Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

“Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in Aid to Hamas since the October 7 Massacre?”

Brecaue the Biden administration is run by Obama, a devout, Jew-hating Muslim, who has almost succeeding in fundamentally transforming America in his own image. God protect us from the lunatic 40% who vote for this self-hating bullshit.

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Islam image. The transformation is towards Islam.

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Just look at France. England is next.

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England is even worse than France already.

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I believe the 6 or 7 largest cities are run by Muslim mayors and councils as of now.

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The plan for the USA is piecemeal…’You eat an elephant just the way you eat a chicken: one bite at a time.’

Dearbornistan, etc., the Squad, multiple wives for breeding, immigration are all visible roots of the plan.

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Islam, the abomination. Or is it the obamination?

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Seems we are on our way to becoming the obamanation of desolation.

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In many ways, yes, but the main trend is away from GOD. They are importing muslims because weird kids with green hair done commit enough murders rapes and assaults to destabilise the world.

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Of course he made a huge miscalculation on DEI and getting his jew hating Hamas loving education flunkies out front after Oct 7.

He's now fighting a rear guard action, with multiple holes in his own side's defenses. He's always thought he was the smartest guy in the room, but he was also always the laziest. To the extent he is calling any shots, rather than being manipulated by some one else, he got too far over his own skiis.

In a decade this will all have been mostly rolled back, or we will have a divided nation, with 25-30 of the states ignoring federal authority and doing their own thing.

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you mean that guy with three islamic names? THAT guy?

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Barry Soetoro is a puppet of George Soros who got his start liquidating the assets of Hungarian Jews.

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If we didn’t have an income tax it wouldn’t be possible for the Biden regime to send $1B to Hamas. This money is yours. It’s being stolen. Here’s a thought: Repeal the 16A.

Yes, I know, the naysayers are always ready to sing the taxpayer’s lament, “Not possible; Congress would never go for it.”

I agree. It must begin with the states. Supporters of the repeal must be recruited one person at a time. As I’m doing now. We need a convention of the states to amend the constitution. Repeal the 16A and all taxes on personal, investment and business income — at all levels of government. No FICA (SS) taxes, also, or other taxes masquerading as fees.

PDJT has the right idea to begin this move away from de facto government slavery: no taxes on tips. It’s a good start. But let’s extend that no-tax-on-tips philosophy to all income.

After all, taxing income is taxing wealth creation.

Of course, the absolute worst kind of income tax is the stealth variety, aka: monetary inflation, wherein the government expands the money supply faster than the economy’s growth, creating an excess of purchasing power, i.e., demand, relative to production. Government expands the money supply to pay for programs and handouts that exceeds government’s tax revenues.

In consequence, when this excess demand exceeds supply, prices must inevitably rise to avoid shortages and rationing. This cheapening of our money — a process ongoing for more than a century — is the underlying reason ordinary Americans have become increasingly impoverished compared to previous generations.

In 1913, when the 16A was finally approved by 3/4 of the states, giving Congress the power to levy taxes on income, you could buy an ounce of gold for $20.67. Today, that would set you back $2,445. In rough terms, it means the purchasing power of $1 today is equivalent to less that 1 cent compared to 1913.

Wake up, America. Before your enslavement becomes permanent.

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History will remember the obama time as "get whitey and the horse he rode in on."

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Reportedly 30% of those polled THIS WEEK were unaware of Biden's cognitive difficulties and Kamala's role in covering them up. Sigh.

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I will forever be thankful that I did not fall for his bamboozle; his old okey doke. His projection of those words onto his opponents put the finishing touches on my initial fears about his lack of experience. Feeling the manipulation.

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It is even worse than we realized. This article in Tablet explains the close relationship we now have with Iran, ceding Lebanon to Hezbollah (where our largest embassy in the WORLD is being built), with similar plans for the West Bank to be now named PAF.

We were warned of Obama's total tilt towards Iran and its implications when he was president. Obama is on track to complete a total surrender to militant Islam via actions of the Biden regime.


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08/01/24: Help is on the way. Will it get here in time?

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

No one wants to serve in a military that supports Biden Harris or Obama’s policies of destruction of American values. Hitler had an easier time recruiting than these Devil worshiping jackboots. FJB

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Can't wait for today's version of draft card burning. Remember that? This time, I'm on their side.

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Yes. What decent soldier would want to be stuck in a tank in a war zone with a tranny? Especially one who hasn’t had his/her daily dose of hormone therapy.

