I actually liked Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador. I don't think she accomplished anything but that's because the UN is private club for the world's dictators, tyrants, and totalitarians. Giving Iran the chairmanship of the Human Rights Council says it all. Nikki Haley spoke the truth at the UN and took the side of Israel. Israel is the number one country to be bashed by the UN. At the UN Israel is seen as the cause of all the world's problems.
But she betrayed Trump, and Trump is someone who strongly believes in loyalty, which I think is a strength.
Her political ambitions have led her to become the billionaire donors' prostitute, to divide the conservatives and make the slim number of Never Trumpers appear larger than they are.
Meanwhile Trump keeps making the Never Trumpers look ridiculous in the polls. His numbers rise and their numbers deflate. There is only so much that money can buy. And that is the problem: Trump supporters know that the billionaire donors do not care about the party's base. The RNC doesn't care about the party's base. The donors and the RNC only care about money. Haley will flame out because Trump supporters know she is not the genuine article. Trump supporters ARE the party now. It's just that the Never Trumpers refuse to believe it.
Governor of South Carolina is good training for UN Ambassador. SC is run by the legislature, the Governor has just enough power to give the news people something to talk about.
Is that how it works in SC? Very interesting. In Massachusetts I am not sure that either the legislature functions or the governor functions. Both are totally woke, and that means the people's needs aren't even noticed let alone addressed.
This column and ensuing discussions are a wonderful learning experience - I absolutely love it! Thank you to everyone, especially Don Surber for bringing us together!
Eventually, that kind of "legal" graft and corruption will hit a point where the public is going to pushback hard and then watch out. It will take down the whole higher education system. When education becomes only something the wealthy can afford, people will fix it.
I agree with everything you have said Eve. In addition to her betrayal of Trump, I hate watching her talk since it seems that she's always talking through clenched teeth as if her jaws are permanently wired together.
That's because her birdbrain cannot formulate the words faster than her lyin mouth operates; it's a tough maneuver but she's had years of practice. Hence the clenched jaw, while trying to formulate the words.
She is the answer to a question no one on the right is really asking. We've had our sparring over Trump and DeSantis, but DeSantis is a conservative politician, more so than Trump in fact. And he has a track record to prove it.
What does Haley have? {Silence}
The best description I've seen is Jeb! in a dress. No one wants that wing of the GOP party. It is dying out, has no energy, and can no longer be competitive nationally. If that wing wanted to be at least on the winning side, they could.
But they obviously don't. The death throes of the GOPe is a very pleasing thing to watch.
I agree it is dying out in terms of popular support because it always was an elitist group, even the nicknames capture this, such as "country club Republican" or "Cocktail party Republicans." What is happening is a recognition of how irredeemably ineffective if not useless the elites of both parties have been in responding to the needs of the American populace. The only people who now support the elites are elites from elite universities themselves. Even if these individuals are simply middle class, their outlook shares values with the political elites such as woke values, the belief that America is and always was racist, etc.
The vast rest of America is waking up to the realization that the elites have failed everyone miserably. Our Congress is a Potemkin Village (as Sundance says), they pretend they are representing us while all the while they are either representing the deep state (shadow government) or their billionaire donors.
The democrats have failed their base: working men and women no longer want to be part of a party that is Marxist and woke, Blacks, even the head of BLM in Rhode Island is going to vote for Donald Trump! Blacks realize the democrats just don't do anything positive for them. Hispanics are conservatives by and large, with conservative values, strong family values, and they don't see the democrat party as a group of people who have their interests in mind. So who is left to vote democrat? Party bosses, union bosses, the deep state, and the bicoastal elites, oh, and the of transvestites. The homosexuals are even upset because the transgender movement has become the darling of the democrat party and homosexuals are now, just so 'yesterday."
