repressive and controlling in Mich. She even violated a a court order to stop putting restrictions on Because her time-dated authority lapsed. Her view of a 30 period limit was that when it expired she could order it for anther 30-days right away. Look out for her.
Kemp has been a major disappointment along with Brad Raffensperger, the Sec of State. Both allowed the Dems to steal GA in 2020 which gave GA two Dem senators and a win for Biden. Subsequent analyses have shown that a huge number of votes in that election were fraudulent, but there has not been a peep out either man. F-ing cowards.
It was these TWO "stolen" Senate races that have done much more and longer term damage to GA...and to the Republic.. Ossoff can probably be defeated but Warnock will be US SEN-GA until he dies....
Warnock was vigorously challenged by his opponent during the campaign to deny he was a Marxist. He refused to deny he was a Marxist. So let it be clear, Warnock is a Marxist. I do not believe he fairly beat Herschel Walker. Herschel Walker should try again, I believe Warnock could be beat by a good candidate.
I voted for Kemp twice. The alternative (Abrams the Commie Whale) was wholly unacceptable. And I’ll vote for Kemp should he run against Warnock. I may not like Kemp, but I despise Warnock more.
As a refugee from CA & an official FL resident, I can attest to the superiority of DeSantis & the abject depravity, smarminess, & atrociousness of Gavin “Greaseball” Loathsome; he’s destroyed the last great frontier state with the typical, “progressive” agenda: high taxes, crushing regulations, lawlessness, anti-family & anti-Christian policies. He’s a disgusting reprobate who fornicated on his wife & best friend with his best friend’s wife. He’s Nazi P Lousy’s nephew which should tell you a lot.
Loathsome recalls every lowlife, wannabe mobster from ‘80’s movies.
As I get older, I find it more difficult to tolerate those who skirt around the truth of what they should be able to see right in front of them. It's refreshing to meet--even if it's only on-line--with those who can deal in reality.
Yes, it's amazing to observe how far and for how long they'll suspend their disbelief. Hideous, empty, self-absorbed and arrogant. A few hallmarks of the left.
I regard what RdS does in Florida with the highest honors. Except the fact that he went to bat for our billionaires who gave Xi a standing ovation in SanFran in December of 2023.
Put it this way... If I am a governor of a state and the Feds roll in and illegally raid my former president's home I would have UNLEASHED my sheriffs to unass the Feds as said sheriffs have absolute jurisdiction in their counties. RdS didn't do this, nor even utter a word about the illegality.
Kemp is far worse than any other listed: he completely allowed his state election laws to be violated in 2020.
Agree completely. I'm a FL resident and like 90% of what RdS has done, but the 10% he got wrong is glaring, including him thinking it was time to take on Trump
I don't want to rip RdS, but we have to acknowledge he is a lawyer that has never had a job in the private sector where there is real risk; he is working for billionaires that also have no real risk(Ken Griffin of Citadel).
Farmers Insurance left Florida - where the hell was RdS in negotiating that move?! My favorite bro-in-law is an insurance adjuster who flies down there after disasters(God bless you all dealing with it) and he reports that the legal associations in FL absolutely rape the insurance companies(not that I favor insurance companies). It is not good for the market in FL.
Agreed. He has done nothing to fix the PC insurance industry down here. No one thinks they have to replace a roof anymore. Just claim damage from a storm. It's total bs and must be fixed
I like DeSantis. I abhor the way Trump belittled him. I also have trouble shedding the pitiful campaign he ran for president. It was like Rube Goldberg was his manager. Nevertheless, he has a place in America's federal government, and I hope he recreates his image as not only that of a political force, but a fearless military veteran.
trump is ruthless for sure but i would rather have that type of mindset in charge than a spineless jellyfish like mitt the mut, paul ryan or other useless nimrod shill for the globalists.
Think we all like DeSantis but big mistake being talked into running against Trump by RINO billionaires. Especially when he just never had his heart in it. And who thought the shoe-lifts was a good idea?
There is such a thing as the Peter Principle - I think DeS is right sized as governor. He really seems to be fulfilling his potential, but would not be able to scale his skills to the Feds. Too bad.
I found it quite revealing that during his run for the presidential nomination, when he found himself in the hands of the real powerbrokers of the country, those running his campaign and calling the shots, he shrunk like a violet instead of rising to the occasion. It was a humiliation any way you paint it.
How would he ever, ever withstand the tsunami of what he would face daily inside the belly of the beast in DC?
Trump crushed them (and continues to do so) coming at him from every angle up to and including the very real threat on his life, like no ever before him or since.
DeSantis learned the hard way to stay in his lane.
