Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We thought McCarthy would be a horrible Speaker of the House - a RINO masquerading as a MAGA American. He finally won the vote and started out like a house on fire - making us question our initial opposition to him.

He’s a RINO. He’s a horrible Speaker of the House.

MAGA for 2024.

Great post.

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Please take a moment to pray for those who died 22 years ago (9/11/2001)./

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We will forever mourn the lives of those innocent murdered needlessly.

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Who doesn't remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when we first learned of the planes flying into the Twin Towers?

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I remember my first thoughts that day, was what took them so long. WE had been at war with them for at least ten years, I know of, actually since the founding of the nation, and still it happened.

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So few still understand our nation’s history. The phrase “from the shores of Tripoli”. Ask any American today if they know why the navy was created or the history the North African slave trade of European merchants and they’ll think you’re crazy.

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Ask them why the terrorists chose that particular date to attack us…

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09/11/23: I was in the 1993 bombing (survived w/o a scratch). 09/11/01: "HWGA!"

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I'll pray for the surviving members of their families.

Not to split hairs...

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And those they left behind.

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What is really bad about McCarthy is the little followers aren’t holding his feet to the fire.

They can remove him but won’t…at this point.

Release all the tapes and let the chips fall where they may fall.

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McCarthy can be removed. Many House Republicans are tried and true RINOs

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There was a clause of some sort giving an option to remove him if he didn’t follow through wasn’t there? Well, ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, what exactly is the delay?

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They thought they'd never have to use it - and now that it must be done, we're seeing what true cowards they are.

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I'm not saying McCarthy is terrific, but who would be better at getting all the Republican congressmen to fall in line? Do you have a name to suggest?

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I see Comer's been in congress for 11 years, from KY (like Sen McConnell)

He seems to be doing a good job as head of the oversight cmte. I am not sure how much broad support he has among the GOP in the House though. His name is not among those in the Jan '23 article:


or this one


DC politics is a very strategic game


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Well, that's the problem - not enough (if any) are united/unified in doing what is right - taking the difficult stand.

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Thanks NFT-Tony cut me to the quick w/his reply:

Are you a homosexual? When you start making other people's problems YOUR problems, you're sticking your nose where it doesn't belong--a trait very common with liberals.--I can handle the homo- the liberal, not so much

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Bullshit! Fire McCarthy immediately. Vacate the chair.

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Your first paragraph is spot on, so thank you. Now, here is my thought for today: The largest distributor of illegal weapons is the government.

When I lived in Boston in 1991, there were murders all over Boston in record numbers. It turned out that BPD (Boston police dept) was taking guns confiscated in previous crimes and giving them to gangbangers to kill their rivals and they aren't the only city doing this. That and torching the Fenway where all the queers hung out were a favorite past time of Ultra liberal mayor Tom Menino. Everyone thought that those two issues alone would greatly diminish thew crime rate and for the politicians, they were right. Imagine, democratic politicians wanting to do something about the crime rate.

Can they do it again?? That takes guts and knowledge. No one has guts anymore and knowledge--which I am sorry to say, is gone. What BPD and BFD did curbing the crime rates....Uhm, that happened over 30 years ago, so all those responsible are now deceased.

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Detroit's DPD buys back guns of any type for approx. $50;00 from law abiding citizens Not too much later, not surprisingly their back on the streets

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Chill, pal, perhaps he's old and depends on spellcheck. Never pick on a founding member, cheapskate.

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Are you a homosexual? When you start making other people's problems YOUR problem, you're sticking your nose where it doesn't belong--a trait very common with liberals.

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I too wince when their isn't time to see there friends,

but I would never embarrass anyone for misuse. Guess

that's because I'm a lib homo. Stay Frosty,


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“Buying back” guns the city never owned makes no sense.

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Of all the government agencies there are, police agencies waste more time and money than any two other government agencies combined and they STILL do things half-assed.

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Little dustup w/Tony-ICYMI-I too wince when their isn't time to see there friends,

but I would never embarrass anyone for misuse. Guess

that's because I'm a lib homo. Stay Frosty,


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You can't say enough bad things about this weasel who masquerades as a leader. McCarthy is a PUNK.

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Never thought he’d be anything but what he is. Fraud rino. Look at who he lives with.

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To paraphrase coach Dennis Green, he is what we thought he would be.

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To paraphrase Bill Parcells, he is what his record is.

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McCarthy must go. Vote immediately to vacate the chair.

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These guys are compulsive liars and swindlers!

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Yep, he's a company man who thinks civility is the key to every problem .............which is true if you are managing a Country Club. He isn't up to the job he is in because he fails to recognize the macro of the problem, and he's waiting for others to fix it.

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Absolutely! Where are the J6 videos? Where's the budget? Where's the Impeachment? or should I ask Hakeem?

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09-11-23: Indeed, a superb post. And you're right about McCarthy. Well, we all know what happens to corrupted tight-rope walkers (unless they're protected by the Genovese mob running the FBI).