Who wants to vote for people who champion the rights of billionaire crony capitalists, the globalists who tell us we will own nothing and be happy, men who want to compete with women in sports, the people who want to take away our guns, the people who have turned the vast surveillance powers of the government against honest law abiding citizens and allowed the criminals to roam free, who wants to vote for these people? How can they ever win an honest election running on that platform? Is not massive ballot fraud an existential requirement for the elites of both parties?
Yes, if we still live in a country with free and fair elections, the ballots count, and the votes count. If not, then the only solution to the problem of fascist totalitarianism is regime change.
Terribly sad, isn't it? We have some of the best jokers in politics in guys like Kennedy and a couple others, a couple hard workers in Jordan and his band, an honest conservatively fiscal guy in Rand Paul, and that's it. Really sad.
I'm still watching Mr. Johnson. Jury is still out. I'm cautiously optimistic on him right now. Releasing the tapes was a positive. He may prove to be one of those people who rise to the occasion and be the right guy at the right time. Fingers crossed.
The death throes of the GOPe is a very pleasing thing to watch.
If the GOP will not come back to their conservative roots and follow their platform, then let them die. But we had better have an alternate ready before it happens.
Halley is a serious "I wanna start a war" monger. She would work with the Dems to do it too because she's a RINO. She is Mitt Romney in a skirt and belongs to the stab you in the back club. She was a rising star back in the day when she pretended to be a Conservative, but now just part of the crowd that enabled the deep state.
11-30-23: I'm reading Don's "Trump The Press" for the first time, and I recommend it, if only to re-acquaint yourselves with all the useless flotsam and jetsam media boneheads who are repeating the mistakes in 2023 that they made in 2015-16. They "refuse to believe it." And they will adamantly continue to do so until the day they die. No amount of empirical evidence will --- can possibly --- convince them otherwise.
Well at least the cynical Koch “machine” of big money illegal alien smugglers has settled on their losing GOP Stepford Wife candidate. They could have just asked John Kasich to put a wig on and gotten the trans vote while they were at it. Oh, well.... Nikki’s campaign slogan is : “Sanitized For Your Protection”. Catchy.
Count on her bringing absolutely nothing of interest to the table, other than not being Donald Trump. Because Trump is an old fashioned man. The last thing this country needs is an old fashioned man making old fashioned man decisions based on antiquated ideas like right versus wrong, freedom versus Communism, entrepreneurship and individual motivation versus collective globalized sloth and universal basic dependency. Hate it when that happens. How are we going to spend an extra four quadrillion dollars that we don’t have on idiotic social engineering projects for losers that never work and endless wars that we always lose with an orange man bad in office? Nope. We need a smiley, homogenized BS sorority pledge chairman papier mache President who folds as she’s told, not a naughty President who might kick the parasites and megalomaniacs to the curb.
Let them waste their “smart” money. I mean seriously...She’s on a bobsled to nowhere.
Best comment I have read in a month. Halley refects the side of this country that wants to elect a leader that they like or makes them feel good, not a leader who keeps the country safe, upholds the principals of what it is to be an American. I for one have enough close friends, I don't need to elect another one. I don't care if Trump has had his rabies shots or not so long as he keeps America........America, under the constitution!
7-8 years ago, my son was a Koch intern, a program set up to develop the next generation of American leaders (like the Koch’s, I guess).
They read prescribed books, and met in different cities for conferences.
Tim won an essay contest (by taking an anti-Koch position, that is, anti-libertarian) and argued against legalized marijuana. This won him a day with Charles Koch.
I just asked he to give me a short takeaway from that day. Here’s what he says-
“ Good businessman, smart, generous, misguided, and an atheist set to improve the morals of the world.”
