Ooops. I forgot to turn on comments

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Ohh, I thought the inability to post comments was a PLOT!! 🤣

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Nin' mind. I love whatcha do and the way whatcha do it. Maybe you'll be the who who finally gets those 21 Bentleys.

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It's on my prayer list for you, Professor Don. 21 Bentleys.

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Typo: "fit" not "fir"

They ran an unverified report that tidily fir their narrative, but not the facts.

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Palestine builds no productive economy because the destructive economy of terrorism suits the aims and the bank accounts of the terrorists leading the society. Terrorists don’t have the interest or expertise to build a healthy society, particularly within the context of Islam which is a religion of war and conquest.

The Palestinians are “trapped” in Gaza. Really? So explain to me how Hamastrained for the mission in Lebanon. Explain how the Hamas leaders are in Qatar, but their families are in Gaza. They never see their families? Sure.

Do you think Egypt or the Gulf States or the Saudis for that matter want Hamas and Hezbollah to win? They may hate the Jews, they know the Jews are not interested in destroying their countries and reigning over the Middle East. Can’t say the same for Iran, the power behind the terrorist Palestinians. They won’t say it out loud because they are afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood in their own lands. The Arabs aren’t stupid. They know that the world will blow them off its face before allowing Islam to rule. They know that to integrate into the world economy and modernize their nations they must moderate. But they are cowards. They won’t do what Mustafa Kemal Ataturk did for Turkey in the twentieth century and wipe out the retrograde fanatics holding their countries back.

Then we have the Western Libtards and academic Commies. They never met a homicidal maniac they didn’t love- Castro, Che, Lenin, Mao, Chavez, the Palestinians. They have to invent far right bogeymen now -Trump, Netanyahu, January 6 trespassers , normal people who work for a living and love their kids.

These idiots appease the killers and pressure those of us with functioning brains not to eliminate evil. It just makes it worse. Every single time. There is no appeasement strategy that works long term. Ever. Anywhere. Only brute force or the threat of annihilation stops a savage. It’s not debatable.

Israel - everybody has an opinion. Either fight on the side of what is right, or get out of the way and let them do what needs to be done. Many think this conflict spirals out of control and becomes Armageddon. You either fight evil or surrender to it. There’s no other option. Appeasing Iran, which means appeasing China and Russia and North Korea - what has it gotten us. Well it got us this war with more to come.

All the diplomats in the world can’t make this Humpty Dumpty right. Yes, we are tired of globalism and tired of war and debt and death. But your opponents do not care. They are not tired. They are energized. Cowering in the corner ain’t gonna make it go away. Just hard facts.

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Bravo, Tanto! We cannot cower. Now is the time to remain steady and resolute. We "fight" every day with our optimism, our reasoning, our logic, our prayers, and our small acts of defiance in the face of evil.

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Glad you are out and about LuAnn.

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Some days, my job just prevents me from commenting due to topics and workload.

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I understand, I am glad to see you when you do get to post. I have similar issues.

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tj and gang. I'm just amazed... delighted... grateful how observant you guys are (yes, I'm Midwesternish) pause...my hero Rand Paul is speaking...

When I was unable to comment for a while, you noticed. Blessings on you.

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You're part of the Surber virtual family.

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I wish I had a couple Paul Rands for senator or John Kennedys..... I can dream.

Glad you are back too.

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It's time for the United States to depart the mideast. When you can no longer tell friend from FOE, get out. I have forgotten how many American deaths have occurred because of our alliance with Israel. Israel only allies itself with the United States because of 70-75 billion in "free military aid," which will NEVER be paid back. Time to throw Israel to the wolves. 110 other countries have.

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Hard facts needing to be said!!!

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You nailed it Tanto.

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Tanto, All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely Players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts. We live in a world in which evil reigns. China and Iran are Japan and Germany of the 30s. We are led by a fool, and are surrounded by enemies. We do not know how this tragedy plays out. We were wholly unprepared for WWII when it started and had the time to regroup and recover, since the world was large. However, today the world is smaller and we don’t have the time we are completely unprepared for what await us. Our only salvation is God, and quite frankly I do not believe he looks favorably on our country.