Running for president was premature. He best serves our cause with governing Florida for four more years. (This also why it's not a good idea to pick him as VP). That will position him quite nicely for a run in '28.
In 2028 the field will be clear and the GOP (conservative) bench is not deep. A lot will depend on Trump's pick for VP and the outcome in November. He needs to pick someone who could plausibly be the next President. If not, DeSantis will look a lot more scalable.
DeSantis was the right choice at the wrong time in the race for the WH. But he is the right choice if we want a meaningful VP and aid to Mr Trump. In many ways, he shares the same traits as Trump but he picks his words more carefully than DJT. He would be the best choice for the country but not sure Trump is willing to share the stage with someone similarly strong.
No, and no. Do you actually think RDS would stand strong and be able to handle himself if he were suddenly thrust into the POTUS position? He literally fell off the rails and seemed lost when things didn't go right in his ill-advised campaign. Campaign. Not the actual job. I don't know if it was the pushy, plastic wife that convinced him to attempt this - but it was a miserable fail. And so very telling.
Trump needs someone beside him that's also their worst nightmare. It's so unfortunate that Mark Robinson (NC/LtGov) is running for governor. THAT man is a VP.
Time will tell, right? Robinson is running for Governor because he knows he needs the experience to run for the WH. He is far from ready today. Talking tough is great but you have to be able to get things done and Mr. Robinson needs experience in that. He will be a better candidate for his time in the Governors mansion. Not sure why you dislike DeSantis so much but it's a free country still...........allegedly. His wife has nothing to do with his running for office or abilities. Leave emotion out of things and look at the people with eyes wide open. There are many people who start out wrong and some who start out right. DeSantis will learn from his weaknesses. There are others who can do well at some point too. JD Vance needs some Governor time and he would do a good job in the WH. Good luck to us all this election.
DeSantis appears to me to be somewhat on the scale, not able to really make a connection with people. Nothing radiates from his eyes. He's looking to be president, yet was easily convinced that wearing cowboy boots with lifts would be a positive? As if people don't already know how tall he is or isn't.
Mark Robinson is exactly the kind of straight-up alpha male that needs to be standing with Trump. And I believe that if he had not already made a commitment to his NC citizens he would be.
And give it a rest with the "leave emotion out of it" nonsense. Nothing I said reeks of the vapors.
Hochul, and her flying monkeys ( Eric Adams, Alvin Bragg, & Leticia James) hands down. She's wants those Ruby Red Slippers.
I’ve been cheering for DeSantis as the 2028 candidate forever. My thought was let Ron finish his Florida term, then put him a highly visible cabinet position such as Secretary of State to get his foreign policy chops. Running this time around was not a good look for him but I would still vote for him in 2028. I think he would run circles around Newsome or anyone else the Democrats put up. Their bench is pitiful but of course there may be a Black Swan out there. Ala BHO.
We drove to Florida during the pandemic to escape the lockdowns in Georgia.
Newsom wins in a landslide aided and abetted by California's one party regime with its corrupt election laws and practices. *** DeSantis has obvious potential as a Presidential candidate but to attract Trump supporters, DeSantis must become his own man. His political instincts are inconsistent, possibly because he listens to the loser Bushies surrounding him. If he sheds those bad influences while continuing to build an alliance with Trump, he could become Trump's successor. If he fails to take those steps, another Trumpish darling of the GOP will emerge to take his place at the head of the second pack. The man or woman Trump selects as his VP might be the darling who displaces DeSantis.
they're all useless twits but i suppose most of us are homers. i voted for whitless because i live in michiganistan but i do realize that newsom probably poses a larger threat nationally if he were to ever get his hands on the white house.
In the poll, I voted for Kathy Hochul. Loathsome is clearly the most visible and he is a wretch, but I voted for Hochul because a specific incident. My brother's SIL lived in Hamburg, NY near an abandoned Nike missile silo. The Town of Hamburg allowed toxic waste to be dumped into these silos which subsequently leached out and contaminated the local ground water and soil. Kathy Hochul was a Town of Hamburg Board member at the time. When my brother's SIL and BIL complained and asked for relief, Hochul told them to pound sand and if they decided to sue the Town, the Town had deep pockets and would outlast them in court. About three years ago, the SIL dropped dead because of an undiagnosed brain tumor. I blame Kathy Hochul for her callousness as a public official. She is pure evil, IMHO. One last thing, Loathsome has a long track record as a sleaze, but Hochul has only been on the national scene for a few years. Give the bitch time and she will attract more votes in future polls. Remember, she just said that black kids in the Bronx didn't even know what a computer is. That quote takes a special kind of condescension and stupidity.