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Experienced and capable warriors are not re-enlisting and taking their skills with them. New recruits are not prepared for the work and increasingly taught by people who did not become capable after they enlisted. Officers and enlisted. Today’s tools are very complex and need more than a pass on the ASVAB. Stripping your (not air) rifle is the easiest part and there aren’t apps to help. And then there is OBiden’s Warrior-free command structure.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

The Democrats are the party of Alfred E.Newman, who was famous for saying "What, me worry?" Yes sir Alfie, without a doubt, they are the Don't Give a Shit Party. They don't give one healthy shit about our country, and don't have an ounce of honesty in their rancid souls.

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Yep. My lefty friends tell me so. It’s all good.

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Life is too short to have lefty friends.

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Leftovers from high school mostly. But they do provide intel.

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True and I eliminated two more of mine recently. All out of tolerance and patience.

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Or, as MSNBCNN reported: “Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Falls Down After Loud Popping Noises.”

“And though the news was rather sad, well I just had to laugh…”

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But he's on their side, so the headline would more likely be "Esteemed terror worker brutally killed by nasty Israelis. We hates them! We hates them!"

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Well I mean when Trump got Solimini (spell wrong don’t care) they said an esteemed religious leader was murdered didn’t they? If they didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all.

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The media today has no moral compass whatsoever. They are like junior high school kids who all want to sit at the cool table in the cafeteria. Whatever passes for cool these days is what they will lionize. Unfortunately, being patriotic is uncool and anything anti-America is. They are scum.

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No, no. It would read "Esteemed FREEDOM FIGHTER..." 😡

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Are you saying there's something wrong with terror workers?! They're just trying to earn a living on their own terms!

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

What a great column today. It was like a mid-week highlights column, but with a very clever "A Day in the Life" theme. Don, this should be nominated for a Pulitzer (of course it won't because you're not a coastal lefty "journalist"). Of all the newsworthy items you touched upon, the one that scared me the most was the story about Ford and their patent. This has been a coming threat from the collaboration between the car companies, not just Ford, and the insurance industry. Big Brother and Flo from Progressive are watching you.

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The car thing -- with the kill switch -- is scary

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No need for a kill switch. The car will just drive itself back to the dealer so it can be redistributed to proper citizens in good standing.

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Ford better start preparing for bankruptcy.

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You do realize that Volkswagen and Bentley will be on this like white on rice, right? LOL

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

George H.W. Bush once said of the Clintons, paraphrasing: "There's nothing special about these people; they are just garden-variety crooks and thieves. What is truly disheartening is the People's lack of reaction to their shenanigans. WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?"

What is wrong with people? How is it possible to find a single American who doesn't see through the American Communist Party, nee Democrats? This Democrat machine is running full-bore now. Google "Trump' and nothing but smears are returned; "Harris" nets you a hagiography about this cackling empty vessel. Can the People not see that they are being manipulated? Every day I understand better the tortures of Cassandra.

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And the HW Bush crawled into bed with the Arkansas trailer trash post 1992; didn’t W say he was voting for Hillary in ‘16?

He ‘s the reason I’m a registered Independent.

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It was all a charade these people are all in bed together literally and figuratively. Nasty, all of them.

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Indeed! Watching the four year coup unfold against DJT is what opened my eyes, albeit a little late. Admittedly the whole charade of the Bush/Clinton bromance should have done it much sooner. Better late than never!

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I, too, followed your journey fraught with anger, confusion, disillusionment, and finally understanding. Truly it is better not to live by lies though the truth of evil Leviathan could induce even a strong man to faint with fear.

But I shall not succumb to despair despite the outcome this November. Indeed, the graces of courage and comfort from knowing the truth however tardy strengthens my resolve to persevere. May many more come to see through the veil of lies.

To have this place to read and share ideas and experiences of like-minded souls is a great blessing.

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All well said, Sophie!

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

So true!

“The problem in Venezuela is not how the people voted but that the votes were counted in, shall we say, a Pennsylvanian Way?

No? How about Michigan?




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Not a single thing has changed in Georgia. Very scary. where are Kemp and Raffensberger? Silent for quite awhile now.....

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Always seemed that someone had something on Kemp- and Raffensberger seemed equally bad.

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Raffensberger lied about the phone call between himself and President Trump, to the point of having that conversation "re-worked" to sound quite different from the original conversation. fortunately, this was found out by others who published the Original Conversations that many had already heard. That lie was brought to the public in full, but many Dems prefer lies over truths, so the conflict ensued.