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It’s the same thing. Neville Chamberlain was a fool and so are our State Department and Administration fools.

So many blown opportunities. Russia asked to join NATO after the fall of the USSR. That would have saved a lot of our current aggravation. Instead we provoked Russia with NATO expansion and border encroachment and overthrowing governments.

We paid for and provided the intellectual and technological capabilities for China and her communist government to overtake us at the expense of our own society. Unbelievably stupid. Now we are making the same mistake with Iran. The imbeciles running the show think they are clever, but they are fools.

As far as what God thinks: It’s not for me or any other person to say.

For those who are believers, God let the Israelites figure things out for themselves. Being chosen doesn’t mean being protected from your own bad ideas. Being exceptional doesn’t mean not being challenged. It’s a dark time. Do we have the gumption to solve our problems? We’re gonna find out.

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Churchill sounded the alarm for years for Britain and Europe to prepare against the Nazis. His was a voice in the wilderness. Nobody wanted another war after the devastation of WWl. He was ridiculed and shunned until the peanut butter hit the fan. Hitler feared him because he knew that Churchill knew and would fight him. After Churchill led England to victory in WWll, the sheeple threw him out again, proving they didn’t learn anything from the prior debacle.

I’m sure the Czechs didn’t appreciate being sacrificed, and ultimately the Brits required us to come in anyway because they were poorly equipped for a prolonged war. Lots of people are going to die. Probably, fewer people could have died if we followed the lessons of history. Explain how on any level we have benefited from helping Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism. It’s mind bogglingly stupid. And yet we persist even as we prepare to fight them.

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It was more complex than we imagine and books were written on the subject. However, there was much dissension in England in the 30s. Clem Attlee was aware of the dangers of Germany as was monarch George VI, his abdicated brother Edward VIII was a German sympathizer and was poised to retake the throne if Germany successfully invaded the island. Churchill was the voice of reason, but was swept into power and out of power not because of his popularity or lack thereof but rather because of the policies of his party which unfortunately were not as popular as Anthony Eden’s Labour Party at the end of the war.

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Thanks for your comment. Yes I’m familiar with the history and have read quite a bit about Churchill and WW2. I’m not disputing what you are saying. I am summarizing the events and overriding considerations of the time. The English people, like voters everywhere, are fickle. Churchill was a Great War time Prime Minuster, statesman, and leader. But he was not popular politically in terms of his opposition to Socialist and collectivist policies. He did retain immense personal popularity in England after the war.

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The common wisdom is that Neville Chamberlain was a fool. However, he was more astute than people give him credit for. When he went to Munich and met with.Herr Hiltler declaring Peace in our time, he was well aware of Germanys capabilities and ambitions. He knew Great Britain was unprepared to fight any war. He sacrificed Czechoslovakia so Britain could prepare military and politically. As to God, he favors individuals not countries, and yes no one knows his plan.

Russia, could have been our Ally after the fall of USSR, but the Democrats sabotaged it with Russia hoax, NATO expansion etc. Will we solve our problems, yes, but after millions perished along the way.

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The Military Industrial Complex feared losing its long time meal ticket, hence “Russia: bad”.

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I’ve read that and talked to several Czecho-Slovaks as they were originally referred to, who told me that Germany was also unprepared for war at that point and had they tried to forcibly annex the northern part of their country that the Germans referred to as ‘the Sudetenland’ the Czechoslovak army, who knew what they were doing could have seriously damaged the Nazi’s since the only way into CZ was through Mountain Passes that the CZ army controlled and knew how to fight in.

But the snotty Brits, (read the West) knew best and the rest is History. Sounds familiar somehow doesn’t it!

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Bravo, Mark.

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Magnificent Tanto…10/10!

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Well said.