That's why she was hired to work alongside Cuomo; loathsomeness and stupidity are 2 of the highest characteristics desired in that kind of leadership role in that world of corruption.
Her turn will come but not before she has destroyed anyone or anything that might exist with just one teeny-tiny bit of goodness imbedded.
I voted for Kemp as America's worst governor because he's a backstabbing traitor who should be in jail. The case against Trump in Florida was set up by Kemp and Assenberger.
Coming to the party late again. Once again, as a non US citizen I can watch all this with a certain sense of detachment.
I have always liked Ron as ‘The Governor of Florida’ but…
As the Governor of Florida he didn’t bite the hand that fed him until his ill advised Presidential Run
As the Governor of Florida it wasn’t apparent that he wasn’t that much of a people person until his ill advised Presidential Run
As the Governor of Florida, he didn’t feel the need to wear lifts in his heels to make himself appeal to a wider audience until his ill advised Presidential Run.
Remember kids, it’s not always the big issues, sometimes it’s the devil in the details.
Now of course there are other issues of greater import to be considered and it also depends on who he’s running against to be the candidate and of course as well as the state of the world.
But the shine (for me at least) is off the chrome on this and it’s Ron’s Job to get it back!
As a Floridian, one of the many important things DeSantis did during that time was make available daily a spreadsheet of every "covid" death - including the date of onset, hospitalization and death and age of the patient. I quickly discovered deaths of young people that didn't make sense - they died the same day as their diagnosis - and alerted reporters. Shortly after, one news outlet in Orlando ran a story about a 25 year old killed in a motorcycle accident but classified as a Covid death. Other children's "covid deaths" i the state were revealed to have passed away after long bouts of cancer, birth deformities incompatible with life, drugs and even suicide.
Living in an over 55 community, we should have been ground zero for Covid deaths in a Monty Python scene of wagons appearing each morning yelling "bring out your dead!" Instead, I knew no one who died although I, along with several friends, got the first round of Covid and recovered without hospitalization. That was when I realized my government was lying to me - and the media was in on it.
Information is our most powerful weapon - especially against tyrannical rule.
I had it not knowing what it was. I was sick for three weeks but treated it like the flu. Chicken soup, orange juice, and lots of bed rest. My wife who administered said remedies never got it. It was about six weeks later the “Pandemic” became news. I looked at my wife and said, Wow, that’s what I had.” I am in the “High risk, senior citizen category and also survived. Hospitals were getting payoffs to label a death as covid related regardless of comorbidities.
Yep, I had it for exactly four days before the pandemic was declared. Never went to the doctor. I traveled like normal during the entire pandemic. I saw first hand how people acted once you get away from the big cities. In parts of Idaho and Wyoming and Montana they just ignored it and kept working. I learned the media is not taken seriously there as well. Its held in contempt. I got one J&J shot and said enough. I will never let the government control my life like that again!
All true. But those beautiful "wide-open spaces" states were not seeded with the real poison, like NY/NJ. People were SICK here. By the grace of God we saw through it and got ourselves on the forbidden prophylaxis immediately. And no shots for us.
I have a Dr friend who did not get vaccinated. As things opened up he went golfing. His three buddies were vaccinated when he told them he was not they stepped back... He said Whoa!! You are vaccinated so why are your worried about me? I'm the one at risk not you! - at lest ostensibly. Our world was filled with abject stupidity.
And it still is I guess. Just waiting for them to try the next one on us. It wont go well for them.
Sounds similar to my experience. The only way I knew I had had it was after the fact when I requested my primary for an antibody test which was positive. My husband, who took care of me through my entire illness also had antibody test which was negative. He may be older, but obviously has a better immune system than I!
Your wife probably got it but had the same symptoms as 80% of Americans iow none.
I almost died during that period, couldn't breathe. Had to turn off the news so I could quit laughing at their BS.
Now, that's funny right there.
At some point about 18 months in to the pandemic, CitizenFreePress linked a deep study, where investigative reporters had determined for all 50 states what the definition of "a COVID death" was. It was shocking. There were states where if you had had Covid in the last 6 months, they called your death a Covid death REGARDLESS of what you actually died of. Also, nearly all states included "Death with Covid" in the count of "Death from Covid", so even if you'd actually died after a long battle with cancer, it was listed as a Covid death.
Later, when they started really digging into the distinction between Death with Covid and Death from Covid, incredible numbers appeared. In Italy--which was supposedly very hard hit by Covid-- you will not believe this-- but 90% of the Covid deaths were deaths WITH Covid, NOT death FROM Covid. This was a drastic distortion--only 10% of the Covid deaths were actually FROM Covid.