Look up 'Vehicle Explosion (plastiques) in GA. Gov. KEMP's driveway, with friend (boy) of Kemps teen daughter inside of the car. This well respected young man was working for another politician locally. Nothing ever came of this horrific tragedy where this young man lost his life. Kemp came across as a "bully" during his campaign using a video of himself sitting in a porch rocker with a long gun across his knees pointed at a young man who "may have been there to invite his young daughter to a school dance"... that was the implication, so the gun was thought to be a message to someone. The "good-old-boy-mentality" seems to remain intact in Georgia...see previous Governor's 'behind the scenes' land deals.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the illegal immigrants to NA are the biggest issue facing us right now. Their ability to upset our society and make life in NA unbearable is out of proportion to their numbers but, they keep coming, we keep giving and they abuse our tolerance (unbelievably upheld by the gov’t and the cops).

T needs to focus on H’s record on that when he speaks and forget about the other stuff (including the d-rats now ubiquitous use of the word ‘weird’) including the ‘Hoe Harris’ bullshit! He also needs to remind Vance to mind his mouth when he’s on the stump.

We can’t afford another 4 years of the d-rats incoherent policies, sociological fuck-ups and foreign affairs fiasco’s. Enough is enough! Both for us and Western Civ!

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Remember when Americans were called "Ugly" because they failed to respect the traditions, social mores and language of foreign countries when they visited? Like when Parisians looked down their Gallic noses at tourists who were not native French? Or when we were criticized for exporting American food, products and businesses to foreign lands? Like McDonald's, Coca-Cola and KFC? Yeah, we were bad for doing that, but now that the process has been reversed, it's a good thing? As when foreigners get into this country, congregate in isolated enclaves and refuse to adopt American habits and lifestyles but insist that we natives conform to theirs? And now we are the ones they call "weird."

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The world was this bad 1. before the flood, 2. Days of Sodom and Gomorrah, and 3. Pre Israel’s Babylonian captivity.

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Well said sir!

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Thank you Sir!

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

It's no wonder Israel isn't sharing much intel with this negligent-irresponsible cadre of Iranian special pleaders of the US State Dept. Reading a Ton Clancy novel, one would think our intel and federal LEO agencies were acting in America's interests.

It's Whitey Bulger's FBI now.

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

the acting secret service director was asked if anyone had been suspended or fired from the fallout of Bethel, PA. Now knowing most of the facts I could easily make negligent homicide on the SS site supervisor. Maybe this why the acting director, Mr. Rowe, is obstructing the invest.

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

Computers in cars, whether spy-wear or not, are why my NEXT car (currently driving an '08 Volvo C-30 hatchback) will either be a Classic car manufactured before computers were even invented, OR a HORSE!

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Bingo! Came to exactly the same conclusion several years ago; too much unnecessary electronic junk in them now. Bought my last “new” car in 2011; a Ford Mustang. Anything else I get is going to be pre-1974 (year CAFE Standards were implemented & destroyed American car designs & the market).

Cars should have gauges not screens!

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I just bought a new car. The one before it I bought new 20 years ago. I haven’t connected my phone to it, even though I don’t get to use a lot of the shiney toys. I’m willing to remove fuses and cut wires-still trying to figure out how to disable those things. I also don’t use the on-board GPS. But just in case, I still have my trusty 2004 vehicle. Yes, I realize my phone has all the tracking stuff. 1. I can leave it home. 2. I’m looking into a dumb phone; I want one with a great camera.

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Yes, having a good camera that is at my fingertips was the reason I made the jump from flip phone to smart phone. I was a very late adopter!

Be careful that your disabling stuff in your new car doesn't void any warranty!!

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Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

That was impressive, Don. You released your inner Allen Ginsburg on the unhip crowd. I feel special.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Don Surber

Poll: #1 because it is the only one I remember. All the others are 'historical accounts' and in this day and age all as in everything is suspect.

Suspicion and a lack of confidence and trust is the new epidemic and norm. Trust no one as lies and liars have infested civilization and across society.

I have done some reading about the Civil war. It seems nothing was black or white there even then the media and press are sloping history in America.

In God we trust. No one or nothing else.

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Trust and confidence in civic institutions is another unique attribute of the American experiment. Historically citizens or subjects had no reason to trust their governors as they routinely taxed and mistreated them. Hence the many “cultures” where telling the truth is optional and generally not advised. (My professional life included many transactions where written contracts were considered “advisory” even after years in place. Respect for law is a characteristic of civilization.) We now have direct and extensive experience with institutions which cannot be trusted. So expect more lies and much less trust. A promise isn’t broken - it was never a promise.

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Very well said. Thanks for the Comment. WS

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I suspect Ford's new idea will be a big money maker, just like their EVs.

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Someone needs to tell the Secret Service guys that the “Secret” in the name does not apply when answering questions from branches of government elected by the “We the People” crowd.

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