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Journalism has been dead for so long the stench is overwhelming but the unis keep producing new composters.Thank God for alternate sources to seek the facts in evidence.I am talking about you,Poca-Man and your kindred souls doing the heavy lifting for we plebes in fly over country.Thank you for exposing the truth and a snap poll finishing a better post!

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Traditional journalism is dead, says the recovering journalist. New types of journalism live, like this blog.

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Wow. LuAnn. Wow.

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I could type Double Dittos all day long (but you and I both know I would just cut & paste to the end of the page). Won't diminish the accolade.

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“Terrorism is by definition a cut-throat enterprise.”

And there’s your money shot.

Close second: “Hamas is a bogeyman meant to take the blame for Palestinians, as if there were a difference.”


“The press decries Israel withholding water and other supplies to pressure Palestinians to release those $10,000 hostages but fail to criticize Palestinians for taking hostages.”

Actually, Israel supplies only a small fraction of Gaza’s electrical, water and fuel requirements. No one is dying from shortages. Israel just decided not to subsidize their neighborly murderers anymore.

“And why do the Palestinians still rely on Israel for the basics after nearly 20 years of independence and billions of dollars in aid?”

First, always ALWAYS follow the money! Besides the multi-level corruption, Gazans have refused or destroyed everything provided to them. In 2005, upon Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, the so-called Palestinians immediately rampaged through the beautiful greenhouses left to them and destroyed everything. No, there’s no mystery why Gazans can’t grow anything.

“For real journalism, always turn to actor James Woods.”

I like Woods and have followed him for some time but, if I want a news aggregator with their finger on the pulse and a clever wit, my first stop is here. 😉

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Don Surber is an art form.

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The Surb is an old school pro. Economy of language. Clarity. Humor. Logic. Subject matter mastery. Common sense. Building the argument as you move through the column from beginning to end. Always a pleasure to read.

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Yes! I am so grateful that Don does this column.

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I wish I had written that. 😉

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Thank you for my very next quote to the world in general: “Terrorism is by definition a cut-throat enterprise.” That is one of those cereal box toys that turns out to be worth a buncha money. 😉

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Yes, Don is rather good at that.

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My favorite and top stops of the day are this blog, Citizen Free Press, and Instapundit. I do check Breitbart, too. I grudgingly look at Powerline to see what those RINO bloggers are up to. I also read Althouse. I read pretty much anything, but those are my regular stops.

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I must be ‘bumping’ into you pretty regularly then. We should share sources but I’m not going to post it here. That would be an intrusion upon Don’s domain. I suppose if we’re mutually interested we’ll figure it out. Stay safe. Be well. Vaya con Dios.

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Looks like we read the same publications, for sure.

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Michael Pearl, all my money is on Don. Of course, all my money ain't much.

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Thank you for a wonderful article. When Palestinians value their people’s lives more than destroying other people’s lives then there can be moral relativism. Maybe at that point they may contribute to society in a positive way. Jews

Make up 1/100 of the world population but account for 30% of Nobel Laureates ( if you take out fake peace prize). Arabs account for 30% of world population and have provided the world only a few Nobel laureates.

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Make that 2/1000ths or 0.2% (i.e., 16 million out of 8 billion) but your point about Jewish overrepresentation in numerous fields is manifest. 👍🏼

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Mark Twain said, "If you don't read the news (paper) you are uninformed, if you do read the news (paper)) you are misinformed." Images have become idols. If people see, hear, and read these fake journalists, they believe them. As in Biblical times, time to destroy these idols. Good going, Don!!

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Solzhenitsyn said the citizens reading Pravda knew they were reading lies.

Here, out fools believe the mainstream media.

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Our populist is made of idiots either by choice or design. I ran into one of the nurses at the hospital yesterday and she asked me for help. I asked her what she needed. She asked if I could help her with a math problem. She couldn’t figure out how many pills to script a patient since I wrote a 30 day supply with a pill twice a day. I tried to simplify it and ask her what is 30×2? Her response was 80. I’m serious.

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I hope you didn’t roll your eyes or sigh out loud. That’s “lateral violence”.