This very high percentage proved true in many countries and jurisdictions where they looked into it, but this was crucial news that was suppressed by the Left media. I believe it was calculated that 70% of American Covid deaths were NOT really deaths FROM Covid, but death from another cause, where Covid was present, or had been in some time period prior to death.
At no time during the pandemic, even according to the CDC's official position, did the survival rate for COVID drop below a 96-99% survival rate, even for the elderly and high risk patients. Think about that. But the Left media TOTALLY suppressed this key point, and most people still today think Covid was far more deadly than it actually was.
ALSO--and this is HUGE--the government announced in October 2021, that the PCR Test-- the main test people took to determine if they had Covid--COULD NOT DISTINGUISH between Covid and the Flu, and that they were going to stop using the test for classification on Dec. 31st. Think about that!!! And, that most of the statistics for 2020 and 2021 showed zero--no--deaths from the Flu. That is NOT possible. That means--all the flu deaths in 2020 and 2021 were classified as Covid deaths-- further inflating the Covid death numbers.
The magnitude of fraud that was perpetrated around Covid was enormous.
I believe they did it to get federal money. There was a bounty on shots too. When the money ran out, Covid ran out. go figure.....
I think you are right.
That is most interesting. Please could you share with me some links to the information you give.
This will add to the dossier I've been compiling since I realised that Covid was a scam way back in 2020.
Hi DCH. Sorry for a long reply here, but hopefully Substack will condense this comment for length and folks will not have to wade through all this unless they are masochistic enough to choose to "Expand comment". :)
Most of the above information came thru and MANY, MANY other websites back in 2020, 2021, and 2022. I have hundreds of bookmarks on my computer which would take a long time to sort thru. After time, many links no longer work. Unfortunately, CFP only keeps most links up for about 4 days, and CFP has no archive--that's why I save so many. And it would be hard for you to find using Google etc., because for a long time now Google has been suppressing news that counters the Dem narrative. At first Google had at the bottom of the Search results page the statement "Some responses have been removed." Now, they don't even bother with that. Maybe you would have better success on Rumble or something. (One thing I would recommend to people--when you find a particularly outstanding report online--print a hard copy.)
But I want to assure you everything stated in my comment above was solidly backed by not just one article, but usually numerous articles from many Right-leaning and independent news sources making the same point. I ranged widely among many, many websites, and there was a flood of evidence for everything stated above during those years.
But In the case of the PCR tests being found unable to distinguish between Covid and the flu-- that first came to my attention from a different source--directly from the big national pharmacies. I was going to attend the wedding of a relative. We were all required to have a Covid test in order to attend. The tests were in short supply right at that time, and I went online to Walgreens, CVS Pharmacy, and Walmart's Pharmacy to locate the tests. All 3 websites discussed the options for tests, including both the home self tests, and the "more official" lab-analyzed PCR tests, which were favored by medical professionals. (I ended up purchasing some home self-tests for purposes of the wedding.)
But it was while reading the information on the PCR tests at these big consumer Pharmacy sites that I learned the government had announced they were terminating the usage of the PCR tests for classification on Dec. 31st, because the PCR tests cannot distinguish between Covid and the Flu. This shocked me--it should have been national news. CVS, Walgreens, etc. felt obliged to notify customers in their information on the Covid tests, but the media suppressed it. But it was true. And later in the fall, November and December, I saw several other news stories which confirmed this as the Dec. 31st date approached. This SHOULD have been front page news around the world. It is hugely significant that it was NOT.
(An aside--and there were also numerous reports about how many "iterations" of a PCR test were appropriate to make. Meaning, normally the PCR tests go thru 10-18 "iterations" of scanning the biological sample for the presence of a disease. In the case of COVID, they were running up to 35-40 iterations on the PCR tests--meaning, they were picking up more and more teeny tiny trace elements of the presence of a disease, and then saying the disease was present and the test positive. But the fact was pointed out by many scientists, that at a 35-40 iteration level, such trace elements of the disease were essentially either already dead or inactive, or so extremely weak that they could not actually cause a viable case of the disease. So whether the PCR test was pulling up the presence of EITHER Covid or the Flu, at that iteration, many "cases" were not even actual live evidences of the disease. It's also why so many people with "positive Covid tests" had no actual symptoms of the disease.)
DCH, you will just have to research broadly (and usually not on Google) to find tons and tons of articles about all aspects of COVID, but they are out there. Try the archives of any Right-leaning news outlet, if they have archives. There are about 100 online news companies now on the Right. I'm sure there is a wealth of information to find. There probably are sites specifically focused on compiling Covid information.