The Kochs are/were talented businessmen. Making that kind of money is extremely difficult. Yet at the end of the day, so what. Once we step away from the world of corporations and finance, what right do the Kochs or any other American, have to neglect the Constitution and decide the direction of the country by buying votes and politicians? But that’s the way of the world, you might reply. Look at where we are as a nation now. Are we better off than we were 50 years ago or 10 years ago? No. And we can lay the blame at the feet of powerful individuals Left and Right who put themselves above the nation that provided the foundation which allowed them to excel, which gave them the opportunity and the mechanisms through open financial markets and the rule of law to develop an empire. We see this repeatedly from American business moguls and politicians. They take a dump on America so they can expand their bank accounts and influence . Unpatriotic ingrates. They hurt other Americans. Libertarians talk about victimless crime. Unfettered illegal immigration doesn’t meet that standard. Open borders that allow tons of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids to come in and poison our citizens are not an example of a victimless crime. Suppressing speech, rigging elections, and oppressing honest citizens exercising their right to assembly and speech are not victimless crimes.
Libertarian economists of the Austrian school were some of the sharpest observers of markets and government. But the libertarian ideal is otherwise flawed. Legalizing drugs leads to what - a drugged populace that can’t think or perform. It’s literally retarding the country. I’m sure your son is a fine fellow, but the Kochs are self indulgent fools damaging the nation because they can.
Hmmmm. Nikki Haley sounds so... All American, amirite? Nikki, like Nick Cage, or even Nikki Sixx, but never, ever Nikita. And Haley? Reminds me of Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock Around the Clock! The Big Bopper! Brenda Lee singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"! But wait! There's More! Her birth name is Nimrata Randhawa but she will never, ever use it publicly. Compare her to another current candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy. He uses his birth name and makes no bones about it. He could have gone for the pseudonym, like "Nikki". Maybe Vic Rambo, sort of a combination of Vic Morrow and John Rambo! Talk about All American masculinity! Fairly oozes testosterone. Difference being, he is actually a pretty good, intelligent and verbally skilled candidate who I could vote for if Trump were not the Man of the Hour. Nikki would be lost without her speechwriters and handlers. She has near zero appeal for the MAGA voter. She would gladly do the bidding of the atheist globalist Kochs or anyone else who gives her gobs of money. Anyone who would support her candidacy needs serious help. Sorry if that offends anyone, but you'll get over it.
Spot on - and I LOVE your creation of Vic Rambo for Vivek. Vic Morrow was a 1960's predecessor to Rambo. He was authentic tough. Rambo was CGI tough. Both entertaining.
Have you ever met someone in your life that says all the right things at just the right time? I have. They make the red lights start flashing for me. He is too scripted and smooth. I will take the street fighter who is as old as I am and the closest thing we have to Superman.
I knew Mrs. Haley’s background when I voted for her. I believe she is culturally American and Christian. She was a strong TEA Party supporter. This appears to me to be a cheap shot. "Speechwriters and handlers" are a figment of your imagination.
It belongs to the individual states, and any candidate who takes the bait when it gets brought up in the 2024 presidential election - which ot will, of course - is a fool.
She's Joe Biden who can complete a sentence (not necessarily one that makes sense) in one try and knows how to exit the stage. A puppet of a different gender.
You have a longer experience with her than I do. I can only share my perceptions for the years I have seen her in media reports. I don't think she is Joe Biden corrupt so that is in her favor, but she did seem to warm up to the globalists . . . and she detests DJT. She's a functional RINO. I guess I'll leave it at that.
I voted for Mike Dewine who I place in the same camp as Haley, but I don't like him. It was a choice between Dewine and the Dem.
You have to be a certain age to appreciate the lyrics that start this post. It comes from a time when Disney was pro-America. Yeah, that far back. All I can say is “Forever let us hold his banner HIGH!” (Like I said, you have to be a certain age.)
Haley represents the 400 billionaires who just gave the communist pig(Xi) a standing ovation in San Fran a short while ago. Go read the Last Refuge for intel on her and DeSantis et al as they are all being paid by the same 400.
The Donald is up against the globalists and needs all support; just remember how your life was in Dec 2019 before they unleashed Event 201.
nikki haley is the poster girl for someone who is all talk and no walk. the new age american woman who pretends to be a conservative but is actually a donk to the bone. they swing elections to the left every time you think you're getting a foot up. can't be trusted....ever. are they stupid or clever and does it really matter when push comes to shove? collins, murkowski.....there are more.