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I suspect McCarthy has some new revelations to kick off the impeachment inquiry. It's been drip, drip so far which has left the Bidens wondering what is next. If you know you are guilty but do not know what evidence the prosecution has, you can't publicly deny without risk of being skewered the next day. So they must largely remain silent.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, you don’t come across as ramped up enough today.

Can you tell us how you really feel?

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Surber brushes his teeth with gunpowder.

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Don Surber is 2023's Thomas Paine. "Common Sense"

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And fishes with dynamite.

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Surber has certainly done an about face from the article he wrote back in 2020 (?) bagging President Trump in a bid to buy his Bentley.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

An important quibble about this otherwise excellent commentary: Ashli Babbitt was not the only person murdered by Capitol police. Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death by a Capitol cop while lying on the ground unconscious.

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Absolutely. There are at least 4 videos from 3 different angles of Roseanne Boyland being literally viciously beaten to death by a black Capitol policewoman. Getting this video into national circulation would be a gigantic game changer in destroying the Left’s false narrative about Jan. 6th. And the outrageous thing is that the DC Medical Examiner’s office said her death was due to a drug overdose and cremated her body the VERY NEXT DAY. OUTRAGEOUS.

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I’ve got to say Don this is your best Substack yet. It reads like a speech and I was engrossed in it. All I can say is wow. You were on target in every sentence. It speaks to my heart and mind and I’m sure others feel the same. I hope this moves out far and wide. The democrats have got to be running scared with all the evil they are trying to inject into our country. I hope people open their eyes and understand that is real and what consequences may occur.

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I don't think the Government is the least bit worried. I think they're certain Trump will not be president. They are to use any and i mean any means necessary to prevent it. They know what's at stake.

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Very well said, Barbara.

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An excellent comprehensive assessment of the perilous times we face! Our beautiful America is being run by a government not of the people, not by the people and not for the people. The abuse of power, the undermining of the constitution, the lawlessness are Communist and Satanic. We are in a war between good and evil.

We must NOT COMPLY, pray fervently, do the right thing, push back, speak the truth, win souls to Christ, wake up true Christian and get them to vote. I have read that a sizable number of Christians don’t vote!

Thank you Don for your excellent article!!

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I just listened to the Trump rally from Rapid City SD - found it on Lucianne this morning - it was actually posted on X - he was at his very best, calm, clear & inspiring - well worth a listen

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He was also very emotional when talking about what has happened to your great country.

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COVID-19 made it plain and clear that we are in a war of good against evil.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"America doesn’t need an election; it needs an exorcism."

Yes. Let's go to the source of all power. Trump's next rally needs to become a national exorcism with as many clergy as can be obtained. With humble faith, we might be able to blow the roof off the Capitol Rotunda. We know playing politics doesn't work, so let's take it up a notch.

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Screw the clergy - they’ve sold out their faith.

The “people who I’ve called by My name” need to repent and recommit!!

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While true some have sold out but not all. Please pray for those still fighting the good fight against the tide of evil. They are doing their best and have also faced cancellation. May the pope find his way back to Catholicism . Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing. Who ever dreamed we’d be alive to see this. We as a remnant are here for a reason. God does not make mistakes. He allows us to do that.

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Churches are far too left for me in Canada. Praying daily works for me.

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So heartbreaking to hear that you live in a church dessert.

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It has been that way - both Catholic and Protestant --for at least 40 years or more. As I have said on this blog before, a lot of families just stopped going to church around 1972 in Canada, particularly in Quebec and parts of Ontario. Kids for sure -- I was one of them. The parents kept going for a few years and then, overall, it just stopped. No relevant messaging.

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Fight dirty. They won't know what hit them.

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Great. Works for me

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

As the kids say, "so what?" So what if the politicians are corrupt or have dementia or both? So what if causing sexual confusion and mutilation is a goal? So what if protecting Ukraine's borders is more important than our own? So what if our young people are deprived of a good education and have to live in a violent world? So what if our old people are isolated and lonely? So what means:

What are YOU going to do about it?

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The puppet uniparty government in Washington DC is going to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from becoming President, even if they have to kill him. They have been working for years to destroy him politically, and he just keeps getting stronger and receives increasing support. There is nothing they can do short of killing him, to prevent him from winning the election. There is no one running even close to him in support, despite billions of dollars being poured into the DeSantis effort.

But if they do kill him, all bets are off in terms of what happens next. I do not think they will survive that. There are just too many Americans who support Trump and too many Americans who don't even support him but will be unable to support a government that assassinates their political rivals. Killing Trump will spell their doom.

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This prophetic and clarifiying article made me weep. The answer that I chose to who should be the next vice president was Seal Team 6. I roared with laughter with that thought.

But my heart is still broken over the tragedy and travesty of our once great nation being reduced to feeding off the husks of the pig trough of our politicians.

We took our inheritance and left the heritage of faith because our older brother of ungrateful church leaders were indifferent to our yearnings and headed to the bright lights of Mammon, forgetting the abundance of joy we had at the Father's table.

I, for one, am headed back to my Father's house where the imperfect leaders will look at us skepticaly. I don't care. I want to be embraced by the Father and fellowship at his abundant table.