One thing--also notice what is NOT available anywhere. For example, about a million times, it was said that if you got a Covid vaccine, that even if you then caught Covid-- the vaccine would help assure that your case would be milder than it would have been if you had not had the vaccine. Consider this-- Covid ALREADY had a 96-99% survival rate. Have you ever seen ANYWHERE, ANY STUDY that showed ANY figure that supported that the vaccine made a case milder? Like, if Covid was normally 98.5% survivable for a particular age group, did having the vaccine make your case now 98.7% survivable????? or 98.9 % survivable????? How can a disease that already has a super high survival rate in the 98-99% range become "even more survivable" in ANY measurable way because of the vaccine? It's absurd.
The only "evidence" I ever saw cited to support this, were spotty reports from a hospital here and there that claimed vague anecdotal "evidence" that some patients did better if they had had the vaccine before catching Covid. There was NEVER any solid, auditable statistical results, and NO medical studies. There was zero supporting data analyzing the medical history of the patients who theoretically did better from the patients who theoretically did worse, to eliminate any difference due to their differing medical history and medical condition. Yet, this "assertion" was parroted by the media and the public relentlessly. It shows the huge scale of gullibility that people were susceptible to.
DCH-- it is too long to enumerate here, but when you start looking at it, there is NOT ONE SINGLE element about the COVID narrative that has not been shown to be incorrect. I feel very sorry for the folks in Australia--your government came down hard on people, enforcing the Left's narrative. I think your government is probably in as bad shape as ours right now. The events of recent years have been a wake-up call to us all that we can't just merrily live our lives and neglect a vigilant monitoring of our governments. We had a long run of peace and prosperity, so we took things for granted. And underneath the surface, hostile elements took advantage of our lack of attention, and wormed their way in. Now we have to identify and weed them out. On the bright side, though, once these negative influencers are brought into the light, the exposure alone reduces their ability to hurt us as they no longer have credibility and we no longer believe them. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."
I honor your efforts to "compile a dossier" on Covid, and expose the way it was exploited to scam us. There probably will eventually be some great books coming out that lay all this out, and their authors (including you if you take it that far) will have a bestseller on their hands.
In my circle, I have had more friends/relatives/associates affected by the vaccine than the virus.
Kudos to you, Page, for studying that spreadsheet of Covid deaths and then alerting the reporters, who then covered the story. Probably tens of thousands of people+ saw this news. What you did is an example of how 100 million+ of us who care about our country can make a huge difference. Each of us has our own circumstances and niche, but as we all take the actions that present themselves in our own situations, in aggregate these are hundreds of millions of acts. Just do the math--if each of the 100 million Trump supporters does just two actions a month, in the 5 months leading up to the election--that is 1 BILLION acts. (And most of us will do more than just two actions a month!)
That's why last week I was saying we don't need to go out and protest or riot in the streets. There DEFINITELY are times when it is effective to publicly protest. I personally would be drawn to mass "candles and prayers" demonstrations, like were held to bring down the Berlin Wall. But we are further along in our careers and lives than the student/20-something Antifa and BLM rioters. Therefore, we can take alot more sophisticated and effective action than emotional venting in a public riot. E.g., each of us who contributed to Trump's $200 million of donations after the verdict last week sent a strong and valuable message.
yeah brutal. Stupid record-keeping. NYC kept good data arrayed by the underlaying health of the individual - at least for a while... IN JUNE of 2020...yes JUNE of 2020 WE KNEW Covid was only killing sick people- people with pre-existing health issues. fewer than 1% of the Covid deaths in NYC we among people with no previous heath issues. Subsequently - much later -we discover the average death under Covid has 4 1/2 co-morbidities. That is why so may old people die, its because they develop so many health issues as they age- its not age per se. But the evidence for all that was there in NYC data by June of 2020 even before BEFORE the Great Barrington Declaration that created such a stir. CDC-NIH did not care. they wanted to spring vaccine on us. healthy people did not need it. Now we all are 'infected' with their spike protein and no one has any idea what that means or what it will do to us... Thanks Tony Fauci -Mission Accomplished!!
Your poll was a real toughie today.
Choosing the smelliest turd in a porta john would be easier.
Ughhh -- nasteeeeh !!!
Agree! All of the above should have been an option!
Well, Gruesome Newson really does take first place, though Witless Whitmer and Prickly Pritzker, for example,, have their own merits for this notable honor.
And how!
Voting for my gov was the obvious choice--but not the easiest.
The reason more "Republican" governors haven't followed DeSantis' lead is that they're actually Democrats in Republican clothing. Never, ever trust a Republican. Wouldn't be great if we could?
Chris Sununu (aka the SunKing) one of your shining examples.