YESSS! I feel young again!!! It’s like I’m voting for Bob Dole! Or Mitt Romney!!! After PDJT I recognise the Sh-tHole sandwiches for what the GOP served up those decades as they selling selling out the US as fast as they could…..not they are just bankrupting the USD as long as some moron (the FED is even selling their US bonds) buys the worthless IOUs….
Slavers stay together. Robbing money from rich never Trumper Slavers, keeps that money away from Middle America. Donald Trump is truly all we have. I think Vivek will be in a Trump cabinet. In 11 months, God's will becomes ever important. For God possesses the power to fight this evil.
Be ready for anything next year. If you have ever cornered a snake, and won the fight, remember those skills. One is patience.
So, yesterday Bannon predicted that the NT (TM) camp had switched their strategy to putting Nikki on the ticket as VP. She's their toe in the door. Now everyone is repeating it. This stuff never gets old.
Another objection I have to Nikki is that she looks like a blend of Gretchen Whitmer and Kathy Hochul.
I agree with your facial integration assessment. In mathematics, a negative multiplied by a negative is a positive. Not in this case. We are dividing by zero and getting the result for Haley - an undefined number.
Richard, I have to take issue with you about your characterization of Haley being a blend of Whitmer and Hochul. Nikki may not be your (or my) cup of tea, however, those two women are so evil that a blend of them is off the scale horrible...in other words Hillary Clinton.
Agreed. Im one of those silly people who believe personal integrity matters. It’s why politics irritates me so much I think. Romney is an awful person in my book and Halley is no different. When you screw your friends and colleagues for personal gain, it tells me you would do the same to the voters in a NY minute.
America has lost its way and bad actors are taking advantage of our decline. We are a country infected with the offspring of non-spiritual hippies who stand for nothing except wealth, power, and excess. We are in a better place to deal with our decline than the Romans were for sure but it remains to be seen just how far the descent will be before we wake up.
I actually liked Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador. I don't think she accomplished anything but that's because the UN is private club for the world's dictators, tyrants, and totalitarians. Giving Iran the chairmanship of the Human Rights Council says it all. Nikki Haley spoke the truth at the UN and took the side of Israel. Israel is the number one country to be bashed by the UN. At the UN Israel is seen as the cause of all the world's problems.
But she betrayed Trump, and Trump is someone who strongly believes in loyalty, which I think is a strength.
Her political ambitions have led her to become the billionaire donors' prostitute, to divide the conservatives and make the slim number of Never Trumpers appear larger than they are.
Meanwhile Trump keeps making the Never Trumpers look ridiculous in the polls. His numbers rise and their numbers deflate. There is only so much that money can buy. And that is the problem: Trump supporters know that the billionaire donors do not care about the party's base. The RNC doesn't care about the party's base. The donors and the RNC only care about money. Haley will flame out because Trump supporters know she is not the genuine article. Trump supporters ARE the party now. It's just that the Never Trumpers refuse to believe it.
Governor of South Carolina is good training for UN Ambassador. SC is run by the legislature, the Governor has just enough power to give the news people something to talk about.
Is that how it works in SC? Very interesting. In Massachusetts I am not sure that either the legislature functions or the governor functions. Both are totally woke, and that means the people's needs aren't even noticed let alone addressed.
Eve, they are in effect saying WE are smarter than you and WE will decide what is best for you. Right out of 1984.
We're big on bike lanes, too, in Montreal. They get plowed first when there's a snowstorm.
The education unions, for starters. The fish that is dead at the head.
This column and ensuing discussions are a wonderful learning experience - I absolutely love it! Thank you to everyone, especially Don Surber for bringing us together!
Eventually, that kind of "legal" graft and corruption will hit a point where the public is going to pushback hard and then watch out. It will take down the whole higher education system. When education becomes only something the wealthy can afford, people will fix it.