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I’m sure I will be headed to the Clinton reprogramming institute soon

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That is shocking. But I don't think young people do much math in their heads. Only on calculators.

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Glad she asked.

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Yes, those crafty old Slavs knew it was all lies. We, on the other hand, are willing to follow these Judas goats. Solzhenitsyn, a great writer and prophet, spoke the truth.

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Based on my survey response, I am in the minority here. Again, I agree with every word written, but this is a bit like that other Don— Don Quixote, you are titling at windmills here. The NYT has always been the poster child for yellow journalism, they just use a lot of 50 cent words. This narrative was about as predictable as the rising & setting sun. There is no way Israel is going to win the PR battle no matter how justified they are, the deck is stacked against them. I go back to Trump’s snake tale, the problem is not that the snake does what the snake does, the problem is the guy who expects his actions will change the inevitable. Israel needs to decide which battle it wants to fight. They can only win one.

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You put it most succinctly.

Israel now finds itself in the ultimate rock and hard place: damned if they “do”, but essentially dead if they “don’t”.

The irrationality of the US’ and the West’s demands that Israel “back off” merely serves to prolong Israel’s expiration date a bit by handcuffing their ability to utterly destroy their enemy here and now.

It is now abundantly clear that the current US administration has zero interest in the survival of Israel as a nation.

Israel has zero friends in this battle for its survival and it will become an even more vulnerable place if they don’t prosecute this war to its full.

Thus, the only question I would be asking were I the Israeli government at this moment is this: are we able to take on a wider new Mid East war if we go forward prosecuting Hamas the way it needs to be done, AND WIN completely on our own?

If the answer is “Yes, we can”, then they should go for it.

If the answer is “No way”, then they have to figure out how to do what they want anyway, via more subversive, and most assuredly more time consuming methods.

But they have to do it their way no matter what.

This war is about the survival of the State of Israel - hard stop.

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I pray they make the right choice and trust they will.

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Thank you, Susie! Sometimes I feel like the ‘End of the World’ sandwich board guy’. As you perfectly articulated there are no good options here, but right/wrong/good/bad, the ball is squarely in Israel court. So sh*t or get off the pot. & you have to be an idiot not to understand that this will open the gates of hell, but the alternative is not so great either. See Tucker’s interview with MacGregor, who gave the most credible analysis of where & how the chips will fall. It is not pretty for them, us & the rest of the world. I think we have reached the top floor of the Tower of Babel.

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If/when there is a shutdown, you don't even have to imagine all the ways the media will blame the Caucus of Chaos. All the responsibility will be on the Republicans. So be it. Just think of a shutdown as a laxative. If we listen very closely, we may even hear a faint voice saying. 'God Almighty, we're free at last of the CR'.

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I was just thinking that not having a Speaker might be the next best thing to a government shutdown. If these folks would just take a few months off, American taxpayers would be much better off. When they pass a bill to fix a problem, they end up creating 10 more.

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The problem is that all the unelected "deep state" employees are still up to no good behind the scenes; they're the ones who are doing all the damage, while Congress just pontificates and tries to look good, or blame somebody for something so they can raise more money for their next campaign.

Until we clean out all those "lifer" employees "working" (and I use that word very loosely) behind the scenes in all the agencies, Washington will continue to do much harm and damage to We The People.

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Agree, totally. The problem is this will need to be done through the primary election system and fewer people pay attention to this. The party machine does though.

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Well said Rev. !!!

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The left will certainly use the speakership to do as much damage as possible to conservatives. That’s what they do best. Reminds me of the wretched behavior of the Palestinians.

I also have recent concerns about the media the left has had by getting several significant people to dump Trump and testify against him. IMO of all the left’s antics, this one has some “ouch”. With RFK raking moderates away from Trump, I am getting concerned.

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If the net result is that having no speaker means no money bills get signed, I'm all for that.

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As a conservative, I’m with you 100%. Plus, I love seeing this fight for our side of representation. This is how our government is SUPPOSED to work. It ain’t a hug-fest as many moderates would probably prefer. I do have concerns about those moderates being convinced by the media that conservatives are just trouble makers and should drift to RFK.