Chris has been such a disappointment. I thought I knew him but I was mistaken.
I thought he was easy to spot, a chip off the old block.
A chip from the old buffalo?
I trust few people when it comes to politicians. Their profession is problematic.
Yes, but trusting Democrats is even worse.
Ugh ~ that poll! As someone here noted, “ what a rogues gallery of choices!”
I boiled it down to either Newsome or Whitmer.
Whitmer cemented herself in my mind as an absolute tyrant when she banned the sale of seed packets (seed packets!!) in the course of her megalomaniacal reign during Covid. She truly exhibited an unabashed joy in issuing inhuman decree upon decree upon the people with her unbridled power.
But I ended up selecting Newsome as his corruption during, and both pre-and post-Covid, he has shown himself to be one of the greasiest, slimiest, most corrupt, diabolical and destructive forces in every realm of power politics imaginable.
He is the poster boy for all that is quintessentially evil and wicked in politics.
I voted for Whitmer--she is so brazen and has a vicious streak. But it is also true that Newsom is pure poison. Katie Hobbs from Arizona also belongs on that list. She didn't even have the guts to debate Kari Lake.
Yes. She is such a flagrant criminal it is outrageous!
Why would she? As sec of state ( or whatever she was) she was in charge of counting the votes/ “the election “. It was in the bag! No need to campaign. Just like joe she hid in her basement and knew she would “win”.
Spot on Irun.
Gavin 'Knew Some' but not enough...he is pr giving money away.. reparations!, higher Min wage, WEEee!. Whitmer wants to control you. she was very repressive and controlling in Mich. She even violated a a court order to stop putting restrictions on Because her time-dated authority lapsed. Her view of a 30 period limit was that when it expired she could order it for anther 30-days right away. Look out for her.
You chose wisely. Newsom is the gold standard for tyrants.
No Whitmer is the tyrant; Gavin is the spend thrift. lets keep them straight. they would make one heck of a Dem Ticket. The ticket form hell.
Odd, my first reaction when I read "the greasiest, slimiest" was that you just didn't like his hair.
I voted for Kemp...
because I am never surprised when my enemies attack but I am always shocked when my friends stab me in the back
I had considered him too, for the very same reasons, but he is nothing more than a quisling, weakling coward.
Newsome, on the other hand, is remorseless in his lust for power by any means necessary.
Kemp has been a major disappointment along with Brad Raffensperger, the Sec of State. Both allowed the Dems to steal GA in 2020 which gave GA two Dem senators and a win for Biden. Subsequent analyses have shown that a huge number of votes in that election were fraudulent, but there has not been a peep out either man. F-ing cowards.
It was these TWO "stolen" Senate races that have done much more and longer term damage to GA...and to the Republic.. Ossoff can probably be defeated but Warnock will be US SEN-GA until he dies....
The difference between your examples is as clear as black and white. And you know what I mean.
Warnock was vigorously challenged by his opponent during the campaign to deny he was a Marxist. He refused to deny he was a Marxist. So let it be clear, Warnock is a Marxist. I do not believe he fairly beat Herschel Walker. Herschel Walker should try again, I believe Warnock could be beat by a good candidate.
I voted for Kemp twice. The alternative (Abrams the Commie Whale) was wholly unacceptable. And I’ll vote for Kemp should he run against Warnock. I may not like Kemp, but I despise Warnock more.
As a refugee from CA & an official FL resident, I can attest to the superiority of DeSantis & the abject depravity, smarminess, & atrociousness of Gavin “Greaseball” Loathsome; he’s destroyed the last great frontier state with the typical, “progressive” agenda: high taxes, crushing regulations, lawlessness, anti-family & anti-Christian policies. He’s a disgusting reprobate who fornicated on his wife & best friend with his best friend’s wife. He’s Nazi P Lousy’s nephew which should tell you a lot.
Loathsome recalls every lowlife, wannabe mobster from ‘80’s movies.
My entire immediate family has fled the Bay Area, never to return. We all refer to ourselves as escapees or refugees from that once magnificent state.
Tell us how you really feel, Dutch. (BTW, I totally agree with you.)
I opine with the straight, unvarnished reality as I see it; why waste anyone’s time with rainbows, unicorns, & assorted BS?
Those who prefer that can still watch the corporate media.
As I get older, I find it more difficult to tolerate those who skirt around the truth of what they should be able to see right in front of them. It's refreshing to meet--even if it's only on-line--with those who can deal in reality.
Yes, it's amazing to observe how far and for how long they'll suspend their disbelief. Hideous, empty, self-absorbed and arrogant. A few hallmarks of the left.