I agree with everything you have said Eve. In addition to her betrayal of Trump, I hate watching her talk since it seems that she's always talking through clenched teeth as if her jaws are permanently wired together.
That's because her birdbrain cannot formulate the words faster than her lyin mouth operates; it's a tough maneuver but she's had years of practice. Hence the clenched jaw, while trying to formulate the words.
ok, now i actually got to watch her talk mmm or maybe just watch her with the mute on. there was one Hillary speech that was the only way to watch it.
She is the answer to a question no one on the right is really asking. We've had our sparring over Trump and DeSantis, but DeSantis is a conservative politician, more so than Trump in fact. And he has a track record to prove it.
What does Haley have? {Silence}
The best description I've seen is Jeb! in a dress. No one wants that wing of the GOP party. It is dying out, has no energy, and can no longer be competitive nationally. If that wing wanted to be at least on the winning side, they could.
But they obviously don't. The death throes of the GOPe is a very pleasing thing to watch.
I agree it is dying out in terms of popular support because it always was an elitist group, even the nicknames capture this, such as "country club Republican" or "Cocktail party Republicans." What is happening is a recognition of how irredeemably ineffective if not useless the elites of both parties have been in responding to the needs of the American populace. The only people who now support the elites are elites from elite universities themselves. Even if these individuals are simply middle class, their outlook shares values with the political elites such as woke values, the belief that America is and always was racist, etc.
The vast rest of America is waking up to the realization that the elites have failed everyone miserably. Our Congress is a Potemkin Village (as Sundance says), they pretend they are representing us while all the while they are either representing the deep state (shadow government) or their billionaire donors.
The democrats have failed their base: working men and women no longer want to be part of a party that is Marxist and woke, Blacks, even the head of BLM in Rhode Island is going to vote for Donald Trump! Blacks realize the democrats just don't do anything positive for them. Hispanics are conservatives by and large, with conservative values, strong family values, and they don't see the democrat party as a group of people who have their interests in mind. So who is left to vote democrat? Party bosses, union bosses, the deep state, and the bicoastal elites, oh, and the of transvestites. The homosexuals are even upset because the transgender movement has become the darling of the democrat party and homosexuals are now, just so 'yesterday."
Who wants to vote for people who champion the rights of billionaire crony capitalists, the globalists who tell us we will own nothing and be happy, men who want to compete with women in sports, the people who want to take away our guns, the people who have turned the vast surveillance powers of the government against honest law abiding citizens and allowed the criminals to roam free, who wants to vote for these people? How can they ever win an honest election running on that platform? Is not massive ballot fraud an existential requirement for the elites of both parties?
Agree, but it's the vote counting that counts.
Ah yes. There is that. Arizona, I am looking at you.
Penn.,Georgia, Mich.Nev.Or. all raise eyebrows.
Yes, if we still live in a country with free and fair elections, the ballots count, and the votes count. If not, then the only solution to the problem of fascist totalitarianism is regime change.
Terribly sad, isn't it? We have some of the best jokers in politics in guys like Kennedy and a couple others, a couple hard workers in Jordan and his band, an honest conservatively fiscal guy in Rand Paul, and that's it. Really sad.
Do not leave out Maga Mike the new speaker who uses the Bible and US Constitution for guide rails.
I'm still watching Mr. Johnson. Jury is still out. I'm cautiously optimistic on him right now. Releasing the tapes was a positive. He may prove to be one of those people who rise to the occasion and be the right guy at the right time. Fingers crossed.
The death throes of the GOPe is a very pleasing thing to watch.
If the GOP will not come back to their conservative roots and follow their platform, then let them die. But we had better have an alternate ready before it happens.
Halley is a serious "I wanna start a war" monger. She would work with the Dems to do it too because she's a RINO. She is Mitt Romney in a skirt and belongs to the stab you in the back club. She was a rising star back in the day when she pretended to be a Conservative, but now just part of the crowd that enabled the deep state.
