There is none.
He is running for president to stop President Trump. I tried to find stories about the policies Chris Christie offers voters. Instead I found a bunch of cracks about Donald Trump.
Christie said in announcing his candidacy, “Beware of the leader in this country, who you have handed leadership to, who has never made a mistake, who has never done anything wrong, who when something goes wrong it’s always someone else’s fault. And who has never lost.”
Then, as if voters are idiots, he said, “The person I am talking about who’s obsessed with the mirror, who never admits a mistake, who never admits a fault and who always find someone else and something else to blame for whatever goes wrong, but finds every reason for anything that goes right is Donald Trump.”
If Christie is seeking the idiot vote, he should run as the Democrat he’s become.
His obsession about Trump is like his obsession with food. He needs it all the time.
CBS reported, “Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said former President Donald Trump knows he's in trouble for alleged mishandling of classified documents after he left the White House.
“Christie, a vocal critic of Trump, described the charges the former president faces as ‘horrible political and legal strategy’ and said that over time, voters ‘are not going to buy’ his claims.”
Christie said, “The problem for Donald Trump in all of this is his own conduct. He's his own worst enemy. None of this would have happened to him or to the country if he had just returned the documents.”
Let’s see, Russiagate, the Ukrainian phone call, the insurrection, the New York indictment — sure, Christie, sure, Biden and his henchmen are not going to invent another scandal just to harass Trump in a vain effort to stop his re-election next year.
Politico said, “Aside from the political dynamics around the indictment, the ‘bigger issue,’ Christie posited, ‘is this the type of conduct that we want from someone who wants to be president of the United States?’”
The type of conduct Christie supports is using the FBI to spy on political opponents (Obama) and using all of DOJ to persecute them (Biden).
But trashing the Donald gets you on TV and rakes in money from World Economic Forum donors.
CNBC reported, “As New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie prepared to run for president earlier this year, he canvassed some of Wall Street’s wealthiest donors about whether they would finance a $100 million effort to take on former President Donald Trump, according to a person who heard directly from the GOP candidate.
“Since those calls, several business titans have piled cash into Christie’s young campaign for the Republican nomination, with one big exception: longtime Christie ally, Mets owner and hedge fund billionaire Steve Cohen, according to GOP fundraisers, party donors and a person close to the businessman.”
The hippo-sized RINO would put on blackface and sing Mammy for the right price.
This may be why he is scoring only 2.4% in the polls.
8 years ago, he was at 3.8%.
He has had 8 years to get his act together, to lose 100 pounds, and to make a coherent case for election to the presidency. He has adopted Trumpian positions — protect the border, let states decide abortion and protect gun rights — but Christie has gone off the rails on Social Security.
He said, “We have to look at things like means testing for the very wealthy [who] don’t need to get Social Security.”
The 16-year-old Don Surber paid into Social Security when he was getting $1.30 an hour at Burger King. How dare Christie steal from my childhood!
Yes, I went Greta Thunberg on him.
Christie is a government-pensioned puppet of the actual wealthy who is implying that I don’t deserve Social Security because we know from past experiences that when a hack like him says the very wealthy, the politician always means the middle class.
I want Trump to stop taxing Social Security checks. MSSCEA — make Social Security checks exempt again. They made us pay into it when we had little or nothing. We really are entitled to our retirement benefits when we were promised we could collect it.
For all of his complaints about Trump’s mean tweets, Christie shows absolutely no respect for Trump who in four years accomplished more than the past two Republican presidents did in 12.
The Guardian reported, “Chris Christie calls Trump-DeSantis nomination feud ‘a teenage food fight.’”
CC needs a little fight against food.
The tubby also-ran gets front-runner press coverage, a situation that only further discredits the press.
Fox is hosting a Republican debate on August 23. Trump may skip it.
He said, “Why would I give them time to make statements? Why would I do that when I'm leading them by 50 points and 60 points.
“We've had a lot of offers, whether it's a rally or whether it's an interview by somebody else. Not to be braggadocios but the debate will not be a very exciting one if I'm not there.”
I hope he skips it. No Tucker, no Trump. Fox no longer deserves conservative support. It is the Bud light of cable news.
But Christie had the nerve to say, “I think that he’ll show up at the debates because his ego won’t permit him not to,” adding, “He can’t have a big TV show that he’s not on.”
Christie is hardly modest. Why is he going to the debate because all he accomplished as governor was closing the state beaches in a budget battle with Democrats and then going on the beach with his family and state-paid bodyguards.
And why is he running anyway? After 8 years of running, he cannot get more than 1 in 40 Republicans to support him. He does not have even a slim chance of winning.
But he does get $100 million from fat-cat donors to trash The Donald. It’s a living, I suppose. His net worth is estimated at $19 million.
I would prefer Trump SKIP the FOX debate.
Instead I'd love to see a debate only among DeSantis, Ramaswamy and Trump and moderated by Tucker and then posted online (Twitter, Truth, Rumble, etc)
Christie has a bridge he would like to close for you