I regard what RdS does in Florida with the highest honors. Except the fact that he went to bat for our billionaires who gave Xi a standing ovation in SanFran in December of 2023.
Put it this way... If I am a governor of a state and the Feds roll in and illegally raid my former president's home I would have UNLEASHED my sheriffs to unass the Feds as said sheriffs have absolute jurisdiction in their counties. RdS didn't do this, nor even utter a word about the illegality.
Kemp is far worse than any other listed: he completely allowed his state election laws to be violated in 2020.
Agree completely. I'm a FL resident and like 90% of what RdS has done, but the 10% he got wrong is glaring, including him thinking it was time to take on Trump
I don't want to rip RdS, but we have to acknowledge he is a lawyer that has never had a job in the private sector where there is real risk; he is working for billionaires that also have no real risk(Ken Griffin of Citadel).
Farmers Insurance left Florida - where the hell was RdS in negotiating that move?! My favorite bro-in-law is an insurance adjuster who flies down there after disasters(God bless you all dealing with it) and he reports that the legal associations in FL absolutely rape the insurance companies(not that I favor insurance companies). It is not good for the market in FL.
Agreed. He has done nothing to fix the PC insurance industry down here. No one thinks they have to replace a roof anymore. Just claim damage from a storm. It's total bs and must be fixed
I like DeSantis. I abhor the way Trump belittled him. I also have trouble shedding the pitiful campaign he ran for president. It was like Rube Goldberg was his manager. Nevertheless, he has a place in America's federal government, and I hope he recreates his image as not only that of a political force, but a fearless military veteran.
trump is ruthless for sure but i would rather have that type of mindset in charge than a spineless jellyfish like mitt the mut, paul ryan or other useless nimrod shill for the globalists.
Think we all like DeSantis but big mistake being talked into running against Trump by RINO billionaires. Especially when he just never had his heart in it. And who thought the shoe-lifts was a good idea?
There is such a thing as the Peter Principle - I think DeS is right sized as governor. He really seems to be fulfilling his potential, but would not be able to scale his skills to the Feds. Too bad.
I found it quite revealing that during his run for the presidential nomination, when he found himself in the hands of the real powerbrokers of the country, those running his campaign and calling the shots, he shrunk like a violet instead of rising to the occasion. It was a humiliation any way you paint it.
How would he ever, ever withstand the tsunami of what he would face daily inside the belly of the beast in DC?
Trump crushed them (and continues to do so) coming at him from every angle up to and including the very real threat on his life, like no ever before him or since.
DeSantis learned the hard way to stay in his lane.
Running for president was premature. He best serves our cause with governing Florida for four more years. (This also why it's not a good idea to pick him as VP). That will position him quite nicely for a run in '28.
Yes, he's fairly young and can grow. Running for President was good experience for him (our mistakes teach us the most!) .
But he is truly TOPS when it comes to being an outstanding governor.
In 2028 the field will be clear and the GOP (conservative) bench is not deep. A lot will depend on Trump's pick for VP and the outcome in November. He needs to pick someone who could plausibly be the next President. If not, DeSantis will look a lot more scalable.
he didn't do much in congress.
Being 1/435th of an organization is a far cry from being top dog.
who does?????????
There are a lot of GOP reps who aren't afraid to write strongly worded letters when called upon. So we got that going for us
not many that's for sure.
DeSantis was the right choice at the wrong time in the race for the WH. But he is the right choice if we want a meaningful VP and aid to Mr Trump. In many ways, he shares the same traits as Trump but he picks his words more carefully than DJT. He would be the best choice for the country but not sure Trump is willing to share the stage with someone similarly strong.
No, and no. Do you actually think RDS would stand strong and be able to handle himself if he were suddenly thrust into the POTUS position? He literally fell off the rails and seemed lost when things didn't go right in his ill-advised campaign. Campaign. Not the actual job. I don't know if it was the pushy, plastic wife that convinced him to attempt this - but it was a miserable fail. And so very telling.
Trump needs someone beside him that's also their worst nightmare. It's so unfortunate that Mark Robinson (NC/LtGov) is running for governor. THAT man is a VP.
Time will tell, right? Robinson is running for Governor because he knows he needs the experience to run for the WH. He is far from ready today. Talking tough is great but you have to be able to get things done and Mr. Robinson needs experience in that. He will be a better candidate for his time in the Governors mansion. Not sure why you dislike DeSantis so much but it's a free country still...........allegedly. His wife has nothing to do with his running for office or abilities. Leave emotion out of things and look at the people with eyes wide open. There are many people who start out wrong and some who start out right. DeSantis will learn from his weaknesses. There are others who can do well at some point too. JD Vance needs some Governor time and he would do a good job in the WH. Good luck to us all this election.