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You are reading and believing too much. Are you aware that just in the last two days, RFK came out in favor of reparations. That, sir, is political suicide.

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Agree reparations are a contentious issue but may not dissuade many moderates. RFK is an old-line democrat which, today, makes him slightly center-left close to the moderates. Moderates will love not having to choose between two extremes (not that I think Trump is extreme).

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Hoping they're all never Trumpers, and some Democrats that aren't brain dead. Last poll I saw: Trump 39-Biden 31-RFK 19.-I think the Dems are more worried about him than Trump is.

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I have always thought RFK would drain Biden of more voters than Trump but the significant turncoat deals of recent are concerning me.

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And Gaetz explained how he got 43:'And then he (Mike Johnson?) says, you know what I want? I want a roll call vote so that those 43 would have to announce themselves as being for a candidate who wasn’t even running instead of a unifying force like Mike Johnson. And when we called for the roll call. Do you know how many people voted for Kevin McCarthy? Zero!'

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Transparency is one step away from truth. We need more of it in Congress.

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We'll certainly identify them in a few minutes-Mc Carthy got 43 votes. Donalds came in 3d in a 2 man race.

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The Palestinians have no water because Hamas has dug up the pipes to use in making weapons.

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With the damage to society and in some cases actual harm to the health and safety of people everywhere, this brand of journalism could be improved by lowering their numbers.

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A good start would be defunding and closing NPR and PBS.

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We've got state media in Canada. The CBC -- government funded to the tune of about $1.3 billion for a very low viewership. But it's Canadian, eh. Newspapers and other publications are now getting government money in Canada so that they can survive. So it's one big government-subsidized media.

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See my Double Dittos comment above. I has only recently occurred to me that NPR & PBS automatically get a piece of my pie--without my knowledge or consent--every time I pay income tax.

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Amen sister!!!

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Very good article once again on the state of political journalism. But how many of us are reading the article and saying to themselves, “I already know the media is full of dirtbag leftists”? Why do we conservatives spend so much time talking about the problem with no apparent way to fix it? It’s not like we are changing peoples minds by doing so. It’s really defeating after a while when all we seem able to do is talk about problems instead of solving them. So let’s look at possible things that can help fix those problems. The lefts media believes in the theory that if you tell lies or twist the facts long enough they take life and become a sort and of pseudo or sick truth when directed at the ignorant reader. Many people believe it must be true if the NYT publishes it. They wouldn’t lie, right? So here is a way to make the big media rethink the consequences of their actions which right now are nil. Get some wealthy people like, say, Elon Musk, who believe in responsible journalism to erect giant electronic reader boards in full view of corrupt media headquarters buildings and each day post the latest untruths or blatant lies along with the actual truth with it. These boards need to be big, easily viewed by the public, and visible to the target media company. Make them look at the truth every single day along with their lies and distortions. Tell me that would not have a profound affect on the rank and file “journalist” working there. There are lots of wealthy conservatives who just itch at the idea of sticking the WaPo’s or NYT nose in the mud if they could. Count a middle class guy like me in, I’ll contribute to the cause. We have to stop accepting these problems as unsolvable and start looking at ways to beat the commie left at their own game......public opinion.

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Follow the money.

For starters, a majority of these MSM enterprises are being subsidized by our tax dollars, or they’d have gone bankrupt long ago.

If our feckless Republican House were ever serious about doing their ACTUAL job WHICH IS controlling the purse strings of the entire US government they could slash and burn thousands of leftist endeavors in fell swoop!

It would be a start.