Great comment, Eve.
Haley is toast.
11-30-23: I'm reading Don's "Trump The Press" for the first time, and I recommend it, if only to re-acquaint yourselves with all the useless flotsam and jetsam media boneheads who are repeating the mistakes in 2023 that they made in 2015-16. They "refuse to believe it." And they will adamantly continue to do so until the day they die. No amount of empirical evidence will --- can possibly --- convince them otherwise.
Now Samantha has been traveling in Europe, more recently to Hungary, in order to upend Victor Orban's immigration policy.
She's still around doing "The One's " bidding of globalism transformation.
Who's paying here?
Powers is back in the White House, if that's what you mean.
She's just carrying out her orders, starting more trouble and color revolutions in Europe.
Sure she's on the taxpayers dime......
She may be in the WH but someone else is funding her work abroad. Same people who funded Obama's Martha's Vinyard house.
Great perspective.
So true!
Bless her heart.
"Bless her heart" I live in the south I know what that means.
Are you from the South? ;~)
I am from South Carolina and voted for Mrs. Haley twice, and I use the phrase the the way she does.
Yep. Your southern credentials are certified!
Well at least the cynical Koch “machine” of big money illegal alien smugglers has settled on their losing GOP Stepford Wife candidate. They could have just asked John Kasich to put a wig on and gotten the trans vote while they were at it. Oh, well.... Nikki’s campaign slogan is : “Sanitized For Your Protection”. Catchy.
Count on her bringing absolutely nothing of interest to the table, other than not being Donald Trump. Because Trump is an old fashioned man. The last thing this country needs is an old fashioned man making old fashioned man decisions based on antiquated ideas like right versus wrong, freedom versus Communism, entrepreneurship and individual motivation versus collective globalized sloth and universal basic dependency. Hate it when that happens. How are we going to spend an extra four quadrillion dollars that we don’t have on idiotic social engineering projects for losers that never work and endless wars that we always lose with an orange man bad in office? Nope. We need a smiley, homogenized BS sorority pledge chairman papier mache President who folds as she’s told, not a naughty President who might kick the parasites and megalomaniacs to the curb.
Let them waste their “smart” money. I mean seriously...She’s on a bobsled to nowhere.
Trump 2024! Because f these guys.
Well said my friend !!
Keep up the sarcasm. It’s great!
Best comment I have read in a month. Halley refects the side of this country that wants to elect a leader that they like or makes them feel good, not a leader who keeps the country safe, upholds the principals of what it is to be an American. I for one have enough close friends, I don't need to elect another one. I don't care if Trump has had his rabies shots or not so long as he keeps America........America, under the constitution!
7-8 years ago, my son was a Koch intern, a program set up to develop the next generation of American leaders (like the Koch’s, I guess).
They read prescribed books, and met in different cities for conferences.
Tim won an essay contest (by taking an anti-Koch position, that is, anti-libertarian) and argued against legalized marijuana. This won him a day with Charles Koch.
I just asked he to give me a short takeaway from that day. Here’s what he says-
“ Good businessman, smart, generous, misguided, and an atheist set to improve the morals of the world.”
“an atheist set to improve the morals of the world.”
Wow! There’s some cognitive dissonance for ya!
Money can't buy you brains but it can cover up for you if you have none. The Koch's were one misguided, dysfunctional pair (now singular).
The Kochs are/were talented businessmen. Making that kind of money is extremely difficult. Yet at the end of the day, so what. Once we step away from the world of corporations and finance, what right do the Kochs or any other American, have to neglect the Constitution and decide the direction of the country by buying votes and politicians? But that’s the way of the world, you might reply. Look at where we are as a nation now. Are we better off than we were 50 years ago or 10 years ago? No. And we can lay the blame at the feet of powerful individuals Left and Right who put themselves above the nation that provided the foundation which allowed them to excel, which gave them the opportunity and the mechanisms through open financial markets and the rule of law to develop an empire. We see this repeatedly from American business moguls and politicians. They take a dump on America so they can expand their bank accounts and influence . Unpatriotic ingrates. They hurt other Americans. Libertarians talk about victimless crime. Unfettered illegal immigration doesn’t meet that standard. Open borders that allow tons of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids to come in and poison our citizens are not an example of a victimless crime. Suppressing speech, rigging elections, and oppressing honest citizens exercising their right to assembly and speech are not victimless crimes.