DeSantis appears to me to be somewhat on the scale, not able to really make a connection with people. Nothing radiates from his eyes. He's looking to be president, yet was easily convinced that wearing cowboy boots with lifts would be a positive? As if people don't already know how tall he is or isn't.
Mark Robinson is exactly the kind of straight-up alpha male that needs to be standing with Trump. And I believe that if he had not already made a commitment to his NC citizens he would be.
And give it a rest with the "leave emotion out of it" nonsense. Nothing I said reeks of the vapors.
Let me know when you find that perfect conservative.
What a rogue's gallery of choices this morning. Please ask the cat to just this once to give us an "All of the Above" option.
Hochul, and her flying monkeys ( Eric Adams, Alvin Bragg, & Leticia James) hands down. She's wants those Ruby Red Slippers.
I’ve been cheering for DeSantis as the 2028 candidate forever. My thought was let Ron finish his Florida term, then put him a highly visible cabinet position such as Secretary of State to get his foreign policy chops. Running this time around was not a good look for him but I would still vote for him in 2028. I think he would run circles around Newsome or anyone else the Democrats put up. Their bench is pitiful but of course there may be a Black Swan out there. Ala BHO.
We drove to Florida during the pandemic to escape the lockdowns in Georgia.
Hopeless Hochul is VP Harris’ sister.
Newsom wins in a landslide aided and abetted by California's one party regime with its corrupt election laws and practices. *** DeSantis has obvious potential as a Presidential candidate but to attract Trump supporters, DeSantis must become his own man. His political instincts are inconsistent, possibly because he listens to the loser Bushies surrounding him. If he sheds those bad influences while continuing to build an alliance with Trump, he could become Trump's successor. If he fails to take those steps, another Trumpish darling of the GOP will emerge to take his place at the head of the second pack. The man or woman Trump selects as his VP might be the darling who displaces DeSantis.
they're all useless twits but i suppose most of us are homers. i voted for whitless because i live in michiganistan but i do realize that newsom probably poses a larger threat nationally if he were to ever get his hands on the white house.
Newsom has ironically shown everyone who he is and what he is capable of. He will never be president if votes are counted fairly.
which they are not which means he very well could become president.
In the poll, I voted for Kathy Hochul. Loathsome is clearly the most visible and he is a wretch, but I voted for Hochul because a specific incident. My brother's SIL lived in Hamburg, NY near an abandoned Nike missile silo. The Town of Hamburg allowed toxic waste to be dumped into these silos which subsequently leached out and contaminated the local ground water and soil. Kathy Hochul was a Town of Hamburg Board member at the time. When my brother's SIL and BIL complained and asked for relief, Hochul told them to pound sand and if they decided to sue the Town, the Town had deep pockets and would outlast them in court. About three years ago, the SIL dropped dead because of an undiagnosed brain tumor. I blame Kathy Hochul for her callousness as a public official. She is pure evil, IMHO. One last thing, Loathsome has a long track record as a sleaze, but Hochul has only been on the national scene for a few years. Give the bitch time and she will attract more votes in future polls. Remember, she just said that black kids in the Bronx didn't even know what a computer is. That quote takes a special kind of condescension and stupidity.
That's why she was hired to work alongside Cuomo; loathsomeness and stupidity are 2 of the highest characteristics desired in that kind of leadership role in that world of corruption.
Her turn will come but not before she has destroyed anyone or anything that might exist with just one teeny-tiny bit of goodness imbedded.
I voted for Kemp as America's worst governor because he's a backstabbing traitor who should be in jail. The case against Trump in Florida was set up by Kemp and Assenberger.
Coming to the party late again. Once again, as a non US citizen I can watch all this with a certain sense of detachment.
I have always liked Ron as ‘The Governor of Florida’ but…
As the Governor of Florida he didn’t bite the hand that fed him until his ill advised Presidential Run
As the Governor of Florida it wasn’t apparent that he wasn’t that much of a people person until his ill advised Presidential Run
As the Governor of Florida, he didn’t feel the need to wear lifts in his heels to make himself appeal to a wider audience until his ill advised Presidential Run.
Remember kids, it’s not always the big issues, sometimes it’s the devil in the details.
Now of course there are other issues of greater import to be considered and it also depends on who he’s running against to be the candidate and of course as well as the state of the world.
But the shine (for me at least) is off the chrome on this and it’s Ron’s Job to get it back!
POLL: the winner is obviously Newsom, who is continuing to destroy what should be our most prosperous state.
But oh how I wanted to vote for Kemp, because he's a perfect example of a Republican prick.