Greed, no moral compass , encouraged by Government, Democrats, and the destruction of the family. God help us.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

With the loss of retail and increased crime, once great cities like New York and Chicago will have little to offer. Not sure Instacart will make up the difference.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I didn't vote in the poll because it's neither. It's the subhuman black culture! Period. Until we take it seriously (IE shoot to kill) it will get much worse.

Democrat city blacks are like pit bulls and Muslims. Not ALL are bad, but when there is a bad incident its almost always them!

And finally, article says "327, nearly a third... over 6,000 arrests" that just tells me the real number is over 1,000 with 10k+ arrested and released. Government DOES have a necessary function. Law and order is #1. Fuck democrats and their lawless cities and their feral constituents.

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Instead of quoting anyone, especially of academia and the media, I want you to think about an unheard of possibility that I came across over the weekend. The article said "Who would Mr. Trump choose as his running mate?" There were the usual media choices and then I read the name 'Kari Lake." I hadn't considered her at the time and then I thought "Could you imagine what the media would do if they had to face Donald Trump, Kari Lake or Kaleigh McEnany on an every day basis?? I would think CNN and MSLSD would go out of business rather than hell the truth and all the trash talking LIUBERAL reporters would resign. Now THAT is something to hope and Pray for.

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Why does history NEVER show that an African named Anthony Johnson was the father of slavery on this continent? He sued his white neighbors to legalize his claim that he had the right to own another human for life because that man was his slave in Africa. - Virginia 1655.

The trial is part of the legal public record, available to everyone who does the research. It's even documented on the black website The Root. There were no slaves in Virginia prior to Anthony Johnson's lawsuit. Blacks were the first slaveholders and freed blacks owned black slaves up to and including the Civil War. By percentage, more freed blacks owned slaves than white Americans.

When whites put aside morality to give in to black pressure, slavery ensued. Now whites are again pressured by blacks to put aside morality. Nothing good comes of this, either.

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My father grew up dirt poor, my mother not too far ahead of him. Neither would have dared think about shoplifting as a way out. Not my grandparents. My grandfathers worked like dogs to see that their kids would have a better life. Same for my parents. Same for me. That’s how it’s done. Like 4DC said earlier, God help us.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

And NYT also argued, “Retailers have pointed to shoplifting as a drag on profits for decades.”

Jaw dropping stupidity. Whoever wrote that should be advised that their salary is a drag on the NYT profits, then fired!

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Right on the money. The Left destroys everything they touch.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

As the citizens escape New York without Snake Pliskin’s help where do the move and what do they vote for? The cycle restarts...

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

No one mentioned race, ethnicity, etc in the Chicago rampage a couple of days ago. Just "teens".

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So what they're saying is that if they just pulled 327 people (out of 8 million) off the streets of New York, shoplifting would be reduced to almost nothing?

That's a sad state of affairs.

I love how the "pro-looting" story admits in a back-ass-ward kind of way that this is a problem specific to a single group.

In other news, we were told by the Chicago mayor that youth should not be demonized, after teenagers, mostly of a certain background, went on a looting and destruction spree this weekend. On this he and I agree. The teenagers should not be demonized. The adults who *allowed* these teenagers to run rampant should be demonized.

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

There is no question who is to blame. Rat bastard commie DA's elected with Soros money.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Dang, I thought the piece was about the beautiful, 365 hp V8 Chevy motor... Apparently, our feral youth have taken hold.

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Without diving deeper into the data, for the sake of argument, let's assume that the majority (if not all) of the retail establishments being looted are the locations of stores like The Gap, Urban Outfitters, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Ross, Kohl's, et al. Not to excuse or condone boosting, but the parent companies of these stores were among the leaders in jumping on the anti-white people, reverse-racism, BLM band wagon. However, the point is that stealing is illegal, even if the "victim" opts not to press charges, so I guess I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to get in a dig at corporate cowardice and duplicity.

"And NYT also argued, 'Retailers have pointed to shoplifting as a drag on profits for decades.'"

I'm sure that was true at one time, and if true still, those parent companies' senior management no longer have a complaint as they all but gave looters the green light when they publicly stated that they would not press charges against those who engaged in mass shoplifting (when I was in retail, eons ago, shoplifting was THE paramount concern).

It's independents, and mom-and-pop establishments that need the law and law enforcement to protect them...not that cops are permitted to do that...

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Remember the story of the rabbi who asked what causes theft? The smart student answers greed, the gentle student answers poverty, and the wise fool answers "People who buy stolen goods"

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Good morning Mr. Surber, I'm quite sure that your first of many of your mistakes are using the paper of record, NYT. The 327 is the same as an iceberg only see 20%. Also, as another reader noted I too felt this was gonna be about the venerable Chebby 327. Many wouldn't use the NYT to line a birdcage, alone to actually believe any of their printed hallucinations. Written by idiots for idiots. Coming from a life in western Pa. where I grew up, in my very early years sheltered as it was, equality was taught, not equity, there in lies the rub. I'm quite sure that there have always been "five fingered discounts". Yeah I'm guilty, stealing is stealing period. Steal large cause the penalty is the same mentality. Well, 50 of my years have since passed, and there is now NO penalty. No fear just rob to rob, keep it under x number of dollars and yes you are golden, what a great system. I'm pretty sure it's gonna work out fine. As far as the Hough District goes as a very young un, and I'll quote my grandfather here" if you just hang a couple of them this will quit", and yes he wasn't very happy about the first mayor of color in Cleveland either. Kinda hard to believe that sort of thinking didn't skew my views, not alone for the races but everything in general the way I try to lead my daily life. The stats coming out of shitholes such as Chicago, daily killings and shootings, all go unreported by the MSM, kinda sad, BLM really don't matter after all. Not the country I want, but the country I have, guess that explains the record number of gun purchases! Gotta go Bannons on.

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