They that sew in tears shall reap in joy.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, ylou are firing on all twelve cylinders today! ROCK ON!

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Extraordinary Article!!

Standing ovation!!!!!


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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Again, a thoroughly thought-provoking piece that should mobilize any God-fearing American Patriot into action AND instill the fear of the almighty in those responsible for the tyranny rampant within the federal government which threatens this nation's existence. Thank you

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Byrd did not shoot and kill Ashley he effing executed her, point blank, and yet this POS walks free and may have even been promoted, yet many sit in the shithole of the DC gulag. No court ever looked at the evidence of the election travesty, move on deplorables nuttin' to see here. It's the frogs being boiled incrementally, ribit... 9/11 anniversary and the dummocrats cannot even trust our fearless leader to speak afraid of the gaffe machine unleashed...

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Effing right! It's not a secret that Pelosi and Wray and others set this up to stop President Donald John Trump by orchestrating Jan 6th.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

A very brilliant article. I still remember the patriotism that we had as Americans on 9/11. It was only after a few years that we realized that Bush and Cheney were traitors. At the time I was wondering why there were no airplane parts found at the Pentagon or from United 93. It was clear that that day was used as a start to the long game of separating Americans from the constitution. Hell is made up of nine levels. The Democrats are in the ninth level. However, the Republicans and individuals such as Mitt Romney and other Rinos, who allow this takeover to occur are in their own level deeper which is the 10th level a new level for the true scum bags of this earth.

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I am no longer the fan of "W" that I once was, but I remain thankful to this day that algore was not President when 9/11 struck

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Don Surber

As much of a tool as Al Gore is, could he have done a worse job than George Bush? It’s possible that the deep state didn’t want him to be president in 2000, and his reward for excepting defeat was a Nobel prize a few billion dollars and the mantle of climate change.

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Al Gore would have been far, far, far worse as President. Many of his pronouncements have been totally removed from reality.

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W was good in that case, but looking back other than that, he was a disappointment.

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LuAnn. I respectively have to disagree. It’s become clear that they had something on GW. They probably had more pictures on him doing heinous acts than Obama. Why else would he be the front man for Dr. evil....Dick Cheney?

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Maybe. But what?? He just seemed out of his depth after a while.

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That's because he was.

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That patriotism lasted less than a week - W was the recipient of some goodwill in spite of himself.

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My guess is some dispute between a red state and the feds will happen where the governor tells the feds to go pound sand, the feds try to use some agency muscle, and then the whole thing goes ka-boom. State police vs. fed law enforcement. Won't be pretty.

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Don, the passion expressed in this post is both understandable and appropriate, given what we know and what we can legitimately infer from what we know. I am in full agreement with you. Our federal--or more accurately our "central" government, since it has squeezed almost all the "federalism" out--has adopted the worst practices of governments described as Leviathan and Behemoth, the titles of philosophical treatises authored by Hobbes in his attempt to figure out how men best govern themselves, given that we are not angels. Those names are descriptive of the gigantic, menacing and all-encompassing, all-consuming vortices of power that the central government has become since the beginning of the Twentieth Century. That government has continue to exert a gravity-like pull on the power previously invested in the individual states, and more importantly, the individual people, or citizens, as we were formerly known, but are now more aptly described as subjects. Trump is a very imperfect vessel in which to pour our hope of restraining the central government, but he appears to be the only one with even the slightest likelihood of doing so. Whether this is the result of his desire for revenge or for true reform is irrelevant; what matters only is that he does it. Thus, I--like you--will support him even if he is only marginally successful in restraining our plunge into authoritarianism/totalitarianism. Having said all this, I respectfully wish to add one small but crucial detail to your recounting of Marion Barry's successful criminal defense. Yes, it is true that the jury simply refused to accept the FBI version of events, but this was, I believe, more the result of a racially motivated skepticism than one more generally held about the FBI or law enforcement in general. It was mostly black juror refusal to convict a black democrat that resulted in the largely successful defense. This same dynamic is currently reversed in the case of Trump. Should he be tried by a jury composed largely of black residents of DC (which is interchangeable with the term "democrats") he will be convicted despite the absence of ANY incriminating evidence. That is simply what we have come to at this point in our history. There was a time when the racial solidarity of blacks against whites was counterbalanced by white society's insistence on application of the law against law-breakers, but now it has become fashionable for upper-class whites to declare their virtue by siding against people who look like them but don't belong to their particular socio-economic class because "equity" or some other virtue signal. I sadly conclude that Trump will be convicted unless one person of integrity--regardless of skin color--is empaneled in his DC case. But like Diogenes, I believe I would search in vain for that "one person of integrity" among the pool of potential jurors in that benighted venue.

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I am always surprised and shocked that the United States has so many patriots and so many commies who want to destroy your country. How did this happen? Sincere question. At least in Canada, we have so many lefties that nothing is a surprise and the lefties love lefty Canada.

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Higher education {brainwashing} for 60 + years.

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Yes, the brainwashing makes sense in the last 60 years in the schools. But what about the McCarthy era and Herbert Marcuse? I just don't get it.

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