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Entirely correct. But it isn't going to happen unless the comet "Common Sense 101" comes very close to earth down the road. Until then, we are on our own and have to stop accepting the problem as inevitable and start fighting back, hitting the left very close to home. These aren't Democrats or liberals doing this, these are died in the wool Marxists and they are winning the propaganda war. And the GOP House and Senate are hollow shells of their once American hard-working values and can't even elect a leader today let alone fix anything. Now we have Lyndsey Graham, a flip-flopper Senator, talking about all-out war like he is the sitting president. HE is not going to fight a war! He is going to use the military to fight his war but now the stakes are no longer in our favor. Why do these people want a war, ultimately with Russia, when Russia no longer has an effective conventional fighting force? The only way Russia can threaten anyone today is with nukes. Is that what Graham wants? A nuke war? These people are crazy, certifiably crazy! We all sit out here in the heartland and see what is happening in real time, and yet most GOP on the Hill can't tell you what the party stands for. Seriously, Jim Jordan isn't perfect but he is light years better than McCarthy was and they can't even back him! Time for the GOP party to depart and a conservative based party of values who will fight to take its place.

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Reddog I think you make a valid point and hope Elon reads or hears of it.He may be a game changer.

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I can only think it is BECAUSE we know we cannot fix it, that we conservatives spend time talking about the problem. It takes all of us. If all the conservatives met in one place at one time, there isn't a stadium large enough to accommodate us.

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Too many share the common goals and see what is going on but they are secure in their little part of the economy and life and are more than willing to let others fix it. They are the ghost warriors who say they are conservative right up to the point that THEY have to endanger their lifestyle to help. It's always someone else's job to fix it. It is going to take a major, major crisis to get them off their butts and involved. We conservatives don't take the time to see that this has been long in coming, advancing in little increments over the decades and now we have lost a lot of ground. We have a terrible marketing strategy along with dysfunctional leadership at the RNC and on the Hill. Time for the red lights to start flashing. We have already hit the iceberg.

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Yes indeedy; I think I can hear the Fat Lady vocalizing now. She may be about to sing: 10. 9. 8. 7.

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The NYT is a shocking disgrace and always has been since the 1920s at least.

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And yet they are still in business and telling lies. Ambev found out what happens when you push your agenda too far. It’s time the NYT and other media liars got the same treatment.

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Quit the pretending that news organizations investigate and report the truth. Based on my many years of reading and listening to the "professional journalists", they teach us that they are nothing more than "news script readers".

This is nothing more than educated idiocy on display.

Believe your "lyin' eyes".

Jews are despised and being eliminated today. Where and when have we witnessed this before?

If our culture/society in the current century no longer values life, what should we expect?

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I am shocked and saddened by the open Jew hatred we are seeing. My daughter asked my why so many young people are siding with Hamas and the Palestinians. She supports Israel but has no animosity toward Palestinians and she says she can see both sides of the arguments. (I told her it's the education system and a lack of history.) Sadly, my son is on the other side totally influenced by his young French-speaking Arab friends. (Integrated in every way except for their hatred of Jews.) I am trying to explain and reason with him, but I am not meeting the challenge at this point.

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What I would say is that all politics are local. I see that this Israel/Palestinian-Hamas split is in my household.

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When I first heard the "N-word" my parents sat me down and said, "God made every one of us. Just peel back your skin and you will see that we are all alike under the skin." It didn't occur to me to say, I'm not about to peel back my skin, ya'll. I just accepted on faith that my parents were right on practically every issue.

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https://www.thefp.com/p/the-day-the-delusions-died by Bari Weiss and Oliver Wiseman. Despite the overt support for Hamas and Palestinians (it's co-ordinated and not organic according to what I've read), things are starting to shift. Wiess' The Free Press is an excellent source of information.

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Obviously, Sir's cat was asleep late this morning, but Sir did make another astute comment "Terrorism is by definition a cut-throat enterprise."

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Either that or Don fed Dr Cat treats. That poll was way too easy....

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Yes, but the name of the place is I Like It Like That!

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I can only conclude that our Lamestream Media are minions of Satan, motivated by evil.

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Perhaps we should start a GiveSendGo fundraiser to enable Israel to level The NY Times. To be fair, they should also target CNNLOL, MSDNC, and ABCCBSNBC just to make sure. All these propaganda outlets are the worst enemies of We, The People after all.

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