Libertarian economists of the Austrian school were some of the sharpest observers of markets and government. But the libertarian ideal is otherwise flawed. Legalizing drugs leads to what - a drugged populace that can’t think or perform. It’s literally retarding the country. I’m sure your son is a fine fellow, but the Kochs are self indulgent fools damaging the nation because they can.
Hmmmm. Nikki Haley sounds so... All American, amirite? Nikki, like Nick Cage, or even Nikki Sixx, but never, ever Nikita. And Haley? Reminds me of Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock Around the Clock! The Big Bopper! Brenda Lee singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"! But wait! There's More! Her birth name is Nimrata Randhawa but she will never, ever use it publicly. Compare her to another current candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy. He uses his birth name and makes no bones about it. He could have gone for the pseudonym, like "Nikki". Maybe Vic Rambo, sort of a combination of Vic Morrow and John Rambo! Talk about All American masculinity! Fairly oozes testosterone. Difference being, he is actually a pretty good, intelligent and verbally skilled candidate who I could vote for if Trump were not the Man of the Hour. Nikki would be lost without her speechwriters and handlers. She has near zero appeal for the MAGA voter. She would gladly do the bidding of the atheist globalist Kochs or anyone else who gives her gobs of money. Anyone who would support her candidacy needs serious help. Sorry if that offends anyone, but you'll get over it.
Spot on - and I LOVE your creation of Vic Rambo for Vivek. Vic Morrow was a 1960's predecessor to Rambo. He was authentic tough. Rambo was CGI tough. Both entertaining.
I don't trust Vivek, hence I will wait and see what happens.
We can start a club. I feel same way. He could easily be another Barck Obama, but this time one with money.
I too like Vivek and would gladly support him if "they" somehow manage to take Trump out "by any means necessary"
Have you ever met someone in your life that says all the right things at just the right time? I have. They make the red lights start flashing for me. He is too scripted and smooth. I will take the street fighter who is as old as I am and the closest thing we have to Superman.
Steve, you are hilarious. You need to take you act on the road. Seriously, that was funny, and on target.
I knew Mrs. Haley’s background when I voted for her. I believe she is culturally American and Christian. She was a strong TEA Party supporter. This appears to me to be a cheap shot. "Speechwriters and handlers" are a figment of your imagination.
Nikki is a willow in the wind.
"Now Koch says he will turn his political factories, such as they are, into the Haley mills."
Rimshot. Again.
Thanks. I really had to reach for that one
The day Trump labeled her Bird Brain she was relegated to also ran status, and she will never recover. It's over Nikki, o-v-e-r.
I live in SC and I predict that she will lose the primary in her own state. MAGA 24!
(As of this date, she has not p'd in the snow.)
She’s definitely wishy-washy on abortion and that’s a big issue for me.
People!!! Abortion is no longer a federal issue!
It belongs to the individual states, and any candidate who takes the bait when it gets brought up in the 2024 presidential election - which ot will, of course - is a fool.
Maybe not quite a RINO, just a member of the uni-party and standing for nothing.
I like to be fair and give her the benefit.
Nikki is the new JEB!
No, JEB is from the HWB criminal cartel.
Big difference.
I don’t want to vote for a rerun of the Bush years so I won't be voting or contributing to her campaign or having anything to do with her.
That kid in the hat at one of her rallies last week that thanked her for the hat one her dudes had given her showed she is clueless.
