The Korean Surbers are in town till Friday. They are our son, our daughter-in-law, our grandson (4) and grand-daughter (8 months). They have begun playing with each other although he will never let her play with one of his 20 toy cars and trucks. She can go from the floor to standing and is almost ready to walk.
Little children can wear a grandpa out.
Daughter-in-law wanted to eat KFC and she liked it better than Korea’s! She said its Korean BBQ nuggets have all the same ingredients but aren’t cooked the same.
The newsletter today was written while they were at their Airborne.
"Who is doing the best to re-elect Trump?"
I voted Scott Pressler because he is doing the most amazing work on the ground like nobody else. If he can flip PA, Trump is in a likely position to win the presidency. Pressler is eliminating a large part of the Dem cheating there. A close second is Charlie Kirk and Turning Point with his grassroots work on college campuses. Those two have done a yoeman's work to let the truth (the actual real votes) of this election prevail. It requires difficult grassroots work to remove the democrat weeds in the garden.
Re: the Elon Musk poll:
They’re already trying to lawfare him to death. But what’s funny is that in reality, Musk has more actual money than the entire US Govt.
I did have a hard time picking any of those choices as I didn’t feel any of them were very likely. I do believe though, that, along with Trump, they just want him dead.