She's Joe Biden who can complete a sentence (not necessarily one that makes sense) in one try and knows how to exit the stage. A puppet of a different gender.
Mrs. Haley has a strong anti-corruption record in South Carolina
You have a longer experience with her than I do. I can only share my perceptions for the years I have seen her in media reports. I don't think she is Joe Biden corrupt so that is in her favor, but she did seem to warm up to the globalists . . . and she detests DJT. She's a functional RINO. I guess I'll leave it at that.
I voted for Mike Dewine who I place in the same camp as Haley, but I don't like him. It was a choice between Dewine and the Dem.
You have to be a certain age to appreciate the lyrics that start this post. It comes from a time when Disney was pro-America. Yeah, that far back. All I can say is “Forever let us hold his banner HIGH!” (Like I said, you have to be a certain age.)
Glad you said that. Kept me from showing my age. LOL
Haley represents the 400 billionaires who just gave the communist pig(Xi) a standing ovation in San Fran a short while ago. Go read the Last Refuge for intel on her and DeSantis et al as they are all being paid by the same 400.
The Donald is up against the globalists and needs all support; just remember how your life was in Dec 2019 before they unleashed Event 201.
nikki haley is the poster girl for someone who is all talk and no walk. the new age american woman who pretends to be a conservative but is actually a donk to the bone. they swing elections to the left every time you think you're getting a foot up. can't be trusted....ever. are they stupid or clever and does it really matter when push comes to shove? collins, murkowski.....there are more.
useless to mega.
YESSS! I feel young again!!! It’s like I’m voting for Bob Dole! Or Mitt Romney!!! After PDJT I recognise the Sh-tHole sandwiches for what the GOP served up those decades as they selling selling out the US as fast as they could…..not they are just bankrupting the USD as long as some moron (the FED is even selling their US bonds) buys the worthless IOUs….
Slavers stay together. Robbing money from rich never Trumper Slavers, keeps that money away from Middle America. Donald Trump is truly all we have. I think Vivek will be in a Trump cabinet. In 11 months, God's will becomes ever important. For God possesses the power to fight this evil.
Be ready for anything next year. If you have ever cornered a snake, and won the fight, remember those skills. One is patience.
So, yesterday Bannon predicted that the NT (TM) camp had switched their strategy to putting Nikki on the ticket as VP. She's their toe in the door. Now everyone is repeating it. This stuff never gets old.
Another objection I have to Nikki is that she looks like a blend of Gretchen Whitmer and Kathy Hochul.
I agree with your facial integration assessment. In mathematics, a negative multiplied by a negative is a positive. Not in this case. We are dividing by zero and getting the result for Haley - an undefined number.
No way would Trump select Nikki for VP - ain't gonna happen, she's on the bad list just like Traitor Pence
Richard, I have to take issue with you about your characterization of Haley being a blend of Whitmer and Hochul. Nikki may not be your (or my) cup of tea, however, those two women are so evil that a blend of them is off the scale horrible...in other words Hillary Clinton.
Just read that Trump is looking at Ben Carson for VP. (Sources say, though)
I’d like to see Conan the Barbarian, not Arnold, but the actual Conan.
He would be a good choice but I will bet Trump is looking at fifty people right now.
Haley is Hillary with dark hair. Zero shot at winning anything.
Back in the day, we called Hillary "every man's ex-wife."
Okay that made me laugh loudly. Thanks.
Halley is MItt Romney in drag. Both are major backstabbers and uni-party members.
Agreed. Im one of those silly people who believe personal integrity matters. It’s why politics irritates me so much I think. Romney is an awful person in my book and Halley is no different. When you screw your friends and colleagues for personal gain, it tells me you would do the same to the voters in a NY minute.
America has lost its way and bad actors are taking advantage of our decline. We are a country infected with the offspring of non-spiritual hippies who stand for nothing except wealth, power, and excess. We are in a better place to deal with our decline than the Romans were for sure but it remains to be seen just how far the descent will be before we wake up.